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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  December 16, 2017 6:30pm-6:34pm EST

6:30 pm
because they are using it and they'll drink out of that to happen then they would sooner stop dog food up there knowing. they don't need to water the public transit of public schools they privatized their world and now they're letting our world collapse while they spend every one of our tax dollars on military next up there was a major voter's impression in the twenty sixteen presidential election meaning our election was not legit also heavily censored this year the d.n.c. claimed the right to select the presidential candidate and ignore what the voters want which means our twenty sixteen election was not legit also in the most sense or big data and dark money was behind the twenty sixteen election which means our twenty sixteen election was not legit. if i didn't know better i'd say the mainstream media doesn't want us to know that our election was not legit.
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and twenty third the supreme court got it a key provision of the voting rights act and sure enough suppression was rampant in the twenty sixteen election fourteen states including many southern states and swing states implemented new voting restrictions texas implemented a photo a photo id law that resulted in one of the lowest voter turnout in the country in north carolina over three hundred thousand registered voters lacked even one accepted form of id our election system is joke bigger than when you began when you when you jump out from behind the refrigerator naked just to scare the shit out of your roommate you know yeah. and then he's like ah and stabbed you in the heart with a fork and then and then if you believe. you should have seen your friends. you know who though. all three of these things the d.n.c.
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admitting in court they can rig the primary the voter suppression interstate cross-check and other techniques the use of big data by cambridge analytical owned by billionaire robert mercer one of trump's biggest donors all of those things people say well i why why do i care about their one one covered on t.v. but i actually did see all three of those on one show i think it was called redacted the night thanks thanks thanks easy easy those mothers are clearly russian trolls all right. the truth has a well known russian troll bias it does. as project censor pointed out cable news devoted thousands and hours to trump's absurd claim that the election was rigged against him while spending precious little time on the real threat that voters faced moving on to another story we covered every day acted antibiotic
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resistant super bugs threaten the health and foundations of modern medicine pharmaceutical companies that produce antibiotics are creating dangerous superbugs when their factories leak industrial waste superbugs are bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics pharmaceutical factories in china and india are releasing untreated waste fluid into local soils and waters i find that funny because untreated waste fluid is also my nickname for the corporate democrats so. we know that they don't have a backbone or a skeletal structure of any crime so so i figure that weighs fluid as a similar consistency whereas the republicans are kind of a standing walking on treated ways fluids at an estimated twenty five thousand people it sounds like a bad thing but. they're trying to pass
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a kidney stone just to get into the subway which we did to decrease the numbers in a hoverboard accidents are nearly racking up the totals we were all hoping for.


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