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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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shooting up, the crowds that he was online at showed what appeared to be the shooting and not main hold of people fling through exit on the stage. just to give you a sense of where this happened it's, it's an incredibly popular venue and some of the people who've played their dining the years the likes of eric clapton and jennifer lopez. you've got also pet shop boys at rock, said elton john. you're anybody who's anybody who came here to play over the loss at 1020 years. that would have been one of the 1st stops on their gig. i tend to read the crocus hall at today. it was a bond named picnic. i believe i am quite a hard rock bottom but popular for the past 1020 years or so. and a quite a big following. and it would have been a big concert on a friday evening as well. and just to point out the reasons the identity of the shooter are being investigated, as we speak with emergency services working on this site. and okay,
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let's let me just check at some russian sources coming in on what the latest information is. at least 10 people killed according to media reports again, we cannot verify that, but that is what local reports are saying on some 50 at people wounded as well. and according to the task, huge agency, the perpetrators may have used at machine guns, dead and wounded people at could be seen lying on the floor of the scene. again, according to media reports on that. ok. last time we spoke to donald quarter r t correspondent, he was on the way to that site in a taxi and a busy time on a friday evening at any were going in and i'd of russia. let's check back with don
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and see where he is at. don. hi, at. are you there off the scene? what does it appear like we could see huge plumes of smoke a few minutes ago from a fire. does not look to be still happening if you can see it from where you are. a . hi there, jean. and unfortunately, i haven't gotten to the spot yet because because the entire city of moscow has just been bogged down in unbelievable amounts of traffic after this has taken place. obviously, certain the main road should have been clogged. i'm sure the police have cut off certain roads to make sure that emergency services can get to machine as quickly as possible. and i just said, i mean we just spoke moments ago and just over the past several minutes, a lot of new information has. but of course i'm can find information from my witnesses and people on the internet. i had surfaced across telegram channels. uh and the internet in general, specifically about the traffic that's been going on,
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but i'm unfortunately stuck in right now. um we just i just, i'm just seeing a new report now that says that the 3rd building that's broken city hall is now on the flames. i mean that the 1st, the videos of this fire that was set was published from the far so you can really only see this huge plume of smoke rising into the sky. but now we see new pictures, new videos published all across social media and an option in photo covering the entire complex of this uh, printer city fall. and we, even like you mentioned the truck pops. busy reported earlier, and this is also something that can be source to russia is $112.00, which is pretty much like 911 in the united states, at least around 50 people have at least 50 people have been injured as a result of this shooting st. focusing on city hall and this is at the same time i
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. busy a company actually. busy network problems with telegrams probably because of how much people are uploading in terms of videos and photos. i mean that's just my attention, but it's not really clear right now there's, there's other information that to that or i'll repeat. so our viewers habits that i, that i mentioned several minutes ago, that the governor of moscow west or moscow region rather is on the scene. they set up a headquarters to make sure that they can get to the bottom of what's happening alongside the emergency services and the firemen that are trying to get into the building. and there are also reports. i don't know if we were able to mention and yet i'm on the broadcast because it's very true because reports that on there could potentially still be a lot of people stuck inside focused city, paul, specifically on the basement floor. this is something that the firefighters and
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services are trying to get to to understand what might be their safe, whoever might be there, according to what. busy it's, i mean that's, that's around the $100.00 people who are believed to be on that bottom floor of the building. i mean, you don't have weight loss connection there with don't think this giving us a sense of at what, what's happening the, the latest then the latest information coming. and he's not yet arrived at the scene because as he was explaining the sheer amount of, of, of traffic there, it's at a standstill of course, emergency services, police at the old man, special branch of the national guard, old trying at to get there. i'm sure a lot of are there at what we are seeing the on the screen does appear to be at people with guns, whether that is the attackers or at some of the emergency services. the police services coming in at 24 at the, the people with those awesome,
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i think at weapons know that looks to be the people who are perpetrated just shooting up the glass shooting. and that's randomly, as it was, group of people in color, flash, clothing, at least 3 people that i witness at footage. just coming into us as we can see. okay, we'll at show you as much as we can in the next few moments of what video we have at. but just to say before we go to and before we go to an eye witness, i kind of what is happening. we're hearing that one 3rd of the building is on the fire at why so many people are running to the basement level. and in case there is a full collapse all stop large building. let's take a listen to at what was said by eye witness. what was heard and what was seen before the patrol? so basically just for me, for me to do something, please call the police were on the 2nd floor me to place this fi here.
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please help us. okay, so not very very pains that phone call. they're recording by obviously i'm attend the of the concert and just to reiterate, 7 minutes past 9 pm in the russian capital. and within the past 2 hours, we believe a mass shooting has occurred up of focus, city hall concert venue. what we're seeing right now on screen is awesome. i take that weapons being fired, purportedly by a group of people in camouflage clothing, who came in before the concert of a rock band and named picnic before that was due to begin at, started shooting. this looks to be the whole the for you whether or not they were actually in the. busy all we're just waiting for verification on that. and of
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course we're also waiting to hear a month, the month of casualties on verified reports coming in. that's up to 12 people helping killed at more than 50 people injured in that mouth shooting which would be at the biggest shooting in moscow in the capital of recent history, at least going back at the last 40 years and dead and wounded people, a part and they could be seen lying at on the floor of the scene as these are people scrambling to get the items to one of the exits move towards at the metro which is situated near at by to the crocus hole. by the way, at the venue itself, it's not just a concert holders, hotels, restaurants, and expos, and other areas there with a capacity of over $7000.00 people. so people all leaving us once meant that at the where some spark plugs we believe up to 100 people at were, are,
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are currently stuck inside the last information we heard in the, in the basement area. and that they had been told or made their way themselves, knowing that the, the roof on top could kill off because of this year. still if the ladies which occurred after the shooting. again, what we're seeing here. awesome. i think weapons being fired, whether at people or into a concert hole, we could see gloss breaking there as well, a m. okay, something else i'm just looking at some of the, the main use lines just as we have with our corresponding getting to the venue and being able to give us a direct and kind of what is occurring there right now that we're talking about north and west must go a very popular concert venue arena, which in the last number of hours was the scene of a mass shooting, must go, marriage circuits have gone and has forwarded to provide all necessary assistance
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to victims. he has called the incident a terrible tragedy at more than 50 ambulance teams have been sent at to the scene at. but some had to wait to get in before the at intelligent services golf there at because it was believed that some of the government, if not a lot of them, were still off large. we're just the waiting to hear at what the situation is happening in that regard. but right now, you can just see the vast scale of the concert venue, a very famous one, the most of which i've seen the likes of alton john lorraine 5 at eric clapton play at dawn the years. it's a very popular and quite a high class venue as well as with people they're going there at all throughout the week. but particularly today this friday and saturday would be very busy with concerts the spring season, just beginning, as well,
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with some new funds arriving as a, as we say good bye to winter here. so, you know, would have been, i would imagine a cross section of the people there at the concert they, the name of the fondest picnic a role funds. so it would have been people who, who follow them and perhaps their family members as well. they're young as well. okay, let's just recap what is known there people could be seen running out of the building towards the sub way smoke also the this is the big issue. smoke, reportedly rising from the building. in fact, it is. we've been looking at the video at all that's happening on confirmed media reports, a dozens of people are wounded, at least 12 are dead. graphic images of the senior circulating on line, including this of people shooting automatic weapons at fleeing concert doors were reportedly cut off by a fire in the building, firefighters cannot yet to enter the building. well this was in the last 15 minutes
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anyway, because at all spears for their safety and the huge risk collapsing up to a 3rd a bit, we know is destroyed. ok. this stage, the reason is um the identity of the shooter are being investigated as we speak with emergency services at working on the site, including the oman, especially the products of national guard, as well as many other police officers. of course, at the 1st seconds i'll be a touch on the visitors up focus, city hall record on x come read the fund. it shows at least to most men will free know there. it looks like and shooting ops. the fraud at video on line shows what appears to be shooting in the main hall with people swimming at through exits and at the stage new exact information a by the attackers yet. but you can see people tiring there in the corner. and
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it's just whether or not these people we can see right now we are actually at law enforcement or are the attackers themselves shooting in the glass as well? yeah, we need to find out more just exactly what is occurring there. that's video very. busy of footage coming into us. okay. dollar quarter or, or t correspondence has at be making his way there from central moscow on a busy friday evening. and we'll talk to dawn in just a moment. but 1st let's have a look up to some eye witness accounts. it's been coming in to the program at this i believe is a young female living at the balcony on the 3rd floor, please to couple of minutes before the start of the concert. we heard some kind
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of some sound, some slapping sound recently produced. good. when we heard gunshots, the people started struggling towards the stage and seems to be uh, the exits that we were at the top or areas. then we sold the gun shops near the center of the stage up to come and do that. we decided whether we want to stay there or run out of the we decided to get out and we went to the lower floors, but the fact that we heard gunshots on the other floors as well on the 2nd floor to we're heard guns was that to how long? okay, total quarter, i believe has now gotten at least closer to this concert venue. he was on his way
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from central moscow trying to get there for the past half hour or so at. but the sheer amount of traffic because of this emergency situation stopped him at don't. where are you and yeah unit. and i'm just about 10 minutes away from where this is taking place. i mean all over the place, you can see fire trucks and emergency services rushing in the direction where this is all taking flights according to emergency services, 50 over actually 50 per day of emergency services personnel has been, tends to be area. so they're all over the place and luckily we got nothing out of the traffic. there's there very soon. and there happened reports. i mean, originally they were saying that there were 2 best men rifles or some, some sort of automatic weapons. but we've now got reports that it could be even a minimum of 5 arms, people who committed this horrible act as the crocus city hall in moscow region.
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and of course, right now we have, of course, the officials have not come in the identity of these people, why they did it. but i think it's important to note on, on the broadcast that just about a week ago, actually at the american embassy in moscow, had sent out an advisory that there would be a terrorist attack in moscow and told americans to leave the area. so obviously we can confirm whether that has anything to do with what just happened, but it certainly is coincidental. i mean the, what's, what's going on based on what i'm hearing, i'm videos on the internet is that the fire is still raging. helicopters have been sent to the sea to help out in, in tackling the situation. i saw a couple on my way there, the roof of the building is, i mean practically entirely on fire with the people, even according to reports and the internet and asking for help from their who the
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russian national guard has also arrived on the scene, according to task and, you know, we're looking at a situation that has a lot of questions still associated with it. we don't know exactly how many people have in killed or wounded. we only have reports that at least so far. uh, 12 people have been killed and around 50 injured for the forced. those numbers have may go up. and uh, i mean, one of the reasons why our last conversation got cut off here in broadcast is because, um, after this happened, there been major outages of telephone service and the on on telegram as well. and other communication apps. and the emergency services. like i said, last time we spoke you and then there's there could still be around $100.00 people trapped in the basement floor of the crocus city, city hall building a part of which is cut off by flames. according to these reports on the 4th floor
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and a check for them to pretty much the entire building is covered in plains with smoke going up into the air. the governor of moscow regions said he's already on the scene. they are putting together a headquarters so that they can establish what exactly is going on and work hand in hand with emergency services that are there. of course, the situation is even difficult right now for firefighters that are on the scene. they can't get to every area yet where there could potentially be still people trapped inside the building because of the norm is flames that you can see in the videos that have been circulating around the internet. there's also some reports in with regards to the actual shooters from the and over to one of the rushes agencies that 3 people were seen in cameras in camouflage. that opened fire at city hall. there's videos on the internet. if people are fleeing that the down through
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the emergency exit ways through the stairways in the building as well. um, so the, the governor of, sorry, the mayor of ma scuffled down and also gave an order to provide all necessary assistance to all those who were injured during the the tower attack and more than 30 regional and 20 moscow ambulance crews. and like i said before, over 50 ambulance crews were deployed there. so. ready talking about 30, from the regions 20 for myself, have been sent to the team. that's according to russia's ministry of health. actually started the ministry of health of moscow region. so uh, that's basically the most up to date information we have right now. like i said, i'm going to be there according to the gps. i should be there in just about 3 minutes. i don't see anything myself right now cuz there's a lot of traffic and bridges in the way, but i'll definitely, uh, bring you a video report as soon as humanly possible. sound thanks very much for the start to
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break down there of exactly what is occurring at. ok. let's just recap then. what is happening around $22.00 and a half hours ago. a number of shooters 5, it's believe with collage think of rifles a broken to a concert before it had begun of a rock band and began shooting. there are believe to be at least 12 people killed at more than 50, injured in the not shooting. just some of the news lines coming in. there had been 100 people truck that couldn't leave there in the basement because of the fire that broke out after the shooting. they have not been at rescued, but that fire that is going to take some stopping. it could exceed 3000 square meters. that is what we are hearing on just what we're seeing on the screen are
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quite incredible footage of 5 shooters with those collection of coffee at weapons shooting as people tar in the corner at try to reach some sort of shelter away from them. but they appear to shoot indiscriminately off a bloss room believed to be, i think the concert venue itself. you can see the glass at just breaking at there as it said, as the shooting occurs. okay, for now. so as we await some verification of what exactly is happening right now, let us cross at to, at tommy, in the war correspondence at andrea lucida the at to at get a sense of his if you on this andrea, this would be the biggest shooting match, shooting in moscow, recent history, at least the past 40 years. and we're waiting for possible motives at your view and
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what's on folding up the concert venue. a hello. oh, i'm sort of a. yeah, this is why i must say better attack for the safety of moscow. right? now, and it's very strange that happens um and sometimes after that to the us, i must say cool about a possible or a socket. most cool. i'm in the center of the city right now. i'm trying to reach displays the proper to see deal uh with the facts and, but it's not easy to find that's actually right now that can go there. and also here, it's possible to hear the emergent services that are coming to the city center. the, the information that we have, like you said, the, are about the police because the, the, what's happened was for right now and show our so goats. and the,
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i think that this can be very big shocked for the safety of moscow. and the can be the coming in possible death in the future in the near future. uh, we can see you, me so, so i gaze the, the doc and of course read it now. so now it's not that it's most possible to determine if there is possibility of this attack, but of course we can, we can think about that as possible. is clear. we can have, i mean, for us to make up that are a soccer right now. the most so with this is the thing we, we saw other terrorist attacks in st. petersburg in the past related to the ukraine conflict at with that ukranian p as at linked militants forming a restaurant there at moscow had so far being left alone from such
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attacks. who do you think could be behind this? andrea such a city, but uh my opinion on uh, i think that the, the as me with the security service of ukraine can be involved. but in this up there at so far on 3 a, we've heard that there are about a dozen at victims, but i'm not sure if you know the country, if anybody's is rolling huge a concert hall at the very popular friday evening. a lot of people, this scale of this looks worrying the target of this thorough thought of the data. so friday evening, good enough concert, so, so day choose a pay please full of people for a for me, the maxim of damage to the civilians. this is not against the civilians. it's
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important to to say this, it's against civilians. the one of the, the issues here and 3 as well. just as you're speaking, we're looking up the front page after the shooting. what's on the screen right now? a fire, a part of the sleep broke guide immediately and spread. it's hard to know whether it could have been done on purpose and whether that was the plum for these people perhaps to escape. but it's quite peculiar, after a shooting for a mass fire on this steel to break out. so i is it that they may be use as a grenade or incendiary grenade. the in this, in this building bought can be possible that the, they planted to make this fire in this building for uh, for the lead for cancer. any proof about them about these attacks
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and the timing of the attack as well. and we're usually that are, you know, we, we are speculating to a degree, but we know that there are happy mazda attacks on belgrade, at the border region by t of forces, particularly after last week, son, during, at the russian presidential election at do you see anything in perhaps the timing of thousands of them are put into being re elected at for a 5th term. it's the right. sorry. i think the better the election of the president is it involved and it looks like the hello. yeah. go ahead. we can hear you. andrea sounds good. okay, sorry. i'm in the tech center. so i'd say the i'm, i'm sure that's a very election of letting me put in uh, can be connected with this starter dark. uh we, we, so i,
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i followed the electronics and the boss last week. and in demoss and it will be on school there to ensure them, i guess better. i thought it was very high because they, uh, suspecting that they ukrainian side can make some pro location like this. uh, but uh to see this now in moscow is uh is, is a big truck for me. uh, i can say honestly because after the election. mm. i, i took that to the most. are skin 5 there. he's getting pretty old. uh was was fast, but unfortunately the remote yeah. hi prepared. do you think moscow police at the capital is rest of the services are for this kind of emergency? i think he yes, i think he has to be. i read that to those bar the and the most for paul is uh
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richard immediately the zone. uh they, they make it uh come on. busy point uh in the in this is zoom and the emergency service uh, who are working me but very fast. so i think that they have, i don't know accidentally, but i think they have some special protocol for such emergencies, especially in the capital. yeah, it is happening as we say during a time of a conflict at but the city itself would not go of course on protected. and there may have been some expectations that the would have been attacks like this attempted. but at this stage, andrea, just to just to point out, we have no verification as to who the attackers are at all. we know 5 shooters with collapsed that cops entered a building and started shooting the, the, the sense that it was so many people, not a lone wolf attack does go to show that there's some kind of coordination there. usually when there's some kind of coordination,
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it tends to be an established grouping. does it not? and i think i think that the was that chord, the nation because like you said, it's not a single war stuck. tried to make this a 5 people are my, the, with the altima my, i'll go up on so like colors because i saw the price was need to be coordinate to the group such as need to be coordinate the. so we can, we can think that's, that was a plan, especially for this up back up plan for targeting civilians. a most code based night this evening. and that's the very point. just finally, isn't it, that this is a concert at. it would only be civilians of this culture going to this rock find whoever carried this side. knew who they were targeting. yeah, yeah, yeah, it was uh called sort of so unfortunately it was
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a lot of the people that were wounded and these attacks me what i can say, i can say simply that to these was glenn gaines. seriously. friday in the evening. in a concert talk. it's terrible, it's really terrible. and then 3 over the last number of years you've gotten to know the russian people, the russian so will do think and the top tech this is going to cover them to scare them. no, no, i think i think that's, that's uh extra like this is the action. so like this can make stronger. there are some people united against the who have plants attacked like this. so if uh, if we would, we would see of course about the if we'd be confirmed that that's the ukrainians side of planets such that back i'm sure that are from people. we'd be united the.


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