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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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on the the headline 0 and i'll see you on breaking news. that's iran confirms that had launched a retaliatory attack against israel from firing dozens of drones and miss styles of the country. israel satisfied a chance of being scramble by his defenses, put on the maximum, upload file and gets ready for any scenario with the attack on the way a rock lab and on egypt and jordan are all analysing asset base closures of israel says it's also has the targets and 11 on everett's study age earlier. the well, it looks like we're right in the thick of it at 1 am locally here in moscow and 1
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30 in the morning in tara. so we continue without breaking news for you right now here on i'd say it wrong. so it is as low as a retaliatory attack against israel by firing dozens of drones and miss signs of the country in response to the crimes committed by design and straight gm in the attack on the come to a section of the arabian embassy in damascus. the analogy cfos hit certain targets in the territory of the zionist regime, with dozens of drawings and missiles. israel also confirmed the launch of the iranian drawings, instead of all of its defences whereon maximum allowed a bunch of clicked are israel, his palms, and an unmanned aircraft. carrier across the territory of the state base route, we're facing a thrice in the air space. it is a threat and it will take a few hours to reach the territory of the state of israel. so the idea of on the air force the taking into action for the planning program to which we've been assigned as part of the operation across the territory, obviously by israel to funnel. so we have an excellent and defined system and it's currently in full of ration, but remember,
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the defense is never met. taylor of the company is riley. you're probably going to type your name. and then, you know, it says the country is ready to respond to both defensively and offensive. defense systems are deployed. we prepared for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id f is strong, the public is strong. i established a clear principle over the last week and we will defend ourselves from any trace and we'll do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i want you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on cost together, we will stand on with god's help together we will overcome conbal attentions at boarding point across the region is right. the defense force is confronting striking, has blocked targets and elaborate on saying it's in response to recent attacks from the area earlier today. you a, these were launched from lebanon toward ca far bloom and nita in northern israel,
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in response id, a fighter jets and artillery struck hezbollah, tara targets in the areas of l. korea, wirebah, and kalat. i'll die by among the targets struck word, terror infrastructure and military posts. that's why more across a lot, not us. our founders are co director of the international action center. joining us live during this breaking news here on to you saw ra ron had vowed it would strike back. are you surprised by what we're witnessing right now? well, i'm not surprised because 1st of all, around has every right to defend itself. there was an absolute unprovoked, illegal by all international law, unequivocally an act of war against iran, which is we'll strike on a, ronnie, and console in syria. the whole world noses knows the protests, the king violation of the geneva convention on diplomatic relations and so on. and
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so forth. this was unequivocal act of war. and a run striking back, they have every right to assert themselves. and, and really this is part of, of the whole zion as war against palestine and all the people of the region. israel has failed, failed, failed, or in their efforts and gaza. and now they are seeking to widen the war. and all of this, we have to say again and again, is with us imperialist backing. this could not have taken place. israel's attack on iran on the wrong cult consular territory. it could not have taken place without backing of the us without stuff while the company was saying as well. sorry, yeah, apologies for dropping it by the i thought. com and he was saying this, and he basically said this could not have been done without america. the attack on the, on the, on the running consulate in syria and america has to be held responsible. so it does seem that, you know, we're not watching the stages all this play out, but,
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you know, sorry, what's your prediction? i mean this is an iran in response to and is really attack. but does that mean then they'll be in is really response to this, ronnie, and attack? are we looking at tit for tat? an ongoing cycle or? well, we may and it may get wider. this is a very, very dangerous moment. the fact that israel has already bombed has been a lot more extreme and extensively than they have in the past, very dangerous. and they're pulling in, of course, immediately, jordan and, and so on. other countries of the region. oh, it's a very dangerous moment and the war could become wider. at the same time a ron has said that they would have a calculated response. so how far they want this to go will have to be seen. but i think everyone in the world has to 1st say a ron has a right to defend itself. they are the they were received an unprovoked illegal
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and completely us authorized attack. this is their response, they're legitimate response. and at the same time that the support and defense of the palestinians must continue. this is at this very moment, there was, um, the discussions going forward on what sort of a cease fire deal could there be? and it's an agreement that frankly has real designers can accept because it, it proves really their failure. and so they want to take the attention off of that . this is a very dangerous moment. well, i do, i'm sorry. i think you may have such sort of jump in, but you make such a such a good point that when you talk about iran making a calculated response, i'm not sure if we would see a calculated response from israel when you look at how it's being so heavy handed in what so many people according to genocide and gaza with well over 30 plus 1000 innocent civilians,
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women and children just mowed down in israel as war on gaza. iran making a calculated response. i don't think we can expect the same from israel, but so many people are now talking about how america is going to get dragged into this. i mean, didn't, didn't washington send one of us aircraft carriers into the asia now as, as some sort of support mechanism or england. the u. k. is saying that they're not going to get directly involved, but they already have some destroyers in the region. i mean, the guess i'm speaking to tonight. sorry, the, the thing. yeah. with, with seeing right now, tip a top between israel. i there on the what we're also seeing in the shadows beyond the horizon of a silhouettes of ships of other countries coming to the region, always standing on the bring up the next world war. you certainly are. we certainly are. and i think, unless all the countries of the region of the globe send come, the strongest message possible to the us, not only to israel,
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israel has shown. and the us as shown that they will back any crime against the palestinian people. they will publicly plow people a live, you know, in hospitals, under there is no crime, they won't commit. and so they're sending the same message now to iran. will the world accept this wider more? i really think this is a moment. and it's also a moment frankly, to salute the actions of the young men is taking and that has what law is taking because they are the forces that are trying trying to stop to rain in the israeli attack. can they do it? i don't know. was it was the only one, sorry that the only ones i mean, you know, i'm sorry, but you know that the, the, the arab league has been so strangely quiet over the past 6 months. ever since october, the 7th kick. it's off. but as you say,
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the who would be using the has bl are, and a few other bits and pieces are trying to do the things to hit back into israel. i mean, certainly economically speaking, israel's taking a huge hit back in the 1st month of the gaza war and october of off the 30 days israel last more than a 1000 times and on the personal carriers, god knows how many troops they lost as well. i mean, do, let's just be fair about this. the success of israel is in coach and on gaza is not at all what the west, the media says it is. it's an absolute loss. and it is a devastating slaughter of innocent live, sorry, we're going to come back to use our founders as co director of the international action center. i'd greatly appreciate your time during this very fluid breaking news here on oxy original. thank you very dangerous moment. yeah, thank you. thanks for your time. it's meanwhile cutting sold or we can stay the us president, or is there a time to the oval office for an urgent meeting with his national security team. several days ago the us reportedly send reinforcements to the middle east region.
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limited fee is open to ronnie and attack. that's a get more now crossing state side to the big apple analogy is caleb up and joining us here again, we as we continue without breaking news story here, as i understand, the biden is set to be urgently returning to the oval office. i mean, i'll be honest with him, i don't expect too much out of him, but maybe we'll expect something out of out of his administration. what do you not indeed, well the united states has been fully committed to backing up and supporting israel, providing it with weaponry and providing it with a diplomatic cover at the united nations security council. sense, october, 7th, and beforehand on now we have the united states basically announcing before today's advance happened that they would stand with israel in such a circumstance and that they would not accept the idea that iran had the right to retaliate for the destruction of its console. it uh, in damascus. here's what we heard from us state department officials and the us
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president. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. we continue to be concerned about the risk of escalation in the middle east, something we have been working to mitigate and contain since the attacks of october, 7th, and specifically about the threats made and recent days by ron against the state of israel and the as really people, you saw the president made clear yesterday that we stand in strong support of israel security against these threats. now it's important to note that at this time, we understand that biting is preparing to address the united states. given an address to the american people, he did caught his weekend trip short. he's on his way back to washington to meet with the national security team to discuss the situation in the middle east. uh now uh the united states was the 1st to warn about planned iranian attacks die in response to the israeli destruction of their consul, it in damascus. uh,
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the usa was the 1st to kind of raise the alarm that are on was planning a response. at this point, there is speculation that is very wide spread that the united states will become a direct participant in the cons. from what we understand, israel has begun intercepting iranian drones over syria and jordan, and their ability to do so is coming with an aerial umbrella stand by the united states. this is direct us involvement in the military confrontation. in addition to that, there are reports that us fighter jets admin, scrambling disguise of your rock and jordan to enters that intercept, to combat drawn, sent by a ron at a door disease rail. now, several days ago there were reports that us military forces were moving in to the middle east region. so, so far we have seen condemnation of their ron's response to these really attack on
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their embassy, their consulate in damascus. as we have seen, condemnation of that from not just united states, but france, great britain. uh and uh, other us aligned countries. they have given condemnation of iran to action. we're waiting to see what's happening next. records that bite and could be addressing the public in the united states, very soon indications that the united states may be directly involved and this conflict on israel's behalf certainly attends situation will be keeping you up to date. yeah, indeed, i mean, it looks like potentially one escalation off to another kellum up in life in new york. thank you. well, let's get some more details. now. some of the latest updates on this from tara, on with our correspondent yusef july a. that's a major announcement by the iranian i, r g c. these limitations are score and the internet is flooded with the those clips unconfirmed for image for clips and footage,
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showing iranian drones on the border with a rock on the skies of in the skies of a rock flying towards what the iranian officials claim to be. some targets idea of targets inside israel, and that's based on the announcement in his statement just released by the i r g c and i'm reading from that statement. it actually starts in response to the numerous crimes of the sinus regime. i'm reading from these statements and it says that the responsible, numerous crimes of design this regime, including the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. and the martyrdom of a group of our military commanders and advisors and syria. the air force or, or of course or the exact name is the aerospace division of these level competition garza or targeted specific positions inside the occupied territories by firing dozens of missiles and drones. so that's a major development,
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and that's the 1st serious response on the part of iran in retaliation for the recently april 1st attacked by israel against it. wrong console or section of the iranian embassy in the syrian capital, damascus. of course, um, everyone was speculating about whether or not iran will respond, of course. um, but even us officials uh speculative about this cale and the nature of airlines response when it will come and to what extent it one will go with its response against as well. and now we see that there one was really serious on it. uh, the i r g c titled its operation operation. troop prom is suggesting that to me it is um, uh, it's 6 to a really fulfill its promises. different iranian officials have earlier said that they did warranty united states and they did warn israel that it runs promise of
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a retaliation other retaliatory attack is true. so for now, the story is the developing. we have to wait for official comments from these law maker public officials, including from the r g c. 2 of course, um, perhaps brief reporters on what will happen to what's lang erewhon will go with it strikes, of course. so at the same time what the strikes that were launched from iran, we heard that has been law also on some strikes against as well enough. and of course, some drones from young men were fired towards these really territory. so we have to wait and see what will happen and how this story unfolds in the future and the coming days and perhaps hours a lot for my appendix on the security policy i. let's mike on monday, if i was talking to him a bit earlier about this sudden escalation in the region, any fee is to be around here. strikes could easily lead to, well, perhaps other players is getting involved. it was
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a signal i thought to that it was going to be a limited type of thing, but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a um and out of uh how's the law out of the north of the front from the north of the israel. that suggests that there's a coordinated effort here. and that it's more serious and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited, but uh, this appears to be an escalation and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities and, and, and husband are engaged at the same time that, that reflects put, potentially coordination. and um, and that could escalate that things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts. not just uh, iran. and, and this was, this was the concern, signing them in swarms, up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems. so
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not all shot down. and that then you followed up with a cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that you can see where the escalation is going to be going into effect. so this is a potentially we're down to going down a slippery slope. here. are shifting is here and i to you the idea of is found the body of a 14 year old is really boy in the west bank. the country's military quoting is death the result of a terror attack. a short while ago, the body of 14 year old benjamin asher man was located in the area of malice, shy hassle by the i d f. i s a and is ready police many, many nasty man when missing friday morning and was murdered in a terrorist attack. the incident is under review security forces. continuing the pursuit of those suspected of carrying out the attack. according to the idea of the teenager went missing while he was out shepherding in the west bank a day earlier. this comes and made reports of renewed clashes between is
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a really specialist and punish to a good. while these ready defense minister calls a. com urging settlers not to carry out revenge attacks. they did policy and village storms. you can see right that some of the off the mom, a palestinian band repeatedly killed and 25 others wounded. and i spoke with professor, i'm on use to express fios that the teenagers death will see pensions balloon in the west bank. i mean, as if that not already according to this, the you know, is the easiest security and automate. and they both say the 14 year old, you know, 14 year old boy, it has the motor, got a spin, did it, not on fans without a physical empire, but it's been, you know, it is, you know, a emission, as you know, as a nation case or that do not related fees or i claim in that case has been the does not consume this incidence. you know this well, he was a she loved and he was to get a is, you know, is she alone?
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you know, a lot of just be, is off, you know, openness thing instead of 3. eh, we cannot confirm if he, if he did some land sort, or a land confiscation or some look i've been, it's been a part of most a month. i don't see, i don't think if he is more of a, you know, organized, you know, a, what do you think can assess the nation, get it out by waiting on various things to do on that to send me an exception. i think the sweet spot, and i think you might want to collections between a, you know, been experienced in this bank. and it was the, the sup loves it. as you know, we have more than, you know, 700000 or 800000. so flows into which bank and the all supported by the army and the officer voted nobody the government and the because with that i think the have we organized on me the are on with the, with the blogs, with nights and with that with a very,
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very how are you doing with the, you know, that the items you can be a, its and, you know, the only thing is to give them, you know, at any time, all over until every earlier in the evening. hundreds of people taking to the streets and what's become a weekly antique government protest amid the ongoing war in gaza. the more than a 100 is ready, hostages remain, and how much captivity goals for their immediate release, growing louder by the day, protested the rules are demanding these ready, 5 minutes to resign on stage. early election made report to israel has agreed on his plan for a grounding coach and into about 5. that's the last refuge for displace palestinians . and the un high commissioner for refugees founding the alarm over the possible consequences. saying that a massive flood of palestinians into egypt could do rail any hopes for a cease fire. so we heard the tragic tale of one woman who was already crossing the
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border off the losing her sister. and her 2 young nieces, i get, i was the 1st month, was very, very hard to my residential area in rough. uh, i know my family especially on october 21st. i lost my sister smart home, twice on my husband, her husbands, family. as a full story building was reduced to rubble. i received the message at 1130 at night from one of my nice friends in the hospital. she told me that they received the remains of a woman and 2 children from my sister's family. i told her it's impossible. i told her that the last contact i had with them what's in the evening. and it wasn't the only family, no. the entire residential block around them was gone. 6 buildings will completely destroyed and that $190.00 that in the area during the event, the place was just ruins, rubble mixed with log mix with scott, with pieces of the parties. honestly, no one came out of there on high school,
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and i think i was thinking the card table bummed while that was sleeping at 6 in the morning. i wonder if they thought to when they done, what was, what food did they have? what did they do? they children, women, civilians. i still don't understand all the targets. i mean either general talent is the, is very plain. most of based on me i is one of the lucky ones to escape. egypt has been reluctant to accept refugees from gaza, as it's already crowded with millions of others from countries across africa and the middle east. egyptian officials say they've helped more than 2000 wounded palestinians across the board of since november. there are still more than a 1000000 sheltering in that city. and somebody again revealed the difficulties and simply trying to make it the same. imagine being separated by will, between you and the land where the safety life, newman, life and everything natural. on the other line, whether steph kennings, i'm destruction, just the world. and this will cost you to move from will to
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a safe area. no $9000.00 for women from $14.00 to $20000.00 for men. and it depends on your luck because the broker is honest and you complete with him in the matter and reach a point of safety and get out of egypt. my uncle's also want to get out for all the savings of going, i mean, they have money, but it's in the banks and the banks were destroyed in the direction, hold the crossing. everyone around. we had lost someone and everyone was scared of what awaits us at the inspection. what awaits us after we leave the chips and who the scene the broke my house even move was from the beginning of the chips and who there was so many trucks enough to supply garza for 5 years ahead. i have a message for the international community. older thousands, one is to put pressure in israel on the international community on the united nations and the global organizations to stop the war. israel has no goals.
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everything that's happening is a lie with no terrorists. and the objective is real, talks about don't exist at all. i hope that the whole world helps the wounded, who are currently in a difficult situation, helps the children who have lost the parents help them not with financial aid. we need medical help, clean food and clean outta that's a recap, update of breaking news for you. this our here on a t. iran has confirmed this lawrence to retaliatory attack against israel by firing dozens of drugs. some reports say at least 50, maybe a few 100 have been 5. they take a few hours. so to reach to is there any territory on some reports of a 2nd and a 3rd wave of drones having being launched while they were on also it says it's a using missiles in it's a talk now is we on this time british find a dress report play scramble from cypress to intercept some of these a miss aisles around submission to the us and says the attacks are a mascot between israel and around america should not interfere. and the idea of
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says it's easy to state of a load with the defense industry calling it all stuff is 5 digits, have been scrambled above and is ready as space. but the space has been closed and the around the rock, egypt, jordan 11 on all sorts of countries across the region. and so we're on has said the attack is and retaliation for the recent deadly strike. one is considered in domestic in response to the crimes committed by design just regime in the attack on the come to a section of the arabian embassy in damascus. the biology cfos hit certain targets in the territory of design. this tracy with dozens of drawings and missiles, i'll send you an american journalist ramsey about who would believe that ron has made a calculated response with his retaliatory attack of alice. yvonne cannot afford allowing is will to drag the region to eat large wor, that's with give nets and yahoo the opportunity to kind of slowly reason himself out of the mess he created for his country and for his military in gauze on which
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is now being received as an outright defeat by the is what it is themselves, but also by the american comment theaters such as thomas friedman and others. so he needed the destruction and the destruction is a war that will go, that will improve washington as well. and that direct confrontation with your on so you won't need it to respond and it has to be direct. and the response large enough that it will create determines and retaliate against the attack on the diplomatic mission will be run in damascus on april 1st. but most to the extent that it would give is will the ability to create kind of the reason for more and for the u. s. interest. by the way, we are hearing that iran repeatedly warned the number of countries in the region report lead. jordan and lou did before it's retaliatory strikes against the threat,
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of course, by wanting jordan, washington would've known within seconds if not, washington knew before jordan knew, but clearly the western allies knew what was coming. meantime, there are hundreds of ambulances right now on stand by, in the roads at the okay, part territories will give you more details on this fluid breaking news. there are no, he international. when we return live, the top of the out the all the same draws just don't you have to shape house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground
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the they are probably her my little store because the model girl that i got you, no problem seem to them out of the know nothing 30 minutes us out in the drive i showed my brother through he was cited to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang as a car, is like you get for the police, you lose your life as old as another crime. say another i could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. ok, keep losing people out here. the
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middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position. the income inequality ramp and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. in 1964, the liberation front of mozambique re limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders the board to keep.


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