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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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and gold population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind. the, everybody, i'm rick sanchez and this is the week interview. it's an assassination attempt that has all of your a parking. it's a story of the week. will count them down. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact . the man, there's a whole lot of talk coming out of europe right now about the security and even possible civil war in the aftermath of the shooting of robert, vist. so this is a big deal. i mean, this is a big deal and we've got a big deal panel to talk about joining we now is craig foster to our new law who is a host of a passion, a go as well as malcay,
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the host of the mel k show. thanks to both of you for being with us. okay, let's start with this a political assassination that has caught on video. these are the times we live in folks. the victim is the prime minister of the lock you just days before he was shot. the a firm disposition that the only thing that is european counterparts should do is convince ukraine to negotiate a truth, even if it means giving up some land. that's what he said, he said, give up the land, sit down and talk for the sake of peace. now this the, yeah, that's the shooting there. and i'm telling you everyone's talking about it. there's a lot of ramifications that come out of this because in many ways he is the one guy in europe who was standing against what is conventional wisdom in europe. uh guys, let me bring you in this uh, mail. i know you've been looking at this situation here. you've got fits. so saying
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to the rest of the world, stop giving money to ukraine. let's find a way to find a peaceful solution in this situation. and everybody else is looking at them like he's crazy. and now he gets assassinated, you say what? as well, i say also just with the core that he had also spoken out that he was not behind the world health organization treaty. he also said that a degree new deal and what they're doing in europe at especially the you in terms of greening everything. and that 0 is bad for their countries. and this is what happens as you know, uh all over the world when people are not doing what they need to do, especially in this situation, i've been connected to agenda 2030 and the global governance plans and everything. all these billionaire global as those are apps that are running the parent companies or countries a want to achieve anyone that gets in the way you know, they need to be taken out. this is not news is one of many. and sadly, there's probably revolutions popping up all over the place and, you know, from history that usually this is about the international banking cartel and
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they're public private partnership wanting to get people in line. and i hope this guy not only survived because back stronger. well, here's the good news we're getting mostly information we're getting so far is that he has survived the surgery and apparently he's going to be okay. but, and edits, and to be journalistically responsible. we cannot at this point say that this guy who shot him had any connection to anything other than the fact that he decided. and this is a country right now. i don't know if you've been watching the situations to block you. it's very intense there. and there's a lot of anger and the media is playing into it a little bit like let me think maybe the united states. so we don't know if this is a conspiracy, if it was caused, or if it's connected to your claim, etc, etc. we don't know this yet, but it certainly is leading to a lot of people and a lot of concern you wanted to say correct. you know, i said it doesn't make a difference if it is an inside job, but this has, you know, the fingerprints of an, any d or another c i, a sub contractor. i mean, this is the type of behavior we've been displaying all the all over that,
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that region anyways. and at the end of the day, no matter what you know, the united states apparatus is going to come on in the foreign policy goods and they're going to try to take advantage of the situation they're going to try to make slovenia partner in the war in ukraine and try to keep that going on as long as they can. so i mean, they've been looking for partners. they've been drawn lines in the sand, and i don't see them like not doing what they normally do and take advantage of this whole situation. that'd be in the u. s. foreign policy, upper etc. but i don't want to be on the place we should go with this now to be responsible because you never know what they're going to find. but right now you're absolutely right. you're both right. it doesn't smell good, it doesn't look good that the one of the few guys except perhaps or bond and maybe a few others who've come forward and disagreed with nato on it's policies. and the guy ends up being uh somebody attempts to assassinate if it's not a pretty picture, by the way, not only is ukraine yet willing to not willing to talk peace given the horrible condition of its country and its military there, they're actually the ukrainians. that is the bombing,
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a russian city of bounder odd and, and they're killing civilians. watch this of the, the, you know, i gotta tell you, not, i not try to be a put an apologist or anything or defend russia. but russia has lately taken on more territory than it has since this thing begun. and i think there's been one civilian who wasn't even killed. the person was injured in the area around car.
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cough. now what's interesting about that is every time these guys fire missile into russian territory, in this case, they injured 20 killed 9. 2 of those were children. again, a disparity in the story. i don't know, mountain will start with you again. you say what? well, i see that it's, it's shocking and very disappointing that in 2024 people are dying wars over territory. when the truth is, i believe that the majority of human beings on planet earth would like there to be no worse than a group of what i believe to be about. 50000 people are decided for all the rest of us that they need order out of chaos. i mean, this is just the beginning. they're sending now weapons to, to back to the balkans. i mean, the, these people that are paying for both sides of all these wars seem to be pushing us to world war 3 when the actual people of planet are really would just like to move forward. we have all this money. we can, i'm driving societies, vegetation, electricity, power everywhere on planet earth. and instead this is what they're spending their
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money on is killing innocent civilians. and frankly, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died for what, for who and we, as we see through history at the end of the day, who's rebuilding these places who really benefits from these wars? not the people of this country or any of our countries. oh, i got something for your credit history, so i'm one more thing about ukraine by the way, the story that we all grew up with. i don't know if you remember the story, but it's the story about nero. fiddling. well roam, burn. you. remember that story? we all kind of have it in our heads this week. secretary state anthony, blinking, he went the key, right. he was there to let presidents lensky. no, it's okay not to hold elections. let me say that again. the told president. so lensky. it's ok not to hold elections. essentially he's, he's essentially telling them that there's plenty of time to become a democracy in the future. doesn't have to become a democracy just yet. and by the way, eventually we'll help them get there will help them form a new democracy in their country at some point. but i thought this video that i'm about to show you is fascinating. it's blinking in keys at
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a nightclub. remember when i mentioned nero, fiddling right. well let's say an arrow and it ain't rome, but something is definitely burning. watch the news? no, not bad, right. but i suppose miro was probably pretty good with the fiddle to. what do you think of when you watch the secretary of state of the united states going to a war torn country in the middle of a war? playing his electric car in key man, what?
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yeah, well i mean, 1st off, i want to know if the show there was sponsored by black rock. and so the talking about who's going to be rebuilding of tia, of over there. it's, it's crazy and, you know, when i see the blinking seeing rocking in the free world in ukraine, it just makes me die inside because it's the, the, the height of hypocrisy over here. they have ceased to be a free state since 2014. when the united states went in there with victoria new and jeffrey piatt and orange color revolution, they took it over and the united states did what they always do. and that's on the craziest radical groups out there, like they did the moody idea and afghanistan, like they did the conference in nicaragua. well here you go. we're going to on nazis and they're going to kill people like they have, like 14000 in the da boss. that's why this latest attack wreck, it doesn't surprise me. they've been doing this for quite some time. and what does the other alliance do? the russians the chinese and now we want, when they strike back, they make sure they warn their enemy. they're just making
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a statement. they don't want to can't kill civilians. they are conducting work completely different in the way the united states and their allies conduct more like ukraine is bombing right now. russian cities. you know, the thing that bothers me about this is that we're constantly being told that we have to give this $175000000000.00 to ukraine. let me say that again. $175000000000.00 of my tax money, your tax money through ukraine because they are a democracy and we are there to defend democracy. but now we're learning according to our own secretary of state. they are not a democracy. they are cancelling their elections and, and declaring martial law and then maybe at some point in the future we will guide them in how to become a democracy mail. you say that your say, what about that comment by our secretary? is they blanket? well basically when they talked about defending democracy, they mean the institutions that they created. it's got nothing to do with the actual term democracy or anything to do with that. what's really damaging here too and as positive brought up is that i fully believe that the at least the united
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states. but frankly, i think there's a, even above that. but this global public private partnership that's running america, like a parent company, is a seems to have there has everywhere in the world. and when we talk about what's going on a new plan, and yet they're getting on stage at some gala to celebrate the halfway to their 2030 mark. and they were talking about $600000000000.00 to rebuild ukraine, which in 2015 the same newspapers were saying was most corrupt nation in europe. it really should make you look at well, who's rebuilding ukraine and what are their plans there? and where else do they have plans? cuz frankly, i just, i truly believe that we're at a point where these people are functioning, all of, of our governments and our regular governments have been captured by this. these people that consider themselves stakeholders and they want by any means necessary to take full total control and, and that means that it doesn't matter how many people die, or how many wars, or how much they create it as long as they have the chaos to subdue us to kind of accept what they want. they're going to continue until we say no more. all right,
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i'm going to tease up the next story because we're gonna go to break. but i want to tease it up by showing you a couple of pictures of pictures are truly worth a 1000 words. then i think we have enough here for 2000 words. watch this video. let's put it on. i want you to look at this, okay, on the right of your screen is put in, right, as we speak or so heading to china speaking with she look at the embrace, look how they smile at each other. now watch she with my chrome. she with my chrome, the dead fish and k handshake. like dude, you're not my friend but stopped with all the majesty here and with po, it's a totally different look. now look, i'm not one of these people who go around and say, i can tell by somebody's body language, what they're saying, but i'll tell you, in this case, there may the story. the tell, certainly in terms of the relationship between the china and russia, which seems to be flourishing more and more with each and every day. and it seems to be caused by the pushback that they're getting from the west. we'll talk about
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this when we come back, stay right there. the, as long as the casualties, as a result of israel's genocidal assault on causes included suspension of international humanitarian law, but also free speech across the western world. perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned, is and i submitted the, the other you lose your what scars on your flow was the when you talk with bob,
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bob got them on the move the weight of the money for the theater. if i've heard of the menus for that, please just like us, just do it really a couple i do those go for name a lot more to the door. some familiar with this one as if that said, let's see. i don't know for sure, but just as soon as i make you said the young man putting central planning put, is that correct? uh yeah, that'd be the on the i'm rec, sanchez with craig and mail. we're talking about some of the stories that have taken place this week. i want to take you back to this video and just been here.
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now remember, let me do the setup for you. so i'm a crone invites a present, and she of china to come to france and he has all his pump and ceremony and guards and music and everything. and she has this demeanor about him almost like, you know. okay. yeah, come here, i'll say hi, i'll shake your hand. but dude, i'm not sure i'm crazy about you. you're not my friend, you're not my best. the. now, just this week, who goes to china in china, talking about pomp and circumstance, they have bands, they've got floats, they've got parades, he's shaking hands with everybody. she's big. got a big smile on his face. they're almost button bracing like they are actually like best. he's just a, a, a very big difference as we compare these 2 images. let's look at it one more time and, and craig, i want to get your reaction to this. talk about the deal politics look, look at the picture on with my chromebook about chrome, pull in his hand and look at the expression on cheese face. and he's putting them on the back when she's barely even reacting. now look at the one with putting where
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they are now. now, is she put in putting on the back? it just, i don't know. i see it. do you see a craig? yeah, i mean, well i, i, what i see is that g is done with the west. i mean, everything has changed so much of these last 2 months. the writing is on the wall when anthony blinking went to see g. there was a little clip that was leaked out of g asking one of his assistants. how long is he going to be here for always leaving tonight? good. their dog. and you know, when you came to rhetoric was definitely changed out there. g lead blinking. no, that's a red line, is in fact i want, it's a best not mess around. and then right after that meeting, even after the meeting with janet yellow and showed up showing gee that she can use chopsticks z when to, to let to 2 places. he went to serbia and hungry. why? because those are tight russian allies. there's sewing up the division right now. there is separating themselves from the west that just going after the loading and hanging fruit there,
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forming alliances there. and we better wake up to this. they're being pushed out and being pushed together. i would argue, i mean, this whole thing that's going on in the global south with bricks and federal and countries like china and russia and south africa and brazil and the wrong. and even some of the middle eastern countries that i may have missed a couple, i don't know, but they're, they're coming together out of necessity and it's almost like our leaders are e. yeah, i don't even want to say the word who are in charge of our country. not only are they making it happen, but they don't see the consequences of what the hell they're doing. mel to or do they see the consequences of what they're doing because as i, i can tell i can, can we have a parent company of a public private partnership that is taking over america. there's 1000000000 are global as oligarchs that are invested in the foreign, a global governance model and, and a post. it appears to me, american economy that no longer really considers america there may have the hold on hold on. what even wherever then you just said it's true. how does that?
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how does that, how do they benefit from having a strong rush or a strong china, a strong self after got a strong india, a strong brazil, and a strong around creating a force against them. where, where's the economic superior already in that? where's the brilliance of that business move that you're describing? i think it's stupid and i run business. maybe the well, the force isn't against them because black rock fully functions and the ccp and the foreign policy advisor to the, by and campaign, a divided administration, used to work in black rock and now is running the ccp foreign policy. so, i mean, is it, is it that the control demolition of our economy is for a reason. i mean, are we talking about these companies that are involved in this? yeah, they are american companies or the global companies, so yeah, so what go and so what you're saying is, you think they're, they want this new group to be forge so that we could have what a polarity us against them and make more money in. c situation is that,
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is that what you're suggesting? well, it certainly appears that the sanctions against russia as close to west off not didn't hurt the rich nations or the russian or the russians at all. but they have isolated the west nations, especially the united states and the us dollar. so i am wondering at the very top who was running missing. who does it benefit? yeah, me too. i'm telling you, i'm, i'm, i'm perplexed, watching the stability of the decisions which are causing the countries that we say our enemies to become stronger and more unified. but maybe it's just me. what do i know? you know, i'm just some guy over here doing the news in america, in a matter of days, by the way, is going to be a 1000 us troops and guys, obviously they're to do the bidding of them. yahoo, not mine. you know, they're not going to be in guys a proper, they're going to be on a dock or a peer. it's apparently connected to guns. are the well, congressman dates of all people is asking, wait, isn't that the same thing? here we go, you guys are saying that boots on a peer connected to the ground connected to service members shooting in the gaza
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doesn't count as boots on the ground. it does not have. i think you're gonna find if the american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza, we probably should have a vote on that. so if somebody is going to shoot, that's one of our troops. he's not going to shoot at them. if he's 20 feet away, he'll only shoot out of movies 19 feet away at the beginning of the dock. yeah. hey, you know what pasta that makes perfect sense to me not. oh, yeah. well i, i do like to move by mac gates objecting somehow, even though he's been word, i think a israel's occupation of gaza. this was good politically for him, but at least somebody is like, hey, what's going on? but we also, i think we have to look at the sub contractors who the n g owes that bought into this peer. and what it's about, it's very, very fishy rick. and there's a lot of questions that need to be answered. i don't think this is about getting you minutes hurrying into guys. i marked
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a wrong one of the get and then they will let it get in through right. 5. yeah. ways. so what is this about? is this about this person all the palestinians once and for all, getting them using the peer to do that, or is this about seizing the natural gas and the oil that could possibly be out there? this is fishy and it, it, it, the enemy has yet to reveal itself, as they would say in the godfather. so goes in the pure in gaza. now isn't this, if nothing else a political maneuver by the, by ministration to say, look, we're putting this peer here so we can help the people of gaza and we can send them some humanitarian a me look at us, we're doing such a good thing. watch. i'm patting myself of the buckets up. i probably can't do out of those by going to just barely move. but what, what, what do i see political motivations if nothing else don't you? i yeah, but again, a like positive said i agree with him. $350000000.00 to build appear right off of gaza. but only a year or 2 years ago, joe biden was talking about having
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a we g in fact and about developing road initiative had about that land about having something from india all the way to europe. and if you map it out on the map, it looks like that here would be a pretty good place to have a middle road between india and europe. so again, you do have to look at who benefits, just like with everything else going on a planet, or like i said, we have a parent company, a 1000000000 our oligarchs that are manipulating the entire world right now to their gain and our, our last and there's a lot more of us and we really need to start asking for answers and what this peers about. when his america built a $350000000.00 appear in the middle of a foreign nation and then broke it down 90 days later. because that's what they're saying and that is not true. and people need to dig into who's involved here, where the contractors and like, like pasta said, who benefits, who's running that for? and we don't have any answers and i believe that there should have to be a good example of this fair point. all right now, uh, given the way you guys speak, i have a sense that the next person i'm going to tell you about the someone that is here
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a near to your hearts. let me tell little about hillary clinton. she's back in the news, a pair to the fairly exerted herself back into the news, calling all her bodies to talk to, to tell their bodies in the media. i want to be interviewed and she has been interviewed again a lot recently. she's kind of wanting to talk about gaza and the gaza story by reaching out to members of the media reminding and that she's a middle east expert. let me say that again. she is a middle east expert self described. of course, here's the point she wanted to make when she reached out to with respect to the middle east. and they don't know that the under the, uh uh they bringing together the israel leaves and the palestinians. um by my husband the then it's really a prime minister, a hood brock. the then head of the palestinian liberation organization. then the palestinian authority, yasser arafat an offer was made to the palestinians for
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a state on you know, 96 percent of the existing territory occupied by the palestinians with 4 percent of israel to be given to reach a 100 percent of the amount of territory that was hoped for and this offer was made and if the yasser arafat had accepted it, there would have been a palestinian state now for about 24 years. so one of the great tragedies of history, so long story short, i am a genius. my husband is also a genius and if they had listen to us, those dan palestinians wouldn't be in the condition. they're in. and they would have had their own country by now they would have flourished and everything would have been just perfectly copacetic. that's what she says and of course, yeah, right. she's hillary clinton right now. oh yeah. right. um, you know, it's, that's interesting. coming from somebody after what they did in libya is one of the worst cock international crimes that ever happened. and she's never been held accountable. but the truth about that is that a br office murder yasser arafat was replaced and everything that she's talking
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about has nothing to do with real history and what really have and at that time. and then all the billions and billions and billions of dollars that were invested into the clinton foundation, cleared global initiative, all this stuff because her and her husband were such peacemakers around the world. well, i would say pretty much look at for when they were there to where we are now, what's going on and i guess buying because knows, biding, can't win, and they're going to switch them out to you in hopes it's her. it will not be her. she didn't win in 2016 because people just don't like her. they don't find her and being out there in the media is just showing again why she's the middle east expert, the pasta. he's the middle east. yeah. you're right. where we're hearing that this imaginary deal was written down on a napkin somewhere when she heard and the bill hit like, you know, had some, some good lunch somewhere in jerusalem. and this is what they came up with. there's a pack 9 points, right. and is there a pack talking points i've got some of they are. yeah, no proof behind this. you know, i can go look at the balfour declaration and show you. it's real that even before
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there was an is really state. there were plans that haven't is really state which she's talking about is completely nonsense. it is just a pat talking points and i don't understand why these people just won't go away. how could we miss you, hillary, if you don't go away and the main stream media just showing these people down our throats, and i don't know what their mindset is. rick, what do they do if you keep continuously telling the lie, it becomes the truth. no matter how much she spits all this stuff, it's not going to forgive the israelis for their sins. it's not going to exalt them of what's going on there today. the genocide that's taking place today, no matter what they say, it's not going away. this is a tragedy right over here, and we need to be speaking up about what's going on and stopping the bombing immediately. yeah, hillary clinton is you come january 1 is a go to because the brake when the 15 seconds, if you can close the top ravine, i'm sorry. i said the wrong person each have for being no, no worries. i just wished to your point that pasta,
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i do wish that they would challenge these people a little bit more. and especially in the case of hillary clinton, they don't, they simply roll over my thanks to both of you. good. show good conversation, smart stuff. that's our show, remember, always look outside your own box is true still live in boxes. me with the we. i'm rick sanchez. busy we'll see you next to the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes
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a truck rather than to the area. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the same wrong just don't safe house because of the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for the common ground, the the thing that would inform you to have with them for the gifts for the state of
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celia was because they did just wouldn't care to get through the new year for g. if i teach so, i know for me teaching people always should to store and you have to do this. i'm going to forward you with that the law for, she's more, it's a washing machine and then you move. we must move them on the status of enforcement seamlessly, putting them on big louder to move. let me so with the continuum will just i did i as well for so the lowest the unload. i wanted somebody to study to the progressive rock and you say the shortest finish. this is just to just quoted you. again, i'm a section of when it comes thing to do friday is the material ordering the power of people for over the, for sure. interested in the temperature of the emission to some of the
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to some promo. so as you're welcome to see on, continue comes on. so look at this of prescription that i'm on, on that are pretty much it all set out. i started to look through the key running the list, securities equal minus those you miss, you do something. but once you make much of a minus, just because your logic, i stipulated to remind you to plug the rest. if you have am, i say that the free i learn a little more to remind you to see today i'll call number of on local menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy you sound like a solo for that. and today it and then in their focusing on it and gum, come on buddy to, to book it show up. i'll see some of that a method are due to do the death of both of them the
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