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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  October 20, 2019 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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forces the establishment in america believes that the united states actually by betraying. actually is giving a very bad message to its allies in the region. this is something not good for america blossoming don't look at the united states if it withdraws from syria it will not be party to this conflict anymore it will not have any leverage and the syrian conflict and some actually also see that russia is winning in this case because america is actually pulling out so that something of the gun is actually dealing with 2 different americas this is actually what makes his position very very difficult and this is what mixed actually the thrust also with the united states is very low now as we are recording this program on friday afternoon and there are already news coming in that at least in one like this suppose that cease fire has been breached and that there are there are direct military confrontation between the turkish military and some of the kurdish groups speech leads me to my next question as part of the deal struck last thursday the kurdish military units
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they why b.g. have to withdraw to at least 80 kilometers from the turkish border i think americans really in the position to even promise a lot alone deliver on that given that the kurds have already struck a deal with the syrian government this is a very good question my binion why because right now the cuz actually they don't have on the one hand and trust in the americans who have already betrayed them this is what they think and on the other hand i believe the leverage of the united states of what the kurds since they abandoned them is becoming actually smaller and smaller with time and i think we have russia we have the syrian regime actually have strengthened their position even further because of the of this u.s. policy towards the cause and now actually and my opinion the kurds would be better lying more. on the syrian regime in order to confront turkey even if they because. we all know actually even if they withdraw the 32 kilometers
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i think this will not solve the problem why because the kids will always see and see a democratic forces as a threat to national security because they see it as very much the antithesis of the turkish. security interests and security foreign policy so i think here russia on the syrian regime will be playing maybe a very important role in this whole equation between turkey united states and the now these 32 kilometer deep strads is conventionally referred to as a save zone but i think it's now abundantly clear that it's not to save zones for civilians asked some may have naively assumed but it's supposed to be and it was from the very beginning intended as a save zone for turkey and it's just interests can turkey be saved without this agreement being explicitly in-doors by the syrians and by the russians and what are the chances of that happening no i don't see that turkey will be saved without some
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sort of coordination. between moscow and maybe also or damascus and this is something that shines are trying to work out we all know that president putin the russian government has already expressed their readiness to. between turkey and syria an order to revive the accord of the other an accord in fact of 1998 which actually. did its security on the borders between the 2 countries between the 2 that were government so i think i think one point and this is something i believe turkey is not actually acting outright right now because i believe turkey sees merely the syria democratic process as a threatening to its national security so turkey wouldn't be. if the syrian regime . come very close to controlling the borders because we have seen but as the end of the gun the action to the accession on. the syrian regime forces to members for
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example of why not a program but so i don't see turkey actually rejecting the idea of maybe that the syrian regime come make a comeback and control part of the board does that what they really want is actually to push the cause on to the region that is the only the main concern of this at this point you just mentioned the syrian army moving ever closer. is only 17 kilometers away from the turkish border and i'm sure these push to regain the territory on the part of the syrian military will continue regardless of any agreement between the turks and the americans it looks like damascus is actually the main badasses sherry of this agreement are absolutely absolutely i think the moscow small school of the biggest beneficiary of this of this agreement i mean they were the biggest the actually of the turkish military operation and the
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1st place look i think russia the syrian regime turkey and iran these 4 parties actually were mainly interested in getting the americans out they see the united states presence military presence in syria as a major threat to their their interests so i think all they were not actually i mean i think russia we're not really very much against the turkish military operation in the north again against the kurds because as i said i mean the main objective here is having the americans out since that that operation started actually have seen actually both russia and the syrian regime moving. forward in order to recover out of most of the territories that still out of their control and the east of that your fleet is this part of syria is very emotion bought into the syrian regime because because most of the oil and gas of syria actually is look at ing and this is located in this in this part of the of the country and the syrian regime in damascus cannot actually see. vive without having backed the oil well mr
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kaplan the just mentioned everybody the russians the rainiest the turks obviously the syrians one day americans out and the soft x. is usually that you know everybody wants to take the americans days but from the point of view all syrian reckon struction and syrian suture doesn't it actually make sense to have the americans out because as you mentioned they used to occupy about one 3rd of syria the most amply endowed part of syria doesn't syrian need to be able to rise from the ashes we though without international help. it's really important for the syrian regime to come out of these territories as i said before because of the oil guys what part of most of syria natural resources are located in this part of syria but that will not be enough in my opinion for the construction of the country and still the city region will be needing external assistance from maybe the gulf and other parties so i think this is why you hear
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russia is trying actually to broker a political solution for the syrian conflict we all we all know that turkey and russia iran as well. as atlanta. have already agreed in uncle summit last month on the establishment of the constitutional committee in order to have a new constitution for syria and they have their way for presidential elections in 2021 if the russians actually manage to do that i think they will be have the most probably did they have succeeded actually in achieving most of their objectives in syria but in order to do that the russians believe that the 1st step should be that america must must be out of syria that is really important for russia because they cannot actually control the whole syrian issue without actually the americans are out for the iranians they are very concerned about the american presence in the east of the if it is because it cuts. that the land corridor between you know iraq
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syria until it went on for turkey and the presence of the united states in the region is also threatening because america is supporting the syrian democratic process and supporting what the turks believe. separatists. scheme of the syria democratic process so everyone actually wants the american out in order to move on with their agenda but that on i think we will be seeing we start seeing contradictions between the these different agendas the moment the americans are out i think these different parties will start to have a problem between them well but they will do respect i think these parties have been having problems for the last couple of years and they have also been pretty successful in managing these contradictions i know that you wrote before that the american president really dislikes the old this astana throwing and this is the sort of the political initiatives that it puts forward with when you look at his
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latest actions they pull out of the american forces and how handsomely it's place into both russian and syrian hands. it seems that he's really aiding the asked in the process do you think the chances of a political political solution within the ass and the framework a bigger or smaller now that the turks and the americans have the deal well as i said before you have 2 americas here president actually doesn't care about syria he doesn't care about political solution in syria and he doesn't get actually about who takes what in syria and the many times he said syria is is just sand and death and i'm not interested in his no much there isn't really interest money interests money u.s. interests while they're all oil fields well it's not significant i mean serious on the resume is not really big is not significant so the americans even when you talk about the gone abroad than actually he said it many times let's don't actually who are in need for the oil because of the of the bijan god let them come and protect their us. i mean he said it many times so what about syria which has much less.
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than the got this man is mainly interested about his reelection campaign in the united states he's mainly concerned about his rivals inside the united states more than more than he cares about russia and about iran or about the syrian the syrian conflict so this is something that is really important that. on the other hand when we talk about the as a stand up process i totally agree that the americans seem to have already lost i think in syria and what sense and the sense that the no longer controls the political process and the odd more longer important factor in this conflict the moment believe the moment the leave they will not be able to have any leverage of out of. that the parties inside syria over the political process will go mainly to the as a a process to that of the as a ton of process in russia as we said before the shia iran and turkey well mr campbell and we have to take a very short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments stay tuned.
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this is a stickler for the rule to bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there's a litter box or trying to sway industry should be points for all of this waste to company has long promised to reuse the plastic. and. the mail and. there's less of. a lie only. on the meters it is on something. that is the end of it for. them. mountains of
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waste only grow. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately it was also a very dark so. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results on what they think you should be seen if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more we give them the sooner we are all.
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their own no official statistics in india concerning children who have been long still separated from their parents. to estimate that everything minutes in the country the child goes missing. not enough. for you on. the national human rights commission stated that $44000.00 minors go missing every year while the police quoted. the united nations children's fund has described the situation as genocide and various sources suggest that in india there are several 1000000 missing women and children.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. theory dramatic looking only. i don't see how. very critical time to sit down and. welcome back to worlds apart but. the director of policy analysis at the arab center for research and policy mistake while the turks and the americans according to mr trump of that is again just a few days ago political analysts were seriously discussing. a potentiality of for
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a direct confrontation bits been. americans especially after that great task the latter by mr trump was leaked to the media what do you make of this the rather. unique. diplomatic correspondence i'm in the midst of charm asking me stared on not to be a fool and restrain his military well i mean this is broader than problem i mean there is nothing unusual about him we have seen him actually using less diplomatic language and with i mean with many heads of state you know i mean his exchange with with the leader of north korea. more than a year ago we have also i you know i mean. exchange with other leaders like kind of like. they were so this is a this is a president club actually and more or less we got used to him but on the other hand we have seen that. the grant is showing exceptional blackmouth ism by accepting the
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u. is deal clearly he doesn't want to get in any sort of direct confrontation with the united states he believes that he needs to take this deal and see how that deal is going to be implemented on the ground before making any further. you're leading me to my next question perfectly we had dealings he here with pretty big egos both present on and president trump a very sensitive to being seen as a strong leader is an. alpha males and yet none of that prevented that deal even though we know from media reports that president though and reportedly threw a trump's letter into the d.n.c. does it mean that despite all their egos and despite all their temporary stay till it is has found * the way all things nat edging each other efficiently and getting what they want rather than. acting on emotions you know i agree on
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enough actually president of the gun and but i didn't run. on a scene by many people actually many observers of the close as close friends we have seen their body language their interaction during the g 20 summit and jump on for example last summer and we also know that there is some sort of chemistry actually between the 2 men and i think sometimes they tend to ignore some of that because because they're to actually speak to their domestic audience i think this is why they understand each other really good. president of the gun is saying as you said to to present themselves as a strong leader inside turkey and doesn't promise she would like to do the same especially now. 2020 elections and he's having just challenges back home so i think he has the 2 men out of able to deal with it with each other despite this exchange with. both might not like sometimes that president or the honest lady
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to visit the united states and of embrace their teams i believe and obviously a lot may change both on the ground and politically in the next few weeks but how big the scene is the incentive on both sides to man that relationship not only personally but also in situationally di tromp need to air their one as macho as aired on needs trump absolutely i believe so and don't forget that i think the 2 leaders are leading somehow on a very individualistic way their foreign policy barisan actually doesn't care about or the institutions that are working on him this is why we have seen him actually contradicting the advice of his close close advisors and we also have seen but isn't on the ground taking a very individualistic authoritarian sort of. ruling and turkey so i think the 2 men somehow have similarities between
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them and the over the boss actually couple of years they have managed their relationship very very well don't forget that actually to the key board she is the $100.00 missiles from from russia without being actually punished by the united states and that is that is really significant that despite all the threats which have been made especially by the been dug on at the end of that it was actually who decided not to go with that with that which means actually that most notably he understand turkish needs mahendra stand turkish sensitivities and he's taking care of of that so i think the 2 leaders will be able actually to manage their relationship in the coming in the coming months even if the so the ceasefire does not hold in and syria now i'm sure did the russians will be watching meeting very carefully in the middle east because they believe that and. contra's to this
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american team cracker reed they actually have a real deal to bring the syrian the war to a close do you think these political process that moscow how to launch within the. framework could be in any danger if their relationship it's been the united states and improves a little bit and i think this is triangle russia america and turkey is very interesting to watch actually both countries are somehow competing for for turkey turkey is a very important emerging regional power and the 2 countries i mean russia and the united states understand that very well they both actually want to when turkey this is the sometimes explain why president trump is very sensitive towards not until going to ising began or not under guys in turkey because he doesn't want actually to lose turkey turkey is the 2nd largest army in near to a very important bought not for the west generally it's the gate of the west towards the middle east they need to actually in the war against ourselves in it
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actually in order to prevent refugees from coming from coming to europe so talk is very very important on the other hand president putin he really understand how important a key is for his for his project not only in syria but in the entire region and in his conflict with the united states so this is why he's very keen actually on trying to win out of the ground and actually even when he feels like the gun is swinging a little bit closer to the united states he tries to pull him back and he has been succeeding over the boss 3 years at least since then the failed military coup in one car in 2006 now you mentioned president putin and i heard you say a few years ago that russia and president putin personally have been using syria it's you quote get respect from the west and i'm not sure i agree with you here but in any case don't you think that instead of respect from the west still hasn't gotten. it has managed to secure a deal. respect from know on the west and isn't that actually far more valuable for
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russia look president but then. he lost he lost ukraine and 2014 in my opinion and ukraine in belarus you know better than i do was like the jewel for the for they were union which is which is the most important. political economic projects were almost the before most important and of course he tried to compensate for that by annexing crimea but then i think syria was that was was the was the cause that was the stage the platform which should really be president within you was very successful in order to put him back on and international stage and make the americans make the west actually talk to him once once again now he has established himself as the bar the main power broker in syria i think he's building the strings right now in syria and he used syria as well in order to boost his position not only in inside syria but in the entire region now he's the friend
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of almost everybody now in the region unlike the united states which is somehow being less. have seen even by its own allies. that they cannot rely on the united states we have seen how they are not he says that with the sea the democratic forces and we have seen actually what the but is than when he had a few was actually to retaliate against iran when iran actually. launched that attack on a few weeks a few weeks ago yet something that they rounded that i have to mention i mean the americans are saying iran is a sponsor most of the americans are saying iran is this once a while so this would have for the saudis and you tell yet again that iranian action without we like without we believe that iran is a sponsor or not that is a different issue mr kaplan i think you have a very interesting point here and i want to ask you specifically about russia's policy because it's usually saved in terms of its battery ego russia not being treated as it's. things it should be treated but it isn't the kind of mode that
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russia is also for solving the middle eastern problems indeed there are little bits if not superior than perhaps sustainable. framework that the americans have been peddling for many decades i mean russia is trying to talk to everybody tries to employ the policy of the least common denominator which means satisfying interest of all sides its least minimally isn't that actually a good framework not only driven by russia's ego but actually be strategic i would even say global and humanistic considerations well i think interesting to hear president putin last month actually during the summit with a gun and when he said well that's a ton of process could act as a model in order to solve the many conflicts are in the region hand he was offering that even and he was talking about yemen so i think yes i agree with you actually
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that russia is not only a byzantine that or as as a global as a global power in terms of its military strength and. its political maneuvers but also trying to establish itself as peace. maker in the region and beyond and i think that is 111 must admit the whether we like it or not that president putin was very successful was right when he shewed in terms actually of establishing the very strong relationship with all the parties that are fighting each other in the region so what i'm saying here actually is and terms of political maneuvers in terms of managing the relationship with drivers different drivers and the middle east but doesn't put in establishing himself. as a must or in fact of this sort of of policy well mr kevin nash hate to cut you.
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sort of here and i would love to give you more space to actually criticize russian policy views you often do on other channels but we have to leave it there our time is up and i thank you very much for being with us today thank you thank you prime encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages and hope to see here again same place same time here on the worlds apart. facebook and google started with
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a great idea and great ideals unfortunately it was also a very dark so. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be seen if they have this kind of power then democracy isn't an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more rope we give them the sooner we are all. this is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles
10:58 pm
of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has promised to reuse the plastic. that's. special projects funded. on the. mountains of waste only grow. they put themselves on the line and they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president. have to be right to be pushy
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like them before. people. i'm interested always in the water. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only. exist i don't see how. you sit. and talk
11:00 pm
6. or a script. could be delayed. for an extension but the pm doesn't soften it so. you gotta let him fight. without a little tough love you know what. with out a little tough love.


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