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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] aah! who's with the united states is now just the main initiate of anti russian policy. the new foreign policy concept assumes an absolute rejection of neo colonial practices and head human isn't moscow laser like to it's new foreign policy priorities, funding, western actions against russia, a hybrid war, foreign minister law for all fonts. the country won't isolated. so these are ready for dialogue and then new most the polar reality. saudi arabia agrees to join the shanghai cooperation organization of that dialogue partner. the move comes in made
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a recent strengthening of ties between beijing unreal joe biden rejects that wall street journal's play to expel russian diplomats and journalists from the u. s. in response to the rest of the art. let's report her on charges of espionage for washington. with a clock here in moscow on this the last day of the month, friday, march the 31st welcome to the news. our on our t, washington is been main initiator of empty russian policy bounced the message from moscow as the kremlin lays out its new foreign policy concept for the coming years . the country's top diplomat surrogate lever off. also say russia is determined to build stronger relations with the developing world global you certainly would
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you go monthly. united states is named as the main initiative antique russian policy. in general, the west policy of weakening russia is called a hybrid war. the new tight new foreign policy concept assumes an absolute rejection of neo colonial practices. and hedgeland is of a course is being set for a strategic partnership with our great neighbors, china, india, and countries of the islamic world. the latin american countries, the countries of africa and countries beloved. when earlier, our correspondent marina culture ever broke down some of the main points of the document. the updated foreign policy concept has some 76 points. we won't go through them all. but just to give a main just of things, basically it's all about, as they said in the document, abandoning the dominance of the united states and working on strengthening corporation with other countries to make sure that this is a mold type. holo world, something that we've been hearing about, rory for a couple of months. this is not really cemented this. now,
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in the documentary decree that was signed by vladimir putin and what it states here is, for example, we've seen that the u. s. is the main source they're saying of this. and so russia policy and the document urges other countries, for example, to abandon the answer russia policy want and also to get a greater independence from the united states. and russia for its part is planning to help developing countries, for example, to play a greater role in the global economic affairs who are the roches friends. we're talking about china, india, africa, it's stated in the com and document as well that islamic civilization, it's always seen in russia as friendly and they will continue to work on it. and the key point here, every time that we're talking about a cooperation with another country, it's all about being mutually beneficial. so they are benefits not only russia, but the other country that we're talking about and make sure that this is a multi polar world where the interest not only of the united states and the west are being observed,
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but also all of these other countries. and so that these other countries play a bigger role and we're not talking about the monopoly or the head to money that we've heard from the west. and it's allies. of course, one of the things that we put in was saying was that the global economy is going through serious changes, switching to new centers of power for the new multi polar world order. putin saying this is a key trend. it is a key trend and also in this document, it does say it does face that there will, there are off or says find the breakup officer and partnerships that russia is form and now with these other countries and that will work on eliminates in that and when it sees something interference happening, it will act and respond also. there will be tackling, in terms of humanitarian policies abroad. the priorities are bruce, the phobia, we've seen how much that's changed, especially since the special military operation began, protects in the russian language, russian culture were sports. they're trying to cancel anything russian that seems
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now in europe and around the world level before minister keeps playing host to all these other for a minute just to keep rushing to moscow. and if they're not rushing to moscow, marina, they're going to beige, for example, next week. macros. the teacher's pet is going to beige with live angela and i. so i assume they're going there with a cap in hand because they know the multi polar world is already departing. exactly . so will be interesting to see what they achieve, if anything, when they go to based on what happens there. but also again, just to return to this updated foreign policy concept in it, the 1st point actually does states in the very beginning that russia does not seats off as an enemy of the west does not want to isolate the self from the west. me and your name was make sure we know so isolating ourselves from the west. we have know initially hostile intentions towards them, but they must understand the interaction with russia is possible with the rejection
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of confrontation. so accept the reality that this is becoming a multi polar world that can no longer deny it. and what they're trying to do is to make sure that they don't hurt all the countries while they're trying to hang on to that dominance because russia will no longer allow it's, china will no longer allow it. there are other countries, bigger power houses in the world data already and they're coming together. they just slipped back to what we call. so ago, when the chinese president came to moscow and as he was leaving food and what was the one thing that he said we're witnessing the biggest changes in a 100? yes, and you and me are driving these changes from vladimir putin simply said, i agree. yeah, and they're not the only ones saying this, everyone is aware of this. nothing. this is why they are so concerned in the west because this is a power house union that we're seeing now. well, jackie shown to a political analyst in south africa, told us earlier thoughts as russia expands ties with the global side. it makes the
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long dominant west uncomfortable. seems to clumps. oh no. oh, so do you watch for a wide variety of reasons? russia has not had that central know expression presidents in world change and for too long for the west in particular, united states and pretty much a we have enjoy that. so. ready i was, you know, i think there's a realization, certain definitely in africa that, that were sick and tired of hearing all these negative things. rushes which seem really have no basis in truth and reality. africa has experienced russia and china in terms of mutual respect, mutual benefits, mutual dignity, more often than not. we've experienced the west as this big monster
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that an imposed look. so that dictates that gives ultimatums. while saudi arabia has agreed to join the shanghai cooperation organization of a dialogue partner, another big news line, the move comes amid the strengthening of ties between riyadh and beijing. a saudi cabinet session approved the decision earlier. china has been fostering allies in the middle east to country us since recently brokering an agreement between reality and around that revive their diplomatic relations. additionally, the saudi state to energy company romco has just signed to major deals with aging on oil cooperation. earlier, my colleague re sushi, discuss the saudi reaction to joining the seo plus the dollars place in the world today with retired commer door in the saudi arabian navy abdullatif our team.
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so there's joining, it's a not, not, not to for the membership. so now this looked like some things, the importance of saudi arabia, saudi arabia is doing all these things, a sort of verse of why the income, the relation around the whole world. good addition is going to come in security, which means that that would cover whatever. but i don't think it's a bad dimming the united states because the united states was a total as the number one he's on the whole world. and one very, very important point is that his china, to the home was, or as it's willing because the war is pretty big responsibility. and this is very, very big burden and, and china, i need to do our last regarding how they do the outside world leading,
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leading that, well, mr. m. okay, and i mean, i like how you said that, but you're saying china is not ready to lead the world like america it's but america, sorry to say is a war mongering nation. look at all the countries that america has invaded over how many decades and you're telling me that china is not ready to leave the world. well i'm, i'm not, i'm not here to get a certain point, but i don't, that is, it is china ready to take the response of the responsibility of the whole world. the united states is very powerful in economy and culture indication, innovation and technology. so business something b, and also note that the, even the chinese currency is likely tied up by a price to the us dollar dollar. it's being slowly pushed out by members of the s c o, the bricks, the assay, and the global stuff. how can you tell me,
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how can you tell me for the dollar it will be taking forever. it's already fading around the world. people are pushing it out. there is nothing really, you know, economy is one of the, one of the economy at the, at the time when the population 5 percent, i just shared with you as the, with us politics or disagree with them like them. don't want them until today. we've been here and since the seventy's, the diminishing done. and it's going to be nice. yes. saudi arabia is something more and more with the ease. but that doesn't mean that we are going to all of a sudden with a push, a button disregard the, the strike a deal relation with the united states. rushes ambassador to the us house called for the withdrawal of all american, made nuclear weapons from non us territories. he also stated moscow cannot sit idle in the face of
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a growing number of nato allies conducting nuclear weapons drills. i see is fishing, rushing in the 90s, took all measures to withdraw nuclear weapons from the territory of the former ussr . here, there we are, americans to do the same, to abandon the thinking of the cold war period to return all he was nuclear weapons to the territory of the united states. and we also called for the elimination of the relevant infrastructure in europe. and the cessation of the practice of the united states and nato, who, by conducting nuclear missions, the practice is incompatible with neither the less and nor the spirit of the non proliferation treaty. we have asked nato to bring it smallest in line with its accepted commitments. the modernization of these huge reserves is only gaining momentum. u. s. weapons are deployed in the netherlands, germany, research and other nato countries. recall that poland are also agreed to
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participate in joint nuclear exercises. this is exactly the area that the measures taken by the president of russia are aimed at the one and which has so frightened these zalinski regime and it's west and sponsors. or did you seriously think that we would not react to your provocative statements and actions are designing the 15 member body that leads the united nations. ready assembled to discuss the issue of tactical nuclear weapons being deployed by russia in val roofs, and bella bruce agreeing to host those tactical nuclear weapons. now, many usaa line countries used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia to blame russia for the conflict in ukraine. to accuse russia of various things that we've seen throughout western media over the past months. however, when russia talked to the floor, they pointed out something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in western media has worked to just simply not mansion,
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which is that the united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of nuclear agreements. and he went over in detail all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united states from there. and he went on to highlight how u. s. policy has been aimed at trying to dictate and control other countries and escalate tensions around the world. here's what we heard from russian ambassador and ben zia zeppelin is thrown of the king mobiles. western countries are simply trying to impose their own rules on the russian or the world beneficial only to them in order to then to monde this strict compliance from other states. they themselves, of course, do not consider themselves bound by any obligations. such inherently neo colonial attitudes are aimed at ensuring the prosperity of the so called golden 1000000000
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at any cost. neither we know our colleagues from developing countries can be misled, and he more apparent hypocrisy of the united states in demanding that russia not be able to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to bel roofs. while the united states and its allies have nuclear weapons that was made clear by the remarks buying the benzine before the council, china also called for a de escalation, i in particular in regards nuclear weapons and also emphasizing the need for a resolution of the conflict in ukraine for negotiations to take place. overall meeting highlighted very big differences between major countries represented on the council when it comes to their interpretation of world advance. russia made clear that the united states is acting in a way that is provoking conflict rather than seeking resolution. and not really enforcing any of this rhetoric we hear about
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a rules based global order. nato has welcome the turkish parliament's decision to allow of finland to join the western military block. now after anchor is initial opposition to the move i welcome to vote of the grand national assembly of tortilla to complete the recertification of finland, succession. this will make the whole nato family stronger unsafe her. hey, i remember that all tagline from former vice presidential us candidate says sarah palin and alaska governor sarah palin. she said famously, i can see russia from my house that should be nato's tagline. so finland now is joining nato. it adds another 1300 kilometers to the western military alliance is border with russia. at this point, it's kind of like some guy at a party getting within 3 inches of your face and insisting that because he's not actually touching you, he's just breathing in your face that he's respecting your personal space. now we keep hearing from nato officials and western leaders that nato, as a defensive alliance,
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purely and strictly. but at what point does this endless encroachment just become offensive, particularly when there's entire hayes on that is to target russia. and that it's become really bold in acting unilaterally on its own and circumventing the united nations security council when it comes to bombing other countries that don't adhere to the western agenda. like for example, serbia and libby i just to name a couple, one member of the hungarian national assembly expressed concerns today about what sin wins, inclusion could mean for peace and stability. if finland joins nature, this will increase the possibility of an escalation, as well as the risk of a direct armed conflict between a native member state and russia. nato is participating in a game that the u. s. is playing beyond the borders of the alliance. the u. s. is using ukraine as a puppet. in reality, it's not in the interest of the
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e. u to support the ukrainian conflict and the sanction regime against russia. however, there is a bloodthirsty atmosphere of war among e, you politicians, finland, being a member of the european union has also recently joined the chorus of wester voices rationing up the pro war rhetoric against russia. and that's a new position for europe actually, which over the past few decades hasn't always blindly cited with washington for her french president, jacques chirac and german chancellor. gerhard schroeder, allied with russian president vladimir putin against the u. s. invasion of iraq, for example. and i was at a time when washington was looking to build that so called coalition of the willing . and that descent is actually what kept europe out of that particular quagmire to the economic and other benefit of the entire block and people of europe. today though, where's the voice of reason in europe? well hungarian prime minister, victor r bon,
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is still trying to draw attention to the fact that europe's role as a peacemaker has pretty much gone out the window with the conflict in ukraine. the number of countries supporting peace instead of war has not increased at all. people want peace while you leaders are taking a pro war stance for them. the main issue continues to be deciding which weapons to send to ukraine. it is slowly becoming a legitimate question among e u. leaders, whether e u. member states could send peacekeeping troops to ukraine in some form. not only as the e u, abdicating its role of honest broker or mediator between the west and the east. but it's joining washington and conveniently, exploiting the conflict in ukraine in which it keeps saying that it isn't directly involved to write a blank check for its own military industrial complex. as suggested recently by the blocks chief diplomat, yoseph bro,
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europeans have reduced investments in the defense industry over the past 20 years. but due to the radically shifted security environment, we need to increase that again. specifically, we want to deliver a 1000000 artillery shells to ukraine. within a year. we are providing a total of $2000000000.00 euros for this. as part of the european piece facility with a reimbursement rate of 50 to 60 percent, we can allocate around $4000000000.00 euros with this new package. yeah, well it's now part marshall of creating problem that now has to conveniently ramp up the defense spending for. well, i guess if you cut yourself off from cheap energy with sanctions as europe did with russian gas in your industry as suffering or bailing to the united states, then transferring a whole lot of taxpayer cash to ramp up weapons production will have to do. it's kind of like you losing your day job and then just deciding that, hey, you can be
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a drug dealer instead. knowing how easily europe was willing to follow along with washington's project of militarize in the ukranian border with russia under the guise at the mix. peace accords. he operative word there being peace. any new nato expansion along russia's border with in europe isn't exactly comforting for the future of european p security or stability. now, the wall street journal has demanded russia's ambassador to the u. s. along with all russian journalists currently in america to be expelled from the country, it comes after a reporter for the author was arrested in russia this week on espionage charges over president biden says, there are no plans to expel anyone. the biden administration will have to consider diplomatic and political escalation expelling russia's ambassador to the us as well as all russian journalists working here would be the minimum to expect.
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ah, all american reporter and ben gerber, which was arrested by the f. s p on thursday on charges of espionage. he's accused of trying to obtain classified information about the russian defense industry. a moscow court rule to keep the american journalist behind bars for 2 months, pending further investigation. now he could face up the 2 decades in prison. if i am guilty, the west though, has been quick to condemn thee, the tinge rushes decision to detain. a u. s. journalist shows their complete disregard for media freedom. we stand shoulder to shoulder with the u. s. in defense of these fundamental democratic principles, the e u condemns the detention of evan durst. greevich, a journalist, and us citizen in russia, journalists must be allowed to exercise their profession freely and deserve protection. the russian authorities demonstrate yet again, their systematic disregard for media freedom or russian foreign ministry
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spokeswoman maria as a horror of us slum the e u chief for his comments suggesting he could show the same courtesy to arrest that sputnik journalist, murat calcium i'm to with said lord julian massage, who was facing extradition to the u. s. and a potential sentence of a 150 years. u. s. journalist and or 3rd, daniel as our say. so it's hypocritical for the west to accuse russia while detaining mistress and what's been done to julian sanchez, is tragic. it's bruce is now turning around and doing the opposite. and blaming us policy towards the stars has been brutal. demand's been in jail. is this physical health, his mental health of all suffered the international monetary fund has reportedly approved lansing package for ukraine. it's the biggest alone ukraine us. we're seeing the i m f has given help to a country. currently up war, protect, significant financial reforms,
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ukraine's economy at least $38000000000.00 from foreign donors to plug. it's also been pledged from the u. s. the you earn or dive into all this with professor dr. ty, alexander, economic observer. good to see that happening yearly and dollars. reportedly, ukraine will receive over the figure to satisfy the demand if the weight which is analogous to the escalation of military a successful and filtering the root cause of the problem which relationship to russia. so let us have a look at the figure. i see its largest pe, our rescue package in the history of the i m f shortfall in ukraine last year and of 39.5, which is about 9 percent of g d p. m. $5000000000.00 from the rescue package. the, the number, it's now already larger 30 for the, from other donors. so the, the model huge, this will not be sufficient. ask i, as you well know,
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does not come cheap at just the rate of 3.5 percent additional strand bigger. so i put the question, could this money actually be more prediction? yeah. which is quite difficult and it's relation of a war, right? so basically the ukraine economy is last year compared to 2 point one percent going sanction. so that's a huge problem because you have to base rate $3.00. yeah. for every pay out of money, it gets even more expensive because there should've been kind of it. so we can calculate about 7.5 to 8 percent. but if you want to point the train, you know, then it gets a loan to rebuild and then you get another on. so in terms of was, this is all word for the growth in 2023. if these figures are not correct, then it will be because the problems now the scapegoat is russia, right?
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but the gods and bet fiscal policy before they mon, i it's, it's hard not to think that the struggling self of cobra, etc, etc. and trying to pay their a bill out. and you mentioned it's, i think you said the 7 biggest low war that's, that's never happened before in terms of this break from traditional policy. is it
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