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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2012 9:01am-9:31am EST

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it is good to have you with us this is the life from moscow with me rove received shine syrian activists claim the deadly government crackdown on protesters shows no signs of stopping a day after the arab league decided to continue its observer mission to the country but our body called on all sides of the conflict in syria to lay down arms at once but pulled up short of asking the united nations to intervene the league's been overseeing the implementation of a peace plan it since late last march one hundred sixty five of its observers are meantime spread across syria more are on the way the findings indicate the regime is only sticking to some parts of the deal the likud warns it will take unspecified action if the crackdown doesn't see more than five thousand civilian centers around
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two thousand soldiers are said to have been killed in the country since march and artie's sara first now reports with more from damascus. the year that no resolution and despite the presence in the country of arab league observers in ten months of bloody clashes the violence in syria continues to escalate. and that's what's our phone and that's our people's point it's assumed that our children are dying it's a senator kerry just ordinary people we simply want to have a man seen here he's like is a battling to say this is so huge and. he died he's just twenty five years old. was found in the morning and this is just one man one family because syria had the name and there were many more people experiencing exactly the same thing as the country edges ever closer. wood civil war hundreds of people from
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both sides losing their lives every month on friday another suicide bombing in damascus is yet further evidence of the escalating conflicts into this is continued to take place despite the presence of arab league observers on the ground and then add we went to the legion ask them to help but they didn't want to listen to mars and didn't respond to our complaints exactly he's responsible for what's in the country right now and means far from being clear but the opposition itself is becoming increasingly divided with more and more army desserts is joining the ranks in calling for a violent overthrow of the government danger. soldiers who. have concluded. the rest of the syrian army if they want to.
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do it you know the league has once again when you think rules for the violence from full size and the thing that's already the finding safe. there in syria this vast country and many of its people are fighting extremely hard right now for the right to determine their own future the government here might say that that pushing reforms very many people in the country feel that simply too much has happened and too much blood has been shed for anything other than real change to now be an option sara for. damascus. iran has begun enriching uranium at a brand new nuclear facility the west has slammed the move as a provocation at a time when brinksmanship between the u.s. and iran has reached a boiling point washington for the meantime is threatening military action and a slap to a new set of sanctions on the islamic state but patrick associate editor for info wars dot com things iran has the links it needs to stand defiant in the long term
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the idea of the western bloc the axis powers of the united states the britain france and israel is to isolate iran this is their first step first we isolate then we impose sanctions now they hope to have an oil embargo so to speak. around iran but the major problem cropped up last week we saw south korea has made it very clear that they want to continue to import iranian crude now also japan is mulling over this sanction because they are also a major importer of iranian oil and china has announced officially that it wants to iran to be its number two oil importer in two thousand and twelve these sanctions that they've tried to put forward by the u.s. they might work in the short term to apply pressure but i don't think by the looks of it economically that it's going to have a major long term impact on iran. this is our team still ahead of the at this hour
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football fever is coming to town as a fans come down the days until the euro two thousand and twelve kicks off in ukraine and poland many skeptics question whether the huge costs of hosting the tournament are justified also. in america you have all the rights but no freedom russia is said you have freedom but no rights money given the rules of the game in the latest edition of r.t.s. pathfinder series and expanded entrepreneur explains the unique aspects of doing business here in russia. the french and german leaders have stressed that boosting economic growth is a priority as they try to stem the euro zone's debt crisis in their first meeting of the new year they've also been calling for a quick conclusion to negotiations on a new treaty which will in shrine stricter fiscal rules but it's not easy going to it's going to report some worry that germany above all sees this as an opportunity
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to increase its political clout. billions of euros have been injected into the greek economy while its population has been given shot after shot of austerity measures in most cases that cement wages cut taxes raised my friend the famous composer. crees. compares it with a time before the fascism and what they are doing is to destroy the democracy greece is that democracy has seen the elected pm swept into the political gutter and replaced by an unelected technocrat who just happened to be a former vice-president of the european central bank. the one and only goal is to prevent a greece from going under and taking others with it a similar tactic was used on the third largest of the euro zone's economies italy
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after silvio berlusconi resigned from power and a new prime minister was also appointed switching governments is an old show the government that left had no chance to act to act much different from the one that is installed now people are you know passing by the by the face meanwhile two key players of the e.u. germany and france meet again looking for ways to world cracks in the euro zone germany's already thrown billions at saving the euro it's no surprise that it wants more control over the rest of the pack which is why berlin players are pushing to build a so-called fiscal compact meant to take the reins over so over and budgets but it's an idea that's not going down well on germany streets if there is a threat that germany can gain certain positions and influence in the e.u. and it may not really have any right to be doing this germany over the money but it
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gives other governments gets power more. it's more power for. years as it's bad i think there's a danger the so-called robin hood tax is another proposed to measure it would charge the financial institutions for every money move the meek with the aim to sterilize the markets however with more gloomy economic news over the euro zone's joblessness and feeling retool seals some analysts warn if introduced the new tax meet only makes struggling countries even more dependent on france and germany is money there's no doubt journey. through an economic powerhouse off. all the skies over the euro zone darkening the signs are this economic strength is now used to why. as well you've got this kind of frankfurt germany. tower now let's talk more on the heroes and crisis with patrick young the executive director of the investment advisory the advisers out there thank you for joining us
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today so this is the first meeting of the new year that another meeting with the i.m.f. on tuesday another one january twentieth the e.u. summit january thirtieth i didn't really feel any more confident that they're actually getting a grip on the ongoing crisis. i only wish i could be more confident in fact the only thing that's growing at the moment i suspect is going to be the weakest lines of all the civil servants and ministers who are so much in all over the place and eating endless numbers of cream bombs and delicacies in each of the different locales they visit the truth is that absolutely nothing has been done in order to try and actually fundamentally back the problem and again today what we've seen is a sticking plaster up lied to all of the different problems that are going on mrs merkel saying well we'd like to keep everybody in the euro and we hope to keep everything together and we'll work very hard to do that well you know what the problem is it doesn't matter how much you talk about something it's actions that kind of at the moment all we have is words are so as we know there were an echo.
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with all that meeting in berlin today we were showing live pictures just an hour or so ago let's talk about the issue of psycho's e because i well germany wants to right the listing ship and set it on a long term path to recovery surely you saw cosy with his eye on this year's presidential election needs a quick fix solutions in order to stay in office his popularity isn't exactly in the best of shape look absolutely correct i mean mr sarkozy serve popularity at the moment does well actually it's probably not as bad as it ought to be given high dismal his politics have been in recent times but even today he's had the best results in months and he still is percentage points behind the socialist candidate and frankly i'm not particularly sure that the socialist counted as the sharpest tool in the box either this is basically a huge problem mr sarkozy is willing to burn the european union on the higher of his reelection efforts and that therefore leaves him fundamentally up right time
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goals to germany physician which is apparently to try and provide some sort of long term solution so as as many analysts have said over the past several years or rather than doing actions for the benefit of the eurozone there's just so much politicking involved if i may think of the updated version of the e.u. as a fiscal compact which give brussels the right to take states to court if they violate the stricter rules it's nearing approval what will that mean for the member countries sovereignty do you think well i mean it quite clearly removes a large chunk of sovereignty from countries we've already seen a couple of budgets were put into the e.u. just recently belgium's for example only last week and the european union came back the high officials in brussels came back to the belgian government in another part of brussels and said i'm terribly sorry your numbers don't add up you're going to have to cut the budget not economically that may make a certain degree of sense but the problem is economics and politics are well
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somewhat into really that as we all know not. a financial person and even i know that you can't just ride roughshod over the will of the people and as we saw from video earlier i mean the situation in greece is particularly acute the position in many other countries is going to be much worse and of course we have multiple elections coming up this year not just in france but also in greece itself as well slovakia and many other places that are going to in many ways further exacerbate the politics of the euro going forward. as we've seen over several over the past several months of brussels is having more of a say when it comes to dictating the leadership in certain eurozone countries just a few months ago the former greek prime minister making a call for a referendum with the people to vote on the eurozone he was swiftly summoned to a summit in cad and then suddenly decided that he would step down all the people in these eurozone members to leave power nurse when it comes to calling the future of their own country. well you know it's a fascinating situation isn't it just last week we had the european union
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complaining because the government of hungary is acting in a way which it regards as being anti democratic yet the government of hungary was elected by sixty six percent of the people so i'm sorry i don't quite get that one myself i mean i really don't understand i'm not trying to support anything that's being done in the government but why on earth in the long term i do not believe that we're going to see the italian middle classes and the italian party of silvio berlusconi supporting their technocrat government and in greece we can already see the support for the technocrat government has dwindled at the polls and there's going to be a very very ugly election coming up and i think it's going to be very difficult for the european union to manage to control the outcome there with by managing to try and impose another technocrat which i simply don't believe the greek people are going to will be willing to let happen soon after a general election which is imminent in the next few months let's address the issue of a worst case scenario here and the issue of whether or not if the eurozone did indeed
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collapse and what consequences would that have on the rest of the while there are many parts of the world that are that are still trying to struggle through an ongoing economic crisis your thoughts on bad well look i mean it's really awful i mean if the euro actually breaks up which is unfortunately quite possible at the moment i'm not saying it's probable and i'm not saying it's definite but it's possible if the eurozone breaks up that's going to give uncertainty uncertainty means people don't know whether to order things for their company it also means that individuals don't know whether to spend money at the shops it means ultimately that all of that little grease that all those the wheels of commerce critics start and that's the real problem here we could see an incredible step back into not just recession which there will be because there already is in europe anyway as a result of region machinations we could also see a step back into protectionism and that's not going to be good for this world because let's face it one of the exciting things about the digital world today is that we can take a polyglot view. of the world whether it be opinions that are being broadcast from
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moscow such as yourself or it can be multiple other issues in the world trade is holding the world together the world is a more prosperous and a richer place than it's ever been in history the breakdown of the euro zone in danger's the economic livelihood of every citizen of the world and that's why people in america the finance minister of canada the chinese throughout the rest of the world are so concerned that the europeans are doing next to nothing in order to manage to solve the problems at the road and back door and in fact what may happen is alternately we may see the i.m.f. the international monetary fund ultimately trying to come in and staple together some sort of a solution whatever happens there's a lot of uncertainty ahead and that's got to be worrying because uncertainty spelled recession and recession is not going to be good for anybody in the world we need to work for a living better hearing of the investment advisory d.v. advisers many things. you're watching r.t.
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russia's republic of chechnya has seen its first anti terror operation of the year security forces are still sweeping the area after mopping up remaining resistance from a group of armed militants who refused to surrender both sides have suffered losses as r.t. is medina caution about now reports from the caucasus region. this come to turkey operation is one of the biggest race that has seen in recent times according to russia's in term ministry there were opt to turn militants hiding in this area and the latest information that we have is that five militants were killed and russian special forces also suffered losses one policeman and three interior ministry officers were killed and another sixteen were wounded as they were the victims of the explosives that the target is place early around this area now this operation started on a sunday when special forces found a place that turned out to be the target main hideout packed with weapons and
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explosives it is still going on and it continues really severe weather conditions and basically low visibility as it is very foggy and misty right now in the mountains meanwhile in the last twelve months a changed man has been really peaceful and. he has spread into the neighboring regions of the north caucasus that's why maybe of the news over the size of this operation is really hitting the hard lines over here in the north caucasus. has been a question of reporting there from the caucasus region now two people have died after an explosion ripped through a busy restaurant here in moscow happened just a few hours ago a gas leak has been blamed for the blast let's get more details now from our correspondent archy's tom barton standing by tom or so so what are the effects or what are the what are the reports what do you know what happened here. well rory smoke is still rising and emergency workers are still crowded round the ill part
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toria restaurant in the southern part of moscow which earlier was the scene of three gas explosions two employees were killed they were close to the blasts and thirty two people have been injured including a three year old child the explosion started with a what has been called a domestic gas explosion that then set off two gas canisters nearby that ripped through the building and started a fire which gutted the two story restaurant the first floors being completely blown out all the windows are smashed and chunks have been torn out of the walls and lot of people were injured by that flying debris the fire that was caused has since been put out emergencies ministry is now starting an investigation but they have already said in a preliminary statement they think it was improper use of the gas equipment that caused this blast and all these injuries and and two deaths. in there live in central moscow thank you. are you watching our live from moscow with
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five months now remaining until one of the world's biggest sporting events so euro twenty twelve the football fever is building fast in eastern europe its main host keir fears are ready to welcome millions of fans as a descend on ukraine and poland for several weeks this summer no other visitors will bring in revenue for the local economy some people remain skeptical that the benefits will outweigh the costs are to have ski reports. the incredible adventures of food bullheads from extreme accommodation to driving through impassable roads this is the scenario some believe awaits fans who will flock to ukraine for the euro twenty twelve tournament gave based journalists organized this photo exhibition trying to voice a rather pessimistic message about the upcoming football club. we're being told by the government that everything has been built by the fans will face those
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problems that we ordinary face every day who are straight better issues bribery by the police officer and terrible medical facilities i'm afraid it could be a major failure. i mean at first glance such concerns may seem laughable even in the darkest times of financial troubles the euro twenty twelve projects remained top priority when almost all construction projects were halted roads airports and stadiums never stopped being built after a string of stadium opening ceremonies in ukraine you wait for chiefs are now completely sure the country is ready to host the tournament we went through a different periods of the preparation so some of them. successful but in last two years we made huge progress in terms of infrastructure construction and also in terms of organisation so in print. but this is just one example of what
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really worries some in ukraine this broken road is only several hundred meters away from a vital highway and there is a slim chance it would ever be repaired before or after the tournament kicks off experts believe ukraine simply has no money for that and the euro twenty twelve will not change the situation. of the ukraine is spend fourteen billion dollars on your own twenty twelve projects but we predicted to earn only half a billion from the tournament twenty eight times last everyone knew that it's a typical situation especially faced in europe the question is if we could afford such spending in hard times like this. tournament organizers brush all this criticism aside saying regardless of how much money you were twenty twelve brings the country is building a bright future for itself for the first time in twenty years history we will get new airports new roads new terminals everything is new we believe that people who
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is in ukraine they will come again the ways of ukraine so this is our main goal especially europe twenty twelve o'clock was installed in central kiev to count down the minutes to jews kickoff and despite some skepticism the majority of ukrainians are relieved to see taking in their capital city not anywhere else with all the airports and stadiums springing up it's hard to believe now that almost a year ago the tournament could have moved to another country by you a far as ukraine was not doing good enough now there is no doubt whatsoever it will be held here but one question still remains whether it would become an opportunity of a lifetime or a luxury this economically hit country could not have afforded. ski r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine. it is coming here live from moscow and in our special pathfinder series we've been introducing you to foreign entrepreneurs who came to russia for
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a slice of the abundant business play. russians have always had a taste for foreign cuisine especially the all-american burgers and fries that's a hunger which paul o'brien was eager to hear while he brought the starlight diner to the country. i got here safe to say mark eleven o'clock at night star there was no me on the street. of the hotel like going up to my room and said to myself what i do but i decided i want to stay young russian became my part and is still my part. just such as. this steiner came from the united states and went on a ship and came to st petersburg and then drove down on trucks and we put it into
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the park you know one day i wasn't there and two weeks later we were open i think it was the challenge. was really exciting when i opened my first business here. because we were the first we had a lot of people that thought we were crazy to put a diner in the middle of the park despite all the objections there and we didn't we knew it was going to work because i had worked here for two years in the hotel i actually got on the stand the culture. and the thought process in russian despite everything russians have always had a love for america you know and you can't get more american than a diner one of the great things about this diner was modular so when we ordered it from the united states all the pictures are on the walls. all the buddhas are made in the us in the united states but they're red in their classic. furniture. while we had crises here and ninety eight and five in our case the ninety
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eight the last one wasn't so bad because people came down market they were spending less money interest and we had a really moderate price category so we our business actually increased a little crisis i think there's still a lot of opportunities here i mean it's just under saturated markets like ten million people i could use a lot more restaurants. foreign businessmen really have to understand a lot about the country before they get here and they have to know their own business really well be able to it there's not a my way or the highway situation here it's like the russian way i would say the first thing is they need a russian partner they can trust and then they have a person here and because it's not going to add. quickly as it would somewhere else that i once said you know and in america you have all the rights but no freedom of russia i said you had freedom but no rights. so. probably the
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biggest difference is the management style of management is more harsh and more dictatorial i think that's a negative because if you don't challenge them you don't get a second opinion on whether you're doing the right thing or not i would say developing managers is probably the biggest challenge because they don't have a lot of management experience i think sometimes people look at business and they say i have a business but i think every business has three components one is the employees the other is the owner puts up the capital and wants to make a profit and the other one is the customer really if you don't treat all three of those aspects as being important you're not going to be successful you have to take care of your employees to take care your customers and put it together where you're going to make money. if you don't put those three those things together market work .
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i'll bring a recap of today's top stories after a short break. the
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world live from science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the huge earth covered.
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welcome back you with the live from moscow time for you headlines now a day off to the arab league called an old sides of the conflict in syria ceasefire and implement a peace plan violence still rages on activists claim at least one person was killed on monday as the government crackdown on protesters continues despite the hour of play. nuclear power to bring someone ship iran launches a new. facility after threatening to shut down a vital oil supply route in the.


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