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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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those in power want to keep it that way. the aggression as those begin assessing will not be an easy ride. some people think it is probably obligates 26000000 this year in new jersey, military authorities, war and all that stuff. responsive fees. echo was a group of west african nations, picks up arms against the country, maintaining the float. you members, state hungry stays neighboring. serbia is offering to help secure supplies of russian gas through a southern european route. if you train attendance the whole system around honors those full in, in its 19 eighties war against their rock come the 35th anniversary of its ends with veterans. seeing the west held a major role in smoking the tensions, our enemies grew. number, her former friends turned into our enemies. why?
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because their interest had been jeopardized, and that led them to turn against us with just days to go until the curtain rises on this year's brick. summit's final preparations are well underway in south africa . the event promoting a more most people are world will bring together shop officials, business people installers, you see the fixing. so the of the small about trying to see how the country so we can only cutting this and that is what sales are terms i'm yeah, subscribes to the very well and welcome to the next hour. i'm going to know leo and this is our t international. we begin in west africa where the leader of the ku, impose government in new jersey has addressed the nation. he stated,
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if there's at military intervention by echo was, don't expect his country to lie down. and take it, i didn't say nothing, i'd say to the national council for the safe go to the homelands and all the people of nisha once more and remain open to dialogue. but let's be clear. if aggression is lost against us, it will not be an easy ride to some people think it is. they will be off the gauge 26000000 this year, arians without sales. indeed, the number of nigerian signing off to defend their country exceeded 50000 in the 1st 2 hours of registration being open. it in fact, had to be post after organizers were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of volunteers locals in. neil may also gather in support of the news government. this focus against a potential intervention by echo was member states and trump and slogans against former colonial power friends, which they see as being behind the moves against nature's coo leaders.
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demonstrators waive the flags of 15, a 5 so so the and the other nearby nations that have expressed support for their country to an organizer of the raleigh said the people of nature are united in their fight against echo was as well as far as his influence the were in the critical situation because since the events of july 26th equal was officials have decided to impose in humane sanctions against me here. and on top of that they have decided to engage in aggression against these here. but it's not echo watch because behind all of this, this bronze, bronze is ready to kill anyone for you. so interest, this situation is serious. you have all heard the speech of the hands of national council for the safe guard of the homeland. it's clear that we are a toy against everyone who's against the people of new here, against these year itself. and everyone who supports these, you have to mobilize to become united against this aggression because the bronze
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has already read the in the upcoming days, they will once the costs of the internet and any access to social media, i think would have to be review and, and mobilize, that's great strategies without the internet and social media because they're capable of doing that. they have already planned all their actions to be able to reach the presidential palace. they will have to trample all regions that stand before them. today in all of new jersey who can tell its own town 1000000 people who have joined the all me, let them know the to the new jerry and capital. and more specifically here in the i'm a now this morning. as you can see, there are many young men, women, and children who at the request of the new jerry and society organization came out and supported the cnsp national council, which protects their homeland and to say no to any military intervention by eco us . as you can see now, the place is crowded with people who are determined to defend their homeland show
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their support for the council, safeguarding it and to vehemently say no to france. these people have been here since this morning are in good spirits and proud for the opportunity to bring honor to new share and represent their nation here. and it's capital me and me to the following the call by the new authorities for dialogue. we believe that this is what is needed, yes, to dialogue no, to war. the aim of this demonstration is to show the mobilization of the people with new share against the anti social measures of eco was indeed we cannot understand how our country that has no access to the sea can be cut off from food medicine and other supplies. even electricity to the points of considering military aggression against our country. all of this has been done for the benefit of a client of individuals. in detroit, we came to demonstrate to show our joy and show of support for the soldiers locked up. we're behind them, we're ready to die for a country or against any military intervention in the west function. my dialogue is
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extremely important, but i'm sure that the people will support the military duty unless you know that we are gathered here today to show the world that our new government does not allow the people of the chair or against any kind of information by the to watch some friends, we are not going to back down to watch the police also need to understand that the people of these are, are ready to fight against any aggression. or if you'd like to delve deeper into the rough putting the evolving situation in nature, their website has you covered there as well? why one on the list leaves the west is attempting to push out. i forgot to awards war. but this feeling all that on 50 more besides in r t dot, the end of the story were across today, serbia will ensure an increase in russian guests deliveries to hungry ukraine stumps, the flow of russian fuel to europe as it had threatened. that's what hungry is minister of foreign, the 1st set on sunday adding it would happen to buy of the turkish stream pipeline
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. it was not the bottom would you call. you've heard in recent days that ukraine would like to terminate the previously concluded natural gas transit agreement. with russia today, the serbian president made it clear that of hungry would like to increase natural gas shipments to serve you to hungry then serbia can insure the necessary shipment capacities. peter a, c. r to stress about the turco stream pipeline, which runs from russia to, to keep is a garden. so you have hungry is energy security. you also confirmed the budapest intends to continue diversifying roots some fuel supply sources. the nightstand comes as leaders of some bulk in and the year of asia. nations including trustee in serbia, are in the home, gary and capital to hold meetings with the prime minister. back in 2021,
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russian energy john gas problem began to supply gas to serve and 5 other nations by the bulk and stream pipeline, which is a new section stemming from the turkish stream. that passes through the territory of serbia. the new pipelines capacity amounts to a half day 14000000000 cubic meters of gas per year, and it's expected the supply chain will be expanded to other countries, including hungry. we spoke to hungary in global affairs unless george zamarelli, who said that he doesn't care about your posit listens only to those across the atlantic. the ukraine knows that they it's main manufacturer, it's main page one is the united states, so they and so the ukrainians know that it doesn't really matter. so too much of what they say about the europeans. i mean, they openly insult a lot of charlotte typically live association. so and, and then you, they could get away with it. the only people who mass a source key of is comes on as the americans, and that they wouldn't,
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they wouldn't love death to talk my that about bite. and because they knew was because if the americans gift fed up and pull the plug and then it's a game over for ukraine. but as with the europeans, thank you just simply to do whatever they like. because your bills have no power, they have no agency and all of this, the green project was cooked up entirely by washington. a level that's, that's the only person that's a ukraine has to worry about. on the read and talk, you have both taken a slightly different view of the war in the ukraine. then the rest of the e. u, a nato. so hunger is position is that there should be an immediate cease fire, immediate honest this, and that there should be negotiations between the united states roughly, but hunger is position the ukraine has no role in these negotiations. basic, it should be in the united states. and russia, i don't know, i'm just taking the,
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also a slightly different position, which is that he has within both sanctions on russia. and he has maintained good relations with the president boots and, and has actually offered himself as a mediator as somebody who can bring some kind of a piece between russia and ukraine, since he's trusted by both sides. so neither hunger renewal took a has as going along with the need to you line. but of course, stuck a is a much more powerful play. i mean, i'm a duck is like huge a little tricks. you know, it's in the, you know, it has the of the knows strides which controls the movement in and out of the black sea. so it's, it's a problem for nato when the air, the one does his own thing because know that'd be in the can took is an important member of the need so, so nature basically has to just put up with it as it had been for years and years
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and again, as with or by and they hoping that at some point, everyone in oregon will both disappear from the sea. it's being one year since russian during this story, a duke anna was killed by a u cleaning agent in the car bombing. and i must go suburb, following her death, an infamous ukrainian, its list, cynically title, the peacemaker, crossed her name off, stating she had been eliminated. curiously, the list published the main is registered in langley, virginia, where the c i a is headquartered. that includes a number of journalists on figures to have dirt to go against the usual western narrative and support of key events, actually express criticism you printing and actions during the conflict. one of those is jackson hinkle, the american political level, as the lager who was added for supposedly spreading, quote, empty ukrainian propaganda. i spoke with him directly. he says it's
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a violation of international law. threatened to kill journalists because of their work. my 1st reaction was why on earth is our government, you know that we is american citizens are paying taxes to spending any money to another government that's putting our own citizens on to kill us. it makes no sense to me, especially with the rich history of the patriots, of our country being dedicated to the fight against naziism hold. my grandfather's participated in world war 2 against nazi germany. and they would be sick to understand what is happening today with our country if they were still here with us and seeing our government has flushed this nazi regime in kiev with hundreds of billions of dollars and funding the ad radish that's putting you know, their own branches on people like me on a kill us now it's insane. like we can be little the, the list town we on, on say that, you know, it's people sitting in the, in a basement and just doing this because the tut putting the likes of roger waters,
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a loan must go there for a while. but people will not have been killed and if it does put a target on their back, whether this at least acknowledges out or not, or, or indeed the key of government those. do you believe that your life is in danger? it's not so much necessarily about my life for any one person's life. it's about the fact that they can get away with this. i mean, this is a degree just, you know, a violation of international law. they're targeting people like me. yes. but also, as we know, the, as you mentioned, this is the one year anniversary of the brutal assassination of daria dig into a philosopher, a journalist, say, a prominent, brave voice in politics. so the fact that they're putting people like me, like her, like 14 year old and 15 year old girls and boys on this list, it's absolutely sickening for us. nato keeps continuing its little provisions to
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the key of government. denmark, the netherlands, have agreed to send some of their f. 16 fighter jets to ukraine's latree. copenhagen sees it problems to send 6 of those things to kids by the end of the year, 19 in total. but the dutch aren't really sure about how many they can spur at this moment, the netherlands still owed 40 to 60. out of these 42, we need planes to help us a training in denmark and later on in romania. uh and of course we are looking into whether we can supply all the remaining plates or that still stuff has to be done to update them or maybe it's, it's not possible. so to exec them, i cannot if you, but are working from the fact that there's this moment we still have 42 in stock here in the country, but against that big companies are mentioned. yeah, i was, we heard there while another one said it was still considering how many of its f.
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16 fighter jets. it could sense a key. if you print presidents that lensky jump the gun, that a 9 step deduction, we're going to send all of us a mock village. and i have agreed to the number of f. 16 stairs will be provided to the train after the training of our pilots and engineers. 42 a craft, and this is just the beginning. the reason why is the landscaping said they'd send their entire fleets to ukraine is because zelinski is a money hungry on thankful in grades who just feels as though he's entitled to every thing he feels as though he's entitled to be king of the world. i mean, you probably saw the clip of them sitting in that f. 16 today with his wife. this goes with everything. zalinski gets billions and billions of dollars from us. he gets billions and billions of dollars from germany, france, whoever. and he can't even say simple bank, you without scourging out and crying on national tvs, f sixteens burned just like anything else. i think that was what bruton said about
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the potential, you know, a shipment of these f sixteens. my question for the brady military is, who's going to be flying these these uh jets because clearly they were um, over whelmed, with the task of trying to man 10th through a mine field. they couldn't even do that. they're running out of men sooner or later. they're going to be conscripting and rounding up every man and you brain age between $18.60. so how, how are they going to manage to somehow muster up the will and encourage that's honestly needed to take these as 16 through the battle and to use them properly? i don't know. the jackson hankle there. okay. to space where it's not being confirm, rushes, luna? 25 mission to the moon has ended in your sadly preliminary data shows that the lumber crushed into the moon surface after it began spinning wildly. according to
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russian space agency rose calls most a commission will investigate what led to the loss which occurred 9 days after bluffed off. it was most goose for 1st attempt at voyage to where it's only natural satellite in almost half a century was cause most and previously weren't the by the operations. high risk, especially considering the craft was planning to land in a complicated area on the moon side, pool cosmonaut and river. i think i told archie that no space program in the world is completely immune from incidents such as this was the phone give us what it is difficult to predict. and it's impossible to avoid such incidents in principle because of the conditions of space, flight time, very harsh. the technique used is very complex. unfortunately, this is an inevitable process of mastering new technology, which is the process such incidents. say we're are, we will definitely be in the future and no matter what the problem carries out the flight an international one for the national program. if any country there for,
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for, for my son understand this and we mentally and technically prepared for this. the difficulty lies 1st of all, in the line, the most name with the sound is more difficult than lending and all the region. so in effect, this is while engines for me earlier in those areas in order to increase the likelihood of success the south fall of the moon today has become very interesting . not totally for our scientists, but for all mankind in terms of searches for what the deposit is. this was that can be used to deploy man station on demand and it will not only be possible to use which is will also have to be used because they have the ability of which is one of the necessary conditions for creating such as stations. okay, turning to something else though, our room has been honoring those full and it's 19 eighties war against neighboring a rock. with an exhibition of photo, it was an documents into around marketing the 35th anniversary of the end of the conflict. or to is use of july, they went along to see from self and from the under still simmering over the west,
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rolling and the time stand still, these owners photographs recall mixed feelings of joy and sadness. what 37000 they want in war captives were released from a rocky presence following the end of the 1980s. it won't, it won't core 3 decades on you won't, hasn't failed the collection of photos and documents that belong to those days. i sent you that and now my school has the photos displayed at the sec solution were mostly taken during the presence of the red cross at erac camps. after several years, and following the release of the war prisoners, they were transferred to their families. we've been compiling these photographs and so far we have collected around 20000 photos and 20000 letters. so you won't, it won't cor, was the longest conflicts of the 20th century. we're sort of less than 2 years after the victory. other ones, 1979 is on the capital one, it was initiated by the vendor walk, you build or sit down with the same. the complex was immensely funded and supported
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. logistically by the west. the intention was believe to be to over to the now send is cut off at the cage on domination of the west side over it once economy especially. it's always well the engine pieces with the islamic revolution to achieve victory. our enemies grew, a number of our former friends turned into our enemies. why? because their interest had been jeopardized, and that led them to turn against us. 35 country sided with and supported our enemy, your rock in war veterans here believe the west must answer for its intervention or the humanitarian consequences of work. still, when you're wrong, they say many you're wanting more veterans to, to do, to suffer from exposure to chemical substances supplied by the west and used by your box during the war. it were carried out over $350.00 indiscriminate chemical attacks against the wind, leaving behind thousands of victims. the majority of them civilians,
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everyone has gathered, corroborated documents that so those chemical materials were supplied by german, french, and dodge corporations that you had. i think john, we were on the side of the war and the whole world was on the other side with the rock. germany supplied most of the chemical materials. they targeted residential areas and a large number of our curtis population perished and the attacks people here say the west unwavering support for saddam hussein had the panels to how the west is currently fanning the flames of the ukraine conflict by following billions of dollars to ukraine. and deploying the latest arguments to that region out of your information passed. the western countries have shown that their notes reliable the west has made some promises to the ukrainian president. keep in some hope of those promises and involve himself in a rivalry with russia. this reminds us of around save year war with the rack. the west 80 then supported them with a great deal of force, but then we also it accumulating fade of to them. after 8 years of it for osha's
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complex that killed half a 1000000 people. in the drive with a new absolute gain for saddam and his western allies, one and a half of the kids will be, was turned against the side and the post. the very same person whom i taught credit against those days are gone by people here say the story is repeating itself today using our to to the yeah, it's getting close or a final preparations are underway in johannesburg. ahead of next week's brick summit, the much anticipated geopolitical gathering kicks off in south africa. on tuesday, ortiz cap legal. i'm assuming that's now one of the key things of the gathering. a multi point or world gathering speed. move on, let's say, which is already driving historic change. the americans, township economy,
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a request to the economic activities that take place in the country is a historically disadvantaged areas known as townships. now, these areas were established during the authority to era as segregated residential areas for non whites populations. now, over time, these townships have develop the own unique economic landscape, characterized by small businesses in formal markets and a fibers on shapiro spirits. the township economy is seen as a function agent. we cannot make growth and development as it provides employment opportunities and fosters local entrepreneurship. it is estimated that the township economy countries around $0.70 to be countries g, d, p, and employees millions of people to duplex, which are, you know, at least most of the tons of the space and
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the positions. one of the prominent features of the township economy is the presence of small businesses. now these businesses range from informal street vendors to more established on enterprises, such as small convenience stores, headphones, as well as car washes. these businesses often face challenges such as limited access to capital, lack of business skills, and an adequate infrastructure. however, they play a crucial role in providing goods and services to township residents and creating equipment opportunities. these are very goods and services that are now refined to equality for future global expense. today we had a very successful di know, fact of its own kind to be able to bring the township economy of self have to be kind of either the countries in oxygen countries of cause to give that to see how did you say that now support our ton should be economy
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the into the space which of course the exports to product official relations between the people's republic of china and solve the ethical established in 1998 not in attendance for presenting. the 6 members is the duty to method of china to south africa, highlighted the rich long history between the 2 nations, which begin right here in the township of switzer. this is the place we owe relations. at the start of 1953. we'll just assume for the party problem. so right, if it's have been made by the south african government to support the and develop the concept economy initiatives such as the township economic revitalization program and the establishment of township based into bases and resource centers.
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age provide financial supports, main to ship and training to small township businesses. now these programs speak to promote economic conclusion. and the lift, the township economy ultimately contributing to the country's broad associated comments wants to make sure. one of the things that reeks ends up being able to do . and when he started to call us, i think it was in 2009 people who i think is that these just the people coming together to pool. but it is progress into something that i do believe can be in order to concrete, an alternate to. and if it is creating an alternate id, it means that is creating an alternate. you are to get to where the police nice to meet you, sir. have a heart surgery correct. we need people to people exchanges who it is, one of the largest townships in south africa with a substantial population. these informal economies of the time of found
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a way to contribute to the, the, not just to the immediate community. but that seems to be to the world. started conversations and platforms such as the to make that vision. it's also good. it's the big stuff. election does on the go into the interest of, you know, crazy the also significant differences in scale government interventions and social political context and the shapes, the specific landscape and dynamics of these economic areas. it. so to me, it's time for rich communities to find a own economic expression, global stage interest, and sony. r t. james, big well, the summit to bring together heads of states and key officials from 70 countries ahead of the event we have the chance to speak with the terms in, in high commissioner to south africa. about the rule, bricks plays, and the push for us. for most people in the world, you can watch the phone interview for the day here in archie. here's part of it
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briefly. so the whole school district cloud playing the i think in the low to know and what is look to that to that is not showing interest. i think it is showing the interest and the reason why is showing the interest. so of course not some of the machine is not joining now, but i think it subscribes to see because of the objectives you see the fixing. so the of the big c c small about trying to see how the country shouldn't be that'll be going on because he sees and the that is what to also tons then. yeah, subscribes to so it's very much interested to is interested because of the objectives. i didn't get to offers that, that may have been fixed for briggs winds to the federal prison. one way over, it'll be nice to trade. and it's true if you're good to africa
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tradition of being uh we'd be in a treaty with the, with the waste land by to e. o is in room 445, the trading fi tonight. and there is breaks. i think it offers an alternative to the buttons as well. another big discussion point at the summit will be the move away from the us dollar and trade deals, something more and more nations are doing prefer to use their own national currencies. instead, we'll hear how that's going what challenges there are in achieving dollarization all ahead in our special coverage of the 15th annual brick summit. catch it right here on our t. goodbye. the
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. the neutrality is one of the most flexible concepts in international relations. but you can imagine which is why it's so useful, but why it is so inherently different to the difficult to grasp so that the chances we have is the country subpoenaed with a meaning that is useful to them. and hopefully to, to all this because.


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