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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the, the, instead of making occupations the west and come through shooting, appreciate these lovely group of the conference we strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region. iran says the west should be praising its restraint and leaving its own inaction. this concerns amounting to all the evils and brought a walk erupting in the middle east. also ahead the idea of renew the slides on gather following one night of relative calm fire again, play policy needs, returning to the homes of the 10 plagues. no. and obviously the needs war hayes is one year,
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a mob price is still combined far less global attention than the ukrainian and middle east in conflict. despite leaving millions of people displays the hungry high that we suffer from many things, including the lack of medication and chronic diseases. i'm totally worried about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering they need milk diapers. shoulda enrolled at the federal default keeps cop diplomats demands the west supplied with the expensive air defense system is j for a stable. well, the energy a mock the by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our team to national, reaching you from our new center. i have michael quarter with the up in the
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to at least 9 e. ronnie, a message is reported, lee overcame these rules, air defense system and reach the targets during the saturday night attack. and while the west. busy it's condemnations that to run the country side of it shall be praised, forwards, restraint, you just run all the motor instead of making accusations to the west and come through shooting, appreciate these, let me republic a forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region where some country should leave themselves, announced that the public opinion from the measures they have taken against the 7 months a war crimes committed by israel. let's cross live to a middle east bear chief my f. the notion of minor is good to have you join me now . what can you tell us about the west reaction to to ron's, i've talked so far, slow,
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wiles with her on sundays attack was nothing but a legitimate act of self defense following and alleged is rarely strike when they're ready and cancel it in damascus. syria that's killed several or run in general's. western countries consider run an aggressor and can damage for escalating the situation at the time of mounting sears, of another big war, a rough time in the region. israel has received lots of supportive messages following the run in an attack from the u. s. u. k. canada from germany. g 7 even issued a statement, promising sanctions against iran, even more sanctions. you remember that it's the 2nd most sanctioned country in the world. here's what some of the leaders help these countries have to say. the radian regimes, latest actions will further the stabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by law.
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we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find the path of peace in the region. well, to run has fractions, hateful strike again and with a great to force if israel or any other nation response to the rent and attack. and i say any other nation as israel acted in closed cooperation with the us, the u. k. and also original powers including door them in shooting down and run in aerial garages. israel says 99 percent of the runs over $315.00. nissan and drones fired at a 0 on sunday were intercepted vowed to retaliate with far rights politicians in the country pushing for striking iran back. israel's president, inside his country, is considering all options, let's say, can listen. as we were attacked last night from fall corners of the mid lease with
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proxies shooting at us, firing missiles and ballistics may size the drones and the, and cruise me. so this is like a reading wall. and i mean, this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the repercussions. and because we have the liberation with all positives, we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people to i would say across that the last thing that is around is seeking in this region, since its creation is to go to war, we are seeking peace without the stickers. but anyway, the strike is unlikely to happen due to lack of international support for the move and primarily from washington. really prime minister and had a phone conversation with american president off to the reading
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a tags. it's last of the wrong 25 minutes and reports say the bite and told me on yahoo. but the us will not participate in any town to strike against iran and suggesting that further is we have the response would be unnecessary. we know here that the idea of has presented to the government. a range of options for responding to the running attack, including those that did not involve strikes on the running territory. so we have to wait and see what these really answer will be if any, back to you. all right, maria, the run in slides off of the gaza, an unexpected. now i don't com, at least until the idea of opening fire in the morning. can you walk us through these details or hey, yes, and dave dallas are so perhaps why it's a couple of days and nights since the beginning of these really offensive. and the power has stated in play last october and quite time seems to be over now. as
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a displaced palestinians in the north of this rape say they were met with open, allegedly is rarely fire as they try to return to the homes. you know that some, like thousands of people floods the north to the diction voided to the south of guys as 3 of escaping they. hostilities of to these really offensive started there . that's as rumors emerge. however, we open does really check point on the coastal road from the south to the north of guys. a city said thousands of palestinians on the move and photos that we got. and that went viral on internet, chose allegedly, it's rarely forces shooting at civilians, leading to reports of a child's being killed and, and a known number of people being wounded. israel has denied all indications and refuted the claims of a safe besides being opened and emphasized that the air it is still a war zone,
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meaning it is still not safe to be there. and apparently people can not return to their homes in the north. at least $68.00 people were killed over the past 24 hours throughout gazda, according to the local health ministry and full overhead, more than 6 months of these really operation in the palestinian and play guys, the health ministry says more than 35 palestinians have been killed then plays south, also came honda sire with, with a just coming out from hon. eunice showing one that's people being rushed to hospital. so yes, quite time is over. full gazda and military activities. restarted their mid least very cheap r f and austin. i thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. in one display of double standards, the british foreign secretary criticized the ron's retaliates res tried before
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admitting that the u. k. would have taken some other options. while i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus, but what britain to the hostile nation flattened one of our concepts? well, we would take, we would take the very strong action and dig around would say that that's what that is, but what late it, as i said, was a massive attack. so the right to respond, but the reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying now, how does it to the attacks they carried, i was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people excited to respond to the stand. and he policy is widely used by the west is or is indeed part of the west, and that would then definitely stand there with that he receives with everything that is allowed to be. he's really as the west, but there's not the others. so again, we go back to the memo that i registered or send receive as a for i'm secretary in 2018,
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stating that everything the americans and the allies. do we use you menu, jerry and ization and violation of human wiles only against our enemies. united, russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is the standard that the way that'd be using the while. e's real ways seeking peace through valid and see around maintains it's the topic was a justifiable response to a deadly is ready as blank on its own punts unique in syria. a joyce representative in the ron's parliament says, but in action on the part of toronto would have only emboldened the eas rolls aggression a human side. in recent months, the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside iran and outside it. by assassinating a radian ministry officials, all important people, they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding
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to. fortunately, the ion g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around, defend the data national interest, an attack on the rating, conflicts on any soil as an attack on the rainy. and so, and of course iran was allowed to respond. in my opinion, if a wrong did not respond to it would increase the possibility of bull because it would make israel more aggressive and under any use in the world or against these rating crimes. unoccupied palestine already. and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews opposing brutal aggression of these honest regime. we are rainy and we live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws all the atlantic republic all around. maybe some jews and run have relatives. it is real. but this doesn't mean we should be engaged, the rating government shortly. what the government, delphi islamic republic decides, has the backing of the jewish community in around 12. the ross us un envoy
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key is the security council, west and member states of engaging in the quote, the parade of c. polk proceed in double standards when it comes to the mid least to sleep progress. those lines are still if i didn't lose, you know, very well and an attack on i diplomatic mission, is it costs us by lie on dates, national low, and if west emissions? well under attack, you would not hesitate to reach savvy. i can prove your case in this old because for you everything that concerns weston representatives and western citizens is sacred and must be protected. but when it comes to other states that rights including the rights of funds, is a different thing as you like to say. today in the security council, there is such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. what happened on the night of april, the 14th did not happen in a vacuum. the wrong steps were response to the shameful inaction of the un security council. a response to is rose blake, the attack on damascus,
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which was fall from the 1st one that was there, a has been continually bombed by israel. many of you today have not had to carry through direct the points out that the current escalation, the lease is unfolding because the backdrop of the is radio operation. a garza, i'm the westbank, which has been going on for more than 6 months, unprecedented in terms of casualties. the good news that please me a while a media report suggests that he took up what's of $1300000000.00 us dollars worth of defends weapon rate to shut down the wrongs. drones and myself, political on the list into ron university, professor said mohammed moran decided that the attack was pretty easy. victory for you, ron. as to what did the ronny ends do? first, they played the mind game with his release for 10 days, and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed everyone that the attack is going to take place. then they send lots of drones, very cheap and inexpensive drugs, a you, ronnie,
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and technology. none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely use the americans use all of their, uh, anti air crap miss house, and their missile defense system to knock down these grow these drones. and then you run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and the israelis, they all mobilize to bring these down. so you might have spent a few $1000000.00, whereas the west and israel spend at least $1300000000.00. and you run didn't use any of this new technology, so the west it and learn anything about you runs new miss house or drones. whereas the iranians gave a huge amount of information by seeing how these different layers of air defense works. so it was a, it was a very major success, and the very fact that the west is so out of there trying to frame it in
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a different way. i think itself shows how effective it was. now for all the latest world news, particularly the breaking stories right now in the middle east to states you into our broadcast here on, on to international or check our website, r t dot com. the ibis monday marks one year since the start of the sudanese civil war is you or officials of gather than paris to discuss the new medium any terry and the political crisis and the african nation. but commands far less global attention that in those in the middle east or ukraine. archie is not of, we'll come get it takes us through the details of this a sedan and the remains embroiled in the conflict to you on one which has been overshadowed. fiber will between as well and from us in the gaza strip with many
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seeing that the international community as page a very little attention. but today as the conflict smocks one yeah. paris. so it's very switching to holes the international community and conference for sedan is i'm on the same day to the conference a to achieve a few goals that i'm securing. commitment to, to find is the international response to the community needs of the dad is storing full and saves you many tavian access and parts of the country. and in as much as the reports have suggested that to the conference that was arranged with us postal jason with the sudanese government and officials the even before my prime minister of the dad says that this conference is a career. so as of a listen to that document, how the word and his dad in a country a but has completed its 1st year, 12 months of devastation, death and every day the suffering of his sons and daughters of all people increases all participation and about his confidence comes to draw the world's attention to
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the tragic condition on adult people are experiencing effects and we call them to hold their responsibilities towards l country and i'll be below shopping as well. continues unabated in sedan humanitarian organizations working in sedan and its neighboring countries of all a sounding the alarm at this point to say that's done is on the verge of 5 minutes or 2 or at 2 immediate. can you scale up inputs to avoid that the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, in fact to the you in the office of the coordination of human need to interface is about 25000000 people. of whom over 40000000 absolutely. need to many children, assistance and support alarmingly 17700000 people, which is more than one 3rd of the country's population facing a tube tvs food security and a warning of potential assignment as well. and off of these 4900000 people on the
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break assignments totaled, one of the most vulnerable contact every of those impacted by this crisis. so let's have a listen to this when i don't have that stuff here. we suffer for many things, including a lack of mitigation and chronic diseases. with what we worry about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering, they need milk and diapers shelter and won't think that i'm just going to see. will have a problem when it comes to the children who are grown up with an attrition issues because they're not eating the right food. most of their died is made up of lentils, rice porch, and at times we make lentils with old cris dot see in a suburb of a cluster. in the previous years, we had many cases of malnutrition, but the situation changed after the warranty arrival of the displaced. we noticed a significant increase in the number of mile north patients. and this is a logical result of the war on the economic situation of the country or the on it, as certainly, as children come to child was complications generally tied to acute mal nutrition,
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pulmonary complications, or digestive and other basic illnesses that patients come in when we try to stabilize them here. it was good news for sylvia that in addition to that, more than $8000000.00 people, which is about 16 percent off the total population of the country as flayed to their homes. and since the conflict started in a sedan, they have 4 to refuse with and so that on, in neighboring countries, the making sit on the largest displacement crisis in the world. and civil war broke out last year. it's a fission of efforts to bring the will. the warning part is to be an appreciation table failed. the united states is solved, it talks and data, and it's any tipsy, and i'm going to say to had repeated efforts as well. now the united states, i states a long side to impose its own vision of democracy in sudan, but failed as it does not have sufficient influence to change. the dense political to victory on its own is reportedly planning an additional $100000000.00 in a to,
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to address the ongoing concept to sedan, but then currency and into could to pro magic gases. underweighed involving your volt indeed is as well as united states needed. but the question is, with the sudan has the times to be saved from being on the bring cost, a catastrophic right. let's cross live to form a co us diplomats and international the 1st. unless how not walk any foot more on this is nice to have you do i mean now? now why do you think the price is covering the play being africa may know which may result in file was consequences that the green and conflict are being ignored by the west. thank you. of yours. when it's of us, 1st and foremost, it's an african conflict. and um, how ceo the united nations and that even a domestic bodies like viewing the african union,
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have not been able to put on the agenda of the world this conflicts. i'm so literally the conflict has been forgotten, is, was them, it is usually a report that cause the number of 4 people affected by this conflict is simply, i'm imagine, never for any commentary to say we are about we connect seeing a humanitarian, a cup of coffee, or funding, or the rest of them. i've seen that is related related in the sense that these tools and not mean them of farming catastrophes. what are the plays out? the so done has become totally in no country because of conflicting interest of people. and you remember the will of the 2 gender as one year to date has become sort of us paid to that. the entire population also done has been
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displaced in that way. and if we who have died, people who have been injured, people who are still displeased people who have no hope, wherever whatever the war cannot be compared with any of that. presently on william will either be ukraine or the major news crisis, but i think it socially the, the wall about people who have no voice. that's why it is on hard. people don't pay attention. however, i think is a good trillion. i'll do that, that nations, i mean, it just is the african union about what is similar to this that, that operating within these or the upcountry as far as terms web. absolutely, this thing is happening. however, the bottom of the was on, however, that interests in this country is meaning tomorrow, meaning model in the sense that except for maybe extraction of gold,
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i'm some of the souls just and then the customer approaches, which is literally for free to other countries. nobody cares about this was done because the strategic interests of either countries in this with them have diminished or 5 years. and this has created a lot of problems for this with them. so we are likely to see many is coloration of these crisis because nobody seems to care what happens here. all right, now the meeting going on in paris, what do you see this power is meeting achieving as well. uh, 1st and foremost, the only thing is belatedly, belatedly because when yeah, uh, i mean, um meetings of this nature should be, be on 70 monies. were talking about human lives being lost every day. every i want every minute to read, you know, single women and children being lost to, well,
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all that is necessarily the 1st place. why am i the one wait for one year organize such a meeting? so once the meeting is shortly related, let me do this on the agenda available most active, but it's the most of them i've seen. there's also for t o 2 involved agencies and visions to really assist because what is the required isn't must've must've injection of it. medically, supplies and finances to see, to an end, to these crisis, to the water and function, particularly to, to generate as needed to be got to it. terrible to understand that they come to destroy the country with, feel, hope of making something better out of it. it has never worked anywhere. it's come oh or can this case, i'm well really heavy. i'm, i'm,
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i live in kind of situation because this to the sub, the sim, only sim country. how did it become so divided that today the each of us thought, i've been beside the concept of you not technicians either. what bought this up to bring this to general because there's no amount of money to aid that come perhaps no doubt. and these only encourages whatever i'm in the country that is funding for amazon or supporting these 2 general as well. so need to understand that what talking about the humanitarian last year, i'm doubtful. there has to be a different approach to see how best we come to minimize already a by the situation. i think that is so important. sold me the take on the potters confirms might be very minimum of success. all right,
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we have to living here now. uh how not work. i need for my echo as people might thank you so much for your insights on this. thank you so much for having me. hand over the patriots or pony up. that's the message from ukraine as they're trying to trade the safety of roger as well. fields for the pricey you as a defense system. this all comes as washington says that the attacks on the rocks and facilities destabilize world energy prices keeps top diploma. demetrika that by issue that ultimatum to you. so that's all part of the say we're giving you 7 batch of batteries to model. what do we ask you not to do this or that? then there is a subject for conversation, but if not, and they also ask you not to do something, then what is there to discuss with them? the credit of 4 minutes or it seems to be implying that unless washington costs up, he has what weapons wish list. and it doesn't really care. washington face of how it behaves, even as a means doing things that while she says explicitly says it does like,
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it's like too bad for you guys and if you don't like it, well then maybe she just buy me some stuff or give me some stuff going on maybe come is it a local interview? and he was asked about us officials like defense secretary and lloyd austin and secretary of state. and he blinking st earlier this month that they didn't want to up to straight things deep inside russian territory with austin, saying that hitting russian refineries with drones as care has been doing lately. could jack up in the level oil prices or mess with the markets and label is like, hey, not a problem if a russian refinery quote, explodes, so the crate and for mr. also seems to be saying that this bright behavior of doing things that uncle sam doesn't like hitting things in russia, that risk provoking an escalation is just a tactic to get what they want. that's what he's applied. just give me the choice i want and i'll stop. yeah. so when steve got tired of trying to use actual words and arguments to get washington to cause a lot more weapons and cash that's been blocked in congress, people to bring in
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a grocery shop when you pray and tells its allies, the unity means providing better protection they themselves already know this very well. they know it and they are trying to provide it sort of when you frame, since its allies cannot turn a blind dying to russian missiles and drones, it means they need to act and act confidently. the sky is not defended by rhetoric, and the production of missiles and drones for terror is not contained by contemplation. the lot of washington drugs, it's feet on unblock king bite, is you creating a package? the more we're seeing some interesting details emerge like center tommy, to marvel, mentioned earlier this month of the senate armed services committee. hearing that, depending on the inspector general now has 50 open and criminal cases related to potential misuse of ukraine. funding from is my understanding the work that we've done, my staff. we have spent $300000000000.00 since 2014 in ukraine. right
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now we're, we're printing our borrowing $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find the best way to spend our money. the d o d inspector general, i said that there are safety criminal investigations going on right now for money sent to ukraine by one of the most corrupt countries in the world collect us specifically as naturally patriot missile systems. and they seem to be in the very top of his weapons wish list, whole as president andre, due to said recently that he just can't give colin's patriot missile systems to care because only needs them over there. and they're owned and operated in poland by the pentagon. so you kind of kick the can down the road to the us and said, you know, maybe just go talk to washington about it. and washington probably does not have that discussion. so i guess it the fact that he's even bringing this art music. he
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has been hitting a hole in or it's patriot stash, and poland does not seem to want to hand over. it's good stuff. it's best stuff just to get blown up. just a hand me down junk that the you is giving its members dates like poland free money to replace with shiny new weapons exchange for russia. i guess you say taking care of the need any need to recycle it in a climate friendly manner. of the nato bombing of yugoslavia headquarters century ago killed many of the very people whom the west and military alliance. sadie defended to protect here was a special coverage. looking back at them, the exemplifying movement on its grim advisory, the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in the to diffuse a powder keg at the heart of your.


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