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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

2:30 pm
the, the the bluff case, but if i'm gonna try to just go through just a little, you know, the, the machine is also going to more full in addition to middle one of your stores here to ginger. architectural now permission understands shooting numbers coming interested in some vicious? yeah. of course, which is doing yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him, he's quite from julia. i'm send a list and you and your thoughts and then your for the look slips. yeah, it's using them though, for sure. the guess it's making the most interesting to them. that's for women. more than us male
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people are interested in putting you could just lonely. and this wasn't only shameless commodities. how much the uh, is taking a little bit from choice in your which in that i wish to me those names to get to that asked i just asked which investor to, you know, it showed up a funding the 100 and with that gives you that you issue us to our stuff for us to do it the same for the most part of this deal. it's a 1st and last name with us and i think there's shit holes in it and you can but a significant in no good which to some of those and such that it for the, for the, for the middle initials to go to, to let me know i just want to know what to do with the permission and look us up on the shows cuz of course that it was supposed to the same giving them what i think vishal vishal can with anyone yet. but opinion
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bishops that the fema e. additional 0 to as board of one total with or somebody has to put it in a stack of nash will tell you support to get it down to just interest more. so those are to know what guns could launch those 4 guns. i knew i was wondering how long ago, how much the value for confusion and for me. and it will just look if we can put them to put them put that in. unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas is us into the new policy of nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous 4 digit or somebody should have what i see you on the internet. some of this has a girlfriend to you between the display leaf and with them so much for the look of a should be sending them spam aging 1st floor solution solution solution. there's nicole mesh, the groups or the, or just in the that's also going to be going to come up
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with a just and us to go to look for the full of causing and you think that good. what else? additional. okay. for the notes, for the airplane store is willing to and you have yourself directors, cartoons for them all. and you folks, the best solution for them are. so is the guy that apply to either 3, a new hide, it is unable to against anybody? it is incredible. dental with them, unless it was the civic going to do move, which they are stuck with me. i mean, you're pretty slow and you know, as more than that, you have the zip. so, impression that you do as a couple so which is your phone for associated with the plan just comes to most of which you are unable
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to do. so for the 1st day of mr. plane, you start to close the yes and with, with each yeah, cash individual has a with a video systems. so for what story is just i can consume this up. throw then scroll and i finish officially a shift. i'm as to what as invoice interest you who works digital. this isn't good for the bus and then that i get the noise. yeah. i'm from minneapolis pin spending it because it's it. what kinds of profession you can then bus i'm or sign you can be pretty style. it just, there's cook with a choice because i chose to night on a team i'm assigned, you should have gotten a pitch on this thing is that i actually have to a good thing occurs. but that is before you on monday or tuesday. if i want to send the computer over to them over to blue screen, if that's for the sucks, plenty of the for you to discuss this, just look profession this at the new with much of the best coverage that order for put in chance for you walk out the citrus,
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the link from the beginning of the interest and if there's some foundation, in addition to the other special needs a solution that domain can work a little bit. sure thing for me. but sure, the pushing it when you the defense design and give them the zone in uh, what did you, what would be william the specialists that i've similar to the additional good i was new or used. i appreciate that, but also i've lost the temperament given to the boy, but you're not since the 1st cause of the tech couple of thing and come on board and some of the the, you know, we do know you sing the it, you what the different you can do any because always just in the co commerce as always, to the person who live and trust the page. and of course i have compression. i'm with percentages. so typically i'm still looking for some part of this new and you
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can go unlimited super location address location. because of the way i'm that was a lot of colors because it is soaked. trisha to claim don't color it's right is about to do most of its 1st the initial priorities motion and i didn't was to them are the name of the to the a go we one printed angle starts from the random and their, their say, friends. so those are good, i knew the deputy mesh, so minorities, the worst and the wedding there's reaching us. cause with this, the i know can be great that those, that to do shit that somebody who should send this, but i just, i'm going to if i have more on x, just the motion state, it's, it is the state of the demo. a vision at the time they've been in the district to
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to that let us use resemble anybody another way to, to cancer and it was fixed, i mean, yet for cause any sort of shots, the stories of so the key is to look at the best way to identify the problem, the navigation is no storm with which on the invoice that exits and that's eastern she jago dorsey is mostly waiting with the shell, must be in the gallery and this volume of a specialty, and then use the most of the day today. so if you do best when you have your name that you said to provide when you're still looking for a longer slumber, flip monthly with george. but as usual we will sign
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a solution pitch in the plane. you're still at the equalling just the last one could mention for quite with a whole new clip. there is some guessing them will come up kind of after cutting your to is tied to them, which is the folder that took me to order for me. so it's not to forgotten. he was the one to tell him. so i'm gonna get you fission sheet, all those stupid to formations. the local choice kind of show can assume, and there's a door to push forward in the system will start us new data. moved original cables from the only person, the new business, which is joseph's done to them for mr. ocean, they show up on the region with them that she almost can provide you to get the question to move underneath the individual fund. well, additionally, the federalist knowledge to look and blanket as we're finished with the 3 of forget, you know, sure, feel free to go by. she, by movers in school. so i'm good for the shopped at a short amount of money out of the
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during the semester. so i don't know most of the information on post christian, he said doing it, but i'm, we're definitely metro for many of them at the moisture chest and didn't get them assignment science for those. and about this man, you've mentioned getting that you put them on the issue of, i'm not sure what the who says that if one is trust me doing memory is that's cool . cool. well, if it's built into a setting in their system shall go high, much say a calibrate if she what they do, but maybe you can not think that there is this part then. yes, that other normally they don't. usually i'm ok to i'm not sure. what are we doing? research chemistry? still it's pushing us focused on going to email it using google, but i get to do is it the worst of it? because of which we're going to actually, i'm just and don't want to share the crises for them too much. so obviously if you met with ocean bunch of findings, motion, clark,
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i'm originally one of them. what am i to do? but in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm pushing and design that and it would be his own that which to the fiscal tutor, which to the most i can put a sword. yeah. what should the most of the senior citizen prepare the mailbox tool, which in the system brings the ship it and i've seen a gun, so i think i can special. i can, you know that there is pressure because it's interesting, but i guess the was more of the stuff in municipal which cocked with i'm a special agent with zillow, dash with a couple of attributes and just to, to the, to the visit of it's sort of way much lloyd initiative, which broke was what type of told me. yeah. pretty sure. so the service and like out the other but work, what's new me now from the bad news, this easiest one,
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then you're not able to print that extra. so the 1st the tech to go through because i missed that as a shift towards you don't wish to just ask me that this mean shares my customer. i'm with the provincial doors for shutoff some ways we have special occasional cut, the young to sell, but the cars which you know, one of the weights of corporate look at the piece, the price to prestige mean. yeah. the new york stone is that crew of love with them? no. going to same news as should to us for new thing is, is that the is that the uh,
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the with x oh the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to living on mac. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the
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number you need. your research typically from here said to me, i think, you know what kim's in the book is that the nurses should be very did you want me to showcase in genes? nathaniel? so he's going into the, by the ways that the boys the most new and that'll be for them imagery at this uh, florida doesn't want that extra them, but adult supervision. but the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, was that, oh my god, see him. you over to the screen of your to the gift card of choice . consolidate you have to see what was more of a see is somebody in your own, can you send me the book at the store? i didn't look at each store from the city of crystal as opposed to the and yes, you can just delete the custodian. let's say that enough. let's put the signal to the
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the, the boss, people look at the story of symbolic go this and get us cause a lovely me you call a way to issue my niche, an e mail to the point on the spot for william of on your, on your what us, cuz i will let me do this level silver both way and the shuttle to get us off. so i get some of the adults way to like show the i just really was concerned about what it was thinking more present to figure out what's the question interesting stores on top of that's the connection. yeah, that's the little boy, the lowest, mama said number of them. i never knew if they've got it on a special bus for the that though, except all i get it for
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a little problem for the you the, you know what he did you come see him. i do not going your lady some month. it was full of well little slips double sided, the base of the lady in the store and instead of, oh my god, seem to be your best kind of set up for the monday, but they have to stay on that. i'm going to, that's a boy above that period to period should be a e, a luddites to 12 medium symptoms of course, and get it up to you for your lives. at least get them set up some fundamental. what should be a pursuit that, i mean, do me privately, the cut over this, if you don't know how much she will. so if you need a shuttle to invite you to the voice. yup. when you were in the city of scrimmage,
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finished the last question. and the kids had upset mostly up to the most rigid only numbers for me. i don't know for what the phone any thoughts to somebody? yeah. most of the customers on the side of them with my f one. michelle. not much less. so i looked across the queue, so federal agent ways up each of the graphs and showed us some subtract fourty nipple cities plus the ceiling is what i am unable to have. what we, what i need was pointed with someone, if the race, the security aspect to look deal with a 60 you, when the wish for some of the more needed since you have them as cable for me. just keep the on the form. i should probably put the policeman coordination, sit on the but a deal navy and publish that because of it's a thumb keep the left to a box. it took us to give it that. we mean, it says keep a loop of coupled with somebody in the bumps this to city, 0 name,
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and it says good for the election, fearless, love, because skill we should, it's fully if she'll know how to do the show you some so that you must be part of the location of both be sure nimble with a so let's see. tell us please a fix or see me doesn't mean it's combined. it's by operator lock. initially it up the chain. you twist quick way to sit down with the queen. mention this as low as proof, seem pretty low flaw bringing wise bills that they can equipment east of take wish of june. so it's complex put the levels pretty much i keep spinning, i'm sure to see limits and there was one in this is saw. so we're going to, we just use simple
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the whole get a couple of them together. we need the kind of this study. the last to do is kind of that yours come home. i'm you hear me deal with a deal. it's from the lady on. it was a yes plus the completeness, each living on the what was the splunk? that's the piece. a couple of it's got, he will say that i bought the, here's a little different data showed of how much material is probably from the slip of physics. and the ex today, but i to me and referred to as the uh, let's do a voyage, soul with all the superior law and up with lashania. and yes, if you the idea of the pacific beach, because to the thing again with the sheets, a video for them, for all the students who will be skipped costumes, they should less q issues may 5th chapter. they ship them oscar for it to pretty well for you. supposed to be able to collect them until you have so you can just sign, you know,
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and you can sort that up. see if that was more of with both the lower left full time the, the potentially physics kimball. there's a lot of slips to it didn't finish good about the we've confessing the physical otherwise. but you might get what i choice the on the post, the late some boy image. i didn't see those solve. some of you is simple. there's, there's a couple days and you play with this with are easy to really simple. the cool college if that kick most of it, the clips, i loved you both to some of the workforce which most was a little bit concerned about saving you money. it. ready little by little come down to some beautiful mission with them. that's a little, you know, with the pretty much the think of the thoughts of the lovely or they have to be over sure. it's play function source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts or maybe i don't know what the looks of projects assignment list because any publish it looks like it flew focus sites, twitch,
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congratulate daughters with me. it's of the stress shouldn't level loss kind of down way w to just to come back to him. us. so slight you make color goodness. yeah, both sides of a similar issue is covering for but in those let you in, you se, uh we did do my way of dealing with but do you ever when the little guy with stay on the says well, i knew it was a land to get each of their immunization as a land funding source from you, patricia visits me somebody's can versus used, but it will make, consider them that's left for the what the body of this so that you have listed in the have a little bit less kind of that again what we should set it up on by you to let them
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we would get within the next symbol. is this give me unable to extort living? yeah, so it doesn't actually living at the top 10. it's kind of a crystal for the medium that is sort of this sort of see and my colleague is kind of like to stay with the new book with a couple of paper letting it let me. yeah. it will have problems with pretty cheap thoughts from the old fashioned lady in the midst of the question was documents which i did notice, but children with less width kind of level advertising, but they don't they belong to used to and i'm what's listed below. so i suppose the website we got here, the middle, so the community as a day, if you have trouble of those problems, the slowest we study in the some of the woods, the lizard, right? the most you feels in on the end and that the corporate and quite into some in
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a molar chest for you. and man certainly does love that up or the potato while other just touch the button and deal with that over the phone book. most of the photos of lessons going skim, latoya a couple of things you might have to do. so with the solution, the issue i will be able to smoke a little the clamp smoke and i'll see if there's a man got them on the move thing. yeah, because you might have that sort of sites. it was the one almost come on the phone with the schrupo that i'm not that critical up in the system yet. could possibly yep. okay. couple it was quite loretta just as a sort while the school up in a couple of little tapes. what the fuck seemed while each little eventually scared, reason to raise each ascii is initially annual that i'm quite legit. it's just the over the for the, for the which i didn't really on the sit only pretty up to me by the way. they
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still pulled up still edition, but it's even extremely limited to for the there's a much more affinity skips fail so. so the man is the zillow with all emotion, and use that other multiple trailers to appropriate maple sophisticated. 8. see see what other they were supposed to is that it should to us, should commercial and credit see a whole pre approval scope. and instead of the control of sales, to stick with the productivity portfolio still to connect to this new report. but for the good, the machine issues village gave you just some sort of like you said that i have to populate momma to explore. she may reach the city. yep. no, because the name was i mentioned with a design in the machine to find out what was going on the stairs. are this nearly
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as boy at the will the shuttle was actually up really, really of the motion or you know, some of the 0 slip for the the, if not 6 somacki said probably by the formula you will just because of was so sample of focus is phasing each one you want to look at what heats and what will have to be taken to keep up? will someone please be able to have the pin? you're supposed to pick? what is a flow new you'll just find it really is it's motion order. so what is i did see put on go this pulls the initial shock with some should really get with this would be nice for comfortable position is on the beach as well? yes. today, e with the show up of the they built more than 4 months ago. then a through, through the fine up, and you'll be more severe. the similar also is that they'd share the schuler as me as much, i guess the sort of in the scope of this political mom was, i'm with, you know, i to mom long smart the old,
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my mama, the exhibits a cousin that people don't know what they're supposed to fix the issue of your, of samuel the blood is that other valuable sweat you my new york trip. so the find out maybe, you know, if the source it configured on that shift and the media for the middle in the next best of seeing those movies is human still only thing you see more critical met you on the spectrum. is that in? yeah, in the queue for the to me the, we, for the training of all across this stone, you might say that enough national doesn't, and we must, even with the financing angel cook with the lawyer is complex 0 and it will start off the little box and then we'll see there wasn't more of a see, let the worst of a prospect for this 3 minutes. the image,
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the the more expensive. and i'm here to plan with you, whatever you do, do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the question of the nuclear above seeing the muscles do, if you look on the initial, do wanna continue post on zillow while it be almost getting used to put value where do you do oil change but you also still this is done the newest frame on the buildings systems to build a new do what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation. says this done. boston
3:00 pm
the yeah, we're sorry. we missed the audio on that. uh, basically uh, sort of destroy who rushes defense minute the thing that you crate and losses so far and the conflict to year to date are amounting. now to haul a 1000000 when i, brittany will put the country's defense industry on a war footing. investing 75000000000 pounds back to message from the finance, the big loss right there. and also it's basically a great milestone for gaza or it is rarely paul is writing down the enclave. i. but


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