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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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ride from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india. the disturbing images is at least 11 people, including children, a code, and it is really as funk on a refugee camp in central garza as the conflicts, desktops, 33000 people. also ahead. we get too much attention from the at the i, the security agency is wherever we came to, the us, the telecom app create to opens up the top of the call sent about the pressure exhausted on him by the f b i. and how apple and google makes us stronger sensors than any government. the indian officials on back to the sound of the law and the growing number of the desk of indian students studying and giving us raising questions of the safety of the community
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news . a very warm welcome to you. this is not the international with the wells. news on the date is great to have a company. now, la top stories tossing in central guns where at least 11 people, including show which one has been killed. and it is rarely asked walk on the gauzy refugee camp. a warning, disturbing images are ahead. bodies were brought to the, i'll accept hospital by discharge. what i since bid farewell to the phones friends will help outside the hospital, over the bodies of the victims. before that were taken away for burials. another reason lady slide kate, a refugee camp in southern ross on to the egyptian buddha shows. when will also remember this? it was, i saw the number of palestinians killed in the 6 months of war has reached 33899, including 14000 children. and that's according to the health ministry of the in
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place of a 76000 house being wounded. and as they took, as president strongly criticized the killing of children, comparing as well as actions with those of nazi germany. good children, they killed 14000 children, 14000 children. their actions have already surpassed people. despite those who did not see the death of 14000 innocent children and tried to curry favor with these well by claiming that from us is a terrorist organization. we will courageously defend health science, struggle for independence under all circumstances. of course, when we well google's headquarters in america, i've been gripped by pro palestinian protests in california and new york. the tech joins employees along with back to this gather to condemn the corporations to pose of his reactions in gaza. a protest of space demonstrates under the slogan, know tech for a pause, hide the code on google cheese to drop project nimbus,
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a cloud computing project, all of the ideas for us. and you know, muslim employees also saying that they have face harassment and bullying which the company has failed to address. some employees were reportedly arrest is off to assist and protests plus the, the binding classes for accounting. but when students to, to the streets, demanding to and stuff in the universities, corporations with, as well on academic projects. protests as opposed to lee tried to break into a meeting of the university's academic center and in germany local police, boston to the venue of a pro palestinian conference that was scheduled to be held over 3 days. we'll have to speak is young as far as soc is one of grace is the finance. i was the grease is finance minister was due to give a speech at the event and he said the police forcibly shut down amazing speech was
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meant to be transmitted. broadcast spoken live during the palestine, congress and berlin, friday. the 12th of april, because the german police had gone by the whole of the political system of the federal republic of germany, boasting, and prevented jews. but as the means and the rest of us who wanted to have a congress during which to discuss peace conservation, quick existence, universe of human rights from the jordan river, do they make it that any n c, german police prove to be young? reasonable doubt by 1st thing in any that up thing that live stream grabbing the microphone ending that's magnificent congress, that fascist does not need to be in government in order to be in power. a similar case followed in the us where the university of south california consul days validate validated tori and speech at this. he is glad to ation a. correspond to to me, to i takes a closer look at how critical voices of being silenced. it has long been believe
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that's a breeze someone's freedom of speech or thought might almost be considered a deadly sin. at least that's how the west has been promoting their values to be. and there may be a bit of truth in it until you are police don't align with what they see fit. the university of south california, for instance, has decided to cancel. it's valid for in speech at this year's graduation. after careful consideration, we have decided that all a student valedictorian will not deliver a speech that's come months, months, while this is disappointing. so there's some must div way to safety. to be clear, this decision has nothing to do with freedom of speech. there's no free space entitlement to speak at a commencement. the issue here is how best to maintain campus security and safety period. they claim that it's all for security reasons, but the real reason my just shop to us, not the bus them, is not shy from using her voice for the policy or cause in her instagram biography
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. she links a profile, assign page for anyone interested to learn about how to sign her beliefs or no secret. so it's no surprise that she feels as if her university has a band in her and chose to silence her instead as just dresses by canceling her speech. the university is rewarding hatred and some of them and, and she, palestinian voices, have subjected me to a complaint of racist hatred because of my uncompromising belief in human rights for o. i was hoping to use my commencement speech to inspire and my classmates with the message of hope by canceling my speech, u. s. c is only given to fear and do void in hatred. but she's not alone. daniel shaw, a professor at the city university of new york with the extensive years of teaching behind him, was fired after he criticized israel's actions in golf. so the decision to pull my contract was made unilaterally by school president carol me and because of pressure
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she felt from outside of the university. i was fired because of my outspoken it's about the united states and israel's ongoing genocide of the people of gaza. zionist forces with no relationship to the john jay college, community docs. me friend me and ultimately gotten me fired. and well, when it comes to though, is there a declared themselves as the last bastions of free speech. they most definitely are quick to change their minds once something does not fit their narrative phrases such as genocide, ethnic cleansing or occupied territory when covering the war in gaza. our know goes for new york times during list several times. workers believe that these restrictions, according to the, is rarely narrative, i think is the kind of thing that looks professional and logical if you have no knowledge of the historical context of the palestinians, riley conflict. but if you do know it will be clear how apologetic it is to israel, or how about when a b c presenter came under fire when describing israel's attacks and gaza as
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murders. it was a whole or deal on his own to the point where the prime ministers spokesperson was even demanding complaints to be made directly to the broadcaster impartiality in reference to the bbc is absolutely paramount. complete should be raised to the bbc to off. com in the usual ways if people feel they have issue with the way in which the bbc reported that. more broadly though, israel is an ally of the u. k. is the victim of a brutal terror attack and clearly has a right to defend itself. we should all be careful without words at this time, particularly given, heightened, coming to tensions in the u. k. that same spokesperson highlighted that prime minister wishes to not would not have used the word murder to describe those tens of thousands of that's in gaza. no worries, everyone else came quick to israel's rescue. even by the bbc standards, this is shocking. buzz is real,
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does not get civilians. the country is defending itself from a brutal tyra tag and making strenuous efforts not to harm civilians. the bbc should watch an immediate investigation into the slate just example of an on to is ro statement by one of its present us outrages bias from the bbc. israel is the nation being attacked the actual victims seeking to defend themselves from further attacks by terrorist who have the stated aim of destroying israel and killing jews . i suppose the less than here is try to challenge that policies or say one wrong word about israel and you're going to be a disgrace. this being some control to see about words i use when i was interviewing the foreign secretary. my final question was about the perceived morality of the government's position. in particular, the risk that that position could appear to look like active support for israel when it is under attack, but nothing other than woods when israel attack. so mode is tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. i should have been clear of,
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it's always not expressing my own view, let alone that's of the bbc. when i use the woods murderous double standards, hypocrisy is freedom of speech even will in their world. at this point, or is it just the facade they're using to continue to scold every other nation on free speech whenever they see fit? the social media joins or the new dog web telegram app on the brains behind it. paddle duracell be and nick, most of the time the entrepreneur typically keeps a low public profile. however, he broke his silence both tucker carlson and his 1st televised interview in his way . he describes how the u. s. proved to be a suitable place for a platform advocating for a speech as it came on the coldest of pressure from the f b i. we got too much attention from in the, the, at the i, the security agencies wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind
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my back by cyber security officers officers or agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mind, the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the us government. the may be any other government because of the bags of. ready as a back door, regardless of who is using it. let's find out more details about this. now i'm joined by marina conser, referring to studio. marina, thanks for coming in. so it's interesting to, hey, was pablo. europe has to say because they usually keeps out of the public eye, like we said, particularly interesting what he had to say about the pressure he felt from the us government. what else did he have to share about that? yeah, so many interesting things that he mentioned, the specially the fact that he had this b. i agents, as he said, show up at his doorstep inquiring about him why he left russia. what telegram is
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all about? and people do have said that seem like they were trying to establish a relationship with him and the connection. and as we just heard that they were trying to employ a one of his engineers. they're also interested in the fact that he says that he was contacted by both sides of us congress after the january 6, the us capital attacks. and 2 months after the defeat of donald trump. so he was contacted by both parties asking for completely different things. one was asking to share the data or else the other one said, well, if you share the data, you'll face punishment. that's here after the events of january of the 6. uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, clinic with many of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising.
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the letter seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, you will be in violation with the us constitution or something like 2 weeks after beller, we got another letter in knew whether from the republican side of the congress and there we read that if we give out any data according to the previous request, we would be in violation of the risk institution. so we got 2 letters that said whatever we do with the file, anything serious constitution to see account when then washington, it seems a matter of what you do and that's what people durham learned there. and it's all, it's funny, right? because he left russia and pursued to all of this freedom of speech, which is why he went to the united states. and then that's what he got in return.
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because just to remind our viewers again, he left russia sites and government pressure apparently from a store. it sees back in 2011 to shut down the pages of opposition politicians back on this conduct c, v k, which is the equivalent of facebook in russia and he was the owner of that back then. so he refused to do that. then a couple of years after that, he said that he got pressure again from authorities to release the data regarding ukrainian protests leaders. and again, he refused to do that and a telegram list, i'll forget was he them blocked or rushed off with 2 years. but of course, so horror it is quick, they realize that they, it's quite hard to block something these days and as you are but knows as well with r t. so telegram returns and people do of decided to leave russia in pursuit of his freedom of speech. we tried various countries before the united states. he tried singapore, he tried germany as well in germany. they don't work out for bureaucratic reasons
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because he wasn't aware that your regulations require you to hire locals 1st, even if he can find it, even if he can't find any one. and then finally as the realize that us was a disaster, it was he got mugged in san francisco and he settled and the way he but he seems to be happy. okay. so in his pursuits to provide this platform that offers the, you know, a voice that for every person, regardless of use, how the succeeded. yes, he calls it a neutral platform. and that they only supposedly sensor child pornography or terrorism something really violent. and then he said, come to e u, pressure and band arts, these channels, for example, especially in europe, is there a nearby cannot on tele, from read ortiz channels. if you are a rush and, and in other countries, you can. but that in itself shows and proves that telegram is not mutual and they're going by what e u officials want them to do?
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and we'll send that again with facebook. we've seen that what, what are what we know that government agencies are, they're working behind the scenes and steering the fees and the conversations to what uh, benefits them. so no, he does not achieve neutrality and he does not achieve that by moving to another country. i know this pressure that he felt was it solely from a governmental entities. that's what's interesting, right? because he mentions in this sense of you that actually the most especially who received was not from the countries government agencies. it was from apple and google, and let's not forget that some ports and why? because you need apple or google to download telegrams. so this is what he had to say about the process he felt from them. largest pressure towards the telegram is not coming from government. it's coming from apple and google it. so when it comes to freedom of speech, those 2 platforms, they could basically sensor whatever's you can read access on your smartphone.
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so i mean to run the risk of being thrown out of their stores. exactly, and that's what they make very clear that if we fail to comply with a guidelines. so the court told her and can be removed from the stores. and he said that sometimes they argue their case, and sometimes they don't, i guess when it comes to warranty, they didn't argue their case or decide, it wasn't a flight worth fighting. so as so that's, however, i'm, is not removed from other platforms. also interesting and final note i'll talk across and ask some, do you think you're being spied on by the, on the say, the national security agency. and he says, well, i can't know 4 or 5, but i assume so because he says that he has very limited faith in apps that are developed in the united states in terms of privacy. so coming from paddled or of i think that says at all me, marina, many thanks for coming in. these has appreciation rushing crude oil
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shipments, thoughts who need 11 months high this month. hitting almost 4000000 barrels daily. that's according to bloom bug monitoring. it also says that india has become a top impulse of russia's disabled fruit before the ukraine. conflicts of the 2022 is most goes, may include all ship and destination was europe. and the last 2 years, moscow has turned to the east with supplies of 3500000 barrels a day. the vast majority of shipments going to asian ports, i'm a local nation's india was noble saving on the list of russian sable include all supplies before the 2022. but now new delhi tops most goes historical, putting a china supply and 1500000 barrels day. they to within the ready for upcoming elections the countries paula with man. but as on see if our rules say that which has a political policy comes out on top. the nation's times with russia will remain the strongest of the following policy issues of logically being consensual. the
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relationship with russia was built by successive congress, comes to the congress, comes back to par. i don't see any substantive change being likely in the relationship best to all very important features that bring us together, including substantial defense commitments, including for spare parts for all the equipment purchased in the boston. the oil sands from russia to india, which has been extremely important and where the india has developed. i might even use the word allows dependency on russian sources of energy. and otherwise, we will be dependent on russia for certain things and cooperate with russia and certain other things that is normal that's happened before. it will happen again. that's now cross live to the former un stockman, the odds in tacit. joining us from new delhi money. thanks for joining cuz on the program stays good to see you. so there are many arrested media reports repeatedly telling the public since 2022 the russians economy will crash any 2nd on the
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ukrainian council offensive will defeat most goes on the but now with all the growing cooperation with asia, how to all those claims, look, and hindsight, what am i doing wrong on both counts? i think um, we can deal with this into box. the 1st is about the economy. um, it is obviously a that's an attempt with involving $15000.17 sanctions on special cutting it off from swift. and specializing with folks to leave. and then as it said, to create the restroom economy, it did not happen. why did it happen? i think because that i spent significant amount of time and effort rating before preparing themselves for such an event strategy, which is a new model that feeds a full size and to a large degree. i would personally think that the governor of the censored bank
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professional, this is the, is the one who should get a significant amount of credit in providing that i should have gone. ready on this situation, the show has done a lot of ways. it's not me focused piece, but it is not fading with china. it's trading with countries in asia, a lot more than it was going on. yeah. the re establishing motor, establishing the north south from the colorado. so i guess um the dimensions now as far as the item is a prediction that concerned the economy is going to grow at 2.6 percent. that is your going economies. um, should i says stalling and don't need intersection re credited? let's get to the 2nd part of the question, the content offensive. i think the, this, the gone through defensive was actually a, a large part of my to you,
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but as a wished in the middle of the exploits as well as your opinions essentially and talk that all they have to do is put a lot of mass into the 9 range between, as i said, i have to because they have rest and bands rest an hour. the bus they've got is and things of that. so what was not taken into account what the sooner we can learn on the defensive line granted by the shop in a matter of 6 to 8 months for the very formidable obstacles with my views, trenches, jackins dates and things on top of that the u. k. then how many you had did not have s ability unaudited have supremacy in our duty. you cannot launch the island formations against a defensive line if you don't have those 2. and that is that the see? yeah. well then, you know, the post to yes it's been, we've seen that the relationship between india and russia,
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a blossom. and the idea is reportedly, however, coming on the mounting pressure from the west of it's booming trade with russia. of course you make of new days of stones sofa. i don't think uh you should to ahead because we simply do awesome. we have a very strong relationship with russia for decades. i don't think you should forget the fact that india has being one of the largest importers of russian weapon systems for decades. a. ringback relationship with russia, we will not forget the support that the russian gave to india in 1971. so always been a very strong relationship. so i don't think using the word blossom is particularly accurate. the relationship is strong to get to the demand strong. of course, the pressure brought on india immediately after the war started to should be, say,
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back a bit on this relationship. but you know, in the end of the south it's on interest and our address both in terms of white and boards as well as the relationship is i show our as our executive administrative dr . josh, i'm good said a maintaining that he started with diets and dresser too. many thanks for speaking to us today is great to hear your take on the situation on june tassel. co signed for me you and stuff member. thank you. thank you. well, staying in india and the countries external affairs, ministry sizes, can sub over the safety of indian students study and give the us as of a rising number of deaths in the community. all 3 corresponds, are going to ensure the highest level of this house for us to choose. those so called big american dream housings of indian students, full of hopes and aspirations, backs the bags and head states side. as the jo,
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look 2020 for a single wall. the still being trend 11 indian students found dead in different incidents, different locations. students of different universities must all in the united states of america. we can slip has reached out and they have extended on possible help the investigation is on. so hopefully we come to know more about the reasons for it. in since january, i think there are some been on indian students who have passed away in 2 cases i have got to do earlier. in one case, it was a case of homicide, which was registered against a person who was a vagrant. that was most unfortunate of pbx any. and then after there was a case in which a person was shocked at automation in united states. they have strengthened the student outreach so that they can convey to the students what,
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how they should take care of themselves. what should be done, and what to is because within the embassy can provide, hasn't been required. the investigation might be on the way, but the us authorities don't seem to be very alarmed. the government of india, i'm the indian american community, however, have judge the relevant authorities to ensure justice for the which since the families foundation for india, an indian desperate studies analyze the causes of these incidents and found that they range from suspicious shootings. kidnapping, environmental dis, due to lack of safety knowledge, mental issues triggering suicide, and even suspicious accidents. divide on crimes. furthermore, due to the sudden rise in dust and they're suspicious in nature. ours are circulating around the indian american community about potential hate crimes, settled and feared the hate crimes are fueled by negative propaganda against the community. even though f i d s, did not finding conclusive bucks,
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disappointing these rumors they may need to be investigated to timely address their concerns. india only beats china when it comes to the number of people who choose to study in the us making up more than 24. * percent of the total international students in the country know many families in india, the use their entire lives saving or even take out loans to pay for what is some of the most expensive education the entire was. but each of these tragic debts have left because on 7 looking for on says i'm reassurances. it felt like it bought some like why was it another indian kid, he just failed to him. i'd say it is solid imaginable that a kid can die in this day. and age provide some of the universe to campus is just tragic people in india, you're seeing the story small table stories. you start to wonder is this still the right path? very in the media though has picked up on this string of steps the rest. so media,
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the, it's largely been silent now, would that be the case of the shoes and all the thoughts if a series of american students had died in india? can you imagine the uproar, china's intelligence agency as wanted citizens? i've a phone stake spying on the countries where the sun food industries, the latest warnings were issued an adult commentary on state television as part of national security education day. sounds thanks to highlight the espionage methods for and as may use china state, secure receive industry has also quote on the public to be wherever of recruitment by overseas intelligence agencies is something examples of real cases from the past few. yes. right of my so it was a crucial so the country's economy under used in technology that generates renewable energy. china is a world leader in where a metals with 44000000 tons of was ups and about 90 percent of the global refined
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outputs. but last year of aging, restricted expos and both results is on the extraction technologies. cindy, a fellow at the time, the institute, i know time good says his take on who china is trying to protect his technology from the china has been under a uh, basically, a technology barger from the united states. it has not responded by curtailing rivers. now they find themselves in a position where the technology capabilities are errors, as well as you know, the human needs food are being attacked in 2010. china was able to roll up c. i is a covert operations in china. and since and the c i a has been trying, it's best to reestablish its fine network, the united states. that's the largest 5 budget. i'm in the world uh $90000000000.00 a year where the danger that china seas is that there could be an attempt to
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describe the chinese both agriculture and also you know, these wherever a switch are critical to the technology that is necessary to power the future not only for china, but the entire world. so this is not just the threats to china itself, but it's one to the, to the globe. i mean, we saw the statistics in terms of what china produces, there was an active sabotage to undermine that. this would have a devastating impact around the world. the u i. e has been hit by the heaviest down poles and thunder storms in 75 years. they spoke flooding across the country with rescue operations now underway, police officers had to take and 2 boats to carry out the tasks. a lot of the humans were affected by the tyrants with offices saving a very friend.


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