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tv   Documentary  RT  August 22, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

11:30 am
is enough campaign to fight against the rising cost of living and have made 5 demands to improve the situation. they want a real pay increase in pensions and benefits too much. soaring inflation and energy bills slash seeing people can't afford another price, like they're also demanding guarantee food for everybody on to make the rich pay more. by raising taxes on the wealthiest a must have lum slide which had been this luck. she shrine in central iraq has left 7 people dead, including a child local authority, say current high humidity could have caused the clubs. rescuers are still searching for survivors. now on saturday, the roof of the shrine collapse on worshippers. after the building was hit by a turn, the rock mud official said only the walls, entrance, minarets, remaining stumbling. rescuers have been sifting through the rubble for 3 days now. so far they've managed to save 6 people
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at least 2 people stop being killed. 16 injured on 3 missing after a bridge was sheldon, her son region by the ukranian army at the time of a fairy crossing up as according to local authorities. let's go through this. the shelling sparked fire on the road bridge. eye witnesses, plain part of the crossing has collapsed with debris reaching a nearby village. earlier this month, the same bridge was again attacked by the printing army in attempt to prevent russian forces from using it. the latest strikes on the targets were reportedly conducted with us supplied hi, maurice rocket launch systems. those munitions are part of the new, a $775000000.00 package of western aid to key if while another missile was fired by printing forces of the new killer power plant in the city of a neuro guitar. at least one person, the taxi driver was killed reportedly by flying glass. they station has repeatedly
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come under shelling, attacks of late with key of demanding. russia surrenders its control. and in addition to that, throughout the done yet script, public internationally ban landmines continue to be used in residential areas. so far there have been around 50 civilian casualties, including children though an 8. your timeline from 2014 as chronicle. next, been an area about has been the focus of many global headlines since february that lou guns republic get the inside truck in our short documentary road to independence. tried to hit the ah, in unit might have because
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of level mr. was or give me. you've got the battery on me, i'm pretty alone there. we use it in the fit in the wind turbine is going to go down and that your billing is public. and mr. presley, which in law go when you will do me in the room when you, when mr. bishop was going on back, it is really offensive. it's still more to be returned with letters, thoughts in the last you'll abuser capture. i see you missed. ah. suddenly i knew it didn't still i'm going to grad blown this correspond on when you're listening which notes, but we just didn't put it as i was a little bit which reminded me, but on time when you not look for some reason,
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usually just was annoyed. ah me about that. you open up with the roster process. one of them about the think you were going to get the yeah. got all right. good job gets wider because the way you get away side by side which will go on a while now. can you go? cuz i'm sure you have to 3 i was just on my way to i use in general just went down to again, don't know enough still that that is the only for the history of you watching it out. them walk across the live on the moon us. we think up to
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my thoughts knowing that the extra my next, what about you? virginia. new will. new progression except fail should also have the credit release soon. this is very, very just what you go to rama. she had other useful fortune chrome. can you help us to go see every bit of your credential screen? hello coupon. still to just know of rome we will if it's christie. you don't think that the smartest and i didn't order from a liberal ever on your jump up. she would get in and get into the realm of cerebral ricardo and lester dealers in design. none of us not from
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floor slash or number carla. when do the story other rational? sure. are you sure? well most with you, but please give a call. tomorrow. we'll be willing to look them up for both. don't not with the what group, what group national wants to with
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2 double guns. students don't go to more convenient for paul. the apostle progressive form. a couple chance if you could, can you just started just pull up a new window. you're not going to it now going to picture stuff. watch a
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3. me 3. me a us sure. a still haven't so there was 2 guns. campbell with a well, they did the other a la economical, but a fellow who will die. what is your bullet? maybe just so i missed school? did that's dollars up is pretty ideal for what we did was period will be to ship up
11:39 am
. so i think you have to deal with with somebody at the local channels. you start up with just pick ups that it would love when you subsidy, and with not spending you thought to throw kilometer huttfield dot com. yeah. and then you know, it's pretty good. it pops 3, a little concerned when you started to pull us to look for you to what the saw son you took out of state, literally just a new turner turn. turn in years, much for being a professional. sure. minute. 3. sure, sure. so we're approaching your resume or losing your place for like i would personally do much of them. you know, for
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a marker if it's for brazil marshall in marshall school on the beach are yes. i pedestal costello customer for probably probably probably pop on the cost of serial and mrs. appleton. i and yet i'm with my thumb will be sort of starless for so let me see if angela with the log in. it has the what's out there? first of soon i'm on a shot or more than that. i am so, but i was looking at the water lipper yesterday when you pulled off. delivers luckily, but i knew i knew that you love wards mark when pleasure. oh yes, the who had it took up when you're ready to have it it it past years award that was from alaska was walks more that i thought back. oh
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gosh on with what to or could i you could put a bunch of here to when you find your mind, you know what? we personally, it's that she can to partner with us waves and just wash rachel because it's a blue one. you would, you have israel and you have to sit on that with see about it. so to, so that i can pick up my beating you to someone before you started. and you just what's begin with sweet ludy poignant store keith, to someone i need to. kimberly, today, human an appraisal. when you get a 2nd is debbie simon. you said recently, and we have a couple of mattress c i to put in your couple of study would, you know, do should receive a sick of a promo will not someone but unity bidding study up, which is a, b, c, m, y, e r t fronts, was a for the kid and one yet the music authority bollicheck is then you put on the
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body to guess what the disk will call you pastoral dollar. naturally, if you get to the muslim, huddled the thanks, then you paralogistic. yep. so what can we push a little bit of? so the 2 switches from question line. what on the bus? thank you. what is the annual drain? plus the guns kit is again, no diesel dust or congestion is asians. and he doesn't need to look at usually performing control zappa with the show. so green, if sure to pin was not was cut, russell is up at me. believe the kid is up with me, william because of a new myers to claim in the afternoon that you shot enable. there's a position she just finished my meal. yoga dealer. it appeared. she'll get poor little worst with oslander wolves, 2 bits, a solution to pendleton is okay with
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her. but she left a bit to us, little pollyanna, up to rot, said i will not. the liptrot's will not go to paris one prop future, just because i had a peer outside. we feel way like we didn't last some hub when you push lease is up a new frame to start can reweigh what is somebody within your prospect? especially if you know what they're talking. thank you. somebody to proceed to the list. i will not post if you think you just have a passport from will senior request, but seeing what you would wind up with me. yes. oh, thank you somebody with a new product fusion criteria, obsolete pro. okay. do you use us? yes. them bus 2. my shamika are you? i love boys. russia. yeah. it wasn't warranty. kalonski. i hope you remember you.
11:44 am
i knew her. i was a boy. didn't read. sorry. she knew to those me digits, thought syllabus to go up, would need new beliefs, coupon, torsion, live, look at the we put our slain for a month. so for guys it is a general, she's go figure out some nation, please learn. you see if there's a to leisure, when you music of should deal with ashley the deputy coroner, they'll push you to watch with a lot of skill. 30. sure. others well below the pin a dutch a you simply to this is dustin a guy today who does the beauty?
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beauty buick. up a short cloak. gum oak double her package. this will it in. yeah. yeah the legit but we know it does. it is so that they send out my paycheck and it's a button to bond better than with winning up. we'll shut doug, can we, jody nauseous? come out, lou. i'm with gifted the enough. so you sleep be right. he said he was, he didn't put you in your used to be a couple koreans per se, montana to west village. i will be in austin and normally for waiting. joe was really hurting the bill to put his j gosh, the la d l m is the issue you're looking at with her traveling at the
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beach. i was actually that one of my associates just for now. i'm going to lead mr . which was michelle. that they may have missed a couple of bus pattern. he's mentors, i think, and i need to. i'm the mr. teresee as pesto. i mean, little guns keep us quite a bit with the brushing me with oh, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult, time time to sit down and talk earlier
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story share that so price floor or store the quest. excuse gear waste? yeah. possibly it's 9 with me still. you know, we 2nd bill most about what's the reason for your bill? well, you got good if i call them so prostate. my men for is that you what the, what you watch him all you do you get the new you national news or use in most gutter studies. she lost them although them good. the butcher and yet sign it not. and i don't know tom. the bikes i tell you access program, and there is a lot of debate. phillip, i have a good night to come from florida to where you put them with layers for them done. but he does not put up with a bully,
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but they want to couple of he should use billy b r street, but on the paper shook cash law. all a sudden the mir tampon me, can done that to list of supervision boards who was getting them bus there was need were army you there was stoker did you sleep beside the swim coach in the initial condition of the bill for the middle? well, it was on the she was there when they have but if the most, the parts of the week, if you did wish procedure, why was to just wonder is all on him that are here again. it was about him was christina, did not fully know. no more than was cooper your school home for you. we have history by to ensuring looks like it was cuz i literally just hired somebody. hold on. sure. okay, hold on for the children, shipment dementia, but it doesn't get here by essentially amazon is about to continue to same with the most which i did with wasn't getting on
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a little credit. so it had to hotness internet but typically consume up there like i did think young, good morning young versus not specifically about it. a block on with enough. welcome a good. what's your, what's ah, to be a good option. she was, she really wasn't much because it says been completely emotional with national numbers. this mean it is with goes, okay. and this with
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not distributed a yoga. right? you know, you guys are shut sister down. that's my book, but not blockbuster each has brought to work. no problem. i will come with your date, which maria did a, with abuse that it was still done. which emily does approve the work that you should use to read to christina? yep. start doc with what put a new book order. mm. stainless d, her and you can reach la gay's last request, but to me on a fuji, i need a voice from you from e or your for the more has to provide it to your line you up with them because i
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knew i had some questions. tool or a social cost i'm gonna go with, i'm going to municipal his one with the wonderful. so you're going approached privilege to buy the meat of usefulness to throw it in luck. and your son getting upset about the renewals or commission will be one with at your or no, i didn't pop up because it's a little bit the oh, i use the gentleman who made it to julie shae,
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luca or patricia while and i was just wanting to show you how you doing coordinator? sports custom. one denisha brewer. as a boy for his study. you can't do much at austin point you know us by do just wait . i'm not done. so my loyalty. mr. moore, medical savings, williamson. most peculiar. crane again. but he could very she went to the ideal is to really important. got a lot with trisha, boucher post. i need to manufacture, ingenuity or community ah, living in a position you'd be a love. she'll let you know when you move from your fill in your will always look hard to do here with those are just so on the vehicle.
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she said she drove the she said up when you break i so then i was out about can involved and after the spending more little kind of watch as you're going to the spirit function rational subject, you're not even when you're doing, you know, just you put a question about the contrary, was you midway in just a long way and nobody mcneish? well, you said it was the bush, it needed it. it was. can you share a buffer? know what the law of the singing and not we don't want to use any and i just to as we miss you and just sole bullets you asked. i've just done then. ok. no show a chance to have condone from the personally seen. awesome. did not them will not destroy us, just lost a model, special and good wesley ah shows actually. are you
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shipping those? no storage coupon total personal compressible package? just a way to go ahead, when you called me ah, very much. and we did not since last week. with our shuttle but sure. on from dealing. cool. thank you. know, those are the bridge and mortgage for pasta on her jamal engine pest control job ordeal. foster from georgia studies testimonial hybrid in that other. she vision is a shell. it's personal for different levels and anyway, so it's little hard for me. ready to just to give you the nice premium valadez. well, not smears. do mean him. no,
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it won't come. you know women pretty cool. but should you follow that we do? yeah. i'm okay with that we will do enough. let them. yeah. that goes along with some doesn't so personally at the school bus, i recently rushed into also when they should often use a computer, but with us them, not just that i brought them here today. i would like to with oh, shooting, pulled, substances in general such and simple so sure. and then we'll show you lou, you've said was one similar there. sure wasn't a fiddle. i want some more stuff. just a student that just got to know can someone else with
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a wish it's, you know, it's been you almost all you did them or not. you know, what can you catch up with could he will he did. i'm yet cuz i didn't click on was donna. so we know them, you still with them. we don't get once you know, what can you send me a quote to enjoy it was it wasn't, it was like she was
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short. it was able to cope with a web log with a cut, which is really my story with this, this essentially this where you this is all we need to coordinate to some of them, but he's not a
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ports. they can just back up with a good one. it's not that i was able to do you want them to connect with the store where they give senior reviews or what does that mean? if we go to sort of issue with it again, we're still, we're always some lips of michelle, but i think i should say not, but he's not gonna eat
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with me. just get it to the most. that is good. mickey, let's it looks, i will guns, whiskey, that video should bought due to the situation. the most of what was that the with with you much if it went to miss dempsy, this was with it with them. but you might that or senior, or question yourself overseas. if you did not get them, we get to go post that they'll pick them up almost like when you must get suddenly william, i've got awe
12:00 pm
with breaking news and r t rushes, se ukrainian secret services where behind the killing of doria do gonna the daughter of russian philosopher alexander to get the prime suspect behind the car bombing. also ahead on the program. ah, ron can follow ways continue to rally in his support in pakistan. the country, former prime minister is granted protective bailed by a high court in islam about after police file terror charges against them. but what the court ruling expiring on thursday.


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