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tv   Headline News  RT  February 14, 2013 2:00am-2:28am EST

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a big brother the largest defense contractor in the view was developed software that can predict people's future behavior from their social that will data spark me approach where will privacy concerns. a zero comes clean about the death of a top secret person after the media reveal it was forced to keep silent with the water coming from the country's very top. and employed frenchman kind of his life by setting himself on fire going to a deadly trend of desperation prevent self-immolation across europe and may be used to fix a growing jobs crisis. and you saw russia and around the world this is see with me you know shapovalov a hello and welcome to the program they do as
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a government stepping up efforts to spy on its citizens with a new defense software able to predict people's future behavior and locations however with the program only using data submitted voluntarily via social networks emerge unscathed when it comes to claims of privacy violations as she is again a trick on reports. those of you who are using social networks will find this interesting the world's fifth largest defense contractor raytheon a multinational for him based in massachusetts came up with a software that can map out your life and be able to predict your moves your behavior based on the information that you provide on websites like facebook twitter or foursquare the guardian has obtained a video. where a raytheon staffer explains and shows how it works the program it's called someone already branded it for spite it's just a few clicks and it creates diagrams chart maps showing who you've communicated
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with most online your associations and relationships places where you check in most you know over twenty five million people use this app called foursquare to alert friends of their whereabouts so the program uses that and also the photos that people take on smartphones often have latitude and longitude details automatically embedded in them so this wired program at a quick or two can analyze all that data and as the gentleman in the video claims it can roughly predict where to find you at a given time and potentially your behavior based on your interests so this firm that developed the software a major defense contractor has acknowledged that the technology was shared with the u.s. government as part of a joint research and development effort to help build the national security system capable of analyzing quote unquote trillions of entities from cyberspace that reminds me of the conversation that i had with william binney a mass imitation of spying software expert who had worked for the national security
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agency for decades and who told us that the government is spying on people on a much larger scale and they're building social networks is part of it take a listen they were building social networks. who who is communicating and with whom inside this country so that your entire social network of everybody of every us citizen was being compiled. over time so they're taking from one company alone a roughly three hundred twenty million records a day that's so over time that that's probably cumulated up to close to twenty trillion over the years mr binney blew the whistle on this n.s.a. program saying it is a blatant violation of the constitution but with this riot software one can argue that they can see information that individuals have already chosen to make public they put it out there and most people know that privacy safeguards that for example facebook provides don't hold water really and yet people choose to share so if you don't want someone to be able to map out your entire life and to be able to potentially predict your behavior stop checking in everywhere and turn off location
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services on your phone or maybe you don't want that in that case no worries. these are really government has been forced to admit about the death of a man in custody dubbed prisoner x. who was linked to the country's secret service that mission follows a report in the australian press which revealed a malbon manhunt himself in prison after months of being held in secret over two years ago while now details were given as to why he was being held it's reported a prisoner x. was involved in israeli aspect in neighboring countries the story had been originally hushed up and days really media with the order reportedly coming from the very top and columnist and senior correspondent for israel's ha'aretz newspaper army or in the entire city ation is a source of embarrassment to the country on one level it's an espionage story and mystery regarding the foreign intelligence service mossad and the tragic.
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circumstances under which one of its operatives apparently found his death on another level it's government versus press story and the press here has been struggling against various government agencies and gradually has been able to leave at least some of the secrecy surrounding this story there was a gag order here apparently and defer this was the case and one cannot confirm it independently from israel but again embarrassing as it is one has to rely on foreign sources if that is true and a gag order was signed by a judge then one would have been subject to prosecution if one were to violate it so apparently even though the israeli press is far from being lazy for the last two years it has waited passively for someone abroad in this case
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australia to break the story. three police officers have been killed and six more injured in an explosion in russia's southern republic of dagestan early in the morning a suicide bomber blew himself up at a row checkpoint while his car was being searched the police presence has been stepped up in the region with authorities looking bilbo's behind their target all vehicles going to and from the city across i view it where the incident occurred are being tracked now russia's interior ministry says the funked seriously the fact that security forces stop these suspects vehicle has prevented an even greater tragedy among civilians the incident happened just a week after special services killed the last remaining terrorist involved in the twenty ten bombing of the moscow metro that left forty one dead. and ultimately burst of desperation a man has died after setting fire to himself at a french job center is the latest self-immolation incident in unemployment. the
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forty three year old who'd been refused benefits had reportedly been giving signals of his suicidal intentions but they went to a nerd has by the authorities more details now from our senior. it said it reports that he had actually set a letter to some journalists saying that he was going to do this this week so the police had said that they had set of surveillance outside that employment agency but they didn't manage to see him he was already on fire they said he had entered through a side street and therefore this tragedy had happened now the man did this after finding out that he is no longer eligible for those unemployment benefits and this is not the first time it has happened in france in august we know that a fifty year old jobless man had done the same so this is a worrying sign for france for a country that has seen its unemployment rising for the past twenty months and this after a president had been elected on a campaign of jobs and growth so we haven't seen any improvements on this monster a lot has declared twenty thirteen as
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a battle for jobs he said that by the end of the year there would be he would be creating jobs for the french people however statistics show that by midyear the number is set to rise and let's not forget that more than three million french people this number does not include people who have quit the unemployment program because they simply have exhausted all their benefits similar to the case of the man who had just burned himself and also those young people who had never registered or those who were in part time jobs if we look at the trend we've seen a lot of suicides and attempted suicides in countries like greece one of the hardest hit euro zone countries because of this eurozone crisis there's a general feeling of the still of the in the country a lot of people going out in protest we've also heard of stories of suicides in italy another hard hit country so if we're looking at the trend that's happening in europe we hope it does not continue but we could see a lot more expressions of dissatisfaction. canton has confirmed it's handed theories embassy in the capital doha to the syrian opposition which has already
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appointed an ambassador there the building had been closed about erica as the gulf nation was among the first to recognize the syrian national coalition and political activist yasser abdullah says the move however well not make much difference it's not an addition to the political weight of the syrian national coalition in my view this is a this is primarily a crime primarily to reinject some life into the syrian national coalition especially after the several blows that it received there since it's since it was formed we know that they want to. overthrow the regime they couldn't so far they want to achieve some liberated lands and more than in northern syria and they didn't so far and they also want to form a transitional government on syrian soil and they're meeting in us istanbul recently failed in doing so so i think i think this movement by by qatar especially
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the us government considers itself the main backer of the syrian national coalition because it was its own project so it's it's line mask and we inject some life into it after after the deficiencies that. and on the way for you the solid pirates all they kirby in all the gondolas robin hood illegals come see a series of tiny twin out of state reaches for millions of dollars worth of american called wife material. and. also later this hour millions of britons are struggling to pay their bills and afford basic necessities but the country's living standards a dangerous one they circled is just. wealthy british style it's not some time to write let's go to target.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. we speak your language anything about the war not a day in. the music programs documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little turn to angles keep these stories. are you here. to try to alter the spanish find out more visit eye to our. world with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from
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around russia we've got the future of coverage. this is our sea welcome back the latest predictions from economists in the u.k. suggest the britain will just escape a triple dip recession but any suggestion it's lighted then to a very long tunnel is certainly not being felt by ordinary brits as well she's point a boycott found out. imagine living on the brink financially need to be told that it's going to get was that's the reality facing some ten million brits living on middle incomes economists at the think tank the resolution foundation has issued a landmark report with a stark warning to the government they've got to tackle low wages or face economic stagnation for generations to come the report claims that for too many households
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their money no longer stretches to the bare essentials because of falling wages and rising inflation and buying a house is becoming a fantasy for too many britons already millions of citizens in the u.k. struggle to pay their monthly bills have no savings in the bank and can no longer afford a family holiday so what we're seeing at the moment is the squeeze on living standards which is affecting households throughout the entire income distribution and that's mainly a result of the recession and austerity policies but actually for a very sizable group about ten million adults who live in low to middle income households actually started some time before failing to do anything in this area and ended up with time in households who have no increase in that in their living standards and. first of all it's a social problem because it's a very large group to be in that situation but also it's an economic problem because because this group of consumers so they are one of the drivers of economic
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growth their report found that on top of the recession there are systemic problems with the way that the british economy is run making life even harder. if things stay the same the average household by twenty twenty will have less money to spend than it did five years ago person is now squeezed that almost seven out of ten brits say that they have to cut back on spending just in order to get by but the governor of the bank of england saying that economic recovery could be in sight it looks like that for those at the bottom of the british economy that's no guarantee that life is going to get any easier. the u.n. says mali recent being dragged into further violence and reprisal killings fresh allegations of atrocities in the embattled west african country have emerged following the rapid advance of french intervention forces they have been helping be an elected government of mali reclaim cities captured by islamic militants and
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journalist again salah want to reports now from the war zone forty. it's about him money yes going to the. united nations already describes the situation in mali is a disaster the u.n. human rights commission says the country's caught in a spiral of violence fraught with grievous consequences the situation has been made worse in the wake of ferocious fighting in and around the city of northern mali following four days of fierce resistance from insurgents complete with suicide attacks at that the french military has been forced to conclude that some of the locals made in three missed that however some of the key areas in this conflict are still off limits to international journalists with the french army denying us passage saying it was for our own security and the un high commissioner for human rights not be belayed made it plain in a recent statement that the situation in mali is only deteriorated following the foreign military intervention you know that that the insurgency in mali's
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aggravated by ethnic clashes. camera crew witnessed instances of executions and brutalities the perpetrators by the mali an army and survived. the military are not the only ones in gage's and hunting down people look at arable quarry origin or believed to be part of the insurgency and eventually the locals are going after them as well for some time it has been difficult to find people from either of those ethnic groups anywhere in mali and this brings us back to the fact that more than three hundred thirty thousand people have been forced to flee from their homes because of the crisis the last straw for all those refugees and indeed for all of mali it's been a statement by al qaida coming out of the arabian peninsula which calls upon every muslim to join the holy war against france a war that is being fought in mali against the will of its people. molly. and right now it's time to have
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a quick look at some of the content waiting for you on our web site at home and among the stories that i read about. new medals that will soon be out for grabs in the u.s. military silent again one american servicemen will have nothing more than prove best skills on the joystick all the crowd. and also line for you the world's second most powerful ice hockey league looks set to expand towards the mediterranean and may soon even include a team from italy finds out which european cities are in line to drawing big.
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let's move on now protesters in bahrain have some top roadblocks and clashed with police on the second anniversary of its pro-democracy uprising because also included people calling for an end to a growing reconciliation talks between the country's opposition and the sunni rule
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is in twenty eleven the country as you responded to calls for change or enjoy the arab spring two years on they still face the least brutality systematic torture by the authorities and human rights abuses the gulf monarchies quiet down until regime demonstrators saw up to eighty people killed on both sides thousands of activists locked up in pain as say their demands to end discrimination and release all political prisoners have not been let. let's not try some other stories from around the globe for you this hour five people have been confirmed dead after a plane crash landed in ukraine's eastern industrial how donetsk the turbo prop with forty five passengers and crew on board overshot the runway turned and broke out survivors managed to escape through holes that had opened up in the plane most of the passengers were flying to denounce to attend the trial as a league clash between local side shock tour and germany's bruce adult and a problem with one of the entrances suspected to have caused the accident.
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egyptian forces have flooded a string of tunnels under the country's border with a palestinian how was governed gaza strip dozens of similar passengers have been destroyed since all this last chair one sixteen egyptian soldiers were killed in the militant attack in the area the tunnels serve as a vital resource. lifeline for gaza that's been under a blockade by israel for years the move angered hamas would have counted on better ties with cairo says the election of egypt's president mohamed morsi. the venezuelan vice president has announced the country's charismatic leader hugo chavez has started a new stage or rick you peroration following his latest council peroration cuba chavez has not made a public appearance in two months now however according to his v.p. the president is fast approaching a full recovery the leaders yet to be officially sworn in a boy's third term with the inauguration postponed indefinitely due to his health problems. the u.
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us is on the legal defensive against the tiny camera been nation of until you get and but buddha thanks to a ruling by the world trade organization and the twin island state is now moving to waive twenty one million dollars worth of copyright protection on american goods per year some say the case has created a dangerous precedent for piracy as a he's in a sissy trick in a report. heavenly spot in the caribbean welcome to antigua and barbuda a tiny country with a population of under ninety thousand people. gambling is a popular pastime here for locals and tourists alike i want to say as a las vegas of the caribbean because i mean to have a lot of caribbean countries that have to see you know as well i should say were sometimes a stepping stone ahead of a lot of other casinos but in even more powerful money maker here the mere decade ago was the online gaming business we once had a thriving. internet gaming industry that employed over four thousand people in
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that industry is gone juta actions of the united states legally licensed internet gambling companies provided jobs for five percent of the locals and rocketed in over three billion dollars annually but with americans as the key players u.s. officials weren't happy and bad off shore gaming even though the industry was completely legal in america sneezes the rest of the world catches the cold. from thousands of jobs and tremendous cash inflow to an industry crumbled and those who make it up treated as criminals they were prosecution of persons who had companies operating companies and until you go and these for us and some of them were indicted and arrested who had their property for. the potential targets people like this online gambling operator fearful of what the u.s. can do to him because of his business legally licensed in antigua he wants to remain anonymous.
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forms or. literally hundreds of stolen from us wills. the island nation has had enough and has put a fight at the world true. for its legal rights money and regaining a collapsed industry it's been going on for a decade. and we think it's time to bring the plane into the land the w t o took the side of the tiny country in a decision that ruffled the feathers of the u.s. the world trade organization and he has the right to basically grab the assets of the united states including in particular copyrights trademarks patents so they can sell microsoft word for a dollar each the w t o decision allows and t.
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get to completely ignore us copyright laws until the money loss due to the online gaming collapse is made up for but limited to twenty one million dollars a year the u.s. concern now is that the w t o has potentially laid out a welcome mat for the pirates of the caribbean but the tiny island nation spends a billion giants we have to tell them to play first actually wiping out the second largest source of the a team in economy i'm sure the dispute between american and tito frightens many locals because of what may come next they won't talk about it on camera but for tourists the slap in the face of the u.s. is all the gossip that kind of money it is and it's not going to hurt the u.s. economy that much as it was different in the going to be no. but there's also will take some action against it though as well while until going to have won a battle at the w t o there is still a long fight ahead the first time that a small country took on a war country in the world trade organization. and it was there it's kind of
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a you know a bad thing that the united states is just ignoring you know the ball is now in the court of this little island while the copyright left is now an official option to cash in on and to go hopes it might be able to negotiate a deal with the u.s. that is good for all before all ships have sailed and r.t. reporting from. in the caribbean. beautiful science that shortly that is so painful issue of gun control in the u.s. under the spotlight to stay with us. helicopters flying through the air day and night rounds of assault rifle ammo
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popping as the choppers buzz over the land now this unique form of hell of terror is no longer restricted to those in vietnam in the middle east now houston miami residents of the good old usa can get in on the fun houston residents in terror called nine one one and scrambled for cover and even to schools put on lockdown as a military helicopters participated in a multi-agency training for real in miami at night in the middle of downtown onlookers caught video on their telephones of blackhawk helicopters pumping loud blank on to the people below and maybe even as i speak a flexibly scheduled military drill could be happening in jesper county south carolina you know when i was a kid they tell us about how that year old soviet union would parade their tanks around how there were soldiers all over their oppressed country even in one thousand nine hundred four all made it a point to describe our military helicopters would eternally be overhead and a dystopian nightmare world now we're living the nightmare the united states is a huge country there's plenty of room on remote army bases to do your training also
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last time i checked afghanistan evil which is don't look like downtown miami just who are you training to kill anyways knock off the terror trainings but that's just my opinion. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser if you need to ask what exactly is in your ready mail chances are you don't really want to know if you need to ask what is in your mortgage backed security chances are you don't really want to know i mean do you really want to know that there's a boot laced horsemeat in your c.d.o. infinitely re hypothecated m.f. global debt in your burger or is that the other way around.


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