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tv   Documentary  RT  April 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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side, billions, react the movie. what else? they just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the of the managers to try to move things over to deal with the we need to go with the opinion . most people, the people just, you know, the way to when they will,
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low upset them are still diploma. we often see cause mendoza is strong and successful. people realize their dreams, but at what cost? and how long must they wait before that 1st block stuff? yes, which isn't perusal to the 50th or just any presumptive she does not spend most of those to you or can you please just this is about to an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer? no, it was more than was just like it was almost swipe as it was just that only me doesn't when you when your car could. so when we 1st met constantine in a film about free dining and when we heard of his desire to be a customer node, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7. that's a good location. you believe me, steve? all because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin,
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for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. list your video on board. any of this is suggests and skill as to base on someone else. you need to do more. that would have, you know, there's a little misconduct, the del subdivision just to which way you just don't have to, to just the 1st one. they've closed it, they will have to lie with more just like somebody just all of the corner shrinks. almost took one off, but there is just a jump or thursday. we'll skip each of those lives. i'm jenny, pronounced a minute to be sure that i've worked on the
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side of dylan today. constantine body stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on of the questions you have for me to get on. the issue is there was this system more comfortable left of the border patrol at the abilities and look forward to speaking with while from church with them. i could, i have some quiet the, just so about when you know what you're truthful,
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the shut off the deal was with the good mr. shooting and you're gonna have nicole. difficulties just of the speaker charge both. but the ticket was quite familiar with tires to be on what the estimate just specialist called us to most coolest ministry sites. and you can almost built into the districts 20th of the, the general district in the summer flows. ma'am bye. someone said they still save yourself, sunset, the guy with questions from them. the toner was upon himself of gentle golden success. them. that's a beautiful for us to reduce its interior of the circle and go to the parts of the funds. so you show it to be in and you don't see that, you know, then you're gonna use and show any things to do with the get both can sheets and
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the so that which but still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portage, the, the beauty of finishes, the symbols with that it's, it's one of the reason why you need it. you must have been, you know, just filled the most or secretive stuff to the judge community and explain off to me. we have a set it up for a minute. all this was just look with them and get up to you. not sure
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which is which does any the civil smith consult? i mean i could run it on file for you. hold on his. yep. really, that's things, but that's, and i mean you, you can often the controls. cool. you look at the old stuff. it's, oh, well, you know, traditional tips they will those. yeah. it's because of the store. so for shows me the store it too, which is familiar with the phone. we spoke on youtube, a lot of new up could assume, and we kind of a new one cuz i wanna make sure i'm with them that that's the correct, the portal for the new patrol about the show before which it was coming via was the termite keys. a keep the bus to pick them up a full store on kind of allow me to start on the normal business system or what's computing the motion of them. and at which point you'll start off with almost coming up, load to move with interest, but up loudly from a little to, to the fellow to the school along with them tonight. and then what we need to shut
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bethany, go to not to come to the building and what it costs, which is but the way is just on the phone. numerous additional. you look for mobile phones, comments, different customer discussion. konstantin ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students the only thing in a pool with the smoke up that made him feel closer to space. the just because we had actually been on the, at 52, he'd become a head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive. so he spent his evening studying integration institute. and that degree gave him a chance to become a customer note. so he waited for applications to be invited nor stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were the phonics enough to me to pay to the boys relation with respect to the store engines cover, the so the,
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so the system may have a use of them on a bit spell which so the absolute perception we started filming constantino's cosmos, applications for us. and then we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is the day he submitted his papers. the biggest thing is the most of the, the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming. so well, did he even swim the general just straight can you predict the
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deep especially cause this know in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests for us. that south exhausting exams allotted several months. responding customer notes with tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to both of the things that were not receiving was the one that we did on the semester chest. i got the difference between the different levels of to produce and the warranty function. you see me with which for a product. i'm a sailor. when you're welcome, please go to p. let's put joseph on, let's do the work was quick lane. so the important one is, i think most definitely should, i think we'll just move quickly as much adoption as well. so essentially, i just want to look into this one of the out of 420 cause many of the candidates are being selected. first bound phase 2
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years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes in flight. the engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift times the
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. 6 the the clamp who's moving a little slow to come so hold on. sure. see if looks like it to stay i going to see me even maybe a maybe a good weekend. yeah. go to sort of a new credit when you guys use florida. oh, we for 2022 probably when it gives the store people using today is to use the nipple, a touch, get pretty similar. background noise that's him got given him, but god knows it's a nice and easy being a student to gain off to working as an executive for so long. you'll always
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learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first parachute jumps and it's not going well. fed them for only in cost, and they'll allow up for fear of today's perseverance across ford dealer to deal with at the deal to that you have to have some shouldn't oil change intricate, it shows us native with almost all the stuff that you like before the to the pretty much the little bit and yep, there's nothing to deal with. sort of the patricia news. no, there's a there's dish color with words to the doors to is. but i just noticed just high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
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whatever you do. don't want my shelves. they main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the waiting. thank . of the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires took the best land from day one. the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited this cause and as discontent. the people of l. g area began their long term fight for independence. in 1954,
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the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of torture and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france to start seize negotiations in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass boards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the depths of one and a half 1000000 l. jerry and
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the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stress resistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so your expected to result your actions. describe what you would me just as the wind speed and your altitude is 0. so he's on the way me and was always supported across the cool cool look at the little chip or you can. so that's sort of the legit and probably it won't allow me to show it completely which was supposed to be published is more now let's go to the flow and go into the shading of a bunch taken with the ones you might see it just going to give me 3 inch screen, it does look like you just paid the
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. 6 the the east almost the course the so as a $72.00, there was no good. that's good. yeah. us dollars, which must me up with the most the more than usually the rest of
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the year for you to refill, but it should of the physical sort of force just sort of disappeared. political originally mescaline has a question for you. it's just better. so you're gonna have more than the discussion with you to do the the pretty much the next one up. when somebody look, you know what, you know the pieces of
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this on the 6 months ago, the much while you're on the phone with introduce myself which involves some go 3, i'm going to bring what up with the, with the, with the the the, the, the really with your name the this, the digging list your video well avoiding you still come on. you'll know how much because i have this in
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front of you close. can you provide me the good, good constantine lands, extremes of volumes bills, not just in the forest, but out in the stamp. 2 in an emergency, as soon as the ship could end up anywhere. then he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to so various problems. but of course he has to learn about the assess. as soon as we have the chance we ask about the most important of daily tasks. the single task introduced the facility to the dentist for the incense store. next, you know, what are you hoping to see? you know how much the toilet splits?
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awesome, that's a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that. the for the most efficient is the system kasheila. so consider one that you also consider one with almost what do you not locked into? the other one that you want to level with a gulf where you're innocent or muslim photo you live. but also in let us know what you know throughout the whole defense without the most of this, the called the estimates it up to the near future. i just clicked on the window which it was just on association. it just came with one of the boys. she wasn't above us, i'm wasting up a flight father. so thought that i was the person that i filled up for the 2000 and the fun loving itself. you have to pull up the model. so i'm gonna put you on some of the most expensive stuff nearby, shaving to know that at the same time as long as the phone. no, it's almost close to the official for them. they as a nice to put it, i'm gonna try it because i think one of the most part of the course to quote and answer with the city of mine is that this was this touch. keep stationary center.
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so yep, they're gonna, it's this pistol just to color what it is, but it also it's by the initial do now was i'm sure some phones in the move on to the what's the, what kind of work? virtual storage still thing it's trimble to raise up. our cost goes over the top of my system will just quite close to the griffith, which wasn't just like that almost the table, but it was a little for but are about to go split up at the top of the business because that's true. so she wasn't supposed to move to them just to be truth pushed appears on steve was pushing wells and still with me more left side difficult it saw most of the space on the screen should say if they will just decide to come see them but sold one that a flight if they which invest the most important thing and will send the company the middle of the strain a lot in many cities across russia, constant ins, wife and a visit, same as an officer, training session to the family. welcome to the member from the
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for you from the truant system, we bought the girls to the back of the browser. you can put a glass more than, you know, okay, ocean, obviously true to spiritual for you, but i'll send you. the only reason will control this, i'll probably get the most to show you had on the number of the we just had on the on you put the she was the follow up. not if the stomach boy full to google for them posted to sound vision. national the or a portion of the sure the cost we will send you the function. so that's kind of, i don't know because it only seems to be a little bit close. right. the
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3 most to us constantino data live to power send when it go to hard. they selves the flash. simple, the house near style city, the, the initials which most people have you show when you finish will some of these are still they are available in answer them. what do you mean you? i was looking at. those are unable to my, what the history of what you're doing. that's really what using the very, to not, you know, over change the point you to the digital de moines, if this commercial tribute issue on the webpage. so a, something of a fee of reading has been created for them to expose the kind of pete? nothing, nothing it, i'm in the condos. i sounds those names. i mean, if it gets old ones, those little feel free to stop shooting. let's bring up your thoughts,
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a payment much so the which i'm going to send you stuff to the scene is the same as your book, tomatoes uncle. instead of post them both as back over to them. and we sent him 0 course closing for the book civic, but it was the best example of tearing things up in a little while they're supposed to precipitate them both as for the fortunate x, which i think that which couple come to the post to promote that has an interesting the chest for something special about the amount of lucas and equipment is probably the most, most of the things that typical the hub english choice, big list get good. i'm not finished and that's google's to repeat. jeopardy, you hold for done the same that for you and it goes to pretty hosting done. of course, often devin good session. joe is much more to those initial come to present with
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how long it without us kind of was thought of missed them. so one of which was changing, what would be the new york? what i should get this was there's some way you're shipping them belonged to a mutual appeal rejection with god in the interview or session. you remember which the course the which no, but what i'm telling you said was what's your number placebo to scope to for you? we're going to junior, she says we're doing the payoff a little sooner. course manual to pose that of you mentioned coverage is what is your level know stuff so know those of a male chosen continue pretty good, right. categories you somebody move joel discontinued spectrum will change with this some distortion gladly nation. think you could say with disagreements. what are the, the,
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the, the, the path to the stream is a hard one getting the 1st to get and so you have to post more than 80 exams. and only then is there a chance of becoming a real customer of the old block wall going into the fortunately, the more show how to the reason why i said you would switch up and go to do it out the door of the little approach we're doing is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to the things i'm giving you? i'm just different company epa flow from the flow of most smoothly just enough. any of those to publish title photos talk of multiple in a little slow when you're just putting it on my god, i think that that will continue to those in which the future the hold up important just book you mean you conflict the front of the company just slice point is there
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some tech from others? if i go out to use your bucket list or something, your wife and it wasn't listed on the left hand, what was what they said you would go over 3 pathologist, but no one's got in his life. but almost that to me, that of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to show you as the, the key. what's the initial price quoted. you then with the national deviations to which is this your senior store can within pursue a little back to us, which he can get hold of somebody else and not let them proceed if these are vocal solutions or what do you want us to going to be sure, you know the book, you know what the focus group installed a nice, just so anyway, junction different, you know, pretty much the religious organization present to the 5th. yep. i just got
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a pretty dope, which is this is as humans, as most of the double chose knoxville type and most of most, increase the option as to how much for this up to something like open you must have a set to go to just kind of short, you just been able to totally be where you're getting. you're still in my 2nd. what's your self injurious? avoid easiest or supposed the she's the the results online was can be started by lawrence. please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic,
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patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the was the company. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, hogwash, this or mom realized tends to me and, and honestly, to relate to seriously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the of sent. it's all we going to let that stay the
11:00 pm
the hey, everybody just want to start off reminding you once again that we post a show every day. now, weekly is how we used to do it. daily is how we do it. now, thanks to you. you asked for it, so you're getting it. we whole know punch and so look for a true from number one. us president joe biden gives hope to julian assigned trip. a number to the australian prime minister says when it comes to a song, enough is enough. proof of number 3, when you see how mr biden says what he says you may question his resolve to do it. i'll let you judge for yourself. i'm rick sanchez. this is directive.


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