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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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to the agencies able to get the, the 5, the very sponsor to the manage. so need the, all the guys us 3 but international organizations sound the alarm of with a dire situation in gaza with the un calling attention to the 13000 installed rental killed. and we just over half a year, 900 arrests reportedly made within 10 days as please continue to crash with american university students rallying over gaza. here from the us screen party co chairperson margaret elizabeth. think it really highlights the hypocrisy that the democratic party and indeed the republican party as well in body. they will tell us that they want peace for everyone and then fund genocide and us
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thousands riley, both for and against a for an agent spill in tbilisi. the head of georgias parliament questions, the integrity of us lawmakers who wants to sanction the country over its legislation. the live in moscow. you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble. we started with the war in gaza, where at least 34 palestinians were killed on monday, according to the local health ministry. and as the idea prepare is to invade, the enclave is the southern most city of rasa. top on mazda officials are in egypt to discuss the proposed ceasefire with is around a guys a hasn't seen a states fire since november, and multiple rounds of talks have failed to bring about a 2nd agreement. israel's latest proposal, it includes a 40 day pause and hostilities. it would also see hostages, who have been held since october 7th, be exchanged for palestinian prisoners and is rarely giles international. red cross
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and red crescent spokesperson, tomas odella longer is calling on the world to take action before even more innocent lives are lost. the last of 6 months, all of these more than 6 months of all of these that we really need to sit down and finish up them. i need to sit down and put that in your mind at the, at the beginning of every single discussion. because what this up into now, it seems to be not, but i know you many, that in hudgens, he's able to get the find the very sponsor to the menu. so need the, all the guys a city. but we go to argue that the situation, some instance, some of the law space and weeks was lied to be improving at ending in a funded in 50 and the one that had struck. so if you mind that i need anything every day and because 3 but my these way 5 it up. but on what these me did that you many that i mean study men's, avery, meaning that these coffee go ahead. the because i had the and the the then the need so we, we didn't keys and then there is another very important part these nothing enough
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but to bring you money that a 90 to open a gate, then you need to create the i mean vitamin what is possible to bit a bit, what do you say for the money that i want to get? so good 8, by the way. so, so safe of what seem events who gets what they need is not safe or on? i would say it's better to be safe, and this is huge, but all for them is huge. a method of solicitation. now what a caustic of significant with to update the $22.00 times. so the number of the volunteers and stuff include leaks. a key is a 22 women and men have been to the in 6 months for the in the only needs that are left and 18 on this side of aggressive boasting garza and lastly, even in the west bank. and i think that these are the need a clear, i wanna start, it could be minds of the violence of this conflict that i wouldn't look even human is that i work as i expected. and then you and once again, a sounding the alarm over the shocking, like a high number of children killed in gaza. now just to compare during the 14 year
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war and rock more than $3000.00 miners were killed. another recent conflict in yemen claims at least 3700 young lives in just over 7 years. but those numbers are dwarfed by the total of $13000.00 children who have died in the bombing of gaza. and just the past 6 months, some countries including saudi arabia want to see is. 1 held accountable as the ministers stressed the need for the international community to impose effective sanctions on israel, including stopping the export of weapons to get in response to its violation of international law, international humanitarian law and the war crimes. it is committing and garza and the occupied westbank for their part. western leaders are now urging him off to agree to a 40 they states fire proposal calling as a generous offer from israel. it does seem to me, there is no new. let's be frank. every generous offer of sustained 40 days he spied the release of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners in
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return for the release of these hostages has not been in captivity for over 200 days. so i hope i'm asked do take this deal, and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the allies of the world should be on them today saying take that deal come off has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel, and in this moment the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. so they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly to begin with the term generous offer by israel. i mean, those of us who know history know that the term did not start with blinking. but try that and started with the clinton administration's and during the so called peace talks income david, many years ago we know who the rock was, the pride, minnesota as will. and he said our thought was the end of the pillow. well, yes or on a subject fuse is as idea of
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a dentist on congress piece and the outcome was, the americans accused him of failing to accept and is really generous offer. somehow that is what it is continued to make these generous offers and ungrateful palestinians, and behind them ungrateful international community refuses to about down to as well generosity. what's called of a generous offer is, is the pause for a lead me to cease fire in an area that has been almost entirely destroyed by the american and his, what you do, what that's when you will have 70 percent to 80 percent of the entire civilian infrastructure over craig is completely destroyed then over a 120000 people between dead and wounded or mistake. what kind of generous offer is that that caused support chickering down the supplies and the middest st. and pulled a starving population. know that generous offer would be to bring this one to
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a board that to an end and to hold is legally accountable for this war crimes. as a mass of wave of pro palestinian protest has swept across american university campuses, the latest rally resulted in dozens of arrests at the university of texas. while college is all over the us are forcing gaza supporters out of 10 encampments. students, ad dozens of universities ending less continued to demand the cease fire and gaza, as well as the investment from companies profiting from the war and transparency about where they're investing their money. according to reports, at least 900 students had been arrested in the last 10 days. some universities have a portal by suspended. those who were made at on campus encampments, us green party presidential candidate jo stein, was arrested at washington university in saint louis, missouri during a pro palestinian raleigh on saturday. for it is from the same shed place, pushing her with a bicycle as
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a group of protesters tried to stand their ground. ms. signs said she was charged with assaulting an officer. the politician was released after spending 7 hours behind bars and she then proceeded to attend another rally at columbia university u. s. green party. co chair person. margaret elizabeth. it says the politicians arrest it shows the extent to which political oppression has developed in the us. well, i think it really highlights the hypocrisy that the democratic party and indeed the republican party as well in body. they will tell us that they want peace for everyone and then fund genocide, they will tell us that, oh, we are trying to uphold the in the, in the world. and yet allow lawless behavior and, and, and to democratic behavior to take place right under the nose is not actively supporting it. when you see people like dr. stein on these protest lines being arrested. you're, you're really seeing the, the actual behind the mask face of the democratic party. they're, they're just
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a fascist, a tool to across the people. the truth of the matter is when you look around these proteins, the people are not being violence towards seduce students or jewish faculty in these institutions. that's not what it's occurring. it's in fact the opposite. americans are tired of war. i think we are, we're facing a broad economic crisis in our own country. we're looking at a crisis of, of fun home, people of people without enough food to eat. people without health care, even if they have insurance. it doesn't mean we can afford their healthcare because the insurance premiums have gone up so much. i think what we're seeing really soon in a broader historical context is the rising of the next anti war generation in the united states. it reminds me very much of, of how i saw things organizing during the 1st a rack more and, and the rise of the american anti, we're moving here and we saw it happen to those protesters instead of fixing our internal issues. we're giving money to other countries tell, destabilize it,
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it's not a sustainable practice. i think most americans are aware of this, but we are a subject to a very, very sophisticated campaign of propaganda from the ruling parties. remarkable to be honest with you how, how significant of an impact that has had and how completely oblivious to this impact the democrats have been it's, it's very obvious. you can see it over the course of the last 6 months of pulling his numbers. ups data lead dropped until now. trump is ahead of him by more than the margin of error. so it's very, it's very clear that the american people, when asked, are not supportive of this, even his own political base, perhaps there's no neutrality, immediate anywhere. but in the united states, at least it's fairly polarized. and i think that both sides of the coverage are weird. strange and myopic because they're not representative of what's going on
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when you look at conservative coverage, we'll talk about, oh, the threats to g were students and faculty, even when there is no evidence to support this. when you look at the very left wing media, you'll see these claims of, oh, here the police are targeting and doc seeing all the students and all the rest. and there is evidence to support that. they are doing that. it's very heartbreaking to see what's going on and know that most of this isn't driven by the people on the ground is driven by politicians and rich money interests that have no concern for us whatsoever. legal and the media analysts lie and also silencing the protesters will only lead to more distant if an idea or a slot is likely to incite violence and is in a position to do it. where, where you are likely to know what and you intend to incite violence, then speech can be stop because speeches,
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hurtful or problem matic or it is a trigger warning or causes somebody to feel to, to, to have mike for one question. and we have all of these words, let people speak violence is verboten. oh, well, we're doing is, we're lionizing. we're actually, we're, we're called, you can just this apotheosis of these protestors who are actually recruiting more people because what they want to do is they want to address why they're not able to speak versus what they want to speak about in the 1st place. and listen to this now talking about reading in the national guard, basically the, the military. so mel ontario, big kent stated, why they want to bring in number one, terry, because somebody's working on funding had beating a drama. and you don't like what they have to say. so what i've been saying is river edge tags. so what if you don't like it leave,
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don't listed in counter protest. this was the marketplace of free ideas, college universities. this is where you want to inspire intellectual revolution. but remember violets by let us pilots? no, no, no. i can't. what is happening? the dollarization country wide university protests and the correspondence white house dinner are all the topic of today's episode of direct impact with rick sanchez, who is joined by political cartoonist and the analyst. had role and conservative commentator and radio host energy wong. you can watch it in full throughout the day, right here on our tea. but for now, here's a sneak peak, or pardon me for saying this, but as i watch that i want to vomit in my mouth. and i'm sorry, but the most person ever and those people who are there are also incredibly, incredibly decent. are they really oh gee, oh my goodness, everyone in that room is part of the sliding state media. they're only being
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invited because they're kind to bite in and the to trump. traditionally the white house correspondents dinner is a roast, usually roasting the president. and you have several people going up on stage to take, you know, a silly punch on, you know, the man in charge our commander in chief, but this time, no, let's just, let's just blow a lot of air. like it's just the whole thing is that the fashion was bad. the air was bad. the free press. you risk your lives. most of the people in that room. i've never covered a story. most of the people in the home have big offices in new york city or other big places are big cities in the united states. most of those people ring teleprompters for a living and when they don't get out, trust me, i've been there. i was sent to the some of these places with the likes of anderson cooper. they travel with a makeup team. they find them
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a hotel room. they have an on drudge of people taking care of every one of their needs. they fly in special dinners for them. please aren't correspondence in the old fashioned way that we used to see covering wars in vietnam and korea, etc. that was such a bunch of bull khaki from the president telling these people how brave and how courageous they all are and that they are the so called free press at. pardon me, i was supposed to ask a question here. i didn't ted to you a rick look a i've seen a few shots fired and anger when i covered the war in 2001. and that's gonna stay on the 1999 cardinal conflict. 1 i've been to get us in a few times and you're absolutely right. read what you say. you 100 percent. right . the independent journalist who travel hard, many of them, for example, right now thousands 0 reporters your in gaza. 4 for your dad or dad or dad, they've been killed. yeah,
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that's really part of the room has some under the russian ambassador or over what it calls moscow's nationalization of one of its companies. well, that's after the kremlin announced it was putting the rush or base to subsidiaries of to europe in firms that are stand embossed under the temporary management of state energy giant gaz. problem. president clinton has signed the relevant decree, calling at a tit for tat response to the seizing of russian financial assets by the u. it only has opposed to move labeling at quotes unexpected when the conflicts in ukraine began in 2022, the us and his allies immediately froze $300000000000.00 in russian for an assets, including more than 2 $120000000000.00 allocated in europe. officials from multiple countries are debating blake ality of confiscating the money. i'm sending it to you . crane. with the you already setting aside winful profits generated from prison
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russian central bank assets. earlier, my colleague union o'neill spoke to artic contributor chris adams, who gave us to his outlook on europe's confiscation of russian assets. is obviously deep as all the fact that they could essentially steal loads of buses 2 years ago. and the fact that, you know, we buy flip here and i think there's a misconception as to how the legal system works at the, the lowest i've been passing through the russian duma through the, by some problem in order to possible russia to respond to an adequate way and yeah, it is all because this is opposite emitted skill compared to what they took 2 years ago and have continued to take from the russian state by state auto companies on the russian business. then i'd be the past 24 months and he said to loosely part of a phrase, isaac newton, every action has a reaction or something like that, right? so you've got multiple calling this latest move, a direct response at to what the, at a you did calling assess the of offsets. why do you think process is so surprised?
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now they may be against that, but the shock that appears to be coming out of brussels. that why is not, i think you didn't, it's just that mentality, right? you know, yeah. you know, we know the difference was sort of a lot from the rest of the 5 minutes to talk about this idea that they have of rules by store as opposed to international law. the way the rules waste order was if you behave by all rules, you can't go against our rules. so it's okay for us to take from you. but if you take from us, but we're very confused by that. so i think that's really the reason why it's just real ignorance, and it's just this, this, this air of superiority, the brussels has a pretty much anyone else last year, just to port a president put in sign the decree, and rushes retaliatory response to the freezing of its assets in europe. do you think we're going to be seeing new moves now from moscow and not regard? absolutely. i think the lowest cost as, as i sort of alluded to out yet, there are some that just the tip process can sometime take some time. but we've now gotten those and not to butler's and for the full force as we can see. now, i think this is just the tip of the iceberg. i think brushing is going to go out
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and quite rightfully, in my opinion, get back, at least as much of the money that's been stolen from russia as they can, as they should. we're seeing some countries, you know, pulled back a little bit. you know, almost, i am soberly thinking is this worth doing switzerland being among them they, they join in with the sanctions then seem to pulled back a bit. but what is the you itself gaining because, you know, if you take somebody's money, somebody savings at all, even on a state level, trust the road doesn't that, that you know, up to the, it just leads to the situation where more and more international actors will not want to do business with you completely, right? you'd and let's say if i were a businessman in the middle, the store in china or in india, or in any country, you know, by that not the lines, not directly along with the current conflicts, you'd think twice when you think. but what if they take a dislike to my government in the future? i'm going to have all my assets sees. i'm going to have all my companies take them from me. i think that's a very good point. i think a lot of business, you know,
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international businesses going to start looking away from give it, and it's a market. so they feel more comfortable with the trade with. they don't expect this kind of repercussion to the actions of governments, which at the end of the day, is not really the action of the business. been, in many cases, business, been work or whatever the world use their international. and you can't stop penalizing punishing business an as the last overloads in the us. it's a russian business. been 2 years ago. the thousands rallied in the georgia and capital police see on monday and support of a so called a for an agent bill, which has been approved by parliament's demonstrations for and in opposition to the bill have continued for over a month mondays. riley was organized by george's ruling party with protesters marching toward the parliament building, where the leadership addressed the crowds and vowed to protect the nation's independence. the debate inside the parliament building itself got physical on m, p through a bottle of water and a colleague during the readings,
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media reports. and the woman in question was from an opposition party and was removed from the hall after the incidents with us senators have responded to the georgian for an agent bill and a letter they threatened to impose sanctions and other restrictions on to police. see if it becomes law, the chairman of the george and parliament replied by demanding american law makers reveal where washington's and sponsorship to the country actually goes. instead of restrictions, it would be easier for the congress of this $108.00 to make it public the money coming from the american budget to georgia to these days what this money spent on is hidden and that we sometimes loan by chance the money from american citizens is spent in a roundabout way to finance bodies read code and these information groups, and it cost a shadow in american a to georgia. and we heard from george and the law maker to more my so andre, who says the country now has a chance to break free from the long running for and modeling the purchase of the
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new purchase with the georgia government. no longer wants to be a tool, because for many years it was forced to turn a blind eye to western pressure on georgia. back in 2012. when i was a future member of the parliament of georgia, this pressure already existed and it was rising more and more every year. apparently, the drawers in government has already decided that it is necessary to get rid of this somehow to abandon x. because georgia cannot become such a blind instrument in the hands of the united states. and the most important thing is that we have information that this money is being used incorrectly. if the us has good intentions and any person with good intentions, chip preferred transparency. it could be seen what good deeds one is doing in the states, right? the country doesn't want to be open and transparent while it is hiding something,
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right? this is simple logic, very simple and clear, and so on the other hand, it seems that for the west, this is one might say the last attempt to put pressure on georgia because after the 2024 elections, this will be impossible. i am absolutely sure of this. this is the last chance. this is the way to make a change of power through a cooling. we know that about 20000 people in georgia are funded by these foreign sources. these are people who benefits with the health of non governmental organizations, the rest of the georgia population that does not support this. and everyone will see exactly how many people are opposed to this. and how many people want this lot to work in georgia and for transparency to be there for everyone. ron is celebrating national persian gulf today. several of the countries officials
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have reiterated drums that occasion to the areas security are to use that use of july takes us to be share a port city historically linked to the person goals defense. a perfect golf has long been a full cold point till sanchez driven and launched parks where it was opposite turn to the presence of external forces, including those coming from the us and u. k. here. and it was for the city a full share facilities point to a history of winners, colonialism and southern one during the 19th and 20th centuries. as a catalyst for ongoing regional resistance against western influence. shaping what is now known as the access offers is warm and friendly. every visitor tubal share can quickly enjoy the hospitable and social nature of the locals. however, what faced with aggressors? the people who share their fears, resilience, they have historically played a key role in spearheading anti colonial movements, i guess punish intervention and they're wanting and territory, particularly during world war one,
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whether you k occupied so they're never on the by the eval sherry hall, one of the major resistance operations conducted by the people of boucher or against the colonialists goes back to 109 years ago when the british institution to make inroads into the country and get to the city of shares and take control of something they're wrong with the people who share in the clerics and some of the run along with the freedom flight is led by re alley deals already stood against the english full season for them. despite the fact that the british army was equipped with advanced naval equipment and will shift a lot of color photography, thrown history, the persian gulf as a bottle international passage way has been the focal point of attention. find the opportunities powers that sought to exploit the natural and financial resources. the resistance of armenians towards this western behavior continued until recently, meet the signing of the nuclear deal when the people who shared capture the american marines and talk the americans of lessening the far sea island. that the persian gulf is a red line. and we do not allow anyone to violate onto a tori, a waters. and we, since we are gc, also taught easily
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a little less than and sees the needs rarely shift in the persian gulf. standing behind me is a stature of an iconic figure in the fight against british colonial rule. in iran, it's only been very, it wasn't me for soul freedom fighter for the resistance movement against rush dominance and southern iran during world war one, when they okay saw to use the want as a bill work between it's indian allies and it's 0 p and adversaries. all while to iran had declared neutrality and the conflict did very little major operations to withheld. u. k. warships and world war one. for despite his efforts by 1918 british control over the weekend, the country has been sort of divide over persia native resentment and opposition persistent fuel by britain. this pursuit of lucrative interest for the angle, persian oil company, the graveyard of rivers aggressors is how residents and we'll share refer to this cemetery. as a reminder of the era of colonialism and southern iran, the sign reads that this graveyard is the burial place of english army soldiers or
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killed in conflicts with ronnie. and was this, those fighters on iranian soil spinning from the mid 19th century to world war one for the god bless and the love. and so for the $9.79 is lot of group solution that you k plan to dig the bodies of its soldiers out of the graveyard and transfer them to their embassy and their wrong divided them there. so they ordered to destroy this side to remove any sign of the colonial rule in iran, and to conceal their defeat in the face of a running fighters. but they couldn't succeed in doing so. and this graveyard remained as evidence of the bridge as a gretchen again, so sore this as well as their humiliating defeat in the wrong one and world war 2 came to an end. when the british presence any one, lingered until the 1979 is warmer, pivot lucian several times with the west, which indeed marked a new era for the region. yet the turbulent waters of the persian gulf never came to lasting peace. what this intentions ranging from the tank or war of the 1980s to present a ship seizures which i've now extended to the gulf of 8 and your human as part of
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the action. so the resistance, access the input challenge, western influence of the region and was maybe didn't, i don't want to as long me today, not only this logic republic, but resistance group like humans, cruces abroad. the western forces to the knees and the red sea. and they're ready, and all of the global powers from the us, you can fronds combined their forces, but they have not been able to defeat the who these, with this level group public held the resistance to emerge. victorious? have the law say, hey, case in point is operation true. promise. iran's attack on israel, which question the defense capability of the collective west and israel, from germany, the u. k. and us old join hands on the board, the forces to the region, but couldn't stop it wrong. what was the comedy for you? the presence of the americans sent on the foreign players in the region is destabilizing. they do not like to say security anywhere. basic, the security in the and security of other regions. it is the strength of june
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global arrogance. history has bruins, they have always created in security to achieve their own interest. there's a famous thing that goes, if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday much of today's geo political dynamics and comforts have deep fruits in history. what do you want it? officials here so it was doesn't seem to heat the lessons of the past as it continues to seek its national interest to quote it's disruptive presence in other parts of the word. usability artist from the persian gulf coast is southern have on to stay with our to international. i'm back with much more news in about 30 minutes . in the meantime. of course, be sure to visit our website, our team. com for the very latest breaking news and updates by, from the, the, the
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the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian souls might have gone unnoticed. but the pirates contacted journalist to ensure this boils would go public. and so the name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms became known all over the world. and with this efficiency on snyder, the 3 said tongue chase, just a little graph trees and you just download them. there's different this out there to progress you 1st there was a bill of phone yesterday me on the.


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