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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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the, the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show it seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think known in vietnam, american war, the vietnam war last, it's almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any time between now and then you don't really know why it's all on the empty.
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hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i thought about that not meant to supply american soldiers related resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and even lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's, that's a ways to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision, with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better world. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can the 10 years ago, few people believe that playing video games would be considered a competitive, professional sport that could become a $1000000000.00 industry. yet, this is precisely what has happened within just one decade. the east sports industry has grown tremendously now with investors back in teams to compete in
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official tournaments around the world. i'm christy, and you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're immersing ourselves in the expansive world of gaming. the gaming today isn't just the path time. it is an industry. it's not just about the hardware, the peripherals or the games themselves, but it's a full on ecosystem that caters to a diverse audience with varying spending habits. e sports has evolved from nation competitive to global phenomenon. the financial investments in east bore teams, tournaments, and sponsorships have skyrocketed. the sports market worldwide is projected to reach revenues of $4300000000.20. and now east sports isn't your normal gaming. it is competitive video gaming or professional players or teams compete in various multiplayer video games. these competitions are organized into links
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tournaments and events, attracting both online and offline audiences. it is sports has now grown into an industry with players sponsors and spectators contributing to its popularity and economic significance. the sports market can be divided into 6 different parts. first we have the sponsorships and advertising, which is the revenue made from sponsorship deals and advertising for events and tournaments. then there's merchandise and ticketing for the revenues from tournament tickets and the merchandise and spy that comes with. additionally, you have streaming media rights and publishing fees, which all refer to the revenues that are associated with broadcasting, east sports events across various channels. and finally, you have a sports and fedex, which includes bedding on the outcomes of these a sports events. this is the largest market segment in east sports with volumes of $2500000000.20. for now, the growth of the sports is largely driven by the increasing popularity of competitive gaming advancements and gaming technology. the expansion of online
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platforms for streaming and rising global viewership, which solidify e sports as a significant part of the entertainment sector. the arrival of popular new east sports franchises, such as valley rock and mobile east boards, expansion with regional legal b, like mobile legends and legal legends also helped to grow the market. in 2021, the legal legends world, championship finals in iceland was watched by a record 73.8 con current viewers. gaming live stream audience reach almost 810000000. so for context, the 2021 super bowl drew 96400000 used users. e sports teams are players generally competing for prize money. data to was one of the best paying gains with the largest overall price pool at over $34000000.00. although prize money can be substantial, many sport teams also rely on sponsors for more stable income. to like gaming says
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as both a social glue and the potential isolating force, while the fosters communities and friendships. excessive gaming can also post challenges to mental health and social dynamics. so understanding the balance for players is crucial. and now today we're joined by ivan kirchhoff, ceo of east 40 and dot com. so ivan, how has the cost of gave me evolved over the years and what factors contribute to the financial investment gamers make in their hobby? so, uh, gaming is there some people wholly, uh, for some people. it's a tool. uh, for example, uh we, we guide students into us university programs so they can get scholarships because they, they're good in their e sports. i'm sick, i'm fine. is there studies? there is, um yeah there's, there's a make it, i can be or out of it. yeah. has this thing the gaming lift it globally, is it now even considered a staple in education?
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yes, and the teachers do play are important role as well. like for example, i can wait until vacation east for programs they say indicates well space are are you an x are included activity. um, instead of like students, you know, going to their homes. you know, i'm playing alone with not a supervisor. person because their 1st may not be their stuff. like they're in a safe space in a school, you know, i aiming and you still progress? no, no. it's not all it also already for people that compete or trade like there's also like they, they basically engage, still used in data for example, ones that are more skilled in social media, in, in every management in the production side, in, in graphic design. so it's, it's not only for, for students that i compete, it's for students that wanna have
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a more skills that then they can leverage out when they go into higher education, for example, on how to occasion when they, when they go for a job, they already have like, uh, it has an experience in the program is for testing explosive growth. so how do you explain the rise of e sports and what is a global appeal of at all? yes, it's experienced, uh, uh, explosive growth, uh, independent living in a bit after there has been, uh, a curve, you know, like, uh, cuz it was like the boom, a lot of investment, but then uh, the teams platforms could not live up to the investments. okay, so like there's been a lot of companies also, you know, i could buy breakfast of and things and financial problems, but now would discourage, you know, uh more more teams and other organizations inside the sports are basically their name on how to monetize on defense. not just rely on the sponsorship money,
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and then what ways has the popularity of a sports influence a broader gaming industry? and how do you foresee this trajectory in the future? east brooks is a nice of all the entertainment. it's a um, so there is the gaming industry is way bigger than the sports, not everyone. you know, it can be a competitive player, but there's, you know, there's, do watch these for players compete. so it's gonna keep increasing. but it's, uh, yeah it's, it's still of these. and as gaming becomes more ingrained and to daily life, what's the side of impacts both positive and negative are associated with the prevalence of gaming. yes. so gaming before like, uh, was just viewed, you know, and it was just a bunch of people in a basement even fast wasn't yeah. but uh,
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yeah, it's like, uh, in the beginnings of sports, you know, like, uh, there was in a training schedule like, athletes were not a hunches of like how their, how physical exercise could in friends and how, how many children could influence them. and it's evolving into $1.00 to $2.00 towards there's already in teams, there's nutritionist, other traders, sports psychologist, all. also there be more efficient in the training. you know, you don't have to play a well trained 8 hours a day. you know, in order to reach peek level, you know, there's, there's many factors, you know, i can play a few hours. okay. 004 hours and then do things outside the training. you know, if i can benefit you as a player and with time, you know, there's, there's the maurice a now in school is also, uh, it's an extra curricular activity. it's increases as the invitation engagement
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schools are, are adopting the sports or more gaming, you know, uh the, to the cation. so, yeah, it's, it's about time and it occasions banes making more investments. and it's just educating. okay. on the kids on how to properly you know, a game or is it like also like if you play software every day for 8 hours you your get it just talk to it's about, you know, like probably 8, indicating the, the younger generation on, on how much of hold on to the game and how's the game or i have to interact with those committee as well. are there any cultural nuances that shape how gaming is perceived and integrated into society is around the world? north america is way more integrated. uh, in the decatur space,
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at the pro level, but in the games, but like, i know some parents are more understandable not everyone, but must 1st do a i know about the opportunities that, that, that gaming can give you in, in education. okay. uh, in europe, a few schools like few countries are like more than all the countries are very developed and offer you sports as far as you know, sports for extracurricular activity. um, some country still need to develop schools that still uh, some of the, the private ones are more open bucks, you know, for it to go to a public scale. it's a bit more broke arctic and and yeah, them inside the is know that the, the developed and yeah. sides south korea's pretty big china as well, by the hot. it's hot as that are restrictions. government. but south korea is way
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more developed. uh uh, the newer them do cation wise. i do prefer i just think the high schools in universities have, you know, other approach to give me any sports. uh, but yeah, on the professional side is more events. thank you so much, ivan, but please stick around. jamie expert ivan kirchhoff would stay with us right here after the break. and when we come back, what factors contribute to make countries a gaming power house? stay tuned for all the details the on the
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face has always captured humanity's imagination. i mean, let's fix it, space is cool, but only the chosen few are able to head beyond the, the earth's atmosphere. it takes years of preparation to actually take on at the final frontier space, training pushes the human abilities limits to the very edge. so who are the super heroes of today? let's get to know them a little better. the
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. the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused a particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons
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urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft where it is war. secretary winston churchill birds the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i on their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size, all day and recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the medieval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v. a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence.
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the us china and south korea our power houses in the gaming world, each with this unique gaming culture. factors such as technological infrastructure, social acceptance and historical context plays terminal roles in the countries gaming prominence in asia, east sports are attracting more interest and traditional sports. and china is leader with the largest east sports market in the world. accounting for 34 percent of the global industry revenue in that category. asia combined takes 53 percent. the government has been boosting the development of east boards by subsidizing companies building competition venue, and even green lighting, east sports majors and higher education. several cities including shanghai, and since then, are buying to become the capital it east sports se asia is another up and come a market. and many big gaming companies are entering aggressively. this is the
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fastest growing region for gaming in the world, with approximately 310000000 gamers across indonesia, malaysia, thailand, vietnam, singapore, and the philippines. this rapid growth is attributed to the market appetite for mobile gaming and the extensive deployment of 5 g networks. in europe, germany has become widely regarded as a hub for europe in east sports. the rise of east sports in germany was driven by the country's advanced gaming market. and the fact that 88 percent of the population have internet access cities now compete to host the sports competition for the same reason they compete for the superbowl or with the world cup matches. these competitions can stimulate growth and employment. atlanta is actually a great example of the city capitalizing on east ports. it was reported after opening green hack in 2019 the east sports industry employed $12000.00 georgias and had an economic impact of $500000000.00. the sports career isn't just for pro
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players, but also for testers. commentators, content creators which streamers and the list goes on east sports has also been a major influence on the tech industry. many universities offer east for scholarship that can help students pursue their passion in the technology field. so for this and more, let's bring it again. ivan kirk hawk, ceo of a sporty and dot com to now ivan different countries exhibit varying levels of gaming prominence. what cultural factors contribute to the dominance a certain country in the global gaming landscape? yes, it's basically uh the government's, you know, and the people inside the government, do they believe your, or do they have been their knowledge on how to, you know, put gaming schools uh, also private the, the private sector. you know, uh how, like, other open like for example,
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like the season in europe are not, as you know, as open as risk taking, you know, as a v c in or the megabytes. i'm like it in the us or investment sometimes, you know, uh, also with the, you know, with the sports now nobody has an attractive as it was independent make, you know, like, uh, there's not that much investment as there used to be. so like, i think it depends on the on think, also mentality of all of the people that bought it. and that's the 1st edited trust a to any industry that is new and, and their pro is that always, you know, the country. so, and how the individual strike a balance between gaming and other activities and their lives, and what challenges might arise when this balance is disrupted? yes, so the students should strike it binds, you know? as long as they say students go to class to do the homework
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for former exams, you know, and maybe have an extra pay soccer. i'll play basketball if they love gaming. uh if they like they e p o or n m b to k. okay. as a with, with friends, you know, i shouldn't be a problem is just another hobby, you know, so the problem because when you're doing too much of something and the other areas you know, are, are struggling or they, but that happens like that can be in gaming that can be in other activities, you know, if you lose too much of one thing, you know, even if you go to the extreme, it's gonna affect your personal life. so it's not, it's just no a day, like as long as you've got an sit out. okay, uh it should be like a great way to connect, you know, i'm to know people around the world or it in your savings, see a country, you know, to know that people that's as always a balance, you know, and,
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and they should be taught in schools that's why it's very important for gaming the source to, to, to get into schools. so uh, higher education professionals, you know, can at these, to the students from a young age. now, technological advancement has significantly impacted the game industry. how has innovation and technology influence the costs, accessibility, and the overall experience of gaming? well, um with a i, there's a lot of publishers, so like the companies that make the video games that are integrated and it's making like, you know, the user experience, you know, uh, more of the times that i'm super cool, you know, is that's the number 8 i also now the, now there's a new web 3. okay. so like now uh, it's the, those small developers that it usually had to. so spend a lot of marketing money and i don't money to develop
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a game. and when i think of any, even long shape because of the costs, you know now with web 3. ok. so everyone can be the owner of i gave you. so like if they believe in the developer, they can invest like in tokens. ok to that, to that, to the developer. and also it's the community can invest, you know, in the video game. so it's actually like it, anybody that has a good product. okay. kind of launch. okay. so like in the near future. okay, there's going to be way more video games where more competition and yeah, it's going to be uh multiple to get it to a stand out. but of course you, it is for everyone, you know, with a raise because now you know, like, it's not a use. it's not cheap. i just don't easy. you know, to have i large investment in, you know, it's a good, a good, pretty use the video game out. i'm with web 3. it will happen and i
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will be more accessible and other emerging technologies that you believe will further shape the future of gaming. yes, uh web. yeah. web 3 for me uh, is going to make video games come out at a fraction of a cost. okay. as um the community. okay, we'll be able to support you. okay. if you don't have the funds, so like not having the money is, is no longer, you know, will no longer be the issue in the near future to get out more video games. and also for these 14 degrees, you can donate tokens to at least 14, if they're having a financial struggle, you know, and it can also be another revenue stream for the sports teams. cuz yeah, that's usually the support teams are struggling on revenue, eastern sale, it's sponsorship, or they oh, what i making the brand like
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a lifestyle and setting goals. but, but that's it. you know, so with web 3 is hoping it can be another way to, you know, to monetize with funds that, that's a gaming has become a communal activity. so how do online gaming communities contribute to the overall game experience? and are there economic or social benefits associated with these communities? yes. um we interact with a full community. uh, we just from various feeder games to like make our service, you know, make image aware of our service communities. now are way more, you know, we have like very clear guidelines and, and rules of how you can interact, how you should behave and it, you know, like no swearing or no, you know, like before, it was like all free everything. and there were a lot of issues,
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but now it's, it's very straight that especially like in the vacation space communities, but outside of the education space to, uh, and it's just gonna hit improving, you know, and, and very heading for that. but like, for example, of going back to the delivers. also, community is a very important good lights. is the best way to receive feedback on a video game. if the, if the game is not it, okay, it is good to go. if not yes to make did so to make modifications and everything. uh, how many of these are, are the best feedback? and are there ethical considerations at the gaming industry should prioritize as it expands, particularly in terms of user experience, inclusivity and responsible gaming practices? yes, so that's the goal considerations. uh, yeah, of course there should be, uh, you know, like, uh, especially in schools,
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you know, like, uh, the teachers should receive like, training. okay. on how to, you know, on how to approach this, this vague it is for the students that, that is something that, you know, like some, some higher or some to some higher ed, you know, sometimes have a, a teacher. but he's not a very well way provided for me in gaming, or maybe there's a teacher that is that i gave me, but it is not, you know, that it, what involved in education. so like to take came, developers have to, you know, have the responsibility deal so, you know, if they don't, you game, they have to teach that to me, you know, on how understand there it's, you know, and as it goes good, the situations with time. okay. uh, the, the, the community is i, i are going to dictate, difficult considerations like right now. you know, um this is a new retirement to be more if i, if it's such a huge space, you know,
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the fact that honestly the most honest answer as far as opinion is like with time, like it's going to be shaping. thank you so much. ivan, for all your time today, the government around the world are considering regulatory measures to reduce young people's time spent on digital devices, particularly video games. this raises the question of whether the proposed measures would be effective or not. since the early 2 thousands, the chinese government has been inactive regulations to directly restrict gaming in 2019 and limited players under 18 to 1.5 hours of daily play time and 3 hours on public holidays. however, there's no evidence that this has any real effect on play time, as players found loopholes around it. and many people disagree with these concerns, citing that screens don't make a significant enough difference and people sleep social life or aggression. we never talk about book time food time, and yet the idea has grown that there is an analog way to measure screen time. the
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screen time limits could be detrimental for an aspiring pro player. professional players only have a short window of time to play competitively. and oftentimes they have to retire in their early twenties as reaction time starting drop after $21.00. so by that logic, they should be play as much as possible while they're young. a. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world, india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react, the
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headlines stories this our us lawmakers pitch just separate. $60000000000.00 foreign a bill for ukraine with the proposed money going to be of as loans, instead of donations of warning, disturbing images at least $11.00 people, including children, are killed in the 3 new years for like on a refugee camp in central gals that of the desk told their since october 7th, reportedly new years, 34000 feet the georgian prime minister of pushes for the adoption of a foreign agents small as the country president vose to veto it. we discussed the bill with her correspondence who's just returned to moscow after being deported. problem to police.


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