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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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this is done by the headlines right here or not to you as an off, he correspondent is a bit obtained at least the board with no reason is given a be heading to cover the ongoing protests there in the georgia in the capital process and security council says a direct link has been found between ukraine as last month's content hold power attack in moscow, advisable. those involves will be an escalation, i think, on think is the result of needing the snots and madness leaders, the 3rd world war. and that is why the president nicholas, by the warning of the precarious situation the world suddenly finds itself in such as the western nations of israel. not so striking back as a rock and clean up after yourself as much areas urged not to let the british oil
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giant shell exit at stake in the country without making up for pulled up solution. and the reach the tech people in the region for many tickets at the game was what is going on there, about formation and the agencies that as opposed to the local to the bottom, the, from ukraine to india. and so many places in between a ton of your top storage ready to go right here on out to you. and it is breaking news to kick off a dollar here and off to you. one of our correspondence, donald quarter has been detained to the police. the airport to was heading to georgia to cover the ongoing protest. the few more details right now with all these equal a basically my colleague and i was calling don't quote a he traveled to georgia on the, at the board to check points at the book at the board to check when he presented his passport. his his id and apparently he was told that if there was some
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technical glitch in the system that wouldn't recognize his passport these documents . and so he was just told to wait, it took, it looked fine at that time. but then he was quoted to an isolated room, and that was all pretty much we haven't had anything from him ever since. so probably his means of communications were taken away from him. it is a very troubling development because essentially it looks like he has been denied entry to georgia and he was traveling that to cover the latest protests in the georgia and capital against the lou on for an agents. again, this is not the 1st time that he's done so because it's the 2nd attempt to of the georgia government to pass this little and a he was the one for our team to national to cover the protest last year when the says when the government essentially made the 1st attempt to vote on that bill have
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a look. this is a piece over his report from the crowd, the number here the . so again, you can see he was reporting from the thick of it from the, from the crowd. now a little bit more about this new because this for an agent floor, it's very similar to the one that the russia has or the united states have a basically, according to the georgia in bill because it is still a bill every and g o or media outlet is for and if a for and funding makes up 20 percent or more of the entities budget,
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they have to register and they would be subject to a few extra extra financial proceed to procedures and checks. so the opposition argues that if the bill is passed into a lot, it would move the country further away from the integration with the e. u. and this is what the opposition wants. but i won't actually also be of use that this bill again is passed into it would limit the freedom of speech and the, basically the freedom of the press. and in fact, the administration in washington has been making the very same point. even though the for an agents legislation exists in the us to remain deeply concerned that this draft legislation would harm civil society organizations working to improve the lives of george and citizens and would the rail georgia from its european path. we're also concerned that this draft legislation would impede independent media organizations working to provide access for georgia and citizens to high quality
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information. well, now probably at least one journalist won't be able to report on the floor and on because of the opposition who seemed to be striving, who seemed to be advocating for the freedom of the press. so much please phone john . this won't be able to report on that. meanwhile, demonstrate as have gathered outside the georgia in parliament to continue a raleigh against the adoption of a foreign agents bill. a lot of the footage from the say, you know, shopping sporadic classes between police and demonstrators. protesters have been waving georgia non e u flags and charging was a condemnation of the bill. similar riley on monday, ended with 14, a risk being made. well, that's one more of course live down to. it's holly and wal correspondent. i'm glad to see the who's joining us here now. live on ology international undergrad. great to get you on the program here. what a bizarre story. this is a. do you think regarding the, the attention of a r t correspondent donal quarter is, is it a case of just paperwork or are we jumping to conclusions perhaps that it's somehow
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connected to his employer that being r t. i mean, i don't know, you know, most of, of you as propagated by the west is pretty run from these days a hello i to unfortunately, i think this, this, the thing is it's link codes with the work with f b, because we know that the georgia right now me, it's not the, the only do these new discard from and brought this about the low of the forwarding agents. but it's uh, in the last 2 years, not months. and the last years georgia is supported by the west in on $2.00 from function. and i think what's happened today to go on, it's linked with this policy of the west. and it's interesting to note that the, for the west me, when now in georgia, is discussing this new law about 14 agents about
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a and deals uh someone called this little as a rush and actually bots when georgia are. that's a journalist for in journalist. nobody in the west, the one speaks about it. so it's like, uh, uh, what's the really, or maybe the double song that they mean? and unfortunately, me, in cases like these, uh, the, the journalists are paying the prize for the most on the west on the roof. so forbid that the west wants to share with the other companies like georgia and what they are from. i think, i think you go to point the on to the, you know, all so, i mean, just for example with, you know, europe and america blocking. see that i want people hearing the other side of the main stream, narrow it saves. i mean, let me ask you to know, quote, a now detained a database. the airport, as we understand he's still there in detention. he's got both russian and american citizenship did you think if he used his american passport,
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he would have been allowed through with no problems. uh uh, i'm not sure. i'm not sure because uh i had some problem on the i'm italian citizen science. so brought some problem in europe to do my work in restaurants, we to europe, you know, thought it to 0 pm police. so is, and i think it's not a question of the citizenship or the color of your passport box is about the work. so our work, if you are working in a special perspective that it's not the core the with the european policy, you are potentially of size and that you need to be block. yeah, i mean i, under the, i mean your front line correspond to make you, you've got a lot of experience in the game and when it comes to g, a politics and all of that. you've been doing a lot of reporting from don boss, for example, have you, in your experience in your report, anywhere around the world, have you experienced anything similar to what are corresponding right now is going
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through in detention to to police the airport? oh, wow. well, we saw in 2022 uh there are a set of uh, this spanish freelance journalist uh, with the most citizens here for spanish and that are from that it's the thing it is now in poland. so without any form of acquisition that they say that's maybe these guy was there for a spine for some intelligence operation, but i thought i was not the be and he's feeling james. uh, i know, personally, a lot of colors that are here in the boss right. now, and a lot of them are afraid to come back in europe or another account there is in the west because they can, we is a face and that by police force on federal service do they work? so it's not a some strange for us,
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for people that are working in another perspective. maybe it is free for the west journalist, but when such things happen to article responded to or jordan elizabeth are working in the boss. there are some sides from work for that are from perspective. uh, i don't want to speak about it because we are simply, we are enemies of them. yeah. and yeah, this, this is against the, the freedom of speech, freedom of progress, and the freedom to offer, to our, uh, to our full where to our citizens, to our, um, oh, then i decided to prospective not only about the conflict uh, between deduction and ukraine, but also about a lot of things, a lot of my receipts that the west tried to use for their policy. exactly. exactly . and today i think you nailed it right there. when you mentioned the word
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narrative save this because as a correspondent, as a journalist, today, if you will note, towing the main street narrative as you will suddenly find yourself in the cross hairs. it's a very sad state of affairs when it comes to freedom of the press to day. andrea lucida, italian will correspond that live on the program here will not too many. thanks. thank you. the secretary of the russian security council says a direct link has been proven between ukraine last month's concert, whole terror attack in moscow. the killed 145 people. for did i see other one? the striking example of humanity and see as hatred of our country as the service itself in cocoa city on march 22nd. during the investigation, the connection between the direct public changes of this terrorist attack and you create a nationalist was confirmed, and procedurally established above a trade, his accomplices, organized as of this most just bloody terrorist attack. and the affiliated persons,
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no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of their crime, will suffer the deserved punishment to put themselves nicole, i bought the rush of added that these perpetrators will be found no matter where they were. and that they will be held accountable. now just to remind you, a little bit that form gunmen were arrested after the attack on their way to the ukrainian border. now previously they were claims that they were radical as some is, but they had a handler waiting for them. on the other side of the board, the note is official. russian officials have solely proof that links this attack to ukrainian nationalist nichol. i pod thrush of also emphasized that a number of terrorist attacks that were planned by ukraine work conducted and prevented by russia that includes thrown attacks or even deadly attacks against the journalist. he also emphasized the fact that for a very long time, the west has been longing to seize russia's resources. but the,
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today they've decided to isolate russia as much as possible. now we also highlighted that measures have taken place to. # improve russia security and that includes a training on the regular basis to counter terrorism as well as to intensify the introduction of modern equipment to help with that as well. and, and he says that plans to rescue and protect people have been developed in all of russia's regions. and so i was discussing with the visitors a few moments ago, really with a home, a pen to go into senior security unless michael maloof. and he says that a, a key thing now is simply to follow the money. where's the money trail and who financed this tire of time? i would expect that they will be silent and possibly deny it. but i also would hope that we could get more clarity and transparency and identification of what entities and,
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and ukraine were engaged. but i think you got to go beyond just the entities in ukraine. you got to find out who the actual finance, here's work and they are from the west. and i have a fairly reliable information that some, some, there is a group of multi millionaires who may have been involved in helping to finance slots. the for the, that war was over months ago, that the, what they're resorting to now is, is, is a, is too little too late. and it's not gonna change or change the tide of anything. and not the less they're going to continue that monitor because they want, they want the payments to be to, to continue our, uh, our, our lobbies, our, our military industrial complex requires. if we, we require conflict in order to do it. and in order to continue the high level of funding that they've become accustomed to limit the talking us of the crocker. so
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the whole attack comes glimmers of light the way people rallied together to help in any way they could. and also you don't commentary on covering a tails of bravery. you can watch the film throughout the day here on i t for now, a preview. the just had a round for to magic side behind us. he said i was, i thought, that's it. so my dad from it also, i saw people standing around me, i yelled off to me and began to run outside the door. every person there was a hero. no on. yes, you sounded off to me. i'll pray for you for the sale, be there with one band together. and i think all of people don't like that that have been manual victims unless that which is such as are people who are very
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empathetic and take these troubles to hearts you to see about purpose past. my soul aches, my heart aches. how could i not say farewell to those people who died? the fios that had already simmering middle east? could soon the border of a, certainly on the rise that's off the israel when they were on it should expect a response to subsidize it. or, you know, i'm going to face the consequences for its actions. we, we choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for me on, and it still proxies. as we continue our mission to defend the state of ease, i will just to remind you of course, around the warrants to shoot you all moder, of miss 1000 drones of israel and his 1st direct attack on the country very late saturday night or on said it was retaliation for
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a deadly as ready strike when it's come to live in syria. and then the all the incoming targets were taken out there on. so as i can see, it doesn't matter closed unless it is forced to think otherwise, we do not seek to expand the war. well, we will cut off every hand that attacks our country. any aggression from israel or its supporters will be met with a stronger response than before. all groups of iranians, right and celebrating the strike on saturday night. they were lining the streets of tyrone. but as israel miles at the response, the venezuelan president william the world, finds itself precariously back in okay, on the photo, what is left for us to do? do you have the key to diplomacy and rationality prevail because they does not escalate? an escalation of the calls that because the result of need on the who snots and madness lead us the 3rd world war. and then as well, a advocates piece, rationality, diplomacy and to. and while washington,
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which has perhaps done the most to fan the flames of his conflict, that it stands by israel, it has willing to leave against escalation a. but at a fundamental level, there is a bond between the united states and the people of israel, and that bond rest on our shared security. and one of the things that we will continue to be committed to is the defense of that security. and the willing to risk the original thoughts of the war for this. i think you've heard me say here a number of times that we are working to pursue de escalation. and that has been the focus of our diplomacy since october 7th, not just over the weekend, but since day one is trying to pursue the escalation and prevent the conflict from widening and spreading and expanding. so while jo biden's election cycle administration in washington, desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different.
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the reality, 16 different countries in the region are now embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. as around a ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st the record, tyler pre strikes on. he's ready. soil. you'll have to ask yourself why the us is so determined to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained? well, maybe that's because they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all, the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense missiles from at least a countries while the run and it's proxies fired weapons from a rack, syria and e m. and it all sounds well, looks like the regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus,
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all it is a real speak for themselves and you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, um, you know, so far there is not. uh, we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again. the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see, the us as quite we build a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional war. it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true, we're the american air cost based in q 8. jordan the you a car and so do your radio and they're working to defend as really ya sits on the ground alongside their own faces. the u. k. is also intimately involved in this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against iranian air force assets during the attack on the as well. but the spike, this washington is sticking to the story,
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even when free of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack in the region. we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contain the gaza on the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist. whitehouse attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region, but eagerly spinning divided ministrations all as well. narrative, even telling us that the rainy attack represented a victory for israel, and regardless of what the pentagon on their bosses in the white house tells us. it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems. but admitting that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do, much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure. it's far better to convince the taxpayers funding is that everything is going just fine. the. the oil drawn shy or should be forced to clean up. it's messed before being allowed to be nigeria. and that's the message that i'm gonna see international,
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along with many others, is sending to the authorities and the west african nation. the shell should not be permitted to use legal gymnastics. to escape is responsibilities for clean up. it's widespread legacy of pollution. the companies that investment record is replete with examples of phone show room lighting licenses being sold without adequate safeguards to protect nigerians from home and an ice. even government from financial liability shell is accused of causing a pollution, all sorts of water contamination, agricultural parties, ending as well as our role damage to the livelihoods of locals. now the director of amnesty international is on jerry and broncho. it says the, the environmental devastation must be remedied by those who caused it. is that instances where the communities that took some testing cause you want to know there are issues that as the cold uh, between the boys and giant and,
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and then communities. and what are we talking about is a legacy or the big kids, you know, as part of the sixties and all to know that a legacy of devastation, you know, destruction of livelihood as speeds up task deals of oil in the, you know, leave the, in the ocean and many digits that actually affected the life cycle of those. we believe that the company has the responsibility and it has to be hopefully to in the region for many that gets begin with one knows what is going on there about the oil formation and the judges set out for a local to be in by that. so the company has to, what do we have for them to actually use a commitment to address into the environment and injustice that shouldn't be in private as ation or business or by the life. so keep me updates when businesses are
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businesses, band priority is broke. and we want to know that that is what has to be happening with the ad that oil companies. we can see anything in anticipation because we don't know the legacy of the new company coming in. but definitely, uh that is a legacy. which is the reason why we are doing what are we are doing now. we asked him what we asked for. yeah. and then that gives, he, is that people taking the bundles of this, but none of the people deepest, it's in their own environmental way and make the money that i'm making for out of their, out of their business. so what do we see is that what i'm is the interaction of these organizations. i see that this complex you what came, what is, what is the present d. uh, we have to wait. we have to make sure that they can be able to address these problems. how do we know you will know about their capacity to handle these things?
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that is why we say that is an issue. it has to be addressed. so what we're doing that is anything they get the most of them will not. the issue i've had um is the issue of the damage done by the shit. oh wow. yes, i think it has to be addressed and it has to be the priority full by people that are due by international apple would have to close earlier today, update shoot drains in the region, close. widespread flooding of look, right. the passions of plants looking more like boats nearly trying to move around in on data taxi ways. the closure of the airport causing wide spread travel disruptions. basically a severe storm by the u i. e region leaving at least 18 people dead. emergency services was said to be struggling to cope so in what is uh, the world's largest democratic exercise in the i will head to the polls and a couple of days. can you imagine almost a 1000000000 voters will be able to cost that balance in
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a general election will be there on the front lines bringing you through all the choices, being the it will be a big one as the voting will last for 6 weeks over several phases, it seems the voices of indian women could prove pivotal in determining of this general election outcome of the policies rooms and sharma not expect this see all 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to war 3 in the india. that's small. the entire population of year olds, the largest democracy, heads to the polls with a range of multi least b, j. b to biggest retreat yet, or will the position make them box is swapped out football. it's multi multi all
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the way these times when the bigger majority was over 400 seats is what i'm cool this time we want congress. we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive, and there are no jobs. the audit endeavors end of the 100 percent, monique is coming back. love it or hate. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics must bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices and anti incumbency will certainly be key issues here in law, just on a stage with highest inflation in the country. and with bows just a few days away, the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect, that's the way you look book. nobody does is like magic. this has style of work. he makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says.
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then you're done with a little bit in sort of more. these guarantees are all a bunch of hard to have it solved. just to vote this month's hollow, political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here. no work on the lice. fill out the on the ground while they mean not to be, you know, the jobs. there are handouts teams that seem to be working, especially with the women, children rogers tongue, the largest stage in india. alondo relics also a land where women have historically been a breast. we analyze why women war tells me just quoted, the key to who wins the selection. in what is seen as a closing gender gap and the indian intellect or a landscape full 71000000 women are expected to work this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections, but now just like costs and communities and india, women have become of more tranquil thoughts. would put it as bobby's wanting them
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with saving skins, financial promises. i'm all the same. you behind every successful mom. she does a woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the. what did you do it more days? very dear to me. thanks to him. i get my pension. he's my only support. a lot of us to the man i've been mowed. he gives us free grain. and now the ration is every month. my boat is for him. it's a hold off to noon and largest tons choose who. the baby provides a meal for her family using a gas to lend, though she received under the prime ministers, which were law scheme which promotes smoke free, clean cooking for poor and google households. a switch from the traditional to law, the cause of smoke task, a method used for years and the village company that the game would be mostly has done a lot for us to introduced us to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside to the the,
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from building tens of millions of dollars to buy towards applies to opening up women's bank the downs. the bgp has made women's issue central to it. so like to role agenda does upstate the overall just con is going to pause and the floors on the 2nd election. and the electron emotions here are wanting high the last 2 times in 201420. 19 or $25.00 of the seats and largest on what's wip, we might be good to indeed wendy for see a repeat these women to and duty makers on will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma, all the largest con. it is false. going into a case of election fever ahead of the vote and or far a who's fair to say you have a huge job ahead of themselves with a fairly and people costing balance throughout the election. we will be.


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