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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 17, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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festival and because i'm asleep viable, so we need to choose the best one, but i think this word will be completed sent to the specialist. now, girl please. now i don't know. i mean uh reading all the speaker team. i've got a question because about the great value training and tell us about the training. okay. so for them what you envision soon, the presidential term of let emergent level of yeah, well that run out may 21st and after the state, russia will stop considered human, legitimate, the president of the country. will it mean anything to use? will you've already to speak to him and then oh, we used to speak stay on contact. we used to be in constant contact before the conflict rates. so it's like a huge phase of the facility length of across still it is space as for the legitimacy and for you to just get you put in my way is 1st of all,
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it's up to the political and legal assistance of the train in the constitution they have various possible options local success, okay? so it's, um, it was a matter of office and consumers. so, you know how this situation is seen, for example, by the constitutional court and with someone and the political system, most approved for ukraine should answer to these questions. but of course, it is important to us because to see if we are to sign any documents, we need to sign these documents, sent bundles, and it will list here. so it just gives me the listing it the fact that you've switched painful documents must be signed for the legitimate leadership, but it keeps for them to, to answer this question. but otherwise, is the legal and political system of you train to discuss with presidency the china was invited to the pacific. this conference,
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we discussed it among other things, french army and ukraine to pick and choose another french president. i'm not making these decisions with natalie from since you've regular french troops and 3 crane with the main that we are in direct conflict, we knew that there is work. first, you should show post as came as for their stance or whether they're a truth or not. and then we will look into the possible consequences. took a step. but oh, i'm sorry, the last, the very last question wind elusive was chosen as with the defense minister because it is an important phase for us special military operations. i have already spoken about days in your price entry. you mentioned that group of interest as golf. mentioned that because it's like asking us to speak about that. the level of military and that's of interest at some point,
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6 percent of the countries to these these years of see if we lou could the entire 7 issue. this was the law enforcement, the military component. again, these extra dentures are more than 80 percent 60 middle school the and we think these are so bottom if you great thanks. but then turn to the defense ministry, explain it to rose, exit to the for the little you. so, so other law enforcement agencies and military agencies depend on the defense ministry expert insurance and stuff loads in humans and other loans portions, body as they follow the choice among the defense ministry. and they are using all the other agencies to construct the security system and to come through an expert to interest defense on that as well. but on the was up with. so if we have to buy 6.7 percent for the defense ministry and 8 percent for the entire defense system in the country, that's not critical because in the soviet union, in 19951986 then the other 3 expenses were 13. percent,
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and for russ today considering the state of our economy, considering car in macro economic goals, the for the hold of indicators, our predictions for the income, for the bunch of these much defense coast meal, it 3 codes. so 8, something per cent is not critical. more than that, you certainly experts believe that more could have been spent because the budget was wondering according to base experts allows that. i'm not sure, but about that goes sorry why the yard was nice, nice for the lowest of those. you know, he was a minister of the economy, he's a good thing economist, only economics specialist you was my advisor on the mattress, up economy to what the 1st, the deputy prime minister and seen these 3 guard, he's able to coordinate the activities of the defense ministry with all the other
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ministries and departments of the country and with the regions as well, which is also important to you to pick an idea not only mean the boarder regence but authorized regions as well. because the also participates and he cannot make activities of the account anyway, if that's one and could reach me just get us to about another thing that key do you will do. you should open the defense ministry for a constructive. so works with the research center is with the economics and players with the manufacturers of those rather techniques used nearly 3 by technical items of those components that are required for the construction for the manufacturing company, luxury equipment, you should open the defense ministry for innovations with them yes, for the show who hasn't already taken the 1st steps in this direction. but i believe joseph doesn't even considering that the person percentages do simple means their job for the 1st deputy prime minister was to go to my to formerly vs worth in
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mont. it's also pointing it's rebel, i was officially defense minister basics and it's for sure i go travel to explore it. a factory is like to manufacturing facilities. often he, he knows the requirements of the defense industry and we term and short term. kendra stands. what industry is capable of measurement contact and we sent it, but he wasn't charged for a context with our foreign partners regarding the and the other treat technical cooperation because these federal, the service was part of the defense ministry and he was in charge of that. and that's why he's got vast, and i'm like, he's going to have a lot of work in this regard. surely. so it all will be brought together. if you notice digital to do, i supported the idea of making the dentist monitor of the 1st deputy prime minister because we want to. so cuz by giving the administered to use resources to
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accomplish the main task that the country is faced with. delta for to achieve the results that we need within the special me, which we operation. thank. if a russian president vladimir put in the holding a news conference on the 2nd and final day of his official state and visit to, to china, answering a range of questions to the russian president, match with the chinese president sheets and paying on day one. and they jang, he said that their talks were substances of calling russia's relationship with china, a strategic, a partnership that is not directed at anyone else. you said they discussed by lateral let relations as well as the settlements of the ukraine conflict and said that russia has never rejected talks with the other side of this is bloody repentance. first trip abroad since his inauguration, taking another term as a leader of the russian federation, of course, visiting her being on his 2nd day of this official state visit
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a city in northeastern china that is near the border with russia has a very heavy russian enter influence as it was a stablished with the help of the russian people. all right, let's go now live to my colleague or to senior correspondent rog does he have, who is in her being following the russian presidents of visit. so, um, or out of a wide range of questions directed ad president putting in that news conference, including questions about you praying, as well as the course versus relationship with china. what stood out for you as, as far as the main focus of president clinton's news conference, there of the whole the, the news conference to play soft done almost to our tool with the chinese students, the hub and institute of technology way. he was much more optimistic about the future that he was at the press conference because at the press conference, i'm glad to be approved. and as you mentioned to athletics about the crisis and you
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paid for example, and the width approach, especially towards resolving uh, the complex for example of what is the trend, the soft light demand people about the landscape potential legitimacy. whether that be a the, what the side a piece deal with ad zalinski, the tub and office ends on the 20th of may. he have like me to the said the, you know this, this is something that lou is in quotes. must decide whether the netscape will have the g to him a see to even side the potential a piece deal with seas 5 at the one he's agreed on. good for the move like me to pieces, spoke about the different agreements that this they had before. we, we, we know the means grievance. will you fluff the see the, the west add you can never intended by the mission of intended to all the will to meet the obligations their obligations under the means of peace clad. similarly,
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like netflix and said, roger was cheated again with the, with the all foot to ukraine to pull out, pull away from key to ease the negotiation process. also what you paid, zippy said. well that's fast with with go to flies until the big thread. i'm glad i said here, but you know that they may well 5 until the last ukrainian but even that is going so well for the at this point because you crazy and lots of bulging in the product of rad the dave got elsewhere. is that bottle is the pregnant euclidean upfront? lots of buckley and weston weapons on making any way knew the difference that they were expected to make. and you like me and said, look at the absurdity of the situation whereby the now homes in this huge the landscape formula summit in switzerland without inviting russia. and ultimately the
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gist of it to use that you have the news inside. trying to dictate it's tons to the wedding side on the basis of invite to the lives of countries, lives of countries to the switzerland vladimir putin included with such a situation. absolutely absurd. he also called absurd the west approach to, to resolving this crisis. for example, we've, we've sanctions sanctioning countries, 3rd parties of countries that have to have the dealing with the rush of the have business deals with russia even in the currencies and with the washington company out and say, you know, we'll, we'll sanction you for that. aside like maybe we can sit from being competing, either just visit a legal sanctions, a good pub view of the un security council ultimately, but this is achieving is destroy the united states dollar, which is with the power of which has put the united states so much prosperity,
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and now the throwing the tool away. for a world they potentially love it. they are clearly not going to win the way they intended to way that is on the battlefield. so certainly many, many, many questions occupied by vladimir putin at the end now of his 2 day visit to china to beijing. and now, so the city of how to or to correspondence moran causative in her being moran. thank you. as a washington impose the sanctions on chinese electric vehicles because they see them as competition. but that's how the letter i put and explained that the us moved during a meeting with students and professors at harvey and university labeling it as unfair competition. really, sometimes there are situations related to unfair competition. for example, the americans recently impose sanctions on chinese, electric vehicles. why,
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for what? because chinese cars have become better. that's why there is no other reason. this is an example of unfair competition. marco fernandez, research or with the tri continental institute for social research and co editor of dung. so news says china and russia are the 2 leading forces and promoting multiple i already china and russia are the key actors in this shift of the global power. i mean, we need to reform, united nations. i mean, i think the, what's happening out of the genocide of palestine. it's an incomplete example that we need to deep reform of the global international system. but i think also in terms of what is expected for breaks in the next month and next year's the creation for his opportunities to the dollar had gemini. so there's a big discussion right now. rush is chairing breaks this year in china, of course has the major finance capacity to drive this change. so i think there are
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other aspects that they they are also driving, but i think this would be the 2 most urgent right now. we'll be continuing our coverage of lot of our fitness visit to china with a packed schedule for the 2nd and final day of the presidents trip to stay with r t for all of that. the and all russia focuses on building bridges in asia. the us appears to be risk in relations with one of the regions. key players in them are 2, spoke to the mirror, a couple of the russian foreign ministry is asian department director who lambasted washington for treating other states as lesser nations. we have those last uh we have any previously expressed. i'll view that the us does not understand the indian people and the reach history and traditions. these are all post colonial vestiges and bad habits that have to be fought against russia has long been in favor of
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a global majority. we must fight against any attempts by the west limited development of large agents, states and emerging as leaders in the global dimension. the west had better get busy assess and it's so electoral system we have seen how is this happen in the us? and soon enough, we'll see another episode when we chose to be spectacular in terms of numerous violations of generally accepted democratic nodes. so it is not for the democracy in elections to the largest democracy in the world. when the indian people make that a silver and choice, he'll give indian leadership more confidence. the indian lady she, if has always emphasized that it is interested in developing a multi faceted, mutually beneficial relations with the russian federation. so we have only positive expectations. so one area of contention between washington and new delhi is trade washington threatens the country with sanctions i for india, and iran inc, the management agreement over the southeastern iranian port of talbot har. it's
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only a ran in port with direct access to the indian ocean. being part of the north south transport cord are connecting a vast area from india to russia, lowering the cost of transporting goods for all participants in the region. then there are a couple of, again, says the us brokerage promise to india not to interfere with the project. or or i'd say you're thinking you're going to, we're says this negatively. and it isn't possible to assess a brazen unapologetic behavior in any other way of saying so i'm just recently the american says show the in the leadership that they would not impulse any sanction. so restrictions on this project, which benefits a whole group of countries, not only in the in the around, but also i've got to stand. it was one of the alternative routes to help the i'm going economy and regional trade. apart from that, there is another dimension to this project to do this in the around project fits very harmlessly in. so i'm coming to work with the region to create
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a north selves international transport corridor. here, rochester reaction to washington's already. unfortunately, traditional behavior is quite obvious. well, the suspected gunmen who shot slovak prime minister robert faith, so opposed this policy is including the banding of arm supplies to ukraine, as, according to the countries interior minister should ice columbia and both what of each, if i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder, we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends night, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine. how weeks before the assassination attempt, the suspected that gun, many your ice until a. what spotted at a protest in western lock you. the rally is in support of the train saw a small group of people carrying you flags and condemning the countries ruling party. and i have some background on the suspect 71 year old. your ice until a is
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a fierce critic episode by prime ministers. your brain policies, members of faith, so is government confirmed, but he took part in numerous pro western rallies and demanded that the prime minister renew slovaks, arm supplies to cab, before shooting the top official. the country's defense minister says the shooting was not incidental. and i would say that i get the all the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself presented his opinions as a pacifist, to become an extremist, take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months with so i is the back here. this was no coincidence. robot. visa is not the new politician. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you,
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despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still wants to fight on somebody floating? it's going to kick slovak president peter pelligrini says feet still remains in serious condition, despite undergoing a successful operation after the violence of time, the the fitted ship from the scene shows a panic and task spread through the crowd, waiting to meet the country's leader. this salem shot prime minister feats of 5 times as he left the government building. his guards rushed to the prime minister into a par before he was airlifted to the hospital from a safe location. the suspect was immediately taken into custody ortiz. yes, and i can brings us more details from the scene of the attack. smoking security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination defense on the lease of walking. 5 minutes,
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a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. these statements was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggest his values more traditional that they were aligned with slovakian interests. some would even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022, his inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of some walk in prime minister. all that fits up, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, we know that some of our carries a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5
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minutes or feed. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of feed. so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always a said through here that people tend to violence to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's misfortune. maybe the gentleman was a little bit sick and had, but this is not the way to handle things. in my opinion. there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that does remain constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies have been necessarily changed. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course,
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coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walkie is a member of the european union as a member of the nato alliance. and this, among many other things, is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the sealants could have potentially carried out the attack. one final thing to mention is least the lucky and government and its intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when you are it self is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, so it'd be a hungry many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish the very same thing. yes. and again are 200 of a slovak here. we discussed the assassination attempt with a member of the german going to start and he told us that he was doing everything to shut down, growing dissent and cut down the opposition
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a c. so lots and lots and some main politics. also, you was against the laws for peace in the brain. and um, he said to you, i'm going to move on to the live veterans and he was against the sentence. and this is contrary to the policy also european union. and maybe this was the reason why he was a solemn receipt best of speech and hate speech against the opposition as on e, as in a german publication. and see if the stocks and i can hear it's in the speeches. and this is a very, very sad situation if i could chose that. um, yeah, the main parties fluids in germany, but i think all over europe,
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they don't want to get out of the power. and this is the reason they want to this to 0 position. and they want to cut down and so position parties really fission. and you're and you do something against dresser and politics that you get this pressure. and yeah, it's, this is so this, the situation france has declared a state of emergency over 16000 kilometers away from, into europe and border new caledonia is up in arms over electra were forms for forward by paris. as the french government is dispatching a 1000 more troops to face the rioters, at least 4 people, including a police officer,
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have reportedly been killed in the violence span rest is just the latest flash point and long running tensions of her parents as role in the archipelago class as a rep that on monday, after french lawmakers back the bill, which the indigenous population says, will dilute their political influence, regions emptiness cannot. people say paris has never cared about them. just saw and we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over that. and we a one dream, i'll be the kind of people being heard, most christian, but what i realized is that the french have never thought about as they talk about shedding and balance. but that's never been the case. let's go plot, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or our discussion that works for everyone is needed so that we can find sincerity. serenity and above all, peace fits too long. early are we spoke with a call a car. i'm a former new jerry and ambassador to the ussr who said he is in surprise with frances desire to dominate its colony at any cost as such. any phases of which we
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are not surprised because this has a tendency to one to maintain entire people on dikes donation not to any cost. unfortunately, the colonial power takes advantage of the situation which is characterized by an almost you would do simple opposition between the independent east under the list. obviously if it's easier to manipulate people when they are divided, i think that it has a new interest of virus to take account the aspirations of the population. there are 2 types of reaction. pollution is well organized with political and social political structures that meets the aspiration. it's kind of the sense of griggs under weeks of civil war is not so if you under estimate that in this case, if the population decide to react violently, the secondary cause that's buying system on the way of doing things by using force is that some of the policies ends least, can also take the initiative unreality independent. consequently, the use of force under maintainance of the state of emergency can only be temporary, yukon for sale,
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population leaving the somebody key in the state of emergency. i seem to prevent mis to accept, to get to the bottom of the issue, so that each con, without constraints, can we talk political mind over is allowed to population to express themselves free on this issue. i think the problem that our eyes today is to know if you'll call it on here 6. the remaining 13, you're fine. to be a french dependence volume, any case, your friend's house and company, or even a citizen of this country wants to take their own land on the elections, or for end of the denies and a lawyer unfairly, transparently. obviously the comes out of last to be forced to concede. all right, that's gonna do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague, nicky aaron, will be in here in just a few minutes to pick things up to you by the end that you attempted to come. but you at the extra mom i thought she so there
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is i shall have any pull here, job bluff because of a dish. international stuff is defensive to supplement the setup button and not to mention the bus and wants to do an easy task like that. if i see the media, i love people, there's only 2 reason to do, say, with the city, the new country, convenience of us. going to be present the deals for the money. i'm going to work it on stimulus the industry is it will. what's money will funnel says really left? so should william farmer shots might give us? so we have got cash door to go over. what decision did my name and what was that man? what was that ridiculous funds? i put it in the midst of them one today and, but he did not put any additional to settlement shows, tools or suspect, pretty shock journals on page data for she's getting those are best do what i mean
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. there's a push out the
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the test for the city of car. so we have no plans of taken talk of today. i have been plaza may appear to and say is russia is being supposed to create a security though no need to make calls spends ukrainian shelly of civilian areas as during a press conference and the chinese city of hobbin. also i took a lot of the disagrees with, the government doesn't agree with stuff in assistant steve craig. he left the slovak of prime minister in a critical condition off to an assassination attempt opposed to the governor's policy, or refusing to ukraine. our correspondence visits the scene of the.


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