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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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and ends in the british system, because there were low country for hundreds of us and they didn't been in the court then able to insect and the committee budget court, particularly for that i was framed in 16 so that the law continued in our country did about now the government of india has realized that most of those laws, red object laws, number one the, they're meant to protect the british girl. and the fines and the punishment imposed did not match the present system. and the what? so what the government, i mean there is nothing about it is particularly optimism that ended when they came in to the united cabinet in the country. he had promised us that every day he wouldn't delete one law. that would be the same. but the registration fee are happy with the time happy. i'm happy with the june because uh we are going away from the colonial. the infrared is that the indian system has the
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language that has been using the courts today is being able to sort but them, okay. published, i don't know the language was english and in all the courts. now if you're not there, good judgments and we're at the, if you go to the level, the court proceedings take this environment. and so i've gone on. my goal is the biggest that they're going to be good to know what is happening in this case and or not. is it right? the breaking news we're getting in here, ad artsy suspects that were seized in an anti terror rate in russia's southern republican pakistan yesterday. are directly related to the gunman who attacked protest, city hall. 3 terrace had been detained in 2 cities. the druggist, sending governor, says the suspects were identified and original security cracked down and following the moscow assault, which has rushes worst terror attack and decades. the government opened fire on
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civilians then set the concert hall a blaze unplug the scene for terrorists were caught. well, trying to reach the border with you frame while this comes, as moscow has demanded, the arrest and extradition of ukrainian officials, including at security chief and connection with a string of terror attacks and russia. the russian side demands that the key of regime immediately sees any support for terrorist activities, extradite the perpetrators and compensate the damage cause to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the anti terrorism conventions will result in its international legal responsibility. among these demands is the rest of the head of the s, b u. the mail you who cynically admitted on march 25th, that ukraine organized the bombing of the crime in bridge in october 2022 and revealed the details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation. for us as foreign ministry says the government will soon issue another
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notice to ukraine regarding the suspects wanted over the crocus massacre earlier, rushes security service chief said moscow knows the names of those behind the march 22nd terror attack. with the evidence pointing it directly to key of alexander barton a call, i've added the f as b, we'll make sure all the perpetrators are brought to justice ukraine and claims that had nothing to do with the massacre. however, top officials there have previously boasted about conducting terror strikes that killed russian civilians. he has military intelligence chief, has also threatened new attacks on the countries infrastructure. the, let's see, and this promotion is actually been building a railway for over a year now to connect to our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we can somehow manage the overland section of the railway. we all have experience in this, and it is much easier than the issue of the crime in bridge. or they are,
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we were joined in the studio by french j, a political analyst, the serial. the latch, re who says the organizers of the moscow mascot are clearly didn't expect the terrorist to be taking a live and spill the beans. and what we know so far is that the ukranian services could not have done this alone. they, they have a, have to have at least the approval of the united states. and most probably the brightest secret service. also, i my 6th and see if for the united states. so the, the, the only thing that the screw up in the plan is that the, the were not expecting the russian services to get those guys alive and having them tilting. and they have been talking. and we did the russian services wearable to gather intelligence that pointed that the financial system came from the ground and put some money a link to, to your brain. so i mean, it's use, it's absolutely of use that it's something that was
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a ver alder bar backed up by the united states is included by the funding services . there is absolutely no depth about this. the point where we are, we all know that your plane is not just a tourist organization, it's, it is just the 3rd stage by itself, monday or tuesday, which they have always been doing like this. and they are acting they b as they're responsible for the facilitation of the body of the re. now they are responsible for the assassination of a flat on petoskey. they are in very serious situation on the front line and they are phone being all civilians in a in belgrade they are trying to bomb the energy resources and the much deeper into russian for the russian stating during stories that i'm not even according to them at course china bowl because it's so there is nothing unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing to this expect from you frank,
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to slow down and then we will. we know that we will try to do everything they can just try it again. a lot of mirrors the wednesday is fast becoming a nobody that is the damning assessment from a former ukrainian prime minister who resigned during the might on to 10 years ago . ukraine were a democratic country. there would be presidential elections today, but ukraine has ceased to be such under zaleski because did you, some of ukraine does not provide any extension of the terms of office. it simply does not. and since the constitution does not provided, zalinski will very soon to come and nobody. why did zalinski postponed the elections with the war? the war has not been declared. so why did she postpone the election them due to one thing? the fear of losing these elections was a low scale, refused to hold an election that was scheduled to take place by the end of march, his presidential term. and the fact of legitimacy expires in may or to show that
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defensive explains what that means for ukraine, and it's 4 and the sponsors that someone should be waking up today is the newly elected president of the ukraine. but that's in an alternative universe, perhaps because hit and now new elections have been held. and that means it's more the same. for however, long latham is lensky decides the clean power. you. she makes me more. we all realize that now it is war time when there are many challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible, somehow so frivolous to throw the subject of elections into society. we must understand that this is a time of defense, the time of battle on which the fate of the state and the people depends and not a time for throw in this, which only russia expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the time for elections. i don't know about you, but i've never considered holding an election and letting people decide as like, taught it a playful thing. and in regards of still being waves of political division. so
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lensky has already seen to that, because there is no political opposition in ukraine point. now, there are no papers that are empty government, or will bind as a result of so lensky is when men plus push to control the whole narrative. that's being too much for some, for democracies do not ban elections, but ukraine has put the democratic process itself on hold. since declaring martial law in 2022. this hiatus was supposed to be temporary, but it has been repeatedly extended. democracies do not censor media. in february 2022, the ukrainian government ordered the 9 largest television networks and ukraine to combine their news operations into a single state control news program called tell a marathon. soleski had only lost a being throwing around the idea that new election would be held. the test is metal
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at the ballot box, but he since done a u turn, according to the committee of voters of ukraine, that's down to one reason alone. a mass of droppings the land skis, approval ratings. and one pole has shown that if the election had been held, zalinski may have got boot, especially this going, ukraine's former head of the army had stood against him. the other reason being bound to the 5 does that ukraine call told the elections during martial war. well, the only person who can lift that is lensky himself. may prove that will he will. so what has the west, which is so often demanded the elections in other countries set? not a lot of what elections is concerned in ukraine. this is a domestic measure of ukraine, so not for me to come and take some of these are questions for the ukraine. people to decide we want to see presidential elections and all actions in ukraine. but we
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recognize that it's a difficult thing to conduct in the middle of the world. and so it's a very difficult issue to work through. and ultimately it's a decision for the training people to make it. interestingly, it had quite a lot to say about russia's recent presidential election. russia's recent presidential election occurred in an environment of intense repression of independent voices and the imprisonment, death, or ex iowa. virtually all genuine political opposition. the kremlin has denied it. citizens, that transparent meaningful democratic process against this backdrop, this election can only be described as un democratic. this has not been the fair elections, no sea of service, you know, highly restricted in vitamin position and before them i think of a what i can say. but more than that, seizure action as being base and repression. and in see me the age, the valuable, the recent elections in russia were in election without
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a choice. the election process not only shows putin's nefarious actions against his own people, but also against the united nations charter. on the one hand rusher is bad because it has elections in the west, didn't like the outcome on the of the ukraine doesn't have to hold elections and it's still a bedrock of democracy. go figure. yeah, but it's not just russia that's attracting the west courses as many ask for qu, non south american countries of being in the firing line. now those nations all standing up for themselves, i'm sorry for the west, but what the west thinks is not my problem. not everyone in the west is spinning the same line. is the lensky over the known elections there? all those who are saying, hang on a minute, i want to see this country have free and fair elections, even while it is under a salt, the american people need to know that ukraine is different. this has been a very corrupt country in the past. incredible qu, by zalinski,
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which purely and simply cancels the ukrainian presidential election, which was to take place in march 2024 after having already cancel the legislative elections last month. ukraine is a full fledged member of the council of europe is of course a democracy. and although democracy is far more than only elections, i think we all agreed that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function cleaners have no idea when they'll be able to vote in such elections because there is only one person who can make that cool for lensky himself. and right now he's clinging on to power. he has absolute authority, he is suspended elections. he has were press political opponents, he has proclaimed a state of emergency those up all characteristics of a dictator. must wait in based into a political analyst and research are greg simon. this told my colleague nikki aaron,
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that zillow skews decision to scrap the elections was influenced by his low ratings, not by the conflict, a piece trying to justify it, by the fact that there's a war on this is not the real reason for the justification. the actual justification of the deeply unpopular if there was any election, he would lose any he would lose by a large margin. because if we remember what the bunch of them and the 1st place, the old ideas back, he was by to them on the, on a piece tickets. he offered brandon face to ukraine and bob boss. and he's done the exact opposite of us just to points out the hypocrisy. hey, what's an official say the election and ukraine is an internal decision, but the very same politicians were very quickly criticized. the russian presidential, very thing which i understand that you actually followed as an international observer. why is this such a big difference in the rest of right now?
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absolutely. um, i mean, it's not the standards, it's a multitude more than that. you have to pay for that, it's fine to support via the project. was always the company with the big spaces, explanations why he's legitimately, as always, trying to say is what the americans pull, putting lipstick on a think. you're trying to make something beautiful. we're not, there's no where is when we're looking at the russian that. ready there's a problem for them because you have the cycle, bad side of the one that's labeled bad side domains. what's the democratic state? what do it's best for russians which is driving this welcome to paris, but not if you're a russian or bell russian athlete. the french capital is mayor says, these metal hopefuls are not on the invite list for the upcoming summer olympic games and friends, a t g. i want to tell the russian and beller lucy and athletes that they are not
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welcome in paris. i would also like to tell the ukrainian athletes and all the ukrainian people that we support them very much. the international olympic committee announced in december that russian and bella, russian athletes couldn't participate in the olympic games under certain conditions . sportsmen from these countries can enter the olympic arena only under neutral status, and cannot display their flags or sing anthems. they're also not allowed to compete in teams sports. and if an acetate support specialist, special operation or is affiliated with military structures, they will not be allowed to participate in the games. russian officials have called the ios the actions discriminatory since the restrictions have never been imposed on any other country. they say they olympic sanctions and friends on the russian athletes, personal interests and the conditions were qualified for the games are almost impossible. russian president vladimir fitness said the original idea behind it and play games has been undermined by these provocative measures source to everything
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that international officials do in relation with the russians for is a complete for version of theater to but times idea the olympic movement was created to unite people, not to divide them. today's international officials have become too obsessed with the business side of sport if they continue to act in this way, they will bury the olympic movement. president hutton issued a decision last june to hold a world of friendship games in russia. in 2024 was the 1st one scheduled to take place in september, the russian sports ministry said these competitions are not an alternative to the olympics around. 30 countries, including european nations, have already confirmed their participation in an, in the event, according to the director general of the games organizing committee, the i o. c, has called it a politicized sports events in pronouncing his disapproval. it is a cynical attempt by the russian federation to politicize board. the international
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olympic committee athletes commission representing all the olympic athletes of the world clearly opposes using athletes for political propaganda. the commission even sees the risk of athletes being forced by their governments into participating in such a fully politicized sports event, thereby being exploited as part of a political propaganda campaign. sports column list alan moore says despite the principle that sports should be a political, the 2 are difficult to separate. a police force, there's nobody between them. we all know the politicians move to s all the proceeds from the waiting on the or winning team. so it goes both ways, so i think it's just the latest this stuff, you know, politicians will make a statement using sports to make upstate into sports as well. so i think it's just, it's just the latest thing. this always you in front of it for corruption investigation in tennessee mer, wants to try to start us from inside of people from the defense. and so they see
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fairly as, as we move in, in the very bottom deliveries is a huge money making machine. they are terrified really easier. the friendship can take over because basically if there are days and borders intern for people who can take part and enjoy, or, you know, kind of well just to go to from this call. so you can say that is a huge issue. so i think the oil see, realize that how does de la fortunately of forces d, i s easy man using goodwill. a lot of countries by taking this very, very silly and i'd say to cemeteries tass, cranes, largest bookstore chain has started to sell the memoirs of a correlation. nazi who was responsible for the execution of over 30000 jews and the holocaust and tape published served as the head of the croatian, a puppet government which collaborated with nazi germany aside from jewish people.
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he's also believed to be responsible for the mass killing of serbs and romani, gypsies, they recently published the recently published book is focused on gracious push for independence. while his complicity in the genocide is simply omitted as well. the case is another instance where a key of appears to be white washing the dns to be print in world war 2, nazis and their allies, the training authorities, awarded assess collaborator, you are a sub who's at this month for his actions during world war 2. he was applauded in the canadian parliament during baltimore, zalinski is visit last year, causing domestic and international backlash. he has also been renaming streets that had names tied to the ussr or russia some after actual old fashioned use. military veteran scot bennett, says the promotion of these nazi memoirs is a form of ukrainian, brainwashing. this memoirs of a nazi is uh, you know, to me, displays the uh,
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irrationality in the falling apart. and the stupidity that animates the, the political regime of zalinski and t f in their last throes. because it's clear they're getting their orders from the c. i a state department, because this entire narrative of ukraine's war against russia has been built on this classic brain washing m k ultra mind control, narrative west. the response is quite an example of hypocrisy because on one side, the american people hate nazis. they hate the killing of innocent civilians in jews and serbs and grow ads and russians and everything that transpired during world war 2. however, the government, the c, i a, the victorian newlands, the rock, obama, joe biden, hillary clinton's types. they are on the side of genocide and, and purging people for resources. look at what they've done in syria and libya and elsewhere as an example. so i have no doubt that the c i a,
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which manages the information the climate in america, will be completely turning a blind di and will not pay any attention to this and will not let any major newscast write a story or, or do do a, a program exposing this nazi bulk of memoirs and before we go, said clouds of smoke had filled the skies of a cutter and burg as a mass of fire has been goals to 4000 square meter workshop in the central russian city, dozens of firefighters, and the 17 units of special equipment are on the ground to trying to control the fierce fire witness to say the blaze side is the same to russian euro mash plaid that produces mining machinery. no casualties have been reported. we will bring you more updates as the story develops. all right, well that's going to do for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague, nicky aaron, will be in next in just
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a few minutes west more of the day stuff. new stories by the watching is why isn't why in this come to find out about plenty of the store in this this, you should have been a short order for now. i'm not going to say lots of green scale when i am touch at your desktop session. that's just showing me your just is when you bought it before and you said oh no, it's not the the, the, the the what is the part of the is it that the employee would post that
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isn't the defense you of us entered in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without keesha's, desktop product. the 1st time in history, if any anti countries culture has been cancelled, the very modern weapons cancel culture. they need to ask the associated miles to the truck. it just means setting them on a particular phrase now, particularly refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be up to that i get 20 miles folks to chill out of it. so that goal is almost over some rich, the one of them, the, the moist blood rushes created the pos 1500 years. there's no questions,
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partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she doesn't have to use it a little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now includes just asking you to call skate and assess the coverage that i need to. yeah, of course to left, but yeah, she goes to the other things that would just be the w apartment, e u the in 1941 with the nazis health situation, ultra nationalist, the eustace has the claim, the independent state of croatia shortly on the seizing power they billed the same
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events, concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dashes, use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the senate of us come with a wrench, the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners, they send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the little to no one, no, no, no, no, no, not for to more than what they should of the unit
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731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so it gives you a show the great deal to the youth. suddenly, with as little as you keep on my mazda thought this minute, you know, one of our, from the sale of that i don't understand. i voice enough because i don't know who i need. i know you gave him some more or less than a j o. side with this kind of them of the
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a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for those people to go to want this on this one should buy a new on it. hold on site can send me 7, won't get to the you are not on the by, well, did they give us the, the v g for all kinds of stories for, you know, some of those. i mean us now the
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issue, the issue of what's important and the homeowner westbrook learn how to hey, john, match the higher lane louis louis, you know, a little faster be sure your p e, which the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news. hey, ronald, t b s s b stacy on suspects it detained in august on sunday, had funded on supplies for the quote because parent russia has a key to crane of orchestrating the massacre. they came the lives of $144.00, which comes in moscow. they of all, and the rest of the expedition of ukrainians, links to terror attacks in russia. a group of greek politicians say the croakers mazda at the altar clinic address. the lock of key of this month is in washington. beauty, as they are, they rush to equip themselves 1st,


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