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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  May 21, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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of blood and boons at the canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, the hello, i'm in english and you're tuned into modus operandi with the death of queen elizabeth the 2nd in 2022. many around the world said this was the sun. finally, setting on the british empire, less than 2 years into the reign of king charles the 3rd. the royal family is now planed with more controversy than ever before. we'll discuss these author romanticize royals and see if the facts align with the fairy tale. alright, let's get into the m o. the is a family whose story goes back hundreds of years and spans the world over the house of windsor is
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a story one for some there the beloved heroes of world history books. for others. there are the villains who oppressed and exploited nearly one 3rd of the planet and loved them or hate them. there is no dispute that the late queen elizabeth clan, left an indelible mark on the world, shaping it to be what we know it as today. now under the reign of king charles, the house is in turmoil. the freshly coordinated king rule word to be suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer with an unsubstantiated prognosis of just 2 years left to live. here to break it all down is a good friend of the show is shawn stone. shawn is a filmmaker historian and author of the book, new world order, and you can learn more about shawn's work at shawn stone dot info. so shawn, let's start with the revelation that king charles has cancer. now he assumed the throne in the fall of 2022, after his mother, the longest reigning model,
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monarch of the late queen elizabeth the 2nd. after she passed away, his official coordination was just may of 2023, less than a year after that. this cancer news. but little else is known about his health. you know exactly what sort of cancer, what stage it's in, et cetera. why is the palace keeping so mom about this? and should they be so private? should they should? that's it, that's a, that's a, that's a tough question. you know, because who am i to speak for the royalty this? this pretends this facade that has been going on for over a well over a 1000 years now in england. and, you know, it's, it's not a surprise to me. i hate to say it, but i can, i can tell you exactly how just do a mixture of, of intelligence and tuition and other people, you know, as intelligence, it's like intelligence services types. and basically that's like i knew that
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charles is rain would be very short lived. let's put it like this. and so i in predicting that whether it's through passing or just simply stepping down because of health. things like this that charles was really just an intermediary step. and i think a lot of people expected this to, to williams assuming this wrong. yeah, i figure the sad irony here was that, you know, queen elizabeth just kept going and going and going, you know, never stepping down. and charles awaited his chance to roll. he's now in his seventies. he waited a long time only to be diagnosed with cancer a year later that this one would have good fit. and i think, you know, to be honest because it was, you know, again, this is an american perception perhaps. but i don't think a lot of people have really expected charles to to be k. there was
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a lot of talk even when elizabeth was around that, which just sort of pass, you know, right away to william that he was really the era parent and child. so sort of the idiot, son, i hate to say, well, i mean that's kind of the way that he presented to be honest, ever since the days of diana, you know, and when it was sort of the divorce was obviously very messy from the world perspective. you know, didn't like having to go through that, that experience, i'm sure. right. the they like to keep it all classy and clean and divorces aren't that. and that from that point forward i think um, you know, it's, it was really kind of just for view. the charles was, was, was a kind of the intermediary for his, for his son. well, then a month after king charles is announcement, princess tate middleton wife of the future. king william, she puts out a social media video announcing her cancer diagnosis and that she's undergoing chemo therapy. no specifics there either. but then she gets roiled in this sort of
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weird botched photo re touched drama for you came mother's day. i mean, i get that she's a royal, she's a celebrity and, and get subjected to perhaps unfair and, and certainly on equal scrutiny. but at the end of the day, she saw a person, right? i mean, she's a mom of 3 young children. she's fighting cancer, shouldn't she being granted a little grace or given some slack here it has, as i said, the beginning, you know, the appearance of the pretense of royalty. there is no to manage in it. i think princess diana was, was in a great expression of that in the ninety's. you know, she, she was hard pressed by the royal family, the by the, the, the, all the drama that came around the divorce, the attacks, the, you know, the way that she had to basically show up in the world. it was, it was a lot of stress for her. and i think that it, kate is living through very similar,
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you know, dramatic. so i'd say the scheming that goes on because it's the same whether it's a, you know, political administration is one thing, right? we know that as f d r said if it's happens in politics and it was planned that way. well, imagine you're a part of a family dynasty, right? that's hundreds of years old and has to, has to, let's pretend for, hey, that's the whole point. it's all about pretending it's all about selling an image, keeping up this pretence that we, we have this sovereignty in his power that the rest of you wish to admire and it comes with a. so, i mean, how much news and media is just focused on the daily happenings, right? of, of someone in the royal family it's, it's the celebrities of, of, of europe, right. of, of england in particular, it's that old celebrity attraction that, you know, sells magazines in america. as well, that's what the real family is. so you knowing that understanding that the celebrity side of things, you know, i understand pretty well like how much the private side is used basically for
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exploitation and also hidden. because if too much is developed from the private, you can end up losing the fascination or you don't wanna lose your audience as they say. and of course, the whole, you know, the british and the british commonwealth is the audience of everything happening with kate. so of course it would be nice to say yes, she's a human being with the royal family as well. he could say this ironically is not quite human. right. the price of kate is taking this reprieve of royal duties for obvious health reasons. but prince harry and wife american actress megan markelle, have simply chosen to step away from the royal family in its entirety. now they're just living, i guess the celebrity life in california. next to oprah. for her part though, meghan merkel told oprah in an interview before the queen died, that she felt the family was racist towards her. i mean, she doesn't name names,
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but in fact, and i'm paraphrasing here. she said she and her 1st baby archie were discriminated against. the palace has fervently denied these allegations. but given the royal families, no history of conquest and colonialism. kinda not a far fetched idea. we know racism exist. why does the world care more about this particular allegation? i don't know if the world well, i don't know if the world cares more necessarily. it's more sensational, right? the media can play it up because it's being charged against someone who's received at that time. you know, the queen is as powerful person as and so of course, you know, if you're making allegations against awful people, it's going to be played up as long as the media wants to play it up. as we know, there is often times allegations made against profit people that are suppressed. so in this case the media wanted to play it up. and there's probably some truth to it
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. i mean, again, the nature of this monarchy, this british empire has been one. as you mentioned, of, of conquest at one point at the height of the empire, they controlled a quarter of the planet. so that was, you know, and that led to how many debts, for example like india is you know, one of the, the various indian famines that occurred as a result of various policies, you know, from the, for the british imposing upon them, uh, shifting their economy. um, obviously throughout africa there were been all kinds of brutal wars and not just, you know, for a conquest of, of things like gold and diamonds. right. but the establishment of institutional systems that were based on expectation and, you know, so there's long history here. obviously, you can argue that also the british empire, like the roman empire, which was also brutal, lead to the establishment of what is now, you know, considered modern civilization a legal structures, the economic structures. they're based from those. but it's what ality isn't. so obviously is not just, you know, the crown, but the crown is
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a very powerful entity in itself and its own right in terms of the land, whole thing in terms of the nature of, of the influence, right? they have sovereign immunity, these kings and queens and their families. so there's, there's a lot that can be said in terms of the influence that they've had. and, and it was interesting, i think that, you know, this notion of megan and harry sort of fleeing that establishment. i don't know, like i personally question how much is this? you know them just wanting to live their life without being under constant scrutiny and under constant. well, i guess there are under costs really, but let's say like under the protocols of the oils right. the way that we talked about now, you know, with kate, it's like you're under constant protocol and decorum, whereas these guys like us and we, we want to enjoy them. the rich is the well, the status that comes with that. but we want to be able to be, have some freedom, and that's probably what they're doing at some level. all right, coming up next. some people are above criminal prosecution. they claim by
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divine right. as a sovereign, how does this antiquated ideas still exist in the 21st century? we'll discuss it when we return with sean stones to type them all will be right back. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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when you did that, you attempted to collect the extra amount. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will video to bluff. it goes in and out of it is uh, international stuff is defensive to separate the setup button and not the printer in a person wants to do an easy task like that. if i see the media, i love people, there's only 2 reasons. could you say, would you say that you need to be sure of us generally presented. it was working monday morning to work the don stimulus the industry on. is it a less money proof of concept really left? so should william farmer shots, monuments who have got cost or to go for decisions in my lab? and what was that, man? what was that ridiculous problems? i put it in the midst of them one today and but you know,
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so that's what an additional to said. i mean shows those are pretty sharp journals on patient data for she's getting those are the best. do what i mean? there's a push out the welcome back to the m. o. i'm in illinois chan johnstone, thank you for sticking around with us. so shawn, in, in queen elizabeth final years, she had a lot of a personal and family strife to deal with specific ways surrounding her younger son, prince andrew, and his ties to the deceased financed ear and convicted sex offender. jeffrey epstein. andrew is basically an accused child repast, according to virginia to fray. the queen then basically banished andrew from all of these royal events, but his world status has protected him from being served lawsuit papers from being
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expedited to the west. his title has saved his hide from prosecution. if the royal family are mostly just figure heads, why are they seemingly above international law? well, they literally are mean sovereign immunity is exactly that. it's auburn of unity, which means that really, you know, once you're a sovereign, you are above loss because the laws are written for commenters. i mean that's, this is my fundamental problem with the nature of royalty. and in, in, in the old world capacity, you know, my mentality is like every human being should be regarded as well by the nature of the divinity, right? that's as part of the american constitutional conception or the declaration that we are created very much in the biblical sense in the image of god, by the power of god, right. with certain in a unalienable rights, that's not a british conception. the british conception is,
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is very much rights taken from the king's basically whether it's through magna carta, whether it's through various, uh, you know, barons and other titled nobility, right, nights and others trying to basically a certain, their rights. these are the, this is crown that had, basically, that was, you know, in the old was very much continuation of roman imperialism. right? the idea that the, the king is the christ of the christ and figure i'll say the god of are the most, the, the, the god on earth works through the game or the queen, right? they have a defined right to rule. and basically then they grant powers, the grant titles, the grant lands, right, the grant you liberties, that's the old mortality of, of the legal system. and we all actually still operate under those same conceptions, right? our, our legal system is all derived from that and wouldn't know whether it was the
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king's or in america became the government. but it was in many ways the opposite of this more, let's say the, the american principle, which is really like the biblical principle that like it's actually god that is giving us our rights as every one of us equally as humans. and then we get to sort of come together and decide, okay, what powers we give to, you know, governments or whatever police force is right? but it's fundamentally supposed to be for the people in america drinking and obviously not the same. so that's, that's to answer your question in a long and a long way, why he can get away with this. and that into more, you know, in a more interesting capacity, it's not just is not just him. the whole role family has been in imbued with pedophile charges for going back to me, at least to lord mount that. don't forget who was the cousin to the queen was very influential in prince philip, who i think was very nefarious figure within the real family. but obviously philip
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was the husband of elizabeth, non baton, was the tal risk pedophile across the world. you know, mentors for, for a look into the look into it. basically look notorious for trafficking and in the, especially like the indian, you know, young indian boys and things like this. and yeah, not that and actually was, i believe brought jimmy salbal into the folder was connected was very close to jimmy's apple who became very, very close to the pro family. right. and who was apple? the torres pedophile of cross decades protected by this establishment sample was so close to the royal family that they assigned him to at one point to try to liaise between diana and charles during their divorce. so that, you know, the idea of, of, of the, these roles being involved with pen ophelia hum. this is, this is a, this is an old and problematic issue that has never really been under i yeah, rules for me, not for me as a solver. and i guess seems profoundly outdated,
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but that's just me. i'm not a royal watcher. so all this is, is actually news to me, but also not shocking either. if that makes sense. um, now speaking of sex scandals, another sex scandal has recently befell the palace this time concerning hip hop mobile, sean p diddy combs photos have surfaced of prince william and harry hanging out with duty who is now accused of similar crimes as jeffrey epstein that we should know at the time of this taping, did he has not had any charges brought against him despite you know that big federal raid on his home in los angeles. currently the palace of scrambling the distance, the 2 princes from duty, with all these things taken into account. are we beginning to see the fall of the house of windsor is, is the crown crumbling? i think, you know, honestly, with the,
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with the passing of elizabeth. there was something sort of symbolic, right, in terms of that passing and ever since then look, as i said there's, there's, there's a, there's a expectation that this is about the preparation of william what william do, right, when he assumes this wrong, will he be that sort of arthur and figure to say, listen, you know, this is we need to disband this whole, is this mockery that we're, you know, we call the world a royal family and royalty in the modern age. it's just, you know, we need to dissolve, this will be, do that in the magnanimous sense and say, i'm not above you, you know, the people we are all the same. or will they just simply try to carry this on? because again, i mean there's a lot of as much as the psychology right. the, this ecology that people have when they, they think of their royalty in england. i've, you know, i've talked to it over the fax over the years and i was just always fascinated by like, why, you know, why do you still have to get king or queen in that capacity?
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and they, it was like this, the stall just right. i guess the same way that in america we have the stall to for our founding fathers, it's, you know, the secretary and romance, you know, it's been like, well, it's tradition and they've just the know they've been the sort of stabilizing force and there's a mythology that that develops around, you know, i guess around that concept of king queen ship in your, you know, in that land. um, but they also is not just figure heads, you know, they literally have a huge amount of holdings. in fact, i think if you really got to the heart of it, who owns the land of england, and i would fight, i think you'd find that it's basically the crown that owns the land and reads it to people or, or it gives you know, title and holdings and things like this, but you need to think of the needs, the entire structure, right, of, of, of one and they being late and not just thing. and obviously, no talking about the commonwealths, which as i mentioned, one point, you know, is a quarter of the planet, the lost in the, the last,
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the don't the parts of the last parts of africa. but there's still a huge number of countries around the world, including canada, australia, and others that are part of the commonwealth. and so, is it the corporate, the crown, the still owes that land, right? but see that it basically said here you, this is, you can have a home rule, you know, and you can have a kind of, you know, some kind of authority over it, but fundamentally it's still belongs to the crowd. so it's very, very complicated to actually dissolve the monarchy, what effect all have huge gratifications, you know, across the entire commonwealth and, and as you're starting with, with england, which is, you know, still a very wealthy country in the world, but how much of the wealth is tied to you can just call like, you know, the crown issuing grants of title and land and things like this. i don't know. you think william might shake the house to windsor up? well, i don't know. i wouldn't suggest that he will. i mean, i think that would be fascinating if he did so, but as we know,
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as you were talking about like, you know, are we seeing that the dissolution i, it's like, i don't, i don't know unless, unless william did something that was you know, trapped really again, or magnanimous and above the capacity of what we've seen most, most kings would do. okay, so we're broadway. i'm a minority of countries left in the world operate on a monarchy system. $43.00 of them to be exact 13 of them outside of you. k. recognize the british monarchy as the technical head of state from tiny islands like popular new guinea to big ones like australia, as you mentioned, our neighbors to the north, canada, even the nearby bahamas recognize charles as king is a time to do away with monarchy is altogether and if so, replace them with what? well, as i mentioned before, i me to replace it with an american style, a constitution declaration, right?
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so basically you're creating a new system of, of trust where in the power of the grand torres, god, you know, the, the, the, all the, all knowing, all loving benevolent creator and the trustees of the governor of the government. and you know, in the end the beneficiaries are the people and then basically the, you know, the people are the ones that have to hold the trustees accountable for how things are going. and that's, and that's something that i think, you know, we, we know, we, we expect in america, obviously we've seen how the corruption is set in. now, you know, this establishment tries to party system is, has made it very difficult overtime and user patient of a lot of rights we've seen just because of a so ready to again, just emergency powers and things like this. we know more power than other things we've surrendered our many of our, our fundamental rights and liberties because of the expectations, the government will do it better and take better care of us and keep our security and all this nonsense. but if you know,
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if you think about the fundamental constitution bill of rights, declaration of independence, i think america has got the, the best form of government possible and this current, you know, innovation of humanity. all right. i would say, god have mercy on those who pursue an american style democracy. i mean, i would argue our democracy is currently in shambles. i mean, why would anyone want to mimic us? because be because you've, you've created a federal government that was, that's as far beyond what the founders ever envisioned federal government to do any that is when a user patient of, of, of rights that were fundamental and enshrined in our bill of rights and the expectations of of, you know, where we, the people were supposed to hold the government accountable and basically due to a mass, huge amount of corruption and the basic surrendering of rights. every time there's an emergency which really started you can say with the civil war, but then got, you know, increased ever since 1933 with the roosevelt of declaring emergency because of the,
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the economic emergency he wanted war powers. and ever since then, we've basically been in a perpetual state of emergency. so whenever there was emergency, we just, well, the government is going to take more and more of your rights. more of the checks, you know, let's say the checks and balances system away. and as i said, the federal government was never intended to be as large and impactful in our, in our, in our economy, in our lives as it's become. all right, fair enough. i got to leave it right there. shawn. unfortunately, shawn stone, filmmaker historian, author of the book, new world order. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. that's a pleasure, thanks for having me. and that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi, to show that dig steep in the foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chance. thank you for tuning and we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point obviously is to create a truck rather than ship the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him and the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the
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phone while i was going to be on off. what's going on on your fluids the when you talk with bob, bob, got them to move the weight of the money for the theater. if as little as humanly is that pretty just you associate with read you a couple. i get those go for need a lot more to the door. some familiar with just a moment. as i said, watch the shank. legit. sincerely making some that are on the lift. you
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know now which essentially when you put is that correct? uh yeah, that'd be the of the the got a population that is more people in retirement and working. they're not if they're
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not in 4090, they're not bringing their there's not a phobia. no, nobody coming else coming in. they've got real problems. i'm not looking for a fight with china. i'm looking for competition, but for a competition. there are no 2 countries who are more economically intertwined than the united states and the people's republic of china. but in this relationship, the more money involved does not make for closer allies. i'm sky now hughes in on this edition of 360 view. we're going to ask is a china friend or foe to the west? let's get started. the from technology to spine to involvement and world wars relations between the united states and china. our tense, i best. yeah. this all started when the chinese are spiraling floated over the
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entirety of the us. the lying unimportant bilateral meeting between china and us back in february of 2023 now kind of claimed it was a weather balloon and called the decision to shoot down the blue, unacceptable and irresponsible. while us intelligence says the unmanned vessel was designed to collect military data, not why the reports. now this from this secretary of state antony blinking to postpone a diplomatic visit to beijing from february to june, to try and cool the tensions and present terabyte and has also signed a bill for seeing the sale of chinese social media company. tick tock in april. now all of this comes as a biden is implementing tariff and sanctions against china to slow their access to, to technology such as to me, i conductors and.


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