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tv   Going Underground  RT  May 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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the yes yes, here last. so it's good to assess what when you put is rodnick. i to get the, the, the action or it has to, you're welcome back to going on the ground broke out single, around the world from the you. a brutal data was the decline of us, probably accelerating rise of bricks. you can only catastrophe in west and durable in the biggest selection, yet in history, up to russia, pockets um and bangladesh. that's south africa and mexico, india and the u. k. and in november, the usa, one trend will cost it correctly predicted, the us dot com crash, the us savings and loan corruption scandal, and the rise of gourmet coffee, jones, 11 days founder and director of the trends research institute and publisher of the week. the trends journal and he joins me now from kingston in new york. thank you
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so much, gerald for coming on away from the go on a coffee booming stock prices and the by the ministration open the book claiming more tragically that war is good for business. why, why, you know, it's so sure about keynesian militarism being pursued by nature of economies and devoured only by the, by the ministration as a way to get him out of the whole of these in the head of november's elections. well, you know, goes way back and once upon a time there was a president by the name of dwight d eisenhower, 5 star general supreme commander of the allied forces. and what does he tell the american people? the military industrial complex is robbing the nation of the genius of the sciences . this was the laborers in the future, the children. here we are america infrastructure riding in front of everybody xyz though for all to see a homeless all over the streets. 63 percent of the people living
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paycheck to paycheck. migrate was flooding the streets or they just passed another bill about another trillion dollars to the military, industrial complex look at the money spent or ready to fight the ukraine war. the number is depending on who's you'll look at around a 130000000000. how many billions of going to is real war? now, the america, the, the business of america has become war since the end, the world war 2. and the nation has declined in front of everybody's eyes to see it and begin. you don't have to believe me. you could look at the facts. what was that latest pelt, paul, which is came out out of that. have these nations in the world. america
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ranks 23rd. yeah, i wasn't sure about that poll. finland seemed very old to be a number one, but you know, very well living there in new york watching the way the media are clearly pro by the media. they're ahead of your election with your opposition leader. that mr. trump, uh, facing all manner of courtroom courtroom trials. topline inflation figures are being trumpeted all the time is assigns. what do you detect in these inflation numbers with religion from central banks and statistical authorities around the world in, in nato countries, really. and in the united states, on the united states, the numbers are rig they started reading, i'm in the eighty's and ninety's. so for example, your median household, the median cost of a home in america is around $400000.00 level. we're going to put that number in people rent houses to we have to come up with a new figure of the price of let's say stake went up uh,
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40 percent. oh that's right. people change their diet, they're eating differently. so we're not going to put that in, i'm not making this up. so you look at the real inflation numbers, visit a site by the name, a shadow stats. they're well over double what they're reporting. so what america is going into is drag flashing not stagflation and by the way, europe as well. again, what do you have germany virtually on, in, in restriction you have the u. k. and reception you have that barely the companies or the countries are pulling out of it. so when you're looking at drag, deflation is not stagflation. the economy is going to drag down and inflation is going to go up. your median household income in america. meaning, i would say to people and a child, the working is only $74500.00. your average cost of
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a car is around $50000.00. the people is struggling. going back to the campaign. as we've been saying, they're going to lower interest rates, they do it all the time in the run up to the presidential reality show. and that's all it is. it's a reality show. it's a tv show show. who is the said head, i excuse me, this is the treasury secretary, the united states, janet yelling, what was the last job or she was the head of the federal reserve? wait a minute, you mean the head of the federal reserve? is the person in charge of america's money supply the treasury? that's right. and we're going to keep her there. so we're going to keep lowering interest rates to artificially keep dropping up the economy and the run up to the election. the lower interest rates go deeper, the dollar for the deeper the dollar falls,
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the higher gold prices go up and the higher inflation rises. that's what we're looking at. so as you can, i'll make strategy in purely purely electro guns. not a good one for the buy the ministration that it's like it was the lose. oh no, no. to boost up the economy that slowly they're interested in like a brief and awful read the numbers. yeah, that's all they want it to the boost up the economy and boost up the equity markets . the people don't know how it mid to how bad it is until the equity markets go down. the people are suffering now, but the media and the, the, the, the, the, the, the words coming out, oh, it's happy days are here again. so they use the equity markets, they use the g d p numbers to keep promoting that things are just fine and they're going to get better restore the bailout of that silicon bank a while ago. what if the buy them doesn't win the raise between what you're saying
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about the figures being manipulated to make it look good on television and some major banks going under? i had them november. oh it would change everything and is the only could could then only could we get to some extent one of our top trends for 2024. 1 of them by the way, is a golden year for gold. you know, we come out with these in the 1st week of january, how long have you been saying that the gold bugs of is saying that for years never happens. there is gold prices have gone up 600 percent since the millennium began. so another one of our top trends is the bags go bust. there's a banking crisis that's going to hit united states the hardest in europe as well. and it's because when they launch the coven war, chinese lunar new year, the year, the rad 2020 in january. they told people you can't go to work. you guys back in
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your house, get back in your house. so people are saying to themselves after the staying at home, week after week, month after month, year of the year, i'm getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning to commute an hour and a half each way. i'm not going to do that anymore. are now the guided reading, syllabus space. so let's say i have 300 people working my office building that i'm renting there in cubicles. i don't see them anyway. yeah, stay at home. i don't need all the space. we're going to have an office building bust that's going to crash the banking system. the facts are all there. the latest data is showing some you mentioned silicon valley bank. you go back to march of 2023 with silicon valley 1st republic. she used it when they went broke, the markets went bizarre and that was only 3 banks. now you have almost 300 small and medium size banks in america are coming under the pressure
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of the office building bust because people know in their redoing their lease, they have revolving loans. now they have to pay more, the owners of the buildings because interest rates has gone up. they don't have the money coming in, they're going to be defaulting on their loans. the bank's bought up tons of treasury's, when interest rates with down near 0, they're worth nothing. they don't have the money to bail it out. but isn't that the way the military can comes in to murder children in the middle east? the u. s. government can loan the money that way and subsidize those banks. no way talking the same scale is office space and commercial property. yeah, this is, this is like nothing ever seen in modern history. yet the numbers in new york city,
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your office is vacancy rate, meaning nobody there actually 23 percent as you look at what's going on in san francisco, depending on those numbers, you're looking at vacancy rate, 30 percent. go to the castle system with a k. look up the office occupancy rate, meaning people going to work in the 10 largest cities in america, around 50 percent. so now not only are the office buildings going bust, the businesses that depends on commute is going out of business to their hurting. so we're going to see a banking crisis, the likes of which we have never seen in modern history. and to this guy is not going to be able to bill it out. they're not going to be able to bill it out. well, the way someone to mail things out isn't going to do. they're always is you just print the money. but to this guys, this, in the so go mainstream media over there. i understand that headlines. vera is
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china. that's really having the problems. you know, just something about the industrial output coming from badging numbers that may prove different to uh, the adobe predictions that we've had the for the past 20 years, that china was going to descend into some kind of depression. rather than bringing 800 to 1000000 people out of poverty. i'm before i go, go onto that. i just want to go back to what you said about printing money. one of my lines, as i said, we don't see them being able to get out of is one of my lines is when all else fails, they take you to war. so when things get really bad, they get to people's mind off it all. well, you have to look is the dot com bust. little georgie boyish the little daddy's boy over there born on 3rd base, people couldn't stand them. the dotcom bus tap in america is going to recession.
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911 happens, everybody forgets about the war on terror begins. go back to world war 2. don't believe me. go to history today on what followed the great depression world war 2, but again, history today president franklin roosevelt sees the old japanese assets in july of 1941. 0, you mean the japanese bogged in december? he sees little japanese assets outcome. why those japanese dated friction though china. how dare the japanese go? the french were in vietnam. cambodia allows stealing and robbing and pillaging everything. why, how do you, how are they in the united states, u. k. and the dutch put sanctions on russia, excuse me, on you are a japan they launched 3 quarters of their global trade and 88 percent of their imported oil. and japan imports
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a 100 percent. that's funny because you know, the history of the whole history books they featured and that they took countries. japan just suddenly launch for a while, but for no reason. exactly. so what i'm going back to when you said no, they're not going to be able to build a bang shout, they're going to ramp up more. that's what we see happening again when you look what's going on in israel. every body forgets the 39 weeks of major protest against netanyahu, because of these huge issue we formatted who was trying to push through. so he would not have to go and be brought up on the charges that he's being accused of. and not my words, not my words, but the president of israel isaac hers. odd said again when 39 weeks of pro, just up to october, 7th, when her mazda attacked in 2023, it is a civil war going on, and he is real,
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totally forgotten. when all else fails, they take you to war. joe said i got your right to stop you. they're more from the founder and director of the trends research institute and publisher of the week the trends the general after this break the along the casualties as a result of israel's genocide will assault on gaza include suspension of international humanitarian law, but also free speech across the western world perversely being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned as can by submitting the welcome back to going on the right. i'm still here with the founder and director of
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the trends research institute and publish are the weekly trends journal, gerald salenti. gerald and if i one you were talking about the option of going to war, when you face problems at home, more generally, i know the fiche, i don't know, these rating agencies. i don't know what respect people have for them. frankly, and the fact they dropped the usa as a triple a rating, but we were talking also about the fact that the problems over being these guys by this looming disaster in china, the end of china is a global power. what do you make of it? the news in mainstream media, as we was saying, is that i mentioned before the 20th century was the american century. anyway. forecast that the 21st century would be the chinese century because the business of america has been war and the business of china is business. however, again, when people use this call the, you know, a futures, they said nobody could predict the future. there are too many wild cards,
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whether they're made by humans or nature. and china played a wild card again. they went to war, china launch the coven war in 2023 years, a 0 cove and policy. they destroyed the lives of live. we was the hundreds of millions of people in that country. and again, the damage done by the coverage was incalculable. it's all forgotten. let's go back again. yeah, we don't have the dates are on it. yeah, you go back and you look at shine, is boom. it's when they got into the world trade organization, w t o 2 weeks after 911, by the way, and bill clinton brought them in before that. that was really officially came in. you look at their g d p age skyrocket. when you have all of these booms in a nation, there's always over building show it was over built, the bone was big, it was going great with 3 years, a 0 co way policy didn't calculable damage to,
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to china. so now you have the real estate crisis because you have again, depending on whose numbers you look at, almost 30 percent of china is g, d, p is real estate related and the price is going down. it was over built. so now what's china doing? doing the same thing that happened in russia when the ukraine war began. you had country companies pulling out pulling out, pulling out sanctioned sanction sanctions. and what we said in the trends journal is that russia has all the human and natural resources. they need to be self sustaining and you look at their g, d p and their self sustaining. let's go to china. 1.4000000000 people. a lot of people, china is becoming more self sustaining. they have the human and natural
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resources needed. that's what's going to build the chinese economy, but it's going to be, makes these sanctions, policies on china, which is now trying to be repeated totally ridiculous. presumably, i mean, they cannot even satisfy their own deadlines at home. exactly. so they're going to be more self sustaining and self sufficient. it's better than globalization. it builds the internal, you're buying from your neighbors. you're not sending your money overseas. the sunshine, it was 1.4. it was, i say, oh the yeah, the birth rates code that got 1400000000 people. you go back for the 100 years ago . they have bought about a half a 1000000, you know? so they got plenty of people and they have the human and natural resources, and they're uniting with the other countries that have had enough of america's economic and geo political had gemini, you predicted,
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increasing at the american to some, or these to opposition to us. a gemini, all around the world once in a matter of months of this year, it's called, it's going on now. you know, it's like a recently, for example, i used to america, as i said, even if you believe that poly at all, believe that again, i'm a monopoly tunnel that grew up in the bronx. 1946. the height of this period of america, right as to the actual gone. it shall gone. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness is gone mad again. a new yorker now, i totally have the cold with what changed things. people are afraid of go out at night. was the closing down now, 121 of the showtime fingers it down and you get the official from 970,
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the official bunch of bologna. it's the people on the street that see it, feel it and hear it again. the posit, closing down now 1 o'clock in the morning, we still go out at 1 o'clock in the morning where i am up in kingston, new york. now the child is a dead at 9 o'clock, but you have the hollywood, cultural industry, and huge media conglomerates to sell the image of the united states. if you talked about romantic, they, they're all around the world to make people think it's still like that. probably helping got people seeking asylum from us back was to migrate the but for the rest of the world, does that propaganda still allow? uh, good. they've had it, as i'm saying, the world they've, they've had it with america going back. you're seeing the alliances with china and russia and ron and shout after the african nations. they've had a nuff. and again, let's go back to the number. it's going to lower interest rates. the lower
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interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls. we are on the verge now of the best of the dollar. a network guy has almost 35 trillion with a t of debt government debt, who could be a business like this. yeah. and i do that, but all the, as you know, johnny yelling would tell you 97 percent of g d b. it doesn't matter because the dollar will still be used as a result of currency. i'm sure it is declining as a result of the car and see if the will, but it's still used in that way. and of course, china has a lot of a u. s. bond. again, as the interest rates go down, the dollar is going to weaken. and a matter of fact, the get talking about china data with the biggest buyers of go. ready uh this,
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this year, the people from the beginning of the year because they see the dangers, they are in china to what's going on. they've increased their gold sales the, the consumers by 24 percent compared to last year. and shine is the biggest country in the world buying goal reserves. i'm telling you the dollars going to go down. and this be, this is the, the united states became the country that our founding fathers ford against, called the u. k. what, what the u. k. down, oh, the sun never sets all the british empire. we could go to war anywhere we want. and after world war 21, what happened to the pound, the pound went to craft because of all the money and all the was they spent the money on say things happening with america to get in america is going up one trillion dollars every 100 day. okay. quick side,
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but before we get 2 oil, what does it mean then for west and european car and 6, the or the pound you're, i was there. they were in trouble. the, your right, your page. they look, they had how many years a negative interest rates, the artificially prop up the economy. and now the good, i mean there, europe is, it's in europe is had a today looking germany, it, it used to be the bomb or of manufacturing and export. there were no virtual recession, the pipeline, the node stream pipelines, buying energy in a mysterious accident. yep. yep. so anyways, it's, it's, it's, they've had it, they've had it and the world has had it, they, they did going against america's economic and geo political gemini. well, joe biden was a, in this region a while back, begging saudi arabia to reduce the output of oil. so how do you a gcc rusher, venezuela all refuse?
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wise oil. not going high up. the more a given the refusal off opec nations to go with the united states or it is because of the war's going on, the, the drain war and the israel war. and again, you're looking at just the facts. you mentioned, of course, with a bite was saying when they, when they put the sanctions on russia. and one of the things they did was cut off the oil supply going into a gas supply. going to your food. no pay for this, not put, didn't pay the people paid for it. and so going back to it was bringing up the prices and the concern is the was going on. if did i, recently, israel has killed a number of commanders in syria. is a ronnie and commanders, they are accused recently of bombing the around in oil depot and oil feels
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if israel goes to war against iran, you're going to see oil prices spike to above a $130.00 a barrel. and that's going to crash the equity markets and the global economy putting it into perspective as we forecast that is real, is not going, is going to continue this war and it's going to continue to escalate. and as we have been warning since the ukraine war began, is that as ukraine loses, they are going to take more and more dramatic steps to get money from the united states and europe. and doing so, things like, all of a sudden, a nuclear power plant blew up the going to escalate these wards, the more the wars escalate, the higher gas and oil prices the going to go,
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how will that help you bite? and joe biden's election and action plans. and that kinda double question just finally cuz we're out of time. how easy will it be for these big tech companies? i know tim coke of apple was engaging recently to start leaving the united states and nato countries and trying to go to the new bricks. countries to have headquarters. what are they going to do to follow the money? they're going to do everything they can and they control the government. it's like have a thing in america called elections. it can't run for anything unless you've got a lot of adult behind yet. and these are the guys that pay for the campaigns and everything else. they'll do what they want. they're in control. it's, it's, you've got, you've got the bank stairs, you've got the big check. you got the drug deal as the people call big pharma and you got the military industrial complex. they're in charge of america. they're the
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ones running the show. so against cooking over, i still do what they want, go where they want and do what they want, because they're only interested in the bottom line. but if the iran, if i buy them, is unable to control, he's one of them easy. they bring your husband controlling and at yahoo, that will be a calamity for the whole world, the economy that where, what should, what's your people do? if they're not, if they're not um, multi 1000000000 as, as well, what am i think this is gcs is daryl slides is gcs 3, g, spud's golfing, to get away plan. now this thing is, this is serious world war 3. we believe's already begun is going to be a false like event that quote makes it official. like i said pro hob and needed official. you know that the, the 911 the war on terror it became official. again, when all else fails again, 88 percent. 88 percent of the american people believe the little boy like george g
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bush. we're going to get that geico sun. i'm a been lot dead or alive. and go into the ask in the war the longest war in american history that we lost. 88 percent of the people believe a little clown. boy, they're going to believe a guy, the dad of his mind to the people rally around for a wall like that. and we say that that's going to be the card that the biden ministration plays, the war card. charles that i have that thank you. oh, thank you. thank you so much. you have a good day and thank you for the great show you put on and all that you do. i appreciate it. thank you. that's it for the shall remember when i bring you brand new episodes every side, then monday, until then you can even just buy the lot social media if it's not sense that in your country and it's about challenging on the warranty. the on rumbled welcome to watching new and old episodes of going underground sees in the
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a while or the other. you live on off what's going on on your floors? the when you talk with fox, the fox got them for the, for the book, the job i have
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of the money for the theater. if as little as human views to that please just like you, especially with really a couple i get those go for getting a lot more to the door. so familiar with just a moment. as i said, let's see, i don't know for sure, but just to see about making sure that we have kids here with quicken, central funding for you. i think i to, yeah, that'd be the the for us remain c o, a colonial empire that still exists in the mountain wells comprised of both its colonies. just guys, dispose of these territories. numerous officially suffered that.


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