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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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for the stories this, how you creating truths, continue the retreat. 12 washington's fresh, a package, the kid based off of the reality of what the billions of dollars are intended for. and i say that has no major issues of to considering the as well as most research proposal for a long awaited piece, still and hostage. where do you think we mentioned garza is the group's delegation of vines in egypt, and so it has. the slope zillow has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. they are hoping to ensure that the ships leave as quickly as possible protesters and took care of raleigh to support the international aid. so till i think goes up on the c smile. pull the, the
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a room. welcome. this is all to you international with the latest world news out state is great to have you with us this out that we begin with the latest on the ukraine conflict, where the country's military leader general alexander c. a skate has admit to it's the russian forces, having tactical successes on the battlefield. this coming as k of was supposed to withdraw its troops from the villages of birds. she and assuming north cut the north west of the, of the and from nova, and they kind of cut to the south west of don't, yes and, well, ukraine is retreating to us. is funding more dollars to kia. but where is the money? where are they going? taking a closer look or correspond to the shape both. so is the premium slice for waived, and the us political a lead slap themselves on the back for passing, but at least looks like it over 61000000000 and aid for ukraine. we've taken
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a closer look at how when, where the money will supposedly be spent in surprise, surprise, the reality doesn't really much. the headlines a short time ago, the house of representatives, pastor crucial aid bill for ukraine. we begin in the united states, where below makers have just passed a close will $61000000000.00 a package for you. right. vital funding needed to help you. crane defend itself from russia's invasion, has just been approved in the house of representatives. found is just about everyone knows, or at least things. how speaker mike johnson's bill provide 60800000000 in a to count the russia with a detailed analysis of where the cash will actually go. revealed a fascinating and if you're a supporter of ukrainian proxy war project, a very worrying reality, the vast majority won't get anywhere near the front lines. as you can see, just under 50000000000 will go to defense spending for you crime. but that's
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a very broad term with huge amounts being spent of far from the front lines. and for the immediate use by a community military. that's break it down. well, that's 50000000000 spent, or at least supposedly to be spent on the wider ukrainian project. but that still leaves over 10 bill he left, but no one seems to know anything about. and why western politicians celebrated the game changer a package rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman called up the reality of the so called aide to key if it's on the limited cost us for the new us military, $18.00 ukraine, about one quarter of the navy. $61000000000.00 an age will be used for this purpose . and the means of the cranium military will be metal, the credit bases not gratuitous sleep. the lion's share of the funds will remain in the united states, the consent to become chief lloyd austin, explains that about $50000000000.00. us would be directly invested in the us
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defense industrial complex and would create jobs in more than 30 states. so there we have most of the cash for speaker johnson's rolling bill will never actually get to you credit, but we'll grease the wheels of the u. s. military industrial complex. so what's on surprising that the speaker himself isn't too eager to highlight this reality? referring to play the role of a stand up guy, just doing the right thing for ukraine. meanwhile, the american top brass have no problem admitting that this is all about flushing tash into the u. s. weapons factories. by providing approximately $50000000000.00 that will flow directly in to a defense industrial base is these bill will create good american jobs in more than 30 states, even as it reinforces us long term security. these legislation will make america more secure and save lice. congress passed as military aid for ukraine and israel.
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we won't write blank checks. we'd send to military equipment from our own stock piles, then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stockpiles by buying from american suppliers. that includes patriot missiles made in arizona, javelin missiles made an alabama and artillery shells made in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we would be investing in america's industrial base, buying american products, made by american workers supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. we would help our friends while helping ourselves. and of course it's also worth remembering that the us has already pumped over a $100000000000.00 of its own tax payers cash into the sailing ukrainian project. the scale of the spending is truly astounding with 2 programs operating to fund key f. one is the presidential authority,
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and the folder is the ukraine security assistance initiative. we'd want existing to replenish weapons in cash into the older since march 2022. $19000000000.00 worth the boarders had been financed into the us military industrial complex onto this initiative alone. as the reality dogs to us aid to ukraine. it's a fact more about funding america's own weapons manufacturers under vast prophets and defending ukraine. so even in key, if i'm beginning to wake up to the truth, having received crumbs from the table as a result for a long political game which cost us slice territories infrastructure. ukraine has worked in the interest of specific political and lobbying groups in the united states as further aid packages look unlikely. the american establishment interest in this government is exhausted. and of course, the devil is always in the detail with less than $13000000000.00 and military
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a likely to actually even arrive in ukraine at all with much of the long promised american supplies not even manufactured yet. this doesn't bode well for kids rapidly retreating, depleting army, that's us. the lansky who refused to hold elections will essentially become illegitimate dictator when his term expires next month. meanwhile, the truth is it could take years for any of the a to arrive. and one thing you claim doesn't have right now is time as well. western media is full of praise for the latest weapons package. your full ukraine bones often end up targeting civilians. an independent australian journalist has published a documentary telling the story of a 17 year old stone. yes, boy, who tried to help people off to a high last strike, but was then kills by 2nd one. he's a clip from the documentary your day to day life. do you live in fear?
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yes. got you. you heard it, you people up in the fire seems that what she was a 5 minutes after i ended. ready while i was about 60 seconds images for me, another wilkinson. well, joining me in a studio now is johnny h. australian, independent jointed us down to the of the documentary. of course, it's a sad story, isn't there to actually see this young boy here? we know they will, documentary focuses on this 17 year old, who was killed and on. yes, my high mazda missed all back in november of the was trying to help other people, could you give us more details about the story? things. yeah, it was the, it wasn't high more attack, right, in the sense of than yes can had targeted the well from industry. so most of the people were like the working there were like a middle aged women, a social workers,
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because we sold them when they were getting pulled out and thing. now hi, i'm a flies and a very interesting thing. while, while i attended the shelves, they fly in an angle, you know, so you know which side of the street you're, you're safe on homeless as flight and they fly down. and the, the building, the building was hits and there was the 1st. yeah. unless there, because i mean my whole equipment is my try for it in my phones. so why don't what are the jobs they have to go back to the hotels and things of this was the 1st gen was there. and then the kids came and i call them the kids because for me they case the like between the age of 15 to 18. and i've known them from before because i've seen them in other places. they have telecom groups and when something happens they connect them telegram and they come and help. they come in to help because they're really needed. you know, they're very young, they're strong, the nimble, they can get in amongst the rubble and help finding gay. hopefully some people live in things. so when i saw them,
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i left them alone because they were doing the work and the some of them already knew me. in the past, the health is refused to talk to me. they don't really like to go on camera. but say when they came out, they asked me, okay, is anybody going to talk to me and the new i agreed to talk to me. we had a little chat to you. so some of the chat in the video just before and then okay, i just had a feeling at this time to split. i walked uh, maybe 50 meters away in other hi michelle. and it was a matter of 2 minutes, so maybe 3 minutes between me dying with him or you know, the will of god, whatever you want to call it. but another point i want to make that a moment behind my face failed. the new embrace is girlfriend and saved her life. yes, she did. the she did get hit in the head and she had about 3 or 4 operation, but he actually saved a life. he was. so there's a here, i mean, you know,
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and then yes, a score get i go to and which is have like city, even the true here, interest, 17 years old as well. you is a 70 the oddest dream yet in aspirations say. yeah. so he was fatally wounded in the seconds. right is we know he was helping people. he saved the life of his young girlfriend. this was still the 1st time people coming to health of to the best. i can kidding, emergency services have been cold by such a talk to it with a 2nd strike coming close behind. do you think this isn't intentional? i think mostly. absolutely. and i've been the, i've been in the field for these incidents where like where we go there and, and what i'm teaching. so then some of my colleagues, russian general, this will hurt also. so they know they know, i mean, they know what's happening. so there's a strike. everybody come general is for us to respond as everybody comes in about 2030 minutes later. there's a strike and it hurts. and this is what happened the day. it was brutal with not to soon. hi my came,
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it was very brutal. and i know that when you spoke to darnell and he spoke to some other people fix 1st and at the western governments fit, they've continuing to send these weapons that to ukraine. is this a feeling that most people shy within? don't pass a yes. and then not a very interesting things they don't thing ukraine. like i always ask and all my interviews, ask people, okay, how do you think it should be resolved? so the 1st thing, the surprises me that 95 percent of the people said we need to talk. you don't really need them often here we need to destroy your pregnancy and we need to talk because they all have relative send the other side. they will have, they'll know people and the other side. they all blame the west. they don't play me crazy. they know ukraine is just being used as a puppet, isn't maria? and it's, i mean, you kinds of dying. i mean, what's declining, i've been to spend time in ukraine, ukrainian, or russian. i know many people are going to have a reaction to this, but, but in all my time i was in ukraine. i've never had the training language being
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spoken. i've only heard the russian language being spoken, and i know that you've spent a long time reporting from the dumbass. can you describe some of the things that to have left an impression on you during your time working? look, i focus on civilians. eh, i don't go and fill in time for them. so just, i don't want to make war 60, i don't want to explore appealing, you know, i mean, when we young, we watch more movies, you know, that drilling and goes. no, it was not nice. so often say i just go to the front line suburbs and document disobedience, and some of them touch me a lot. there's one little girl, one year old, go ahead send the front line of made about 5 videos about her actually put on a bus day for her. and safelite is she doesn't own a day without shelly. and once when we visit as hey, i went with the have her and her mother and my camera went to the shop, which was a 150 me this way. and the almost got to 5 times in the way by a auditory you know, so that's what touches me is the product of the civilians. you know, it's like,
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and the said, because don't call it a 2 year war. it's a 10 year old. i'm just wondering, you know, with this going on for so long the tell you we strikes happening constantly as a children who have never known anything different. how do they, how's the parents? how's with families? how do i co, how do they stay? they hold out hope that this will ends to the most common. and so i hear because i asked this question a lot, you know, especially i asked the parents how they called the said really does the is there is don't know tomorrow. yeah. like we just leave for today, we have to do our best. they have some frustration that then yes, the still being able to be show that the, it hasn't been pulled away. uh, you know, totally rearrange. hasn't been had pulled back enough. yeah, for stated knoxville, honesty, you know what i mean? they wished already that's uh they'll be out of artillery range and things of this, but they somehow call an ice person. we find them. yes. because it very amazing place. you know, the people, they are so resilient and a soul loving the lack of hatred towards you. great. and is what touched me the
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most. but you're, you're constantly seeing such devastating things happening. i mean, how many civilians have you seen been killed by strikes? i've seen more than i wanted to see and even thinking about it. i mean, when i went back home and i just went back home for about 68 weeks, and the 1st 23 weeks, every time adults and things, at least i was not this reaction. you know, it's a, i've seen more than i want to see. and i hope i don't see any more when i go back to them. yes. now when you do go back to australia and do you share your stories that do you? do people want to know anything about your report? well, i've contacted all the media in australia and i contact them in the ways and i say, look, i've just returned from the ukraine, rush, the conflict. so do you want to talk to me? and they'll say yes. and they say send us a sample of the work, but i'm always,
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i send them a sample and understand which side of the conflicts on i was documenting. i never hear from them again. but the abc forgot to ask me any of these questions and they invited me to the studio to do an interview with me. so, you know, like here and i had a coffee with the producer before. and then they finally got which site i was documenting from. so they just said to me, wait a minute, we just not to need to check the equipment. and they came back to me and they said uh, something went wrong with the equipment. uh, we can do it today. we'll get back to you as to well, i know we lived behind the 9 coach and i'm old enough to know. you know, we've always programmed in my generation when i was young, i didn't know the soviet they leave behind and i encourage and no read in the west leave behind. and i encourage and, and unfortunately there's no other way to get any me and really use apart from telegraph on twitter, youtube to an extent as a, as long as you're there, eh, yeah,
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it's really hard face. there's only one side to the story. i mean, you train is fighting for freedom for democracy, and russia is the big bad wolf. do you think the majority of people are still buying that line? that was some people waking up to the realities of what's happening on the ground, especially with all this money being pumped in any and no, no progress being seen on the ground. and you know, a lot of people are waking up. people are not stupid to get a lot of people are waking up. but you know, sort of so far away people. they only care because the street us in so much money to you. yeah. that's the reason that they care, you know, because i mean, sidney still has 50000 homeless people on the street. i don't see this the most cool. mm. to. yeah. the new a package that we just mentioned has been approved despite kia, repeatedly using these west and weapons to hit civilians, as you well know, why do you think, what's the nation's allowed to you have to do this because the west has an
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empowering decline. and if you look at history of the greek empires of the roman empire and seeing when an empire is on his way out, you know, as a colonial empire, the solid base of colonialism. ukraine is part of the cold in the project. so when an empire declines, they always ask the russian of those act and desperation. they know your credit is not going to win. and i few said i have friends in ukraine. this sacrificing the whole generation of ukrainian meant more than a just nation because they taking like really old people now really young people and even women though, so they just sacrificing ukraine. i mean they have no love for your trade. i have no doubt about that. and you'll be heading back to don't bass now i see. and yes, here capture most stories i oh, good stories. well, let's hope so to do space. i thank you for coming into speech has been we've been talking to johnny h, australian independent journalist on both the off this documentary, which i encourage everybody to watch. thank you very much. i a notification from him as is due to arrive in egypt on monday to deliver the group's response to ways
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wells proposal on the pay scale on the exchange of hostages, announced as it has no major issues off to considering as well as most recent proposal for along the way to pace and hostage release agreements in gone. so that's according to a paste item. the groups representative is rel, estimates through a so 129 is radius being held in gaza earlier as well, rejected her mouse as the mountains for an ongoing truce. none the less, according to reports, isabel is willing to talk about the restoration of sustainable common garza following the release of the hostages as part of its most recent approach. according to the gauze and health industry, the is where the offensive has killed at least $34450.00 full palestinians in garza . the majority of them being women and children meanwhile, and is well fall. roy ministers oppose the deal with him. us national security minister, it's a minute then this stays, the deal would mean the dissolution of the governments on the finance minister in
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to and they got it filled to the fire, cleveland, if they're going to, if he decides to fly a white flag and cancel the order to conquer rafa immediately to complete the mission of destroying him, us and restored peace for the residents of southern israel and all of the country citizens and return our productive brothers and sisters were held hostage to their homes. then the government, who had, will have no right of existence the the, these way the public continues to advocate for the return of hostages. from her last captivity alienness anti government protests were held in television protest as cold for the elections as the amount of the return of his way. nice from does that mean it's not any guns and or position need that guy lucky to set that they
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were turn of absentees is a government priority this government has to choose the return of the object to use a life or been greer and smart, rich relations with the americans or been greer and smart, rich, the solider deal or been clear and smart, rich israel security or being clear and smart, which is a responsible outline, is reached for the return of the object to use with the backing of the entire security system. which does not involve the end of the war, and the ministers who let the government on october 7th prevented the government will not have the right to continue to exist and lead the campaign political analyst and they are in safety. hostage dale is the appropriate decision for prominence, the next and you all who, despite the earlier promise of a total victory of the extreme right wing ministers, banker and smug page, are putting the lives of the hostages far below their own ideal logic.
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who are not the susan and they are threatening. nathan, jo, we stop laying his government and going to earlier elections, which that i know knows you will lose. so the question is, are we in that then you all were finally for the 1st, i mean many is show some leadership and resist the pressure by you small regions bank. there is a guns and he's popularizing, quote, leave the government. there will be huge demonstration, huge drop this probably a general strike, which is going to bring the government down. so the question for them, you know, is not the whether the government winful but which direction. and because that is the case, it is better for him to go for a hostage to, even though it means that these role has not gotten the total victory, which he promised once the bill is accepted, there wouldn't be due relation,
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any is wrong, but the ones the celebrations are over. the political storm. we'll take over and is ready. we'll go to early elections, which will bring the end to the young. re over is really probably gonna be 7 months into the war and gone. and most of its residential buildings have already been destroyed by the ideas it could take at least 14 years while using a 100 trucks. just to clear away all the rubble of the stock assessment from the top of the mining official at the united nations. what we know do know is that we estimate thought it's $37000000.00 tons of of debris which is approximately $300.00 t less of the re, per square meter. 65 percent of the buildings that have been destroyed, or residential buildings. an estimation has been done based on the current number
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of, of tons of, of debris in, in golf and with 100 trucks. we're talking about 40 in the years of work with 100 trucks. so that's based on that figure. 14 years to remove, with approximately $750000.00 work days, had low time that who we heard from the stress that it's impossible to estimate how long it will take to clean up the inside and play when they will eventually ends hills. i mentioned a large number of unexploded munitions scattered across the ruins of garza. on average, some 10 percent of all shells fired, reportedly felt to designate even behind the deadly subject to any future reconstruction assets. meanwhile, the un on the world bank of won't that it will take at least $18000000000.00 to rebuild what's already being destroyed and the baffled palestinian territory. the
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ultimate yeah, yeah. construction and we construction project manager. so he said it will take a considerable amount of results as to rebuild garza as a level of destruction is unprecedented. surely if it's the ones that adds that the amount of resources, because at, in, in, in our case what i'm talking about district or do we have to think about the whole string and in such as payable destruction. it's like the little to, you know, as a citizen has been to be able to form to scratch the one that i was talking about,
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a huge resources required to be to use to remove that if there's, if there is. and then a bill. i'm jake of stock as well talking. busy about a huge except that they tours huge amount of trucks espy settings and maybe some special equipment to a more as i'm as use, it is unexplored x exploded materials that are within the dippers. and this would be imagines that this would be an exclusive material that can be explored any time when, as of listing instructions to the most just looking to purchase some from the sheer size, the sheer scale of this. for instance, you, you're one of the most experienced people in the middle east. all of this, does it, does it link to anything you've ever worked on before the sheer scale of this, this huge amount of destruction? i don't think so because this, this is the 1st time we encountered this amount of destruction. and basically they
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started, the army is trying to get into the city and they make it livable for anymore. so no one can then invest, think of returning to live in these buildings, such as domestic attached to these buildings that can, that can be, was anymore. at some point that is done, bowl has seen large protest, softer the freedom flotilla, a maritime humanitarian conformant. disappoint age to gaza despite the is where the blockade was hold says in the city, we spoke to the chapman of the ax, working group, and g o, who is a participant in the flow to that? and he told us about his experience with the n g. i was one of the groups goals by joining the plucky labs from 2000. and then when they chose the mountain, lucky, not a matter of tragedy. you know, at the time we, we bring lots of human activity and age to get there to break the sheets. you guys are, but as you know in 2000 and then the site is causing the international to walter
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. and they did take color shape and then cuts us and go to do the deal and we cannot deliver an order from issued. and this time, the after 6 months, the war more to 6 months are due. are we was together in, in a new stumble together for the 40 countries. so i mentioned that to go to the break seats in and it's, it's fairly normal. i tried it because all it was, is unitarian the activities, but i'm all over the words. we tried to, to enter the, get us into it off. i bought it, but as you know, in the border, we cannot enter is easily yet we can. we have 2 ways, one month, 2 months, 3 months. yeah. and after our we can deliver our 8 sol, so we try. yeah, from the all over the world to gather the stumble and then to try to to go to the dentist. it's to to see the need to just do this for our ac tomato,
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price $1500.00 to tons of the age that we have present present from one or 2 months ago. yeah. 3 vessels carrying some 5000 tons of aid with blocks by the african nation of guinea. purcell, which were moved as long as one of the ships allegedly in response to pressure from as well. with more on the protests, on the other pressures, the combination space that he's all to use. yes. and i can or hundreds have gathered behind me in his stumbles. it is a good r squared. this crowd march through the streets of his stumble, to raise awareness regarding the palestinian fights, israel's also against the palestinian people against the people of gaza. over the course of months. and since early october, the speakers that took to the stands were one of the organizers who essentially came together to provide a briefing and an update on the freedom flotilla that will be leaving the charge of stocks making its way through gaza. and the organizes are aiming to ensure that you
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manage here and it makes its way to gauze and the organizing another round of ships to, of course, take course to the gaza strip people. a lot of them on the 2 things. the 1st is free and didn't go up. they went to an 8 gusta on 2nd ceasefire. it's very simple. this is what you're doing. that's why i did that for them for the dislike failing. that's why we are asking all over the world and the leaders, let's take action to for the incident imitating a, the ceasefire. stealing, they'll be trying to organize, do they said they should be having a problem because these ladies are trying to step out for that for, for the countries. because as you know, the issue, a ship must have a flag to sale. so the old legacy, one of the country and near the is that is communicating with the country and making print a ship. so now we are trying to sort out this problem and i provide you to a number come through to get to do is connect folders sitting there. it varies. a couple of the ships that were under the flag of.


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