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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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just close the space over to ron and israel's neighbor. jordan also announcing the closure of its skies as well as iraq were also understanding their unconfirmed reports of israel as equivalent of air force. one, it's due tuesday plane is apple and outside of is riley air springs. so the idea is that perhaps 2 waves of drones have been launched from iraq. that iran, i should say, the flying over iraq e territory taking anywhere up to 3 to 4 to 5 hours for these drones to potentially reach is really territory. the footage we've been showing basically showing drawings with a small sounding propeller engine flying very slowly, frankly, over the territory on the way to israel telling me you've says they are ready for just about anything that comes to the door. it will keep you posted on this developing story here on out to you to national. this is breaking news. we are best . the
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media showed a minute. i'm going to deal with other read to go with the opinion. most people, the people just, you know, the way to or when they will, low up filaments build up, flown. we often see cause middle to strong and successful. people who realize their dreams. but at what cost. and how long must they wait before that 1st blast of history, which isn't perusal to the 50th, i just need result, which is not the students. most of those t option to please just this is about to an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit a been trying to become
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a customer. know it was was just like it was almost swipe as it was just but only have the when you run your car could. so when you, when we 1st met constantine in a film about free dining and when we heard of his desire to be a customer note, we just had to fill in him again. and we followed his journey facility. that's a good location. you believe me, steve. all because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be cancelled. as durham video will go to any of this is chelsea and still as the way from someone else, you need to do more of the little misconduct, the
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del subdivision, just to which way you just don't have to move just the 1st one. the cool is that they will have to do like one more just like one. just all of the corner shrinks, which took one off of the ridge this, the jump, the photos, they will skip. each of those. this coming chimney pronounced a mental vision of that about the
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the today constantine body self is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on of the, from the initial question. the fisher is there was this system more comfortable left of the border patrol at to the ability to just take a look quite from church with them. i could, i have some court the, just so about when you know what you're truthful, if, if the, if the shut off the deal was with the good, mr. shooting and you'd have nicole difficulties just of the sticker. george bought a ticket was quite familiar with tires to be on what the
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estimates are close to close quarters, finish your sites and you can almost put into the districts 20th of the, the general district in the assignments. a lot of my supplied someone saying there's something additional funds that the guy with which is done them. but the point of self external golden success them. that's a beautiful for us to do. so since we have the stick one go to the parts of the funds, so you show it to be in and you don't see that, you know, then you're gonna use enjoying things to do with the others can sheets and the set up, which is still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portage, the, the beauty of inches or
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the symbols with that it's, it's one of the reason why you'll need it. yeah. most of the things that we just feel the most or secrets outside to the rich community and explain off to me. we have like set it up for a minute. all this was just a little looking at them going up to you not sure which is which school does any the civil smith got older, i mean they're kind of more popping hold of his. yep. really, that's principal. that's in the media. you can often the control scholar, you like adults to, oh well, you know, traditional typically what it was. yeah. it's because other store for shows me the store it to mention familiar little look almost book on youtube, a lot of new assuming and kind of a new one for that one. that term with him,
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that that's the up at the store for the new patrol about the show patrol which it was coming virus. it's a much can use the keep the spelling of a full store on kind of want me to store the old neural v as in the system or what's computing the motion of dominant. which when you start off with almost the mean upload to move with interest, but apply only some a little to the, to the school along with them and diving the shots, bethany, go to not to come to a diamond ring. you more to the bus, which is but the is just a look at the name of additional you look mobile phones for when stephanie guzman, tradition konstantin, ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students, the only thing in the pool with the smoke up debate in feel closer to space in
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the discussion we had actually been on the at so he to, he'd become a head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still in life, so he spent his evening studying eviction institute. and that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited, nor stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were those conflicts enough to me to pay to avoid relation with respect to the start of the engines, cavender, the whole of so we're not able to to, so the system being able to use a little bit spell, which so the absolute perception we started filming constantino's, customer, north applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is today,
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he submitted his papers. the theme of the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing, pull up some swimming so well that he even swim the deeper oldest straight. can you predict the deep especially because this, the, in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests for us. the south. exhausting exams locked in several months. responding, customer notes, what tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to both of those. so the one that receiving was the way that they were, they don't suggest chest commercial. definitely keep up the pressure many level
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just to put together some of the warranty function. you see me, which for the other one you're watching, please go to 20 points for joe. let's do the work was quick lane. so then we're going to, i think more talk much let thing was just as quickly as much as touching. it wasn't as much as far as i mentioned. this was the out of 420 calls. middle of the candidates are being selected. first bell phase 2 years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes in flight the the engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift drawings,
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the . 6 the the clam to who's moving
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a little slow bill come through. so hold on. sure. see if looks like it mostly a gut who's dimly even the baby and get ready to go to a sort of a new deal when you guys use florida? oh, we think about 20 till probably when it gives these florida. you presume that is that there is the nipple of a torch companies in your book on noise? that's him got given him book. i know it's a nice and easy being a student to gain of, to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first power school jumps. and it's not going well. that's the only isn't often, you know, lots of the benefit across ford dealer is over at the, at the deal to shatoya, which it shows the snippets almost on some levels with the substance like before the, to the pretty much the women in. yep. there's nothing to deal with for the patricia
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news. no. do you feel the slightest ish color with what the window is to just push the new position over the test? when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world? india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the 1937 militaristic. japan started up full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china.
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the dye, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied on z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so so yaki my guy. and so yoshi no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us or this month, various competition was widely reported in the japanese press to the non being massacre claim for lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2,
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manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freeze yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stressed resistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so you're expected to result your actions, describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude. the 0 sustained use of the way me and was always authority across the cor, well, my school is like a built in little kid for each kind. so that should have the date and probably don't go in and show it completely, which was supposed to been, you know, what else could you but also if flow and go into the shading of about sticking with
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them. what you might say, just going to get anything, just create a quick look like you'd just be the or the
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the most the most of course, the. so i think what should i say? it feels no good. that's com. yeah. spell is which most clear, but the most of them. yep. i'm what i'm going to show you the rest of your printer. so i'm sitting here for you to receive just sort of forced to sort of look really nice for the question for you. it's just better, so you're going to more than the new
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to the pretty much the next one up someone's opinion and wishing of the pieces of this on the 6 months ago. but uh, to where you the dots from the 3 east. i'm going to invite up with the, with the, with the, the, the, to be able to, the, the open,
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my pretty really with your name of the this, the dig unless your video will, would in here. so come on, you know, because i have this in front of you, close a new provider. constantine lands extreme survival skills, not just in the forest, but out in the step 2. and it was in an emergency as sonya ship could end up anywhere. and he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to sold various problems. but of course he has
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to learn about the us is as soon as we had the chance we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts introduced the facility to the dentist for the moment 0. ever since storing it totally up to see, you know, we just saw it split system that a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that. the for the most efficient as the system can show us of consider one, but they also consider one with almost what do you not blog and city the only that you wonder of? oh, it's a gust when you're in a for the muslim photo you live, but also in the let us know what you know throughout the whole defense and out for the almost to this through a little bit of hall, they used to meet it up in the after chunk that there's quite close the window, which it was just on social issues, it just came with one of the 4 she wasn't above and some wasting up a flight. it's love to set the appointment up. the 1st thing that i filled up for the 2011 assign logs and it's all if you, if you pull up the model. so i'm gonna put you at,
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i'm going to the most expensive so you should have into the same book. your final as long as the phone? no, it's almost for, for the official, for there is a nice look at it. i'm gonna try it because i think one of the most part of the course, declared announcer with studios. and i just thought this was this touch key since the nurse and see what's going on. so this peaceful, digital tacoma was in this video, it's spelled initial. now wasn't sure, so we focus on the move on to the what's the look at? what's virtual storage still think it's trimble to raise up like let's go so with all of my system will just spike goes to the scriptures, quit folds and stuff like that. almost until a little before, but i'm about to go split up in the woods and somebody there just to kind of watch drills to assure you. but the mood was to be off and wanted him to i missed the tooth brush, the fish off. he was pushing wellness, the with me more live site. you difficult. it's a little philip little difficult, almost the so i'm pretty sure if they will just decide what most of them will sold
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one of those thursday, which is the most important thing. and we'll send them over the people, the company, the mental strain a lot in many cities across russia. constantine is wife on a visit, same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member family for you from the children system. we bought the girls to the back of the browser. you cannot put a glass motors, you know, any ocean that obviously the ritual for you, but also need the usual visual control this up to get the most to show you it on the number of the british. what on the, on you put the, she was the full amount you for the stomach, boy, for the proof of with the cost of the tucson to give you the vision national,
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the only portion the, the cost we will send you the function. so that's kind of stuff, i don't know because i don't like to believe because right. the room is to us constantino data live dependent and when it go to honda, they sold the flat symbols, a house near the city. the most probably show when you will some of these are still the answer then what do you mean you i was looking at. those are the name of
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my what the face of what you're doing. because what do using the very to not your new overall change, the point you to the show them way if this commercial truck location on the webpage . so i said in the field of reading is people, yes. go to them. i don't suppose the kind of pete nothing, nothing. it assuming the samples names. i mean, if the digital ones the most and look sorry to stop shooting, let's bring up your thoughts, the payment touch, something which i'm gonna send you stuff to the soonest. the thing is yelled with tomatoes uncle instead of close them both at buck over them. and we sent him him, of course, closing for his with obstruction dates, but it was the best of him. well, it's a good thing is up and i don't what they're supposed to pursue jape and both sides of the fortunate x, which i think that which couple come to the post to promote that has an interesting on the on the table shows i for some special are you ever saw the lucas lamp lumen is probably the one which most of them is. let's check the
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hub english choice. the least get good. i have no commissioners could follow through with the jeopardy. you hold on to that for you. and of course, to put a whole, some done, of course school for that and go chasing those little more of those additional cause i'm going with how long if without of color were store level mr. was one of restrictions you visual yours, what i should get this what there's some way you're shipping them beloved to a mutual table rejection stored in the interviewer to senior number, which through the course the notion of the video clips i'm planning on instead of what your number, but if you go to scope before you read it junior, she said it was on the table for the senior course manual to pull that up. you mentioned already this is what he has
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to fill out. will know stuff. so know those of email chosen considering pretty good categories you so my name is joel discontinued sexual things with this investigation planning in nation, vicki saying what the, something that's what the, the, the, the path to this dream is a hard one in the 1st 2 years you have to post mold in 80 exams, and only then there's a chance of becoming a real customer or the old blog, the best. fortunately, the more someone had told them i had said you would switch up, you had to go to do without bring the door off of them. little approach is the then you bring your way of structure to those things. i mean, living, you know, i mean, just different company up
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a floating the floating of smells interesting. i've left in your thoughts to publish table. got the sort of multiplan is it also when you're just putting it on my god, i think that that will continue to the next to the future. purchase can go pick, you mean you're conflict the front of the company. just slice ones are from tech, from what that is. and if i go out to use your list or something you might have said, it wasn't listed on the left hand. what was one day then you would go over the 3 to those just but normally the good thing is liable spectrum here of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to show you the, the key. what is your place critically then with the new master to produce understood, which is what you're seeing. your store can within pursue a little fact of us,
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which he kind of my, you'll not let them push these. these are both instructions as to what they want us to, going to be sure you know the book here. so we'll talk about this together so that that is just showing the junction if, until they're pretty much the same apologies, isn't washington cruise up to the 50th, i just need your help, which is jason to use as part of the double chose knoxville. but pretty much the most increase the option to be honest with you. so we have like a pretty much device up to the store, just kind of short. you just been able to totally be where you're pressing. you're still in my set. what yourself think is a voice, easiest, or supposed the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification, we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point obviously is to create a trust rather than ship the job. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the
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most protect this phone existence was on the it is breaking news. this our live one on the international as iran confirms it, has long story to tell you a tory attack against israel firing thousands of produce. the idea says it's a defense is a primed and ready as israel here on iraq. i'm jordan, are all announcing s space closure the russian advance gaining momentum in the past, but most goes troops taking the key village a part of a might score a that's in the don't ask for public the time we'll adjust the wind under water and no one knows when we'll eat and we continue reporting from central russia where'd past evacuations continue with the city of the bar and both the pictures. as you


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