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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2012 12:30am-1:00am EST

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traill program this time he focuses mostly on ethnic diversity immigration bill nash these are indeed very important issues in modern russia and they are among put biggest concerns now how can they please problems be tackled if put is elected and should we then expect toughening of the immigration laws all the more emphasis will be placed in a multicultural education we're asking political analyst bill carcache and the wall editor in chief of the was going. to do favorite in the russia's presidential election race prime minister vladimir putin will not be participating in public debates with the other contenders for the office instead he's putting forward his vision of how the country should develop in newspaper articles which as soon as he's election manifestos the first one called russia concentrate challenges we must address was published a week ago and provided a broad outline of putin's election they janda in particular it was aimed at the
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country's middle class and was viewed as a response to those who took to the streets in this somber protest in the dumela action results this week's article touches upon the issues of migration and xenophobia putin opposes the policy of multiculturalism and speaks in favor of uniting russia's multi ethnic society under the banner of russian culture and values. how a german walked into the show thank you very much for being with us well we just we just saw. this video about about the new and the other part of putin's. election strategy is well first of all do you agree that this is really his manifesto published chapter by chapter in the press well i would believe this election campaign and actual research talk because obviously put in tried to pleasure. sides here fight to send
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a message that i am official media or else and that they should be fred at the same time to send a message to the russian ethnic majority this is should be afraid if their arise were protected against the rights of migrants and soul just for authority but no matter what is hot there are plenty of this or would you would you agree that this issue the this city issue may become the major issue of this year's election campaign i think it could be perfect later this year we'll probably see a shift towards economic issues because as we know there's this developing world crisis vertically from europe in the united states so it may be that now nationalism is high on the agenda but later in the year we might see. economic issues tied together with a national issue. and if if there are job losses then of course people will be concerned about. you know who is taking the brunt of this economic crisis whether
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it is ethnic russians or or other people well let's get back to to to putin steps the text here's how the prime minister sees russia's historic model of interethnic relations. historically in russia as we neither a monolith street nor a u.s. style melting point where people are easily migrants brushwood to move through the centuries is a multinational street you plan to do and interact and connect with each other domestic and professional women's and in society as friends. well this point his own was put in is consistently referring to russians not as all citizens of russia but to russians as an ethnic group other than that are those in the world and i don't know the jews and others well what would it be better. to
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to to call russians all the time i mean this it is i mean there is such a problem in britain there are british people and english people so the so so. are we creating the same problem in russia or where there's no problem with lies i mean it's a good example to compare with britain because britain is somewhere that really has embraced this multi cultural ism over the years maybe the current government wants to step back from that and i think that putin in his article said that some leading politicians in europe are stepping back from this multiculturalism now but i think there's a danger in that because even though putin says he wants to avoid division that if you make one ethnic group the dominant group and that is what you see running through his article again and again that russians are the dominant group then you will tend to marginalize the other groups this is different from the soviet times when everybody was on a more equal basis well you see is this cement or ease that he is missing while he
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point actually for russian identity zick you will small's of monza right a lot of the right of land because russia was. so-called choice in a russian empire. you had the right to be called russian where are the talks which are. bell famous here or beggar returned here of the war for eight hundred twelve he was for a man in horror for georgia but he was a russian because he was a christian who didn't have this problem in the soviet union because all the people well so it took over thirty people and there were russians that was barracks you could you know i mean in europe they still call all of us russians including the ukrainians the joy i write is asshole i mean i think these russians from moscow are different from russians from kiev the same of course but the mysteries the germans the russian ybarra they're russians for united by itself little squishy need to read it really goes to the u.n. so he knew and they were united by so it was what we use we say should be united
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not well let's hear how putting formulates his nation building strategy. we need a national policy strategy be used on syria casualties breeze no need for anyone living in russia to get their religion or ethnicity what they should i don't you pointed to cells primarily the citizens of russia take pride in that no one has the right to. religious interest the body of land in the same time nationals must take into account the specific characteristics you can have any religious group. as similarly said in one of the passages put in calls ethnic russians the state constituent people. that are you there isn't it contradict the constitution of the russian federation which says that that russia is constituted by its multi ethnic people well as always if not for the fun of us this is
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a matter of interpretation how we should enter because it could make a claim to z. and city should carry it and yet it can get its own interpretation which would be correct with wooden rules but in my tories there is no engine provided for z's russian nation to become prime because its new city is a key to bloodshed after this have several centuries when russians where call ourselves christians and so people so that means it is a risk terrible ethnic mix call to all the best techniques to be just called russians and now he will try to find ethnic groups or he will get the conflict very soon has got what your deeds you want the time of the soviet union collapse to you you mention multiculturalism in europe well putin is stating as a known fact i quote the failure of the multicultural prior project and even a crisis of a nation state well i personally agreed to this opinion which is expressed by many
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of my colleagues in the west but do you think it makes sense for a for a candid that. through the presidency two to two to choose this categorical option well i think it's very interesting that he seems to be playing a soft nationalism hard if you like not a hard nationalism card but i think that if you look down the road into russia's future demographics shows us that the people who are not the ethnic russians are going to become a larger and larger. percentage of the population you know that the migration routes are yes and because people you know in every country of the world migrants eventually become citizens and feel a loyalty to that country but they don't necessarily buy into the ethnic composition they want to retain their ethnic composition i think that putin is trying to respect everyone's an ethnic traditions and religion but he's he's facing
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a very difficult. situation because on the one hand he has the liberals who are criticizing him for being too author terry and on the other hand he has the nationalists who are looking to scapegoat certain groups from caucasus and central asia and he's stuck in the middle really it's quite a difficult situation and it's even more difficult when he has to to to take a decision during an election campaign well according to putin i quote if a multi ethnic society is infected with the virus of nationalism it loses the strength and stability we writes putin must understand the far reaching consequences of indulging those who are trying to incite ethnic strife and hatred towards people of other cultures and states and quit but this this morning made by the prime minister in his article had out with with the nomination with the point
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of the meeting of our boys in a known nationalist we were where we were who expressed his nationalistic views as a vice premier and one of the closest allies in the putin elections that well you see of course an appointment as clear message to the east but there's a part of society we just. would like to support zim already called russian nationalism visible right to have russian nationalists agenda another side of the problems that if you'll take a european history no one country. was able to balance for a long time on this age between the construct of nationalism with the winner who can because constructive constructive positive things and z. after all the heart rate and the. other nations are starting to leave us a little bit of this sort of a balance maybe dangerous sort of a balance nobody will succeed to keep his balance in a long time well we'll talk about it in just
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a minute i just want to remind our viewers that our guests today are a key. political analyst and moscow news editor in chief tim wall spotlight will be back short shortly after a break so stay with us down. we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals what the poor props we do not want any more and no deal holds. our core system it's just those of those more experience and i'm just i'm just appalled that that's allowed to go on america. are getting this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it from there's no
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labeling there for it being used like a board to experiment to be used as guinea pigs. will now we have more questions than we have matters guards. like. is he used to it's. easy to. say.
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welcome back. the spotlight i'm algren of and just a reminder that my guests on the show today are a key deal cocteau's political analyst and the editor in chief of the moscow news tim wall we're discussing let me put in this recent article which is considered to be. published part of his election program. platform or whatever well one of the issue is that president touches in this in this article dedicated to the nationalities ethnic problem is he proposes a creation of a new nationality is a ministry well then there's a question why did putin close down a special national as ministry back in two thousand and one if it's a good solution to the ethnic problems well let's let's hear what putin writes about it. i believe that the federal government should set up a special agents are responsible for its development interethnic who are an
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interaction these problems are currently the responsibility of the ministry of regional development unfortunately with the overwhelming volume of how do you choose to deal with these matters are open to the backburner this needs to change. well and i don't know about you colleagues but i see a contradiction putin himself closed this ministry. but about ten years ago when he was president now he proposes to open it again so but he does not mean that that was a mistake so was go on how can you answer this question. well i think that we always have a different situation now from ten years ago and the big difference is that at the time that of course was the the war going on in chechnya and we've moved on from that time. some of the problems of the caucuses and have been solved in that time and some of them haven't and other ones have arisen and there is still i would
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argue this seventy official fostered you know atmosphere where people from the former soviet republics living in russia. and from different nationalities are attacked on a regular basis and very little is done to catch the killers or to really combat this if this ministry could do something about that could really foster friendship perhaps a little bit more in the soviet model between peoples then it could be a positive thing but we have to see in the construction that i see in this proposal putin curial is that well by proposing to create a body create a ministry put in x. not like a politician not like a political but like a bureaucrat because you know the answer of a bureaucrat to any question is we will create a commission a ministry i want to yes yes and the other side's friesian of commission would
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provoke bureaucrats to exploit the national of the themes so i expect a national or able reach shoes sooner than anything else from the restoration of this ministry because when you appointed bureaucrats to settle any problem that means that you will you will have the process of maximization of this problem because bureaucrats will have something to do so so so according to to your mood at least i don't think you believe that this this body whatever is going to be may solve the problem of migration of migrants the vastness and i am afraid said these particular issues. chapman's this program and can make or reasons could convey this problem into a real problem to zoe if multiculturalism may not work this is doomed to grapple uses them it's about the reason you can. evolve a cult culture isn't as a policy can work also but you shoot the goal and the target and the conditions hols these identities that mismatch multicultural and into the can work because
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when you propose to see yours it isn't any identity for example russian idea to citizen aidid that means if you propose contract that you find in duty you fools the rules in you will get z.z.z. senseis still no corporate conduct proposed here so as there's no reason why it should be called myself russian why should call myself any other nations because you know no policy in the forums that ended it yeah well i think that the fundamental problem that russia faces in its development with regard to the regions of the country is of course connected to russia strength its huge territory. you see the periphery of russia the far north the far east the far west kaliningrad in the in the south these areas are marginalized and there is this real over concentration of power in the center in moscow and this process was accelerated perhaps during putin's tenure thurst ten year tenure because he wanted to keep the
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country together but now i think there's a growing realisation that this process has gone too far and we need to have more more decentralization how that works is very difficult and the rule i didn't put in his article that didn't ring a bell for my generation of people who remember the soviet times especially my parents who remember the old of the old carmen is the real communist and the stalin times is and i quote domestic migration has been growing in this country people travel to other constituent turned trees are the federation. or to big cities to study to live and to work and that listen they are food citizens of russian federation but we have to toughen registration rules and the penalties for breaching these rules and quote well that surely does ring a bell effectively putting is preparing a toughening of the so called preppies car the the the binding people to the place
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of residence while this didn't work this was practically abolished twenty years ago now are we getting back or do i misunderstand something of his policy of protection of the ethnic russians so as he says. this is a matter to do solve and mess for yourselves i mean mike ross especially of the migrants of. groups like muscle groups like asia groups like chinese that are coming into russian territory well i will always be another think russian big but this perhaps kyra the ethnic russians were never happy with it even if it were when it was very young because if it discriminates against muscovites everybody else if you are non if you are non muscovite and of course as we all know it's easy to buy your property square you know it's not something that actually works properly its it only works through a system of bribe those who will use a piece in english oprah pisco is like vodka and my trash bag is one of the words
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understood world why do true maybe you know i think i think maybe for maybe maybe for foreigners who who live in russia this is one of the key words that we come to understand as part of the system but i just i just think its an outdated system here we are twenty first century russia in my view has to meet the challenge from the east this is the big challenge russia has to develop the far east of its territory economically because if russia does not then the chinese will come over and do it for them as a foreigner living in russia what do you expect from the propose. a new set of rules and changes proposed by a lot of reputed because these registration rules they're always annoying they were annoying for me when i when i went in there was a going to fill so what do you expect after you read this article i do think there's going to be changes for you foreigners for the west for the worse off for the better right i said i think that in general the russian government tries not to
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do too much to antagonize let's let's call them the western specialists who come here they try to make life reasonably comfortable they want more investment you know they want to attract people to it it's never it's never that comfortable but i think that the small inconvenience that that westerners face is nothing compared to the inconvenience that the russians and. russian citizens and citizens from the former cia s face another very interesting thing in a very popular thing is that put it once to pose a set of exams for foreigners residing in russia let's hear it. from next year migrants must be required to pass a russian language caste russian history and literature to just under ten hours in the russian system stede and russian law and order to get permission to reside like other developed countries russia is able to provide migrants with the relevant
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classes through professional training might be required in a number of pieces of the uighurs expands. you we both tried to talk to tim in russian and we both hope he spoke better russian than he does of course but what do you think does for example at tragic who sweeping the street have to have to know i have to pass an exam in russian and russian history russian constitution which is a pretty brutal thing for russian for some russians to be good by the impression is that italy has existed she will have to be. as quiet the easier than all the maximize and bribes the capacity of system so if you're going to squeeze the corruption yes in the lower levels of your break this is will be just a boost of corruption that nothing else surely is usually happens because no mechanism provided or from what ford does it that she should dump russian culture russian constitution well to sweep streets miles there is absolute knowledge and also this may be an additional burden for companies that are employing. foreigners
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yes i think so. i mean i think it's something that should be encouraged and i would say the same about you know my country night kingdom that these so-called nationality tests. are becoming tougher and tougher and i think it's around the world now you know we're entering into an era of protectionism where jobs are scarce where people don't want foreigners coming in and so this is a way to. to kind of stem the flow do you think the brits may have the recipe may have a good advise how to tackle the problem because i'm not sure that that you have sold yourself in britain but the but it's not it's not as burning as in some other countries like sometimes it is burning in russia so they didn't is their advice sure but i mean i i would say that no country has actually solve this problem all together but i i would look more i think these days the united states i know that.
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but i'm a person how sort of three generations of this it's a different story america but but at the same time it's a nice philosophy united states that as soon as you come across and you get your union and you and you and you get your citizenship your god does not merican and when one generation you can go to the white house really out of time to a couple ways from here well actually just replied to that remark well actually the mother believes the american people will support it as well as well well actually the it has its own félicie different playlists different policy different frailest diction in nor was this is the problem a challenge for the whole country for your pm coffee for their so-called middle dinner in congress to which we all belong how to deal be the current challenge and no one resigned because first time and say he's three you reply it's par were to integrate mike ross and to kind of read some of the part of your thank you is
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a change thank you thank you gentlemen just to the mind of the political analyst. and the moscow news editor in chief tim wall or my guest on the show spotlight will be back with more free time to comment on the once again only on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take care.
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mission. critical should be free. for judges free. free. free. free. old free blanquita cullum video for your media project free media. the official location. i pod touch from the.
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video. and feed the palm of your. vying for votes online a new dynamic in russian politics. created web cam could prove pivotal in the forthcoming presidential election. a call for action the u.n. faces pressure to adopt a resolution on syria parts of six gulf nations from the arab league observers mission to the country. to enforce an anti piracy going. thousands of people on the streets of cyber attacks on government websites.
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costing well these twenty four hours a day this is out. well it's the online election battle front where nothing is off limits as russia's presidential. paid hot sub political activists are giving away from traditional tactics and embracing the internet whether promoting ideas or spreading weapon campaigning is playing a bigger part than ever before katrina the true story is about that there were others that you were right is that ones that are going to look at their race suits and ties and slogans called out from the poor d m r the traditional election season is there but they're no longer considered police. today's campaigning has gone on line in a whole new trend in russia.


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