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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
the, the beauty of some children that attends him to deal with the way to go out with that the, pretty much the people that they will just, you know, the way to or when they will, low upset them, are still diploma. we often see cause mendoza a strong and successful people realize their dreams, but at what cost? and how long must they wait before that 1st blast of ocean perusal to assist you? i just need the result, which is lots fields. can you please just this is about an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer knows what's most turn up. what's most, most likely it's almost like the most that only me the when you run the carpet. so when you, when we 1st met constancy and then
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a feeling about free diving. and when we heard of his desire to be a customer node, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7 years. it's a good option, but it needs to go in general, but because of she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin bore us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be cancelled unless you're a video on board. any of this is to chose and skill as to base with someone else. you need to do more. that would have, you know, this little misconduct, the delta, is it just a ritual or is it just an option with move?
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just the 1st one. the quote is that they will have to buy one more just like one, just all of gwinnett shrinks almost took one off that there is just the junk folders. they will skip each of those lists from jenny pronounce to mental vision of that i bought the you know today, konstantin bodies stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on us. so
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the reason i'm frustrated, the issue is there was this still more comfortable left of the boat up with all the ability to just taking a while from church with them? i could, i have some court though, just so about when you know what you're truthful, if it's the financial cut off the deal is with the good mr. shooting and you're gonna have nicole difficulties shift of this bigger charge. both the ticket was by somebody with i should be at the end of last semester with cornerstone. last quarter initiate it's almost built in the distance to plenty of of the or the general the assignment as low as
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my supplied. someone said they still save yourself, sunset the, the car with which is from them. if you put those up on a single golden play success them. but it's a beautiful for us to reduce its interior of the circle and go to the base of the funds. so you show it to me and you don't say that, you know, then you're going to use joining friends do with the police can sheets and the set up which is telling them, could i be in the mean a different sort of course that i was in the porter, steve, the thing it says, a feeling of insurance, the
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symbols with a duplex went up to me. what you'll need. yeah, pretty much the, the thing you thought would you feel the most or see a content stuck to the judge community and one of them went back sort of the settlement. all this was just lunar like with on going up to you, which is which is which is for bethany, the civil smith coupled, i mean that 101 popping up with yep. with that strings, but that's in the media. you can often the controls cool. you look at the old stuff, it's oh, well, you know, traditional tips they will those. yeah. it's because of the store. so if it shows me the store, it's what you're familiar with. what the problem was put on youtube, a lot of new gotta ceiling and kind of a new one, cuz i wanna make sure i'm with them that that's the correct, the portal for the new patrol about the show before, which is supposed to move ios,
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which much can use a keep the bus to be on the bus will store them. kinda want me to start on the normal business system or what it's computing and motion. and i'm going to explain . you'll start off with almost the mean upload to move with interest, but blindly from a little to for the fellow with the little things to go along with them tonight. and then what we need to shut fits and go to us to come to the building. you're more pos which is, but the way to look at the older lady on the phone, numerous additional you, there's all those mobile phones, but it's different because some institution constantine even became an international judge in free diving. he took his students, the only thing in the pool with the smoke up that made him feel closer to space in the just because we had actually been on the, at 52. he'd become a head of business intelligence for
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a large company. but the childhood dream was still in life. so he spent his evening studying at the da signed institute, but that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited. most templates, adults, but wasn't sure that we were willing to fix one of them. you need to pay to avoid elation. notice, but typically the federal insurance covers gentlemen who of so we're not able to so the other system being able to use a little bit spillage to the substrate. we started filming constantino's cosmos applications. whereas we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is the day he submitted his papers, the
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the most of the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming so well that he even swim the gabriel destroyed pretty good things to lift gates, especially because this know in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests to be jason that you would support us the south. exhausting exams locked in several months for sponsoring cause minutes with tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to the both of the things that were not receiving was the one that we did on the semester. chest got the most of the difference between the different disabilities to produce and the warranty function you sent me a speech for a product that was the other one. you're welcome. please go to 20 points for joseph,
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but let's do. the work was quickly and so the important one was i think most definitely so i think it was just the 4 course section. if it wasn't as much, i just want to look into it. this was the amount of $420.00 calls middle candidates are being selected. first bound phase 2 years of training and only then when they officially become customer notes and fly the engine, ignition thomas coming up to flight speed and the lift times the
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. 6 the to the who so the sooner the better for built them. so for the shall see if looks like it to stay. i go what is the me even maybe
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a maybe a good weekend. yeah. go to most of them a new credit when you do store. oh, we think about 20 to probably 42 of these for you. but as it relates, is that there is the a to, to get the fuck, i'm know, that's and got given him. but god knows it's a nice and easy being a student to gain of, to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first hours, he'll jump and it's not going well. that's the only goal is to know lots of the benefit across ford dealer to deal with the, at the deal to them. shouldn't oil change intricate? it shows that it's native with almost all the assessments like before the to the pretty much the women in. yep. there's nothing to deal with philip. patricia. nice . no, there's all this. there's dish color with the worst developer would always to is
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this much to me up. it is most of the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the in the 1870s. the colonial expansion of the british empire in the nile valley in greece, the british decided to get complete control over sudan. however, the deeply religious people of that country did not want to obey 4 laws. the unceremonious intervention of british officials led to people's discontent. it's
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spokesmen was the theologians mohammed off thought. the frog blamed himself the marty. the design began to gather an army against the invaders. by $1884.00, most of the sudanese cities were in the hands of the month. great britain decided to intervene directly, but the groups of ahmad gave the invaders a drubbing in 1885 the rebels, the capital car to the feet of britain was totaled only by the very end of the 19th century. after the death of ahmad, the british were able to regain their control of sudan. unable to defeat the living body, the british took revenge on the dead one. these remains were drawn out of the mazda liam, and thrown away into the nile. mods head was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of
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africa against the colonial afresh. and remained at dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stress to assistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so your expect it to result your actions. describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude use of the way me and was always supported across the core. moscow. look at the little chip for each cause electric field, those legit and totally don't allow me to tell completely which was supposed to be published is more now let's go to the flow and go into the shading of about sticking with what you might say. just going to give it to me in just a quick look like you just paid the
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the, the the, the
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east almost the course the so i think or should i say there was no good. i've gone . yeah, felt was which must clear, but the most them yet them what about the shoulder due to the rest of the printer? so i'm sitting here for you to refill to show sort of forced to sort of mess with anything cuz it feels just better. so i think that's more than the discussion which are the pretty much the next one up,
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the appointment. you know what, you know the pieces of this on the 6 months ago. let me try you on the phone with introduce myself with jim from go the 3, the 4 plus the supposedly the we'd be able to read it with their name. so what is this the digging list your video? well, what any of those sounds your best?
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because he's funny, you know, because i have this in front of you close enough for one good constantine lands extreme survival skills, not just in the forest, but out in the step 2. and it was in an emergency as soon as ship could end up anywhere. then he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to so various problems and of course, he has to learn about the sense as soon as we had the chance we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts are introduced facility, some of them just for the 0 instance store lyrics. you know what all you also said,
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you know, we should, the toilets, but the system that a lot of them couldn't tell us to listen to that. the for the most efficient as the system kasheila. so consider one that you also consider one that i will stop what, what do you not block and city it only that you want to level? it's a gust way. your integrated, almost in front of you live with us and let us know what you know, throw it, takes the whole different it out for almost to this through a little bit of holiday used to meet at the near future. i just clicked on the window which it was just on, so issue it just came with the 3 for she wasn't going to stop wasting the third's father. so thought that i would require that the 1st thing that i filled out for the 2000 over the phone wasn't associated with you for the children. put you at, i'm going to the most expensive. so you able to shaving to the same people your phone like long as the phone? no, it's almost to for the official for their they as a nice to put it. i'm gonna try it. cuz i think one of the most part of the course,
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the quote and answer with the city of mine is that this was this touch. keep mentioning every center. so yep, they're gonna dispute the color of this. but it also is by the initial, they've known as i'm sure some people confirmed in the move on to the what's the look at a picture of storage still thing it's trimble to put it up by cost goes with ultimate system, which is quite close to the griffith with a lot of the stuff like that, almost the tail payment a little supports are about to go split up at the company with an interesting kind of watch just to assure you. but that wasn't too bad. but it's a lot to him just to be truth pushed, appears up. he was pushing wells and still with me more left side of ok. it's a little for the space on the cushion for if they will just decide to come see them will sold one that a flight. they which invest the most important thing and will send in the company. the customer will train a lot in many cities across russia. constant ins, wife and visit,
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same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member from the for you from the truant software. we bought new prospect. there's a, there's also a bulk of the browser company blessed morning, right. okay, ocean, that obviously the spiritual for you also need the only reason what the control is . i'll probably get the most to show you the the number of the we just had on the on you put the she was the follow up. not if the stomach boy full to google for with them close to 2000, you can see then national, the only portion of the, the cost we will send you the option. so the question,
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so that's kind of stuff. i don't know because it only seems to be a little bit close right. the 3 most to us, constantino dyna live to punch send when it go to hard. they selves the flat symbols, a house near stone city. the window shows much know most people to be show when you put a show, some of the data. so they are available in answer then what do you mean you, i was wondering, those are unable to my, what the history of what you're doing because of the what do using the behavior to not, you know, over change the point you to what do you think this will de moines, this commercial tribute to show on the page. so i saw the elf beauty ring as nucleus coming down. i just thought of going to pete not putting me up and it,
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assuming the cause i sounds those names. i mean, if they're digital ones the most and look sorry to stop shooting, let's bring up your thoughts a payment much. so what you look on your stuff too. i see that the thing is yelled with tomatoes uncle instead of close them both at buck over at them. and we sent him 0 course closing for the folks of it. but it was the best of him. oh, it's a good thing is that the more they're supposed to pursue jape and both sides of the fortunate x, which i think that which couple couple proposed to promote that is interesting. the chest satellite for something special i ever saw. somebody else going on with the lucas, my appointment is from the one which most of the things that's typical, the hub, which choice believes get good. i'm not symmetrical, bolstered with the in jeopardy. you hold on some of that for you and it goes to
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pretty hosting done, of course, go for that and go chasing those much more to those initial couple of supplements. how long it without us kind of were store level mr. was one of which was should you, what would be the new york, what i should get this, what there's some way you're shipping them belonged to a mutual live cable. ridiculous story in the interview session. you remember which the course the which no, but what i'm telling you said was what's your number. but if you go to scope to say you were going to junior, she says we're doing the meal for the senior manual samples. that of you mentioned coverage is what is your level know stuff so know those of a male choice and continued pretty good. i've got the you so remote control just getting it's actual thing to it. there's some distortion,
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kwame imation for teeth of saying with disagreements most of the, the, the, the, the path to this dream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years you have to pass more than 80 exams. and only then is there a chance of becoming a real customer or the old block wall going into the fortunately, the more so have to look at my schedule. it's touch up and had to go to do without bringing my the what did or of them will approach wondering is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to those things i'm giving you. i mean, just different company flow from the flow to necessarily just let me know if any of those can publish table photos of openings at all. so when you're just putting it on the account, i think that that will continue to definitely be the future. the hold up
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impressions can book, you mean you conflict the front of the company, just slice point? is there some tech from others? if i go out of use and you thought was to shop in your wife and it wasn't just a normal sale, what was what they send you the 3 that those just the normal schedule in his life. with almost that to me, that of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to show you is not all the key. what is your price? quote, please. i'm with the, the master of usage, which is a senior store collecting personnel go back to us, which he can get hold of somebody else, not let them proceed. these are all the focus solutions. just deal with you much quicker and just be sure, you know, the book, you know what the group installed a nice just so anyway,
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junction different. so they're pretty much the political organization crews up to the 5th. yep. i just need to put his hope, which is this is as humans, as most the double check was not spelled, but you must, must increase the ocean features as to how much for this up to something they have like. well, pretty much that they so to go to just to kind of short you just been able to totally be where you're getting. you're still in my 2nd. what's your self interest with avoid easiest or supposed the she's the the time i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch
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my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say a j. k is off the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of his full metropolitan pro french president. felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't it. in a new house, including his foster larry goods was dumb as who saw him and the more
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appropriate after the death of, of a one year. a new lead to long come back, bull came to power and i'm ready to double open for example. that curious, why did you know for people across the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one the bronze immediately dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war from 130 to the other 2 on repeatability. so how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from years of bloody conflict was shown on the
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other russian advance is gaining momentum and the down bass with last goes troops taking the kids and they jumped out of my car in to, to get through the devante and special forces, the the container ship saving all of the parties flag near the street upon moves in the tank case. and that just meant length to easily in the gym and please shut down the pool. paula find confidence in greeley and ride the kicks off, fighting concerns about hate speech. i'd be that the russian orthodox church of prizes and thousands of christians of the east.


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