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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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a game changer, a new red line has been established. trends no longer will outsource this confrontation with israel. meanwhile, the gaza genocide continues the disturbing images. at least 11 people, including children are killed and it is really as well. i called a refugee camp in central goal is that it's a conflicts desktops for 6 to 8000 feet. also a head get too much attention from the at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us to tell the ground pre a to opens up the top of the call to and about the pressure exerted on him by the f . b, i in town, apple and google makes us stronger census and admin government plans for india the well, it's most popular country on the largest democracy proposed to choose this next call events. we mailed over the prospects of the crucial election without yes,
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business hours. stay with the a very warm welcome to you because all the international with the world news on the date is great to have you company. and we begin in a central gauze of where it's 11 people, including children, have been killed, and it is really strong on them. a gauzy refugee town, a warning for you disturbing images overhead bodies referrals to the out. the hospital y destroys relatives, bid farewell to their loved ones, pres what held outside the hospital over the full days of the victims before they were taken away scenario. another is where the store, i case a refugee camp in southern lasagna. the egyptian folder show which one will say among the desk. so i saw the number of palestinians killed in 6 months of war has reached 3380999. i think it's
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14000 children. as, according to the health ministry over the place of a $76000.00 to be wounded, that is the turkish president strongly criticized the killing of children. comparing this world's auctions with those of nazi gemini, of the been sold today, killed 14000 children, 14000 children. their actions had already surpassed. people are really going to, despite those who did not see the death of 14000 innocent children, and try to curry favor with these well, by claiming that from us is a terrorist organization. we will courageously defend how science struggle for independence under all circumstances. meanwhile, google's headquarters in america have been gripped by pro palestinian protests in california and new york. the tech joins employees along with activists gather to condemn the corporation so forth of his way the actions in gaza protested stage demonstrations under the slogan, know tech for
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a policy side. i called on google chase to 12 projects nimbus, the cloud computing projects of b. i d. s. hello, sit in on the muslim employees. also can they face harassment and bullying which the company has failed to address? some employees were reportedly arrested off to assist in process. the meanwhile bonnet and classes for accounting room was students to the, to the streets, demanding to and associate the universities corporations with, as well on academic projects protested supposedly trying to break into amazing beginning of us. these academic centers and in germany, local police burst into the venue of a pro palestinian conference that was scheduled to be held over 3 days. one of the speakers young as a virus soc is one, squeeze is finance minister was due to give a speech to the event. he says,
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the police force of the shut down the meeting. the speech was meant to be transmitted, broadcast spoken live during the palestine, congress and berlin, friday. the 12th of april was because the german police at don't buy the whole of the political system of the federal republic of germany, boasting, and prevented jews, palestinians, and the rest of us who wanted to have a congress during which to discuss these big observation, quick existence universe of human rights from the golden rule, or do they make it that any n c, german police proved to be young reasonable doubt by boasting in any debt opting the live stream, grabbing the microphone, ending that magnificent congress that flashes does not need to be in government in order to be in power. some of the case followed and the us where the university of south california cancelled is valid victorian speech. it this is graduation of
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correspond to do me to a takes a closer look at how critical voices are being silence. it has long been believe that's a weird someone's freedom of speech or thought might almost be considered a deadly sin. at least that's how the west has been promoting their values to be. and there may be a bit of truth in it until you are fully still on the line with what they see fit. the university of south california, for instance, has decided to cancel it's valid victorian speech at this year's graduation. after careful consideration, we have decided that all student valedictorian will not deliver a speech that's come months, months, while this is disappointing. so there's some must div way to safety. to be clear. this decision has nothing to do with freedom of speech. there's no free space entitlement to speak of the commencement. the issue here is how best to maintain campus security and safety period. they claim that is all for security reasons, but the real reason might just shop to us,
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not the bus them is not shy from using her voice for the policy or cause in her instagram biography. she links a profile, assign page for anyone interested to learn about how to sign her believes or no secret. so it's no surprise that she feels as if her university has a band and her and chose to silence her instead as just dresses by canceling. her speech, the university is rewarding hatred and some of them and, and see palestinian voices have subjected me to a campaign of racist hatred because of my uncompromising belief in human rights for o. i was hoping to use my commencement speech during spy, my classmates with a message of hope. by canceling my speech, u. s. c is only given to fear and to vote in hatred. but she's not alone. daniel saw a professor at the city university of new york with extensive years of teaching behind him was fired after he criticized israel's actions in golf. though the decision to
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pull my contract was made unilaterally by school president carol me and because of pressure she failed from outside of the university. i was fired because of my outspoken as about the united states and israel's ongoing genocide of the people of gaza. zionist forces with no relationship to the john jay college community dock, to me, friend me and ultimately gotten me fired. and well, when it comes to those we declared themselves as the last bastions of free speech. they most definitely are quick to change their minds once something does not fit their narrative phrases such as genocide, ethnic cleansing or occupied territory when covering the warrant, gaza, our know goes for new york times journalist several times workers believe that these restrictions, according to the, is rarely narrative that i think is the kind of thing that looks professional and logical if you have no knowledge of the historical context of the palestinians, riley conflict. but if you do know it will be clear how apologetic it is to israel,
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or how about when a b c presenter came under fire when describing israel's attacks and gaza as murders. it was a whole or deal on his own to the point where the prime ministers spokesperson was even demanding complaints to be made directly to the broadcaster impartiality in reference to the bbc is absolutely paramount. complaints should be raised to the bbc to also come in the usual ways if people feel they have issue with the way in which the bbc reported that. more broadly though, israel is an ally of the u. k. is the victim of a brutal terror attack and clearly has a right to defend itself. we should all be careful without words at this time, particularly given heights on coming to tensions in the u. k. that same spokesperson highlighted that prime minister wishes to not would not have used the word murder to describe those tens of thousands of beds in gaza. no worries. everyone else came quick to israel's rescue. even by the bbc standards. this is
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shocking. buzz is real, does not get civilians. the country is defending itself from a brutal tyra tag and making strenuous efforts not to harm civilians. the bbc should watch an immediate investigation into the slate. just example of an auntie is ro statement by one of its present as outrages biased from the bbc as well as the nation being its act, the actual victims seeking to defend themselves from further attacks bite, saturdays, have the stated aim of the store in israel mt and juice, i suppose the less than here is try to challenge their policies or say one wrong word about israel and you're going to be a disgrace. there's been some control to say about was i used when i was interviewing the foreign secretary. my final question was about the bas, the morality of the government's position, in particular, the risk that their position could appear to look like active support for israel when it is under attack, but nothing other than words when e's real attacks,
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the mode is tens of thousands of innocent pals, students, i should have been clear that i was not expressing my own view, let alone that of the bbc. when i use the words modus, double standards, hypocrisy is freedom of speech, even real in their world at this point, or is it just the facade they're using to continue to scold every other nation on free speech whenever they see fit? the found all of these have the ground social media. john pavel durrell says the broken his silence to american journalist tucker calls and giving his 1st interview in yes, speaking of his office and do by the russian bone onto a pin to explain why he couldn't set up shop in the united states where he says it came under pressure from the i feel like we got too much attention from you know the, the at the i, the security agency is wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to see quickly hire my engineer
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behind my back by cyber security officers officers or agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mind the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the u. s. government to maybe any other government because of bags. ready as a back door, regardless of who is using it. so many interesting things that he mentioned, the specially the fact that he had his b. i. agents, as he said, show up at his doorstep inquiring about him why he left russia. what telegram is all about? and people do have said would seem like they were trying to establish a relationship with him and the connection. and as with us heard that they were trying to employ one of his engineers. they're also interested in the fact that he says that he was contacted by both parties asking for completely different things.
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one was asking to share the data or else the other one said, well, if you share the data, you'll face punishment. that's here after the events of january of the 6 we received the letter from i believe congressman of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter seemed very serious. and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, you will be in violation with them in the us constitution or something. 2 weeks after butler, we got another letter in knew whether from the republican side of the congress. and there we read that if we give out any data according to the previous request,
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we would be in violation of the us constitution. so we got 2 letters that said whatever we do with the file, anything serious constitution. it's funny, right? because he left russia and pursue to all of this freedom of speech, which is why he went to the united states. and then that's what he got in return. because just to remind our viewers again, he left russia sites in government pressure apparently from a store. it's, he's back in 2011 to shut down the pages of opposition politicians back on this one thought c v k, which is the equivalence of facebook in russia and he was the owner of that back then. so he refused to do that. then a couple of years after that, he said that he got pressure again from us towards ease uh to release the data regarding the ukrainian protest leaders. and again, he refused to do that. and the telegram list, i'll forget was even blog through rochelle for 2 years. but of course, so hard,
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it is quick, they realize that they, it's quite hard to block something these days of as you are, but knows as well with r t. so telegram returns and people do of decided to leave russia in pursuit of his freedom of speech. we tried various countries before the united states who tried single poor. he tried germany as well in germany. they don't work out for the project reasons because he wasn't aware that your regulations require you to hire local as far as even if he can find it, even if he can't find any one. and then finally as the realize that us was a disaster, who was he got mugged in san francisco and he settled and the way he but he seems to be happy. so in his proceeds to provide to this platform that offers a, you know, a voice that if every person, regardless of use how they succeeded. yes, he calls it a neutral platform and that they only supposedly sensor child pornography or terrorism something really violent. and then he said, come to e u, pressure and band arts, these channels, for example, especially in europe,
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is there a nearby cannot on telegram read ortiz channels, if you are a rough and, and in other countries, you can. but that in itself shows and proves that telegram is not neutral and they're going by what e u officials want them to do? actually, the most especially who received was not from the countries government agencies. it was from apple and google. and let's not forget that some ports and why, because you need apple or google to download telegraph. so this is what he had to say about the process he felt from them. largest pressure towards the telegram is not coming from government. it's coming from apple and google. oh, so when it comes to freedom of speech, those 2 platforms, they could basically censor whatever it is you can read access on your smartphone. so i mean, do you run the risk of being thrown out of their stores?
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exactly. and that's what they make very clear that they fail to comply with their guidelines solely cause i told them can be removed from the stores. also interesting, a final note i'll talk across and ask them, do you think you're being spied on by the, on the say, the national security agency and it says, well, i can't know 4 or 5. but i assume so because he says that he has very limited faith in apps that are developed in the united states in terms of privacy. so coming from paddled or of i think that says it all. well in theory is gearing up for the world's largest display of democracy. nitty $1000000000.00, both as will take to the poles and a month. no. paul events re election with the 1st phase. starting this friday. we're bringing you special coverage off the commercial event. the
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colorful celebrations have been seen in the streets of india as millions for pads of costs the ballots. later this week, many people are dancing in the streets which are also filled with convoys of most of buying signs caused sourcing this month. the election will run for 7 phases on the schedule to finish in due and be as little cheese by representatives. indeed, no one house of parliament, the locks up by the party with the majority will form of government and the point one of his winning candidates as prime minister. well, let's discuss this with all guests. now i'm joined by i'm boss of the pin, not the run down the attack for bountiful. i'm a secretary at the in the administrative extended a fast approximately around on 5 is a senior due to this done called them as many thanks to both of you for joining us on the program to night is very good to see you at this question. so you can not please, and i'd like to most of your take on why are these elections also significant to both india on the entire well really significant because are
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to being the new government to, to find the owners of the government led by i'm just a movie, so naturally every election is significant to people look forward to it. i mean, dental voters are by dental is you asked in costing that war. and if you compare it with western countries, the whole thing pass them to the union guys pretty high times. so that shows that been getting people out into costs that wants and to meet the choices that stuff at the bottom of the box. there's nothing going on, but it's the bottom of the box, but it's uh, electronic voting machines and being the largest democracy in the world. this is actually a huge and gone to an exercise on the election commission. the big deal has to, as to us to manage. so it's not, it's not an easy task. it costs money,
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it costs that are so john or dean. that is sometimes why islands. and there is, of course, the celebration of the screens. it's a come to exercise and indeed indeed, i calling mr. bos, please, and the elections will be still on 2nd only a few states this week. but we will see a lot of headlines in the west, in mainstream media about the safe threats to democracy as well. as voting bribes, we'll see when we accidents, he's such narratives of somebody please. i'd like to ask you about the headlines that we're seeing in the west and mainstream media are about sweats to democracy on voting bribes. why do we see such a narrative? okay. now this is interesting uh, you know, uh this uh, actually reminds me some uh, 20 or more years ago when china was rising and there was a lot of very bad plays about john and the list. there was
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a time they make subsided, then the media will a god, the china now that it wants to be against china. so typically what is happening in india and gave india india as a democracy, there were sort of problems so far. so i'm going to go to us when we had what lesion governments, that'd be liberty week, particularly the one of the visiting the, the, the government. so in a week ago, and the, the, the decision making so hard and then came and basically just strong, started making decisions that he started making bought, or mach just really, that means basis. so the lives in india story, these are fact. so that is not the position is not reading election even if the selection is unfortunate, but uh, the government is, uh, the designing body is going through the election. i mean, they are sitting the issues, the sitting, the company,
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the always on the hook up in the long back, something the 7050 years ago. you call me jumping off of the governor mcdonald, meaning the basic needs. and then the game will be guided, we bought these talking about the lift drains and etc, the talking about the seeing, the not the same thing. just been in that very demo because the, the osha rules in video states. they have to be connected to the same process. so what, what about the se, nothing's been done. most of these, these lobby, which is phasing it, india has gotten solar to the global level, add some other rules. i'm d o, you know, trying to be even happens to be a busy device the don't because these, these are very, very serious thing that is going off having saying that there has been some recent connections. wow. the prominent western media that used to rebut the lead, bobby asked him to nationalists,
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have recently changed their language to naturalist. mm hm. i think this is a very good county and this change we room if this is all been going back and say here, thank you. coming back to mr. chuck for a policy. i'm going to stay with the topic of foreign influence. for a moment. i'd like to be honest with you expect some countries will try to perhaps use methods, the other, the media narratives to in, to fill in the, in the and elections and what kind of the country do to protect this democracy from such modeling. do you think i in the let us not be any doubt that there is a lot of influence, but change from the rest of the waters. i'm abroad. we want to want to have somebody bring the election has been going on for a long time. then for me to get rid of it, i mean this could be intelligence letting operations are open data games that are the media about getting the and, and, and sort of negative stories that sort of tighten down maybe
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a cheap months of the federal government. these things that been happening and we are fully available in this one. i don't think it bothers us much because the people of india do not read the rest of those will actually vote the logs numbers. it's only the, it's the same and they are not going to spend all which the, which be the country is going and how we shouldn't be deciding or reach very well 40 and the, the people the large in the country side, we don't know about best and we basically worked on open issues to look at the candidate with them or was being built in the concert. go ahead and see what is being progress was big garage was being costs because the types of the issues on which people vote was of course the because the logic. but i mentioned this 1st one example the, the cutting, the government is seem to be putting the majority against the minority. i think
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that is true. the gibs, every citizen for money comes to the government in terms of relevant measures and various aspects of governance. so i don't think does not have to really the goals, but it does. it does influence walters, particularly when they, when they look up to on the 2 sides of the governing side and the opposition, the 10 to tennessee. sometimes a bit comes on maybe 2 months, we need carpets, but that is all democracy functions. i nice thing, you know, the other things, positive things we are, we are the boss stride. and i thing you to point out in the design one, on many, many sites have some very interesting points that i'm going to come back to mr. bo's. now, as we mentioned, w equals 1000000000 people will be heading to the polls in your view. what are going to be the main obstacles into my face during these elections,
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the main obstacle to what a doing the elections, whether it's logistically or otherwise. ok. okay, no history can be really a very good uh, you know, he lives election given to the board actually the election of the election stop. we go back to the whole process. i've already started for those who cannot get out of the home. so these are the level ridiculous i that we have the improving useful the time. the only thing i think a box of boxes or us because it is a very long, long collection that there's really 2 big thoughts on the campaigning ammunition basis. and it's the sort of bidding deep now. so that is the main challenge, but unfortunately the election got in the the, you know, have to be, you know, the time media. when you are not to click the, we've already gone to the activities like it is not already, you know, the,
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the august things these, i think there are a lot of issues with that. all of the other considerations. so the security i didn't raise and there's a dresser, the orders barely, i don't think that is a problem, but we'll just pull this up very happy that these. obviously the house is the election stop that will, you know, we just go to the thank you coming back to mr. shy for a policy. the question to you is a full, the external affairs official, headlights, wong school assessments of india is foreign policy priorities of the movies and how they could potentially change off to this crucial election. when i think the government of the next government has been focused on the economic prodigies of. yeah, and it is uh, i think it is uh no brain. uh, i'm in the, i wants to become an economic success story. and that is the ultimate need of indian funding policy also. so us, so that'd be the job for everybody. i made friendships and we trips in be i believe
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we have, we have 14, you have to be, have listed many millions out of property, but we have certain along the way to vote. and that is what this just do. intends in deals, funding, pharmacy may be driven by and so we cannot make fund. i don't want to say charge to a lot to expand. and of course, these are the 2 main things bedford drive, and the highest driven can be as part of the policy. hence, uh, let's say the price of oil put in some is very in boxes and being bought 80 percent of our fossil fuel. and that's right, and i'm sure comes a dozen guys and all the largest in both of the russian on. and we have, uh, you have the, just to any sort of pressure on us uh, not important from russia, especially the time for us to kind of get. and i think this, this feeling is, is uh, quite once, but not why. why should be not, you know,
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of any sanctions which tends to be rebuttal out independent and the really, in the most decision making certainly have done over so many good. thank you very much. i won't find the place. um, as we just established, the economy has been a priority. i for india and may well remains to be so in the near future. what all the indian people's main expectations for the country's economic development of the election. d. thank a c d o country. very likely the got a lot of development has become the wind of this uh, electronic notice the campaign of the body. it is all 99 percent on the development of glass. so, you know, we uh, from, we have this and your, uh, the basics like we don't have uh, you know, the bar down right now, i think around 80 color. uh, so the people get
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a fee of nations. okay. freeform plans uh the holly is and your we are, we are putting more focus on that thinking what uh, by thinking, what are these region already beach to nearly 70 percent of homes, electricity, hebrides, it is now the question of stabilizing. this process of the job is going to be a very big issue uh for the economy, the boss, john in all dar foster and the focus that having said that, there are many challenges. we all know the just before one beautiful artificial intelligence. so these are not really so dynamic water, these will follow, you know, does not follow states better by job creation far because it is a young country is the primary issue that, that we use the mainland agent up, our next flight will be thank you. both of you for your time on us see international this evening. i really appreciate it. this is the crystal,
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yes india. and we're going to be closely following the selection. so i thank you both very much for your take on the situation that was on boss of the pay not a run john and hope to talk with bossy from a secretary of the in the administrative extent of the size and prostate runs on both of senior journalist and call them if they can very much for the finish. well, just say with us about this, we kind of the cutting mazda as we bring you. all special coverage of india is parliamentary elections that were runs through june, starting this friday on april. the 19th the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the


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