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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, the ross in advance is getting momentum in the dumbass with moscow's bridge. take him to the village. i've heard of a mass guy in the den. yes. for pump you rodya in special for the sees the container ship feeding on of the part of the slide via the straight of a move of attacker is electrically legs to me as well as a russian orthodox church. but 5 is thousands of christians and the east african nation of malawi, match during that visit by a top pledge and then the others involved international reaching you live from the russian capital. welcome
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to the latest updates i have michael punch it. now we start with breaking news from the fund lies of the done by the russian seats of taking the village of federal mascara in the den, yes, republic. and that's according to the russian defense ministry of which set that ukraine last over $230.00 troops and the bottle is motorized guys the ever brings us more details. the russian ministry of defense has confirmed the capture of good about mice. good. by the said to army group, this is off to repeat the reports. the official about the capture of the settlement by russian forces off to be the was probably showing the russian flag of the west the most outskirts off the vast c credit and launched a number of costs sleep yet. that's where it's count for tax in order to beat the russians back from the west and outskirts of the city in order to keep a foothold in the settlement. but hasn't worked. there is now 14 showing you crate in forces report to the fleet in disarray from the settlement. this would make it
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the 5th settlement captured by russian forces since the full of difficult you get the highlights, the difficult position that you paid in forces already in suffering as they are for almost severe and evident shortage. imagine paula in quality troops especially as sold troops as well as a shortage of observation. we're talking here about the large caliber artillery shells which are absolutely essential to any operation. and the operation here. we have also heard civ, steve ahead of you. peyton's armed forces come out and say that since the electrons russians on the offensive across the front slide, a revitalized offensive utilizing all the groups and a quick probing attacks across the front bloods. he says the situation remains desperate for the great inside and now resting. uh, resting additional fortifications across the front floods. here with the mice go,
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for example, you crate in fortifications defenses be on federal must have been completed again, forcing them to throw additional troops brigades in order to assure up defenses and prevent a russian breakthrough in even general presidents and that's k is come out and so the 1st time admitted the 2 great now faces the faith unless it receives a huge amount of ad defend systems from the west. he mentioned about 25 patriots defense systems. bearing in mind that the united states has about 50 and they're only about a 100 in the world. but again, it is russian power, especially light bulbs, those specifically glad problems that are wrecking habits. you paid in troops new credit, again, exasperating credit and non power shortages, and fueling the momentum behind rushes renewed offensive.
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the w. ronnie and he is la make revolution god call has sees the container ship sailing on the part to gaze. slide near the strait of a move and that's according to ron's office. old news agency, the i r n a for that shows that ronnie and come on those reading the tanka, by helicopter radi and media claims. the container ship was hijacked by the countries special forces a while the vessel was saving on the flag of part. you go, your allegedly has pies to me as well as the ship belongs to the london based company 0 dagmar time, which is part of and he's ready over a report at lead. the ship has now been diverted into iranian territorial. want as a to rom itself. has not yet come into the on the incident with israel's foreign ministry minister has already responded i call on the european union and the free world to immediately declare the iranian revolution in regards corpse of a terrorist organization and to sanction around. now to ron,
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we bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. israel is on high alert. we have increased our readiness to protect these real from further iranian aggression. we are also prepared to respond. alright, let's discuss this further with don't list an editor martin j martin is good to have you join me now. how do you see the situation in the homeless strain developing i see it as, as, as, as a, as a sudden tension, which is building now, which we will see more all this is now. this is now the escalation. on the other side, we had a lot of talk about escalation created by american israel. i'm originally, but now your ring is starting to take control and, and to hit back. and i think that should be any great surprise in the states who moves, which is a very narrow points in the persian gulf. they won't do this in the us. and so you
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can expect a lot more. i mean, just simply, a hijacking of one ship is, is ready to ship with us, but i think much more is coming in the coming days about usual has called on me you to recognize iranian god, cool as the terrorist organization that impose sanctions on your run of, of the ship's hijacking. what do you make of this reaction against the, by the jump of the recent attack on the radi and costs unit in damascus to um, it's a pretty lame thing to say really. um, sanctions haven't really worked against a run for a number of years because the whole point about sanctions is unless you have the real force in post secondary sections on a number of levels of countries, for example, unless you can do that then functions just back fine we've seen this with the run i run is now selling almost the same level of oil, but it was selling in 2015 and it because secondary sanctions from could not enforce and it by dimensions certainly couldn't. so the idea of israel now coating
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on functions to randall literally stick out is, is rule the lame sum of pathetic and you know, ridiculous really give them. but you know it some we should never forget what really pushed the run over line just a few days ago. these riley's hit, the right new concepts in damascus. and that was definitely, i'm going over a line on, i think, a unit, if you had mentioned any western nation having the same thing happened to them. imagine of how much, for example, had put, blowing up uh, a european union and conflict in damascus. you mention the number of people in you who be cooling for bluff now, so i think uh no great surprises, but to up to a question or think of a too little to let me know what he'll make up is rather hardly. ned terrorist accusation that you runs military while the idea of is being investigated so far for carrying out the genocide in gaza? a yeah, i mean we, we thought really, um, i think too much into this i,
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i think it's pretty predictable that these writers would go down that line and try and stir up more headphones. it gives around because there is a good number of people out there in the west. so in congress, in america, in, in various parliaments in europe, particularly the british colon, who just lowes it wrong. and i hate it around and already prepared to look at the notices or look at the facts. they just want to have an agenda against who are. and so this is really what this is all about. this is feeding into a certain malice. but i don't think it's gonna have that much impact. and i think now the people who should really be having sleepless nights would be the button administration. and the british government. um, also because you know, cameras, the foreign minister in london is practically played. it would be right in the last 24 hours to not retaliate, not to do anything. i just me blinking the same thing and america, you know, because once you know the critical thing is once iran reacts and i think they will in the next couple of days, i think it will be strikes touch with strikes within as well. once that happens,
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because, you know, you have that tipping point moment, which only provides generation could even imagine as being award will 3 scenario it's, it's no longer a nightmare. it's reality on folder. unfortunately, that we've seen multiple announcements of a possible iranian military response. like to have said to the recent is really attack on the other constituted. the seas are pointed to iran, opting to use economic means instead. so i think toronto is, is, is putting a number of pressure points forward. you know, so because they see like to the end of the, the end of the tunnel they, they see that, um, if there is some sort of conflict which sparks off in the next couple of days if it's contained, unlike stress that if it's contained, then there will be a certain bite channel negotiation between america and the radians and they'll be, you know, the writing is looking for a number of points to use as i munition on this slide. you know,
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leverage if you like. so think of hijacking the ships in the states who moves is, is one of those points to negotiate and it might turn out to be in a longer time, quite important. one is more ships account should or even destroyed or while we have to leave you here now i don't list and editor martin j. thank you so much for your insights. now the spread of pension in the middle east doesn't end there. israel has confirmed that he carried out twice on solving lab and lebanon. this video released by the idea of shows, and he's ready to fight a jet hitting upon yet. the idea of says he's stuck on industrial complex used by lebanon's has beloved group area has the lot of said to a 5 thousands of nestles at easel with the latest development. here's our cheese, middle east bureau chief meyer for nation. what we know, at least for to real codes, have been launched from lebanon to israel's northern communities. earlier on friday,
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the idea said in a statement, his beloved living on base a run back group called ready claims responsibility for days barrage of me solves. it said it statements that stays, riley armies, artillery positions have been targeted. some of the kids were here were intercepted, others lender in open areas, felt schultz and left and on. and there are no reports of damages or casualties. so far, the idea of what his beloved have been trading fire right? these really know them both almost on a daily basis and the last 6 months after the war in gaza started but fried his attack. of course comes in a context of your readings rides and see or is that to her on hordes retaliate against israel. following is alleged attack on the reading and console. as in damascus, syria has killed 7 tal threatening commanders. the country supreme leaders said earlier, it was the same thing as an attack on their soil about,
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and israel would pay a high price early, and cbs report as quoting to a named us officials that and it ran in me sound and droned a tag, could be launched against as well as early as friday evening. well it's around strikes is ro, israel is almost certainly going to strike back and earlier. president biden promised iron clad support for israel in case of the run in strike, with tag around was supposedly warning washington that in case of american involvement, the us forces in the region will be attacked. so the scale of a potential conflict cannot be underestimated, is really defense minister, and that was the chief all american central command earlier to make sure israel and the us on the same page. and the idea of says it's monitors dissertation closed. but let's take a listen. the ideas continues to monitor closely what is happening in the ron and different arenas constant preparing to deal with existing and potential threats and co ordination with the united states armed forces. all forces it prepared and ready
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at old times, and for any scenario, the united states said earlier on friday, towards sending reinforcements to the middle east with an aircraft carrier, unable to intercept me, solves, and drones fired by a run, sailing through the red sea toward a throw in a show of deterrence from the bite and administration to her on, already commented on that as go used to florida, conflicts and embassies in any country. you can see it to be part of the country that owns them when they attack how it concepts. it's as if they have a deck. outland. this is an international norm. they will get redeem, made a mistake in these case. it must be punished and each will be punished as rarely prime minister has repeatedly made his position course so clear and here is benjamin antonia, who would ray to ray tenant again. i mean that we are in challenging times. we are in the middle of a war in gaza, but we're also preparing for challenging scenarios and other reasons. we
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established a simple principle, have a hearts us, we hard them. we are prepared to meet the security needs of the state of israel in terms of bold defense, an attack. well, i have to say we are in a very nervous moment earlier, a number of states have warren today of citizens against traveling to israel and the palestinian territories. and iran us also warned its citizens not to move to specifics. it is with a israel at the same time spokesman halls the idea of address and is really public . charlie on friday said people have nothing to worry about that everything's under control, they didn't. the dad's is prepared for all possible scenarios, and no changes were made to the home front commands directive. so the authorities are based rel, one people to become. but of course, again, it is a very nervous moment because if the raise a conflict and the reason escalation is going to be a very big bullying police of storms, the venue of
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a pro palestine conference and the german capital. and then rushed into the facility as a policy any of the speakers found a dispute. one of the conference participants called in the office to remain calm during the police operation. the, the door to put its, i tied to the german police stormed into the congress today while the 1st speech was basically in progress. the reason they said was that there was a band on activity by the palestinian activist. i will see talking to who was previously expelled, but it is a continuation of what we have been experiencing increasingly here in germany since october 7th, censorship, a freedom of expression, looking at the censorship of fundamental rights designers. when you have, i've never experienced anything like this in my life as an activist,
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it was so brutal, i must say. perhaps the fundamental law has been flushed down the toilet by the police, the city of fair lane, and the politicians in berlin. a job on please detained some of the confidence because including the spokes busing of a jewish anti zionist movement, but in the forward ease of also banded the final 2 days of the confidence that made hate speech fee is addresses form a finance minister helped promote the conference he like in the police raids do a display of fascism. the german police proved to be young collision of the death by bursting in any debt. updating the live stream, grabbing the microphone, ending that magnificent congress that flashes does not need to be in government in order to be in power. we would have loved to have a decent democratic, mutually respectful debate on how to bring peace about on how to bring universe of human rights, whatever, when jews, and by this thing is benjamin's and christians from the jordan river to limited any
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and see all right, let's cross live to a, i'll rather than bug had anti war activist base than usual. yeah, that's good to have you join me now. what was your 1st reaction to seeing that the german police down the policy in conference in berlin? oh, my 1st reaction is the experience is uh we have had over the past 6 months of the silencing of, of defense and opposition to the war here within the israel, especially against the palestinians. both of those we're trying to demonstrate or speaking out online or trying to organize events even well organized, cleared with the police or at least announced the police with what the stablished bodies with nobody that has been, you know, accused of any sort of criminal offense. but that, that does happen again and again,
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and many people are still waiting trials or sentences for having the audacity is posing the best policy. and the fact that we see it in, in germany just illustrates the, the extremely problematic relations that germany has to is real. and it has had israel over a while since its inception and, and, and which is now facing scrutiny even in the, the international court of justice. because of the, the, the center support germany is, is showing us real, even while a israel itself is, is conducting a genocide or what kind of clauses leave with this to be described as a general. so now the okay, yeah, go ahead, run the front of guide. yeah. go ahead. i was so seeing the german policeman and service of effectively as is rarely
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repressive policy in, in germany is uh is, this is a very sad thing and, and of course is nothing like the people of gods are experiencing. but the, the, the subordinate, the backing that is real, is getting from stays like the us, like germany, as extremely worrying. and as part of the reason that the israel has, feels it has such a freedom of, of action. and even with things as extreme is the, the mass starvation and the killing of tens of thousands of people. if the attitudes of the us specifically the us in germany, which are most honest and foreigners. and will also send a large amounts of, of weapons. and that is, their attitude has been different. we will probably see different behavior on israel's part as well. now the officials canceled the last days of
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a conference fighting hate speech coincides hate to speech. why do you make of that reasoning? i want to whatever happened to the issue of the freedom that is always booked about . yeah, i always wonder i, i never lived in germany, but uh, i have always had the it has always seemed that uh, germany is, uh, is very touchy about criticism of israel and office support the vis real using perhaps the, the, the excuse of the reasoning of the of the legacy of, of, of the nazi euro and, uh, and the whole cost against the jews. but this is very or byronic because now using these excuses it is justifying more legitimizing, another genocide even. and even if it's not that of the 6000000 people, the 2000000 people cause are facing the danger of not being able to,
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to continue living in the territory of starving and many of, of, of that. and certainly as a complete and other physical destruction of the infrastructure, buildings, cultural heritage sides of that and, and the fact that protesting this and the crying this and the crying german state involvement and support for this is considered hate speech is uh, it's really unacceptable. yeah. so, so does this mean that the ease really status beyond reproach in germany? is that what this is looking like? in a sense this means the opposite because it's uh if, if it's real has been beyond reproach. the germination has not been worried about. i'm the public discourse of this issue because the, the arguments can kind of stand on, on their own. there it's, it's as the,
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i wanna say that is the knowledge that is real is, is very much a for approach. that is, uh that is making germany and taken more heavy handed approach towards protests and public discussions of this very actions. and it's not just is real, it's germany, itself is germany, itself span mccue's spence, the cues now after 80 years since the last time it was involved in a genocide or, or instigator the genocide. now it's a lesser charge but, but it's a thing we're supporting a genocide is a very serious charge. and it's obvious that the german state authorities do not want this uh, this perception to, to become widespread in germany and, and generally we're right. we have to leave you here now and to war activists. are y'all rosenberg? thank you so much for your insight. the other was on also the judge has performed baptism for thousands of christians and the east african nation
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of milan. we are ready just ceremonies occurred during a visit, bobby handled the child's africa branch and declared you members consecrated the spring of the religious side in the south of the country. so the thousands of people are nearby. supplements can use it for certain ratings for the, for the done constantine of the head. and but the church as african division, told us about how people of different cultures can unite together on the common phase of decrease to i'm not sure. but if we just baptize our brothers because they're the same people as we all because the fact that culture is different does not cancel out. the fact that we have one common baptismal ritual, these people have been totally orthodox face. and we see that they know strange is the divine service. so any local differences are sold by quick fraternal decision. and so in general there were no problems. it's exactly the same as the non countries,
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the sacrament of baptism is the same. so we performed it as usual. you anything? of course we adapt as specifically to this one that we performed in outside, near the lake, with a large number of people. but those with just the preparatory changes, the idea remains the same. you know, orthodoxy is not a national religion, it is a world religion. so there is no problem to combine some local traditions and the general church hold up. moreover, the essence of church life is basically the same. as for the local differences, i show you that they can exist in the 2 churches that are even one kilometer away from each other on the adult. see as an experience of real life is just passed from person to person the past. and so someone else like the way he lives and wants to acts like him. therefore, the most effective transition to orthodoxy is really when a person has become acquainted with the experience of someone who lives in the face of that will not allow the presence of the russian orthodox church in africa. dates
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back to the 19th century, the current to africa branch has was created in 2021. after the number of orthodox clerics asked to be admitted on the jurisdiction of the moscow patriarchy. as soon as ben, more than $200.00 parishes have been created in a total of $25.00 countries, but to put it in constantine told us about the charges activities in africa. you know, what is the thing you've done? and if it does come, we are new to the african continent. we didn't open towers as they moved to us. the vast majority of the power shifts, but we now have in the russian orthodox church in africa, parishes. they used to be in the church of alexandria, but they came to us there more than $200.00 such parishes. but more than $200.00 priests the serving. yeah. we have 2 diocese, north african and south africa in terms of the number of believers is very difficult to count them. the principal is not very clear, boss, it is clear that those congregations that have come to us a real living congregations. but then i'm visiting my full country and that i
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forgot this. yeah, my trip to tons in the last. yeah. my trip to milan, we now show that these congregations that have moved to us a large so this is a living church. the african continent is historically all the adults from apple stomach times agent church has existed here. that was the coffee, g, and church. now the is the rpm charge and there's a charge in egypt. and that has been an orthodoxy throughout the country. and it for a long, long time. so the freight is in error in this come to that, you know, i think we should do all things to says god, to administer the sacrament of the church to preach. and in fact, that's our main task. if we manage to influence the lives of people in africa in a good and positive way, they will all be grateful to us. all right, the data is set to see the return of 32 sounded royal, add to fax from the u. k. how about a happy reunion?
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this temporary, the meaning of them only being released on load. most of the items was not at nearly 2 centuries ago. and while the loan agreement, the initially covers 3 years, it could potentially be extended u. k. law prohibits any permanent return though, and never have the less be the deals not gone down well with the gun in cultural ministers, special adviser, you know, the objects were stolen, involved in circumstances whenever the items belong to the sante people. if somebody came into the house and ransacked it, install objects and then kept them in the house. and then the few. yes, later said, you know what i learned to your objects back. how would you feel about that? a former research director, nigeria is national commission for museums in monument, instead of it's ridiculous to talk about loading trashes to the very country is where they belong. the issue of the objects or loan respect
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charlie, one of the practices of reserves across different nations, restarted out school, new way, companies, it'd be shows that to take this, you know, is that in countries and everything probably to, i'll just come through here that, i mean as we'll see if i see it wherever you 6 edition a loan or some of decibels i use for these eggs it bishop. so i thought the exit is on the moon or just out of the menu as a result. so i think we did some of the folks in the past on the very tons, based on setting the spend. so what we're talking about the gather example. uh i will feel that to. so giving them or load to the plumber, that's we don't because you have just belong to the out initial without bit of debts, foyce tactics. we big them for religious purposes to somebody does purposes. so they retrieve this, all desk or to the we the whole are with your guess with eye drops. provide are 2
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companies where you can get for the details of all the stories for following this out. thanks for watching. i'll see you again the the i'm action or time. see welcome back to going undergrad, broadcasting all around the world, from the u. a in a week of the 5th anniversary of the beginning of britain's torture and incarceration of june innocence. we don't even need wiki likes to tell us that the us has lost its proxy war on russia through ukraine, even us deputy secretary of state. good campbell is acknowledgements because military success with nothing to stop the war of attrition. ukraine is down to
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using homemade drones to attack russia. and according to moscow, a cab hatched plan with a hunter binding link company to carry out much as most of the conceptual atrocity . even the amazon washington post revolt to ukrainian presidency. lensky was abolished elections as quickly running out of options. the international community regularly trading with russia is meanwhile, a gast, of major nation military support for genocide in gaza. in this region. former nato and the list kind of jack bo was in ukraine after the us back crew that kicked off the war in europe in 2014, he left the peace policy and doctrine division of the u. s. department of peacekeeping operations and is just publish operational acts of flowed the defeat of the vanquished and the russian out of war. how the west that ukraine to defeat the joins be from the home of nature, headquarters, brussels in belgium, con. no, thank you so much for coming on. as i was saying, the international community, a more concerned with how they have a the nation economic sanctions when it comes to ukraine.


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