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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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all the time, keep losing that people out here. the future shut all the instead of making accusations to the west and come through, shoot, appreciate these, let me do public a forensic rain and response collections toward the stability and safety reach. us concerns about the even baroda war erupt. thing in the middle east. iran says the west to be praising. it's measured response to israel, not condemning if we had come between the program a from a jewish iranian mt. the awful seasons is the idea for use it strikes on gaza following an idea of relative calm as displace published in unit trying to return your was the left of that home . was in the knowles, all of a sudden to find themselves directly in the firing line. we urge the
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leadership to recognize the obvious ranked and not engaging bubble balancing x, but to point out the perpetrates of the attacks on these upper region nuclear power plants are russia coals on the u. n's. atomic watch shall to admit that key and speed behind a series of attacks on europe's biggest nuclear power plant. and also saying the west gives con, belonged to old ukrainian, cried the fists really flying to the georgia department during the debate over a so called foreign agents, bill says hundreds of gather outside the building and protest which of the west is also slammed as, as the demo project the so apparently this is randy defends chief says tel aviv already knew about a rounds weekend attack as long ago was last monday. but his role is still seemingly can tutoring some sort of symbolic retaliation.
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the and this might firing on all moderate missiles and drones, it is real on saturday night. iran says it should be praised by the west rather than condemned for giving such a measured response. you just run all the data centers, making accusations the west and come through, shoot, appreciate these. lemme group. i'm gonna go forensic strain and responsible actions towards the stability and safety and the region where some country should blame themselves, announces the public opinion for the measures. they have taken against the 7 months a war crimes committed by israel. well, while for to her on sundays attack was nothing but a legitimate act of self defense following what a wrong so, as it is rarely strike on the radio and consulate in the mask of serious that's killed several or run in general's west some countries consider run an aggressor
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and can damage for escalating the situation at the time of mounting fears of another big war. a rough thing in the region is real, has received lots of supportive messages following it, right in attack from the u. s. u. k, canada of france, germany g. 7 issue to states been promising sanctions against iran, even the most sanctions. you know, it's the 2nd most sanctions country in the world here as well. and some of the leaders of these countries have to say, the uranium regimes latest actions will further the stabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by or we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find the path of peace in the region to here on has trucks and titles,
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try again and with greater force if it is relo any other nation response to the running attacks and i see any other nation as each row acted in place, cooperation with the us, of course the u. k. and also original powers, including jordan, is shooting down their rent in aerial garage is israel says 99 percent of the air runs over $315.00 me solves and drones hired at israel square and to staff to some of the vows to retaliate. roku on a homeless the claim could be my were looking ahead we considering no steps and these loans have so many missed solves cruise missiles and you, i, you these into the territory of the state of israel will be met with response. but this try cause unlikely to happen due to lack of international support for the move and primarily from washington is really prime minister and had a phone conversation with the american president. you'll see off to the reading a tags it last is around 25 minutes and reports say that by didn't told nathan
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yahoo that the us will not participate in any town to strike against iran. suggesting that's for these really response would be a necessary. so we have to wait and see what these really answer will be if any indeed guys are. so perhaps the quietest couple of days and nights since the last of these really offensive last october because of the wrong and quiet time seems to be over. now displace palestinians say they were matched with allegedly rarely fire . and as they tried to return to their homes in the north field in place, but they had flooded before running away from facilities. people started coming back thousands of palestinians after room or is it merged over reopen, does rarely check point on the coast road. voltage shows allegedly as rarely forces shooting at civilians with some reports saying a child was killed and, and a know number of people were wounded. as a result, israel has refuted the claims of the road reopened. hand emphasized that the area
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is still wars on, at least $68.00 people were killed over the past 24 hours. 12 guys are closing to the local house ministry in 6 months. so these really offensive one and 35000 palestinians lost their lives in the palace stated in slaves. the streets south also came on the fire with footage coming out off on unit show. and one of the people being rushed to hospital. so seems that's yes realtor activities re activated in guys i'm well they are target practice against the raw data attack. then they'll come cheap media report suggesting a cost over a $1000000000.00 to shoot down to around drones and to miss i know i discussed this out. it was typical, i list aside mohammed brandy. he calls the attack a quote strategic victory for iran. and he lists his reasons why.
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so what did the ronnie ends do? first, they played a mind game with his release for 10 days. and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed everyone that the attack is going to take place, then they sent lots of drones, very cheap and expensive drones a, you, ronnie, and technology, none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely used. americans use all of their uh, anti air crap miss house and their missile defense system to knock down these grow these drones. and then you run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and it's riley's, they all mobilize. so bring these down so you might have spent a few $1000000.00, whereas the west and israel spent at least $1300000000.00. and you, ron, didn't use any of this new technology. so the west it and learn anything about you runs new missiles or drones. whereas the ronnie has gained
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a huge amount of information by seeing how these different layers of air defense works. so it was a, it was a very major success. and the very fact that the west is so out of there trying to frame it in a different way, i think itself shows how effective it was. well meanwhile, the british foreign secretary has been among the western voices of condemnation of iran before admitting the u. k. would have done something similar while i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus. but what britain to the hostile nation flattened one of our constituents? well, we would take, we would take the survey stroll actually and around would say that that's what that is, what, what made it, as i said, was a massive attack. so the right to respond, so they over reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying this comes into the attacks they carried, i was on a very large scale,
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much bigger than the people excited to respond to the standard. and he policy is widely used by the west is your is indeed part of the west. and glover would then definitely stand there with their hypotheses, with everything that is allowed to these really otherwise, but there's not the others. so and again, we go back to the memo that record state or send receive as a for, i'm secretary in 2018, stating that everything the americans and the allies do is a lot that we use you menu, jerry and ization and a violation of human wiles only against our enemies, like russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is it clear the stand that the way i'd be using when they were on mind changes attack was a justifiable respondents to that at least drive one us consulate in syria, a jewish iran, united pe. you said that if indeed tyrone had not taken action,
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he believes it would have been bold and israel. the human saw him in recent months . the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside of ron and outside it by assess making a radian ministry officials, all important people. they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding to. fortunately, the i r g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around defending against national interest, an attack on the rating and come slips on any soil as an attack on the raining so. and of course the wrong was allowed to respond. in my opinion, if a wrong did not respond to it would increase the possibility of more because it would make israel more aggressive. and many jews in the world are against these rating crimes, unoccupied palestine. don't any and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews of posting brutal aggression. all of these are in east regime. we are
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rainy and we live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws all the is. lemme republic halls around, maybe some jews and run have relatives. it is real. but this doesn't mean we should be a gaze, the rating government shortly. what the government delphi is. lemme republic decides, has the backing of the jewish community in around 12. it was a lot in san francisco pro published and, you know, demonstrators have brought the cities icon in golden gate bridge to a grinding hold. the crossing has been completely block is being this way for hours now and is still not open when it will reopen. it's don't know, no, i should say so far around 15 people who be taken into custody of the police to say no, i expect to detain up to 30 people in all but not just san francisco, but of karachi and pack of stones. roger said he being gripped by a wave of pro palestinian demonstrations. locals to the streets to stine, in solar, directly with a gas. and people then celebrate the wrongs. reasoning strikes on his round. demonstrators are held by those demanding
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a stop to the genocide in gauze. there was what has pictures of a wounded kind of thing in children. we've got people position going across the middle east region for all the very latest updates has been a very intense 48 hours for posting all the developments on air and online. the, the, the russian, i'm busted, that the un has left out of the international atomic energy agency, suggesting the watchdog doesn't have the courage to admit ukraine's behind an ongoing series of attacks on those that protocol as a nuclear power plot. and we listened with much attention to the statements who have a voice today, the concerns of the possible catastrophic consequences, if key of irresponsible and reckless actions against the nuclear power plant. we felicia them. you may be surprised by the form of our appeal to the international
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atomic energy agency director general rafael grossi, which is so unusual for the security council, rather than just the ordinary human communication. please do not take this as a sign of a lack of perspective, but we always appreciate the work of mr. grossey and the time is efforts of his colleagues from the i. e. a. in particular, we're grateful to the agencies leadership property and clearly condemning direct attacks on the n b b. i'm calling for an end to the probate case to get the facility today. by the way, the director general of the i. e. i did not say a word about the problems with the excess of i e a but smells to the nuclear power products. taking into account the above. we urge the i. e. i leadership to recognize the all be as frank to not engage in verbal balancing acts, but to point out the perpetrates of the attacks on these upper region nuclear power plant regression. yeah, strong. how much from depends here. that's cost lot to new york right now. this policy is caleb martin. i'm indicated this was a session that was actually cold by russia. and as it's so frequently said,
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the i e a always refuses to name cold prints behind the attacks on this, that protocol as a nuclear power plant. and what can you tell us regarding this session that the us well, as you just heard, that was russian ambassador and of bands are you speaking before the security council making clear how frustrating it is and basically mocking the international atomic energy agency as director raphael rossi for the fact that he won't state what is right in front of the whole world's eyes, who is responsible for these attacks on a nuclear facility, which puts the whole world in danger. he gave a very mild response to a very serious situation. here's what we heard from the i a e cheats for every one of the i used 7th dealers of new kind of safety and security have been compromised and cannot sit by and watch as the final weight keeps the finely balanced
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scale over the past 10 days. the 1st of these principles has been violated repeatedly in what march up step change increase in risk to new care safety and security at the plot. this reckless attacks must seize immediately, though fortunately, they have not let to area your logical incident. this time, they significantly increase the risk that's up with the general cup. our plant where nuclear safety is already compromised. the magic just heard that was the verbal balancing act that was called out by the russian ambassador. straying away from stating things as they are and calling out the government in key of that is responsible for the attacks on the nuclear facility. now the united states or the united kingdom address, the security council, and when they spoke, uh,
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they blamed russia for the entire situation, saying that the war was the fault of process. and therefore, anything that happens in the war, regardless of who does it, is somehow russians fault. that's the logic they continue to bring up in un meetings. they also called for russia to give up control of the nuclear facility. and now it's important to know also that china took to the floor as a permanent member of the security council. and when china spoke, got china made a very key point of highlighting how dangerous attacks on nuclear power facilities are now. russian ambassador and of den z a. when he spoke he made clear that not calling out the key of government simply stating platitudes about how dangerous attacks on nuclear facilities are. how they could lead to radioactive incidents. not holding the parties responsible and not calling out the perpetrators. this attack is almost given a green light for further activities by kia uh when it comes to this nuclear site.
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here's what the russian ambassador had to say. i was going to send me some ideas and those that the western governments have long given the key of racing comp, launched by any crimes and actions directed to the gains, russia. nevertheless, i'd like to believe that our european neighbors have not yet after faith. these instinctive self preservation and they will not jeopardize the lives and health of their own citizens itself. the only if the cleaning attacks on these upper region nuclear power plant continue, no one can completely rule out to nuclear dissolves on a regional and even global scale. we're talking about directly targeted attacks by the crating on the 4th is on the largest nuclear power plant in europe. good. it strikes for which the q have lead to, is cynically trying to play and brush up like those you play along with you have awesome selves. a simple question, why? of the 5 nuclear power plants and ukraine has russia engaged in creating security threats, specifically against the one on the it's control. if your friends with at least elementary logic, then the absurdity of such accusations becomes obvious is huge because they are the
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closest. now the russian ambassadors, words were pretty plain and to the point while we heard the western leaders as well as the eye, a sheaf, dancing around the issue at hand, and trying to avoid what is obvious that ukraine is engaging, very dangerous in series activities. targeting a nuclear power facility. yeah. and indeed kind of, i mean, a person has said in the recent past that he said key types is that, but always your nuclear power plant every single week. because russia has been in control of the ponds a well over a year. now you go to one of the western sponsors of ukraine. did they lose control of zelinski some time ago? but there's a nuclear meltdown at this at all. she power plant is going to put a radioactive atomic cloud above all over europe. you go to one, the west and patrons of thinking at this point odyssey is caleb muffin, appreciate it. what classes between
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a place and protest as breaking out in the george and capital to police say it's a of the huge crowd have demonstrated a mazda outside the parliament in protests that a so called foreign agents bill the people to be in a waving georgia in a new flags which comes as lawmakers retired to debate the bill. a draft of the law was 1st introduced back in march last year, but then later withdrawal, another phase of large scale protests with western powers. i'm protest is so i make it as a russian law. well, let's go to live, to political analysts or george them divine if, who is now joining us from to believe see to very light how it basically the middle of the night. george, appreciate you joining us here on the international. what, what, why do you think the georgia and government decided to, to re introduce this bill after it fails to pos last year due to the mass protests? thanks for the invitation. i my pleasure to be on this. uh, let me,
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if you was about a recent uh, situation in foreign policy, you georgia in dream because uh like, uh, during the last few years uh, georgia, dream has pursued the following sporting policy period, designing economic development and p to no peace. the government of georgia elect teeth, and supported by the georgia people. before bernard is profound, where a new piece and its importance for all were concrete, ended. the queen, the essential, is one of the most important mines. you know, american ford and colors, henry kissinger was said that the united states has no permanent friends or enemies willing to interest it should be and probably to quote georgia government as well. and the georgia dream does exactly of that either. second, try you actually, or base a little bit about the transparency of 40 improves. and the proposed legislation. 6 only tons per transparency on the activity. so activities opened on the
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governmental organization, doesn't it entail uh, any 20 to the majors, for example. and it is a worth, nothing of that many western countries, including usa in france and canada. i have overdue, connected, or is causing the comparable lows hallway with the creek, georgiana for into using similar pollutants legislation. they claim privileges for themselves. why would be 9? there was no diesel reminds me you pay most award so appropriate each uh, brilliant producer, writer, old lady, most of the cool, but some odd movie. cool. and then out this light. uh we do have uh oh. see we have a oh i see. uh like uh, uh, c. miller, a little. uh there there is. uh, there be some classes. uh yes. um, but uh, you know, it's very cool society. uh, some of them are like, it was warmer, government aligned to the support of the united moving to
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a position in the small pack. few states are very close to their move. they are, you know, palm beach by western um donors and uh, so they have, uh, they are interested in some time. so yeah, at least until you're watching that. you mentioned that you mentioned weston donors . you mentioned west and donors. i think you mentioned a pretty critical bought of all of this. oh, so like how you mentioned henry kissinger a short time ago. you remember his famous quote being an enemy of america is dangerous for being a friend of america or is face old. let me ask you if i can enjoys protesters and opposition forces plain that this bill is identical to the russian. one is aimed at putting pressure on independent media. should you think those claims are well founded? uh uh you know, uh these claims um, uh, re, uh are you to uh rios because uh not the feelings like georgian alo, documents uh his need to be 2 majors as far as i know you, i show, for example,
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if you are like these kind of agent for you, you lose, you can not to participate in any political elections, or you can have like a public election or something like these, these a georgia lo hayes, nothing with that. and it's only 4 times per week because i don't know you know, let's so this waste turner. finally, the organization is we can see promo, last 10. thank you. so you're aware connected with the gym, change in deepening country desk and sometimes you, when they would connect the, the we some cops and for example, like for you as a going bully, be in height. the end of it, like, you know, lots of concerts and i don't know. uh, uh, is, uh, uh cool. and they are like, are they presented to you to start cleaning it is full towards permanency. but why
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be so very few uh, representations of these uh, in general uh, sector are, uh, uh, so worried about these uh, i can, uh, uh, i can recommend you uh, pre 2 interesting pay for all the trip them house. okay. 2011. when they were analyzing these angel uh, policies and enjoy to reducing georgia ukraine, and although they included a fairly any price in jo cross. and joe could see when the submit joe rate t o p. so organization are disconnected, the from the wider society and now they are promote promoting only liberal democracy don't of us. and it is, um, uh, sometimes the it's, it's the keys of, uh, the more crossteck uh, uh, development of the country because they are mainly saving they mainly focusing, focusing on the individual rights and resulting the emergence of organizations.
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they said our latest and please call next week promptly. you speak, patients are and the said jo across the also flourishes. the windows are reluctant to support that. they look the ration said, oh, the real issue. so yeah, focusing instead on people being to be in time, no capacity to open jewels. so what i mean because you bring up the n g o arguments . i'm glad you bring that up because basically you politicians are threatening to stop negotiations on george's accession to the blog if the country so authorities passed as low. i mean, you know, when you mentioned n g owes, you know, we all know the n g o is very often, are used to events, unrest, and then the west. the media will say, look at this country, look at this, people that very unhappy because they live under a dictator. and then there's a balance of regime change. then the i m f comes in and falls free. it's a high interest loan to the country that then has to settle, fits solver and assets to pay off the i m f. i mean, n g o is georgia, the end of the day can be very big trouble makers, and that's a conversation you and me will have to have another time at georgia. divani is
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a political analyst. joining us live from that to police, it off the 1 o'clock in the morning, local time, very grateful for your effort and your times. thank you, george. i thank you very much for education. thank the rocky prime ministers in washington right now. he's be now holding meetings with the us president on the defense secretary, iraq elite at preston, joe biden on working to bring in an end to the companies in gaza. although there was no mention or one of the most on kissable topics, thought to be on the agenda. that whole the withdrawal of the last american troops from solve renew, rocky soil. a troops went into the country in 2003 as part of the war on terra, but more than 2 decades later, a presence of around 2500 still remains. let's learn more at our cross live to an independent publication sod, elmwood libby, joining us here on the program. i live from baghdad to very well and welcome for to you today, sir. are you surprised to? there was no mention of the us troop withdrawals and i'm many believe that was the
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main point of the department is visit. this is thank you very much. i know as a matter of fact, uh we do that uh this issue will not be mentioned because there is a delegation here in baghdad, american and iraqi committee already discussing the issue of the president solve the american and other allied forces in iraq and the finding the grounds for the withdrawal of the stoops. so, and if you look of the makeup of the prime ministers, a delegation with him and the united states, you'll find the unknown military personnel. and the delegation consist mainly of economic and political and uh, that sits there is no,
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any military presence in the delegation. so as the old, the military talks left here in baghdad. and the, because the issues are now i think for the 2nd week, it's happening that i'm going to lead me to sort of jump in 5 minutes. so i really apologize for interrupting. i do apologize so, but i don't understand what is the greatest. ok. the washington has on baghdad. i mean, iraq wants to be solved for, they want his own troops on his own sort. i don't understand the grip that washington has on back to as well. you understand that the us has a lot of influence in the middle east, and they have influence on the iraq export of, of oil because the, all the money, all the funds that the results from the iraq, you sales of oil goes directly to the united states the doesn't come to your rock and goes to the american federal bank where it is kept there. and if that they are
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satisfied with the americans, i set this fight with that. the transfer of funds. then the funds that you rocky funds, which are the america will, wouldn't be released into iraq. so the americans have, uh, the, the, the, have their hands on the throat of fill out the economy which is a disaster basically. but that's is the fact as so that is the hold that americans have on they all key economy. and if you know, if you have a with the economy, then you have the rest of the country at your disposal. yeah, the sides are fed coleman. indeed. you know, more than 20 years later off of the us invasion and it's still a mess in baghdad. sod, elmwood, the libyan independent politician, live from baghdad, a great pleasure to have you one. thank you very much for your time. i thank you.
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thank you. thank you for joining us here for this program live from moscow. we are back at the top of the hour with more if you'll use the i'm ask your time, so you're welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east. what do us, president johnson nixon, kenton obama, and by new 11 coming well, they have blood on their hands, a track record of death and destruction through in dimension in countries such as we have done bangladesh, cambodia, argentina, julia, palestine. you haven't, syria rock have got a sound focused on libya, somalia, so done. that's just naming a few between them. they're responsible for millions of debts around the world, and it continues today is incumbent president joe biden scheduled to meet with the prime minister bureau.


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