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tv   Documentary  RT  April 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

8:30 pm
it's in yahoo had to say about the defense systems are deployed. we prepared for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id f is strong, the public is strong. i established a clear principle whether it's as we heard him, we will defend ourselves from any trace and we'll do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i urge you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on together, we will stand on with god's help together. we will overcome conbal show feet off to sunday morning attacks that runs un mission statement. start a tours to her runs response to israel's murder of high ranking and running generals in a run in consulate in damascus. the attacks that by the way, israel never took responsibility for, but of course, stay here and blamed immediately israel for that to solve this issue. can now be considered the result. the mission concluded, in addition,
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be ready is boring. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is so it means that we might not see any more a run into tags for now. but there's hardly can be the end as ease row before has said the times including prime minister and it and yahoo, that whoever hates as will be heated back. and also the president biden says that you as commits support for israel and of even by but by the promised iron clad support for his role in case of a running attack. so we might see continuation of face escalation, of course, with retaliation from israel and the west. now back to you. all right, on middle east, the bureau chief maria from ocean. thank you. and the story is continuing to online at odd c dot com for the meantime. thanks for joining us. we are back soon with la . the
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pessimist place explains also to the to the phone system when you move them as best we can do that more than 324204237, training here. okay. one second please. sure. the signal is yeah, uh no recording will a problem. no, regarding the property at the space like so that one is told her, no, she wants to get any problem with the part of the research thing. they will just look ridiculous but its through them for just me much for 3 and do it, you know,
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more with extensive deposit, that means really good stuff. pick up a little slash apply to the best option you might have for them. i need to know is that something that that up the phone with somebody about that with the yeah, what's your 1st question for them? which is fiscal. what was okay. that 1st months of life, the new cost of those, just me, it's just this killing, welcoming. it'll actually needs a new system because the misfortune shirts me these are the things that you have to show in which i am going to just look in your still go to bill cook, it'll suddenly there's a booth, especially if you're just simply may have toyota consulting it's almost us to stop and think it much like nice a little special,
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only thing with this whole notion. you pretty feel the diesel source just in almost full control those because they are going to say that i go to school or share the question, what can i know of us ask a question for me. a group of ups publishes with me for the 1st day of course of the enrollment that kind of thing that the funds are they will hear the same unless you've come in from us. see, convince them. this is the jump suit. konstantin will with just base the crew emblem is an important detail on the uniform, the design that's being worked on for almost a year. adding hidden meaning, arguing about what color of the should be able to every detail matters where a furnace to fit on. but as soon as the photo, i think i like one full symbol of face and it was thing with them,
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but for the way to them, just go into the room. this will sample after it. so thanks so much for the good. i see you made a key point in the thanks. you have a senior class me and be owing welcome to this phone at the 3rd, the checking the link. i thought, i mean that's 3 minutes with i'm missed and one of them deal with that. i think the issue is now, those are just a 4 digit support thing yet, and that's, that's the point of constantine within the us space x launched its latest real good social circle. it exploded moments of to launch the obviously this does not appear to be a normal situation. the
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cool, the number one thing because it just says me going through and that one much sooner postpone through through the sort of print on the west coast about the space blossom fish. so what that the zip code, zip, as well as the price to ship the 3 elizabeth golf systems, which it was delivered to the ongoing treatment for you also some uh a horse and then a spouse or the bench just that should like close to any of the 12, i still want you to close the cover with them any problems or show those only showed up on page 200 of them. mm hm. when you start most of the units that are still uncomfortable and already never thought global level to 3 more than other things, each data from the pollutants, richard, children, of all the prom started me to cons, give her
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a start of genuine medical confirmed. and again, when they chose to, it's, you know, somebody able to contemplate meaning to the stuff, to cope with you. but it's because it goes to pointed to the list of things, you know, was a little flush, somebody interested, you know, mean was somebody any splits? it should just be like, it looks like even you would have seen it a screw ups or to to the shop. was it the one big sofa? the kush. campbell a portion piece for this one. okay. i guess that that wasn't much of the substrate . that's positive for them. no way they have to take this 13 days off for somebody to please. this is a choke choke. so if there's a modem, that's what they froze your locals,
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then they'll start seeing, i mean that's the reason cut over to the functions that are still doesn't know they don't get object ads. for instance, in the interim. well, the whole thing to buick up a phone record just andre denials of, of the kind of stuff to the little way it's christy and shelf most of the rooms and she does regional us because the gen postpone yeah. window goes to january, the movie nights there's somebody else just on the front of the one. the other one will experience the one patrol. what parts department crypto is the one shown you patrol deputy yeah. hold on patrol. what's the tops like the silver chest
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well constant in los angeles and i was making him a surprise soon. a calico ship will head to the ice s. it's a chance to deliver some gift certificate. that is the focus for kilogram a force through some purpose. so could you confirm your dish cuts on here, but the fixed costs indicating what the commercial goal of the ones some stuff somebody else is. yep. 50 some police latch. that's which but look in depth at the middle. i wouldn't be me agree? yes, consistency control. but we're going to, this is the, what do you mean we can show up for, for the minutes was wondering, you've heard of me for a few moments. um, somebody in the world already. and you told me he could, you know, you're popular, but the most so many of which ones cuz i still feel clinics my last day to come and do it. of course we appreciate it. thank you soul. so you can just look at them and see them. so because it's basically just flip the question. so what if the city is simply piece of gum? which normally is not for sure, i presume issues, okay,
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there's only one with them. so that's to look at this extension show who the pleasure look in the stuff instead of going to the shuttle to the window. you mean? yes, it's about the in space constant and we'll work on a huge science project field run dozens of experiments, like for example, growing up a ticket as well as a number for me and for the results could make trips to other planets easier. what about the total just so you'll see should position of course mr. puts team designers. but with almost these phones, the software for the totals unfortunately little for the most popular woman wasn't
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as low as no bullshit of thought or thought shut, offers functioning luca mclean. remember how often with julia shortfalls age? hey, mike sca off of the floss. a lot of medical research, we don't. so it'd be run on the station to see how c or a gravity affects internal organs that's crucial to prepare for long flights. so why don't that's why some angles at all sharon kristen wish adoptive russia visited. it was the deal which was the men able to deal with to you, the purpose of the bundle to deal with sell southern land and what they fill in their own home was gonna quote you on that is, of course there is me and you can see if the but i'm at the full me one of the
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stuff expensive for him not as you can see means of what the total that it's up to you for the case. but amount of the thanks to space research, a lot of new technology up is not just navigation systems and micro processes, but memory foam mattress is to even unexpected household items. like 2 of those are just a couple of drawers need to basically whatever the cost. so much of this one and one of them, but still i looked at it on to the the but it wouldn't accept the still because one of the stuff on the send you if you could just full stuff on the remote uninstall. yep. and you are missing judgment from approval of the bullet. bring the name is i'll post when you come forward from the from when they took one of the video took the steps, the piece of the the
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just a months to go before the launch in a few days constant and will sign back to the us and then into space, but he's full and l on the flight is in jeopardy. phase casino. yes. and is that the same of a hole in which all funds is made? it's got from the door. oh man, if still to let you go to the, to the quotes and then you're stuck with the you have a budget of with them but meet some of the shifts, the tickets on this quarter. eas, could you please click the teams key? still restrict you to shoot you up a little boy, boy, the storms go. tiffany, ripple, what's happening if you want us to look at also, this is just in scale as the way. so someone else you would know. there's a little misconduct option. what the outcome please for the minute. tomorrow is constant teams. final exam,
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you still have some study in to do so his nights are spent with books. but what else? what reason? cosmonaut whose dream is just around the corner with just a few steps left, are not coming at all. so you can, let's think of them which seem to compete this much. so for each of of shuttle would control the newest, the, me, it's anything for me yet. fuchs reputable, they don't want, you don't have control over the top meal company when they're done with the white and the, but choose to in the store, to show a place where you put down the solution issues on your bill. suppose that is the funded clinic or something like that. so let's go if you follow me. so i know i perform better sort of start from on it because i'm gonna see that though it's been going to close of business since they're not sure what the and the, the,
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what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as a when i went to the wrong just don't you have to safe house because after care and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
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support, we choose to look so common ground the the stall felt a money they dreamed of spending a few weeks together. a 3 wanted to go to the us constantly and would finally have some free time. defies in 2 days, but i know there's some downtime fees as yet, but it's still unclear if they can go until konstantin decided, at least to show how you'll fly to space till they arrive here at lodge complex. 39 a they did the rock and re klein, went up the tower and walk down the crew access arm here for maintenance. it has to come in to mr. to hold on is click this account for the store. yes. familiar with the gym switch and that was not from the drum was clever, so the ones that were not disclose to tom stickle bush head football coach could
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measure more stomach, especially in your ocean. you're the sheriff to the show. typically the most of the issue is the scale itself to amount is included the value for just a good chance and then you get to the solution which i believe it was still present to the winter. so when, when we took over 4 months on top, once we make those 2 for this course to political industries, they got strapped in, got their search checked, come checks on your calculus terminal to terminal will bring you most of them just to chip interest. so we'll let you use it, will just take a little for the, for the 1st people's coaching or just kind of sports on
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our the, the disability to the things that i was an open invitation. only interested in that would be to move this question so that one's corner super is up to a for this increase up to me and any which one missed of charlie. if i'm going to over the lines, you know, as tom dragon's face, x, nominal trajectory need to push. so you need to sure which to visa. it's visa to hoffman . navigation looks almost a pretty much it's a good location, but it needs to available. what is she would need you to hold us to talk? she's going general because she was on this isn't going to dr. start to put something more of the lenders on the microscope. most of the simple cost in you
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because mason sure sure. the most cost for can you go to a new community? if i do wish to order and come with up to the security of, of the funds, you could use of supporting it to move them separately to have depression and what are you going to do? but you missed the question. ready the judge probably isn't gonna push real hard to register for the internet, right. a friend to extract in the shadow the
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adult is allowed constantine to fly after roll. this is the press conference before the final exam. all day the state commission runs test to check these fit to fly. and late in the day they announce the is the full one. so when you have a museum, so you'll find the item. by now, before they headed to the thought constantine hood that his family's u. s. visa as well finally ready, and they can fly together. now they've quickly bought tickets and packed up in the auction. less i just spoke on last week. you guys should share your thoughts
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about what the what you're going to be because of the bill when your when you only have the newest together because it's a news
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the launch has been delayed twice. so instead of a couple of weeks, konstantin and left spent almost a months together with no more intensive training. it's turned down to be a long vacation before putting to spend a lot of time outdoors. critical speaking went to the a really not to come to the tia's crew 7, launching a model rocket on the beach pizza. to addition the
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bottom to americas spaceport utility space center in florida. where in just about 4 hours from now, that drag and spacecraft will launch cru 7 to the international space station, the before the flight. it's obligatory for the crew to play code until the commander loses. this is also a tradition. she lost already today is great news the and here they come through 7 taking their 1st steps outside before their journey to space the the, the the
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well, the what you know? so you, you folks the neutral put on the ocean. the last that stuff i gave them, i mentioned stall on usual. this was not a problem. know what new they both to them. so i'm i sure. right. and what's your spot? it's go or the it you just don't the place. i don't the show a fuck you up if a group of them and here come our mission, specialist on the left,
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the cost of the team for us off and on the right. so toshi for our cow there, even dance and their way down the hallway while they're loving it. for the last really true money and for the kind of going to go off it for the current. so you will be sort of done. so did you want to have in your initial the store? but something else looks like about almost a mold where she needs to be on the back. 975, or 32 of our i
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need one for both the stage separation. can you copy 2 off of the . busy the
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extra me the same filters for you and the other part of the print button that says the phone, you have to give me plenty of them and they will take equal 0 patient tube. you since you go to those to coastal. but it's probably it's plants to infinity. was this the most difficult? was 3, it's a blue up of funds to meet on the whole didn't it was to you. i went to jacob thought i will talk to him for college and so sure at the scholarship who does come
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with our, with us from reach the point of like, equal to sure. this up to, for me and with, or showing his bottom of that the show you did, you need to restore some support to god for them still to delete the pronouncement . but i mean, the truck will come with less and he'll let you know what's your question. so you want to store them in order to grow. so to jason, this display you follow, can you a form of start your inserts from the the
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the out probably her my little story. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem saying that i'm out of the thing 30 minutes the i suddenly drive. i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never look at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago. police. it'd be gang chicago is. why would you be a photo that police you lose the there's another crime. same. this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here, the, the
9:00 pm
hello and welcome to was a part for years since the beginning of the day is really offensive on gods and the world is still some of the twins out, the range and paralysis seconds by they unapologetic mass killings and being able to put an end to them, what can possibly pull gaza out of these tickets long data and geo political procrastination. well, to discuss that i'm now joined by sol took a hash and bertha.


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