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tv   Documentary  RT  April 12, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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on was medical solve the remains on the job, is law enforcement officials to keep the fees and safeguard the public as well as the physician suicide. committed to that what may allow a public cost with whom it kept them. i wrote b has the, the of a 100 admitted to it. so you can pause and a nationwide strike has been ongoing for almost a month. there's less is a demanding, but it pays for the president william the route. so says this and pay off enough funds available. we are going to the social justice workers in kenya, while they both agree that the national health care system is currently paralyzed. they have different ideas about who's to blame. it's very unfortunate that the doctors have to go to this tonight for me and they look, that's what i do and we'll get full bit. we just did the salaries without internet issue a sound, a bit talking conditions. they found that it is already 30 over 30 days, and the government does not allowed the, you know, the,
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the government as much that anything to make sure of this strike has ended. it shows that they don't care about what's going on or do that. it gives us, i bring to because them they can afford to, to go to international us because whenever they for seek. so it's very unfortunate that you know, so they, when they adding that branch of the stuff and e c notes that he's us downstairs. so somebody being in a serious medical conditions are very, very small. these big, i mean, does not address these issues this week. from next week this i showed a move and obviously was doing the during the test, right? the right. oh oh, just on the search these posters, normally it's not guaranteed, but of course too soon. you know, as much as the doctors are, you know, i'd be minding for based on what people do shows and are the mississippi. we can also reach out to do say that's what's the thing that does more just people heights
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and the lives the many lives old canyons who are losing their lives in hospitals. so we are kindly edging uh, the doctor who apparently has been tied up consistent for the 3rd week. now to go back to your was walking specials to sunbridge. delightful men of goodness. reach us up. i think in here so many hospitals in the entire country. so we don't support the state that dislikes, as you know, announced by did the kind of medical dentist you know, and uh, 3 weeks ago without some of this news printed live. val is on costs 12 months. we'll be back in about 30 minutes. we'll see you then the
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media's some children that attends them to do it the way to go with it's a pretty much the people that they will just, you know, with the way to when they will, low up filaments build up, flown. we often see cause middle to a strong and successful people to realize their dreams, but it won't cost. but how long must they wait before the 1st blast of the ocean perusal to the 50th result which is not spent most in various the ocean pieces. this is about as an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer knows what's most, daniel was more than was just putting this almost space as it was. but only me the when you, when you started. so when we 1st met constantine, then
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a film about free diving and when we heard of his desire to be a customer note, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7 years. it's a good option, but he needs to get all because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. list your video on board. any of this is just installation away from someone else. you need to do more of the what is the name of this little misconduct, the dell, something to the ocean just to ensure you just an option with, with, with, just to put on your quote is that they will have to do like one more just like one,
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just all a corner shrinks, almost put one up there is just the gym or thursday. we'll skip each of those lists from jenny pronounce to mental vision of that i bought the night today, constantine body stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on us. the fund. i'm frustrated. the
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issue is they will have this system more comfortable left of the boat up with all they have to do is look forward to speaking with while from church with them. i could, i have some core at the, just so about when you know what you're truthful. if, if the, if the shut off the deal is with the good, mr. shooting and you're gonna have nicole difficulties just of the speaker. to like poke a ticket, was quite familiar with actually a lot the the when you ask them as your specialist cornerstone wants to go to finish your site, it's almost dependable for these things. 20th of the, the general, the assignment flows ma'am, supplied someone sing the song, save yourself sunset,
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the, the guy with which is from them. you, can you please put those up on himself, understandable them to success them? but it's a beautiful for us to do some of those with us on the phone, so you show it to be in and you don't say that you're gonna, you're gonna use it. and joining things do it the if i can sheets in the set up, which i still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portage, the, the feeling of inches, the
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symbols with that it's so it's not up to me what you need it, you know, pretty much the, the thing you know, just feel the most or see a contempt start to the judge community. and one of them went up a sort of a settlement. all this was just a little looking at them going up to you not sure which is, which is supposedly the civil smith coupled. i mean, i could 101 popping up with yep. really that strings. but that's, and i mean you, you can on often the controls call the like i told slipping. oh, well, you know, traditional tips they will those. yeah. it's cause other store. so for just me the store it too, which is familiar with the phone. we spoke on youtube, a lot of new kind of sealant incredible. depending on credit when the trouble use it, that's the up at the store for the new patrol about the show before which it was coming . violets, which much can use a cheap the cheapest to pick them up a full store, them kind of want me to store, allow me
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a little more v as in store them or what's computing the motion of them. and i'm just going to start off with almost the mean upload to move with interest, but applying from a little to, to the fellow to the school along with them tonight. and then what we need to shut that and go to not to come to the building, you know more to the boss which is but the way to look at the name of additional you look for mobile phones, comments, different customer discussion. konstantin ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students, the only thing in a pool with dealing smoke up. it made him feel closer to space. the just because we had actually been on the at so he to, he'd become a head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive. so he spent his evening
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studying at the ation institute. that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited, nor stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were the phonics enough to me to pay to do boy relation with respect to that. with the start of the engines, collab the move, so we're not able to so the system may have a use a little bit space. so the absolute perception we started filming constantino's cosmonaut applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is the day he submitted his papers, the
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the most of the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming so well, did he even swim the general just straight can you predict the deep, especially in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests for us, the south exhausting exams allotted several months for sponsoring customer notes with tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to both of the things that were not receiving was the one that we did on the semester chest. i got the motor of difference between the different disabilities to produce and the warranty function. you sent me a speech for a product that i'm a sailor when you're welcome, please go to p points for joseph, and let's do the work was quickly. and so the important one is i think more than to
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distinguish the thing was just as quickly as much as i should just wasn't as much as i just want to look into this. one of the bows of $420.00 calls middle of the candidates bank. we selected the 1st bill phase 2 years of training and only then when they officially become customer notes and flying the engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift times the
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. 6 on the the clamp moving a little slow to come. so hold on. sure. yes. looks like it. mostly a going to see me even maybe a maybe a good weekend. yeah. go to most of them a new credit when you guys use florida. oh,
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we've talked about 20 till probably when it gives the store people using the it's is that they use the nipple of a touch, keep it as a 1000000 buck on noise. that's him. got given him, but god knows it's a nice and easy being a student to gain of, to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. well, this is one of constant teams. first parachute jumps and it's not going well. fed them through only isn't going to know lots of the of that is supposed to benefit us for zillow. did you look at the deal to the shouldn't oil change intricate, it shows me up with almost all the stuff that you like before the to the pretty much the little bit. and yep, there's nothing to deal with for the patricia nice. no. it's on the flyers dish color with the worst developer would always to exist. but we just noticed, plus the,
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the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watches in an emerging, multi polar world. india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind it? watches, almost $1000000000.00 people decide and billions more, react the, what is part of the blog post that isn't the deepest to you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without please, is that spelled out of the as
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the original, just about learning to lend property, but also developing stressed resistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so you're expected to result your actions. describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude to 0 sustained use of the way me and was always supported across the cor. well, that's cool is like a boat and that will kill for each. and so that's sort of the, it validated with the loading and silicon valley which was supposed to be posted by now let's go to the flow and go into the shading of a bunch taken with the ones you might see. just going to give it to a inch screen. it does look like you just pay the
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the list then what's the course the so it's $72000.00. i will get up. com. yeah, so a 6 month period, but then we'll still get them. what i'm going to show you to the rest of the you
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know, the thing here that's the hold up for you to sort of force to sort of disappear originally unless the some field is just weird. so if you're gonna force you to go to the pretty much the next one up, the appointment, something that you know what you know the pieces
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of define the months ago, the much while you're on the phone with introducing this call jim from the 3 i'm going to invite f with us through the, the the plan to be able to the, the open really with their game. so for the, this, the digging list, your video will avoid any still come on. you know, because i have the useful signal provided
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the pass code please that it constantly lends extreme survival skills not just in the forest but out in the step 2 and it was in an emergency as sonya ship could end up anywhere. then he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to sold various problems. and of course, you have to learn about the use this. as soon as we had the chance we asked about the most important of daily tasks, the single thoughts or something to the specialist of it, at least with the 0 ever since i'm storing it. so now what probably of april, so say, you know, we can totally split system that a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that the,
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for the place to finish the system kasheila. so consider one that you also consider along with also what, what do you not blog and sit on the chat window level with augusta, where you're innocent every month when bundled, you live, but also in the let us know what you have to do. i think that'll hold it printed out for almost to this deal. they'll call they used to be set up and you have to show them that there's quite close the window system association. it just came with the for she wasn't the stop wasting, double sided, the set, the appointment. the 1st thing that i filled out for the 2000 over the phone wasn't associated to the model. so we can put it on those. but it wasn't supposed to be able to show even to know that at the same time as long as i didn't know, it was almost full for the official for the last look at it. i'm gonna try it because i think one of the most the most part of the course to get an answer with the city of mine is that this was, this approach gave finch the nurse and see if anybody on this piece the color
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wasn't this or else or its spelling results to me, i wasn't sure. so i'm going to move on to that. that was to look at a picture of thoughtful things. kimball to raise up like us goes a little place. this them will just split close to the scriptures, quit solutions. i spoke with almost until a little bit. what's about to go split up at the company with an interest to go. i chose to assure you that that wasn't to go, but it's a lot to me. i missed the toothbrush to pierce up. he was pushing wells and still with me more left side of oaks. it's a little say the coldest with almost the so i'm pretty sure if they will just decide what to exhibit for sold one that of thursday, which is the most important thing. and we'll send them over the people, the company, the mental strain a lot in many cities across russia, constant ins, wife on a visit, same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member, the family for you from the truant system. we bought the problem with the,
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with the back of the brother company last more than me or she had obviously to ritual for you, but also because it was only your usual personal control is up pretty good the most . so when somebody, when i started on the, to the shut off the, i need to put the she was little over here for the stomach, boy full to google for, with them posted to sound vision fashion. the only portion of the, the costs we will send you the option some more questions for me. that's kind of stuff. i don't know cuz i only got to believe because like the are almost
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2 years, constantino dyna lift a pouch send when it go to hobbs. they sell the flat simple to house and install city. the window shows much, you know, most people to be show when you put a show. some of these are still there, little answer. then what do you mean you, i was wondering if those are the name of my what the status of what you're doing. because what are using the behavior to not, you know, over change the point you to complete a visual de moines. if this commercial truck location on the webpage, so i sent in a little bit of reading of the previous coming down to the kind of pete nothing, nothing. it, assuming the dyslexia unfortunately was, i mean, if it is, it's all install some actually to stop she and let's bring up your costs spam as much so much. i'm gonna send you stuff to the soonest. the spanish and the tomatoes
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uncle instead of close them both at buck over at the end, we sent him even of course, closing for the subsidies. but it was the best example of figuring things up and let them know they're supposed to pursue jape and both sides of the whole chair to which i think that which couple couple proposed to promote that has the mattress. and the other thing which i felt like for someone special i ever saw somebody else going on with the lucas, my appointment is probably the one which most of the things that's typical, the hub english choice beliefs get good milk symmetrical goals that everything in jeopardy. you hold for done the same that for you and it goes to pretty hosting done, of course, go for that and go chasing those little more to those initial supplements. how long it without us, carlos? the level mr. was one of which was should you?
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what would be the new york? that's what i should get this, what the way you're shipping don't belong to. a mutual live cable rejection will take your story in the envelope section. you remember which of course the which no go ahead. what appears on your side of what your number placebo scope to for you. we're going to junior, she says we're doing the camille for the senior course manual samples that i feel mentioned coverage is what is the deal? i will know stuff. sure. no, for those of email chosen continue. pretty good. i got the you. so remote control just gave me its actual things with this investigation. kwame imation for teeth of saying what disagreements? what are the, the, the,
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the, the path to the stream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years, you have to post more than 80 exams. and only then is there a chance of becoming a real cost mental control block wall going into the fortunately part of the more show how to look at why it's peggy woods to job you have to go to do without bringing the door off of them will approach wondering is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to those things i'm giving you. i'm just different company epa flow from the flow to know smoothly. just let me know if any of those to publish table photos of opens at all. so when you're just putting it on the account, i think that that will continue to those in which the future, the whole complex is can book. you mean you conflict the front of the company? just slice point is that from tech, from what that is. if i go out of use,
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and if i was still shopping you my ass and it wasn't listed on the left hand, what was what they didn't even go over 3 to those just the normal schedule in his life. almost that to me, that of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to show you is not all the keywords you should play for that, please. i'm the last of news. let me switch your interest in your store can with impulse, it'll go back to post, which he can get hold of somebody else, not let them push these. these are all the focus troubleshoot with you much quicker and just be sure, you know, poconos looked like it because the group installed a nice, just so in west junction, different. so they're pretty much this one more polluted just organization crews out to the 5th. yep. i just got a pretty dope, which is this is as humans,
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as most of the double check is not spilled by pretty much the most, produce the option for the just good afternoon. let's for the supplement of the pretty much the day. so to go to just to kind of short, you just been able to totally be where you're pressing. you're still in my 2nd order. so give us a voice easy as possible. the shows the the nights largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
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react the water rush, or is it is all i'm saying, all the bottles still do credits phones to talk further. description those that report to the loses. i'm with the phone a fail unless it was that i'm in the territorial group is made by russia. it will be blamed on china as well as as to why most of the leaders of the time for the, for the meeting with the news in the me. kind of a dozens of embassies off from india, mid to a willing risk in relation to the bottom is who to blame him for his own political task and hundreds of medical workers in k.


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