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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, i'm so sorry, is this how it wrong pages for the re tiny ation. if it is well continues to attack it, that is moving to escalating soon. it conflict in that room, at least the grain bags of the us to find out russian strikes of say, wait, this is well, but washington, the fuses of different conflicts, different complex, different interface, different threat picture, pennsylvania. we do some gaza where a mass grave is discovered that a made the most for the most and say, is ready for his field and then loved ones and dumped the bodies in a bit closer. the,
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the full 2 people are saying, doing flashes between police pretenses outside the national parliament over the clock. so the actual phone agent, the guy from us go, this is odd, so you might as well as, i mean, sidney minutes, news news starting a rom issue is a strong warning to is not to further escalate the situation if it's well decided to retaliate for the punishment, but it delta then tab on will be forced to increase its effects. we do not seek to expand the war. well, we will cut off every hand that attacks our country. any aggression from israel or its supporters will be met with a stronger response than before. it's
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a good line to have recent events. it wrong launched numerous and miss all that includes that as well. in the 1st i read a track from the country. it said it was with highly ation for that the is very s like on is positive. and sylvia, as i was saying it in for step before most will of the incoming project house was some damage reported from the x rays to the seats of the country. to celebrate the real thing, the game is well, multiple, it really an emergency commodity is, has been killed in the idea of strikes on the diplomatic complex in the mazda of nations, including from the u. k. obviously you as a, to support the ally as well. i'm cool for more facts of iran. washington's however, has been pressuring is well known to the the s good. as time of either is fed alone thing accounts or time. we remain at that way,
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the highest level of readiness. you know, i'm going to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, we have made very clear that we do not seek war with iran, that we've made that clear multiple times over the weekend. and of course, since october. so by the way of joining if casey, throw a need, i just don't want to, you want to, to any hypotheticals, we are committed to israel's defense. and we showed that over the weekend, but we want to achieve de escalation. and we do not want to see you. why did i do? it seems that everyone is what have gotten the president rushed to confirm what his off prove this he said, well, he didn't supposedly have no desire for next binded mutual conflict in the middle east. the united states has committed this is what it is and what it says, it might be unnecessary, are committed to a cease fire that will bring the hostages home. and preventing conflict from
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spreading beyond are also committed to the security of our personal and partners in the region, including all right. so while jo bite is election cycle administration in washington desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different. the reality, 16 different countries in the region are now embroiled in the burgeoning conflict as around ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st direct, metallic 3 strikes on his way the soil. you'll have to ask yourself why the us is sol determined to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained, or maybe that's because they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all,
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the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense missiles from at least a countries while the run and it's proxies fired weapons from a rack, syria and e m. and that all sounds well, looks like the regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus, all it is a real speak for themselves and you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, you know, so far there is not when we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again. the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see, the us has called id build a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional war. it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true, we're the american air cost based in q 8. jordan the you a car,
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and so do your radio and they're working to defend is rarely ya sits on the ground alongside their own faces. the u. k. is also intimately involved in this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against uranian air force assets during the attack on israel . but the spike, this washington, is sticking to the story, even when pre of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack. in the region. we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contain to gaza on the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist. whitehouse attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region, but eagerly spinning divided ministrations all as well. narrative even telling us that the a rainy attack represented a victory for israel. and regardless of what the pentagon on their bosses in the white house tells us, it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems. but admitting
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that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do. much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure, it's far better to convince the tax payer's funding is that everything is going just fine. the security part is for is relatives of in a vote in the, in, in clients present. soleski. he complained about how western powers of lips to the defensive, as well as he says they should be doing more for his country. the scientists why defending israel the free world has shown that such unity is not only possible, but also entirely effective. the decisive actions of allies prevented the success of terror avoided infrastructure losses and force the aggressor to retreat. similar outcomes are achievable in ukraine's defense against terrorism added to the country like these ro, so it is not in a to member of x rays. an article 5 is a necessary political will alone is sufficient sale portal. so the thing is when i
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say japan is a photo deaf is less than the official say, nato is ready to directly defend it as well. but not ukraine need and the brands that they are asking, shooting down the writings in mississauga, iraq and syria walk on. they do the crime, giving them weapons to defend themselves, training the troops. those are absolutely the right things to do. and we've done more of that than anyone, but actually pushing nato forces directly in conflict with russian forces. i think that would be a dangerous escalation of different conflicts, different conflicts, different interface, different threat picture. and the present in has been clear since the beginning of the conflict in ukraine. united states is not going to be involved in that. that conflict in a combat will event in general, is a new group, a believes and nature forces are quietly trying to slip away from the conflict. we
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saw that it would be easy and menu told what to do the job quickly. so i thought the cranes jumped quickly with the help of equipment from on nato and from the west . but it was small won't happen. so obviously the russian army, he's progressing slowly and with measure on its attrition that you could call her and on it seems now that things get much worse for you. the thing is that they have sent all the good. they don't have shells in stock. they don't have any more besides in the arsenal of the american army, the pin said nothing to deliver all nearly nothing. and so i'm, we come to the end of the game. so obviously they would probably leave the cranes to the lot. that's why i missed the savanski, who they bought uh, crying out loud, how often they they get the uh, with a gauze on
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a policy and offices have uncovered a mass grave in the quote you on of, of cuba hospital. one of the following report contains disturbing images. that is 10 bodies have been discovered. they all believes as being hospital patients or who killed one israel button and then re did the medical complex for the shows. an escalator removing fluid reveal decomposing remains and clothing locals have 11 nice is the loss of the non yeoman. oh, hold on. we have come here today to retrieve the bodies of the martyrs who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the i'll, she for medical complex. my mother was among the martyrs, were buried here by the is rarely occupation forces. a wave of pro passing demonstrations has grips pack installs, largest city to the city is the style in full of diet. and see with the people of
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gauze and celebrate it wrong. recent strikes against israel. then the site is held up pieces of wounded piracy in children and demanded an end to genocide in gossen. incense of mine hasn't been pro policy and processes, but the american flag. people trying to empty us the mom, the immediate c spot in gauze. bidwell in san francisco pro, passing down the site as well. the city's eye clinic and golden gate bridge to a grinding halt. crossing was completely blocked, forcing the traffic into good luck. multiple arrests were made another pro process the input test was held in london. the demo site is attempted to blow clearances to an office of is running through manufacturer l with systems marks protests as a way slides and held up
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a by not really evict to the companies. now the bbc has been accused of something bias against is well off the bridge for the secretary was grilled by wallace. present is about the war in gaza without seeing a question. the host said the country hadn't murdered thousands listings. isn't the real risk of why we all now? the western governments pay to back israel. the moment the israel is under attack. but when israel attacks and motors, tens of thousands of innocent palestinians, we say the words, but we do almost nothing us. but as long as this is a quick selection house that, that presents this thing, such statements have a detrimental effect and all the risk of, of so i'm even cold for an investigation into i'm to israel statements by the boss
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. but i can't believe that this kind of question is asked on one of the nation's most influential and highly regarded news programs. israel does not target civilians. the country is defending itself from a brutal terror attack and making strenuous efforts not to harm civilians. as early as the nation being attacks the actual victims seeking to defend themselves from further tax by terrorists who have the state today of destroying israel and killing jews. israel is an ally of the u. k. is the victim of a brutal tire attack and clearly has the right to defend itself. we should all be careful with, with this time, particularly given how you doing community tensions in the u. k. 4 in the backlash . the presenter in question was on the defensive, saying he had not expressed either his old bbc's position on the conference in gauze. i'm boston, jake jonas, i made this of the, my good i,
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b dot org says robinson had to back down as the bbc doesn't allow. it still is to go off script. and i think that's a, as a political statement made by mister robinson of after receiving an amount of pressure probably from pbc doses to try and salvage the situation. you know, i mean that the bbc doesn't really allow normally a journalist to just become sort of federal and gulf, the scripts like that. so you know, the price to pay for that. and i think uh, his c statements that came off to us compet taking too seriously. broadly speaking is always been pro as well. and when we talk about language, the interesting thing is what we're really talking about is a liability of international law. this is why people like cameron or she so not really worried about the language because i was thinking 234, or 5 years time. you know, all the going to be cases in the i c, j in the hey, in all those cases, all those lead, all those legal dusty is going to actually sign this language. all that's going to
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present these are all been basically west moving to rosie or some international. you know, it's just now becoming a, something that's only used the conveniently, i'm home, you know, a specific moments in time where it suits west and east, particularly to the most of the time that we think we think the end of what of international and full team people having to change your impressions and seem police and pretty sources outside the national parliament in the republican georgia. the so is, there is ways to do that. you find so as a condemned, they described as a russian influence bill, the so called coordinators, they just asian is intended to provide more transparency for phone funding of india is and use outlets in the tennessee. but it was some powers of express concerns about the exposure and around the bill as previously boulder was assigned to the
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parliament itself. when a rule erupt is between little make us you know, what you all are saying is what's on the during a debate. oh, the tag, as an opposition policy lead assumed up to the routing products. and secondly, for being a driving force behind the bill and punched it in the hedge funds in the chain, the into k, off with all the m p 's joining the flight live root cause of the meeting was immediately stopped before being interrupted. the secretary was trying to prove to his opponent's law was more liberal like samuel one was in a rush. and the last intelligent proposal would do it and propose it requires and years. and media outlets to register. if more than 20 percent of the income is
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received from abroad and the only face fires for infringements box and the u. s. people have to register as far and ages if they, there's any outside involvement or violations can result in jail time. we heard from a to b, c based political analysts. the says western countries already have their own such rules and put the size in georgia for introducing a similar one. the employee, they assigned to him as one of the most important mines in american ford and call this henry kissinger. why state the united states has no permanent francis for any means for the interest it should be and probably to, for the georgia government as well. and the georgia dream does the exact same thing, either 2nd try, you actually, or the base a little bit about the transparency of forwarding rules. and the proposed legislation, 6 only tests per transparency on the activities, the activities open, the mental organization. it doesn't, it entail. uh,
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any we need to make as for example, and it is a worth nothing of that many western countries including usa and prize in canada. busy next to port is causing the comparable lows. however, the we could do, would you have for introducing similar to each legislation the claim privileges for themselves while denying that was this reminds me of the pay most award. so feel free to really quickly. so right. the only the most out will but some are more equal than others. in just a few days, almost a 1000000000 of those is will be able to cost the violets in a general election and the world's largest democracy, india. this time is the voice of indian women by could have the most influence on determining naming the outcome. i'll think also what i'm going and showing them as the details of this self 2024. there are 968000000
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people eligible to war 3 in india. that's small than the entire population of year olds. the largest democracy, heads to the polls with the range of multi least b, j. b to want to just recreate yet or will the position make them bach? it's worked out football, it's multi multi all the way this time to win a bigger majority was over $400.00 seats. is what i'm. well, this time we want congress. we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive and there are no jobs. the audit and there is another 100 percent. marty is coming back. love it or hate it. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics, but the bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices
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and anti incumbency will certainly be key issues. c, r in lot just on a stage with highest inflation in the country. and with bows just a few days away. the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect, that's the way you like. both nobody does is like magic. this has style of work. he makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says. then you go with a little bit in sort of more. these guarantees all a bunch of hot air. it's sold just to vote this month's hollow political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here, no work on the lice is on the ground while they mean not to be no jobs. there are a handout schemes that seem to be working, especially with the women field and largest tongue, the largest stage in india, orlando remix also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women war tells
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may just close the key to who wins the selection in what is seen as the closing gender gap and the indian intellect. dora landscape, full 71000000 women are expected to wolf this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections, but now just like costs and communities and india, women have become a real tranquil thoughts. would put it as bodies, willing them with saving skins, financial promises. i'm all the saying you behind the successful mom. she does a woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the. what did you do it more days, barry, do you to me, thanks to him, i get my pension. he's my only support a lot of us to the man, the building mode. he gives us free grain and now the ration is every month. my boat is for him. it's a hold off to noon in law just on shows who the baby provides a meal for her family using a gas to lend. though she received under the prime ministers,
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which was scheme which promotes smoke free to leave cooking for poor andrew households. a switch from the traditional to law that calls the smoke task a method used for years and the village company thought the game would be mostly has done a lot for us to introduce us to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice, but to go outside to the movie from building tens of millions of dollars to buy water supplies, to opening up women's bank accounts. b g b has made women's issue central to select to real agenda. that does not state roger, it's tom is going to pause in the forest on the 2nd election and the elect. total emotions here are wanting high the last 2 times and 20142019 or 25 of the seats. and roger's tom was swept away by the beach. it'd be good 2024.
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see or repeat these women ton and do king makers and will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma all to you largest con me. well, amid the cities in the middle east, rocks private as the houses the washington to meet with joe biden, and the us defense secretary as well. probably they, we have some commitment. so security cooperation, reportedly behind those old made aspect of the agenda was a complete american little girl from a rob. i was how bugs i had previously describe the purpose of the fit up in the head of the content of our visit will carry a tendency and a desire to build a lasting strategic partnership between the rock and the united states. that is based on mutual respect and protects the security, unity and sovereignty of the rock. these important dialogues aim to reach
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a time schedule to end the mission of the international coalition. and move to bilateral relations between a rock and coalition countries. most of the answer in more than 2 decades, since the us is a wrong to enact regime change, the environment, the presence has been reduced to just 2500 of soldiers and several installations across the country. as you can see on the map, rocks pm has long opposed. the continue to view page 9 has pulled for provence. withdrawal of us coalition forces and we heard from an independent politician in baghdad, who says there's already a western delegation involved discussing a potential pull out. or there is a delegation here in baghdad. american and iraqi committee already discussing the issue of the president solve the american and other
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allied forces in iraq and the finding the grounds for the withdrawal of these troops. us has a lot of influence in the middle east, and they have influence on the iraq export off of oil because the, all the money, all the funds that results from the iraq, you sales of oil goes directly to the united states. those don't come to your rock and goes to the american federal bank where it is kept there. and if that they are satisfied of america's, uh, satisfied with that, the transfer of funds, then the funds that you, rocky funds, which are in america will, wouldn't be released into iraq. so the americans have, uh, the, the, the, have their hands on the throat of fill out the economy, which is
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a disaster basically. but that's is the fact the about, the, to the you and his last out at the international atomic energy agency suggesting the what still doesn't have the coverage to admit in crane is behind the series of attacks on this. i feel really good and you feel palate font. what do you normally do? the good thing is because the director general of the i e agent did not say a word about the problems with the excess of i e 8, but it's now to the nuclear power plant. taking into account the above. we urge the i. e. i leadership to recognize the obvious fact and not engaging both balancing gags, but to point out the perpetrates of the attacks on these upper region nuclear power, blah there's we did it through that was russian ambassador and a band 0 speaking before the security council making clear how frustrating it is, and basically mocking the international atomic energy agency as director raphael
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grossey for the fact that he won't state what is right in front of the whole world's eyes. who is responsible for these attacks on a nuclear facility, which puts the whole world in danger. he gave a very mild response, sliver serious situation. here's what we heard from the i a e cheats. every one of the i used 7 pillars of new kind of safety and security, have been compromised and cannot sit by and watch as the final weight keeps the finely balanced scale over the past 10 days. the 1st of these principles has been violated repeatedly in watermarks up step change increase in risk to nuclear safety and security at the plot. or this reckless attacks must seize immediately. and as you've just heard, that was the verbal balancing act that was called out by the russian ambassador,
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straying away from stating things as they are and calling out the government in key of that is responsible for the attacks on the nuclear facility. now the united states or the united kingdom address, the security council, and when they spoke, uh, they blamed russia for the entire situation saying that the war was the fault of russia . so therefore, anything that happens in the war, regardless of who does it, is somehow russians fault. that's the logic they continue to bring up in un meetings. they also called for russia to give up control of the nuclear facility russian ambassador and then z a. when he spoke, he made clear that not calling out the key of government simply stating platitudes about how dangerous attacks on nuclear facilities are, how they could lead to radioactive incidents, not holding the parties responsible and not calling out the perpetrators. this attack is almost given a green light for further activities by kia uh when it comes to this nuclear site.
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and i was gonna mention that gives them those up western governments have long given the key of regime comp launched by any crimes and actions directly to the gains russia. nevertheless, i'd like to believe that our european neighbors have not yet atrophied. the instinctive self preservation and they will not jeopardize the lives and health of their own citizens of to only if the cleaning attacks on these upper region nuclear power plant continue. no one can completely rule out a nuclear dissolves on a regional and even global scale to split those 2. play along with key of awesome selves. a simple question, why fi, 5 nuclear power plants and ukraine as russia engaged in creating security threats very specifically against the one under its control? now the russian and pastors words were pretty plain and to the point while we heard the western leaders as well as the i, a chief dancing around the issue at hand and trying to avoid what is obvious that ukraine is engaging in very dangerous and serious activities.
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targeting a nuclear power facility to for a list security council meeting a v i a chief confirm that there's no heavy weaponry ad was up really the nuclear power box. we spoke about the slides on the facility with a deposition of the legislative assembly of the zappa ro here, region run not com trip. he described them as tara, it's as if it works, the interview makes now. and then we'll be back up the top of the out with the full run that we'll see you that the, they're not the one that goes with me. so good job. so where do you think that is absolutely no reaction from the international community to the continued attacks on the supper ocean nuclear power station. so it has already been for quite a while that the international community has been selective about the things it's reacts or.


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