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tv   Cross Talk  RT  October 14, 2019 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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well trump's rhetoric we should also be a bit cautious with you similar well he's told his treasury department you know prepare for it we're also told north korea they should expect fire and theory about you know a few weeks later expressing you know how they fell in love so it is you know he does go a bit back and forth now but it is interesting with nato you know states nato or us nato because at the moment we have turkey wanting to self according to this emerging distribution of power which means they don't necessarily want to only align with with the u.s. or russia or or iran or china and when they want to be a little can you can you play their game with the other side they need to and that would be unique and i think nato would have to adapt a bit because. throughout the bipolar and you know polar air you need us man to align with the united states and you know you're fall in line i think at the moment we're going to have to accept
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a bit more deviations because turkey will it demands to pursue its turkey 1st so it's a national interest to me like a little bit pregnant it's not. particularly. because it's only a military audience with members of different enemies for instance or for the french people the enemy is people killing in the streets of paris for the bolan for the polish the enemy is supposed to be russia as well for the for the greeks for the. and for the government the enemy of the so it's not a military alliance to be to be honest it's a political audience it's a way we're using used by washington to control to politically reside the they really do need to get down to the 2nd most powerful military in nato which is to and they don't want to play the same. soon then. there's something
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going on in the alliance you're going things that can get out i don't think you can . just add to some past here it's not just 2 members of the same alliance these are 2 countries that tried to destroy the syrian government just dream isn't you know and i can quote you had a line from the washington post from 2012 when turkish fighter jet was dumped by the syrian air force. one syria against approaching the border with turkey draws defiance from our site so at the moment nato was all on the side of turkey. they said stupid things like syria may make an aggression against to syria which was in the red just over civil war you know a country blinded by the by the walk brought from old sight they expected it to attempt to and who is now who is now taking that cooks who are the bad dates free
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syrian army know the turks have renamed it cream national on the just read the papers you know make it internet search of new york times and the washington post they were the movie guys that i read only look at anywhere to happen here again when we look at the the us in turkey and with each other in syria it's still a self. defense ok you come it's mutual defense what happens what happens if something happens in the in the syria gets involved in this parley here are they going to invoke article 5 do you think any other member of nato is going to come to turkey's aid that's what i mean it's not going to change it's either one way or another you could argue that this is to some extent an evidence that they have reached a bit of a compromise because it's hard to talk about america withdrawing but they haven't actually withdrawn from syria they're just pulling out and opening up for a turkish invasion or to going to want us to use the word were words have meaning
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and from the perspective of syria it is an invasion use the word right i would agree that they are entering a foreign territory that it's an invasion no one invited them so but obviously the americans gave while on the trampoline. green light. green light so pulling back so the turks who come in so it looks like there is some attempts to to harmonize the interest that were crazy. just be harmony can you keep it under control everything about the syrian conflict else you can really hear and started to solve it they will ever know you know the turks have crossed the border then they support the rebellion not only the turks but the united states the european union everyone and also the want that van be the terrorists are going to threaten these countries and indeed you know in turkey there were several more terrorist attacks in 2015 so. a gun is seen turkey's fate in the terrorist danger he is not so far from the truth
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you know hundreds of somebody but. here is danger. to the point is we needed the army to fight against isis or to fight against islamist it's because we don't want to send some in fun to read. we send some support to send some of our teary i mean for fun for special forces but as long as the west want to continue i'm sorry in very least words they need to use in infantry and the problem in the in the western narrative. people we're supposed to rise again. and what is this point is that there are people are. we need an infantry to fight the monsters we created i mean the islamists on the west although it's on the east and this time we needed the issue in front of me to be and to be honest and the point is any serious expert 4 years ago when we started to work with these people
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everybody perfectly knew that. for countries having these people inside we agree to this truism as they used to do the last century so there is no surprise and i'm going to get well again. only to quote quote unquote abandoning the turks know the turks made a bad historical decision again demijohn yeah well i mean i would remind you. that basically is who started the whole war this is the point that trump made which made all of that mass media all the mainstream media angry but you said this is all because of obama well yes of course course start the war in 20112012 of course not only obama it was also the european union but remember nouri al maliki at that that the iraqi prime minister he said the war would speak to iraq you know there is what mr operated on also in iraq and the american media was dismissive he is
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a car but he is arse of stooge when the ice is started to parade in syria and in iraq and they never apologized you know they never agreed that basically what i also said that there is that they can other countries was true what nobody had money that was spinning or were to iraq was true and now you know i don't cotton to you there was the cooks and the syrians syrians to clear all the growled casualty in the previous fight against the kind of fight why would they do so again after trump abandoned them against the turks and the quote the question is here. is any bands in syria against the thing as well as the train left the station can the kurds in the syrian government come to terms because over the last couple weeks the number of experts in the decision is split what do you think went well i think the kurds less of an option of this i think there would be if they had more here more
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leverage not too long ago now they have only given it up so. difficult to predict because it's too many uncertain variables but i do think that the turks and the kurds on their greater pressure now to kind of. closer towards the syrian government. have to abandon the united states because that's the that's it ok you have to choose well if you start really into the syrian government. guess would hope would. before the mosque is an opera to sit down and the kurds who would be negotiated. through the down agreement of $98.00 i think that would be the main format to resolve this issue so yes i think if that happens the u.s. would have to be squeezed a bit out of it however as i mentioned the americans have actually left syrian territory so there might they're still searching for that mission in syria the exact in my opinion there will be some revenge against a goodish people because look at what happened. in the west use the.
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fighters to take up city and they completely destroy it and so in my opinion and again which was to happen that the arab living in. or in jena soon as they will see that the fighters we lived were living it would be it would be a bug but time for the for the good people you mentioned in one minute you are going to mean that main point for me is that their western narrative fiscal action the kurds are afraid of turkey then they're afraid of us that we've been told all these years that are so these are the worst and now he turns out that kurds are more afraid of turkey which used to be a key element in the west and also want to get us out and you know aragon in 2012 when he was prepared an invasion because of that fight that was down everyone said i'm not giving weapons to the rebels but i will for all possible support to liberate the syrians from dictatorship and of court and then the west will support
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if yes he wants to leverage syria from dictatorship now they're saying arrogantly is a liar are going to dictate that when did he become our the good thing is that on this program with you gentlemen we have a sense of memory and a sense of history we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion of the real news day with r.t. . when i almost choked saw seemed wrong all right old quotes just don't all. get to shape out just a few comes to advocate and in the game equals betrayal. once on a find themselves worlds apart. she still look for common ground. the
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world is driven by dreamers shaped by the 3rd person or those with. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. because the slogan see the blue of them so moving. to good use who've looked for was before. much of those who heard it's a preview it was you who use to see him we will. we will we'll.
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move. move in with a. little show you this look beautiful little girl meets those who look really good. move muslim also his girls will review films for go good girls. go to shows look what do you do seem you believe excluding you should go. to starbucks to order some to go to new. it was then that of the must see of the it is it's. not a test just move it's a mash. up the president on it's control is perfect until. you have petitions to go to sleep or come up when you will because that is the cousin with you for his supporters to whom she shouldn't be you should cook door for one
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who's devoted to the. welcome back across the uk or all things are considered i'm peter lavelle remind you we're discussing some real news. ok let me go back to glenn here and stay with the turkey u.s. syria story here its foreign and military adventures we have learned over the last couple decades they're easy to get started ok the law of unintended consequences are always in play but when you're putting in your troops are not thinking about what could go wrong what could go wrong for turkey with their ex their escapade in
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northern syria do they plan to stay or will it's harder their their their strategy or goal posts are changed over the over the long. long years of this war so i think at the moment their ideal scenario i guess if they could do what they want will would be to cleanse out the border regions of were turned so innocent by irene either you member is going to commit ethnic cleansing and no one's going to stop and there possibly be. even repopulated with syrian refugees within their literal go there yeah no it's well again it's not a well thought through plan you can live very thank you that was the point of the question but i want to be surprised if we would have indies. on this site with an equipment between between a. lot of work and you know i took the. tens tense years ago between affairs and i saw.
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that there was a really. if you look at the reaction of the russian reaction refused to vote against. the u.n. and if you look at. the take takes. i wouldn't be surprised if there is already an agreement on the buffer zone and so that there's if you were to use the monopoly game is the as an analogy that's to get out of jail free card. we just heard about russia's possible involvement you're going to be putin speaking to arab media all foreign powers should leave syria russia would like to do exactly the same thing it's not an open ended commitment where i think this would be their ideal solution about but also russia pushing for the renewable the 1998 agreement between turkey and syria the question is how is
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this possible if i'm sorry let's call a spade a spade or a gun try to kill us they have our friends they've they spent together syrian and turkish cabinet you know just you were killed during meetings you know in the. state of the states are called monsters. you know i just can't imagine how after everything that they can return to business as usual but that may. you know business as usual the i'm a bit you know it's how you open hostilities i'll take that any day of the week. but also you know there was a very good article in the american conservative about the u.s. house elyse by daniel works and then let me just call it very quickly the border issue for you what happens when the u.s. commits to unnecessary and unwinnable wars and gives local partners on reasonable expectations support and protection well basically this is. x.
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they get into a country they don't understand why you created russia or syria and turkey the produce call that if you rise up against you know. you're going to get support from these we are the reasons you will walk and then they just retreat and we come out and i think. some of that tragedy let me remind you that no one talked about and i think greenstick in 2015 but here we're very close to extinction they were in a war speech and the kurds are you know now what they're talking about the courts please. if you are still a kurd if it hit him in the face go ahead you know we'll just do think turkey will have a lot of incentives to be more measured in this military and they should know because well 1st of all the whole region is supportive of this they're all of it having very bad relations with the e.u. and the u.s. over this but possibly more importantly if they go too hard and neglect it will
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fail to coordinate that listen a little bit with the syrian government they would not just some problem between our southern end of the month you would also have a problem with russia and iran and if you want to have a if you want a settlement of the day it's you know you need to talk to moscow and tear on like you do the former so i think that's the main reason why i'm going to have to sit with assad and they have to sort out the kurdish issues problems without $99.00 going to promise. but moving assert the west in the beginning has no political plan if you remember 5 years ago when they start to we involved politically lead peace plan and plan which work no i couldn't agree more that if there was one to find peace solution in syria they need to talk to russia and. if the west wants peace in syria that is you look i am not the idea i haven't heard much about that
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i want to switch gears just real quickly here i don't want to go into them around called american domestic politics but you know it much to my mind donald trump will be impeached he will not be removed but he will be impeached by the democratic congress i decided fact american foreign policy well again they should call the show on predictability cause it's very difficult to so many variables in their well does anybody want to call him well i think i'll know although that i think probably 3 major areas one will be there did they think they're going to isolate the us within i notice this but they're also going to isolate the united states in international affairs and i think from trump we're going to see possibly more brazen foreign policy because he would have he would really need in order to win the election under pietschmann he would need some big win and want to win means does it mean striking a trade deal with. china being a peacemaker or. he can go both ways yes yeah it's very unpredictable. i mean this speech he made or 2 days ago said something very true
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we know to discuss with any u.s. president as long as you know that maybe in. all the discussion will be published on the on the newspaper so i totally the democrats know they're destroying the destroying the u.s. foreign policy but you willing to destroy trying to complete this. stupid and. there is a very interesting insight that if trump to publish the commiseration resiliency it means that he doesn't care of ukraine because in my opinion you will. refuse to publish any conversation with putin with the chinese or. anything like that or do i but even from the outside from the outside looking in i mean i think it's a fair assessment the intelligence community is undermining this president and everybody
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knows that ok i mean if you look at russia again ukraine where it all comes from the intelligence community here so i mean donald trump is a toxic character on the world stage at this point in time i mean in portland is going on with north korea. regarding iran and all these things are own resolve they need to be resolved i agree with agree with glenn i mean he could be a master art of the deal and pull a rabbit out of the house and be a peace maker but it looks like the intelligence community and the democrats in the media don't want him to do that well let me be very clear about that i have a strong one for trump but i want him to stay in power simply because he is the 1st president in the last 30 years of us history who did not start a big war yet during the. going to. skeptical i'm sorry i mean the reason why i start that i think. because he's checkmate it
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you know the united states starts wars when there is a consensus in the lead that they need to take a certain country that was the case with iraq that was the case with going to stand with libya and in that sense election in 2016 will stick a ball for the united states it destroyed the tuition of elections sides especially the democrats used a very nasty greeks you know they destroyed the we're going to learn about more of those tricksters or yes but. but the drop was checkmate that the congress and the media which has enormous but when the united states the didn't want him to become a we you know run if you want to start a war in iran iran would be in shambles no they would go with the middle east the same story i'm sure in this situation i want him to stay not because i like him personally but because the street tension inside us meaning. it won't be because this is a real world alone you know there's
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a reason why i don't want that you would be in union to speak with one voice i think it's stupid you know what russia says we want the european union to speak with one voice they will be able to resist the united states not the europe spoke with one voice on the keyboard and the other in a portable meaning even though he was working with one voice it there is that cleansing in northern syria i just want to mention with the trump impeachment is the domestic component is interesting though because this is a massive massive gamble on the democrat side because yes on one hand this might discredit trump enough for you know the american so essentially take a step back saying oh this is too messy we can't walk for him again however it can also be seen in a very different way that is trompe position itself he won the election essentially as being this populist leader going against establishment because a supplement of divorce themselves too far from the public now since he got elected they tried to take him down with this russia hopes that in the work in the using the this ukraine thing so it could appear. not to defeating at the ballot box but
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rather using this appeasement it looks like there it looks like the trying to use various means through legal means if you're a decision to be to make you know they're listening to me you know what it looks like to me you know you could look at these forced regime changes around the world particularly since the end of the cold war regime change that game plan has come to america you know if this is what they're having their own my god right now yes. the last 3 years the rich. because when i was elected as i started. in the gate against him it failed some months ago after. collapsing your movement as report and just want to go on with. getting on a given it was but it's taken on a momentum of its own i mean i think i've said this before on this program is that you know in russia gate there wasn't much russia but in ukraine gate there's a lot of trade and it is a lot of republicans and there's
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a lot of democrats that are using to use it very so use. because if you look at. report. fired by biden he made a statement to what exactly happened it's very bad for biden well you know the media just isn't interested in that you know i don't know i would like to work ok you know 150 grand i'm going to have to go to think about oil and gas i'm going to language i don't even have to live there i'm somebody that was just the team for their eyes but if you guys heard last word of the program thanks and i guess here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r.t. see you next time and remember across liberals. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of
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the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see of them. what politicians do. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to. have to go right. to be close this is like the full story in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the wilds of our. first city. in a world of big partisan through things a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that
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mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. will make this manufactured consensus to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. to leave the room the real news room.
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you really get the. feel to moan so somebody needs to step. up and they did so. that's. scientists let. the official moves to switch from the phone. call photo on the phone to. call. a.
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thinking of getting a new phone the ones we got in our ships no problem was he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired punch you don't need a crate with him he will just. freaking out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near. breeding dogs and caged in in 2 main conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the founder nothing they have no protection. particularly you. get to kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like agoa mom santa there has been
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a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. president vladimir putin meets with saudi arabia's leadership on a highly anticipate. state visit is 1st to the gulf since 2007 we are there to follow the events as well. bosco is bringing plenty of prizes which include russia movies are dreams and everyone is sure that the homes have plenty of surprises ready for mr burton and co but for now what that will be has remained a secret. also this hour of video obtained by our roughly agency it shows the syrian army entering.


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