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tv   Documentary  RT  April 10, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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of course, a very dangerous situation that russia is warning everyone about marina tell us, how has the west been reacting to all the strikes on the facility which have been taking place there for the past 2 years since 1st it took over the side. yes, well you could say it's been total ignorance, really from the west and even searching for these latest attacks on line in english . you can barely find anything just now we're slowly getting some statements at least frequently and from the new the east top. definitely, i just said in fact that these are reckless drone attack, again, separate orders and nuclear power plant increases the risk of dangerous and nuclear incident. and that such attacks must stop by who should stop and it's key of and they're not saying that. so in the way it's almost like they're condone, and it in the was only completely, all the side of the, you could say a rational behavior and the rational assault they're actually telling rush to stop . and let's take a list of it from the us state department spokesperson and russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plan to return the full control of the
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plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incident at the plants, but once again assault ross of behind these drones strikes that they again they use top diplomat has called reckless so they should be informing their pals. and key of to stop is a tax because this is what they could leave. so nuclear catastrophe what he was doing could lead to a nuclear catastrophe, but we're not hearing that from the west. we're not hearing once again, any condemnation for these. again, not only violet eyes but really, really dangerous side. so, but there will be a special meeting according to the i a that will hold this special emergency meeting to discuss these attacks. and let's see if we will at least hear anything, any words of condemnation from the you or from washington about here, which is unleashing all these drones stripes on, on the largest. again, let me just say this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe. so this is a very, very dangerous that's turned to central gas. it where
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a local authority say at least 14 people have been killed and several more wounded in an overnight is really or a strike on the ton of dirt out the law. and warning, the following images are graphic video from the palestinian red crescent society shows young. the survivors of the a truck being transferred to the nearby our access hospital. the authorities have reported that the majority of casualties are children and women who lived in a residential building in this erupt, refuge account, targeted, biased release for allegedly hard grades from us militants. the problem is level that to the ground, the victims bodies were taken to the medical facility to be identified according to the gas and the health ministry. over $33400.00 policy needed something pills and $76.00 and wounded since the october 7th from us service. meanwhile, in southern gaza, civilians are returning to can units off through
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a droll ald. you is really growing forces from the city know local say they're horrified at the scale of devastation left behind by the idea. and i am the sole survivor of my family of 12 people. as you can see, the building collapsed on us. we managed to extract around 5 bodies earlier, and today we found 8 more which we are currently ex, directing as no data. we have gone back 100 years. then as you can see, there is no refuge flow of water supply. rose went up and the people are trying to deal with the situation. i don't know where my house is anymore. okay. well, i did review of these houses were standing. but when we returned after the withdrawal of the military machinery from the area, we saw the enormous extent of the destruction. it's like a su nami hit this neighborhood. more than 45000 citizens of this region do not have any refuge now. on the northern gals or the al shots,
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the refugee camp also suffered some losses, and a recent is really strike 3 psalms and 3 grandchildren of come us leader, a smile honey. you were killed while riding in a civilian vehicle according to gallon and media. mr. how many i call the attack, and there's really failure. but said the transfer they will not influence the ongoing chiral tasks that heavy. if they thing the targeting my children at the back of the store before the from us movements response is submitted will cost and must have changed positions. they are delusional. the blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children. the pals, cnn people, or the mazda of palestine or my children. well, in israel itself, citizens appeared to be growing increasingly discontented with the war which has not into its 7th month protesters helping taking their anger to the streets. and one of the former vice prime minister is no calling and those responsible for the country security on october 7th. does not i believe in hold that i live his
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resignation, will spark a chain reaction and the entire senior command of the idea of which is responsible for the failure will stand up and resign. following the example said by the chief of staff, more than that even the senior officials in the political echelon and at their head, the prime minister, will understand that the time has come to resign or to hold elections as soon as possible. the big air entail mikaela sing a variety, but see the san francisco sounds a little. so there are more contradictions between, between the different functions such as gym and different functions of a lead. but nobody is the football injury like down into the aggressive policy or from them. yeah. it was the appointments today say, then because the always was supposed to big falls. eh, you say no say i said in october they have to go. but they don't say
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a suggest to and 0, the only claims it's a good range. the more successful noise in it than yeah. so actually this only as far as getting your boss positions, they seem to sam, aggressive machine, wasn't talking about responsibilities on the lips, sell these, they say we have explosive and so they say area, they can say the alcohol. but they continue the same policy as they continue to go from most likely to most of can from a disaster to disaster. finally, muslims worldwide are celebrating the holiday of each of it to you as they break their fast at the end of the holy month of ramadan. as we can see here, preparations for the event taking place and at more torn gases in the easy scan. this done and also nations across africa. so we're seeing this year here at well,
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local is ready, festive tables, indulged in prayer, while some celebrated on the streets with fire displays. millions are also marking 8 here in russia. and the president has congratulated the countries muslim community loving their putting saves, as long as organizations are helping strengthen the haitian and ethnic harmony of society. ortiz in the shower has more from whiteside, most schools get federal loss. the focal point of celebrations in the russian. now this day is a big celebration for most seems all over the world, but it's really no surprise that it is also being celebrated in russia. as estimates claim that the muslims make up between 10 to 15 percent of the country's population. now on top of that, islam is the 2nd largest religion in the country after orthodox christianity. right now we are at the moscow cathedral malls, which is one of the biggest, most in europe. and it was said to a host around 200000 people today. and in general,
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in moscow and in the moscow region, it was also estimated that between 302350000 people will be celebrated. no sports this most right here is the main venue, but there are also older alternatives in moscow and the moscow region. now, as you would expect also uh the some rows were blocked to temporarily blocked and restricted the due to the celebration. but also security was quite tight. i mean there was and there's still is police pretty much everywhere. monitoring the situation, keeping people safe as well. now, just to tell you a little bit about the celebration itself, say them further, which literally would translate to the celebration of breaking the fast. it marks the end of the month on which is the holiest month in the summit calendar where most slims would fast from sunrise to sunset. and so today is the 1st day in a month where they can have meals and water throughout the day. the way they
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celebrate, typically, is they would, uh, you know, visit family. uh they would go out to a new traditional attire. they would space throughout the day uh, on, uh, traditional suites, traditional meals. so at this day for most names is very significant and uh, with that of course it becomes a normal working day in most most slim countries, including the most frequent, most number of publics in ross uh that is the largest on chechnya. and we should get that that's done and so on. so overall, the celebration is all about smarting new beginnings for muslims, and also be in kind and just having fun, essentially. so during list and publisher languishes in a british maximum security prison a waiting to hear if you'd be extradited to the us, where he could face a further century in jail. his name is julian massage. next we tell you his story in our short talk, the truth for the
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the said again, like the mortgage spot see, but the so give idea of each. thank you very much for your time. so i know that you are a very busy person. i would like to start right off with the statements of polish prime minister donal task confirmed the phone is indeed not considering direct participation in the conflict on the territory of ukraine. however, we heard that the polish foreign ministry does not hide the fact that foreign soldiers of fighting on the side of the grand armed forces and even call it a secret. but everyone knows how would you comment on such a dual position, but they really need the statement. this statement most indeed made by police for the minister sikorsky to the same time. he said that he would not name those
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countries from which military personnel being sent to bones. he did not specify when we're talking about active military personnel, although so formerly on vacation on business trips and so on. while it's due to the ukraine, the so called volunteers allows reform or cut and military personnel in general. this is a well known fact. although both officials and leading media train in every possible way to avoid it, without commanding in any way unencumbered reports that they are dying. an open secret. however, they try not to open the visits. i what i say scudding instead of startled russian ministry of defense, you boys, that there are more polish most entries in the armed forces of ukraine, then citizens of any other countries is this being discussed in full and force a it's a good our store items is your age, could you? this is exactly what is categorically, not acceptable to talk about here. neither officials, no mainstream media talking about this. well,
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sometimes it is mentioned boldly into use of be with those so called volunteers. naturally, they don't call themselves most of these. the cold volunteers who have already completed their participation in hostilities, they share their own memory, solve this topic without any generalization, and without complete data on the numbers of people. lots of some of them and so on . this is a taboo topic over the summer. so you mentioned try to soft sikorsky before i wanted to discuss what the had of before administered recently set about the creation of a need a mission in ukraine. and he clarified that this does not mean direct involvement in the conflict. you know, the less, how would you evaluate these clarification and doesn't this mean in direct involvement in the conflict of conflict is thank you. have a great, you'll give me theater. you know, i would not like to comment on this particular statement because it is possible that we're talking about some kind of misunderstanding here. fall from this
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statement by the polish minister of foreign affairs. we did not find any mention of this nation. for example, in statements by nato officials or other countries of the north atlantic alliance. so it seems to me that it's probably too early to talk about this topic in more detail. maybe there is some misunderstanding here. we can also put it on this is just not all okay. let's move on to what seems to be an attitude problem for poland, about farmers who continue protest in poland, the dom on. of course, the idea of the met a completely beyond the input of cheap agricultural products from ukraine. how serious is this problem now? i really am the 2nd one. yeah. it's really else that i think the problem remains acute because the blockade as the policy graham bought it by police farm us, remains and protests continue throughout the country. during the largest of these actions, hundreds of points in various roles, rel, pulled web blocked content,
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attend the chance of being made to reach an agreement between the authorities and farmers on waste to resolve this problem. but so far, no systemic solution has been found. the various options for partial agreements have been proposed, but i will repeat that a settlement has not yet been found in use in this month around the, at the us and despite, as well. so as i understand it diffuses to conduct a diet like with the protesters, is this to at the thought? let them you could, but it is not run minutes to task met twice with representative. so the protesting pharmacist they have is the point is that the government on principle is not going to talk to the most of the testers who commit outright violations of public order. but meetings with the leaders. so the protesting farmers have been and probably will continue to hold on to this look. uh no it's, it's interesting how people, most of the farmers who have so many problems now feel about the fact that on the
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17th, the anniversary of the creation of nita, the president of poland, proposed to deadlines lead us to increase defense spending to 3 percent of g d p. when there is such a serious problem with the pro test, how time the such statements from the president know, you know, when you think you'll give me 0 it's, i would not like to commend this statement of the had on the polish state. as far as i can judge, the police public, all the citizens still see these topics different, clear to you. there is a massive in the nation of the public here in the speed of the existing going from russia, against the backdrop, of course, on the so called russian aggression to ukraine. in principles, the majority of fully society influenced by this propaganda supports measures to build up the military potential and defense capability of the country. and there are no wide spread doubts or protests against increasing. we'll do spending here at the same time reading population issues somewhere around 75 to 80 percent of both
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support the process to farmers and are in favor of measures being taken at the level of the european union. and if it's not possible to reach an agreement with the you, then you'll actually to protect the position markets from the influx of you for your green grain and on the other cultural products. visa 2 questions that exist on to non intersecting planes. what proper notice tells you mentioned about that because of the propaganda fall and feels like it needs to strengthen itself. it needs more defiance because there is a thread from russia and disregard. how soon as joseph will be at info and now was a jim this the, the source in the room. you know, they just sit on a difficult question. ready, if we talk about into stage relations about the perception of prussia as a state by all the society, then this perception, now of course, by significant majority of fully society is negative, hostile rushing to see if there's an aggressor,
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the threats. this of course affects both the mood and poly society and the results of surveys. but there is a nuance in personal contacts. there was a phobia is openly manifested very rarely. still, most people are normal say. and despite the fact that they seem to have a negative energy towards the country, there is some conscious which is full both you'd think of bringing and in the occasional institutions based on a vision of the history of relations between all countries is predominantly negative. but at the same time, i'll tell you this again, when communicating with people, this manifests itself quite drowsily. basically, in the personal relationship, develop more or less no money. for my own experience, i will see you then in my own most then used to work in phones. i can count on one hand, the case is when such a negative. jude was expressed towards me personally. basically, everything was quite correct. a glass up a whole door and the negative attitude,
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which you just mentioned. poland is known for each box on representatives of the russian foreign ministry. must remember the incident in 2022. when you would doused with paint and cries of fascist. what are the conditions you've got on the work on the in poland with the bullying you can escape. well, it wasn't pains. it was being choose by the way, quite pleasant, sweeping taste. that action it was perhaps a specific event. clearly august straight is clearly organized, which it seems to me did not achieve its goals or local authorities and police have not allowed anything like that since then. although years ago, we would not allows now given the opportunity to lay rafts, memorial cemetery for soviet sol just on may 9th. but at least there were no clashes, as for the working conditions so fresh and diplomats here are embassy consulate general. from what i hear from my colleagues working at a friend, the countries,
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the situation is approximately the same. and he was somehow not particularly stand out against the general background of what is happening in other countries of the collective west of origin because that's total. so for the cost, can you see the 2 sa phobia, somehow influenced relations between the 2 countries on not has anything changed at the political level. so there's a quick video to use as a perform period over the past few years since the beginning of the special meals and alteration. i can say that those negative stations in our relations that existed before 2022 and even before 2014 intensified in what extent created to be honest, i didn't notice any drastic changes. i got the, the lady at the, what was the reaction of the polls the bullish authorities to the bloody terrorist attack that occurred in moscow? so the, yes, the reaction was mixed. let's say the bullshit the,
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what is the lake and them in the sax until the end of the next day, saturday, march 23rd, an all new saturday evening. the prime minister and exhibit cli clearly said that poland and includes the, condemns this to this fact. however, even added to the hill, but this action would not serve as a pretext for increasing by the ins and aggression. understand it as you wish. and then 1st energy minister of foreign affairs, shane i even said that a terrorist attack and cocoa city whole was no worse than what the russians were doing and ukraine. let's see. well, the media to the 1st active list did the non involvement of ukraine in western countries in the stair act. and what indeed, in the russian authorities were trying to link this terrorist attack with the key for you. while these lennox stayed admitted is responsibility for this act. then some and seeing the this terrorist attack was created, beneficial to put him and the trash and special services i probably behind it. this
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frankly, speaking really leaving minded us of the situation with the bombings of houses in moscow in the late ninety's when they also tried to blame the f as b for this. so one of the one hand, it seems like a formality, much belated when the whole world had already condemned the section that bone and joint. on the other hand, this is perhaps analyst duration of the parkins, by which the information war against us is currently being waged. the i'm was listening, but at the same time we hear a statement again from the boldest president he has so far raised this topic that there is a need to place us nuclear weapons on polish territory. have you heard this statement? have you heard such rumors? perhaps and the chemo with me. my so this toby has be raised for a long time, made. it has a practice of so called joining nuclear emissions that is mailed you posted in alternated countries that do not have nuclear weapons are involved in the exercise
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of doing which the use of nuclear weapons is practiced. well, the voltage authorities have long been raising the question that into cutting new situations. they would be interested in a deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of point weapons already employed in the territory supply of normally glen the countries in western europe and phone joined the same join nuclear nations. but so far the americans have responded that they didn't often see that this advisable. so the spreadsheets got cut off. i want to ask you just being in a feeble meaning. poland, if they are afraid, but there is such a threat from russia. do they not understand that the deployment of us nuclear weapons could possibly further aggravate the problem? rather just putting it we, you know, it is customary here to the poland secured as the primary with the united states, with protection and security guard, and d some their policy. so here in principle, we are ready to agree with any measures that are required on the part of
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a strategic ally. just to get into your security. i, yes, got the idea of the stuff so they can use that any hold that the relations between russia and poland will somehow see by today's, the dns will somehow get better in the future. or will they to mean us allies? and that's all the, let's say you, you gave me says so you and your list of the united states and bond boone remain allies. there's probably no dallas about it because the ball is participation in nature. and this, the de, collides with the united states are supported by the overwhelming majority of the population and the inside the boys political leads. as for our bilateral relations, probably sooner or later we will come to some kind of communal model to, you know, relations. it certainly won't be what it was before. here's where it costs of it sold. the things will not be the same as before. for all part, we agree that it won't work as before because we do not need it. what happened
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before and after the crisis in international relations to the crisis of you to be in security that we have at the moment. but sooner or later, probably after the goals. so the special meals are operation realized. when you situations that arise, you know, region the time will come for us and the boys side to somehow settle all by electro relations. we enabled stuff too old, so we will see a reasonable. so do a demo as like a cause. i'm a potential appointment for so do you ever dream of each? when did we lose? poland. when do you think this happened? what was the final moment when we already knew for sure the full and would not be friends with us as before? it is clear that we have historical problems between poland and russia. but when did it become clear that poland is not with us? and if you know it's drop it off more than the well, this question can be understood in different ways. there are people who will tell you that bone has never been with us even when we have friendly official in the
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state relations. nevertheless, let just say that and not very favorable attitude towards the soviet union in the russia was widespread in poland. actually, i myself, remember the steins were brought it up and so the times in the speed of international is the idea of destiny without allies and the socialist camp. and it was a relation for us when meeting with the, for example, bully citizens, friends in quotes. we something that their attitude towards us was not the same as out onto to, to was them a tool and the they have numerous claims against us, historical, of a different kind. so to be honest, i wouldn't want to talk about whether we gained or lost bowlens when it happened, and so on. the
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when i went to the wrong just don't safe house because the advocates and engagement includes the trails. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for the common ground. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the have gave us then has a drug with conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province,
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trying to predict the independence fee a mere of a dentist in dust. little homage turned for help to russia. waste. the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 1839. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus is deli. they slaughtered all i have gained man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims to 1841. a general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to the british possession. we've seen jello about the defeats of the royal army caused
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enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the arrest. peebles resistance to the colonialist. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility. the water is a part of the leg. or is it is valuable, posted? isn't the defense you of us and that in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without pleases. let's go. products . sometimes words do matter. nato secretary general stilton burn, says ukraine may have to compromise with russia when that compromise might be,
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is left on answer. nonetheless, it is an acknowledgment nato's proxy war on russia is ending in failure. the washington dismisses with some, hey, step ball michel statement from moscow that accuses that ukrainian company linked to joe biden. some of sponsoring terror attacks against russian also add on the program outcomes as a republican center, glass of washington for spending too much on the ukraine. a c calls for tax appears dollars to be used on solving might take domestic problems that must have looked into it at about $300000000.00 of their best guessed month. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute,


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