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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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turkey begins a military offensive in syria has an air to want to target the kurdish workers party and islamic state terror. meanwhile as the u.s. is roundly condemned for abandoning its kurdish allies in syria we'll look at whether the decision was somewhat predictable. also this hour 2 people are killed after numerous shootings in a german tons of hall and landsberg one of them reportedly outside a synagogue one suspect has been arrested earlier police had multiple arms were at large.
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and in ecuador violent anti austerity protests lead to the government relocating from the capital. you're watching arch international coming to live from the russian capital where it's just turned 7 pm welcome to the program. we start with breaking news the president of turkey has launched a military offensive in syria against kurdish groups and islamic state terrorists we're now joined live in the studio by arches either down of bring us the latest indeed this is anything but a surprise and you're absolutely right when you're saying kurdish groups and islamic state terrorists because turkey has been portraying this as something like an anti terrorist operation they have been threatening with it constantly repeatedly over and over again now this is how and here's how president of the gun
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talked about it. the turkish armed forces together with the syrian national omi just launched operation peace spring against p.k. k y p g and terrorists in northern syria a mission is to prevent the creation of a terror corridor or across our southern border and to bring peace to the area well so far we know about 2 towns that the airstrikes have been launched against this is the russell and teller towns and again it is not a coincidence that as peaky king in the y.p. g kurdish military groups in the same sentence in the same context as diversion islamic state this is how turkey how ankara has been portraying how it's easy to have these groups are designated terrorists so that's why it portrays the operation the way does it what kind of reaction have we seen from the kurds about that well obviously they're not happy about being branded as terrorists and they're saying
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that this whole operation is a disaster they're saying that civilians are being targeted and in fact the people in panic that people in those cities are in panic his the official statement by the as the f. . let's get. ready to confront and respond to all kinds of attacks that could be launched against a column on all minorities ethnic and religious groups to come together as one so and raise our voices against turkish attacks the young people have a great responsibility and role in confronting attacks by the turkish state. so still putting a brave face there even when confronted by such a powerful opponent as turkey and what ankara basically wants to do there it doesn't want any connections between the kurds in turkey and the kurds in syria so it's stablish ing and about 30 kilometer wide buffer zone just to prevent the kurds in syria from you know talking so to speak to the kurds in turkey and also they're
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aiming at evicting those people who are the residents of those towns ready residents in that buffer zone let's take a few steps back what has led up to the launch of this operation well apart from the general you know hatred from turkey towards the kurds and the kurdish rissa prostitutes who would ankara i should say the actions of the united states because the united states throughout the syrian war they have been saying they've been telling us that they are their biggest allies that they are their force on the ground they have been relying on the kurds heavily and the kurds have been counting that the united states won't let anything happen to them and very often united states troops they literally put their bodies between the turkish military and the kurdish military to prevent any bloodshed essentially what's happened now the choice of those 2 towns of russell and tell of it is no coincidence these are the
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exact 2 towns the united states with drew its troops from so essentially what you had the night i mean the kurds they even for instance trying to prevent the attack from happening the united states advised them. advised them they put down dismantle all their fortifications in the region so they did still there didn't help still the united states decided to withdraw its troops to allow turkey to move in the russian foreign minister for instance are. picked up on such behavior. it's hard to say what's wrong with america's actions in syria but they are riddled with contradictions and exhibit the impossibility of negotiating with washington donald trump claimed he would withdraw u.s. troops from syria and other countries but after taking office he's gone back on those promises and my guess is it will be the same this time around such a frivolous approach can aggravate tensions in the entire region and so must be
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avoided we've repeatedly told the us this thought it understood that nothing's changed and it seems even within the united states political establishment there has been little support to donald trump's decision to pull those troops out but sergei lavrov has mentioned the history there's well there's a long long history of the americans abandoning the kurds in fact they put together a report on just that so let's have a look. it seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned america's disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who united states is and then you're of losing the mandate of heaven this is crazy i. which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of
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president trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that it's been. and going on for more than half a century and hasn't been funny at all. in the fifty's and early sixty's the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim kasim eventually he was toppled by but the new ruler wasn't a big fan of the idea of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the united states. the kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 70s the u.s.
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was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was correctly supplying the minority with weapons once again pitching them against baghdad but then iraq and iran kissed and made up and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic guardian angel was watching idly even the americans at the time admitted that keeping their involvement under wraps was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting here in the context of covert action ours was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. fast forward to the eighty's and for the us it was the golden decade of big hair metallic amadan and m.t.v.
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for the kurds it was well just another decade of more u.s. betrayal in the late eighty's saddam hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to draw the wrath of the world's policeman but it was. still a long time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didn't go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. in 2003 it looked like the u.s. was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the united states or softening the purse contractors' spectacle
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of are inviting turks in to this war you're trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks before trial against betraying the kurds that is your point yeah surely your point is that because it betrayed them in the past we should betray them this time not that we should trust we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near you full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead a few more times both in iraq and syria. american traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the pumpkin patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the
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democrat or republican. across live now to security and political analyst. now we've already got reports of airstrikes on 2 to. in syria how do you see this operation unfolding. yes well this operation according to mr erdogan is the terrorist operation and however if it's anti terrorist it is not targeting it libya and there are so many terrorist groups in it live it's just targeting the east of the fret this so the objective is to actually. to actually you know attack the kurdish forces the the and actually consolidate the turkish position a military position in northern syria and and actually mr duggan was saying that this operation was to actually allow the refugees to return in the 30 kilometer
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buffer zone but the bombing the destruction of the war is not going to help for the return of the refugees the one of the main obstacles for the return of the refugees is that massive destruction in syria to the syrian infrastructure that is also there is also one important point i think that was supposed to restore law and order inside syria and protect the borders from any attacks as the city and legal government in damascus so therefore the syrian army should be the one who actually takes care of the security situation i think the turks haven't realized that yet they're taking advantage of the fact that the americans withdrew from the area to actually bomb the kurds and this is only going to create more bloodshed you know all and this this is all coming from the american confusion because it seems like mr the lover of said today the contradictions actually indicate that there's no clear strategy or policy for the americans i have said this on this program i think 6 months ago and we've been saying that all along and you know there is no strategy
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and that creates chaos and that chaos is dangerous for human lives and suffering and will actually lead to more destruction. well the syrian government consider this an invasion what sort of reaction do you expect to come from them. i think the sitting government considers this an incursion on its own territory it is there what legally speaking according to international law is the syrian government that supposed to do this job i think the turks went through really very far in in there a war in syria and their involvement in syria and we thought that perhaps by the turkish russian talks it would bring the turks back into a situation where they can control the border they can have a more secure border and that would come with that with the russian plan to actually you know talk to the sitting government and try to ease the year relations
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between the 2 nations the 2 neighboring nations however i think there's more to do and i think the russian foreign ministry has more to do on that level and that is why and i think the turks know this and that is why their operation and their military operation now in tel aviv and in the us the line is is still limited until this this point things can go out of hand but until now the operation is still limited it's a limited military operation and there is a lot of room for diplomacy there's a lot of room for a russian role from the russian foreign ministry to step in and can things down so that things don't escalate to a full fledged destruction as we have seen so many times in syria with the kurdish forces more last left high and dry by the u.s. today of hope of finding another ally in the site.
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i think it will be difficult to now at this point they are trying there were talks in the past 2 days that the turkish the turkish come to some kurdish groups have been trying to be in touch. with the syrian government in order to get its help in confronting the turkish army however these attempts are really not leading to any concrete outcome and i think it's going to be difficult they are in a difficult situation and i think you know that history repeats itself in so many parts of the world the united states has been to. get rid of its allies and leave them trapped in the middle of a war or the destruction regardless of the of the situation and this is another example of how the united states abandons its allies and leads them to die. now will donald trump obliterate turkey's economy as he promised on twitter.
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yes but i don't think i don't think anyone took that statement very seriously you see it's like the statement that he made before with the with north north korea when he called the president of north korea names that he's the rocket man and their words he said against iran also the terminology used this is sometimes a bit you know a bit extreme and it cannot be taken seriously on an international level when it comes to you know a kind of political level it's. his statement have been an embarrassment even for his own administration and you can see today i mean you know the day he made that strong statement perhaps to calm down the reactions from the room democratic and republican part on how could the united states abandon the curve for use this strong statement thinking that this would actually can thing down or could be a justified that italy action however i think it sounded very decus to anyone who
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follows international affairs of security and political analyst omar nashar by thank you for your time and your comments. 2 people are dead after multiple shootings in germany and we'll bring you more details on that after this short break. you know world big partisan. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the
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truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the flames. listen to the one percent. in the middle of the room 6. welcome back german police have reported 3 shootings 2 in the city of hall and one in landsberg some 15 kilometers away 2 people have been confirmed killed video of
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the suspected shooter has emerged in the german media showing the moment of one of the attacks one shooting occurred outside a synagogue and another at a shop there are also reports of a. they've been thrown at a jewish cemetery security measures have been increased at synagogues. politicians and leaders in germany have internationally expressed their condolences evangelise it's us reports as mentioned earlier 3 shootings have been reported by the police on wednesday afternoon and highly germany one took out of a synagogue the other at a local co-op shop and the other one about 15 kilometers away at a nearby town called landsberg it all happened at 1 pm local time around 1 pm local time when a man was said that he opened fire with a submachine gun to a crowd killing 2 and injuring many many others it is also believed that the threw a grenade at a jewish cemetery now according to eyewitnesses that were there they said that
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these men were wearing combat gear pretty much helmets bulletproof vests and they were carrying multiple weapons not the train station in holley the main train station in the city of a holiday is on lockdown at the moment police seeing that possible more than one suspects they have detained one but the believe that there are more and they are large and believe that they are heavily armed and their courage in everybody in the area and the nearby towns this they endorse since the the area is still on high alert and just the point out here today marks the holiest day in the jewish calendar your kit pour which pretty much means that all the people are gathered in spending more most of their times in the synagogues and this is actually comes after 18 other incident that took place in berlin earlier this month on october 4th there has been no casualties no people injured but the jewish
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communities have raised their concerned to local authorities of both today this upcoming holiday. chris philips former head of the u.k.'s national counterterrorism security office now it's the fact the attacks took place on the jewish holiday younker for could be significant. just one day a year that could have been chosen but of course it is a significant day we often see terrorist attacks take place on significant occasions religious occasions and i suppose you will soon find out who the suspect the people all that did this but the fact that a turkish bad job has been attacked as well tends to lend to this is probably some something of the right wing extremism and so it's on this well there's always a possibility of prevention but that comes from a good intelligence work and clearly does not always going to be successful the interesting point here is that synagogues do take security seriously and and i
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think the fact that they are. aware of the dangers that they face when there are a prayer accept are probably prevented the deaths of. thousands are protesting against austerity and of course capital for a 6 day earlier the government in quito relocated to the country 2nd city amid unrest and clashes was. to. have. the protests were triggered by the removal of fuel subsidies as part of a loan deal with the interment international monetary fund many of the demonstrators come from poor and indigenous communities across ecuador nicholas o'donovan reports from quito. yet another day of violent clashes between protesters
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and police forces here in ecuador what we've seen today is the indigenous communities thousands and thousands of people that came from different parts of ecuador here to the capital to protest there was a moment of tension when they stormed the national assembly the 1st few moments after that they were dispersed and we saw massive clashes between rioters and police we spoke to some of the people here and this is what they had to say let's take a listen if the government is a traitor and a lot of what we want is. not what you do not have power and we will ask it's going to be all we have and without and shane it means we're going to get rid of the traits that you will fight till the end if you could die like you will do what he will finally unity at least one person has died and there's been dozens of injured among protesters and police officers president moreno who is in quiet kill said that the violence was instigated by his predecessor rafael career and venezuelan
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president nicolas maduro the tyrant maturer has activated along with korea the destabilization plan. there the corrupt who have felled the food stamps of just disclose and then to make them they're the ones behind this attempted coup the target but this is the merino also said that he is willing to negotiate a solution to the crisis with the indigenous movement the government has also ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings insta t.j. can still ations the order prevents public access to these areas between 8 pm and 5 am local time while the national state of emergency remains the indigenous people that are protesting here very clear they won't move until lenin merino suspends the economic measures that hurt him so. much they say that will they will stay here they will protest and they will move.
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now to france where farmers in iran have been banned from selling their produce at after a major fire at a local chemical plant the farmers are now seeking compensation from the government . we've been affected by the cloud of smoke from the lubrizol fracturing at the moment we've suspended the junction in humvees to my vegetables because of this cloud because we can't tell you know what substances in the treated soil.
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is of listening to do the glaze they told us that there was no danger in the only light and there was a nice after i found a local governments to create banning all sales and commercialization of our food products in the specific zone. soft of the blaze a look results on september 26th i throw away between 10 and 1800 liters of milk every day where demanding that all losses related to lube results may be covered by the state or their insurance. that's a global news break down for this hour and that's all for me as well today but why not have it will be taking over at about 30 minutes thanks for tuning in where every maybe.
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oh why paradise with so much all year round turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know. that these chemicals have consequences they are major here to there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in the day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental races going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power.
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in the age of trump what has happened to journalistic standards and competence in the media not long ago it was generally agreed that politics was the art of the possible now one news narrative must prevail and all others must be vanquished does this state of affairs serve the public interest. ratings and sell you taste. when it comes to u.s. born multinational corporate giants there are very few that can come close to general electric or g.e. on that truly iconic scale 1st incorporated back in $892.00 of the result of a massive merger between the thompson houston electric company and the edison general electric company is and yes thomas edison the inventor and businessman by
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896 general electric was one of the founding 12 companies that made up the newly created dow jones industrial average g.e. is the only one of those 12 that is actually still in business today and what a business and it's $127.00. your history g.e. has had its hand in everything from light bulbs x. rays refrigerators to televisions to commercial jet engines nuclear power plants military contracts even films and television production one of at one time an owned and b c universal which is why many are now how shall we say concern over the cracks that have developed in g.e.'s now of bappa rating profits in recent years cracks that have led general electric sheep executive larry culp to start freezing its pension plan for about $20000.00 u.s. workers and offering pension buyouts to $100000.00 former employees as the conglomerate joins the ranks of u.s. companies basing out
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a guaranteed retirement and while bad business decisions and corporate belt tightening are being taken out on retire on the retirement of g.e.'s workers their c.e.o.'s well in a they're still doing quite well not only did g.e. shell out a $10000000.00 golden parachute to its last c.e.o. the new c.e.o. mr culp's new 4 year deal signed just a year ago could net him as much as $21000000.00 a year my friends i think it's safe to say that it's a good time to start watching the hawks. it's. like you know that i got.


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