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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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the best part of the the below and welcome to cross the bullhorn sign. peter live out. here we discuss some real news. the end of an era in the start of another. is there no red line? israel will cross and will nato invite ukraine and to be lines this upcoming july, or will they just budget? to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess george, send me. well we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggle, which we've found down youtube and locals. and in merrill cash we crossed to martin j. he's an award winning journalist, and commentator, or a gentleman cross type rules and effect. that means he can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate this. kick this off with george in budapest. i suppose it's kind of a moot point or just rhetorical. now is there no red line is real world cross
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because we had the vitamin ministration come out fainting for over the killing of the? well, the western aid workers rest and the word western. but on the same day shipments continued here. i mean, this has been a game of chicken and george men, yahoo is one as well. i'm afraid you're absolutely right. pizza. i think that there's any other has one of this has been going on since october, where washington same as the outrage over some, the latest is really atrocity, the latest the statistics about the civilian casualties and then nothing changes. so this past week we have the 78, what goes well west and i mean these are, these were west and aid workers where they could, what one of them was a us citizen, the 3 british citizen. and we had the attack on the
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e rate in the embassy compound in damascus. so he's a both a fairly outrageous actions and nothing really very much happens 0 the same congressmen, the issue the policy is just that no more a far um lives in the area. or are you serious about that? well, no more. 8 until mid any. i will gives an a serious accounting as to what he's doing . it will go right glad there's and then in the meantime in the u. k. u, but david cameron said he was, is really a very bad thing if you've got 3 british citizens did. and, and the goal you can do is just simply top top and well, wave your finger in the meantime, your bar is young's us as we were lots of lift, anything stand in the way of mall of deliveries for as well. so going back to your point, yeah, this, this can go on for a long time. let's in the i'm just going to continue winning. well martin,
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the way i read it now in retrospect, this is just a very, very cynical game. i mean, if we do, we go back from october to the present everything george, the catalog did well, it is a, you know, this is escalation of outrage and there is no limit to that. this is what has been proven. there is no limit. and we, we know that the, the defense ministry and israel's angling for a possible conflict with that has been a lot of course it ran as always on their radar here. and the administration does seems amazingly discussing lee pathetically impact. did you have anthony, a link and the secretary of state? i mean, i much, i'm embarrassed when i see him though. he looks like an undertaker. he's always looking down. he's lying through his teeth, all the other administration spokes people are no different except for the excel in the, in expressing a smirk when their challenge. i mean, i've never seen this kind of book in my life and considering the united states, he wants to be
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a dominate predominant around the world. constantly rules based order. but who comes to this one issue there, impotent, mark what his thoughts em. i agree, i agree, i didn't, i didn't even know how to start this program. the job's really made all the points i wanted to be. um, but i, i have to take to task both through this. i did this and you know, it was one i think, i think it's too early to say because quite rightly george mentions the tensions between his beloved and i'm israel. we saw now really at a level that we could've imagined just a few weeks ago. but in addition to that, the bombing of the, the, is where the bombing of the reading concepts in damascus best going over line and the situation. now the bottom we'll have is we hope you will ever vices around him . and senior officials and depends are going to advise him that if the radians go ahead with what they threatened to do, which is to strike israel, then why said these really they are the americans would, would be,
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would be very wise, not get involved to take a step back and say we notify one missile because if you do flour me. so if you launch one of 351 of 68 of those aircraft carriers, then you have a world war scenario and is biting. going to go into his, his election role with a, what was a run, a world the know us president has ever wanted done. it's not just somebody knowing they've all avoided like the plague and you know, we're all now in a situation. know we are talking about a will on the right, isn't the been martin this bit cynicism is endless here because for example, is really media and government officials are not claiming they will for rightly or wrong. uh, wrongly is a they, they, they ran may strike is real in response, which is exactly what, letting you know, who once we get to that will force the americans in, i mean, this level of citizens keep going. you have the account come in the system possible as an impossible scenario. you know and bite in would be completely off. is truly
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even to this. i'm sorry martin, but we watched israel with el cheapo hospital. this absolutely decimated, turn it into ashes and the world watch a hospital. we're not talking about a military to be of george. i'm with the cynicism is so thick it's, it's hard to see through it. and i would contend with the sabre rattling with as bull uh, the attack on the uh, uh, uranium consulate in damascus. it's, it's a diversion because they want to continue resolving or in pursuing their genocidal policies in god. so that's the point. well, i think it may be a diversion, but it's much more likely a way of showing up iran. i mean, i think what is, what it is trying to do is to push this to, to show the web page here on is a paper tiger because he run really does some of the getting involved of the well with this rope. so he doesn't want to get involved in
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a war in the united 11 on certainly doesn't want to either. the level doesn't want to as so therefore this essentially, you know, then what is or it was done. this started down to go back to around and said, okay, what are you going to do about it? we just hit your, um, uh, an embassy compound. what are you going to do that? what is it around this thing? we will do this. we will do that and it will do the outlet. but it's quite like, even though they're to do very much i, we've seen in the past. israel has conducted assassinations, whether it is assassinated, that sciences here are basically set back and watch. because again, you run, it doesn't really get involved in the war with is, or if it goes, it goes, that's a, that's a reckless thing. you know, that it brings in the united states. and even when the united states that essentially the general saw them on a, we're going to a national here of essentially, iran was allowed to the perform essentially a pro forma stripe just just to say face. so they make, is that all right, we'll give you a one shot pitch of barracks. no one gets
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a loud. you can feel good about yourself that you've your allow the police to have it. well, well, georgia managed right. your logic isn't publicly impeccable as usual, but martin, um, i certainly don't think it ran is going to have a direct uh have a direct uh um, um, directly target israel, though it has proxies galore and i think that's what we have seen is it ran presumably reportedly is it told it's proxies or throughout the region to hold back . they have no, there's no reason for them to hold back. and that's the, that's the, the, the fear of the united states, because you're going to be getting picked up ever a all over the place. you know, where, where do you focus your attention? that is one, it's not as dramatic, george, you, right. is it being a council it um, but the impact may be just as meaningful. martin? i think you're absolutely right. that will be more pressure on the proxies. it'll be more more leeway. most flexibility, i think for for hezbollah to even increase the intensity. and i said on your show
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a few weeks ago that i'd say no, be some touch with strikes in the future as to what was done by the so think that we're waiting for the day where hezbollah strikes in his writing imagery, organization, an institution and kills the number of the idea of soldiers that steps on the cause i'm signal todd while i'm but in the last few days, the last few weeks we've seen reports now of, of both sides talking now of a real or real slow. more a not for these riley's but suddenly for the, for as blow up will mean a land innovation of northern strip of as well. and i think that's a reality which is now edging closer and closer and closer. and you're quite right to talk about these, these on the threshold. so we've reached, you know, and how they don't show people and how people are becoming more and more fatigued. so, you know, we, we, we need to be more emotional to even 68 to get our attention form for media every day. i was surprised that some the
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a workers the 7th day they were because 3 of them, brits till the attention of the dates when you put it into contrast with the thousands of thousands of palestinian babies. you know, the killed every day and the most grotesque way, you know, in a way that all generation can only compare to the other cost. you know, those images, you know, they, they don't grainy anymore. the graphic. there is a shop, you know, in h d. but i, so i think that these thresholds now being reached and international law is becoming really uh for small than ever it, it could be in an international law. it was something that was really significant for american leaders, but not understood by that great to public obama. pulled out soldiers from iraq because of international. he also didn't invite syria an independent big way because of international role. he's still i didn't special roy's advices. told him by international, but i think international lawyers very much all about who's in, well, i would think it's quite selective. i mean, he did the select visual like they got the destruction of libya. okay. and the
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previous administrations greenlighted the district and encouraged to guantanamo site, which is which, which, which, which one is which, which is yours, actually, georgia. i mean, it is beneatha already mentioned the game of chicken here. um he wants to get rid of bite. and disney, he does, um and uh yeah, he is, that's the, the, that's in the project that could actually come to fruition by delays very unpopular . is that a really a pretty tough um re election slides on these as no one in the body? like, oh and loves joe biden. okay, so they don't, and he has a good show that you know, if, if trump is in trump, will be much more favorably inclined towards him then a bite who has been, i mean, it's not a done deal, but there's, there's a reasonable expectation. you have to accept the reality that israel is a very serious country history. it is ready to do whatever it needs to do to pump
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out people, whatever goals i was a, nothing is going to solve that. i mean, i, that's, it is like, wait, you know, america is not going to stop us international laws, all that stuff like united nations mobile discovery. we go, we will do whatever we need to do. and that's really pushing that from what you've been with israel is, are there all the restraints? i mean they, they think was the only important thing is that we feel like we prevail overall. you know, interestingly enough, because fine, it's, interestingly enough, yours is the that there's a very perverse logic to this because israel will do whatever it wants. it's demonstrated that, but ultimately the blame will fall on the united states and under the current administration. because that's how the world is going to look at it. and rightfully so, in many ways it's, it's, it's a burden shifting as it were, or a gentleman. i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real estate with our, to the benefits,
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explain it straight to us the problem or i'm gonna show us january 1st of this before the so there's 2 more to keep going. as i mentioned earlier, is i've just deep requirements, not express here, submit item. so you may need to have that as a way can regards right now probably i'm the front and then for the 1st thing you're finding out for will be street. the mentioned that you might try to go by for the lower print skills. i'm over proof of those types of products that are coming out the learn. so figured out by your full sharp implant. and so the
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most of the triple just the enough one to the, it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a run the system, the good little issues. and you know, the more expensive and i'm going to plan with you, whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the welcome back to across i bullhorn and
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peter lavelle here were discussing some real news. martin in july of this year. it's a 75th was already passed, but they're going to have to be de la party of nato is a i anniversary 75th. and we have the secretary of state lincoln, which i referred to on this program as the undertaker of international law. and he was standing right next to the ukranian foreign minister and made it very clear ukraine will be part of nato that we heard this. well, you know, under the george w bush administration, they're still saying it though, a lot of things have happened since they don't want to induct ukraine in, in july, or they just going to fudge it one way or other george. and i have very strong feelings about this. you go for as much from a journalist point of view, i think is going to be a massive media fudge. i think it's gonna be a little secondary. so they've already prepared, you know, and um, i think we're gonna, we should, we should be prepared for that. yeah,
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i think it's interesting. i went with the conversation with the ukraine information . they did this, but they they, they had do that they've been discussing and how to do this. i suppose it's how to budget. that's what they've been discussing. martin. yeah, i know. yeah. i think the ukrainians have been doing very good job of fake news for, for a long time under the leadership of the american friends in cat few. oh is wherever they go in the world. the americans always build this, this sense of this information of how she experienced a lot myself my own career. so we wish we should expect a little fake news, but you know, what we should never forget is that the west is losing. and when you lose and it will, you lose ground, you lose territory, you lose villages and towns almost on a daily basis. and you become more, more desperate to, you know, recently in the last week i was seeing video footage of 19 or 20 year olds, phone a, boston ukraine in uniform looking as though they're being driven to that desk. i mean, the look of just misery on their faces. now is called because scripts because they,
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we just, they just changed the lower new grade. they've reduced the color script age from 20 some to 25, which the west tales grades in the step, a real progress since the gram certainly fine and thank you man, it doesn't have any children. and money doesn't mean children. and that was really, you know, how the bucket of water between is, is, i mean, is a complete idiot. so, so total idiots, you know, and some of those things it comes out with a just astonishing but you know, i think to ask you a question because a lot of fake news going to see a lot of, um you know, you for you about how well and they, so it's done and how is keeping the peace. and now we're looking around the world for new members, you know, in south america and then asia. but, you know, there is an underlying message here, which is that, you know, i don't think it'd be, it reflect very bad on job items. well, we remember jabard and full in years to come ukraine and goza, you know, on the for risk images coming from them. because when, when the biden goes pasta, so by date and these thoughts, you know, um, getting these days of the week confused. and the city's easy in,
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in america confused and connie and woke up a stage as almost happening right now. but when we get to the end, when we get it, we, we reached november, december, you know, i, i think come many americans will just think the nato on, on the west roll around the world. and it's different strategy is a bit fake, is a bit disingenuous. because, well, they think they build, the good thing for joe biden is a, he just probably won't remember it, but we'll have to do it ourselves. you know, george, i mean there's, there's a lot of, um, uh, finessing you can do. we can, you know, you, we've talked about this many, many times and even forcing upon rush of frozen conflict with, that's problematic in many ways. so you have is a big a to create a new category for, you know, a membership and just about, or, you know, all kinds of things like that. i think it will be verbal. i think it will be rhetorical, but they're not giving up on this project. i think, you know, we have to make clear to our viewers. the west isn't giving up on this project.
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yeah. george, i, i agree with you, but i think you summed it up very well that they might come up with some formula along those lines, which is a frozen config. maybe it kind of a to, to a membership. yeah. yeah. you're in but it's not, you know, those quite have the status of everybody else. um, you know, maybe they'll think of that. well, maybe you can create a demilitarize of the, the point is that this certainly does not in 3 months time. so it's, it's, it's coming up a uh, shortly um. and what the laser was this made clear because made those go to all in made, made the decision. we're going to go in on this, this. we cannot afford to lose. there's no way we can lose because if we lose it, then nato is down. the post cold war world is done, and in fact, the result of the cold will come. it's cool because into questions of who really wants that. so they kind of do it, and that's why i think live in the native. i also, particularly now the french who are doing the, the, the, the most vehement
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a shilling for late. so that's why they are they making clear, we're going to move our forces and they know to mean we can like be engaged in combat. they mean that we are actually going to be here and making clear so russia that thus far and know for the you don't get to go any further east than way you are. maybe a little. yeah, but it may be laid out by the state that that's a yeah, i know. i know. but the other thing that's the, the mentality. that's a pretty, that's really dicey because martin it's, there's also there's been discussion coming up to the drew of july. summit is integrating, integrating more of ukraine's military into nato structures, which you can no longer say. i mean we're, it's been a farce for 2 years. but, you know, we're not part of the conflict. well, if you start integrating the military structures and you are part of the call, like, of course russia would, would not discriminate. mean they would,
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they would z uniforms, they would see offensive material, and they were destroyed. this my crowns living in a fantasy world, but i repeat myself every program martin. i think he is living in a such as the well, but i also thing. i don't believe that he will already send the troops. i think i don't either. you know, i see, i think he just brings on this drum because it gives a media attention that puts him into this, that the center. it gives him this, the, the, the, the idea that you can play this role temporarily just for a day of being the elected president of the european union, which is where he is going to say, you know, whenever he makes the issue statements, always think of us live on the land and brussels, the thing a portal, but you know, she didn't get her media spots today. she was out for l ranked by somebody who actually does get the media coverage, but there's only so long, so many so full, so you can carry on with that with that silly idea of presenting us with french troops in your class. i mean, it's a joke, french troops, you know, can anyone remember the last? i'm furniture it was actually, what are you seeing on a battlefield?
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i mean, come on. the purchase is also i think um i don't see pitching would hesitate, but i think you should have them on the 1st day because he knows all you need is a few buddy, buddy bus going back to paris and the whole things over came over, you know, with this, this is the thing about the, the people who don't understand about ne, so when we do these celebrations, which by the way already started, which is weird. yeah. yeah. well i say, you know, george way was the last few days was the official birthday, right? it was official that the they all of the actual signing of the brussels treated of so that would, that was the, that was the but they, but this has got to be the, with the above. they bought it. but i think it's a government to micro. i also think is the end of this age, but the forces being in combat. and now the question is an easy way to the bottom of this about pretend wouldn't hesitate to show to them of that. i don't know, but i think the branch want to work something out with the russian,
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so you don't shoot it out for. so yeah, we're going to be behind the lines. we're going to be doing logistics, administration, training, whatever. but don't shoot or the, i mean this conversation that took place a few days ago. but when the russian defense with us and the french defensible, is that what were they talking about? the french say, oh, we were to, but to are, is a really why why, why so they thought the ultimate terrorism from isaac like, sage, wanted to get some kind of guarantees from showing go. that when we deploy offices, you don't shoot at us. no, i don't think so. i gave them a guarantee, but i think that's who the so the, the reason why they suddenly have to have this conversation. yeah, but i mean, it is, there's a lot of wrinkles there, martin, because, i mean, if you're, you just mentioned these conscripts to be in a bus being driven to the meat grinder. and so if i were one of those guys and say, but the french get to stay in the kind of phase and give and work. yeah. oh, cool. what got, well, what, what about us?
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i mean, i don't think it's a good look. okay, go for the ukraine, 1st and foremost, we just do the, the, the fodder in the, in the french guys can have happened to, you know, and, and a, in a, a cafe go and we just need, we need to get real, you know, both sides denied these tubes even took place, which i think is quite a there is that shows that neither one really has much confidence in putting off any kind of deal or whether it's even informal and a by channel tools, etc. um, what was the last on metro and actually going to do with picture was the last time they're both set down or that huge tables and agree something never, you know. so the other thing michael is going to do anything about getting a deal which uh, you know, managed just to give, uh, uh, an exemption on the bustle sale to his french soldiers leading up starts preposterous. aconia mentioned not the ever happening. you know, a little, i think a lot of this when we talked about the nature of the say, going back to the point to that i think from what we uh, what the humble american in the blue color wilka in the is shopping maldonado is
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gonna sell a journalist when asked about all of this because they didn't really understand much, didn't expect you to understand really anything of the, the bigger picture is the night. so is this organization that we pump in? is it those into, you know, we spend so much money on we own it. so his tease, but we don't have the latest, but have the courage to even put one. well, i think also there's no real strategic vision. that's the problem. you, george, if you know way it'd be with the july summit coming up and you are ask your past due, you know, to make a cheer leading brochure. uh for the uh, for the, for them, for the party. what would it say? he was guest that good question to the cheer leading brochure. oh, you said you had come up with the usual uh, bundle software that nature has been coming up with. they do is a huge, massive omeo propaganda is also known as the mainstream media building. the one who what a fantastic job of it's doing of and yeah, i live,
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i mean that they have the golf. obviously they've got a good we're actually themselves on all those job done. but i mean, when you talk about the strategic ration there is little strategic vision, all of them. well, let's go on, continue to bleed russia. yeah, that's all that is the question that that should be. ok, well how does that benefit us? how does that benefit, anyone in your, how does it benefit anyone in the life of what, what do you gain by bleeding russia? that's like our house it. so it just has been to say, well, we'll continue as before and whatever, whatever else we must prevent. donald trump route coming to a panel because trump might bring this uh, put it in the spigot to an end. and uh, this, this is who kind of the up so that it, there is no strategic the vision hit all of them. well, let's keep this going because as long as with this boom, global keeps going, then we can go on expanding and go on acquiring more and more funds. yeah, day of to being humiliated in ukraine shouldn't stop the alliance is march forward
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. okay, because that has some kind of world historic value or a gentleman that's all the time we have what a thing my guess in america, shannon budapest, and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are the scenic some . remember, across the rules, the, [000:00:00;00] the, in the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however,
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the mother got the kingdom, refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco mail, i guess they wore the french sent a punitive expedition to for submission on the island. the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlement. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over in madagascar his external affairs. but the french wanted more of you years later, they started a full scale village, airy and phase, and ended 18. 95 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd and our prime minister. rieney a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00 antics the island. the suppression of the liberation movement
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erupted the merciless massacre. the captain of madagascar are legit tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. there lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile. a gasp of the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of madagascar. but violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom. the at expedius the no no. so that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good, separate shift for you. that
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experience story to us as well the number for this all the material costume. for dominique deal. frontier and bows. oscar no initial starts northern, undermining of this distrust when she was leaving the sponge union for us. the proper work of tempo or the other spring. mind them for transit almost. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new industrial ship or store control. there's a batch of all of us probably in the loop on here thing you put into the


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