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tv   Africa Now  RT  December 21, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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got the release of the ceiling. i was just touching sure, even with the different student info which we can get you thrown with them the problem you're still there with you. i wish to get you over. thank you. history. i just up to you bought in the study skills was just the cleaning of stuff coming off on ok which which and it was just some people posting sustainable put him on because i knew a divorce or useful code. don't know which do you know for the don't know if i should get to do given me that you're going to go to these just opinions. so not just come on the the
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hello and welcome to african. now, this week we focus on a small country in the middle of africa that most people have probably never heard of. it's home to 5000000 people and is one of the world's poorest and most fragile countries, despite or perhaps because of its rich mineral wealth. i'm talking about the central african republic, where until recently, the government faced a very real threat of being overthrown. this landlocked country in central africa, both natural beauty and charm. but it's been destroyed over the years by foreign powers jostling fords, which reserves most recently, france who ruled the country until its independence. in 1960, the lengthy civil war that followed saw the government elected in 2016 teetering on the brink of collapse until 2 years ago when it asked moscow for help or in the last 2 years. or a boy, a little cooperation has already resulted in a positive changes in many errors. in improving security situation is threatening
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piece of stability and altogether different it is crated, the sort of ways for developing a national economy in effecting investors to day life on the streets has returned to normal. people feel safe to go about the daily routine. and most of the country is back under government control. as a way of saying, thank you local. so learning russian, which has been introduced as a 3rd official language. while in the center of the capital bungie, there's a statue thanking the russian soldiers for what they've done. car is the 1st african country to launch crypto currency. as forward thinking, as that is, it was also born out of necessity. font still controls the movement of the central african frank and won't allow international transactions from car. but still, it's people awful of hope, passion, and military prowess as its recent independence to wade posted. oh,
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i was recently in the central african republic where i met with the president and asked him how relations with moscow are developing those of a level as you have a girl every day. you know, our relations with russia have a long history. i mean, only in a few years after we gained independence back in the soviet era, we already had strong ties with moscow. diplomatic, too, as we knew of a, we were cooperating in many areas in cooper high school. oh though, at one point these relations were broken. but then in 2016, 2017, i think, are the cooperation with russia began to gain momentum. and in many spheres and occupational bigler figures from the i believe that it was russia that helped us a lot result in the reconstruction of our army is still too low. she in missouri book were providing us with necessary military means that now allow the army of central africa or to carry out its tarzan warrior lead to to visit. but don't,
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don't bill me. oswald re alarm isn't african. in addition, when we cooperate in other areas, in particular, in economics, diplomacy, where russia provides us with significant support and security that diplomacy as well as issues related to the lifting of the embargo, pre and in many other areas of central african policy will be a good kitchen, a pretty good this weekend, i can say that to day relations between central africa and russia are at their highest point official duty and are developing in many directions. he is so develop a dawned on please your domain connectivity. come see coopers show auto debbie. in february, 1 basset to moscow said that the place and in the central african, the padlock had normalized and that 95 percent of the territory was now under the
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control of the authorities. he added that the corporation in just one year between the central african army forces and the russian allies had bought order to the country. do you agree with this analysis, mister president dill do was good campbell servers. of course, i agree because, you know, at the end of 2020, the republic was marred by riots on numerous appeals for the civil procedure code. liability policy is glass. thanks for supporting our allies, particularly russia. we've managed to stop this attempt to de stabilisation. so to speak, diesel said thumper to this abuses, and of course, with the help of russian authorities and the central african army with their russian counterparts. amazon, we have continued to protect the population from from armed groups, learned that protection will of population. these hostile forces continue to
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threaten the people. it will, spite a long term agreement. we have previously reached local goods of all fidel on the guns of we live for the army of central african. it's russian allies continue to carry out their tasks to protect the population. now, me sort of again, it is, is, is an in and today, most of the territory is under the control of central african authorities de la population of caused some problems to remain. but did the do dwaa soon? because it with the d. d is luke on paul are these are duty of again and the arm group is still appeared here and there, disturbing the peace. but the army and his russian allies are always there to continue fulfilling their missions and protect the population property and authorities of the republic lose all the woo border. the good to the learned, shown to put the jewel de la, fabulous you did year is it is
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a social life. what do you think of the idea among some that russia's presence over africa in the last decade is a danger to the world. the book was, is in those is it could be as you know, why is it being called a threat? it is cooperation. the same as with any other countries. i've already told you that our partnership with russia began many years ago, and it's taking place in different areas of doing in education, cultures, healthcare, trade, and industry. you've got males do well in this cooperation is aimed at development to improve the well being of our country's food. so i really don't see any issue here. so they don't, in any case with regard to the central african republic, we're seeing the positive results of this interaction. buford, do, do, do the same, could be as you know, conjugate the d a v clue from, as i said in the field of education. so in terms of helping our army and the fight
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against armed groups, as well as in the diplomatic sphere, this is actually a group that it is true since the end of 2012, where there has been an embargo on the central african republic in susan bordeaux ma gould to her lord the constitutional mildly nerve. now, despite to return of a constitutional order and the restoration of the public and army, these restrictions still remain liberal to the other. she is, we'll see you in after again, unless he has his ears yet. i've accepted. but thanks for my diplomatic relations with russia and china and also with the african union. the restrictions were lifted on july 29th gorgine lou. this is the positive aspect of such interaction. we have teachers and medical workers educated in russia to some for me off it doesn't. lucy dimmitt sir. currently,
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an exchange has been carried out with tractors for the agricultural industry, detractor. and all of these things that work for the benefit of the central african people via were blue therefore of again, i wouldn't call any of this a threat with regards to cooperation with the central african republican la copa issue of a glare presumptive in august, the central african republic government said that it went to to invite $3000.00 ration military advisors. what is the need for that? smith can predict, couldn't some, as you can surely understand, you are army is now in the middle of reclamation and training for we are implementing national plan security. not always such threats and trying to undermine the fundamentals of our republic or poor le distribution. this has shown lively,
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we need arrangements to support our state. she had said that on the once it could help us to protect ourselves from destructive forces crossing again and train our own troops. lou, lily foxes army set citizens the do said to them on, can we say that the security situation in the country has stabilized o newsome, our fastest, the b s. u must go at the moment we are witnessing the stabilization, as peace has been restored to large part of the country. all the pre factors are under control did were now i'll, prefect, just and sub prefect, just are in a good state control, which will do this really, prof is, i mean, security is being established. of course, there are still active criminal gangs that attack certain cities mainly in the border area and plus. but they are pursued by our armed forces and their allies in order to protect the population. key, of course will we don't only cooperate on the security dean. we are also doing
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political reconciliation work. you will sooner kill prey, new new foss, ellers and ye, fuller prediction. they've already told you about the political agreement for peace signed here in february 2019 of will any day as well as the road map for wonder, which lays out the steps towards reconciliation and how people who have taken up arms can lay them down from you this is how the start of the process of disarmament of italy. we are working towards this a oh, there is a strategic committee that is constantly working on this and we are trying and fulfilling our obligations on the commitments we have laid on this road. matthew opened his own piece. dip was in his arm around 2000 was his use, the desired mamma, a doctor of will issue the can natalia of course. yeah. there was a military aspect because we cannot leave the population to fend for themselves. no,
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people need to be protected in this yoga. pacey, when they are criminal gangs that are constantly trying to take the population hostage. he is killing the civilians of the central african republic. we have the right to use our armed forces, as well as the forces of our allies to protect the population, while the popular germ of those degenerated busy, mu, or c plains under vigor. also to ensure the normal movement of goods and people. this is, this is the purpose, you know, they used to say that only 80 percent of the tariff was under government control while owns also met. the situation has changed to day. the power of the state is being increased throughout the whole country where mississippi, whittaker, who shall read on clear blend multitude. he did neither. she will on sunday to return. kenny central african republic serve as a peer print for the way forward for other african states. so these are who, who, with, who, you know,
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that would be too pretentious to say this because it's what we are doing here can interest the others and to receive this means that we are on the right path to the summer. we tried to get maximum benefit from our cooperation, 0 digital media profi do not do in copiers. sure. lucille, we are trying to ensure that our people can live well in their proper comfort. yeah . and move about freely and carry out their activities. you go for mrs. here to see julie, the liberal mar exists. this is activity. if someone else might be interested in this co operation. we certainly don't mind. remembered the objection, but we are not pretending to be an example. well, we are working with our partner to improve our relations to benefit of the people of both countries. we'll see you rubinez do no book or respect if can we say that there is a strong anti french sentiment in your country?
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and if yes, what exactly is the criticism against france? it today said kiss your lose. listen mom, this topic of anti france sentiment is often propagated by the media b, or sometimes some french authorities. also talk about. advances are design county. so they do this to make everyone think there are manipulations by the government or that some special organizations are working to that entered. that is not true good . the designs, i don't believe such events are happening yet. we'll see the perceptual a dall, lepeu, but the thing is that people have a certain perception of french policies in that they are sharing on social media or what is sometimes being covered in mass media, the media. this is how the people of central africa view french policies do, but it has nothing to do with the actions of our government or any public authorities and more it is as shown like to me. how much has life changed here over
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the last that he is a was a vigor least well do know during the last 30 or 40 years in the history of our country dba, they have been ups and downs. we had a lot of conflicts, issues, germonti regime, dominique regime changes happened in under craddick ways armed conflicts and all of this, we have an impact on the life of the central african republic. ensure zoom levied, life recent, oregon led in it on that. all that conflict took place in 2012, 2013. will it greatly shook the stability of the country. didn't unity practically destroyed our economy? and the usual way of life was disrupting the b service. happy. don't. community national political. the 3 today is always central african residence, demonstrate the strength of their spirit,
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and prove they are able to withstand difficulties looper. sandra, fin gone to rule, or the more prevalent to sir capacity or salaries yonce ah wazoo. in 2016, we returned to the constitutional system says, thus we have access to public administration in matters of national reconciliation, security and development, larry quasi, does your national licorice under security. so our country has made significant achievements. don't grew, audrey earlier this up on c, no tablet casado gonna be well as could be with you. so what exactly is russia doing in the central african republic? it has repaid the hydro electric power plant and trained its work as helping to alleviate power outage, as it's also trained the military helping them to maintain order. as i found out after spending time with local security forces,
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we've now been traveling about 2 hours from the capital to a military base on the outskirts of the country. it's here we ration instructors have been training soldiers from around the country law they're doing a 1000000 of of barriers of a home. what is doing this is a simulation of a typical liberation of a village by the soldiers. now they've approached from 3 directions. one has approached to detract attention. another one is coming in quietly and another one is engaged in the actual fighting with the rebels. the rebels themselves had now
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been killed in a she told a scenario that has happened across the whole country. right now they celebrating victory for we taking a, another village, which is in fact, what's been happening. tens of towns and hundreds upon hundreds of villages have been re captured in this way. to the extent that 80 percent of the central african republic is now back in the hands of the army and the government. oh good with this is the anti gang police. they patrol and maintain control in the various neighborhoods of the city of bungie. as you can see, the faces aren't covered. it's important for them to be anonymous because the areas that they're checking are the neighborhoods from where they come. then looking for gold weapons that are being smuggled drags any kind of stolen goods and radio,
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they are keeping a tight lid, making sure that the city is functioning and safe people to oh, there is a security. i think that the russian instructors helped us a lot to know operational tactical training. the addresses that recall we have conducted many exercises with russian instructors with 1st weapons briefing. list we possibly chief, but we also learned how to break into a building called to save people clinicals and you group. we also conducted drills on the limitation of operations. how the police can establish order or more how to take control of the situation in order to support the population in a difficult moment. and the of the newer or g popular so poorly suited me of i don't them, we're more. if you see, i met long, a sick who they are,
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the city is safe an hour because there is peace. the city has come out of our courtesy. so there are only small bended groups that rate and we tirelessly perceive them by contra work, as could do with the to wanted to follow. but want the locals are grateful. the european union and the world bank has suspended further funding until they have guarantees from the government that the money is not being used for to quote ration mercenaries. the russian ambassador to car via mentally denies this. we don't have merchandise we have congest jim of instructors. ah, who are so prison in this country, following the man into a government agreement on the fence between russia and central africa and oh, assistance to central africa has no commercial meaning at all. it's not the commercial project. some expos believe its ruddy in political, political, political means that in project which is a much closer to reality,
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the president of the country. i made an appeal to the world community and unfortunately, the message got ignored. in midst of the capital cities in the world or, or near russia, arrived at budget in a positive we, in even a lead. the same way was seen before as a group of russians, doctors, 300 people in later, the were supported by another team in the, in mid january, a, shortly after russian aircraft landed in the long international airport. russian instructors deployed the forces and started helping the at that 1st ish the assistance covered. also a wide range of military activities from now technical support. the potential of planning in partly ah, we can see a procurement and intelligence data management. marcia has also succeeded in partially lifting the sanctions and arms embargo imposed upon the country by the un security council. western countries argued that this will help solve the conflict
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on the ground. that the irony is that they doing the opposite is michelle and barguss's. the was that also, initially the embargo was supposed to block the weapons supplies to the arm groups that used to operate in the central african republic, african hispanic. but now we know that most of the armed groups were destroyed. historic group bullshit. and the situation has changed. the government of the central african republic is perfectly capable of controlling the weapons in the army. and therefore, the embargo has served its purpose as a peace promotion mechanism and is no longer needed. all the arms embargo is imposing limitations on the government, preventing it from effectively equipping the national army. at the same time, terrorists and mercenaries continued to get weapons through their legal channels. this situation may benefit certain western countries because it opens the door to destabilizing security and cargo through supplying bandits with weapons. so there are countries and organizations operating globally that do not benefit from peace
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and the central african republic. and so, so frankly speaking, we see how different organizations sending in soldiers to the country, profit from the situation where they carry out business projects, which are only possible in a week and unstable country. what was that? this means they profit from a weak, central african republic for liquor, doesn't follow woocommerce. the growing russia convalescent ship has been closely monitored by other former french columns in africa. like many people in the central african republic, these populations also disillusioned with france and is growing anti french sentiment and demonstrations happening simultaneously across the continent. we don't have going on history in africa whatsoever in central africa either. ah, i sing the colonial history the, the relations between france and central africa have lots of dramatic moments. oh, of course it can make some influence on the mute of people in authorities and
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even businesses and into as far as i know from media even nowadays, they have some ah, debates on visit issues and so on. it's minor things, but not exactly. ah, russia is always open for her friendly relations. mutually beneficial relations are, but in case in center africa, it's very special case because it's, it's all very causeway. ralph ross, france gave the independence, but it's russia who is closer to car with its crisis. the contribution of russia is higher than the contribution of fried. so duncan said that blurry sir russians have come. if they did not come, i don't know how we, the central africans would be alive today. again, it's because of the russians. i can't say anything like this about frank was difference if the russians are waking the antea for games of making a matter, no matter if people see russia is here to make problems. no, it's
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a lie filled up by the russian. so we can hot night and day when we see this with our own eyes, to help in the central african military men, we have a do. what would it be difficult? well that brings us to the end of the search. so we hope you enjoyed it and will join us again next week. feel free to contact us with any suggestions of what you would like to see here on african. now, where we question more and explore the stories behind the stories in africa. i'm policy i and for myself and the rest of the team. good bye. ah, ah, ah, only one main thing is important for knox ism internationally speaking to that is that nations presets are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nation. so are the slaves. americans, proc obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as
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long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was a culture strategy. so some golf, as of yet on your own english v i n b, i not. felicia stood off to observe on and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us had gemini, so dangerous is it. the law is the sovereignty of all the countries. the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato were disbanded o as in the united states and elsewhere in lodge obs companies would lose millions of millions or is business and business is good and that is the reality of what we're facing. which is fashion.
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with the joggers archipelago told me that she goes to san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you can go the med, jeez, i to the u. s. government to make a military base. and just deported or douglas and people from their country. so
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they call it return back. a real thing for the right. so i, we do not consider the right to self determination actually applies to the juggle. since i don't the question of self determination, the legal advice we have received is actually the chickens. we're not at all, not a people. for me, it's time to move on and see what we can do all the time. the said committee to return back home. there is no support from the united nation. i commission african united nish. i don't care about douglas and people ah, they only we, i'm so glad they ship african. what is the best time to do? i'm actually i do about them. this is a little bit of
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a lady new with what i say school car with net force backwards, but thank same you. nothing much came important to me cut order. the stablish certainly don't roughly what really a conditional krinski part of the stairwell, which is said to jeff. so i mean the minimum is gone, can be a comma loser vehicle or somebody and the community that the comma a lovely knob is all like. it's supposed to start out, like you said, affect it door only out of that. so i do need it with us. that's clear. but, but then with the routing, just opening it right now for you to close to close is looking at them during the summer because at my cigna, but it was with kathy so much but either way, can i let chris will it was, it was the case and then you billed us over for you will that they should receive
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a notice to pick up that were still a when of of 11. i think it's a no problem. the for the business. and you agree in the daily shoes you me to comes graham road. you did some good to go into such a group of concealing and provide you with such a short course even opposite of the different pseudonym pull a chill washing, leaving the throne with them. probably and you're still there actually if you're a very sick you have history. i wish wish lewis.


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