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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the adult story, this how it wrong was it will cut off the hands of his enemies if they can done another attack against a threat to revenge, intensify between living grain bags the us to pendleton russian slides the same way it did as well. but more offensive refute this of different conflicts, different conflicts, different interface, different rent, picture, dissolving images on gaza, where a mass grave is discovered at a major hospital, local se is very full of has killed the loved ones and dumped the bodies in upstate
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ulcer. this cell 2024. there are 968000000 people eligible to rule 3 in the india that small the entire population of your global, its size it does to india, went in a couple of days and one of the world today's and will be sent across the votes. in general, electric, the company today for the latest global news while i'm on me and this is the international iran says it would conduct another even greater fact against as well. if the idea of continues to strike at ray name positions that are on what, as far as the threats and dismemberment is, well i'm, it's less than ice. we do not seek to expand the war. well,
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we will cut off every hand that attacks our country. any aggression from israel or its supporters will be met with a stronger response than before. a quick reminder of reason of a loss numerous mishondra is that is well in the 1st direct attack on the country. is that it was a retaliation for the, the is the, the s y coordinates, close it in syria. is it okay? it intercepted almost all of the incoming project causes some damage reported. i can add base, right in the sense of that country to celebrate the revenge against as well. multiple a rainy men fee commodities have been killed in the idea of strikes on the different by the complex in the office. but west of nations including falls in the u. okay, we're quick to support as well and cool for more actions against iran. however, tired of these thoughts as i lie,
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washington did not rush to back april. the title is ready counter attack. we remain at the highest level of readiness united way to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, we have made very clear that we do not seek war with iran, and that we've made that clear multiple times over the weekend. and of course, since october. so by the way of joining if casey throw a need, i just don't want to. you want to, to any hypotheticals, we are committed to israel's defense and we showed that over the weekend, but we want to achieve de escalation. and we do not want to see what was saying was that everyone in the white house got the memo as the president rushed to confirm what his thoughts previously said. washington supposedly had no desire for an expanded regional conflict. in the middle east, the united states has committed visitors with ads. and with that done with says it might be unnecessary for committed to
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a cease fire that will bring the hostages home and preventing conflict from spreading beyond. but we're also commit to the security of our personal and partners in the region, including all right. so while jo biden's election cycle administration in washington desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different. the reality, 16 different countries in the region are now embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. as around a ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st direct, metallic pre strikes on his ready soil. you'll have to ask yourself why the us is sold a term to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained. or maybe that's because
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they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all, the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense missiles from at least a countries while the run and it's proxies fired weapons from a rack, syria and e m. and it all sounds well, looks like the regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus, all it is a real speak for themselves and you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, you know, so far there is not. we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again. the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see, the us as cool, i think build a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional war. it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true,
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we're the american air cost based in q 8. jordan the you a car, and so do your radio and they're working to defend is rarely ya sits on the ground alongside their own faces. the u. k. is also intimately involved in this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against uranian air force assets during the attack on the as well. but the spike, this washington is sticking to the story, even when pre of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack in the region. we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contain the gaza on the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist. whitehouse attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region, but eagerly spinning the blind administrations all is well narrative. even telling us that the a rainy attack represented a victory for israel. and regardless of what the pentagon on their bosses in the white house tells us,
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it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems. but admitting that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do. much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure, it's far better to convince the tax payer's funding is that everything is going just fine. the us security. but here's the, is the pay to have a vote in the, in a queen's presence, a landscape. he complained about how western powers of, let's the defensive as well as he said they should be doing more for his country, a status by defending as well. the free world has shown such judy is not only possible, but also entirely 2nd to the decisive actions of allies, prevented the success of terror, was voided in protector, loss of 10 towards the dresser. to retrieve the similar outcomes are 2 books in ukraine's defense against sarah's right account. you like these rules. there is not
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a need to remember x rays. an article 5 is unnecessary. political will alone is sufficient shipped or sale portal. so that as soon as i say the parents of full and on death is as west of the visual say, nato is ready to direct the defend as well. but not you claim. allies can help shoot down the ronnie and drones over israel. why can't they do the same over you? creating a new this question was coming to look different conflicts, different conflicts, different interface, different threat picture. and the present in has been clear since the beginning of the conflict and ukraine, united states is not going to be involved in that. that conflict in a combat role, giving them weapons to defend themselves, training the troops. those are absolutely the right things to do. and we've done more of that than anyone for that actually putting nato forces directly in conflict with the russian forces. i think that would be a dangerous escalation. and divine justice,
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no clue. they believe that nato forces up quietly trying to slip away from the rank conference. we saw the 8 foot b z and they need to do the job quickly. so i thought the ukrainians would do the job quickly with the help of equipment from an angel and from the west. but it is small. what happens obviously on the russian army he's progressing slowly and with measure on its attrition that you can call and on. it seems now that things get much worse for you. right. and the thing is that they have sent all the good. they don't have shells in stock. they don't have any more of the size in the arsenal. all the american army viewed opinions have nothing to deliver on nearly nothing and so on. we come to the end of the game. so obviously they would probably leave the cranes to the lot. that's why i missed the savanski, who they bought
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a crying out loud. how asking for more they, they won't get the wind. so russia authorities have arrested a suspect in a recent call bombing incident in moscow. authorities with the, the, the who is at the top of the hill because it belonged to a full, the employee of the queen security service, well taken refuge in russia. and the attack was submitted on keys orders. the suspect faces charges of treason and terrace. it has been established that they did, they me after the started on a special minister operation, went to ukraine, where in october 2023, he was recruited by you create in security service officer upon the directions of the handler who acted on the direct instructions of the agencies headed by salem, i knew, in march of this year, he arrived and russia received components for a ready or controlled explosive device, assembled it, and after work, in essence,
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within the vicinity of residential address of a former as be your employee. he planted the bomb on a vehicle switch gears over to the policy and doctors have uncovered a mass grave and the quality onto i'll she for hospital a warning the following. the pool contains disturbing images. it's now at least 10 bodies have been discovered. they all believe it's a vein, a hospital patients who were killed. what is what have boned and then re did the medical complex for their shows an excavation removing soil to reveal didn't composing remains and clothing. because grieve the loss of their loved ones staying on the ottoman or whatever. we have come here today to retrieve the bodies of the martyrs who were buried in this mass grave. while the occupying forces were inside the al, she for medical complex. my mother was among the martyrs who were buried here by the is rarely occupation forces. now the is what,
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any army the guy is right on gauze as large as possible. the full back in march. the said it was tall, the thing i'm us why visit was supposedly using the medical complex as a base. the idea is also the assistance of the offensive was done through the wall, preventing hom to civilians patients and medical ahead of the world health organization. the said that $21.00 agents have died since isabel began. it sees on the 5th a wave of pro policy and demonstrated it has gripped pack of stones largest city. so go to, this is a stagnant sort of that and see where the payment of garza. i'm set, i write it wrong, recent strikes against israel. them aside, is held up, put into the wounded, passed in children, and demanded an end to genocide in gaza. it's instead somebody has some pro, piracy inputs as but the american flag,
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people john to the m t u a service and demanded an immediate cease 5 in gaza. also in san francisco. the same pro policy endeavors as both the cities iconic golden gate bridge to a grinding halt and crossing was completely blocked, forcing the traffic integrated up, multiple arrests were made, and another pro, policy and protest was held in london. the $700.00 is attempted to blow the ends. as soon the office of is waiting, gro line you back for l. systems fall, suppose this is way flags and have them finally reading. in the meanwhile, the bbc has been accused of quote, shocking bias against is also the bridge for the 2nd 3 was grilled by one of his present is about the war and gaza. when all see this question,
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the host said the country had murdered thousands of palestinians. it isn't the real risk of why we all. now. the western governments are paid to back israel. the moment the israel is under attack. but when israel attacks and motors, tens of thousands of innocent palestinians, we say the words, but we do almost nothing. but as far as there is a quick, so last south of the present, those things start statements of detrimental effects and irresponsible. so i'm even quoting for an investigation to empty israel statements by the root cause. i can't believe that this kind of question is asked on one of the nation's most influential and highly regarded news programs. israel does not target civilians. the country is defending itself from a brutal terror attack and making strenuous efforts not to harm civilians. israel
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is the nation being a tax to the actual victims, seeking to defend themselves from further attacks by terrorists who have the state today of destroying israel and killing jews. israel is an ally of the u. k. is the victim of a brutal tire attack and clearly has the right to defend itself. we should all be careful with our words at this time, particularly given how you doing community tensions in the u. k. for the backlash, the present to in question went on the defense of saying he had not expressed either his old bbc's position on the confidence in gaza, resorted to a journalist. i'm evidence of mos in j at the mazda that'd be dot org. he says that nick robinson had to back down as a bbc doesn't allow, is jealous to go off script. i think that's a, as a political statement made by mister robinson of after receiving amount of pressure probably from pbc pulse is to try and salvage the situation. you know, i mean,
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yeah, the bbc doesn't really allow. normally a journalist just becomes sort of federal and gulf, the script like that. so you know, the price to pay for that. and i think uh, is the statements that came off to it can't be taken to seriously. broadly speaking is always been private as well. and when we talk about language, the interesting thing is what we're really talking about is a liability of international law. and this is why people like cameron or issue, so not really worried about the language because they're thinking 234, or 5 years time. you know, all the going to be cases in the i c, j in the, hey, in all those cases, all those lead, all those legal dusty is going to actually sykes this language. and that's going to present these basically west village erosion or some international. you know, it's just now becoming a, something that's only used that conveniently, i'm home, you know, a specific moments in time where it suits west and east, particularly to the most the time. it always seems missing the end of what of international and to us,
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all this has refused to consider in janesville to provide aid for both the ukraine . i'm is well on the same time, this is will now be debated in the tech, but news the public does appear to be in favor of stability as well as getting simple about the can see the massive usa through the claim, the resume. well, the guy who's boss a come to us and load things fine, cuz griffith should ask was allison previously exempted men directly to the front lines. but there are rising pools in the us, a few to find these to see, to see if there's a process is the crane. apologies, still wouldn't have enough. so just for assistance. a member of the chris challenge is not the g o p. each mass ukraine means more soldiers than it can field, even with the current in conscription policies. and it needs more material than the united states can provide. these reality must inform any future ukraine policy from
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further congressional aide to the diplomatic course saved by the president to some degree that's true ukraine. frank can subscribe to some people, but attempts fish, no matter what it does for now, or this is a matter. sadly aside and whatever money's stays contribute for the the purchase of what your direct financial aid the pricing is last month. and i think a lot of the senators and congressmen understand that, and that's why i pushed back against my the ministrations to further funding in minutes because people smart people, at least in washington, non 4 people in washington understand the understand the game. and i understand what and, you know, while continue to fall and laziness in
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just a couple of days old, was a 1000000000 votes as an in there will be able to cost the ballots in a general election. the voting will last for 6 weeks and go through several faces, and it says it's the voices of in the women. i could have the most influence on determining the outcome. i'll take a sort of run and chava tells us why. in this field, 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to war 3 in india, that's small than the entire population of year old. the largest democracy heads to the polls with a range of multi least b, j. b toys. biggest retreat yet or will the position make them box is swapped out of football. it's multi, multi all the way these times when a bigger majority was over 400 seats is what i'm call this time. we want congress.
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we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive and there are no jobs. the audit and there was end of the 100 percent. marty is coming back loving toll hates. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics must bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices and anti incumbency will certainly be key issues here in largest on a stage with highest inflation in the country. and with bows just a few days away, the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect, that's the way you like both. nobody does these like magic. this has style of work . he makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says. then you go with a little bit in sort of more. these guarantees are all
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a bunch of hard to have it sold. just advertisement. hollow political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here. no work on the lice is on the ground. well, they may not be enough jobs. there are handouts, themes that seem to be working, especially with the women field and largest tongue, the largest stage in india, orlando remix also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women war tells may just close the key to who wins the selection in what is seen as a closing gender gap and the indian intellect. dora landscape for 71000000 women are expected to work this time for remarkable increase from the last elections. but now just like costs and communities and india, women have become a real tranquil thoughts with beneditas bodies willing them with saving skins, financial promises. i'm all the saying you behind the agree, successful mom says the woman,
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but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the what did you do it more days? very dear to me. thanks to him. i guess my pension. he's my only support of the box of a man. i've been mowed. he gives us free grain. and now the ration is every month. my boat is for him is to hold off to noon and largest tons choose who. the baby provides a meal for her family using a gas to lend, though she received under the prime ministers, which were la scheme, which promotes smoke free to leave cooking for poor andrew households. a switch from the traditional to law that calls a smoke task, a method used for years and the village company thought the game would be mostly has on the lot for us to introduced us to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside, they must be from building tens of millions of toilets to buy towards us applies to
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opening up women's bank accounts. the bgp has made women's issue central to and select to real agenda that does upstate of the largest tom is going to pause in the forest. on the 2nd stage, the elections and the elect. total emotions here are wanting high the last 2 times and 201420. 19 or 25 of the seats and roger's dawn was swept a week by the beach. it be good. 2024. see a repeat. could these women to and duty makers on will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma all to you. rogers ton. and the, and part of the member i see through it says that which i love, that school policy comes out on self in this election. the nation is, ties with russia will remain as strong as ever the policy issues of largely been consensual. the relationship with russia was built by successive congress, comes to the congress,
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comes back to par. i don't see any substantive change being likely in the relationship best to all very important features that bring us together, including substantial defense commitments, including 1st bad thoughts for all the equipment purchased and the boss, the oil sales from russia to india, which has been extremely important and where the india has developed, i might even use the way it allows dependency on russian sources of energy. and they have been searching um, shared research issues. and richard russia in india had been able to find common drugs that have been some issues. very india has not always agreed with russia, for example, in this be the forceful piece in the world. and as a prime minister though, he's not my body's prime minister. he has said to president, put in this has nothing to eat off. so there is a certain feeling and into the war, and ukraine should ideally end. but having said that,
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we would never presume to preach to another country how to conduct its own affairs . and indeed though, being a force for peace would normally not be saying to russia, this is what you should do. prove it only tell russia what refill. but if they've reached your heritage, and otherwise we will be dependent on russia for certain things and cooperate with russia and says, and all the things that is normal that's happened before. it will happen again. i'm going to say international and all the civil society groups demanding that night julia prevented rotation. oil giant show from setting is local on the show a business unless it cleans up pollution needs to it's operations. the cell should not be permitted to use legal gymnastics. to escape is responsibilities for clean up its widespread legacy of pollution. the companies divestment record is replete with examples of phone show room lighting licenses being sold without
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adequate safeguards to protect nigerians from home and an ice. even government from financial liability still in the company is believes to have cause environmental pollution, including combination of what the sofa is agricultural posing as was damage the likelihood of local residents. so society, the night june, officials to make show a dress of a home and has done the worst applicant we have before giving the consent to a potential sale. the business through an a sales consulting which comprises of local and international. and the coupons aims to purchase shelves, f, as in nigeria, reportedly for about $2400000000.00 in off of sale, the u. k. o died would still operate in integrated gas and the board industries. and the explanation that we spoke with the directors of the health of mazda, of foundation nemo boss. and he says,
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the company should not be allowed to complete the sale before taking responsibility . the use of the damage of those shows on the face of the my dad died due to a function that cannot easily disclose the biggest in the eighty's must is always been 65. yes. loss of putting it together. so we have as far as views, leaking, fives, all kind of where you dumped into what are we is or what their bodies, the box on the environment on people is positive numbers. uh we're talking about most viewed, but this also this the dental gas letters and we just got email addresses 1954 and got you press on it should be able to contemplate the setting. uh yeah, yeah. so call us its without for the,
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for the house on each one of the facilities as well as the codes of the company. does that have the button without any sense of responsibility? oh, by the nature shows that the local, the orlando, some of the assets, a lot of businesses to move off shore because the big, the lives regular drove by side to buy their drug. this jump program. we'd love to have in any way by just directly from one point that to i know that we're not, we have to just push on where this just stands disrupting 5 lines on life is actually the best that from, by the commission on the rick that rick gets you possibly just remove from the tire? does that people have a child support uncover called us thought the sports store by the yes. some kind of a new day to do them. i'm the head of a us buyer type company has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for a phone scheme that resulted in a estimated 28000000 dollars in, in the best of office fees. but i'm a promise investors is
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a decision diagnostics. how does it have a quick and accurate cobit test with the fingerprint sample of blood? but i thought he said that was a lie. but let me play it is guilty last december and has just now the incentive to jail time. as it is more news on a parent coven scams in the us and the associate of to the filing fee, the full, the chief medical advisors, the us president did during the pandemic, apparently use his private e mail address to avoid class power and c. i'm keep potential findings about the disease origin is from going public is on seeing co this one on k to move in with the details. a congressional committee investigating the coven 19 pandemic has got his hands on some important new evidence. it appears that dr. david morris advisors, anthony bouchee, who handled coven policy for the white house,
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was using his personal e mail to avoid transparency. he did not want conversations about the possible origin of the virus to end up in the hands of the public. during this investigation to select subcommittee discovery to dr. david morton's potentially used a personal email account to avoid transparency and that he may have deleted the federal records. the select subcommittees, now aware of potential further attempts by dr. martin's this of pallets in spanish see dr. moran's email as a public official, would have been subject to the freedom of information act, so he use g mail to avoid it. this is interesting in light of the new revelations from senator rams call us senator rand paul has put forward documents showing that 15 different u. s. federal agencies were aware that the will on institute of verola g was engaging and research trying to develop a virus like cobit 19, the u. s. government even funded this research and it appears they tried to cover


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