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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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believe with examples of phone show mining licenses being sold without adequate safeguards to protect nigerians from home and an ice even government from financial liability. although the company is very easy to have cost environmental pollution, including contamination of what the sources of control of poisoning as well as damage to the livelihoods of local residents. civil society groups want nigeria and officials to make show address the hom, his done to the west african region before giving the consent to a potential sale of the business. although rain is on, consortium, which comprises of local and international energy funds, aims to purchase shells. assets in nigeria reported the for about $2400000000.00, even after that sale. the u. k. or giant will still operate an integrated gas in the deep water industries in the african nation, or the director of amnesty international of nigeria and branch. and he says, suddenly, the si, size of the men's environmental devastation must be remedied by the firms own as
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either current or future. is that instances where the communities that took some testing costs and you want to know there are issues that as the quote between the boys and giant and the communities. and what we are talking about is a legacy of a big kids, you know, as part of the sixties and all know that a legacy of devastation, you know, destruction of livelihood as fees of task deals, of oil in the, you know, we've added the in the ocean and many digits that actually affected the life cycle of those. we believe the company has a responsibility and it has to be well in the region for many that gets begin with one most. what is going on there about the oil formation and the
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judges that out, of course, and they'll go to the inbox. so the company has to, what do we have for them to actually use a commitment to, to address into the environment and injustice. that shouldn't be prioritize ation or business or by the lives of human beats. when businesses are businesses, then priority is low. and we want to know that that is what has to be happening without that oil companies. we can see energy in anticipation because we don't know the legacy of the new company coming in. but definitely, uh that is a legacy. which is the reason why we are doing what we are doing now that we are seeing what we see that gives you is that people taking advantage of this, the people and different states in their own environment. why and make the money that i'm making for the out of their out of their business. so what do we see is
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that what is the interaction of these organizations? i see that this complex, the, what is, what is the positive deep uh, we have to wait. we have to make sure that they can be able to address these problems. how do we know you will know about their capacity to handle these things? that is why we say that is an issue and has to be addressed. so what we're doing that is anything that gives you all of them or not. the issue i've had um is the issue of the damage done by the shit. oh, but yes, i think it has to be addressed. i mean, the has to be the bradley team full, but the intense ratings in the united arab emirates and the mom has triggered catastrophic flooding, which has left at least 18 people dead. a passenger planes more closely resembled votes as they try to tax the around in on data of apple. it's due by the national
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airport has temporarily suspended operations due to the 7th of severe storm cause a widespread travel disruptions. emergency services are stretched fe and as they are respond to the crisis with rescue operations on the way to aid those drop by rising. what does that look forward? these are urging people to stay indoors and avoid effective areas. of the us national security adviser has once again disposed his visit to india. the for so was meant to attend the annual meeting of the initiative on critical and emerging technologies of the project launch last year and was intended to boast the us india cooperation in the field of high tech lessons. the 1st meeting took place last year is been postponed twice with washington sliding instability in the middle east. and that's as the us national security advice in aba top professionals watts
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politic about india's importance as an ally, a partnership between the us in india, a country in bricks, has gone to new heights with an engagement across technology. and so many are in security. and so many other dimensions, india is the world's largest democracy. it is an important strategic partner of the united states. and i expect that to remain true. that despite the washington's high praise relations between the 2 states seemed to have grown strange. and that's after the us offered refuge to a sick separatist lloyd in india even implying that new delhi is involved in prompting the fascination of separatist movement. members. more recently, washington implied that the rest of the chief minister in new delhi was in fact election into ferns. india postponed by a stay and responded rather by saying that the statement itself was a different on the part of the united states. the recent remarks where the state
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department of unwarranted any such external invitation on electoral and legal processes is completely unacceptable. in india, legal processes are driven only by the rule of law. anyone who has similar the plus specially federal democracies should have no difficulty in appreciating this fact. now let's discuss this further with the default vote for a former indian and back to the to sedan. poland and all media is nice to have you join me, mr. and box it up. what do you make of the fact that the united states national security advisor has bestowed his visit to india for the 2nd time? now thank you very much. a pleasure to reorder amazing channel that i enjoy watching very much. i'm in new delhi capital on the time right now. if i see it correctly is just off to for any 100 us from time to time,
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the white house as nice things about into hoping that we would be totally infinitely great for the next day. the standard budman makes gnostic already, but we're going to intimidate us, keep us of balance all this nonsense about the of a sudden subbing chief minister in india being arrested and the rule of law and all that kind of stuff, i think is juvenile refrigerant. washington, in my opinion, does not seem to be able to browse the set of confidence and self esteem of the new audit we all day and headed the grandfather of diplomacy, john and joe, who lived 2400 years ago in india. so there's a button that says that in the. ready is audited demography and it was an important strategic part. uh, i'll do. and i do see is i've never understood up to 50 or 51 years in diplomacy. what strategic partner means we don't shadow strategies with them. at the same time, we're the us national security advisor, i suppose one is visited during the,
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for the 2nd time this year due to the situation in the middle east. but then the also the needles for ordering this meeting. the annual review of the day. you as a new sure do on pretty good, an emerging technology at the early as possible. and he wants to advance on the multi faceted partnership with india. no, by the layoff. we're not impressed with this kind of saying, we do understand that the middle east is blowing up and then the us presence, i really remember squad and says we are looking forward to continuing our efforts within the deliver it is as for the american indian people that said right, that what i may go this a lot now going to know is that they are confused about the bead with this new says, god forbid it up. and if i mean that's a good measure, russia is not at all confused. now why didn't his saying there was the washington hale's new delhi as an ally and great democracy all the while, implying that india is involved in political assassinations and election and
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different. what, what do we interpret from this? trying to keep us awesome balance. this in nice things about us, we will fall in love with them and then do remind us and then control the well. they also say some nice do things about us. we don't take that seriously anymore. nobody in policy making, so it goes in and that's, in fact, we've done surgery somewhat juvenile and may i say something to your end, and this is my personal opinion. no one has ever chose the americans of being sensitive to the concerns of their bosses. that has been strong. all right, we have to leave it here. now a deposit for right now for my indian ambassador to sit down in poland and on media, i would really appreciate you inside here. thank you. and what is the well, the largest democratic exercise, india will head to the polls in
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a couple of days, almost a 1000000000 vote. us will be able to catch the ballots. in general, election in archie will be bringing you special coverage throughout the country makes its choice. the only thing would last for 6 weeks or by several phases. and it, it seems it's the voices of indian women that could have the most influence on determining the outcome. are these 200 sharma explains this self 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to war 3 in the india. that's small than the entire population of year olds, the largest democracy, heads to the polls with a range of multi least the b, b to one biggest retreat yet, or will the position make them?
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bach swapped out football, it's multi multi all the way these times when a bigger majority was over 400 seats. is what i'm well, this time we want congress, we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive and there are no jobs. got it, and there was another 100 percent more east coming back loving toll hates. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics, but the bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices and anti incumbency will certainly be key issues here in the largest on a stage with highest inflation in the country. and with bows just a few days away, the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect, that's the way you look book. nobody does is like magic. this has style of work. he
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makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says. then you come with a little bit in sort of more. these guarantees are all a bunch of hot air. it's all just advertisement. hollow political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here. no work on the lice it on the ground. well, they may not be enough jobs. there are handouts teams that seem to be working, especially with the women field and largest tongue, the largest state in india, orlando, relics also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women, what else may just close the key to who wins the selection in what is seen as the closing gender gap and the indian intellect. dora landscape, full 71000000 women are expected to wolf this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections, but now just like costs and communities and india,
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women have become a real tranquil thoughts with political bodies, wing them, and saving schemes, financial promises. i'm all the same do behind. they're really successful. mom says the woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the what did you do it more days? very dear to me. thanks to him. i did my pension, he's my only support of the box to the man. i didn't load, he gives us free grain, and now the ration is every month. my boat is for him. it's a hold off to noon in the largest ons choose who. the baby prof as a meal for her family using a gas to lend. though she received under the prime ministers, which was scheme which promotes smoke free, clean cooking for poor andrew households. a switch from the traditional to law that calls the smoke dust a method used for years and the village company thought the game would be mostly has on the lot for us to introduced us to clean cooking fuel and also built many
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toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside to the community from building tens of millions of toilets to buy water supplies. to opening up women's bank accounts. the b g b has made women's issue central to it. so like to roll agenda. the desolate state . hello, roger, it's tom is going to pause in the forest. on the 2nd stage, the election, elect, total emotions hill are wanting high. the last 2 times and 20142019 or 25 of the seats and rogers. tom was swept away by the beach. it'd be good 2024. see or repeat these women to and do king makers and will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma all to you largest con. yeah, those as our teeth are under shaw, my head reporting on the election fee, but that's gripping india, head of the vote and throughout the election will be there all the way bringing you
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ex. but them now as is no opinions the over to europe. now why a polish delegation of veterans and concentration camps of us with bod, from entering the camps memorial side by german police authorities later justified the move by say that the groups members wearing arm bands, the director of the management of the b z of has stated that it's not possible to answer the area with the process of the national armed forces, which would have an all slacks and them blend. they claim that they do not allow anyone was national and blooms to answer. but all the national groups are committed . that'll do it turns out that the directors decision to apply solely to organization. although according to the museums regulations, that's run so nice ations such as all those associating form a female present silva, come, come out. and so the area with the blooms gone down this month. yeah. event i'll
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visit as we're asked to refrain from display bad as flags or clothing with political statements during the come ration cetera. money and exception was made for the former president as associations leaking the delegation in question except from best buy and other memorials management, however, labels the organization as an anti semitic. and that's us l. g b, t groups where reportedly allowed entry with all of the emblem symbols and slides in a senior research fellow at the level policy institute. george samuel leif, would you believe that there is a warnings tread in europe to forgetting the true horrors of the nazis? and it's just germany deciding that they can just pick and choose which particular tendentious uh, slogan they going to embrace any particular day. there's been a gradual res, seem t, uh and uh, the quite a revival but as of the rehabilitation of matches and so that, well the,
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the knox is in so far as the end to russian insofar as they wanted to. um, tom rush pushed russia out of europe. well, it wasn't really that bad. they were basically kind of on our side. i mean, you know, if you take away a few of the negative aspects of, of an autism, you know, is which is it's anti semitism. and it's a policy of genocide that was that use take that out of the equation. you just leave the pot. that's a and you, russian, a maybe even as you polish because the polls are, was supposed to be raises. and the so much the maybe it's not so bad. there has been a kind of a read the rehabilitation that somehow know everything about the nazis was so terrible or time as intelligence agency. his one father and institutions against targeting chinese right at the end of food industries. and the latest warnings were issued and a documentary on the state television as a part of
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a national security education day of the film was a and the bringing attention to the espionage methods for and as couldn't use a china state security met. that ministry is also called on the public to be aware of and top and by overseas intelligence agencies. the issue, the examples of real cases from the past few years. now read as metals, i'll crucial to the country is economy. and i use the technology that generates renewable energy resources are key in transitioning from fossil fuels to low coupling energy that china is a will leader in ret as metal resolves with 44 median tons with vietnam, brazil, and russia following close behind these countries of abundant results of the rad metals, but the production is complex. i'd be a difficult to extract from the store. a senior fellow at the ty, hey,
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is due to not tying in the shares. his thoughts on the food china is trying to defend its a technology from china. it has been under a, a, a, basically a technology in fargo from the united states. it has not responded by curtailing rivers. now they find themselves in a position where the technology capabilities are errors, as well as you know, the human needs food are being attacked in 2010. china was able to roll up c. i is a covert operations in china. and since and the c i a has been trying, it's best to reestablish its fine network, the united states. that's the largest 5 budget. i'm in the world uh $90000000000.00 a year where the danger that china seas is that there could be an attempt to describe the chinese both agriculture and also you know, these wherever
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a switch are critical to the technology that is necessary to power the future not only for china, but the entire world. so this is not just the threats to china itself, but it's one to the, to the globe. i mean, we saw the statistics in terms of what china produces, there was an active sabotage to undermine that. this would have a devastating impact around the world. the head of a us biotech company has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for a fraud scheme that resulted in an estimated $28000000.00 us dollars in invest the losses. keith, but mind promised investors is a decision diagnostics had developed a quick and accurate coby test with a fingerprint sample of blog. but that's already said that he was a lie by men pleaded guilty last december and has just now being sentenced to jail
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time. and there's more news on the power and cool vids cabs of the us and associated the fonts in the fall g. the form of chief medical advisor to the us president during the pandemic use his private e mail address to avoid transparency and keep potential findings about the disease origins from going public. here's our teachers put in a kayla mauppin with the details. the congressional committee investigating the coven 19 pandemic has got its hands on some important new evidence. it appears that dr. david morris advisors, anthony bouchee, who handled colvin policy for the white house, was using his personal email to avoid transparency. he did not want conversations about the possible origin of the virus to end up in the hands of the public. during this investigation, the select subcommittee discovered that doctor david morton's potentially used a personal email account to avoid transparency,
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and that he may have deleted the federal records. the select subcommittees, now aware of potential further attempts by dr. martin's this of about the transparency. dr. moran's e mail as a public official would have been subject to the freedom of information act, so he use g mail to avoid it. this is interesting in light of the new revelations from senator rams call us senator rand paul has put forward documents showing that 15 different us federal agencies were aware that the will on institute of verola g was engaging in research, trying to develop a virus like cobit 19 the u. s. government even funded this research and it appears they tried to cover it up. yeah, we found out about this 1st from a brave marine who reported that this research was a grant proposal back in 2018 would have allowed woo on institute to create a virus. very similar to what cove and 19 turned out to be a ranking member of the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee
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has put forward information, showing that 15 different federal agencies were aware that the legal health alliance and the roof on institute of ra, a g had applied for funding to carry out research to develop a virus much like cobit 19 in 2018. now at this point, ran paul is put forward a letter asking why this information was not presented to the public. for years, i have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of coven 19 and the diffused project. under duress, the administration finally released documents that showed that the diffused project was pitched to at least 15 agencies in january 2018. it means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pen demik with equal health alliance, and the woo hon instituted by raleigh, the worst eating federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar, if not identical. dakota 19, disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn is that the woo hon institute of bi
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rawlins you had been pitching this research? not one of these agencies weren't anyone that this chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. the lock downs had a devastating effect on the american economy. many people in the united states feel that the pandemic ruined their lives. so now new information showing that the government may have hidden, the truth is unlikely to improve the matter salem off. and archie, new york. all right, you can check our to, to come for more details. i'll see you in a few minutes from now for more updates. stay with us. the . the
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question i mean you love seeing those words isn't like i do live most schools do. if you look on the initial be one of course, significant dealer post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value when you do oil change. but you also still, this is done, the newest, supreme only belief system. that is what i see these the bus is the little cute little dyson says this tutorial on both of the
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the, the, the, to one of the
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put to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world, what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through the you know, to production with it. so it gives you or show the great deal to the youth suddenly, a little bit through here. keep on my mazda thought, this name nguyen, from the, from the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than
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a j o i had to put on with this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for the 1st couple weeks ago, if you want to send this to somebody in new on a site isn't more, 7 won't go to the yo, yo, now i'm gonna put the ticket bucket together. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say steven twist,
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which is the an r t correspondence is detained activities. the airport with no reasons given. he had been heading to cab a protest in the trojan capital. russia has found you korean to be directly involved in last month's terrorist attack of the moscow regions which killed a 145 people. bosco's security council and filed at all parties involved to be punished also ahead an escalation of the conflict as the result of leaving the office now to madness. lead as the fluid move war. that is what i'm the president because my dual ones, 80 escalation in the middle east to leave, to his bed world war and as of the west of nations continued to support ease all,


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