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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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now a a, a chinese, a fly by the time, so don't a, the world order. well, russian president of the opposing emphasizes the strength of the countries by that full partnership. also. is it cheaper supplier or roy in the world by a big margin with african countries? africa shaping out to be india are just a food supply. so africa with the continent currently accounting for the boss. majority of certain types of indian rice exports. poland
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will enter the plain conflict and fight against russia. if kids military ultimately failed, that's according to both of them. a member state box and today marks exactly 2 decades is us led forces invaded iraq post regime change by force even behind the massive destruction. an estimated 1000000 people that are the continuous social coverage of the devastating compet. a thing alive from moscow is just for the out and it's great to have this. i'm right, i'm on. let's take a look at the top for this our, the upcoming meeting between the leaders of russia and china. ah,
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let me. oh, the chinese leaders. a 3 day visit him often she shing, at his russian capital, m input and have written articles echoing of their common vision and their approach to the turbans o today's world. our world is confronted with complex and intertwined traditional and not traditional security challenges. damaging acts of germany, domination and bullying, and long and tortuous global economic recovery. the international community has recognized that no count 3 is superior to others. no model of governance is universal and no single country should dictate the international order. the collective west is cleaning more and more desperately to archaic dogmas to its elusive dominance. putting the fate of entire states and nations at stake. the u. s
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. policy of dual containment of russia and china, as well as of all those who defy american dig tots is becoming increasingly acute and assertive. the architecture of international security and cooperation is being dismantled. try there is its way into roy moscow later on. monday has a quick preview from our diesel, who was awaiting the time is delegation. i'm here right now in front of look of an airport in moscow where chinese president choosing ping, his landing for his highly anticipated set of meetings with russian president vladimir putin. these meetings are set to take place over the span of 2 days, and the leaders are expected to cover a wide range of topics specifically connected to deepening strategic cooperation between china and russia and finding some sort of solutions for peace in the ukraine conflict. because after all, china is russia's biggest economic and strategic partner in the world, they're going to be to signing some documents that will deepen that strategic
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cooperation between these 2 countries are also set to give a press release to the media at the conclusion of these meetings so of course, we'll bring you all the details as we get them. india has been increasing as forsakes will. so africa help in the clinton co with devastating food shortages and says and regions off he goes for the thrown in shaw mine indian hulu. david in niger present the details of the rising co operation. oh, all the years. my jewels have enjoyed rise from india, particularly the buzz matter rise. but although the government has put in place measures to reduce importation and encourage local rise productions. sellers of the india rise, see my german flava phone varieties, can not be questioned. rise is gluten free,
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and low price contains all the essentials. these are suit this low sodium consumers of dorothy the long green mix. it stand out a improvised material. i like it because it's, it has a long green. it's sling. i don't foresee. i don't fancy fatty rice. i it's held the secondary, it is and i loved it. it was much more expensive. so not everybody like an affordable those done what they want can afford to care for less as it's all like me favorite restaurant was facing the long green. does it for me right. a petition into nigeria has been in a downward trend. some nigerians who prefer and depend largely on the indian rise have refused to accept homegrown rights varieties made gilbert ford cry says conflict and subsequent sanctions making things
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difficult to cross the world. there's a sliver of good news coming in from the global south africa's future. all scenes increasingly connected with india as rise, diplomacy between the 2 countries intensifies in now the cheapest supplier or roy in the world by a big margin that has she and, and so rural african countries. and i'll africa shaping out to be india largest market. africa has emerged as a lucrative market for indian rice exporters, india as a reliable and reasonable one for africa. india forthright to all were 150 countries. and out of the $14000000.00 tons of rice, it has exported so far this year. over 9, millions of gone to africa alone. africa has traditionally b, nobody, large market photo with non bus went the days because racism is affected as
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compared to quality, which is important in other markets like southeast asia, australia you, etc, and know the estimate of ministry of agriculture. is there 2120 to be had 122000000 done. so what a sport actual equity cur has been importing roughly around 2 thirds of more than 2 3rd of with overall numbers. murphy dice export india primarily exports, spar boiled non basmati rice to africa. and since africa is a price sensitive market, the benefits are up to. we wrote it gets both a good deal for tom and good quality at low prices. and they are just like the rest of the wall has been trying to ensure the domestic market has what it needs and restricted the export to wife last september. it is unlikely to lift the export ban
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any time soon to continue in shore food security at home. and india, despite the restrictions, has remained the world's largest exporter off rice by there is no impact on the old, all exports is primarily because the world still looks at indiana, you know, a supplier of race and we have, we still have displayed 20 was in duty we still have an edge or whatever completely to us. i was referring to internet some places yesterday, this $20.00 parked and deeply. so whether it is compared with thailand or pakistan, the still stay with india. now as the country has accused, the british government of inadequately responding to attack my separatist group on a new days. my commission office in london, members of the hollis son independent group which was a coll,
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rouzan of one of the state in east india. i've been accused of conducting the attack during which the indian tribe was torn down in his external affairs. ministry said to the british, authorities violated the vienna convention on diplomatic relations by failing to provide sufficient security for the building. one of the suspect to the attacker has been detained to security guard the wounded. during the incident today, marks 2 decades is us fed forces invaded iraq, unleashing immense devastation on the middle east and country, and causing the death of an estimated 1000000 people. all 3 of them, march 2003, the u. s. put boots on the ground to impose regime change by force on allegations of weapons of mass destruction that been proven false. artie continued as special
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coverage over the conflict which through the oil rich country into chaos. and d stabilized the entire region. ah, m r c 1003, missiles, rain down on baghdad. this invasion left behind a massive destruction, an estimated 1000000 people that are te correspondence, steve sweeney. because the light, when the us bombing campaign wasn't leashed on the iraq, he capital at this hour. american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger.
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eye witnesses described what happened when missiles rained down on the iraqi capital, a march 2003. while the attack was anticipated, locals will have traumatized by the sheer scale of the destruction. ah, hulu. it was very difficult for the country, and for all iraqis citizens on that day, a disaster struck my nephew was killed in the 1st strike on that goddamn day bushes, a criminal. it was his fault. they are all criminals. they trampled on humanity. they hate people. this was to be expected of them. they came to destroy the country, not to protect the citizens of iraq. it was a curse time for all. iraqis were still feeling the consequences of this. the world has promised. the american soldiers would be welcomed with open arms with flowers and with sweets, while a swift victory was guaranteed,
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we are in the square where the americans tore down the statue of saddam hussein. but what many people don't realize is that he was just yards away in the streets behind me. watching events unfold. bus loads of people were brought in to create the impression that it was ordinary iraqis that tore down the statue. it was to create the narrative that the people who supported the us led invasion as the u. s . struggled with heavy losses private military contractors were brought in. but they, too were involved in war crimes, the atrocities against ordinary iraqis civilian here in this or square one of the worst massacres took place at the hands of the notorious black. it's a private military company as they escorted a u. s. military convoy. the mercenaries open fire, killing 17 and wounding 22. i think the word blackwater for me as a journalist is associated with something terrifying. i saw people in complete disarray. for example. there was always
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a risk that any resident could be shot dead on the street. this incident took place in the al cough area. there was a turmoil, some passes by were killed by blackwater, pmc. we went to this place only after the black water left by then black water was something terrible for us. this incident was not particularly disgust at the meetings by the government then for blackwater personnel with charlton giles. but i would like to pardon by then you have president donald from black or to maintain his name, but not the fact of it. under the name of how to me, it was a legacy involved in the fighting for my 4th is ahead of the conflict in ukraine. now as constant. it has a vested interest in liquid natural gas, which many phase the recall of what has been described as nato for the wall. consensus was bought $1000000000.00 by investment company apollo group in 2016. in september 2020 apollo group entered a 5 and a half 1000000000 real estate investment partnership with the abbey national oil
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company, one of the world's largest oil companies, and a major exporter of liquefied natural gas. in december 2021 at note, was invited to enter a joint venture to create an oil and gas term, new in the ukranian pulse of odessa for transportation to western countries. the announcement came a month off, the chief executive of the ukrainian state energy company, nafta. guess you are if a trend co tote, an abu dhabi energy conference that he hopes to russian nurturing to pipe on into europe, which bypasses ukraine would not be approved. he said that ukraine stood to lose $2000000000.00 per year, about 1.5 percent of its g d p. if the russian pipe was operational, claiming that no seeing 2 is actually putting the whole continent and global security at risk. one expert says, these organizations operate in a gray area, often outside the law, live to your children, the blackwater case has not been solved. i think the americans are investigating the case, but insignificant information about the investigation. procedure and compensation
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issues comes from different sources. i heard that some citizens receive compensation while others did. not all this is caused by the weakness of the government and protecting it citizens. we now know that the war was based on a lie. there were no w m days and saddam had nothing to do with $911.00. but the legacy of the invasion went in oliver smith over 5 years. murphy, specialist harlan ullman, shave to the country, his doctor, and on the so called shock an old tactics of overwhelming 4th year in the invasion of iraq. he spoke with our shinla hanson. oh, stop, go underground. i am at the 20th anniversary with the thoughts of the war today marks 20 years since the usa in britain, luncheon unprovoked invasion of iraq, which would lead to tens of millions killed, wounded or displaced in was throughout the region and beyond. and since this, sir, seismic a change in the world,
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you design shock and or how do you reflect on it today? the shock and awe that we designed and i was part of a group of people who had actually thought and desert storm as well as donald rumsfeld, secretary of defense, who was a wrong number of the group. the shock and all that we design was not the shock and all that general tommy franks administered what frank did was a desert storm. sort of massive attack on steroids. if the real shock and i had been used, we would have tried to depose saddam hussein without firing a shot. the same time geopolitical strategy of the kind that you write about you write books about has nothing to do with it in a way. and until someone settles down and realizes that, well, suddenly the united states and nato, and particularly benefiting out of this as lenin said, there are contradictions,
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comrade, and there are contradictions, everywhere, and you point out some of the issues. look, the europeans are dependent upon russian energy very. and that applies very much in germany where there is a soft spot for russia. for those reasons. if you go a step further, the bulk of members of the united nations, and if you do it by population or not on the side of the us in the west and you pray, ah, we provide many of us areas of, out of the us invasion of iraq walk this grim, unable to stay with us for more human rights stories, and other details about them as the campaign throughout the day. poland would enter the ukraine conflict and fight against russia. if kismine c o 2 at least fails, according to poland, ambassador to follow needs a member state farm's eyes. he spoke in a recent interview on french television. swell,
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o is the ukraine will defend its independence or else we will be obligated to enter into these conflict because our principal values that the foundation of all civilization of our culture will fundamentally be in danger. so we have no choice hose and bass, or the paris just went on. one of france is taught news networks and basically told the french people that poland is willing to drag the rest of the west into a full blown frontal war with russia. why? because ukraine's independence is threatened, he says, warsaw is now trying to back pedal in connection with the comments on the interview given by ambassador russia shasky to the french station. now see i on much the 18th this year, we would like to know that it is interpreted by some media in isolation from the context in which it was given. careful listening to the entire conversation allows us to understand that there was no statement about poland, direct participation in the conflict. but only it worn in about the consequences of
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ukraine defeats the possibility of russia attacking or involvement of the central european countries in the war. like the baltic states and poland, but the ambassador sure didn't seem worried about keith's independence when the u. s. state department was setting up shop in ukraine after leading regime changed against this president victory new coverage back in 2013 for refusing to sign a cooperation deal with europe in favor of a more independent position visa v. russia and the west. and where was the same polish ambassador to uphold those values of independence when the u. s. poured cache into poland, the u. s. congress approved $288000000.00 worth a foreign military financing just last year for warsaw. with washington playing sugar, daddy is poland, really in a position to claim independence as a core value, let alone one worth dragging. the whole western world into war with russia to defend. now frontier a deputy terri, mariani has just pointed out that warsaw is now going further in washington in
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providing fighter jets to ukraine, which washington still the least for now refuses to do the kind of weapons mariani says that can hit deep into russian territory. now clearly a huge risk of major escalation here. yet the polish president says that war sauce make 20 nines will arrive in ukraine within days. and the rest of the wes just shrugs, i guess, by the way, the people of france. so, you know, the audience that the polish ambassador to paris was addressing on french t v. i certainly not agreed to rush in behind. poland for a war with russia just because both warsaw and keith had this totally delusional view of themselves as a dependent and not washington paid shields doing its dirty work against russia. now germany in france, the economic and military powers of europe have at least tried at times throughout this whole crisis to temper the gung ho washington rhetoric around the great
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conflict. but poland has been at the forefront of pushing for escalation at every turn. first, the supplying tanks and now with fighter gents and this ambassador and now just casually calling for a head on war between russia, neo a video has a surface maintenance claim. me to show you credit in full. it is bernie, a copy of the quote on the incident vote, scathing condemnation from rums on causative. the head of rushes for dominantly moves and republic of chechnya, he has offered the equivalent of a 130000 bows for anyone who detains those involved. you haven't fella, news agency is also denounced. the incident sub and use at is, is strongly condemned this sacrilegious desecration of the holy koran by ukrainian soldiers and calls for their emitted arrest. it's clear, these grand and soldiers are being trained to insult. he's lamb on muslims worldwide. iris face
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r. c is not bull causing the entire video. it appears to show you couldn't soldier where we are. pages of the muslim holy book and burning them. the video was originally posted on the social network, tick tock, but was removed, followed by a barrage of condemnation from uses. a senior orthodox christian clergyman in jerusalem as also denounced. anton saying it was an offensive both christians and muslims. yeah. anyhow clicked on this infringement and a copy of the holy koran is aggressive, provocative and gross. it indicates an absence of any human moral values among those who committed this. we in palestine in jerusalem, confirm to you that such a hideous, violent, immoral acts against islam and the holy koran is an acceptable for us. all such provocations and encroachments on religious values or in acceptable in no way can
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we accept any form of racism and hatred, or the rejection of religious pluralism and our world. this plural, as must be respected with those ukrainian soldiers did as an acceptable force. this year's act was aimed not only against islam and muslims, but also against all existing human and moral values in the world as well as holly relics, both muslim and christian. such a thing is an acceptable we in jerusalem suffer from such atrocities. whether it be against our holly relics or palestinians been subjected to the invasion in their homes. russia has been hosting cavalry of representatives from across africa in an effort to further develop its already robust tides. with the continent, representatives of african nations have welcomed the increased support, saying their partnerships with russia are based not on the exploit of tactics of western powers, but on mutual beneficial interests. think it's,
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it's an opportunity for parliamentary members to, to share ideas, to see how we can cooperate on the parliamentary level. so we've discussed about a about corporation in terms of legislations, how we push legislations to, to, to better, you know, the cooperation to button the ship. i think it's important that i parliamentary level. there is something discussions between african countries and now with russia today to see the commonalities, the things that we we can walk on together and see how we can improve what our countries, russia, countries in africa, in the continent, in general. we found goodbye goes on the louisiana, simply because a demo day had to exploit africa or pick oni. so as i'm being util ship, it was half empty. so we have these believe, does russia, is they have to us, is africa. was it is they have to add value to whatever other kind of people have.
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so we have no talk and i went to a role. she had to move africa for this is marina cross. the river takes us through the highlights of the events sofa. this is all about, of course, strengthening ties between russia and africa. as of russia goes away from the west and segues different corporations operators that show how multi polar this world is and washer and africa was very interested in that. and here today we have delegations from over 40 african countries, the majority of african countries i should say, and they're having conversations with russia's business and political leads and they're discussing things such as o corporation when it comes to fields of science and also education. we know that there, around the $35000.00 african students in russia right now. 6000 of them are here on a scholarship there increase in that number. they're actually almost doubling the
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number if you compare it to 2021. they're also discussing their a responses to economic challenges. also, another issue is the struggle over western neo colonialism, but a subject that's very sensitive in particular of course for africans. and then of course, we have the issue of global security. they're seeking ways of how they can cooperate and into a peace and stability in russia and also on the african continent. we heard from the democratic republic of congo, asking for urgent assistance from russia as in battles, terror threats in the east of the country. and also russia states do much hair person also spoke with representatives from molly's central african republic, zimbabwe many, many more. and it's all about how can they be mutually beneficial to each other. and this is all, of course, on the backdrop we are expecting. and major russia, africa summit in july in st. petersburg. so this is in a way as a test drive right before that, even though this is already the 2nd, i enter
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a national and to plan a very session that we're seeing so far. this is, and it's just kicked off day, want still have a lot ahead. mila has in the santa fe, mr. has been in cairo to meet the egyptian prison. okay. focus all the thought full of expanding co operation on agriculture, education trade. and andy, the russian side noted the construction of a nuclear power plant in egypt is proceeding ahead of schedule. we spoke with guests at the parliamentary conference in law, flew about the increased cooperation between russia and african nations. let me remind you that africa represent 65 number states. so if 55 member states are attending this conference means that russia still have the external and the international recognition. and now it's time for africa to connect more with russia to threaten their ties in trade, in investment, in military,
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in strategic relations. and also of diplomacy in education, in youth projects, children projects. because let me say it the worst are controlling, still controlling some countries and situating and term on conflicts just to take the natural resources of africa. and let me remind you also that africa has the potential to send to this. and we are ready to see a free africa developing ties with other partners for when, when relationships russia never come on, lies the country in africa. and i don't remember that russia colonized any country in the world, and this is the turning point of our clean and trustworthy relationship with russia . we are here because russia supported us there an hour for facing the french colony and they're actually supporting other countries. you appreciate their collaboration and all the efforts that russia is fine to bring into africa in terms
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of development as you may be away, we've got to mineral resources. we are interested in agriculture. our for tells us who they are coming from russia. so there's a lot of african needs from a power house late last year. we are friends to everyone and we are not in a minute enemies to anyone. so russia has come up to a certain personality through our diploma tells with head bilateral talks. and we are not shy, we're not shy of associating with russia. more especially is, this is sorting. there's no finding a claim. and so we've made to with that west. so if russia comes for us, we are open to, to, to, to, to russia. for the top, so is new for this i'll say with us though for an exclusive interview with
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a recent visit to wash ah ah, with .


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