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tv   Documentary  RT  April 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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increase from the last elections, but now just like costs and communities and india, women have become of more tranquil thoughts. would put it as bobby's wanting them and saving schemes financial promises. i'm all the same. you behind every successful mom. she does a woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to be. what did you do it more days? very dear to me. thanks to him. i get my pension. he's my only support. a lot of us have a man i've been mowed. he gives us free grain and know the ration is every month. my boat is for him. it's a hold off to noon in law, just tons choose who. the baby provides a meal for her family using a gas to lend, though she received under the prime ministers, which were la scheme which promotes smoke free, clean cooking for poor and brutal households. a switch from the traditional to law that cause a smoke task, a method used for years and the village company that the game will be most of us on
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the lot for us to introduced us to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside. they moved the from building tens of millions of dollars to buy towards us applies to opening up women's bank the downs. the b g. b has made women's issue central to it. so like to role agenda does upstate the overall just con is going to pause in the 1st. i'm the 2nd stage election. and the electron emotions here are wanting high the last 2 times in 20142019 or 25 of the seats. and roger's tom was swept away by the beach. it be good 2024. see or repeat these women ton and duty makers on will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma all to you largest con. the indian parliament member shots the
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roost aspects which have a political party comes out. and on top of this election, the nation's ties with boss out will remain as strong as ever the following policy issues of logically been consensual. the relationship with russia was booted by successive congress comes to the congress, comes back to par. i don't see any substantive change being likely. and the relationship best to all very important features that bring us together, including substantial defense commitments, including 1st bad thoughts for all the equipment purchased and the boss uh, the oil sands from russia to india, which has been extremely important and where the india has developed. i might even use the word allows dependency on russian sources of energy. and uh they have been searching um, shared research issues on reaching russia and india have been able to find common drugs that have been some issues. very india has not always agreed with russia, for example, in this be the forceful piece in the world. and as our prime minister though he's
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not my body's prime minister, he has said to president, put in this has nothing to eat off. so there is a certain feeling and into the bed war, and you can should ideally end. but having said that, we would never presume to preach to another country how to conduct its own affairs . and indeed though, being a force for peace would normally not be saying to russia, this is what you should prove it, only russia was refilled if they've reached your heritage. and otherwise, we will be dependent on russia for certain things and cooperate with russia and says, all the things that is normal that's happened before it will happen again. of the head of the us biotech company has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for a ford scheme that resulted in an estimated $28000000.00 in invest the losses, keith bob, and promised to invest as his firm decision diagnostics had developed
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a quick and accurate cubic test with a fingerprint example of blog. but the authorities said that that was a lie, but then pleaded guilty last december. and that's just now being sentenced to jails a jo time. and there's more news on the parent koby downs of the united states and associate of anthony file g, the full of medic, chief medical advisor to the us president. during the pandemic use his private e mail address to avoid transparency and keep potential findings about the disease organs from going public heroes are to correspond. caleb mauppin with the details of the congressional committee, investigating the coven. 19 pandemic has got his hands on some important new evidence. it appears that dr. david morris advisors, anthony bouchee, who handled coven policy for the white house, was using his personal email to avoid transparency. he did not want conversations
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about the possible origin of the virus to end up in the hands of the public. during this investigation, to select subcommittee discovery to dr. david morton's potentially used a personal email account to avoid transparency, and that he may have the latest federal records. the select subcommittees now aware of potential further attempts by dr. martin's this of the above. the transparency. dr. moran's e mail as a public official would have been subject to the freedom of information act, so he use g mail to avoid it. this is interesting in light of the new revelations from senator rams call. us senator rand paul has put forward documents showing that 15 different us federal agencies were aware that the rule on institute of raleigh was engaging in research, trying to develop a virus like cobit 19. the u. s. government even funded this research and it appears they tried to cover it up. yeah, we found out about this 1st from a brave marine who reported that this research was
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a grant proposal back in 2018 would've allowed woo on institute to create a virus. very similar to what cove and 19 turned out to be a ranking member of the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee has put forward information, showing that 15 different federal agencies were aware that the legal health alliance and the institute of technology had applied for funding to carry out research to develop a virus much like cobit $19.20. now at this point, ran paul is put forward a letter asking why this information was not presented to the public. for years, i have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of coven 19 and the diffused project. under duress, the administration finally released documents that showed that the diffused project was pitched to at least 15 agencies in january 2018. it means that at least 15
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federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pen demik with equal health alliance, and the woo hon instituted by raleigh, the worst eating federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar, if not identical. dakota 19, disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to one is that one institute of bi rawlins you had been pitching this research? not one of these agencies weren't anyone that this chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. the lot downs had a devastating effect on the american economy. many people in the united states feel that the pandemic ruined their lives. so now new information showing that the government may have hidden, the truth is unlikely to improve the matter. salem off, and archie, new york. i know by to europe now, where a polish delegation of veterans and concentration camps, of virus with bod, for measuring the accounts and memorial side by german police. therefore, these later justified the moves by saying that the groups members were wearing on
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bands the management of the b z and has stated that it's not possible to answer the area with the process of the national armed forces, which would have an all slacks and them blends, they claim that they do not allow anyone with national and blooms to answer, but all the national groups are committed. that'll do it. turns out the directors decision apply solely to organization. although, according to the museums regulations, that's right. so nice ations such as all of us associating form a female presence, silver come come out, and so the, every up with that i'm blooms them this month. you visit us were asked to refrain from display bad as flags of clothing with political statements during has come a ration ceremony. i think exception was made for the former press those associations making the delegation in question exempt from this band and the memorials management. however, labels built in ization as anti semitic, and that's as l g
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b t groups wherever reportedly allowed entry with all of the emblems, symbols and slides in tact i let's cross live to join samuel a has senior research fellow at the global policy institute joint is good to have here. busy me now, what do you think influenced the job and therefore with ease and blocking the veteran group from pena honors to the concentration camp victims. what was the issue here? a gentleman is becoming an increasingly like a police state. um, recently we had a um, a pro palestinian meeting that was banned by the drum and also it is as a here in this case the germans are laying the load down as a this group kind of look at and so on. and commemorate the 79 of the story of the liberation of robin's broke, of the arguments put forward are also quite upset because germany is not in any
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position to determine whether this organization is anti semitic or whatever. this is a polish organization drug and it is just simply laying down the law as to who can, who cannot do whatever it, as you mentioned in the report, it's not as long as you're coming for when and saying, well, we're supporting l g, b, d, q, plus rides, and this is all about commemorating the gay aspect of the robins bruce. then that's ok. but if you bring up the issue of the polls and would have to remember that polish women formed the overwhelming majority of the inmates of robins bucks, then we don't, we don't really like that. i mean that, that, that's police nationalism. it's just germany deciding that they can just pick and choose which particular tend dentures. uh, the slogan they going to embrace any particular day. not while the concentration
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camps, survivors were denied entry. some other associations like that from a female presence group like you mentioned, was showing through, along with the emblems and band as what determine such a selective approved. you forgot to put them side by side. what i think it's precisely, but that's it. keep in mind, you know, many um, since or world war 2 doesn't ever played restitution to any country is that it the devastated in world war 2, it has been paid a restitution. the individuals, individuals have, have received money from the drum and government is also has paid a substantial amount of money to the government of israel and continues to do so. but basically, germany a doesn't recognize the crimes that it is committed against other countries. and so the job was just feel that when it comes through the polls,
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then they're all of a sudden they, they don't really feel any sort of obligation or any kind of, um, uh, debt that they owe to the polls and so like, behaving this, i think extraordinarily high handed way because they involving any position, start determining and think about what we don't like this political organization or we don't like that political organization will. the fact is that the polls here, remember that about this are 130000 um inmates throughout level 2 of in robins broke some 50000 game from poland. and so it's a, it's understandable that polls should feel very strongly about robin's book. and we're going to attend the commemoration of deliberation of robin's book just last year, a former nazi fine to was audited in the canadian parliament even receiving special recognition from the countries. braun manage that are all these situations, spots of law just as far as the sites all shipped and how is not present being
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perceived in your best days as well. again, it's a, it's very interesting because of course, um, there's been a gradual res, seem to, uh and uh, not quite a revival, but a certainly rehabilitation of nots isn't so that. well, the, the, the knox is in so far as they went and to russian insofar as they wanted to, um, tom rush pushed russia out of europe. well, they weren't really that bad. they will basically go on our side. i mean, you know, if you take away a few of the negative aspects of nots is i mean i was which is its anti semitism. and it's a policy of genocide that was the use take that out of the equation. if you just leave the pop, that's a and you, russian, a maybe even energy polish, because the polls are all supposed to be races to them. you somebody then maybe it's not so bad. and that, and the, the answer that you talked about in canada,
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remember, they all knew exactly who he was. but they was like, well, you know, when he was an aside, he was fighting, is the russians. and that's a good thing where, you know, so it was an embarrassment when he was active. so yeah, but he was all of off and this is yeah. okay. but he was basically on our side. and so that's why they were applauding game is up. there has been a kind of a re, the rehabilitation, but somehow not know everything about the nazis was so terrible about what could accepting new knots as them or why was she gets past mean for the more than weld to well i think um what it is is that it shouldn't be too good. now got something similar to the kind of the hippa right coalition rebuilt in europe. i remember people have built a, a continental coalition against the soviet union. most of the continent was uh,
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fighting alongside hitler when he invaded the soviet union. so it sounds like similar has taken place today. uh, i mean somebody is, is even worse because, um, uh, you know, they need to hit the right and then the coalition did have the enemies on the west of move. that was, of course, the united kingdom of us goes to the united states today. unfortunately, you have the united continent and the united states and the united kingdom on board . so you know, we've seen the revival all of that and to russian coalition. and it's, it's, it's quite menacing. really managing m a. so we have to live here now as senior research or i the global policy institute, george samuel these thank you so much for your insight. thank you very much. now, ross as ambassador to the un has one and that ukraine's attacks on these examples. yeah, new pay applied to dean on dish or disaster, but western powers have turned
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a blind eye to the danger. i was going to send me some ideas. and those of the western governments have long given the key of regime comp launched by any crimes and actions directed to the gangs, russia. nevertheless, i would like to believe that our european neighbors have not yet after faith, the instinctive self preservation, and they will not jeopardize the lives and health of their own citizens of to own if the cleaning attacks on these upper region nuclear power plant continue. no one can completely rule out to nuclear dissolves on a regional and even global scale to split those 2 play along with key of awesome selves. a simple question, why fi? 5 nuclear power plants and ukraine's as russia engaged in creating security threats very specifically against the one under its control. the moscow has a key, the ukraine of launching drone attacks on the russian control nuclear power plant. but kia says those allegations are fabricated, that he came, it even claims that moscow carries out a flight in fest with
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a false flag attacks on the facility about western countries of taking the stand at the un security council. putting the blame on russia for the entire situation. and they say that the start of the offensive on ukraine itself means that russia is responsible for the wrong doing. now, ross is andre to the un has into last about the international atomic energy agency, suggesting that the watch dog doesn't have the courage to admit that ukraine is behind a series of attacks. and example, those are new flat pods. and that's after ahead of the i. e admitted that they the danger of their tags, but failed to mention anything else that as every one of the i used 7th dealers of new kind of safety and security have been compromised and cannot sit by and watch as the final weight keeps the finely balanced scale over the past 10 days. the 1st of these principles has been violated repeatedly in
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watermarks up step change increase in risk to new test safety and security at the plot. this reckless attacks must seize immediately. now following the security council meeting, the i e, a chief confirmed, there is no heavy weaponry up as opposed to i need a, a power plant. but we spoke about the strikes on the facility with a deputy of the legislative assembly of this that, but it was the region right, not katya, who described them the as the terror attacks. you can watch this interview in full later here on our team. here is a quick preview. it says that some news, as without a doubt, anything related to ready asian contamination, no snow boundaries. it is a story that can affect any country that is in relative proximity. take, for example, to try to g at your noble treasures or for the asian contamination were uncovered after quite a long time in sweden and in denmark. the situation with this apology,
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new type opened, in my opinion, it is a form of tender is with the key objective student imitate, to so panic because everything connected with radiation courses for you and people . in this case, they also had a task of battlefields reconnaissance. it started back in 2022. the part of the cleaning front line, new to power plant is supervised by great britain. it is clear that there are the ice e as in hands of the united states everywhere. a lot of their advises, but the key grades are in this case, is great britain. so then in 2022, they plan to create a center for aviation insemination by inflicting flood damage on the premises of the blonde and then to carry out a simulated nuclear explosion. they would have had a visual picture along with their ready ation that ground. the russian federation would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons. and as they imagined this whole construct, they would have the legal floodgates opened after this activation to include the
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native block as a full legal combatants. overtime this idea for whatever reason became irrelevant, then they began to has plans to take over the station by force. free attempts were foiled by all military in a forceful seizure operation. critical infrastructure, it could have been damaged, which would eventually lead to a, the asian contamination. again, the goal is basically the same thing. you location with a specific area to be contaminated with radiation. they failed again. there is a kind of 3rd wave now. and obviously from this point of view, there was a battle reconnaissance in order to find out that his phone and this of the system, the forces and means of his bones, the reliability of the defense systems. most likely they're still planning to launch some kind of critical strike against facilities, an infrastructure, not necessarily a nuclear reactor or a power unit. and the scenario is the same. the media type,
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the money violation and creation of hysterical environment. it is not difficult to manipulate a story related to nuclear threats. they are adams of this kind of an installation . and the picture is presented has won the presence of the countries of solving and south eastern europe. while our to, to have companies where you can get for the details of all the stories. well following, i'll see you shortly in less than 10 minutes. again, with more stories. the as they already see here because they kept the scroll. so i did that and then use their email fewer just of the degree to if and then to the rules. the not see theory of racial superiority finished style for years of creating an access
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all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes to in prisons. city. well, you know, thing to do is choose them union venue. so i'm assuming you need even the ve chest really to get over the fields. goodness people's going to city. approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the scenario to stuff. so young congress that i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to what you have by the word is formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's, that you're gonna move it off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test, a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed on the,
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on the did i tell you what the good i see you don't really supplement that decided to do just got to do, please don't keep the potatoes. danielle was booked at the wound along the of the every spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move search a customer on both of us, but someone from your office at the bus to be joining us. an issue. calling to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the friends of joseph land. archipelago. sierra really asked me for our laws and that was the more you have to do should. so it means if you have, would it be a when we see lots of money and i'm, but some of the, some will stay on the old stuff list unless you feel like you are a mess almost
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a little bit. see me membership when you to, i've got to read on serial. no boys the place to join me instead of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at the question system of this month upon your scope of the team could about the deal to issue the only one main thing is important for not isn't internationally speaking. that is a nation's percept. uh, allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mine and agents who are the slaves. americans, rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as
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long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was the culture of strategy. so something as a bethany one english v, i v, i not finished it, often 0 by the end, tablet block nato's. it. it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous. is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nature where this found the shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms, companies would lose millions of millions or is business businesses good? and that is the reality of what we're facing, which especially the
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oh sure, seem wrong. just don't safe house to conduct the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look for common ground, the the little to no one, no, no, no, no, no, not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly
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biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so it gives you, or show the great deal to bring it suddenly, a little bit as little as you keep a move model. uh, mazda thought, dismissed noon to one of our, from the sale of that. i don't understand. i wish to know the whole need. i know you gave him some more or less than a j o side of the sky. then why the party built you cannot push the couch. so for those people to go, if you want this on this to see my
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a new on it on site, can send me some long gauge. the yo yo, now i'm gonna put them out there to give us the the color of the screen of the most. do i, but just keep them with key at the washington state. the bruce the rest of both of those guys are still following up. send this to professional and video to keep the list of all of a huge because they use the
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door to door or to adjust the month with you. so i will talk to me soon. so media, central virginia settings, family seems pretty things i'm really from it on the know me. yes it personally. so live with the one that so those still be the name is e b. as you permission to complete that, you'd like you to should get us the book, which and such as to me and i don't, i thought a soup inducing that to, to see the proposed past
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the rush, it has filed ukraine to be directly involved in last month. the terrorist attack in moscow region, which killed a 145 people. moscow security council vows that old fontes and fold will be punished. also ahead. as relation of the conflict was the result of late on the snaps and madness, lead us the 3rd world war. and then as well as the president because by the little ones, ab escalation in the middle east could meet through a 3rd world war. and that's as the western nations did, you need the support of israel despite its desire, just like back at the ride. in my julia, i'm nothing to national and all those civil society organizations that are getting the government to block british or giant shell from selling its local brands until
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it makes up for.


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