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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the headline stories this, our us lawmakers pitch just separate $60000000000.00 a foreign, a bill for ukraine with the proposed money going to key of as loans. instead of donations or warning, disturbing images at least 11 people, including children, are killed in the 3 new years for like on a refugee camp in central gals. that was the desk told there since october, 7th, purportedly in years 34000 people. the george and prime minister of pushes for the adoption of a foreign agents small as the country president bowes to veto it. we discussed the
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bill with our correspondence who's just returned to moscow after being deported. problem to police, the welcome to our to international. my name's you to know neil of 30 minutes of use and use starts now. and the latest attempt to get a controversial foreign aid package past us lawmakers have decided to break an old don and to separate several bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine. congress members who are expected to vote on the proposal on sunday. want to loan the money instead of donating it took us more on this not from our to still have not been in new york a while after months of the house of representatives, delaying and debating the nature of upcoming aid from the united states to ukraine . we now have
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a new set of bills that have been put forward in the lower house of the us congress . now they have divided funding for ukraine funding for israel and funding for the government on taiwan from each other into 3 separate bills. the bill for ukraine provides ukraine with attack comes missiles, as well as $61000000000.00. however, it's not simply a gift, it'll be a loan which ukraine will be required to reimburse the united states for the president of the united states will be authorized under the bill to negotiate the terms of ukraine reimbursing the united states for the $61000000000.00 and the president will have the authority to wave or, you know, a disavow or make clear it no longer have to be paid up to 50 percent up to half of the money. and the negotiation will be carried out by the president of the united states. now, the important to note the 61000000000 dollars will not all just be directly given
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to you grain. a 3rd of it will be given to us weapons manufacturers who will use it to manufacture weapons, which they will then provide to ukraine. and this is the terms of the new bill in which it looks like there's potential for the house of representatives to pass a due ukraine after months of delay. now it's important to note that there are many republicans who oppose it. among the margery tailored green and outspoken mog, a supporter margaret republican, here's what she said. you speak of john santa voted against $300000000.00 for your grade before we gave you the gamble along the majority of republicans. no one understands why it is now. your top priority to give you credit $60000000000.00 more dollars you see was the out of step with the republicans by continuing to pass bills, dependent on democrats. everyone sees through this now many are looking at johnson,
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the current speaker of the house, who is a republican and smelling a bit of hip hop proceed. he's previously opposed giving a new crane, but he appears to be supporting the current bill and the current proposal. so many are looking on with a bit of frustration, marjorie taylor green, and some of the mog or republicans are not with him on this or. and we have us present, joe biden, who seems to be getting a little desperate in his rhetoric, saying that this $61000000000.00 is necessary because without it, russia will be then storming into europe and invading european union countries. this is jo biden's latest compelling or not so compelling case for funding the grant in war. for us it's, i'm smith's, the boot is false. as we move closer than ever tell nate to allies dismissed the boot and they say you need to ally, we will come to its aid as our and these are allies did for us for the september 11th attacks, we should say supports the grading now just missed a booty and from encroaching no,
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no naser allies and show that he doesn't draw us too into a future war in europe. now the russian president has made abundantly clear he has no intention of inciting nato members or european union countries, but that has not stopped by them. and nato leaders from making this claim over and over again. when trying to justify their pro long of the conflict in ukraine. now at this point, people are looking at the new mobilization law in ukraine and wondering if the fact that this will be a debt that ukraine has to pay, it'll be a loan. and the terms of the loans re payment will be negotiated. but president, people wonder if that is already being leverage to control ukraine and it's government policies. this new mobilization in ukraine is certainly not popular and it's certainly unpleasant for many men in the country. so voting on this bill in
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the house of representatives is expected to take place on saturday. is certainly a new development in the congressional battles surrounding us involvement in the ukraine in conflict and the supplier of the american taxpayer money to the government to keep staying with a story american political level. as christopher halle offered us, his views on the way that the vice of bill is being used by power players in washington. of course, the timing is amazing at a given the fact that it, whether bite in wins or loses, it will still be able to make the executive decision to wipe out the debt. and then either way, he'll put uh, you know, if president deaf or president trump is re elected, you'll put a to find on him to enforce the other 50 percent and ensure that the united states is paid back. you have to imagine that there are a lot of machinations going on behind the scenes to ensure that the key of get this money and the key of doesn't have to pay. and so of course, that date is very,
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very humorous for us to recognize that given the fact that now binding is losing so badly in the bowls and that his approval rating is saying that they realize that even if he kept less until, you know, uh, another time at least give him a november 15th or so the rate of the that 50 percent of the debt for kids to the middle east. where'd at least 11 people, including children helping killed and, and this really restaurant on the mac gals, a refugee camp in central gals. a warning disturbing images are ahead. bodies were brought to the alexa hospital for distraught relative bid farewell to their loved ones. parish were held outside the building over the bodies of the victims before they were taken away for burial. while another is released, strike is a refugee camp in southern rough, near the egyptian border. children were also among the dead there to
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so far the number of palestinians killed in 6 months of war has reached over 33800 people with children making up around 40 percent of that figure. according to the end, states health ministry, la turkish president, has again furiously criticize the killing of children in the conflict. red shepherd, one went as far as to compare israel's actions with us, of nazi germany. a good soldier. they killed 14000 children, 14000 children. their actions had already surpassed. people are really going to, despite those who did not see the death of 14000 innocent children, and tried to curry favor with ease where by claiming that from us is a terrorist organization. we will courageously defense, health science struggle for independence under all circumstances. of course, what i want to show you this is, well, google is headquarters in the u. s. on both coast have been gripped by pro palestinian protest in california on new york. the tech joins employees along with active as gather to condemn what they call the corporation,
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support of us really actions in gaza. protestors stage demonstrations under the slogan, no tech for a part time. they called on google chiefs to drop project nimbus, a cloud computing project complete i. d. f. muller, standing on muslim employees also claim they faced harassment and bullying which the company has failed to address. some employees were reportedly arrested after a sit in protest. less than the binding classes have broken out in room after students took to the streets, the month thing to end the a toddy and capitol as somebody in the university's cooperation with israel on educational project for testers. reportedly tried to break into a meeting of the colleges academic center. you know the story we are across today, the prime minister of georgia essays,
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the government will not scruff it's foreign agents. bill, despite the criticism coming from certain countries of the what comes of protesters down the right side, the problem and building and the capital to please see for a 3rd day in a row, demonstrators could be seen waving george and e u flights. they condemn the legislation, which is a into providing more transparency about the foreign funding of energy owners and media outlets in the country. a day earlier, protests turn violent sauce demonstrators last with
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a lease. the while on that day, tuesday, our corresponding double quarter was detained by george and authorities upon arrival in typically see to cover the ongoing protest. he was eventually deported back to russia after being held at the airport for hours and broke done. what happened to him to my colleague nikki, or in here in the studio? shortly after his return to moscow, i have dual citizenship, a russian passport, an american passport. i gave them my russian passport as so i entered as a russian citizen. and so there was quite a bit of time that went by a for just kind of sitting there and i was like, is there a problem? and she said that there was a that the system that they were using didn't want to accept my documents. i thought that was kind of strange, nothing like that. it never happen to me before. but she just asked me to wait for a little while. one hour went by 2 hours ago by nobody's explaining why i have why i'm still waiting. obviously, a program doesn't take that long to load up,
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but no information has been given to me and by 3 hours i'm, i'm starting to already message our producer in moscow saying, you know, i think it's time to get in touch with the russian foreign ministry with the embassy in group in georgia because something isn't right here. this is never happened to me before. and it's a good thing we did that because just about an hour after we decided that for 4 hours total me waiting for this a suppose a glitch in the system. they come up to me with a piece of paper, half georgia and half english. um, its a list of reasons why someone might be refused from the country and a little check mark next to other on the paper they said, i'm not being allowed them to the country. i'm like, uh, you know, what, what is this other reason? can you explain in detail what, what the problem is? and they said no, and the so after that they were like, okay, well, we're deporting you. they brought me to a separate room and they took away my phone without any explanation as to why or if i would get it back. and then i waited it out there essentially until 11 pm. no
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information, not knowing what's going on. i mean, you know, especially since they didn't give me an actual concrete reason, but luckily they actually let me go at the 11 pm when they said they would. they brought me to the plane, didn't my passport back in my phone. and then i was able to make it back to rush at like 4 in the morning. and i'm very happy to be back in fresh answer, although it's good to have you back done. so you're doing no official reason why you need it to be just the put it posted from georgia. but what possible reasons could that be? do you think? well, i think in hindsight, look and everything. the main reason was probably because i was going there while this unrest connected to this for an agencies bill that the truth that they're passing through parliament was going on. i was there last year when the parliament tried and ultimately failed to pass a very similar law. and there were riots on the streets protest. apparently, i'm my guess is that the authorities didn't want me to cover that for some reason. maybe they thought that my coverage made the georgia government look bad or
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something. i'm not sure. so the whole reason we wanted to send you to was that to cover the protest, we wanted to know exactly what was going on. but that was you called guys. okay, do we have any idea of what the situation is right now on the ground? well, protests are continuing. of course we have seen some reports of uh, you know, violence. we've been a lot of official reactions as well. for example, the president of georgia who was very western oriented, she said that after she was asked by a journalist, if she would veto this bill, when it goes through parliament, she said, she absolutely will do all you going to veto the little. because if it does indeed powerful the stages of parliament as president of the nation, you do have the right to usual because to, i mean, these are going to be slow as i'm weak the well the other lows because that's not the bottom. it's triple strategy. that's cool, in case recommendations of the, in your, in junior there it is pretty obvious though, with the georgian present deciding that she's going to veto this legislation that she's really just putting on
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a shell. because even she herself said earlier that if she would go through with a veto of this bill, it's very likely that because of the massive support that it has from george and parliament, it would just get over written by the georgian parliament. and this legislation would go through anyway, so i guess we have to ask the question, who is she putting on a show for me? i would say her western patrons or the loudest voices outside of georgia, calling this for an agency legislations, some sort of pro russian legislation or an in contradiction with western values. the same countries that are funding and sponsoring these non n g o non governmental organizations in georgia that are basically manipulating public opinion against russia and china. the most recent comment we have is from the use policy cheap, a foreign policy chief brother joseph perone. we transparency of foreign influence, slow is not in line with e. you norms and values. if adult that it would limit csl and media would have freedom of expression. we urge leaders to refrain from adults and legislation to
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can compromise judges a path. the main thrust behind this legislation with just means that organizations would have to register in a government database that they received over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources. and this is not something that's specific to georgia. i mean, the european union itself has similar for an agency legislation. it's just they call it a defensive democracy package, not an actual for an agencies law. and if we look at the united states, there's been a for an agencies law there as well. since the mid 20th century, actually. so there's plenty of western countries that have legislation like this that are aimed at controlling for an influence in the country. so despite all these, you know, georgian liberals and western politicians and figures saying that this has something to do with russia. it looks far from it. it's just an update on this. the bill on foreign agents has not passed the 1st reading in the george and parliament with no votes against it, not to become
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a law. it has to be adopted into more readings. well, the countries prime minister has said the motion is designed to prevent the so called ukraine nice ation of georgia. you and you said the truth while they were actively trying to do in 2020, 2022, namely change of government through revolution. georgia would be in a worse position today than ukraine is now. a former georgian lawmaker team or my eyes are on, say, told our to the nation is against the west, potentially using a ukraine playbook of sorts to manufacturer a similar process. there are watching the voices near to basically there is no direct connection between the cases of georgia in ukraine. but there is upon the presence of western financing, standing up to engines at around something intriguing the possibility of some kind of cool to the national movement or some other party cannot win elections now in such circumstances, in order to obtain the desired by what they need to provide the conditions for
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a crew, and during the queue, the one who commits it with the notice. well, this scheme has was not only in ukraine, but in many countries. some of the world. it's a proven method and in georgia to, by the way, in 2003, we have folders, some similarities, but a direct viral cannot be drawn. my, i'm sure that the government will handle this because they have such experience as the west to try to inflame pensions in georgia as much as possible. this law has nothing to do with it. they would have used any opportunities to, in this case, this particular law worked well, because this law has already failed once. and now these reasons is beneficial to them. because if they want to change stuff in, in georgia, they need to do the for the summer because elections and you would have already started in the summer. and the, you will not have time for georgia. and we have elections in the for, and later in the us to the money that goes to the n g o st. francis and development of from the policies. that is,
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the interest of southern public organizations in money is so great that they are rates completing a task that for a boy we don't basically know as they sions, the field of action is getting wider and wider. the scale is already frightening. that is why the prime minister can pass what is happening with the grades because they gave so much money to turn it around at 1st and then it was impossible to shut it down to it. so now that the situation get out of control, the process is became invoke. this cannot be allowed to happen in georgia. the, the president of catholic stem house coal for tolerance over the use of the russian language in the country. he made the statement while visiting a russian speaking region of the central asian state. a spoken simple according to our constitution. the cause of the language does the state language. while the russian language is used on an equal footing with the state language and performs
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the functions of an official language, therefore there is no contradiction here. people can use whichever language they find convenient. it is foolish to stir up hysteria around the language to fight against it. to pass has happened in some countries and we see what they have now as a result of that, it is foolishness. so let us be calm, colorant and ultimately intelligent. what catholics town has recently seen a series of incidents involving national is targeting those who prefer to speak russian in the country. so called language patrols are notorious for their provocative post on social media and some local administration. so i've sent their stuff to read public places to make sure businesses are putting up price tags in cuz other footage has shown russian speakers being bullied for not knowing the statement to lose you room for the sudden you're any pretty massive asked or just go with one of them,
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so i guess is that the music and the food with the buses to see me call them is less than what. so i just didn't like i left them business traces. in other words, you know that we're turning, it's a new, the one that was those that those walgreens does not include those doors you need does not like whatever, but the only stuff you go for the car locks the, the, the problems could oh yeah. and you don't get in touch and we, i don't know what kind of like selling is one of many former soviet republics where russian is still open the used. however, nations like you've crane mountain the baltic states something cracking done on the russian language. following the, my done crew in 2014 the new authorities in t a push to restrict the rights of russian speakers that quickly led to the re unification of crimea with russia. and the secession of the dumb boss. republics
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that sparked the civil war, which eventually led to the events unfolding today. but we asked political scientists are again mark off why the russian language has become a hot topic in catholic stuff. i think from a sort of just is that i no pressure but the or not i'm not too sure where else it could be some kind of pressure. and some of the initial news i tried to read eyes is this issue about the majority roles that people in the cause i've found believes that that's a rising close the linguistic uh, question as political question. uh quote uh on the lines up by the trust i'd be to just like concerts as it's got them and you click of course. uh i got the car from you is uh uh you create because they're clearing the insect to destroy it. now, politically, joseph will not just throw or expands them, run those. i mean,
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there isn't. all of this. my call of subject grain was assist us jargo at a game steps. rational learn good, shut option culture. and the last time i did it says that post. so far you couldn't know sort of it was that you separated and close it out from the leg richards that i found that the districts, it's not. what do i see in the cause i saw in cuz i found a sort of just a making kind of just quite wise. but was, you know, the funder of the telegram social media platform? people do it all has broken his silence to the american journalist tucker carlson, giving his 1st interview in years. speaking of his office into by the russian born entrepreneur, explain why setting up shop in the united states was a no go a. we got too much attention from the, the, at the i, the security agencies,
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wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security, off officers or agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mind, the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the u. s. government to maybe any other government because of backstory is a back door regardless of who is using it. so many interesting things that he mentioned, especially the fact that he had this b, i, agents, as he said, show up at his doorstep inquiring about him why he levies russia. telegram is all about entitled to have said it seemed like they were trying to establish a relationship with him and a connection. and as we just heard that they were trying to employ a one of his engineers. they're also interested in the fact that he says that he
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was contacted by both parties asking for completely different things. one was asking to share the data or else the other one say, well, if you share the data, you'll face punishment. that's here after the events of january of the 6, we received a letter from i believe the clinic with many of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter. it seemed very serious. uh and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, you will be in violation with the us constitution or something like 2 weeks after butler. we got another letter in new, other from the republican side of the congress. and
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there we read that if we give out any data according to the previous request, we would be in violation of the risk institution. so we got to the letters that said whatever we do with the file lifting, the risk institution. it's funny, right? because he left russia and pursued to all of this freedom of speech, which is why he went to the united states. and then that's what he got in return. because just to remind our viewers again, he left the russia sites and government pressure apparently for almost all its ease, back in 2011, to shut down the pages of opposition politicians back on this conduct c, v k, which is the equivalence of facebook. in russia and he was the owner of that back then. so he refused to do that. then a couple of years after that, he said that he got pressure again from us to ortiz, to release the data regarding the ukrainian protest leaders. and again, he refused to do that, and
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a telegram list i forget was even blocked or rochelle for 2 years. but of course, so horror it is quick. they realize that they, it's quite hard to block something these days and as you are but knows as well with r t. so telegram returns and people do, of decided to leave russia in pursuit of his freedom of speech. you tried various countries before the united states. he tried single poor, he tried germany as well in germany, didn't work out for the project reasons because he wasn't aware that your regulations require you to hire local as far as even if he can find it. even if he can't find any one. and then finally as the realize that us was a disaster. so it was, he got marked in san francisco and he settled and the u. a. but he seems to be happy. so in his proceeds to provide this platform that offers a, you know, a voice that if every person, regardless of use how they succeeded. yes, he calls it a neutral platform and that they only supposedly sensor child pornography or
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terrorism something really violent. and then he said, come to e u pressure and a band odds these channels, for example, especially in europe, is there a nearby cannot on telegram read ortiz channels. if you are a russian and in other countries, you can. but that in itself shows and proves that telegram is only mutual and they're going by what e u officials want them to do? actually, the most pressure who received was not from the countries government agencies. it was from apple and google. and let's not forget that some ports in the why, because you need apple or google to download telegrams. so this is what he had to say about the pressure he felt from them. largest pressure towards telegram is not coming from governments. it's coming from apple and google. oh, so when it comes to freedom of speech, those 2 platforms, they could basically censor whatever it is you can read access on your smartphone.
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so i mean, do you run the risk of being thrown out of their stores? exactly. and that's what they make very clear that they fail to comply with their guidelines. so they call it a told her and can be removed from the stores. also interesting, a final note i'll talk across and ask some, do you think you're being spied on by the, on the say, the national security agency and it says, well, i can't know 4 or 5. but i assume so because he says that he has very limited faith in apps that are developed in the united states in terms of privacy. so coming from paddle do or of i thing cause that says that all my colleagues, marina cost for of nikki, are in talking us through that to earlier. and that is where we say good bye. for now. i bought our website and never stopped taking it all. the latest developments today over at archie dot com, always fresh updates on a lively discussion, will be fine there.
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the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. known in vietnam, american war,


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