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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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it all goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. turkey begins a military offensive in syria president says it targets the kurdish workers party and islamic state terrorists. as the united states is roundly condemned for abandoning its kurdish allies in syria and we look at whether the decision was predictable. people have been killed after numerous shootings in the german towns of holland and landsberg one of them reportedly outside a synagogue one suspect has been arrested police said multiple suspects were 'd at large. i.
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found in ecuador violent anti austerity protests lead to the government relocating from the capital. great to have you with us this is r.t. international. the president of turkey has lost the military offensive in syria against kurdish groups and islamic state terrorists the airstrikes were reportedly launched on 2 towns in northern syria. amid a son witnessed the assault. how do you know the nearest. from here i can hear turkish fighter jets flying behind my back i just got an urgent message that the eastern part of the town of commish lee was attacked 3 mortar shells by turkish artillery are full of here near. locals very concerned about what's happening it's
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quite possible that civilians will start leaving this area it's expected that thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of civilians may flee so the operation by turkey has in the begun but no concrete action is being taken by the international coalition or syrian democratic portables. operation peace spring was announced earlier in the week after the u.s. pulled out of syria michael exactly virga discuss the implications with r.t. using a standoff. turkey has been portraying this as something like an anti terrorist operation they have been threatening with it constantly repeatedly over and over again now this is has finally happened and here's how president talked about it the turkish forces together with the syrian national just launched operation peace spring against p.k. k y p g and terrorists in northern syria a mission is to prevent the creation of
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a terror corridor or across our southern border and to bring peace to the area well so far we know about 2 towns that the airstrikes have been launched against this is the russell. towns and again it is not a coincidence that. the y.p. gee kurdish military groups in the same sentence in the same context as islamic state these groups are designated terrorists so that's why it portrays the operation the way does it what kind of reaction have we seen from the kurds about that well obviously they're not happy about being branded as terrorists and they're saying that this whole. all operation is a disaster there is saying that civilians are being targeted and found that people in panic the people in those cities are in panic here is the official statement by the lead get. ready to confront and respond to all kinds of attacks that could be
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launched against the column on our minorities africans religious groups to come together as one soul and raise our voices against turkish attacks the young people have a great responsibility and role in confronting attacks by the turkish state but ankara basically wants to do there it doesn't want any connections between the kurds in turkey and the kurds in syria so it aims at establishing and about 30 kilometer wide buffer zone just to prevent the kurds in syria from you know talking so to speak to the kurds in turkey and also they're aiming at evicting those people who are the residents of those towns read residence in that buffer zone let's take a few steps back what has led up to the launch of this operation well apart from the general you know hatred from turkey towards the kurds in the kurdish recent prosody towards ankara i should say the actions of the united states because the united states throughout the syrian war they have been saying they've been telling
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the kurds that they are their biggest allies that they are their force on the ground they have been relying on the kurds heavily and the kurds have been counting that the united states won't let anything happen to them and very often united states troops the literally put their bodies between the turkish military and the kurdish military to prevent any bloodshed essentially what's happened now the choice of those 2 towns of russell and tell of it is no coincidence these are the exact 2 towns the united states with drew its troops from the kurds they even for instance trying to prevent the attack from happening in the united states. advised them advised them they put down dismantle all their fortifications in the region so they did still there didn't help still the united states decided to withdraw its troops to allow turkey to move in the russian foreign minister for instance or. picked up on such behavior superheroes it's hard to say what's wrong
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with america's actions in syria but they are riddled with contradictions and exhibit the impossibility of negotiating with washington donald trump claimed he would withdraw u.s. troops from syria and other countries but after taking office he's gone back on those promises and my guess is it will be the same this time around such a frivolous approach can aggravate tensions in the entire region and so must be avoided we've repeatedly told the us this thought it understood that nothing's changed and it seems even within the united states political establishment there has been little suppose to go from the decision to pull those troops out but. as mentioned history of as well there's a long long history of the americans abandoning the kurds in fact they put together a report on just that so let's have a look it seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened
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a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned america's disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who united states is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven this is crazy i. which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of president trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that it's been going on for more. more than half a century and hasn't been funny at all. in the fifties and early sixties the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim costs him eventually he was toppled by but the new ruler was in
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a big fan of idea of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the united states. the kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 70s the us was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was correctly supplying the minority with weapons once again pitching them against baghdad but then iraq and iran kissed and made up and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic guardian angel was watching idly even the americans at the time admitted that keeping their involvement under wraps was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting
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here in the context of covert action ours was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. fast forward to the eighty's and for the us it was the golden decade of big hair metallica madonna and m.t.v. for the kurds it was well just another decade of more u.s. betrayal in the late eighty's saddam hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to draw the wrath of the world's policeman but it was still a long time. time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didn't go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. in 2003 it looked
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like the u.s. was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the united states or softening the person contractors' spectacle of are inviting turks in to this war you're trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks before trial against betraying the kurds that is your point yes surely your point isn't that because it betrayed them in the past we should betray the list type not that we should just we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near you full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead
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a few more times both in iraq and syria. american traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the pumpkin patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the democrat or republican. international affairs cover jonathan steele joins me live on the line and good evening jonathan the release of that report was that the united states betrayed the kurds do you do you agree with that if so why would they do that. well i think that if you will trump feels he wants to get out of the middle east he says we don't want any more stupid foreign wars initially used he hasn't thought through the consequences and as people have been pointing out in washington and elsewhere it is
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a terrible betrayal of the kurds who fought so hard and violently against isis losing about 11000 of their people in the battle to liberate the country from isis . as i understand turkey's claiming that their actions it's carrying out now are to essentially create a safe zone it's in their own national interest to believe their claims well they want to suppress the one p.g. the armed wing of the kurdish democratic movements in northern syria and they want to using this pretext to come in because they've shown no old terrorists in fact you know us refuses to accept the north east and syrian codes are terrorist and nobody else does except to turkey if turkey is coming into syrian territory with large numbers of troops if they cross the border and as i understand they're amassed on it at the moment. where does that leave them legally it is others that a land grab is that an annexation of some syrian territory how would you assess it
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. it is a land grab and an extension to some tentative gun trade we have to remember so you know last year the russians also betrayed you kurds because in the region of africa in which the russians had people on the border troops on the border were backing as a buffer zone between the turks and by p.g. codes they decided to change policy in russia to search engine policy in the turks invented there so we have an unfortunate president quite recently of turkey invading syria and nobody doing much about it. where is this going to leave islamic state as i understand there are still some forces i understand that some of the kurdish forces actually holding the isis prisoners they're the ones actually responsible for sort of keeping them under control what happens to isis well that's certainly true as the russian joke is the currents are acting as the guards of these camps and they say is that if the turks come in and force in the whole region
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they'll have to move some of those guards to fight the battle against the turks and therefore there will be a good chance to do a lot of these isis people tens of thousands of them including women and children who escaped and the men will be able to resume their struggle against all comers including the outside regime western forces and everybody else just one people at home probably thought maybe things are starting to slightly improve it seems like that they're absolutely not how would you assess the situation out under stability that things get worse. well that's the thing the should have happened rend jump 1st it expressed a wish to pull out last december was that the coach should have started serious negotiations with the asset government in damascus and allowed syrian forces to come out and protect the border against turkey and make an accommodation between the kurds and the syrian government on fortune is the united states was against an urge to coast successfully as it turns out not to make any deal with them so therefore now the kurds have found their failure to deal with our side is costume
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very dear to other fascinated speak to appreciate it on top of the still international affairs commentator thank you. german interior minister horst c. hoffa has described the shootings around the city of hama as an anti semitic attack 2 people have been confirmed killed the 27 year old shooter allegedly showed in this video the moment of one attack is now being arrested while shooting occurred outside a synagogue another at a kebab shop the also reports of a grenade being thrown at the jewish cemetery police have now reduce the threat level but still warn locals to be careful politicians and leaders in germany as well as internationally have expressed their condolences the details his evangelise it's us. as mentioned earlier 3 shootings have been reported by the police on wednesday afternoon and highly germany one took side of a synagogue the other at
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a local co-op shop and the other one about 15 kilometers away at a nearby town called landsberg it all happened at 1 pm local time around 1 pm local time when a man was said that he opened fire with a submachine gun to a crowd killing 2 and injuring many many others it is also believed that the threw a grenade at the jewish cemetery now according to eyewitnesses that were there they said that these men were wearing combat gear pretty much helmets bulletproof vests and they were carrying multiple weapons not the train station in holly the main train station in the city of a holiday is on lockdown at the moment police seeing of that possible more than one suspects they have detained one but the believe that there are more and they are at large and believe that they are heavily armed and their courage in everybody in the area and the nearby towns this they endorse since the the area is
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still on high alert and just the point out here today marks the holiest day in the jewish calendar your kit pour which. pretty much means that all the people are gathered in spending more most of their times in the the synagogues and this is actually comes after a nother incident that took place in berlin earlier this month on october 4th there has been no casualties no people injured but the jewish communities have raised their concerned to local authorities about today this upcoming holiday on the shoes of streamed his attack on the twitch platform heel so used an anti semitic slur in a video posted prior to the incident chris phillips former head of the u.k.'s national counter-terrorism security office says the fact that the attacks took place on the jewish holiday could be significant. just one day a year that could have been chosen but of course it is a significant day we often see terrorist attacks take place on significant
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occasions religious occasions and i suppose we'll soon find out who the suspects people all that did this but right now the issue about joe has been attacked as well tends to lend to this is probably some something of the right wing extremism and so on this well there's always the possibility of prevention but that comes from good intelligence work and clearly does not always going to be successful and the interesting point here is that synagogues do take security seriously and and i think the fact that they are. and aware of the dangers that they face when there are rare except are probably prevented lots of deaths. ok let's bring in live pictures now this is the scene in the capital of ecuador where thousands of people are currently protesting against austerity for a 6th day in
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a row earlier the government in quito relocated to the country's 2nd city amid unrest and clashes. yet another day of violent clashes between protesters and police forces here in ecuador what we've seen today is the indigenous communities thousands and thousands of people that came from different parts of the door here to the capital to protest there was a moment of tension when they stormed the national assembly for a few moments after that they were dispersed and we saw massive clashes between rioters and police we spoke to some of the people here this is what they had to say let's take a listen it will be the government it is a traitor and a line of what we want is good not that i do not have power and we will ask it only but all we have with the. we're going to get rid of the treats and we will fight to the end we could die like you although we will fight still unity at least one
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person has died and there's been dozens of injured among protesters and police officers president moreno who is in quiet kill said that the violence was instigated by his predecessor rafael career and venezuelan president nicolas maduro the tyrant madeira has activated along with korea the destabilization plan. there the corrupt who have felled the food stamps of just disclosing the to make them they're the ones behind this attempted coup to target but it is that marino also said that he is willing to negotiate a solution to the crisis with the indigenous movement the government has also ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings insta t.j. can still ations the order prevents public access to these areas between 8 pm and 5 am local time while the national state of emergency remains the indigenous people
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that are protesting here very clear they won't move until lenin merino suspends the economic measures that hurt him so much they say that will they will stay here they will protest and they were. well they said they will move and you can see here they have not indeed moved there protesting for a 6 day in a row protests that were triggered by the removal of fuel subsidies as part of a loan deal with the international monetary fund many of the demonstrators that you're seeing on your screens come from poor and indigenous communities across africa. forces justice ministry has classified a prominent anti corruption nongovernmental organization as a foreign agent secret was founded by opposition figurehead alexina valley. during the chink of the foundations and to fifty's the russian ministry of justice that it performs the functions of a foreign agent
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a foreign agent is basically any organization that receives money from a private citizen or an organization located abroad and acts within the political interests of its benefactor within the russian federation now foreign agents face more audit's than regular n.g.o.s and they're supposed to declare on all official statements their status as a foreign agent now the anti corruption foundation itself is a nonprofit based in moscow and it was founded by opposition figure like say novell me one of their investigations involved a yacht party with a russian all of dark politician and some ass court ladies another looked into corruption charges corruption allegations involving prime minister dmitri medvedev but where do they get all the money from this their website it says that they get it from individual donations but back in august they were actually suspected of money laundering 1000000000 rubles and investigators say that the organization received the sum in foreign currencies between 20162018 transfer that money from
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a.t.m.'s into the russian bank accounts now why was it illegal because they didn't declare their status as a foreign agency which is what has been the law in russia since july 2012 now the investigation is still going on but we don't have confirmation that it's necessarily connected to the justice ministry statement and the ministry also has not actually specified why they put in of all these organization on the list of foreign agents now we do have reactions from the foundations director as well as from the vali himself on social media they both claim that their organizations do not receive any foreign money and that they're entirely funded by donations from russian citizens involved even said that it was volodymyr putin himself who gave the order. or for his organization to be put on this list of foreign agencies so what we're waiting for now is any sort of response from the ministry of justice to
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these heavy accusations. funny let's head to france where farmers in rwanda been banned from selling their produce that's after a major fire at a local chemical plant the farmers in are seeking compensation from the government . the idea we've been affected by the cloud of smoke from the lubrizol fracturing at the moment we've suspended the production harvey system of vegetables because of this cloud because we don't know what substances infiltrated the soil. is a list of the day of the blaze they told us that there was no danger and that all would
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be fine and there was no problem and pretty soon after i found a local governments to carry banning all sales and the commercialization of our food products in the specific so. you could i saw after the blaze a look results about i'm a 26 i throw the way between 10 and 1800 liters of milk every day where demanding that a loss is related to the lubrizol so he'll be covered by the states or their insurance . ok appreciate you company this evening this is all to the international updates coming your way in half an hour.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to be. actually going to be pros it's like them before 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of our. city mall.
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time after time see we're going underground 48 hours ahead of an extradition to the united states hearing to decide the future of the world's most famous publisher wiki leaks is julian assange coming up on the show as hundreds or rest of the that could all protesting the regime of the man who julian assange on job in the u.k. authorities then in marino we speak to the country's revolutionary former president rafael correa the 1st granted the wiki leaks founder asylum and is on his father john shipped an appeal to boris johnson to support international law for his visit to the u.n. condemned supermax prison in london where his son is being held in solitary plus will u.k. labor leader jeremy corbyn do the double and again stop the conservative party from getting a majority in imminent general election all this it will go in today's going on the ground a 1st today 52 years ago the cia helped to make a man from latin america immortal. meaning.
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you don't need our. you know i see. to me how i like. this is what che guevara's brother one team told us about the assassination the cia but it was the believing execute the assassination. was in charge. it was the army general in bolivia the cia was directing it it was the believe in me to actually carried it. we only learned about it lights because what was being said at the time was that he died in combat and not. today che guevara's image flies on a 1000 flags and banners from those of the protesting president and fronts to those fighting climate change in britain and then in marino in ecuador uniting them all his opposition to washington imperialism and know that imperialism takes center
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stage here in britain because of a killing near us massive alien space 70 miles from london we're going to begin with a deadly car crash in england that has led to a diplomatic standoff with the u.s. every dawn was struck and killed in august and police say they were about to arrest a u.s. diplomats wife in the case but that american was allowed to leave britain under diplomatic immunity so what goes on at the pentagon controlled area base near where the former u.s. state department sansa coolest married to a washington spy killed british teenager harry done well and with snowden documents suggest the drone communication base already if crowton was crucial in president obama's illegal surveillance program president obama is doing some major international damage control after news that the n.s.a. has been spying in france mexico and brazil and now germany may be on that list as well german chancellor angela merkel says it would be quote a serious breach of trust if u.s. intelligence targeted her cell phone she complained about it yesterday to president
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obama himself he told her the u.s. is not monitoring and. will not monitor her phone did obama lied did he break the law when his agents brought down an airliner and visited edward snowden who turned to wiki leaks for help before being granted asylum in moscow well wiki leaks founder julian assange just still alive as he faces extradition to the usa in a hearing in london on friday for revealing war crimes will speak to julian assange his father john chipped in and bought 2 but joining me now via skype from brussels is the president who gave asylum to julian assange former president thanks for coming on the show let's just begin before julian as does to what is happening in ecuador there in marino your successor accuses you of an attempted coup in ecuador we're getting reports of 3 oil field seized 12 percent of ecuador an oil output hit and he himself has fled the capital. thank you very much for this opportunity and for letting me tell you for the world.


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