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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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and that is of working for telegram, and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers or agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mine the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the u. s. government to maybe any other government because of backstory is a back door regardless of who is using it. so many interesting things that he mentioned, the specially the fact that he had his b. i. agents, as he said, show up at his doorstep inquiring about him why he left russia. what telegram is all about entitled to have said it seemed like they were trying to establish a relationship with him and a connection. and as we decided that they were trying to employ a one of his engineers, they're also interested in the fact that he says that he was contacted by both
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parties asking for completely different things. one was asking to share the data or else the other one said, well, if you share the data, you'll face punishment. that's here. after the events of january of the 6, we received a letter from a i believe congressman of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with in the us constitution. or something like, 2 weeks after butler, we got another letter in new, other from the republican side of the congress. and there we read that if we give out any data and
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according to the previous request, we would be in violation of the risk institution. so we got to the letters that said whatever we do with the file waiting, serious constitution, it's funny, right? because he left russia in pursuit to all of this freedom of speech, which is why he went to the united states. and then that's what he got in return, because just to remind our viewers again, he left the russia sites in government pressure apparently for almost all its ease, back in 2011, to shut down the pages of opposition politicians back on this conduct c, v k, which is the equivalent of facebook in russia and he was the owner of that back then. so he refused to do that. then a couple of years after that, he said that he got pressure again from us towards ease uh to release the data regarding the ukrainian protest leaders. and again, he refused to do that and a telegram list. don't forget once you've been blocked or rochelle for 2 years,
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but of course so horror it is quick. they realize that they, it's quite hard to block something these days and as you are but nose as well with archie, so telegram returns and people do, of decided to leave russia in pursuit of his freedom of speech. he tried various countries before the united states. he tried single poor, he tried germany as well in germany, didn't work out for the project reasons because he wasn't aware that your regulations require you to hire local as far as even if he can find it, even if you can't find anyone. and then finally as the realize that us was a disaster. so it was, he got mugged in san francisco and he settled and the u. a, but he seems to be happy. so in his proceeds to provide this platform that offers the, you know, a voice that if every person, regardless of use how they succeeded. yes, he calls it a neutral platform and that they only supposedly sensor child pornography or terrorism something really violent. and then he said, come to e u pressure and
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a band odds these channels, for example, especially in europe. so is there a nearby cannot on telegram read ortiz channels. if you are a rush and, and in other countries, you can. but that in itself shows and proves that telegram is on neutral and they're going by what e u officials want them to do? actually, the most especially who received was not from the country is government agencies. it was from apple and google, and let's not forget that some ports in the why, because you need apple or google to download telegrams. so this is what he had to say about the pressure of he felt from them. largest pressure towards those room is not coming from governments. it's coming from apple and google. oh, so when it comes to freedom of speech, those 2 platforms, they could a basically cents or whatever it is you can read access on your smartphone. so i mean to run the risk of being thrown out of their stores. exactly,
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and that's what they make very clear that they fail to comply with their guidelines . so they call it a told her and can be removed from the stores. also interesting, a final note i'll talk across and ask some, do you think you're being spied on by the and the say the national security agency and it says, well, i can't know 4 or 5. but i assume so because he says that he has very limited faith in apps that are developed in the united states in terms of privacy. so coming from paddle do or of i thing cause that says that all the motion, crude oil shipments sold to an 11 month high this month hits and almost 4000000 barrels daily. as according to bloomberg monitoring, it also states that india has become a top info to of russia stable and crude. before the ukraine conflicts of 2022 most goes main crude oil shipment destination was year up. and the last 2 years most
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goes tons to the east with supplies of 3500000 barrels a day. the vast majority of shipments going to asian pose among the local nations. india was not even on the list of russians. people include or supplies before the 2022, now new delhi, tops most of those historical putting a china supply and 1500000 barrels daily with india already coming up and ready for the upcoming elections. the countries parliament man but schon, she's the role. so it's the, whichever political punch it comes out on top, the nations ties with russia will remain a strong this of a, the following policy issues of logically been consensual. the relationship with russia was built by successive congress, comes to the congress, comes back to par. i don't see any substantive change being likely in the relationship best to all very important features that bring us together, including substantial defense commitments,
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including for spare parts for all the equipment purchased and the bossed uh, the oil sands from russia to india, which has been extremely important and where the india has developed, i might even use a way that large dependency on russian sources of energy. and otherwise we will be dependent on russia for certain things and cooperate with russia and certain other things that is normal. that's happened before. it will happen again since 2022 when russia launched is military operation. ukraine. the west on this media spewed plenty of narratives. timing the most go is a threat to europe and is due to lose the military conflict. the oscillation of russians that we sanctions became a states had goal of the us on this, i lies how of a former un staff member entente talk stays the situation is taking a very different time. it has very strong relations reservation for decades. i don't think you should forget the fact that india has being one of the
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largest importers of russian weapon systems. but tickets we have a relationship with russia, but it does not forget the support that the russian gave to india in 1971. so it has always been a very strong relationship. so i don't think that using the word blossom is particularly accurate. the relationship is strong. if the demand strong, of course the pressure brought on india immediately after the war started to should be back up based on the relationship like, you know, in the end of its own interest and of interest. both of them, the wine and board, as well as the relationship is i as i said, it looks as minister don't suggestion for that said, maintaining that started. besides the dresser, the china's intelligence agency has wanted citizens, they've afar and stayed spying on the countries where us on food industries. the
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laces warnings were issued and a documentary on state television as part of national security education day. the phone 6 to highlight b. s. b dollars, methods for those may use china state secure receive industry is also quote on the public to be way of recruitment spot. overseas intelligence agencies issuing examples of real cases from the past few years. especially look for, it shows the country's economy and the houston technology that generates renewable energy. china is a world lead them in wet of metals, with 44000000 tons of reserves and about 90 percent of global refined outputs below said aging. restricted expos of both results is on the extraction technologies senior fellow at the tire institute. i know time good says his take on who trying to was trying to protect from is to protect this technology from of china has been
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under a uh, basically a technology fargo from the united states. it has not responded by curtailing uh, rivers. now they find themselves of a position where the technology capabilities are errors, as well as you know, the human needs food are being attacked in 2010. china was able to roll up c. i is a co for the operations in china. and since and the c i a has been trying, it's best to re establish your spine network, the united states. that's the largest 5 budget in the world, uh $90000000000.00 a year where the danger that china seas is that there could be an attempt to describe the chinese both agriculture and also you know, these wherever a switch are critical to the technology that is necessary to power the future, not only for china, but the entire world. so this is not just the threats to china itself,
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but it's one to the, to the blow by solve a statistics in terms of what china produces. there was an active sabotage to undermine that. this would have a devastating impact around the world. meanwhile, in the flooded region, solve eastern russia, water levels, and the type of revolt which runs around the city of code gun revising, find the hour this morning. they reach new highs a to the whole me to is putting local downs on to, to as multiple districts and the regional urging that presidents to evacuate as soon as possible to use the amalgam as the child has moved from the same slots marching all across russia's feast we are in the capital of gun region in the city of gun itself. the level of water in the re, with the city lies on has almost doubled in last 24 hours. because reason up to
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almost a to meet as well. the critical point for a city is not in because most of the dams are on the city, on 9 meters high and low local authorities, cool situation, something close to be called critical. they say that the cd is between on the brink of collapse because the city itself lies in the lowlands. so when or if the damsel would be breached, that would be a good gesture for complete catastrophe. for, for hundreds of thousands of people, almost $15000.00 people have already been evacuated to move off to be evacuated. vocal may have just yesterday off piece, fellow citizens, quote, help us to help you, please evacuate. when the down would be breached that would create an enormous amount of pressure for all government agencies. because now the main agency who's in charge of handling the crisis, russian emergency ministry, the they are not enough. but when the city would be flooded, that would create a situation even. it was then
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a we could imagine any reports by human rights watch saves is really settlers with the help of the all me have a birth to the 7 communities in the space. many palestinians and the occupied westbank since october last yes. a father from d, my town in the west bank describes the power of being unable to protect his family and children from a violent attack by status. the asylums, the most difficult feeling in the world is when you're unable to protect your children. if your children are crying in front of you and you're unable to anything about it, that's the most difficult feeling in life. settlers attacked our house and i couldn't do anything. 2040500 settlers. if not more, they attacked our house. they tried to burn the house down with gasoline. i mean, these are my children. what is their fault? what fault of theirs justifies what they experience? i mean they did not sleep all night from nightmare and bad dreams. every now and then they start talking about the settlers. i don't know how can i help them open
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in the middle east bureau chief maria the notion i downs into a not the violence attack by settlers that was boxed by the idea. a young jewish settlers covering their faces token front of a garage and a palestinian village. then 2 of them enter inside one's glass has a car with flammable liquid and other one sets it on fire. israeli soldiers cold on the same video stay behind. clearly aware of what is going to happen and do nothing to stop the use when the job is done and the settlers leave. the soldiers give them cover. at one point they start shooting at on, on the police, stevie and throwing stones, as could be seen on another video filaments from a different angle. we've gone to the scene of the attack to find the place full of dramatic reminders towards the vehicles broken windows, bullet casings and terry find residents. this is the garage from the video that
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went viral and this is what's left from the white car set on fire. and the footage, the owner shared the materials from hasty ctv cameras with us that refused to talk on camera, fearing for his live and more attacks. we met several people whose property houses are cars, were damaged by settlers. all too scared to be filmed. these men live in across the street from the garage was the only one who agreed to talk on camera. on the sub, on saturday, around 9 o'clock settlers came here threw stones on the street and scattered garbage bins and tires. closing the street. there was a funeral procession that was stopped here, so people asked to open the road to let the funeral pass. they opened the road, but after the settlers left they returned set a neighbor's car on fire inside the garage and then started breaking into houses. they broke all the houses windows, including this balcony, that one and another at the back of the house. there were about 60 to 70 settlers. we don't know their names or even recognize them. the mothers,
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how does it was the funeral of a palestinian field and its home from the day before? the westbank has been a hot bed of conflict between 2 settlers and the palestinians for decades with the disappearance of land resources and political sylvan to the most recent wave of violet. he started after a 14 year old jewish boy from an illegal outpost, was found dead, reportedly, the stabbing injuries before any police investigation. settlers took the law into their own hands, attacking dozens of nearby power steering villages. the violence must stop. civilians are never legitimate targets. we call them the will far it is to take measures to protect all communities from home. and we urge israel and the palestinian authority to do everything possible to de escalate tensions. the international community condemned violence earlier, washington sanctioned a number of jewish outposts and the you announced its plans to impose visa bands and assets freezes on successors in an attempt to reduce as well and regression.
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policemen and many other palestinians believe it will make little difference. the settlers and the jews don't care about anyone. i'm just saying generally about the jews, the settlers, the army, and everyone. they don't care about the international community or anyone else. they do whatever they want. it could be a good start, but they are not going to change anything in reality. so these really army commented on the garage incident, say the way soldiers acted in the footage does not correspond to the armies values and orders. the adf launched an investigation promising to deal with the military accordingly, and it didn't take long before to waste it's conclusion. after investigating the incident, it was found that the situation in the video was taken out of context and does not reflect it in the correct way. in the area in the video, friction developed between is riley and palestinian citizens were mutual stones were thrown, the force at the point, worked to defuse the friction and minimize the damage to all citizens. the soldier
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in the video is an operational driver, not a fighter. who tried to talk to the citizens who set fire to the vehicle, offered a safe member of these really parliament for they had dashed, parting standing for jewish arab partnership and equality. and jew himself send an urgent appeal to the country's defense minister. and the idea of chief of stuff is easy for him is not going to be investigated. and this settler said they and the sold yes, i'm not going to be jobs. then i have no other choice but to appeal to the national national institutions. i hope that they really, it's sort of the problem in stopped with those kinds. but i must say that i'm not very, eh, hold for about that. just a couple of hours after this interview wasn't recruited, the news came in about 2, all their palestinians killed by gunfire in a fight was doing stuff. there was in the east and west bank police launched an investigation. see or is off that it's results just like it was with numerous
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previous probes, will hardly stop the violence will bring those responsible to just as rafe, an ocean of tea from palestine. the us, the national security advisor has, once again postponed his visit to india. it was due to attend an annual meeting of the initiative on critical and emerging technologies. the projects loans last year was intended to both the corporation in the field. display us officials waxing lyrical about india is importance. as an ally at the meeting is now being cancelled twice. a partnership between the us and india, a country in brooks, has gone to new heights with an engagement across technology. and so many are in security. and so many other dimensions. india is the world's largest democracy. it is an important strategic partner of the united states. and i expect that to remain true. relations between the 2 countries have been a little strange of late,
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as lots of us all said, refuge to say except or to. so even implied new delhi was closing assassination attempts more recently worked since within. so the rest of the chief minister in new delhi was election interference within the foreign back saying it was the us itself. that was meddling the recent 2 months where the state department of unwarranted any such external invitation on our electronic and legal processes is completely unacceptable. and india legal processes are driven only by the rule of law. anyone who has similar the posts, especially federal democracies, should have no difficulty in appreciating this fact for the indian and boss of the d, pass virus. so there's, there's a difference between words and action when it comes to closing up to new delhi. or there is sometimes a shadow between the word and the action of people in india and no data needed. any
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more advisors saying we'd love you guys and then get us in the brands and that used to happen not anymore. so i do believe that these statements shouldn't be taken with us here florida sauls. and we believe that the actions if they are taken with then convince us of this and saturday and trustworthiness of our partners, whoever they are very, very busy and nice things about us. we will fall in love with them and then do remind us and then control the well. they also say some nice do things about us. we don't take that to. ringback any more, nobody in policy making so goods, and that's in fact, we've done some work. juvenile managers update your end, and this is my personal opinion. no one has ever chose the americans or being sensitive to the concerns of their bosses. thanks for joining us and all the international web back in just a few minutes by the time team on the
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the the, the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack,
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which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, winston churchill birds the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i, elmer hell deign, bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921,
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it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v. a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the, the valley or my little store. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem seeing it on the out of the nose off any documents. yeah. side of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden too big of for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well,
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i guess i lost my list, says that the outcome of the chicago police it'd be gang chicago is like, you get photos. i believe you lose the there's another crap thing could have been a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the water is part of the, the employee was posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as the little one. no, no, no, no, no, not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was
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a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so it gives you a show of the great deal to the new, so new that sort of thing. keep a new month to mazda thought this minute, noon, and one of our, from the sale of that i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a j o. i had no problem with this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch nice. oh boy festival. to go to
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want the fondest to should buy a new on it on the site is animal simone? good. so you don't the yo, yo, now i'm gonna put the ticket bucket together. move when i will show the wrong just to save house. because the and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries.
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not any time right now, and then you don't see a number. what is all on the empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me, i got the american soldiers mooted resistors, most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and li bye. all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yes, yes. yes. that's the way it's too late. to the,
12:00 pm
the, the, the images, the date, the 11 people including children, are killed. and in this way, as flying on a refugee camp in central garza is a conflict of desktops, 33000 people. georgia prime minister pushes for the adult to be for an agent, floors, the country. it's president about the veto. as we discussed, the controversial, the correspond that faced us with tons of low scope of the being defaulted from georgia to india, the wells most populous country as largest democracy proposed to to the next condiments we bring you on special coverage. those big for so election also ahead we get too much attention from the at the i.


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