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tv   News  RT  October 26, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, the headlines this hour, i'm emergency section of the us, the cold from the arab world for the scene. sparring doesn't, the glasses continues to escalate. the envoys on it wrong. i'm building demand a peaceful resolution. let's restore the peace process as the only part to ending this conflict once and for all that on the use of the him, us co sign liberation movements have declared to residents to release the facilities for non military and these levels republican most important to me, it's very important and they just see says he is very escalated, continue to bring the depth of this function to got a lot of the positive that folks thought 7000 according to local officials.
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i was staying at my brother's house. all of a sudden i heard a loud explosion under the window shattered. the whole neighborhood was targeted with several strikes. i'm still looking for my wife children and said, what is the client that is hates more than 250? i must apologize in the past 44 hours alone, ahead of expect to defensive. the february will welcome to them in tie of tea and such a news team coming to live from us. and let's take a look at the top. so is this all right presented as of the arab states have king for i'm and to violence in gaza. bedum ons came of emergency session, the un general assembly, which was convened over the conflicts representatives of durham,
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i'm the are on are also advocating for a cease fire. you also have that on the use of the hand. mazda palestine liberation movement have declared their readiness to release the hostilities for non military and these levels. republic of iran is ready to play, throw in this important instruments, area to work together with guitar and tortillas. the release of $6000.00 philistine prisoners is also in the subsidy and the responsibility of the global community, they call it police, see me under the but a said move a man that's headquarters, which has the right to says the fans and says you tell me nation there's really representative, did look say a word about palestinian lights shot that in this war dependents cindy and one before him. and i do, and i say we care about or lies about the whole civilians. muslims, christian fellow, simeon fuel is right, is all life we couldn't been vic getting on civilians, norma to
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a better race, their identity, their nationality or their religion. because these are all are human values, and this is our mortality. is there a must oppose oppose these values to many amongst believe that beyond helping us right? by simple, within good score. they are not. instead of sending within stories, read, send delegations, to open and immediate, and viable fast to piece. and while many representatives have been devante, a peaceful resolution is really and positive question, the draft, i think, and how much wasn't even mentioned the session. so both the past send me an ad is where the invoice as far as your claims, i'm counting the claims or each other. nothing can justify world crimes, crime against humanity. and genocide. nothing can justify the killing
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of a single scene and joy. the top is read is that the war with the genocide they'll jihad these come of sterile united zation? only it is the law abiding democracy of is run against modern day, not sees. you are sitting us back a few years by trying to justify what is it a it is doing now? 20 days have gone by and is really still counting. heard that it took some weeks to collect all of the bodies. somebody's are burned like pieces of code, it is almost impossible to identify them who can believe that those killed by is an odd for to 70 percent killed the woman and that entire families were killed. what is it a, it is trying to minimize civilian did they kill all of us. they killed
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thousands of us and they say they are trying to minimize killing civilians. how would it look like if they were trying to maximize killing palestinian civilians at least 15 civic is habitable, who being killed out on schools wounded is right. and yes, like on the southern gaza. wow. can just be really, really wanted to be digging through the ruins of just suited homes. and con eunice is the slightest also due to the service people say did a refugee camp in the area labeling at least 8 buildings. if he's playing the passing death row is now so cost 7000 and the last 3 weeks, occlusal pad, the s 52. and as quick as this is a 4 story building displays,
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people were taking shelter. you were sleeping safely when suddenly an explosion happened. the building collect at least 15 people were wounded and my sister in law and my niece were killed and the whole neighborhood was targeted with several strikes. looking for my wife and children and siblings. it was more like an ongoing for strikes. he'd be around the middle of the day and i was staying at my brother's house, but all of a sudden i heard loud explosions under the window shattered. i don't know what happened to my brothers and my mother. these images are being searching on social media. they remotely show the out enough to the district of gaza. thing on why is there any forces or residential buildings? these have been destroyed in the attack garza base. jo. this. how does that shut on? it has more now on the latest developments from the enclave on their side. the keep the continuing targets targeting
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residential houses and many places. voting roads and gaza. many of them are around the hospitals and like the next to a live agent holds within the next to the hospital in the center of the city in the south everywhere um, uh, with the, the, the ministry of health of health. and it just allows that the numbers of missing people on the drop of increases to 1150, missing report on to know a number of casualties increasing 7000 casualties. yes, said the witness, and i see on my own eyes. is there any air craft troll in 50 rockets, one time on one neighborhood,
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the other schools deliver on ship a host with those more than 100 casualties on the witness. there's a lot of casualties. there's still under the rubble all over the area. it was huge, a massive explosion. we never witnessed. the palestinian seas says this explosion is huge. and they've never seen some see something like that. there's a 100. so why is it because of is there any air strikes? is there any minute fee, cranes, it has struck more than $250.00. how must solve is in the past 24 hours, including come on centers, tunnels and rocket launches. it comes as it is. i was 5 minutes. so some phone preparations are still on the way for the grant offensive. a c cold for golf,
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a residence, evacuate south towards egypt, and while these a lead us, as he won't disclose a time it with the ground operation, dementia has what is the footage of overnight raids in the north of gaza times symbolizes. roll through the fence with what appears to be and doesn't vehicles and a convoy is really, um you said it's what 8 pools terrace infrastructure and i'm cheap tank miss laurence points and tell of the people gather that the size of the is there any defense headquarters? holding photos of those how cap to why, how much in gauze i'm calling for that needs more than 200 feet of a silver needs to be held by moves and both is amazing. it has been handled today between is really the official of the family members of the hostages. all to use them at least a bureau chief more, if an osh them as the details. wow. they wore it gains 10 miles intensifies and
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these really air strikes continue every day while these really leadership pays basic convincing the international community that have mass poses and global threats and therefore shouldn't be confronted globally with prime minister benjamin netanyahu meeting one foreign leader after another from washington, wrong for lean hair is it seems that 222 is riley's, most of whom i on the age of 30 menu home children who are still held in head masses continued to inside. the gaz us 3 remains. the topics that overshadows all political and military achievements, the families of those into the tv right now inside this palestinian and slave on them of the terrain. and i'm not happy and disappointed with how these really government is dealing with the flights of the hostages protests when people take to the streets to express their anger and frustration i held here every day and tell
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it even jerusalem and in other towns and communities across israel, we are now in tel aviv at the square in front of to leave art music room that the organizes behind this massive campaign to put pressure on these ran the government to secure the release of those into the tv called hostage square or kidnapped. and mrs. square in the middle of it, i hope you can see now me camera will show it. they said a symbolic table with $200.00 empty foods. h. chair is for the hostage that is now held in captivity in the gases 3 by have miles by this installation. they want to cry out these rarely government. that's the one, say the loved ones back home as soon as possible. a safe and sound a how to do that. i have to tell you that the families are divided here. some of them want to put pressure on the is really good of minds to reject. the idea of
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boots on the ground not to carry out the ground operation in the guise of struve and focus on the negotiations with her mouth instead. officially, israel considers him as a terrorist organization, as you know. and they declared many times including since the beginning of the military operation in gaza that they did not communicate with terrorists. but experts say that talks all held any way. of course, through said part is like a tips, costs are jo menu, for example. and this is what's the family's want, they want israel to talk to have miles to negotiate, to convince them to return the hostages. all others, other family members, and they are in the minority right now. they believe on the opposite that the ground operation is the last chance to see their beloved ones back home. and they're putting pressure on the authorities to act fast and furious. they not only
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on the authorities, but on the on a to meanwhile is really probably minutes for benjamin and yahoo, it keeps vowing that all the goals of the military operation in guys that gains from us will be achieved. let's say can listen going and show what stands before us is only one thing. saving the country in achieving victory. we're raining hell fire on him us. we have already eliminated thousands of terrace, and this is just the beginning. at the same time, we're preparing for a ground operation. i called once again to the civilian population and guys evacuate to the south of the gaza strip. well, i have to tell you that officially these really armies ground operation in the gases tree has not been announced yet, but we've seen is rarely troops on the round already. that's according to the idea of statement that said that overnight, these really army carried out at targeted raid using tags in the territory of the
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northern guys. this trip as part of the preparation of the area for an next stage of the combat. these really troops located and attacked, anomie fighter is destroyed militants infrastructure, and then 2 tanks positions. and after the mission was over the statements that they left gals. in addition to that, the idea of war planes attacked over 250 targets. but just in the last 24 hours of come us, including operational headquarters, tunnel shirts, and rocket launchers that is, row claims were positioned in a civilian environment, including the mosques and to the gardens in the gaza strip. joint statement by the idea of and israel's security service that is, continues eliminating him as commanders, including the one responsible for attacks from hun, eunice, which is the central cause of the guys this trip it has been killed in the last day . the idea of also intensified its rage over the west bank in search of those who
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could have relations with her mazda and we hear that massive arrests have been carried out. so israel is trying to confront him as before, even going inside the guys this trip on all fronts. here from the side of the border that we spoke with and is very residence. his hometown was targeted in the how much that's a, that's this and into we had to say, well, we went to the sounds of silence was 9 or 10 minutes later, later, later or think an hour later or whatever. and to some extent, as payment stated by the think something by to already see. tell me the uh we were told to stay inside and we were locked in this to us, the same price as the 4 hours our emergency squad try to go general risk from getting to i'm extremely worried.
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i can say the same to you with me. but i believe that seems like the choice is the full regard human life is number one. and of course this is the the most important thing. 7 but other than that, we need to eliminate the need to eliminate so much, then we lost the chest, which is extremely complicated. that media outlets, all of posley receiving sense of shape or it is on these are the government because regard to information pertains to the idea of the countries security forces. all material must and legend the re submitted for approval prior to it's release, as well as live to, to us. and so to do the fed ex foot. how many con, all my stuff. yeah, we have
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a great to see you next to joining me here. are you now this censorship? what impact to these, the sensitive direct, says have on the public's perception of the idea is what the government most of the points uh, what is really go on and on the, what's going on and how it's affecting on the ground to uh, thank you very much for uh, to be honest, we have c 8 boxes. well exce. excellent. are you pretty good? uh, man, uh, you know, american allies the, the, the board to try and the read that it was, you know, times done by the gym in the, in the finest onboarding time is always right. and the seed indian guy, i guess me, is that all the addresses have the same audiology that tries to choose the latter even tried to hide the truth by doing it using the fence. se is not offensive to me,
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you know, denying the value of the information for the public and for the people to know that what kind of address it these id is d a and what kind of atrocities is that is all i, you know, especially in palestine and we have seen this video clearly that the whole world and all that into so many broadcast going on an easy to use because the word and all of that, what 3000 children have been killed. a on the name of the you know, what to tell the kid on the name of fighting with some uh, what do you say? do you see that clearly general 5 at the time and by putting offensive media, i mean is there, is there any domain that they would be able to choose the only perception about atrocities i can be wrong? now these are so many of the media media data,
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so many other platform like social media by kicked off would be the next. and so many of the, you know, mediums and people do get the data, you know, information is bad. but as we have seen says be that the biggest media policy is i'm not more name, but so i need to get it read the houses. they are actually not showing the right picture. they are showing. busy you know, trying to make a mosque of, you know, all the blame on her mazda and then i'll show you what exactly you're going to be doing on the name of water use. some of the disk drives the how to do the uh, you know, this drive the and i got the, the have uh, you know, we have seen what kind of destruction they have done. they didn't care about hospitals, law schools, and as a way to get home and media policies. everything is just driving us up. and it is, it is the genocide and we have seen boston as
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a reasonable american was hiding the eventually the peach came out, ended up getting beaten, the b c work was done. and then at the office on the back of the pc and the and then the other you know, everything done by the legal for see. so this is the same thing with idea. he's doing like putting this as i see it. if it seems that the fantasy or changing the product, which is the matter here is that easy is not, it is 2023. and there are so many of the solutions and board have already seen that. yeah. see how the, how many before before i have it's a so the i think we lost it on that. we still have it, but i view um sometimes parents do think oh i'm, i'm biased. you think reporting will now be on these issues. i mean,
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you've seen that because of this threats that the uh, adf, all the is very government will, over all of a sudden and sort of, you know, have eyes on your material. this is that will change the narrative of local media or bigger media. i mean, i'm not saying like, i mean we're on t, we'll continue to, to show more question more and, you know, tell the truth as we see it. but i do think all the media outlets who fear is, well, of course, i mean i really appreciate the id. i do show that he had fixed yet, especially the one of the few english channels, english language that it was showing the, you know, visa is valid and what atrocities is doing. but at the same time, at the same time, yes. is there any, have a long history talk with the censorship offer on media and the latest news paper
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open face media, media, housing. they're always under pressure that we have seen so many. do you see the, uh, you know, you know, so i mean the, most of the other agencies, so i'm going to read and see the impact. the house is be going to be, i mean, i mean maybe out because they have to be the one. all the modern one call me. so for the, i'm going to be sure to the general side is very nice. that's why we say the best done and the intellectual invest in countries of supporting there's an immediate one on the, on the 2nd from the 80 cents this year. so under these conditions it is very high father media to do we as the, uh,
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the 40 and the buyer. they are not they don't sure what kind of what they did on sure. what kind of walk not doing. they don't your, what kind of a, you know, the idea. busy what is the loss of going on and they don't show them why this is also lost to support the people at this time. i'm able to be, i hate to cut you off. i am so sorry. i mean, i really appreciate your insights revenue out of time side of the thank you. so license on in the hands of a i don't have the pleasure of speaking to. thanks again. all right, now, uh the service present have canceled a pond trip to is a while also condemning the continual bombing of i've seen areas right in israel's attacks on gaza. are both murder, resend, mentally ill for those who perpetrate them. and for those who support them as
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a turkish nation, we're the only people on earth who have never practiced racism. the jewish community knows this best. we're the only region and you'll always stay towards us have live for centuries in anti semitism has not emerged into us or is that as a license analyst mehmet rock people it says to care has made it clear that without any independent pass in state, that they can be no solution to this war. so she has been involved into this ramp lesson conflict. and so she has been supporting the whole thing to, to establish a tend to recognize that independence, often states, i think it's okay has to be clearly made that statement that because without having an independent follow similar space, there is no solution. and the latest statements, the other one on from uh, from stuff to the, to you, a confidant is indicating that since you use that gradually,
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hardening is leslie. again, this is my of this change can be easily seen when the, this courses alex of mine and the next stage. this is the next step for to keep us to these in these courses is to take concrete minutes. we don't want to go to that cut on the steps and go on. i made a statement in this way and associates as a non or a country supposed to send you an issue. and this is the post. and as a matter of fact, most of the, the last indians, especially from government of us thing they data is a thing, actions associate level sometimes rather than us. and when you see many of the cost of the that many other countries are totally indeed in the, in the car so far in the process of normalization of it is right now to all the news. a full but indian navy personnel are being sent us
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a death in the middle east nation of cup top is made a monkey case with a few reported details. the middle east media outlets have found the defendant's work use of espionage is new to these response. were deeply shocked by the verdict of the death penalty and our weight and a detailed judgment with touch, high importance to this case, and have been folded closely. wait for me uh, in the navy offices have been in jail and got there since august last year. so order your now and knowledge of course, and got the has handed down death penalty to all of these aids for my indian navy offices. india has expressed shock in deals also went on to say that it's going to drive or why will options to bring back its citizens. so all these, each man, they was senior officers some have even commanded in june warship. but i can tell
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you all the not much indeed it hasn't been for wide want shod, choose against them on most news in the public domain, which he used. now what i was given to understand is that an indian journalist in got the twice to write on those keys and the parties basically austin to back his bag and leave the country. so that indian journalist, along with his spouse, have to come back to india just for writing. on the case of some sort of secrecy has been maintained around this particular case. as far as the his age, former engine navy officers, i can send an email saying that it's going to try on possible new measures to bring back these 8 men from gutter as easy as ours packs with confidence definitely certainly will live in a shaky bikes, may actually move corporation along the future. lead is in all phase of life. can
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only be a good thing with that in mind. russia is preparing to us and know who will bustle of the next. you know, the southern results of video searching. what would i those kind of route to give them the heads of 18 that delegates us to get ready for the main event? we spoke with the representatives from a year old boy, i'm come room to say that next rings of and will give everyone an opportunity to share experiences i learn about of coaches. this event is very, very important because in the world where we lease now and usually programs come up on the costs of the moon on the spending between our photos of identity. so it is important for us to meet different people to learn how to communicate with multi quotes or other people. and so of put these, these for us to be able to list several of business, household activities which we can all have to get uh without having the problem of
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on the, on known understanding. so that's basically very important for us to share what experience alone dispensing of the world and to accept other people's understanding of the work. i like how um fresh uh uh for the summer at least parties on our country. um like um we consume of the western media. uh um the main sources of, of, of news on all kinds of things. family yeah. come from america. um and you uh, since days and so you like that so fresh of it doesn't really have like a voice new and it's really hard for people to get another point of view like russians, part of the use of point of view. so i it, so it was so uh,
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really nice opportunity for me to land awesome. um to then like, not educate because i don't like using it like that so, but just uh maybe 10 people or people that i know like hey, this is what is some sort of covering or okay, this is your point of view, but this is some of these have been to, as always expect to have your company here in odd c. and so national, we bought one of the top of the out with the latest global design, but we'll have to glass that the, the.


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