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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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to the ross, it has filed the crating to be directly involved in last month's terrorist attack of the moscow regions which filled the hottest 45 people. moscow security council vows the old parties involved will be punished also ahead. an escalation will be gone for the cause, the result of need on the nazi madness. lead is the 3rd world war. then as well as the president, he killed off my doodle. ones at 80 escalation in the middle east could lead to a 3rd world war. and that's also the western nations continued to support the israel, despite its desire. just like back at you arrive in nigeria, i'm listening to national novice, civil society organizations. i urging the government to block produce oregon and shell, and selling its local brands onto the bates up for polluting the region and
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global attachment turns to india where in a couple of days, 18th of the. busy population and will be set to cast their votes in a general election. this bill 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to will attain india that small them the inc. tiled population of seattle. the weather's bizarre to international, reaching you from the russian capital. a welcome to the latest updates. i a mike up quite a while. ukraine is directly involved in the terrorist attack called the moscow region. last month that killed a $145.00 civilians and left hundreds more wounded. this has been confirmed. busy by the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai petro shop better shape, who says the key of hand and the charge of the has been officially proven. as we
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did, i see of the window, you strike an example of humanity and see us hatred of our country. is the service and 2nd, coca city on march 22nd during the investigation. the connection between the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack and you created a nationalist, was confirmed, and procedurally established the perpetrators accomplices organizers of this most as blooded service that can be outta affiliated persons no matter where they hide. and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of their crime, will suffer the deserved punishment to put themselves nicole, i pod, the rush of added that these perpetrators will be found no matter where they were and that they will be held accountable. now just to remind you a little bit that form gunmen were arrested after the attack on their way to the ukrainian border. now, previously they were claims that they were radical assignments, but they had a handler waiting for them. on the other side of the board, the note is official. russian officials have solid proof that links this attack to
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ukrainian nationalist nicole. i pod thrush of also emphasized that a number of terrorist attacks that were planned by ukraine work conducted and prevented by russia that includes thrown attacks or even deadly attacks against journalists. he also emphasized the fact that for a very long time, the west has been longing to seize rushes resources of the today, they've decided to isolate russia as much as possible. now we also highlighted that measures have taken place to improve russia security. and that includes a training on the regular basis to counter terrorism as well as to intensify the introduction of modern equipment to help with that as well. and that includes new technologies to help recognize people, spaces. and he says that plans to rescue and protect people have been developed in all of russia's regions. the audio heidi f as one that he run should expect to respond just decide to days, attack on the use,
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well raising fuse of any inevitable full scale war in the region. or yeah, i'm going to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose highway spawns accordingly, the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for me on, and it still proxies as we continue our mission to defend the state. a visa. a quick reminder of the recent incident here, ron lloyd, numerous messages and drones at ease were all in its 1st direct attack on the country to a wrong cold. the attack of retaliation against the deadly ease where the air strike on its constitute dates in syria. israel claims you've intercepted almost all of the incoming projectiles with some damage reported as an ad baze wildly ron will be stero away from the other, escalating the conflict unless it has no other option. we do not
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seek to expand the war. well, we will cut off every hand that attacks our country. any aggression from israel or its supporters will be met with a stronger response than before. iranian stick to the streets to celebrate the country is open response to as well as multiple the righty and multiple military commanders were killed in the idea of strike on the terror on diplomatic complex in damascus. and as more and more countries get involved in the regional conflict directly and indirectly been as well and president, because my new role says that the world may be on the past with the major war, unless the diplomatic solution is found in okay, and what is left for us to do, to advocate a diploma city and rationality prevail because it does not escalate an escalation of the conflict as the result of need on the host, nazi madness, lead us the 3rd world war. i mean as well, advocates piece, rationality,
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diplomacy and truth. but what's the nation's including friends in the u. k. were quick to support these well and coal from both sanctions against iran. how about use roles punches to ally? washington says, all the ones is the de escalation. but at a fundamental level, there is a bond between the united states and the people of israel, and that bond rests on our shared security. and one of the things that we will continue to be committed to is the defense of that security. and the willing to risk original thoughts a war for this? i think you've heard me say here a number of times that we are working to pursue de escalation. and that has been the focus of our diplomacy since october 7th, not just over the weekend, but since day one is trying to pursue the escalation and prevent the conflict from widening and spreading and expanding. so while job items election psycho administration in washington desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the
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middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different. the reality, 16 different countries in the region are no embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. as around ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st, the record colloquy strikes on his ready soil. you'll have to ask yourself why the us is so determined to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained? well, maybe that's because they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all, the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense missiles from at least a countries with a run. and it's proxies fired weapons from a rec, syria, and e m. and it all sounds well, looks like
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a regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus all, what is a real speak for themselves? and so, you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, um you know, so far there is not. uh, we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again, the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see, the us has quite the built a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional war. it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true, why the american air cost based in q 8, jordan the you a car on saturday, arabia and they're working to defend as rarely, assets on the ground alongside their own basis. so u. k is also intimately involved and this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against iranian air force assets during the attack on israel
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. but the spike, this washington, is sticking to the story, even when free of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack. in the region. we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contained to gaza or the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist. whitehouse attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region, but eagerly spinning the by the administration all is well narrative. even telling us that the rainy attack represented a victory for israel. and regardless of what the pentagon under bosses in the white house tells us, it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems. but admitting that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do. much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure, it's far better to convince the tax payer's funding is that everything is going
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just fine or other us secuity pledges for ease will appear to have involved n z in ukraine's president zaleski. he complained about how western powers of lead up to the defense of israel, as he said, they should be doing, give and much more for his country status by defending israel. the free world has shown that such unity is not only possible but also entirely affected. the decisive factions of allies prevented the success of terror avoided infrastructure losses and force the aggressor to retreat. similar outcomes are to be built in ukraine's defense against terrorism account, real like these real, that is not a need to member x rays. an article 5 is a necessary political will alone is sufficient, shipped or sale or as the landscape message appears to have folded on deaf ears as west and officials say, nature is ready to directly defend each row, but not to drain. allies can help shoot down the ronnie and drones over israel.
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why can't they do the same over you, craig? i knew this question was coming to look different conflicts, different conflicts, different interface, different threat picture. and the present in has been clear since the beginning of the conflict and ukraine, united states is not going to be involved in that. uh, that conflict uh, in a combat role, giving them weapons to defend themselves, training the troops. those are absolutely the right things to do, and we've done more of that than anyone, but actually pushing nato forces directly in conflict with russian forces. i think that would be a dangerous escalation. whether independent journalists, news, the river believes that may to a force is quietly trying to slip away from the ukraine conflict. we saw that it would be easy and nato would do the job quickly. so i thought the price will do the job really with the help of equipment from on main to and from the west. but it is
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small, well happens, obviously on the russian army. he's progressing slowly and with measure on its attrition that you could call her and own it seems now that things get much worse for you. the thing is that they have sent old a good. they don't have shelves in stock, they don't have any more of the sizes in the arsenal. the american army, the pens have nothing to deliver on nearly nothing. and so we come to the end of the game. so obviously they would probably leave the cranes to the lot. that's why i missed the savanski goal was to coordinate all. i'm trying out loud. how asking for more they, they won't get the unless the international denado civil society groups i demanded not nigeria, present british oil giant shell from selling its local on shore business unless it
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cleans up pollution links to its operation. that shell should not be permitted to use legal gymnastics. the escape is responsibilities for clean up its widespread the legacy of pollution companies. diverse madrid code is replete with examples of phone show room lighting licenses, being sold without adequate safeguards to protect nigerians from home. and then even government from financial liability of the old company's been used to have cost environmental pollution including contamination of water sources. our costs are poisoning, as well as damage to the livelihoods of local residents. civil society groups want nigeria and officials to make shall address. the homie has done to the west african region before giving the consent to a potential sale of the business. now the renaissance consortium, which comprises of local and international energy firms, aims to punch a shells, assets in nigeria report the need for about $2400000000.00, even after the sale b,
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u. k. or john will still operate in integrated gas and deep water industries. in the african nation, the about for more lights cross live to i'm nice thing to nationals, nigeria director isa sanusi isa is going to have you join me right now. thank you. great, great. that. what is the likelihood that the nigerian government will approve shells sale without holding the company accountable? well, well there was not do so we up there was changed twice. we will then we didn't drives and we've of the so we are afraid that, you know, there was no, any indication that the idea then what to look this up, paying attention to what we are talking about about that a legacy or pollution and the bus station to the liability, one of the people of that bridge. ready that is why we as
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a and that's at the go to my should the boat should stop that transaction and make sure that all the environmental issues in the bottom into liability is a full body effectively addressed before it goes, i hit that has the company provided any compensation to the local residents for the damage caused by its operations over the years as well that instances where the community does that some testing quotes and a few more up to now there are issues that as the quote between the boy in the giant and the communities and what we're looking at both is a legacy or dictates, you know, as part of the sixty's. i know that a legacy of devastation, you know, destruction of livelihood ah, speeds up task deals of oil in the, you know, leave out of the, in the ocean and many other damages that actually affected the india life
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cycle. those we believe that the company has the responsibility and it has to be a little polluting in the region for many tickets. and everyone knows what is going on there about the order formation and uh, the judges that out of course, local top to the bottom. so the company have to what do we have for them to actually use a commitment to, to address some of the environment and injustice that shouldn't be a prioritization or business or by the lives of human beats. now we have heard of pollution over the years and denija delta in nigeria has there been instances where the government holds the companies to account for all of this pollution as well? um so uh a bit slow. oh, i didn't literally uh, the government has been found to be one to download the video really so patiently
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what it shouldn't be doing. uh, the government have not done their id will, but yes. and that is way we operate that business, run that change on go to a list we we, we can talk more. i'm waiting to throw occasion of the international community. i'm unable to want to know that there is a liability. the government has the ability daddy's daddy that are so many environmental management agencies of the nigerian government. but most of them they don't even have the capacity to do that as well as some of them are not even willing to do it. and that is why the people of that nature that agents have been living with the, the bus station forced by discipline to come back. and they have nobody to speak on their behalf. and that is why we did coordination of this evil to society organizations. kim, together. we'll see that at the say of these assets should stall on to lower the
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environment. and that the latest on time and just address those to be the priorities, not the business function of the buyer disabled. or i walk us through this understanding what are the implications of the company changing ownership in my 0? can you have a positive impact on the local energy sector? when the lip is focused on the east? the issue is, uh, there is a possibility that he is trying to bite these assets from shop. and there is no clarity on what is the position on the environmental damage. the liability is auction. so what we see is that uh, you know, the business side is very important to the bottom one, the deputies and the site. but the sites has to stall and make sure that the fundamental thing, the number one thing to be addressed is what is going to happen with this lab images? what is going to have them to the bus station this many, many,
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many different pick team power at hundreds of thousands of people. so we need that clarity. we need the government to come out as a show on the. let us be clear, the community should be also engaged in board because they have the right to be in board of i guess. and that shouldn't be a commodity in time, like a specific information on what it is that the is going to happen to. doesn't diabetes and dash should be able to be a situation wherever i think go and say, what do we have for getting this transaction on board? want to move these teachers address the addresses of these issues, which are the issues you might need to add to my life should be the priority and most of whom i should have transaction about but could be a causation, potentially lead to improvements in corporate social responsibility practices in the region. well, this is our business is then priority is broke. and we want to know that. and that
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is what has to be happening, would add that oil companies. we can see anything in anticipation because we don't know the legacy of the new company coming in. but definitely, uh that is is, which is the reason why we are doing what we are doing now. and we are seeing what you guys see and that, and that gives you that whole taking advantage of this uh, the people and different states in their own environment way and make the money that makes them pulled it out of their out of their business. so what do we see is that what time is the international of these organizations? i see that this company, what is what is progressing deep? uh, we have to wait. we have to make sure that they can be able to address this problem . how do we know you will know about their capacity to end the business? that is why we say that is an issue and has to be addressed. so what we're doing
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that there is indicating that gives you all of them or not. the issue i've had now is the issue about the damage done by the shed. oh, but yes, i think it has to be addressed and it has to be the priority. well, but it brought back. all righty. if we create a scenario where the sale goes through, how might the government regulate the new owners operations to prevent further environmental degradation that we have witnessed on the, shall i say displayed? well we, we, we hope that the government would, there is another, wouldn't be responsible enough not to allow the destruction to go to on getting these issues address. but it's problem definitely to me is that clearly the government doesn't look prioritize the when being the boss fairly deal is fun people and that's what we do alternate. we are hoping that the government will listed and we are hopeful and that they will list in and we are given the benefit
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of doubt because uh, a government existed because of the. so the government, some privatizing people, not the business. we have for the government of that data again and again to put these transactions on for addressing environment and it has addressed the environment. the liabilities can be put into action for mrs. mid by shell photos is to address all those problems, like to see a change middle fee improvement in the environmental side of the transaction. if not, i totally totally be on fortunate and it should not happen. and we are hoping that this government will be at least nobody can, that would be for us supposedly enough to listen to the people to listen to the cries of the people on the night that them to add to prioritize the way they've been. but these people and we are hoping we are hoping that a good mobile, the boy will not give you a clean
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b to this transaction as when you're talking about regulation. all this sort of relate to the exit uh, agencies of not get any government into with sick that have be existing. one of these things happened. therefore there is more any, uh, better tangible data, anything we've been different. another company called but we don't want to predict things and we don't want to be able to mistake. we are hoping that things we improve, but the evidence we have, i've had no tracking footage. all right now, besides empowerment, what are the potential economic implications for nigeria following the purchase of shells, assets and, and how could this also affect employment in, in, in the region as well as a human rights activist. so i don't know much about the business side or the employment ad compatibility of the of the company will attain ships of the company
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to genetic employment in the area. but if we can look at the problem, the way that you might look at a business is a business that has to be, you know, the major, you know, every business instrumental. any other thing useful, not important in any business, any way it is. but what we see is that there is human rights, the responsibility is to get re, uh, business. you wouldn't commit to be, do you have to make it for getting what human interface. and you'll have to make sure that in the course of making your book, that you end up destroying the max of the people. because it isn't as exist admitted the lives of the people data. this companies will use energy produce a sources that make our lives won't use. yeah. so the way they make this way they, they, they get the sort of sources. should one also not be
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a means for not be thrown means that when it is fully denied that people, and that is why we say that what a buckling c division, what you bought could be the natalie is going to do prior ties in the human face is very important. all right, cos using this, the people don't exist because the business exist for the people that he one doesn't exist for physics. all right, now we know that communities have rules to play it in all of this, not talk to us about the role of the night, the delta communities in the holding a company like show accountable for instance. and what are the zip codes that have been doing the best? and uh, we knew that, you know, they had been going to a lot because of, uh, uh, the property in the region on the b, 2 of the state. the goal is to prioritize the well being of the people that investment in education as account uh, these people, you know, living in the area in the back yet,
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or where these are the sources of funding due to being charged. and i do, they have it front of me unfortunately, you know, the level of property in that region is show, we're pulling that data and show one for everybody at the us and that is existing on a. and that is why we said that, you know, this people should be empowered and a lot of the ways to impala there is to make sure that the, i must have, 1st of all, they should not be have the environment should not be and what a but when will ration is going to happen, he dies the blind or human rights and environmental standards to, to take that long distance of these people have been organizing themselves. they have been going to court in nigeria and brought to seek for their rights. and to see the limit for the damage is done to them by the oil companies. and i believe that these people, the people up knows that they have to have it, don't you have to have responsibility to what to do is to jim for their rights to
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make sure that they are not managing the needs of this or the business. all right, we'll have to leave you here now is said lucy, i'm this the to national and my dear a director. thank you so much for your insight to me in just a couple of days, almost a 1000000000 vote as in india will be able to catch the ballots in a general election of the voting will last for 6 weeks and go through several phases. but you sims, it's the voice of indian women, but could have the most influence on determining the outcome. argent correspondent, roger shaw, my tells us why. on this hill 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to war 3 in the india. that's small, the entire population of year olds, the world's largest democracy, heads to the polls with a range of movie leads to b, j. b 2. and they just retrieve yet or will the position make them?
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bach swapped out football, it's multi multi all the way this time to win a bigger majority with over $400.00 seats. is what i'm go. this time we want congress. we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive and there are no jobs. the audit endeavors end of a 100 percent. marty is coming back. love it or hate. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics, but the bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices and anti incumbency will certainly be key issues here in the largest on a stage with highest inflation in the country. and with bows just a few days away, the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect,
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that's the way you look book. nobody does is like magic. this has style of work. he makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says. then you go with a little bit in sort more. these guarantees are all a bunch of hearts and it's solved just as this month's hollow political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here, no work on the lice or on the ground. well, they may not to be, you know, the jobs there are handouts teams that seem to be working, especially with the women field and roger's tom, the largest stage in india, orlando remix also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women war tells may just close the key to who wins the selection in what is seen as the closing gender gap and the indian intellect. dora landscape, full 71000000 women are expected to wolf this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections, but now just like costs and communities and india,
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women have become a real tranquil thoughts with political bodies, willing them, and saving skins financial promises. i'm all the saying you behind the agree, successful mom says the woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the what did you do it more days, barry, do you to me thanks to him, i guess my pension. he's my only support of the box of a man i've been mowed. he gives us free grain and know the ration is every month. my boat is for him is to hold off to noon and largest tons to the baby per 1000 meals for her family using a gas to lend. though she received under the prime ministers of law scheme, which promotes smoke free to leave cooking for poor and brutal households. a switch from the traditional to law that's called the smoke task. a method used for years and the village.


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