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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the top story is this, how a ukrainian troops continue the retreat, while the reality behind washington's fresh to aid package. the key of this fall from what the billions of dollars in find a mazda is. it has no major issues off the considering as well. as most recent proposal for a little way to pay still on the whole stage release agreement in gaza as the groups delegation arrives in egypt, also have the votes. zillow has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point, and that they are hoping to ensure that the ships leap as quickly as possible, protested into again raleigh to support an international h. so tell us
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a garza and to cease fire full the in the a very warm welcome to you. this is all to international with the latest world news update is great to happy with them. that would begin with the latest on the ukraine calling states where the country's military leader general alexander csb hasn't met the russian forces a having tactical successes on the battlefield. this coming is key of was supposed to with drawers troops from the villages of a boat, itchy and assume, you know, cut to the north west of out the go on from nova me kind of code to the south west of don't, yes. as well. ukraine is retreat thing the us is funding more dollars to keeps, but wherever is the money, where are they going? taking the clothes and the golf correspond to the shape of so so you for any and slice for waived on the us political a lead,
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slap themselves on the back for passing what at least looks like it over 61000000000 and 8 for ukraine. we've taken a closer look at how when, where the money will supposedly be spent in surprise, surprise, the reality doesn't really much. the headlines a short time ago, the house of representatives, pastor crucial aid bill for ukraine. we begin in the united states where below make us have just passed a close will 61000000000 dollar a package for you for vital funding needed to help you. crane defend itself from russia's invasion, has just been approved in the house of representatives. found is just that everyone knows, or at least things. how speaker mike johnson's bill provide 60800000000 in a to count the russia with a detailed analysis of where the cash will actually go. revealed a fascinating and if you're a supporter of ukrainian proxy war project, a very worrying reality, the vast majority won't get anywhere near the front lines. as you can see,
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just under 50000000000 will go to defense spending for you crime. but that's a very broad term, which huge amounts being spent a fire from the front lines. and for the immediate use while you're trying the military, that's break it down. well, that's 50000000000 spent, or at least supposedly to be spent on the wider ukrainian project. but that still leaves over 10000000000 left and no one seems to know anything about and why western politicians celebrated the game changer aid package rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman called the reality of the so called aide to key if it's on the limited cost us for the new us military, a to ukraine, about $1.00 quarter of the nearly 61000000000 dollars in age will be used for this purpose. and the needs of the cranium, military will be metal, the credit bases not reach you. it's to me, the lion's share of the funds will remain in the united states, the consent to go on chief lloyd austin,
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explains that about $50000000000.00 would be directly invested in the us defense industrial complex and would create jobs in more than 30 states. so there we have most of the cash for speaker johnson's rolling bill will never actually get to ukraine, but will grease the wheels of the us military industrial complex. so what's on surprising that the speaker himself isn't too eager to highlight this reality? referring to play the role of a stand up guy, just doing the right thing for ukraine. meanwhile, the american top brass have no problem admitting that this is all about flushing cash into the u. s. weapons factories. by providing approximately $50000000000.00 that will flow directly in to a defense industrial base. is these be a little crazy good american jobs and more than 30 states, even as a drain forced us us long term security?
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these legislation will make america more secure and save lice if congress passes military age for ukraine and israel. we won't write blank checks. we'd send to military equipment from our own stock piles, then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stockpiles by buying from american suppliers. that includes patriot missiles made in arizona, javelin missiles made an alabama and artillery shells made in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we would be investing in america's industrial base, buying american products, made by american workers supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. we would help our friends while helping our sales kind. of course, it's also worth remembering that the us has already pumped over a $100000000000.00 of its own tax payers cash into the sailing ukrainian project.
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the scale of the spending is truly astounding with 2 programs operating to fund key f. one is the presidential authority, and the folder is the ukraine security assistance initiative. we'd want existing to replenish weapons in cash in to the older since march 2022. $19000000000.00 worth of orders had been financed into the us military industrial complex on to this initiative alone. as the reality dogs, the us aid to ukraine, it's a fact more about funding america's own weapons manufacturers under vast profit and defending ukraine. so even a key of our beginning to wake up to the truth, having received crumbs from the table as a result of a long political game which cost us lives, territories, infrastructure. ukraine has worked in the interest of specific political and lobbying groups in the united states as further aid packages look unlikely. the
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american establishment interest in this government is exhausted. and of course, the devil is always in the detail with less than $13000000000.00 and military a likely to actually even arrive in ukraine at all with much of the long promised american supplies not even manufactured yet. this doesn't bode well for kids rapidly retreating and depleting. army, that's us. the lansky who refused to hold elections will essentially mccomb illegitimate dictator when his term expires next month. meanwhile, the truth is it could take years for any of the a to arrive on one thing ukraine doesn't have right now, is time. i said again, sion from mazda is due to arrive in egypt on monday to deliver the group's response to as well as proposal on a pay still on the exchange of hostages says it has no major issues off the can during, as well as most recent proposals along the way to peace and hostage release agreements
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in gone. so that's according to way of pay sites. and the greeks representative is well estimates. there was still a 129. is way these being held in garza and yet as well with jake did have mazda simone's for an ongoing truce. nonetheless, according to reports, the is what he's willing to talk about the restoration of sustainable common garza . following the release of the hostages, as part of its most recent approach, according to the goals in house ministry, he is very offensive, has killed at least 34450 full palestinians in garza. the majority of them being women and children. well meanwhile, and as well solve ryan with us as opposed to deal with him. us national security minister, it's a may have been convinced that the deal would mean the dissolution of the governments on the finance minister and ton only added fuel to the fire. cleveland if thinking of if he decides to fly a white flag and cancel the order to conquer rafa immediately to complete the
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mission of destroying him off and restored peace for the residence of southern israel and all of the country citizens and return our productive brothers and sisters were held hostage to their homes, then the government you had will have no right of existence. so the way the public continues to advocate for the return of hostages from him most captivity earlier last, the anti government protest. warehousing. tell it be processed as proof of the election and to fall into the return of his ladies from dawn when it's up then got into the gun sunbelt position lead a young i left. he said that the return, if i'm to see, is a government flower city. this government has to choose return of the object to use a life or been greer and smart, rich relations with the americans or been greer and small and rich. the solid to
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deal or been clear and small judge israel security or being clear and smart rich, if a responsible outline is reached for the return of the objectives with the backing of the entire security system, which does not involve the end of the war and the ministers who let the government on october 7th prevented the government will not have the right to continue to exist and lead the campaign. political analyst, i mean it already decided that the hostage still is the appropriate decision for prime minister netanyahu, despite the promises of a total victory, a league stream right wing ministers, bank here and smoke bridge are putting the lives of the hostages far below their own ideal logic who are not the susan and they are threatening nothing . you know, we stop laying his government and going to early elections, which nathaniel knows, he will lose. so the question is will nothing y'all was finally pulled this test. i mean,
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many is show suddenly the issue and resist the pressure by you small regions bank or even guns and he's popular eyes input. leave the government. there will be huge demonstration, huge dropped us, probably a general strike which is going to bring the government down. so the question for them, you know, is not the whether the government really falls, but which direction and be that is the case. it is better for him to go for hostage to even though it means that the israel has not gotten the total victory, which he promised once the bill is accepted, there wouldn't be due relation is wrong, but once the celebrations are over, the political storm. we'll take over and is ready. we'll go to
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early elections, which will bring the end to the young. re, over is rarely probably, which is dumble has seen launch protest softer the freedom flotilla, ameritron humanitarian convo. he meant to supply aid to gauze at the spot. the is where the blockade was halted in the city we spoke to the, cham, it is the non profit acts, a working group who was of participants. and if those hello and he told us about his experience with the n g, i was one of the groups goals. i joined the plucky labs from 2000 and then when they taught us, the monitoring must be in my mind a tragedy. you know, at the time we, we bring a lot of the human activity and age to get there, to break the sheet. you guys a but as you know, 8000 and then the site is causing the intermission to walter and then and then take color shape and then cuts and go to, to the deal. and then uh, we cannot deliver an order from issues. and this time, the after 6 months,
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the door more than 6 months uh, door we was together in, in, in assemble together for the 40 countries. so i mentioned that to go to the break seats and, and it's, it's fairly normal. i tried it because all it was, is unitarian, the activities for them all over the words we tried to, to enter the, get us into it off i bought it, but as you know, in the border, we cannot enter is easily yet we can. we have 2 ways, one month, 2 months, 3 months. yeah. and after our we can deliver our 8 sol. so we try. yeah, from the all over the world to gather the stumble and then to try to to go through the benefits to, to see it. so just to deliver our ac, it's about to $5500.00 to tons of is that we have bread presented from one or 2 months ago? yeah. 3 vessels carrying some 5000 tons of aid with blocks by the applicant, nation of deepest cell,
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which would move that sparks when the ships allegedly in response to pressure from israel with mole on the process. sound the other pressures the combination faces. he's all to use. yes. and that can hundreds have gathered behind me in this stumbles. it is good. i square this. crowd march, throughout the streets of his stumble, to raise awareness regarding the palestinian flights of israel's also against the palestinian people against the people of gaza. over the course of months and since early october, the speakers that took to the sands where one of the organizers who essentially came together to provide a briefing and an update on the freedom flow to that will be leaving. the target stops making its way through garza and the organizes are aiming to ensure that you manage here and it makes its way to gauze and the organizing another round of ships to of course, take course to the gaza strip people. a lot of them on the 2 things. the 1st is free. i didn't go up, they went to an 8, does a and 2nd ceasefire,
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it's very simple. this is what you're doing. that's why i did that for them for the love dislike failing. that's why we are asking all over the world and leaders. let's take extra to pretty enter the game and put in a the ceasefire. still going to be trying to organize. do they said that she'd be having a problem because these ladies are trying to step out for that full for the countries? because as you know, the issue, she must have the flag to sale. so that i would like is one of the country, a near the is i just communicating the country and making pretty shift. so now we are trying to sort out this problem apply. each of the country to get to do is connect folders sitting there. it varies a couple of the ships that were under the flag, a longing to get it be so have withdrew their ships. many people claim that it gets released have applied enough pressure to ensure that the decision came through. and this adds further pressure to the organizers to ensure that they take care of the logistics and ensure that the flow tellos are the ships. do leave these doc spencer
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to make its way to the palestinian strip. but there's also a great deal more complications as the organizes are trying to battle with that. the flow to was, has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. and that they are hoping to ensure that these ships leave as quickly as possible. and the support in which they are referred to as a global assistance will make its way to palestine, ensure that many of the a, that the palestinians they can be of course, provided. one more issue in this respect is of course the response that the is really, as we'll show, we understand that in the early 20 times when a similar flow to the try to break of the siege that was established against the policy and people, uh, the ships were rated by these rarely forces and we can expect a similar outcome if not worse, if the ships are to leave these dots and attempt its way to gaza. us no lakers have proposed the bill imposing 3rd party anti semitism motor to is it us universities? this comes with
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a growing pro palestinian student demonstrations on top of his universities that don't comply with the bonus, has the multiple lose the federal funding, the bills name. the columbia act refers to columbia university in new york where students organized a camp in protest against, as well as operation and gaza rising and to semitism on our college campuses is a major concern and we must act to ensure the safety of students. i'm proud to work with my friends and colleagues which you taurus on legislation that will impose a 3rd party end to segment is monitoring on college campuses to ensure productions are in place and oversee any troubling action by college administrators. if colleges will not step up to protect their students, congress must act us since ebony sanders has refused. it is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was a session that anti semitism is the driving force behind protests on us college
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campuses. what's happening in the americans college campuses is a risk, a decent medic mazda of taken over leading universities. there was an anti semitic surgery that has terrible consequences when you make those charges. that is not anti summit. that is a reality right now. what you know, it was white wing extremists and races. government is doing is unprecedented in the modern history of warfare. so meanwhile, at least 900 people have been detained in the united states during pro paula city and protests over the past 10 days. according to the washington post, among the hundreds detained police also arrested us presidential candidate, joe signed during the pre posted in raleigh at washington university. and so new a missouri office. it just showed a police repeatedly something to bike against the 73 year old son before driving around to the students and testament. additionally video talk to is the politician
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biggest schools down to the account by 3 police offices. when the hands of pay to be restrained with zip ties behind her back, the one of the latest profile is to be in demonstrations. kicks off at the annual white house correspondents association, dental with president joe biden protest as guy the downside, the washington hilton hotel. chon things, shame on you. as guests arrived for the meeting, more than 2 dozen palestinian journalists have issued an open unless it urgent that american colleagues to bully caught the dinner. here is what we heard from those of the see. we're out here in front of the white house, corresponds the whole journalist accountable to remind them at a $133.00. how soon you internalize have lost their lives telling the truth. these are targeted attacks. these are systematic. it's are, these are attempts to silence the truth and is not going to be silent. we're out, you're also the courage of housing, internal ones that are reaching their own lives,
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celebrating their own genocide the what else correspond sooner represents the western media and the lead that are currently perpetuating and supporting and completed in the genocide of the palestinian people. we found that we need something where i taught it because they use their rhetoric and ways that just are benefiting to the american warm is an imperialist for machine. and we're here to say same on you server. it's brad with genocide, with murders propaganda. spencer, the white house correspondents dinner behind us. we knew that we couldn't find this event happening in our city without giving them a little taste of what they're really responsible and hopefully making them confront at least a tiny bit, which is again human and labor wise lawyer down cuz all x rays, the us is increasingly cracking down on free speech to protect as well. by the way,
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i don't think it's going to pass constitutional muster. what i mean is daughter. i think that would violate the 1st amendment of the us constitution, which protects re speech. but it is a very troubling sign that the us government and us institutions as well are, you know, increasing the cracking down and free speech in order to protect israel. there is really i semitism in the world which needs to be condemned, but this is not that. and when you claim something is, and i symmetric when it's not the value that concerned, and that's exactly what's happened in many liberals who would otherwise will provide, will not go to the polls, or they were go to the polls and vote for a 3rd party candidate but they're not going to vote for joe by this is killing us, candace. and yet he doubles down. i think you could have an impact that really did, i think support for israel's eroding within the united states in the united states
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is the biggest backer of israel. and i do think it's going to have an impact. i just hope it has an impact soon enough. you know, because before the size of the israel's plans to invade, rafa i think are still on the table and could be a minute. so i hope it's in time, but i certainly think it's making it a to announce a year of where the paris institutes of political studies finds itself in the spotlight of student valleys in support of palestine have continued for several days now as well as is most prestigious, either by stay how much to get to an agreement with protest busily government the struggles stover. to find this, the thing with some officials, quoting for how should measures. let's get the latest on this. now let's say closer to aunty can truly say rachel most and full of the story, right to get to save today. so what can you tell us about these pro palestinian protests in front of the government's response to it? so while the us establish that is pretending to be scandalized by the groundbreaking concept of university students actively protest,
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they perceive injustice as though they never do that right. in this case, it's a harm being done to palestinian civilians is israel continues to raise, gather in a seemingly endless effort to take him off the university and rest is also reach friends. universities and the spotlight is now on seals who the institute of political studies at paris, where i taught in the master's program for 7 years. so it's basically the french equivalent of harvard that we're talking about last week, students at the campus in the center of harris faced off against the french police and refused to budge when authorities repeatedly threatened to use force against them for blocking part of the campus with the students and demanding as these fire and gather some students and facing disciplinary proceedings as a result of this action. the students have also been demanding that the university cut all ties with entities related to the state of israel. so the university has now diffused the situation, at least for the time, be offering to drop the disciplinary actions against the students that they decided
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that had gone too far and they want to discipline. and instead, what they proposed as a whole, the formal debate, internal debate on campus to arrow, grievances on all sides. pretty well concept for university, right? actually encouraging the fate of controversial issues instead of just being force fed, whatever ideas are rattling around in the minds of both professors. right. kind of a nice opportunity think, well, except if you're one of those narrative gatekeepers and it turns out that at least one member of the center right establishment, the vice president, a former president of stuff with each party may say to the town is pretty serious about that idea, if the data is just where to continue, rather than supporting the management of the government, does, the government should stop public funding. it signs as bo, we're going to finance a school which has become the place of the country, isn't. it makes charles laughed,
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isn't as long as and which legitimizes anti semitic remarks and acts of violence. okay, so he doesn't want there to be a debate question, israel's actions, and it's using a bunch of name calling to the rail. it in favor of creating a guess, a safe space for the kind of rhetoric and ideas. the guys like him and the establishment . find the acceptable. we're talking about the talk french campus for educating, frances, the sure political lead. yes, they shouldn't be familiar with the debate and instead of just wants the state to step in with a threat of its own to cut off as public funding, if the school doesn't comply to protect his views from be challenged on this issue . uh, good luck with that. french president, a menu and mac whole himself has recently echoed the student's concerns and calling israel's actions. he's interested in deep indignation that the images reaching us from gaza were civilians have been targeted by israeli soldiers expressed much strong. his disapproval of the shots in demand truth justice and respect for international law. earlier this year,
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michael said that the 2 state solution recognizing oppose to the instate is not taboo preference. not that he's actually taking any actual leadership action on that front. by the way, see also is not the only french campus. the spark controversy on this issue when left waiting false, as to me is a party leader is only communal show. how does conference on palestine at the university in france is north cancelled earlier this month. he publicly compared the university's present there to nazi adolf eichmann. and now the french education minister has stepped in and she said that she's filing a criminal complaint for public injury against me and also on behalf of the french government and the support of the university president. so more generally, the whole israel palestine issue is really nitroglycerin for a country that is imported political divisions from all around the entire world as a result of its migration policies. and now,
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because france has neglected to properly manage its borders for so long, it's now having to rec boundaries everywhere inside the country, including on university campuses, in an effort to diffuse tensions. quite so many sang set for the update done. so i want to contribute to rachel mazda and speaking to us from vancouver in canada, and mary banks, if you will, company this monday, i do hope you're having a great start your week coming up next with a child with the latest episode of the modus operandi and we'll be back with more news about 30 minutes. the, the hello, i'm into la chan. you are tuned into modus operandi all across europe,
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tractors are blocking major roadways in major cities across the continent. the farmer's protest has grown over the last 2 years, and today we'll dig into what's causing such discontent among those who provide food for the world will go straight to the heart of the european union in belgium to find out what's really going on. all right, let's get into the m o the they are being dubbed far right, in some cases being called nationalists. but we're not talking about a new political party here, but rather farmers, while the vast majority of people in the west simply go to the grocery store to purchase their food. little spot is given to the source of where that food comes from, even less to the people who grow that food or raise the live stock that end up on
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our plates every day. and perhaps that's why they're fuming mad farmers leaving their crops behind and taking the capital cities in their respective countries. the netherlands, germany, france, spain, poland, even taking their tractors in the brussels belgium, the home of the european council to make their voices heard. so what exactly are they so mad about? joining us to explain is elijah maga. he is a veteran war correspondent and political analysts. now, based in brussels, you can see more of his work at e. j magnate dot com and follow him on twitter at e j mall ry. that's m a l r a. i thank you so much for being with us, elijah. thank you so much for having me. so the presidency is currently held by belgium, where you live. recently, there was a massive demonstration by farmers and their supporters, which saw roughly
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a 1000 tractors, blocking that whole area around the european council building. they sprayed police with liquid min, newer they unleashed bales of hay all over the street. i mean, the scene was really chaotic. can you tell us what that was all about? it? yes. so the 27 european nation has agree on a specific green, the environment policy that was not compatible with the demand of the fall. so although they have weaken some of these re policy as to fit with the farming emission of its 2040 climate road, the u. m. still struggling with meeting the family's health way. so what it's old about is the fall is off of texting because at the they have


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