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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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of blo, edward snowden, all major organizations like all see and it all stop it here with the perverse foaming of this tv station. and nature's attempts to control the narrative, to all the david ski info. great. so you for aussie and 1999, a handful of his bottom to belgrade for 78 days to find out more about what that was like for the people who survive. it st. you here on, on the international. i won't be back out of the top of the hour with the latest news around the the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles,
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i'll send send the same assistance to bob must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush, putting and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the the
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uh, temporary printer to interested here's the thing, it's interesting. it says k, i does, that's just sort of similar to a lot of up. so let me look, it was almost done with that. of course, they also could i ask you why scott crane the push to appear on your system is to them. they said you'll no longer with us because and this will be so it is an issue and you get a sense condition in them . so it's collusion is this is can do to move for fish, get to know lots of
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a so thing to or find me opinions sort of control the image. yeah. cache. and the visual has a with a video as she does. so for the february, the on the envelope case, but yeah, so i'm gonna try to just and go through just a little you know, the, the motion as well. so i'm going to more on the dish has middle one from your spouse, the junior. how can i tell now permission of the students from the shooting numbers?
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communication conditions for vicious? yeah. i'll post, which is the thing. yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him. he's quite from julia. let me i'm, i've sent it to you and you'll know it. and then you know, for the look, slips. yeah, to jim though for sure. the guess it's making the most interesting work i'm that's for women more than us. male people are interested in putting it on for just lonely. and this wasn't only showing us commodities. how much the uh is taking a little that control at them in the ocean that i wish to me. it was nice to get to that aspect of the us, which is the situation of a finding, the 100 and with the kids are going to issue as to our stuff for us to do it the same for the restaurant. because the part of this deal, it's a 1st and last name literally. so think of shit was in get, and you can but to find, you know, it which it some of those and such that it for the career to put
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a middle initial's take a to, to let me know. i just want to know what to do with the position and look as are the publishers because of the course that i'm supposed to the same given to them. what i think visual visual can depending on the opposite opinion visual perspective, ashima e additional 0 to we're as board of one total source. the brings to part of mesh of nash will tell you for somebody to write it down to just interest more. so those are to know what guns go launch those 4 guns. i knew i was wondering how long ago and what's the value for confusion for me. and it was to look up with them, put them to put them, put that in. unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas us into the new policy of nimble and showing
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envelope. and when i put that in there on a previous, a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see you unlimited internet stomach, this is a girlfriend. are you able to display some leaf and with them so much for the look of the ship, the southern understand the age of 1st floor solution solution solution. there's nicole mesh, the books or the or just in the that's also going to be going to be from the test august and us to go to the full of cruising and the thing that good for us additional. okay. 40 minutes for the airplane store is will actually, you have yourself, company directors have cartoons for them all and you folks the solution for them, which so is the guy that apply to either 3. i knew 100 is unable to guns and if it is in the sample of cause a should, if could you move, would have to do
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a 2nd letter. i think, i mean, you're pretty slow on yours. more than that. yes. like the field with a zip. so the question is you do as a couple so which is your phone told me to associate with the plan just the most the most of which you are unable to keep track of mr. blaine, you sort of control the sample from the ditch. yeah, cache. the individual who's a, with a video systems, so for so let's start with this just so i can consume this substitute within your school and i can use the officially shift almost to the invoice and trust you who works. digital visits and your 1st name stem that i'm moving to and i'm with you. i'm from minneapolis. can spending it because it's it what kinds of professional combustion i'm or sign you can with pretty style interest which cook with
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a choice because i choose to my own a team i'm most finished as well again. so i'm assuming is that i actually have to click on it. so, but that is before you might be of interest, or if i'm on the computer or would be to move it to blue screen, you've got scripts. looks funny at the for each of these categories, just look professions that i knew pretty much of. so at least cut, there's not order for put in chance for you on cops, which is the link in virginia to just answer some population. in addition to the other special needs a solution. don't convert the moving. sure thing for me, but sure the pushing it when you to put it as a sensitive and give them the zone in uh with the truth with the way in the specialists if that's similar to the additional good as new or used. i appreciate see that, but also i've lost the truth after we get into the boy a bridge,
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if not since the 1st cause of the tech. couple of things to come on board. some new to the. yeah, we do know you sing the it you, what did you heard you can do any because always just in the co commerce and if as always, to the person with a chest, a pretty jealous because they have compression. i'm both percentages. so to the notion of what the person part of this new and you can go in and get super location address. no, but just because of the way i'm there was a way of kind ask and if it is socially settled been done. uh because or is that right is about to do most of its 1st, the initial priority is more than the legs in which to them in low voltage and they are going to be on for the table. saws from that, i don't think there's a fridge to those like that on your number as well. yeah. pretty much terminal
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grease the worst and the what is region and ask us with this, the vin. i'm not going to agree that those states and who do, i should tell it somebody will put a shift on this, but i just, i'm going to if i have to more on x, just the motion stated to this, i was, i'm creating a state of the demo, but these yet at the my tons of preventive. the this to, to, to that, what is the use resemble any being authority to, to cancer the type of findings, pennsylvania full cause, any sort of shots that the stories of. so the key, just because the way i didn't the problem, the navigation is no storm with which on them was that that is the attendance ease that i'm sure yours is mostly for. so we didn't really share, must be in the cause for them other specialty and then use the most
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of the day is today the blue, the color let's just see if you do best on you few for the name that you said to provide when you're still looking for a little bit slim or flip monthly with george boy decision level, simon simpson. bitch. he finish the evening. just the last one gave me a gym for quite good. with a whole new clip. david, i'm guessing them will come up after cutting to try to them, which are the both the to for me to a, for me since that he was the one to tell him to come up with you face to look stupid to for me is the local choice kind of shock assume and there's a don't have to push forward in. it's just html starting to get a hold moved or wasn't able to come from the only person i know that there's no
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such as deals of stuff that i'm almost one of those things. so we're dealing with them that you know, particularly to get. those are pushing them of the individuals, but well, additionally, at the start of his knowledge that the blanket as we're finished up to 3 or 4 kids as well. sure, feel free to go by super moving in school. so i'm good for the job to kind of show the semester, so i don't know most of the information close to the said didn't get around with that in that truck. many of them uh which, which estimating the assignment slain for those and about or somewhere you mentioned getting that you put them on the issue of, i'm not sure what that of course is that if one is trust me doing that is that's cool. cool. well, there's a bit over the, the to sitting in their system shall go high, much say a calibrate if show
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a picture, maybe you can not pick up the resist by then use that evidently they don't was you lambs ok to? i'm not sure if measuring cup of them are doing research color, so it's pushing lots. of course i'm going to email it just in google, but i get to deal with the doorstep because of which we're going to ashton. kristen don't want to shift because he's quite interested in which to obviously the truck with the ocean blue shield findings, motion, clark, i'm completely doing one of them. what am i to do? but in this? and it'll kind of a fuck that i'm pushing and design that and that would be his own at which to to just quit total, which to the most i can put a see one. yeah. the most of the solution is that you have a costume which in the system brings the ship it and i've seen a gun. so i think of a special i community that doesn't support. so take a look. essentially what i used to move was more of the stuff in minnesota, which correct with i'm a special agent with zillow, dash with
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a couple of chairs that you may end up in the, to the visit of. it's sort of way much noise as you're shipping, which was what type of told me. yeah. but usually so bad service and like out the other. but what it costs a new meal permit that keeps the new just easiest from the little bit eva from 1st extra thought, the 1st the tech to the because i missed that is a shift towards and then we're still just asking about this new show smoke up and i'm with the provincial doors for shutoff some ways we have special cases that the young to sell for the cause,
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which is the notion of one of the weights of corporate look at the piece, the price to prestige me here though new beautiful stone is that crew of love with them go to same news and sure to us for new various is that the, uh, the, is that the, uh, the with x the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as
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a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the one the set up oh my god and see him you over to the screen of your to the discovery police consolidate. you have to see what was more of a see is somebody in your own, can you send the,
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the look at the store? i didn't look at each store from the city of crystal as opposed to it. and yes, you can just delete the custodian, let's say that no flesh but those are the thing with it. the the most people in the studio should buy with go. yes. and yet us cause a lovely me you call it that way. if i get you an e mail to the point on the spot for letting him up on your i know,
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but that's cause of will let me do this level silver way and know it's a little bit better. so still be some good. some of the. yeah, so the best way to like show the a dozen me up under my yearly salary and westwood, it was the most pleasant to figure out what's the question interesting stores on top of that? so can i shoot you this little toy to lowest? i'm gonna say number of them, i can't remember if they've got it on a special lesson though, except though i get a little problem with the the, the liberty of the buses come see me. i do luck on your lady. some of them will pull up. well, little slips double sided or are they need to leave the store and instead of, oh my gosh, see, i'm going to base your to the desk that i set up for the for the 20. it's monday,
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but they have to stay on the books. that's a boy above that's pretty easy. paid should be a e, a lover. it's true from a medium supervisor. send it out. it's up to you for your day. so the deputy meet them instead of some sort of middle what you see that i can meet. you do me privately. the cause of this is the commission. sure. so he's been cited in the other civil rights who did the voice, the up in the for the new city is finished. the last question in the phone that the kids had upset mostly up to the lovely method the most to get pigeons on the modem for me. i don't know what's going on with the phone and talk to somebody. yeah, most of the customers publish that item with my apple, michelle. not much less. i looked across the queue. federal agent ways up the path that i didn't want to drive in shut off sunday so that i could put in the
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seriousness of the ceiling. yes. but i am unable payable for you. i knew you were disappointed with the estate, and if somebody could always acadia to, let's deal with a fix here when they were for some of the war on me this year. i say, i definitely did, says kill them. it just says keep a value on the form which probably present if the police were going to consider when the but a deal, navy and bullshit because of it's a thumb, keep the last 4 plots. it took us to get it that way. you mean it says keep group of thought, it started in those zip codes, the of the city 0 name and it says good for the election variables. but it's not a lot because the scale research for if she alone instead of doing a show would use them so they keep them up. but basically put up a prostate. sure nimble with us. those. let's see. tell us please
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a fix or see me. doesn't mean it's good by the way up, we're luck initially up to the chain. you new twist. quick way to sit down with the queen, which in this as low as from the same appraiser floor. bringing weiss to be able to take him to court and east of take we should do. so we some practicable of was pretty much keith finished. i'm sure to say the image male was one, this is salsa were when you steve super. the ladies come with them quite a bit or we need the kind of is so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that yours come home. i mean we deal with a deal. it's from the lady and it was a yes plus the completeness, each living on the what was the use plus the piece
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a couple of it's got he was at, i bought the here's a little different. you get a hold of somebody. here's a lie, is boy combining the sleep of physics and the ex today, but i to me and massages to us for the absence or village sol. with all the superior law and levels, lashania newspapers either find the or the pacific beach he goes to the thing, gives a sheets, a video of the photos, the city in which you will be skip costumes, that should match q issues may 5th, chapter dealership that moscow will pretty well for you, i suppose, to be able to come up there until you have. so you can just say, you know, and you can sort that up, see if that was more of with both the lower left for the but as it gets to more potentially visits, cable, there's a loss. let's see what the continuous, good about. so we've consistent with the physical otherwise, but you might get what i choice, the better on the post, the ladies, some boy in waiting to little solve some of the symbols. there's
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a couple days in the paid weekly. so with a huge it's really simple. the comb credits if they kick much the case, the clips, the law office workforce, me whats more, it was a little bit concerned about saving you money. it was an old one. will come down to some of the other forms of that's a little, you know, with a pretty much the, the kind of a, or some of the lovely or they have to deal with. sure it's play publish source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts and they've got to know what the projects assumed in this cause. any partial flu, leukocyte choice can gotcha daughters. we may have some, the chest shouldn't level last kind of them way. uh, double the chest that comes back to us before you make cadillac. i mean, you have both of us fairly similar issues, custom tech for, but it mostly train you. uh so this uh, when did you,
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my lady let me find you ever lived a little bit with stay on the says, why anyway? so which allowed me to get each of their immunization or the land, the little was finding solution. you patricia me, this makes the least give reasons used, but it didn't make, consider the levels. what's the level of the, what the body of this so that you have listed in the cover, they'll be less content that i gave them the way we should set it up on page a little more stable with kayla. pretty much stumble. is this gimme a multiple multiple extort living? yeah, sure. 1000 living at the update on my case. look for the so all of this to see and my colleague is kind of like to stay with them with a couple of capital. let me, let me, yeah, it will have problems with speech. you thought somebody left your actually with the
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mr. the question was still killing sale, which i did notice like joe, with a slip. can i switch level advertising because you don't have plenty to use tend to double sided listed for those? i supposed to go up to the middle subcommittee as of today if you have trouble of those problems. the slowest we study, the some of the woods. let's go to the most key fields and on them and get the clippers and according to some, in a mobile choice for you. and man certainly does love that up or to potato while other this touch the button and deal with that over the phone book. most from the start of the children are blessed to go and get on to joy. a couple of things in mind that you through the episode with the connection issue, i will be able to look at a little the premium from small, little theater to my god. i'm on the more than you have had you my of,
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of sort of sites. it was the one almost got them on the floor with the initial that i'm not critical up in the system yet. can i say? yep. okay. i thought it was quite loretta just as a sort of well no, no that's cool from the bottom. what happens, what the simulation, the virtually series of tours such as he is initially know that i'm quite legit is just the over the for the for the which i didn't really understood only pretty up to this question they, they still have all the products to build for addition, but i do have an extra was limited to for the there's a much more affinity skills fail. so, so with me, i'm is ms. zillow, with all emotion, and you have a set of multiple travis to poke in the process of getting
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a system that it was supposed to is that if it's your system and what i did see a whole 3 a put a little cold instead of the special of sale to stick with the in. so collectively before, i'm still going to to this is for the for the get the machine issues like ivy just dump. so to the newer that i get fear that i have to play mama will. she only reach the city, you know, because of the name was i mentioned with a living in the machine. you find the story in the structure this nearly as the story about all the subtle work. and i'm actually a really, really, is a motion or you this, i'm deal with 0 phillips with the, with the plastic slots. you see, i probably put that in the formula. so you want us cause a war. so sambal a forklift stage. when you want to look at what heats and what will have to be taken to keep a pull,
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some place near put it and you put your specifically the floor for any of the spelling we release the motion order. so what is i did see for the home go disclose the initial shock with i'm should really give a piece of the nation comfortable opinion is on the beach as well. yes. today, e with the show it to the don't money for months. well then a through studio. yep. to find out the only more severe the civil also is that they show that the machine are as may as much can use the sort of image store, but at least for the digital mom of them with you know i to is the video mama loan smart the old, my mama, it's a cousin that prostate was a little smoother, especially when issue of your, of samuel to blush other than the mobile phone with you, my new york trip. so the,
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by the way, yes or is it considered? you don't, that's just the media for the middle in the yes, best of seeing those men which is human. let me put and see more critical my to my question. was that in? yeah. in nicky, instead of let you make me up enough with a bit of financial across this stone, you might say that enough much that doesn't mean by sticking with it by you have an angel cook with the lawyer. you've got them fix 0 and it will start off the little mux. and when will see, there wasn't more of a see that the gross, the, for the city of the image, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, in the us of multiple arrests a made us police class who pro product 292 is running is a joe biden say is on. so blessing. thank you mister president. thank you, congress. thank you america. this is washington e and bob's values of more dollars. so when provides you pay us national debt, it's a policy is the, the $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending meaning go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every
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single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00. every single day


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