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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 17, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EST

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ah ah what happens when you mix digital gains with actual physical sport solving like digital? the answer is yes, because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future. a cyber contest with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to study at all, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy, and if it's the future ah,
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with hello and welcome to cross sac, were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. the west presentation of the ukraine conflict is always been muddled and confusing. remember the phrase, as long as it takes that is not a strategic goal now or presented with as long as it takes, pertains to the amount of conflict. it doesn't pertain to the amount of assistance . do you understand what that means? i cross talking, changing narratives. i'm joined by my guess. karen krakowski in mound jackson. she's retired united states air force, lieutenant colonel, having served both an essay and the office of secretary events in washington. we have on the team on the on of he is a writer as well as a military and political analyst, and in berlin we have the keyboard. i'll marcial and he is founder of seriana
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analysis or across our rules. and i think that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate, i'm a lot go to you. i mean, i already mentioned it in the introduction. so tell me, i mean, i know english isn't your 1st language here, but maybe you have special powers that i don't, as long as it takes pertains to the amount of conflict that doesn't pertain to the amount of assistance. does that, does that make any sense to the native speaker of english? it doesn't make any sense to me at all. go ahead, andre. yeah, it doesn't make any sense. and any point of view from our strategic operational or logistical for that matter. so it's basically a political statement designed for the internal construction assumption in later in, in the united states. and it has no descriptive followers whatsoever. and we'll all, harley, it goes with the powers that be especially when you look at the lakers. there's not also, makes more sense. what's going on, karen?
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it's got to you amount. jackson, it's very interesting to me we, we went from as long as it takes nothing about ukraine without ukraine, ukraine. it becomes completely dependent economically and militarily on the united states. but ukraine has to decide its own terms and conditions and sit down with negotiations. i mean, you can go at this at any kind of trajectory you want and it all, it's very, very confusing. now the reality in the ground is made it that way, but their, their policy adjustments don't keep up with reality, but it's the problem and the public is picking up on it as well. karen? yes, certainly i think than that of information it around the world available about what's really happening in ukraine and also why why these things are happening. it's getting out there and they can't even keep it away from the limited interest in limited li, interested americans who aren't really that interested except that we have a terrible budget deficit. and americans are suffering economically and they see
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this money flowing into ukraine. so they're, they're starting to ask and that information now is widely available to people that are interested. they had a very difficult time controlling the narrative here. it said controlling the narrative of arc. and let me go to you in berlin. i mean i, we had the revelation from seymour hersh about the destruction of the north stream pipelines. what has been the reaction of the german political elite in the media? because apparently i didn't know this. sy, hersh is this crazy old man. that's all he is. i thought he was one of the greatest living journalists of our time. what's the german response? the german official respond is that seymour hersh is a blogger, is not the journalist is his medicine in rest against this? isn't blogger sitting behind his laptop and just striving some illusion? well, i'm with him. so this isn't joseph morale. just the blogger, as well. i mean, we're all bloggers in david in the eyes and anything outside of the ocean,
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not at the hit in germany, is abashed. is smeared, and he has been downgraded, and the media has a very strong influence over to public opinion in germany. and they're able to project is hija mani. intellectual. had jim went over to people, right? the only, in my opinion, 2 political parties in germany that spoke about d seymour hersh article is the left ring party, the linker, and the if theater i think parties arrest the for other political parties. and especially the triple tickled parties who formed the coalition. david dakota, the article of seymour hersh because there is a war of narratives, right? this is also information working. so at the beginning, few 1st few weeks, 2 months, 3 months, probably one year. they can manipulate the people. but after one year it's very difficult for the really formation not to be so faced and for the people to be educated about the and now you can see even germans, they're speaking very quietly with each other because they are afraid to speak publicly and loud. in their surrounding about these cases and whether or not
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germany should continuing its policy towards ukraine and to be embedded with the united states in disregard. so at the beginning it might be the vast majority of organ supportive up your brain, but the support is now diminishing because the people can carry also the burden economically on their shoulder. right? exactly. and what against the, their own self interest here, you know, and the biggest problem and all of this. and you and i have talked about this before, is the framing of this is good versus evil. when you have that kind of framing and can make you feel good, particularly if it doesn't impact you ok. just virtue signaling, but it is covered just told us here. now the impact is being felt. you know, the virtue signaling kind of fades away here. and when you do it, when you frame it is good versus evil, context doesn't matter. and geopolitical realities don't matter. and that's why this narrative is fumbling. it's been, it's been fumbling from the very, from the get go, go ahead. andre. are in the last a week or 2. we have a dramatic change in the wood, in narrative,
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across the mainstream media in united states, for example. and you can also notice there this op form trains for us, for example. and if there was a dramatic change, marika wall street journal, new york, i'm sure meeting that. yeah. russian. despite the fact losing of 1000000 group surveyed, they still, you know, on offensive begin your grounding, thinking they're bound sam villages. and it was like this which was believed, and it has a very rational explanation to it. yeah. and you can all lie only for so long before they're out and begins to say it is measured in the more than the world when there is still. there are still many alternative sources of information and people who have their own
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a very good demand. very interesting job politics and i'm going to be begin to, well, you know, are all these are, those are blogger, school count, walk life cycle, and then they begin to last portions. let alone about professional school can point out immediately. his scared their mood of desperation, really at the ball in their way and i spoke about it. yes, there will begin their article. you have to take a look at their latest e. sure. all the so called our intellectual magazine such as the foreign affairs, which is there are old there. neil leave got on here. and, you know, yesterday, bull article bar article there, and you assume you're out there how desperate day and what i'm showing today that the point is here, you're out, you're absolutely right. yeah. let me go to karen right now. i mean, from the get go. this has been an elite project. ok, that's what it's all about. and i'm glad that on that i brought up foreign affairs
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. this has nothing to do with ukraine. it's about american hegemony. it's about taking russia out 1st to focus their attention on china. that's always what it's always been. and oh, by the way, make sure germany and russia don't have any kind of economic relationship because that that's what major germany prospers. it would make germany think twice about how it feels about ukraine and the united states. you. this is only an elite project that has been from that way since the start. karen, go ahead. that's actually true. and if you can see it that way, we can understand more about about how things have unfolded. but you know, it occurs to me that dom lensky, a former comedian and he's been very public with all of his, you know, he is ukraine for 2 americans who know nothing about ukraine. zalinski is all that we know. and increasingly, he is becoming more of a comedian and i think americans are not really warming to him as much as he might think. and certainly not as much as congress is. i know the democratic congress in
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particular, you know, he received a, you know, he addressed the congress, you know, lot not too long ago. and they were standing ovation is mccraney and flag. have you ever seen a foreign flag on the? well, the congress keep going to known this. yeah, i mean it's, it's crazy, but i think the americans who see this and of course, you know, we're, we're a very short attention span americans flip channels. we stream our news or whatever . we don't even watch news, but when we see zalinski, he is not someone who inspires americans. i have no idea. he inspires ukrainians, but he does not inspire americans in the things that he gets publicity for here often is that his lack of a respect his, you know, he, he dresses is if you would have rewind karen, he's, he's a panhandler, that's what he is. give me he's an ungrateful panhandle and i've noticed guy a suggestion of that. he's a trend user. he may not be,
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but he certainly appears. can we not mark. okay. okay, karen? i don't want to get in that. i don't want to go down that path. let me just say to you, in our audience, there was a lot of lot known about zalinski in ukraine and in russia before he got the headline. so i'll leave it at that. okay. okay, cuz i can let me go to you. i would like to jump in, i don't have champions, please do go ahead de style of addressing from the ukrainian side to the wish. and we're disparate disrespect if for example, zelinski demands ukraine, demands the former ambassador of ukraine in gym, and he was a worshipper bandito and he was a yeah, polishing bonded i in the in the gym and media, he demands the gym and site to san submarines. now, for your command, he demands germany to send if 16 to ukraine, they're not even addressing their us so called allies in a respectful way. therefore, i think even among the popular base having gemini, the people are questioning whether they should really deliver this type of
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a weapon, sir, to ukraine. and especially that the information is so facing now through the social media platforms that show clearly the neo nazi seen in ukraine. right. so imagine there are photographers for the f, b for the reuters, and the rest. they are really suffering to publish a photo where debbie is no swastika or davies than you or nazi logos in to put those they are doing really they have a lot of work into hands to hide this photos. and despite that, today, the 8th be posted to view as part of the video in which we can see one of the screenshots, one of the officers, he's wearing an isis black on his, her shoulder. it's crazy. i got a guy, i pull my, what little hair i have out when i try to explain this to people. they just say it's propaganda. it's not true. that's what we're facing here. folks. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on changing narrative stake with our team.
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ah ah, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 18. 85. in the very heart of the african continent. a state under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared. since the beginning, the congo free state was total may him for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children,
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were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congolese people under control. the king set up the so called for spook leak, which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants. fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals, the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used. and as proof presented a chop hand of an african. it was not uncommon when trying to justify the use of the ammunition, the colonist amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide in only 20 years. the policy of the belgians led to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust, that genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the grimmest pages
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in the history of mankind. ah, i think that would employ you can with them put together a tourist initially was this because they get a squint to again a new year. oh, for g for teach the way, know i'm reaching out to school and you have to get us from going to a fairly bluetooth a shima wishing to achieve. and when you move for the woman was more mom williams, i'm with bush, not some of that mom. there, glad to book then you her with the continuum was just like a month or the most on the young. i was it or study to the progress and brought and he said a shad finish. this is just those are for the give a here i'm is national. wouldn't come say you don't friday the until you are
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a referral. move shirt chimney. nissan dealership benefited industrialism. this ah welcome back to cross stock. were all things are considered, i'm purely bell to remind you we're discussing changing narratives with okay, let's go back to andre in washington state. i'm sorry i, you probably know as well as you probably feel the same way i do in watching what's been going on in ukraine, not since the beginning of last year, but all the way back to 2014. and you know what i'm getting out here, what i find really frustrating is the lack of context. there's so little context. if i say to what, what i'm question, you know, where you, peter, why are you so passionate about this?
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and i always say, because this was inevitable, considering the, the west ignored the antecedents of how we got here, the minsk accords, this whole product that the, the whole, the entire push to put the ukraine into nato and all of that. and you say you show them what this is, what a director william burns had to say. i can, i can go on for hours and hours and they just their eyes just glass over because they have never given the context of this. the remember, unprovoked, unprovoked, unprovoked. this was the most provoked war in modern history. andre. yeah, they're gonna text you. a zation of the whole affair is the main math of the actual and should have been marriage. and when you go on the stand off, they don't think they are good and i will say the necessary they're good at it either about the only thing they can do actually in any practical terms,
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is that the, our android sending off and then there are to basically when you look at the american, the western politics, it is primarily it's a narrative. i'm wondering, is there a legal for optical things which are applicable to situation? and what do you want to issue or supplying your brain with arms and money. you're going to see yourself, how foolish you know this all people themselves who do, who are the american longest and decision makers, especially within the beltway, they have no clue what they're doing when they have no clue what they, how do we? because they don't have it down to this article, i don't know oregon physical and intellectual how to learn, how to drug additional information and then what, what comes down to them. they have the blog again, they know have one b, c, d o m. and don't think they know is, know how to count the letter to you,
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the whole and guns and purposes. when you look at this, you will american generals who domain name, mainstream media b at general key and general contrast, know whatever. those think things on people who are view senior yours there. they are elected on their own. was that it was wondering a warfare it's well andre and considering the generals, you just mentioned what, what can what success can they personally point to? they can't. yeah. karen, karen, i mean, i wouldn't, i thought was really painful me for me. i mean, i've, i'm blacklisted. i can't go to ukraine for obvious reasons, but i reform before 2014 and a little bit after i went there many times. okay. and what really pissed painful for me is that in, i've mentioned this before on this program, is it the more the west helps ukraine, the smaller it gets geographically, and it's population not to speak of g d p. and these other things here. i mean,
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it's a failed state and who wants a failed state? you have all this arms flowing in there. no one really knows what to go except for the people that are commandeering it. they know where it's going here. i mean, literally you feel you worked in the military and i'm not asking you to speak for the military. but i mean that the level of cynicism here it's, it's grotesque. karen, and i think actually within even the military today, not the spokespeople and not the retired generals like betray us, but in the military today, i think they're extremely aware of the stupidity and insanity of, of the u. s. policy here. and the reason i say that is, we know this is about russians is about us versus russia to contain control, destroy russia, in some way. we can russia, we have, we have the rand documents to show that that's the objective. but the military understands, well, the u. s military today knows, well that they can't take on russia. we,
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a nato understands the nato officers understand. they cannot take on russia. so this, this is kind of a fantasy that they're all kind of, you know, the emperor has no clothes and everyone is notting obeidi so beautifully, so powerful, you know, but i think they understand the reality. but the problem for me is the concern that i haven't, i think people should have is that because this is an emotional, ideological kind of conflict on the american side and among nato and great britain and, and even ukraine. that winning a war may not be. well, winning or worse, winning the war on their site, that's not possible, but damaging russia causing the amount of chaos that we don't even want to talk about. obviously, chemical nuclear, major destruction of human beings of human life. that is still possible for the u. s. nato and ukraine, less so ukraine, probably the u. s. in nato, to,
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to conduct an operation like that to cause gross damage and then say, well, we're done, we're done, we, we've hurt. and, and this is, this is a desperate move. like you said, the desperation that we see in the western media mouthpiece is foreign. foreign affairs, for example. suppose to be the intellectual gaia, the very desperate and desperation in a, in a dying empire. and we, the united states are the dying empire. that's not a good thing, it's dangerous and so, you know, kind of to keep our fingers crossed a little bit. yeah. make sense? yeah. that the problem is the, the part, the problem is here, is that in, i've talked about this here for almost a solid year. every single program is on this topic. there's no learning curve here, and that's what we're all terrified of. ok, b. and because it's being become so emotional kevorkian in berlin, i want to ask you a very simple question and i'm not saying you represent the german people. but what is germany getting out of this? ok, i mean you're industrial, as your industrial base is being severely damaged. okay. the, the,
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the wonderful success of postwar germany was it's prosperity. ok. that is being challenged right now. and it's, and all the talk about ukrainian sovereignty. what is the u. s. done to german sovereignty, go head in berlin. peter, the biggest loser of this war will be ukraine and the 2nd biggest loser of this, or will be germany and germany will be she severely about the in the economy or in an economic sector. and i think in oklahoma means we all know that the nato's goal in germany, so the industrialized country, we all know that the goal is to cut the economic integration between the russian and the german side. because a good relations between germany and russia means that is stronger asia and this people up the region, they will never needs nato again. so the goal is to weaken germany to make it dependent on the united states secret. there was an economic wise and unfortunately they are politicians here in germany and they, they follow the american it's,
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i the update the gym as didn't want to send video of her thanks. but you know, how much pressure there was on the gym and a government on olaf shows him, said, i'm not saying i'm not giving him a like a justification. but there was a huge pressure from the media, from the political scene and from the elliots here in germany on hold of shows to sent this year for thank. and i suspect that in a few years, gemini will be weakened into extent that they will depend on the under agricultural sector and they will import the guys on the nights this 3 times higher g, the over surprised when they, when they used to buy from russia and therefore, the industry with the mice. yep. it came to last week on away from a provider, you know, history as well as i do, i, it. some of our viewers may know that, you know, at, towards the end of the 2nd world war, the, that was the morgenthau plan to d. and just to clack his gentlemen, who would have thought they were going to implemented in 2023. i to amazing. okay, andre, how does nato equate himself itself in this conflict right now?
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i think it's, it's very existence is in play right now because he was never designed to 5. i fight, i appear conventional conflict. they didn't have a plan b, as you pointed out here, what cents worth, i mean it, it was, i don't what i was going up. it was a supper club. okay. do you have the, john? you're never gonna have to fight. you could have the american umbrella, and this is the, the biggest gross miscalculation ears because russia said, you know, we will find of nato expansion intolerable. and we will react, and they did andre future of nato on there without the boat back, 2001. you want the sam bar and saw what the russian ultimate on, which was the live when he started overall. and we're all remember one of the key points of this all to make own while it was basically least hope demands door or
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all back need. but still there bought us on 990. so i was told my friend on all of the central law office of russian difference be the state was human. who stated that we know the most aware, evolved european vargas may. so nate, or formerly it's lovely to pull the paper tiger, but logically it is tool is will not be able to come back a large combined arms operation design will defeat the peer irrational. which ease appear, in fact, sometimes in some field sense, a bonded p r a level as carol nailed it back to me there is a desperation dash and they are the stand of the very existence of nago which for the last 30 years as they want to say was in the start over mission and they go to find good enough enemy. they have the animal now, what's the problem with the fact that they are saying is arizona address. so just
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before existence date, you know, find this are enemy and there's a desire to have back. you can capture it and do something bad about l. s or to hear mistakes already there were existence of made that isn't staying here. and we can see already how both european union is beginning to show c. s. cracks and labor will follow. so in let me get the last the last 50 seconds to karen. karen, i have a prediction here. russia will po rail on the battlefield. it will dictate its terms, but you know what western leads and their pliant media will say? well, they didn't make it to the english channel. we won. ok. that's what they're going to do. that's what they're gonna do. like 40 seconds. go ahead. well, i think, i think that given we have an election, a presidential election cycle and starting in 2024, we have elections in 2024 biden says he wants to run again. that means the bite and
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team blank. and all these neocons, they need a victory, so they will create one and they will call it one. and i think your proposal there is fine. they didn't make it to the english channel. so we want this whole thing is about narrative management. i think that they are frustrated in dc right now because they are trying to figure out how to make it work, how to say what they think needs to be said. the problem is we sacrificed all the people, the people, the human beings in ukraine. yeah. they, the german economy, reputation of nato, never will be. i would even say the reputation of the west in the eyes of the global majority, the global south. that's actually one of the biggest. absolutely, that's all the time we have fascinating discussion. i want to thank my guess in berlin, mount jackson, and in washington state. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, see you next time. remember crossed articles ah.
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with joggers archipelago, homer, that you go san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you kick off at met g i a u. s. government to make the military base and just deported or the douglas and people from their country. so big caught returned back on the island. no, no, but we are fighting but i'm fine. we'll fighting for the right. so i, we do not consider the right to self determination actually applies to logical. since i don't to no self determination. the legal advice we've received is actually the trickle. since we're not and are not a people for me, it's time to move on and see what we can do for the 10 percent committee to return
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back home. there is no support from the nomination. high commissioner, again, united miss, i don't care about chug or send people ah, the headline dorothy international as of 101 that captured it. russian soldiers were turned from ukraine. the latest exchange of prisoners by moscow and asi speak with russia's ambassador to india, which he says, the 2 countries tie the growing to a new level. despite western sanction with sanctions war against russia has, in fact has had been taken off with accelerated in russia. india trade also in the program of our going to political commentator jimmy door. he says the ukraine conflict was.


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