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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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after this is just reading a disaster or jo button. okay, packed to the rafters, direct impact is fast approaching. catch. rick sanchez on his panel in moments. then i'm back in for even here in 247 or to introduce the so hi everybody. this is the daily show that you've come to love. i hope that is very different because we hold no punches. so look for it. whenever you can. in today's division, we're going to wake up a week of the wild headlines across the globe from well, a speaker, speaker of the house that is, who says he bases his foreign policy decisions on his bizarre readings of the
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bible's to, to a moment that is growing across college campuses with students saying enough killing enough mores ceasefire. now that's becoming a huge story. as a matter of fact, i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. the hi. this is going to be interesting today. and before we get into those stories, i want to reduce our esteemed panel, our prestigious panel for today we are joined by political scientists, dr. wilmer leon, and political commentator, girl and mixing both our co host that'd be critical, our catch it. it's good, especially when they have me on as a guest on radios putting. all right, so here we go. one of the most followed business networks in the united states has come out and is now confirming what russian president vladimir putin told tucker across it. it was ignored or discredited by western media at the time that mr.
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brewton said it, but now the i m. f has come out and confirmed. that's the international monetary fund. they're a big deal that russians economy, despite serious sections and other castigation of which there had been many, has in fact surpassed the g d p growth of every single country in the g 7, including the united states of america. so now that we know it's true, let's take another lesson to mr. put maybe this time to believe them a still a rush. it was the 1st account to me in europe last year, despite all the sanctions and restrictions. is it normal from your point of view, sanctions restrictions, g, impossibility of payments and dollars being cut off from swift services to the sanctions against our ship? scaring oil company, but it was sanctions against airplane, sings somebody, sanctions in everything. everywhere. we make sure that goes to something unique, that the use of the largest number of sanctions in the world which are applied are
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applied against russia. and we have become europe's 1st economy during this time. so, you know, it's amazing the united states and nato, of course, background were member, they told us we're going to question, we're going to question one of the sections. we'll look at this, take a look at this chart. look at that, that's russia across the top. there what they're measuring here by the way is g d p growth, which is the most important and best way to measure the economy of any country. not total g d p, but g d p growth, in other words, where are you and where are you going? look at russia at the very top. now look at the united states right behind it, barely of what to write and, and that, and then you have the rest of the countries there that are in, you know, coming in just behind it. as a matter of fact, as long as i'm sitting here reading it, you've got to pan coming in around 2.0. busy ro, canada, around 1.5, francis coming in around one, the u. k, around point 5 compared to what we're looking germany. i mean, germany's below point 4, but below a point 5 and actually on the negative scale,
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if you look at what they have been doing recently. so, you know, i find this to be gentleman, a fascinating story because i'll be honest with you, you know, put in as a politician. let's face it when he said it, i thought i better he stretched in the story a little bit. he wasn't know, 1st of all, i believe that not only is he an attorney, but he has a ph, d and economic. so there you go. sanctions don't worry, we're going to turn the ruble into rubble. is what president biden told us. and what, what, what we know is that sanctions don't work. they are more so political measures, so that the sort of jo, bye and can tell us that we're actually doing something. what sanctions tend to do is they strengthen the power of the person in charge of the country being sanctioned. because the sense of nationalism grows in the country as that leader
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can say, your plight is not dire because of me. look at what they are doing to us, and that then heightens the sense of nationalism. and so if you really wind up creating a circumstance that you claim you're trying to defeat that in concrete terms, they basically those sanctions made russian oil. uh, uh, more expensive. and more countries wanted it, and india said, i'll take it, you guys don't want to try to say they'll take advantage on it. that doesn't the end. it runs at the same thing. so apparently it sure is okay. and so we're in the sector. and so in fact, the growth of russia and the russia basically laughing the g 7th a countries was it in spite of the sanctions it was because yeah, sanctions. yeah. because of the same rate for halls. the g 7 countries to have slower growth and rush at a faster growth. and because russia is in the industrial arena, careful what you wish for. exactly. because it's both sanctions are bound to hurt
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the west more because we have our money a most of our g d. p is made in the fire, what they call finance insurance and real estate, which are banking related and easily. so the subject to be heard by sanctions, russia sales hard things, people need commodities and they'll go around the around to any kind of sanctions to get the commodity. it's because they can't run their into their, their economies without them. it's a fascinating fee. they finish up on this because we're gonna go to the next topic . why is germany's g d p in the tank because they don't have access to cheap rushman, but i forget about i was so just say that number of the very bottom of the list. there you go. yeah, yeah, cuz now they get less gas. they've got to pay the rest of the industrialized their economy in india, so they're going yeah, baby, i like this deal. amazing. let's go to columbia university. it's not just columbia university by the way, but that's where some of the bigger protests have taken place. although and why you yale calling for a cease fire and they are not alone, 200 university across the united states. now i've seen pro palestinian and anti
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genocide protest. here's what it looks like at yale, n y u and columbia university. the, the, you guys have seen what's going on, the mayor of new york says he's prohibiting protests now. they've called the police into arrest the students. essentially, they are just protesting. as far as i know how they said and done some mean things, i'm sure they have. but last time i checked, the constitution says you can say whatever the hell you want about anybody i knew can be mean. this is an attack on the 1st amendment which michael johnson and so many others are now trying to do away with me. and the really interest to
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basically, the israeli lobby design is lobby, has lost the debate. they've lost the argument, and these are the last gasps of them trying to salvage some semblance of legitimacy. and one of the things that is really telling not only looking at columbia, looking at berkeley, looking at harvard jackson read high school in washington, dc for the air of student organization at the jackson read high school through the a. c o. u is suing the principal of the school for denying the error of american students from showing a documentary at lunch. so what that was that the, the rest, the, the, the pro test is now at the high school level in this country. that's saying they have lost the argument. well, you know, the other thing to keep in mind, i guess,
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and the contact out of politics is this 20082002 rock obama. one. those are the people that one for. he had vague the democratic party over the last several elections again with going out of the way to make sure and reasonably so that there were polling places on all of the college campuses. i don't think they need to waste their time doing that in 20. 20. no. as a matter of fact, i've heard from insiders in the, by the ministration that they're shooting with for old people to come out and vote for what was the last time you heard the democratic party was gonna depend on the old people developed. that's usually a republican party thing. speaking of old people, or at least old thinking people, you mentioned mike johnson, mike johnson. he has told us that he has position on gaza. and what he's doing there at columbia comes from his reading of the bible. in other words, the bible or the way he interprets the bible, not the way most. i'm a christian. i don't interpret the bible that way. most questions don't,
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but the way he interprets the bible that makes him determine how he's going to vote on foreign policy, especially on wars, and especially on israel. his words here they are of israel is a critical ally of ours. and i think most people understand the necessity of this funding, their funding for their very existence. they only stable democracy in the middle east. i mean, of course there's, for those of us who are believers that the biblical ammunition, to stand with israel, we will and, and they will prevail as long as they're there with them. and this is an important, very important symbolic gesture. and a very important replenishment of their stock calls, for example, of the iron don't the reason they shut down all those drones and missiles in the last attack by iran is because we assist you with that. i think the american people understand the importance of that for now, did you, did you hear that for, for, for, hold on, hold right here. for those of us who are believers, this is a biblical admission. well the and that's the worst part is that he referred to
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israel, is a stable democracy, stable democracy. the people are literally in the streets, screaming for the head of their leader at the same time, their bombing and slaughtering half of the population. i don't think that's the definition of the mark. so wait a minute, didn't we? haven't we had these discussions in this country over the last 10 years about how we never want to be like the taliban and some of those other extremist organizations in the middle east. and other parts of the world who are religious the see and that are religious, the ok receive, you have to do how they interpret their gods commandments, and that's what they will make you do. whether it has to do with how women dress or whether they can drive, we were all against that and we've got this guy is gonna be doing the same thing. i think thomas jefferson told us that the 1st amendment was to prevent or to protect the separation of church and state. mike johnson is really speaking to the christian evangelicals,
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and he's also speaking to the christians. i n s t is not really score the 2nd people. he's not, he's not really speaking to uh, to the broader american electorate. and he wants to be sure that he garners and protects the support of. busy those really just zealots and there is a reason why we don't base our public policy on biblical interpretation. yeah. because different people interpret those words different ways. funny when you are a country where you can only be one religion, let's see. who can i think of? that's like that the jewish state of israel, but go on. well, he certainly couldn't making an argument under international law. he certainly couldn't make it an argument that he was representing the constituents because of the country. but the, because of the poll say that knew what a permanent ceasefire. so i guess all you had left was to reach bit to his religious bags. and as, as low were said reach out to what they consider a very important element in their, in their party. we're talking about also his visit to columbia university and then
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there's another guy who's going around. he didn't get boat and he didn't go to columbia university. he went to china. we're talking about anthony blitz and he is the state, the secretary of state of the united states of america. and he is again telling china what they need to do and china is telling him what he can do with it. we're going to play that for you when we come back, stay right there. the the,
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with the discovery of the new world, at the end of the 15 center, there appeared atlantics, slave dre. the slave traders from european countries started building for its on the western coast of the african continent to transport the african inhabitants to america, to be forced into hard labor. until the middle of the 17th century. portugal had laid the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america,
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there were 5 who died while captured during transportation, and proved obliteration of rebellion. this route, because the whole tre practiced by the leading european countries took away tens of millions of african lives. the organization of united nations class advised the trans atlantic slave trade as one of the greatest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deep orientation of the people ever seen by mankind. the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discuss the wheel in the, the 5. so we told you about a self righteous individual who decided to take it upon himself to go to columbia
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university and tell protesters that they can't both testers and that they're all bad people for doing. so. here's another self righteous individual. his name is anthony. wanted happens to be the state, the secretary state of the united states of america. but other than china, this week shows up getting off the plane. they didn't bill him, but you gotta figure they probably wanted to track these officials without this statement directed right at blinking. it seems to let him know in the well in no uncertain terms, but china does not appreciate the meddling in their affairs. us, as i'm sure you know, because we've reported it here many times just gave taiwan $8000000000.00 in money and weapons so they can use it and eventually war against china. well, how do you think china reacted to that? let's, let's say hello. and he transferred me to taiwan issue is china's internal affair, which tolerates no external interference. the insertion of taiwan related content and to the us congressional bill seriously violates the one china principal and the
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free joint communiques of china and the us. and since a wrong signal to the separate is forces in taiwan, we have formerly opposed to it. we urge the us side to honor his commitment of not supporting taiwan independence with concrete actions and stop arming taiwan in any way while they are that stop arming taiwan in any way. that's a directive, i guess, that they're giving the united states united states is obviously not going to stop . it's fascinating to think that somebody would give your enemy $8000000000.00 so they can attack you and tell you. and then the next week, we're actually just a few days later show up at your doorstep with flowers to say, hey, how are you? i thought i'd come by, maybe we get, i have a job. i'm just not sure i could do something like that in spanish. it's called having a very hard face. this guys gotta have a really hard face. well, it was interesting that that statement included the one china policy. so what she
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was saying was, you are violating your own, stated your own stated policy. and also there was no red carpet for so many blinking, he walked off the plane, stepped onto the tarmac. there was nobody there to greet him. and what this is really a replay of what we saw in anchorage a couple of years ago. if you remember when he met with the chinese delegation and acreage, they got up and walked out the room because they told tony blake, and we are not going to sit here and allow you to lecture us. we're china. do you know how much of your debt we hold? we're not gonna sit here and listen to that. don't tell us about human rights. we've been seeing what's going on with black lives matter on the streets of your country. and she said, don't tell us about the free markets. yeah, because we are engaging in a free market system. and for some reason now america, you don't like the free market anymore. yeah. yeah. it's, it's, it's, it's a peculiar situation that's going on with china, and it's extremely peculiar to think that a lot of people maybe don't know this,
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but taiwan in china's eyes is a prominence of theirs. basically, china, the way we see texas that imagine if tomorrow, texas, which by the way, texas has said this, says we want to separate ourselves from the rest of the union. we don't like those liberals in washington. we don't want to be a part of united states anymore, and by the way, you guys are screwed up our border. so we're going to go on our own. and the next a china or russia or some other countries as here's $8000000000.00, some tags and some war plains. so you can use against washington, how would we like that? that's why we try and it says we're doing absolutely. and there is another underlying story to this with that i think is in critical if it is critical to wall street journal in and out. now there are a number of other media outlets reported that the us congress was preparing sanctions for china's. and some of their banks were the, some of their economic system, their financial system with the, with the a allegation being that tony blinking will tell them to stop supporting the russians. and if they don't stop, yeah, there's lessons, they'll be sanctioned. but i think the chinese understand,
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that's just the pre text that the us is, once they plan those sanctions, the sanctions are coming. whether it's now, whether it's 3 weeks from now, that's the week or is it so i think they're not going to play by. but what's interesting about what you just said that i think many in our audience would probably find fascinating as well as they're doing everything the united states seems to want to do everything possible to break up this global self community. yes they, they, they don't like the fact that suddenly a china and russia are buddy buddy, iran, china, and russia are now buddy, buddy. iran is becoming buddy buddy with of all people, saudi arabia. meanwhile, india is in with russia and china at the same time. this is starting to look like a formidable charisma. i ring around why, why would it be in response to american sanctions? oh, yeah. china and russia for the most part, have the have a enhanced to their relationship primarily in response to sanctions to enter. ron has gotten into the mix. why in response to sanctions and what we,
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the united states cannot accept the fact that the reality here is the, the geo political landscape has shifted from a uno color world. yeah. to a multi polar word. yeah. and there's not a thing that anybody can do to stop it except maybe start world war 3, which sometimes i think is what we're kind of doing by farming. china is enemy. all right, let's talk social media before we go twitter or x. so whatever the hell is called, uh, owner, you on mosque as a ques yesterday and government of trying to make decisions for the entire world that happened because an australian authorities have chosen to try and remove a video of a gang member going into a church that is sick, and he's the priest or the minister while he was doing his his sermon and was hobbling which caused a lot of disturbances and australia. it's a pretty ugly scene. people are very upset where it happens. australia is prime minister thinks now that the law in mosque is
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a spoiled billionaire who should stay the hell out of australia as affairs. and he said, so here it is. i'm gonna play it for you. a slow this guy is showing he's arrogant, sees a 1000000000 a either there in the know the side, so he thinks he's above astray in law. this isn't a bad sense to ship it to back common sense and common decency and a to a mosque should show something. wow. so what do you think of that way? all right, i was trying to do. yeah, i couldn't quite well, it shows the great contradiction because if i try to go after twitter or, or social media, and i say, hey, you can't say you can't censor me. they all say are sorry, garland, this is a corporation and individual corporation. they can put anything they want on you cancel on for 1st amendment violation. but then the guy. 2 can come back and say we can tell them what they can and can't put on, because the government doesn't like it because we'll decide that it's in the best
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interest of the people are not a tremendous contradiction. this is this a card because as a journalist, i think i'm an absolute is i think everything should be fair play and let the viewer decide what's good or bad. however, when you're looking at a priest being stabbed in the heart by some 616 year old teenager, and the community doesn't want to see it and it's causing disturbances. i understand whilst ray is saying, please take this off. we don't want our people seeing this low as not only australia, how many times, and we've seen this being in the see the city under siege. we see this all the time where a shooting has occurred. mm hm. it's on video. and what do they say? first of all, they say this is very disturbing if you don't want to watch it turn away, right. and the other thing i say is we're stopping the video right before the shot is fired, right? yeah. so that you don't have to be subjected to watching this on your televisions. yeah, i, by the way, as a former producer and editor and local news for many years, obviously in miami is a lot of people might remember, we did have
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a rule and the rule is, will never watch, will never make you watch someone die. me. you'll never see someone die because it's just too much, it's over the bell. and i do believe that there should be certain standards and social media, but who would help make some decisions and tools that up to isn't the government knows what the law must can. his panel of experts will sometimes go one way, but then other times go another way and the government, particularly australia, they open. this can of worms, you know, during covey. no one was worse than australia as far as you know, censorship. so they opened this kind of word and by doing so much censorship, but now the public loops scrutinizes it every time the, the government was, yeah, wants to and, and, and what the sense of something and say, hey, it wouldn't let me do this. what about you? so they, they created this monster for themselves who wanted to say, well, the other question to me is a lot most. what's your point? me to how many folks to you earlier? point garlands have been the platforms on twitter. yeah. well beyond me, and i would agree on the, on that where's the upside to this argument?
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i mean, you don't, you're saying that we need to see a gang member stab, a priest that the alter. why, why do we need to know? that's a very, very good question to the point. it's a very good, by the way, guys, before we go, i have to think this whole thing is going to end up with these protest. i mean, it's really, it's starting to pick up steam. i was really surprised to see the speaker of the house show up in columbia yesterday and start telling everybody what to do or what they can and can't say. but it shows maybe it says something low, is it? what does it say? it speaks volumes. as i said earlier, they have lost control of the narrative. and the, the last kicks of a dying new will be the, the, the most desperate and, and that's what we are and $67000.00 a year, tuition to columbia. and you're going to kick much out of school for peacefully protests. and you think you've got a protest with my kid, you have
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a protest. me. yeah, yeah. what do you think it's gonna grow? and i think it's gonna continue to grow. i as, as oh, yeah it's, it's gotten out of hand. it's going to can to you to grow and i think it's going to end from a positive perspective that it's going to a blossom into the it's high. we're movement that we need before these lunatics attack china or whoever else. do you think uh, johnson did this because uh, i mean the, the money that he approved after saying he wouldn't. and he said the hell with the board of the class for the border, not one petty for the border was not one plumb nickel. as we like to say, do you think you did that because the $9000000.00 that he got from donations or do you think he really believes that his interpretation of biblical times makes some need to do? and you know, it's interesting because one of the things that happened apparently, he was brief to by the intelligence community and then, and let's face it, everybody in congress, their heart afraid of the intelligence community. once they hear that they get a free intelligence community has lied over and over again. we know that i don't want to spend the rest of the i think it is the fear that they'll get, you know,
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epstein or something or won't get back to your mind from contractors. yeah. he actually has committed a $100000000.00 to this 2024 election. and when you look at the campaign contributions, i think he was told where to go. he was told what to say. he was told what to do, anything. who is it? his job? i think he's got a golden parachute waiting, waiting for him. you 2 gentlemen are the best and deserve the biggest of golden parish, or maybe even the golden stuff, the golden stuff before we go. i just want to remind you of our mission here. it's pretty simple really, you know, we kind of want to be silo things. we don't think troops live in little boxes. i think troops are everywhere. that's what we believe. this is direct impact on rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again the
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or what is part of is that the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go. take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st?
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can you see through their illusion going underground again? right, so see which ones are up at the moment. this is just simply slippers are going to see anything important to me. the last name was name is read. those can, will be used to be imagine we have some more more or should we move this?
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we would show new people to the, the the india demands an explanation after canadian prime minister justin prove those appear in sabbath seek separatist defense in toronto. new delhi wants to move cut rupture by law for relations pulse to this hour the french police crack done on students during a rally for gals outside sur upon university. while another part of the institution reaches agreement protestors despite the local politicians calling persevere, measures they made demonstrations both for and against the so called foreign agents bill and simply say they had of george's parliament.


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