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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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union before it has been regarded as one of the key principal hopes for the palestinian people. when the late palestinian president yasser arafat visited our nations have enjoyed good relations. in the region but also. there was a great power a member of the united nations security council and a member of the quartet of middle east mediators. we expect russia to play a positive role. the quartet took a number of steps calling from a good. position with russia countries to get an understanding of. what it should do and what it shouldn't. we visited the u.k. germany and have now come to russia we hope that the talks with israel currently underway in jordan in a positive outcome but if they fail we would need to have a list of further steps to be taken. we want to listen to the opinions of the
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countries i mentioned earlier and russia in particular. these meetings revealed a lot of contradictions in oppositions talks just for the sake of talking unfortunately. we've never. we continued an exchange of opinions at the meeting with an exploratory or indirect talks we have never. to be honest we've never broken off negotiations with israel.
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there were no grounds for negotiations because of israel the basis for negotiations is the acceptance of the nine hundred sixty seven borders or any other positions agreed by both parties it's not a unilateral steps it's the position of the international community of course it's closely linked with the issue of security which is a huge problem for us. we don't accept the israeli concept of security it will be forty years of occupation of our legitimate territory this concept name is further occupation. criticised for saying there's no point in continuing the twenty year. pressure from the u.s. and israel however you have repeatedly. saying that there is no alternative to peace talks while. there is no
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alternative to peace talks at the moment we're assessing a testing ground for future talks to comply with the quartet's demands. of the negotiations are just a way to gain time. they want to preserve the status quo something we completely reject all illegal settlements all illegal buildings must be torn down and removed from palestinian territories perhaps the israelis have a different vision although in the past they have left their illegal settlements on the sinai peninsula and sharm el sheikh and returned back to their borders we have the same situation in lebanon and believe some of the settlements there even with.
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they want to preserve the existing situation of the palestinian territories and to convince the international community to accept that they want to make us accept this vision we will never accept it. position. despite. the document. in september two thousand and ten the first time in washington on an invitation from president obama and the second time in sharm el sheikh the third time we met was on the twenty fifth of september at his house in jerusalem where we talked for four hours and discussed all the issues the talks ended with no positive results no discontinuation of elements of the occupied territories no changes to security policies the israeli way they intend to occupy the west bank for another forty
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years. this is colonial policy and. this is not the logic of a person interested in constructive talks and peaceful coexistence with his neighbors i don't refuse to make but i need to have a good reason now i get twenty one point proposal and what these twenty. are they just some headlines need a list of twenty one issues that need to be addressed by our peoples. today we only need to discuss two issues. why would we want to be. did he think it was a secret but. and it of any practical. it is not appropriate for a prime minister to submit this way. borders. with no clear indication of what is actually expected of the other party.
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i think current events in the arab world could strengthen your position in the. international. still no clear position common to all arab countries yes the revolutionary changes taking place but it will take time to figure out what results they brought about the countries we want to work with in order to strengthen opposition with time to get back on their feet and build their states under the new conditions however the general arab stance on the palestinian issue has not changed and the people who lead these revolutions are the same people who supported the palestinians pursuit of in the end and these people have not changed. attitudes towards their leaders and their governments but that is their internal matter and we don't get involved. on the palestinian issue has remained the same. mr president.
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that you wouldn't take any action international. if the talks according to. you have a president a diplomatic pressure on israel to make. the international community. we want to live together to co-exist with israel but at the same time we want to stop illegal settlements on the land that doesn't belong to it we want to tell the world that israel's policy is unlawful their occupation of and is illegal but we're not saying that israel as a state doesn't have a legal right to exist so the diplomatic campaign that's underway is illegal we have already been recognized by one hundred thirty and i'm sure that in the near future the list will grow to include one hundred fifty hundred sixty countries. to continue this work. what is going to happen after generally the twenty sixth at the
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beginning of february the arab peace initiative follow up committee will hold where we'll present a full report on what has been done and what's to be done now as well as our vision of the future of the peace process will work out of the final positions based on the committee's decision but we don't want to tie up all of our plans so there needs to be a certain order. to. address to the u.n. general assembly. historic. deal wasn't enough to convince nine members of the. membership possible to continue with the talk if you agreed to the. observer. nation security council we received eight votes that we need nine still may not
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upset everyone is pressured to vote again still membership today we refuse the idea of being a nonmember observer state everything is possible i'm not saying that it can't be everything is possible if you ask me about the official position of the palestinian state on this issue i'll give you the answer we seek full membership or we will apply for a second time etc until we get our bid approved. in a number of arab countries are now obsessed with the idea of throwing existing regimes. mr president why did they attempt to create a national unity government and in failure. what has been achieved in terms of social and political reforms. but first of all our attempts didn't. we don't wish to create a national unity government but my personal suggestion was to create a neutral. transitional technocratic government
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a non aligned government or comprised of experts that would work until the election that's not a national unity government and its creation is already underway we have achieved agreement on many issues and i sensed some significant political improvement during the tools in cairo when hamas deliver the agreement there was an abyss between us earlier but now they've agreed to switch to a nonviolent standoff mode with no more bloodshed they agreed with the requirement of establishing the nine hundred sixty seven. to running the election in may this year and that means we can talk about progress here our committees are working hard to implement these plans as soon as possible reforms are underway and the government will be a transitional. thank you very much for being with us to the every possible success in the implementation of political reward and creation of a. culture
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it's. easy to. see. the. science technology innovation all the system elements from around russia we've dumped a few jerks covered. serious
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slams into arab league plan to solve the country's crisis that requires president assad to step down to moscow says the initiative was an interference in its internal affairs at attack on the sovereignty of. the e.u. or dobson president and sanctions against iran including a complete oil embargo and move targeting the country's nuclear program russia calls the sanctions a mistake that undermine diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis adding a borrowed won't change the ones policy. and horatio votes in favor of joining the debt stricken with a national referendum but low turnout and violent protests preceeding the vote show there are still divisions within the country. sports news next with kate stay with
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us. hello welcome to the monday night schools round up and here are the top stories giant-killer unseeded you covered in the record about stones five time winner three to williams in straight sets to set up on the straight open quarter final against we're sure out of our men's champion novak djokovic is also through. water and then there were true the patriots get a chance to avenge their two thousand and eight defeat as they once again face the giants in the super bowl after both win conference final thrillist. top targets the n.h.l. is most prolific lanphier this as the leadership speaks exclusively to r.t. about upcoming generally gives prospects of playoff success this year's k h l. but first to tennis and former champion maria sharapova will take on serena williams conquer that in a car of
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a in an all russian quarter final at the australian open jamison really since he became the first woman to take a set off sharapova but after dropping the opener the twenty four year old russian clawed her way back into the car with three six six two six three to turn to the quarterfinals for the first time since leaving the title down under four years ago . but is that something in the way next is left handed combative mccarver who serves up the biggest upset of the tournament so far the un seeded twenty three year old knocking out five time with really williams goal in maiden round some quarterfinal. surprise because she's a great player it's really fast to her. i don't know i just feeling so good i'm so focused so i play my game and. i want. it's amazing you know i didn't play well and i'm not physically one hundred percent so it's like you know. i can't be so angry at myself even though i'm very unhappy
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and you know i can play. one hundred times going to do this whole target or. anyone else where second seed petrik bit of survived a second set fight back by former world number one i don't know which of serbia that's the wimbledon champion held on to win six two seven six well at least emulate last year's run the last eight stage while waiting in the next round is italian surprise package sorry irani steamrollers the last chinese standing. is going to have made the quarter final as a major event while chris about has been back to my form patrick's martina navratilova eighteen time major winner saying the current wimbledon champion is more deserving of the world's top ranking and caroline wozniacki has yet to claim a major title. nobody feels that was known as the true number one we still have the same ranking system we're using. six years ago when they were giving bonus points for beating players to a little bit of their number one because she had beaten more players the most
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american was no he doesn't have a greater record in her career or over the last four years over the top to organize the top five. well in the meantime defending men's champion novak djokovic overcame form a finalist lleyton hewitt in four sets the australian are playing in his sixteenth home grand slam was to set around a breakdown in the third before reeling off six straight games to become the first man to take a set of the top seed however the world number one for back to take a four six three and reach his fifth straight quarter final in melbourne. you know late it was playing out of his crowd and obviously he loves competing against. you know the top guys in the big stage and he proved it again it was a great atmosphere you know it was the whole force that the crowd got involved in and it was it's great you know the moment you play tennis for to be out there in those situations. of it's well let's face it fair in the quarter finals the
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spaniard a semifinalist last year was a straight set winner over france is just a. meanwhile former finest joe wilfried tsonga is the biggest name to fall so far in the men's draw the famed french sixth seed going out to k. initially corey after a five sets for the twenty two year old keeping his nerve in this long final rally to become the first japanese man to reach the australian open quarterfinals in the open era and he's not so overwhelmed by his achievement. but he wanted to be. to me made a lot of history. to be number one player in japan. but that never gives me the pressure. well it was a grueling much finishing cory and your next play well rested on the nori the twice being final is booking his place in the next round of the kazakh mcculloch of pushkin retired at two sets down for seed mara spent less than fifteen minutes on the sizzling the hot rod laver arena. the n.f.l.
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now where lawrence tynes kicked a late field goal against san francisco to send the new york giants into the super bowl where they'll meet the new england patriots that baltimore well first the n.f.c. championship game a candle stick park where the defense is dominated however in the final period eli manning produced his second touchdown pass connecting with marion manning in from seventeen yards to put the giants ahead yet and late a twenty five yard field goal by the forty nine ers david has levelled the score at seventeen all to send the game into overtime butts and arrow by receiver calls williams led to the giants seizing possession in the round three times to set up times for his winning kick the giants will now look to emulate their two thousand and eight success when they denied the patriots and perfect season to lift the vince lombardi trophy. it was magical you know it was logical but it also feel world deserved you know this this been a long journey for you know no world there was a shot you know have
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a job always been over david ourselves or sought it we were you know both by good players all and we're never going to go to chile all we did was go to work you do better like also you know god is working this hard work what do we. well meanwhile in the a.f.c. baltimore is really coming to if missed the field goal with just eleven seconds remaining as the new england patriots but the super bowl placed by edging the ravens twenty three twenty tom brady scored what proved to be the winning touchdown in the fourth quarter with this one in our diets when the patriots from behind but the ravens have the chance to force overtime cooked his kick to the left of the post so the patriots have the chance to avenge their two thousand and eight defeat as they again face the giants on february the fifth. their all friends played well are different so i thought played extremely well fancily i was sure didn't a little bit better in the red area. certainly you know not through interceptions but we won that we're moving on. you know we won ten straight through to make it
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eleven. it's a football of the stock a variety and with a week to go in the english transfer window ron paul as agent has finally confirmed that the russia striker has signed a one year extension with top them the thirty year old will remain at white hart lane until the summer of next year despite having been recently linked to the move to half a dozen clubs both in england and russia of the tanker has fallen down manager harry redknapp was packing orders since arriving from spartak moscow four years ago but has scored forty one goals in one hundred twenty eight appearances so far the spurs however one russian regular is banned for home after a spell in england spartak moscow have announced they've reached an agreement to sign midfielder dinny r.b.s. the north rim of it and the twenty six year old is due to undergo a medical before putting pen to paper for the red lights at the north captain's another moscow sidewalk or t. before his move to the tough race back in two thousand and nine. i saw him at the k h l has quashed the season long banner volubly the league's most short tempered tough guy jeremy yavlinsky of material side fifty years while the hot headed
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canadian saw his appeal satisfied after serving a fifteen game ban the average mixed martial artist was handed the heavy penalty in november for yet another punch up on the ice one of the available sunday's game champions solid are to live struggling beaches look to end an eight game losing streak. and finally with just a dozen games to go in the regular season latvian power has done our reader are going to reach their full straight playoffs and we asked their captain the most prolific latvian in n.h.l. history sunday's as a lynch what needs to be done to achieve that goal and perhaps capture the coveted k h l crowd. that's my consistency consistency around game from mouth from day to day and i think that will if we were able to turn that around and have that consistency till the end of the season no matter who we are playing teams there are always some standings or below us and i have that mental toughness bent on going on i think we'll have
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a good good run and by ups. every team depends how much you follow her something is there you can there's always room and only you have everything right when you have won the championship so that everything was good i mean there's but always said until you do that yourself i was always something to improve and that's what we want to do as a team myself and say should improve every year every season and get better. we know the other team strengths and weaknesses and that's where we're going to raise and and not so we try to sift through to you is you know as manage what the what we can find out what their week or spots are in the team what we can do and if it's settled then we have a very good chance of winning games and i'm pretty sure the other team know they look at as they they do a very close analysis of all game and our players and they're trying to do the same
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thing to us so afraid now we do respect a lot of i mean. there's every single team you have to respect them but afraid no we don't want to be afraid for games for. different no question and say that for dianora go for a national team there that most of the tires some know they don't get tired at at all i mean they they they're they're from the first minute so the last minute of the game no matter what the score is and they're with us in a tough times and good times and so on and and for sure we were very fortunate to play at home which so with such a big huge fan base and with the support of the whole country. that's almost for this monday i think.
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well. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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wealthy british. it's time to go to the. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. was a report on the. serious
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slams in an arab league plan to solve the country's crisis for wiring the president assad's that calling it interference in internal of bare bones. the e.u. formally adopts an oil embargo against iran as part of president the sanctions against the country but there are fears that the sanctions may backfire join me for the details in a few moments the. votes in favor of joining the dead straight can be used but a low turnout for the national referendum and by both to expose divisions within the country.
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eleven pm in moscow i matras a good to have you with us here on r.t. our top story this hour syria has rejected an arab league proposal to resolve the country's crisis that requires president assad to give up power damascus slammed the plan as interference in its internal affairs and attack on its sovereignty r.t. sorry for has more from the syrian capital. the arab league called president bashar al assad to step down and to hand power of his deputy they also called for the formation of a national unity government and that would be a pretty late parliamentary and presidential elections now those calls have been vehemently rejected by the syrian government here so it could as flagrant interference with the internal affairs really the sense here from damascus is that the government here are working on their own reforms they want the arab league mission.


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